SHIPPING Αγιασμός για TOISA Νέα παραλαβή για AEGEAN BULK
WISTA Μεγάλη επιτυχία του διεθνούς συνεδρίου 2010
ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107 - 3179
ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ Να σταματήσει ο κατήφορος στο Λιμενικό Σώμα
issue November 2010
the shipping magazine
ΕΤΟΣ 15ο
TED PETROPOULOS “Seek and ye shall find” The search for shipfinance continues
fi y Norsafe
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περιεχόμενα fi y t e f a S 08. Ανεμολόγιο:
Safety first. Αρκούν μόνο οι σκληροί κανονισμοί;
10. Ίσαλος γραμμή:
Να σταματήσει ο κατήφορος στο Λιμενικό Σώμα
12. Finacial Focus by Ted Petropoulos: The search for ship finance continues
Νέα παραλαβή για την AEGEAN BULK
18. TOISA Limited
Αγιασμός για πέντε εξειδικευμένα πλοία
Διεθνές συνέδριο 2010
28. Class news 32. Green pages 38. Tech pages 42. Safety First
85. Ταξίδι στη γνώση: γράφει ο Κώστας Δούκας
Περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ΔΙΜΗΝΙΑΙΟ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ, Νοέμβριος 2010, ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ Β, ΕΤΟΣ 15ο - ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 77 Καράμπαμπα 12, Άγιος Δημήτριος, 17343, τηλ: 2104286606, fax: 2104286610, e-mail: nafsgreen@nafsgreen.gr, www.nafsgreen.gr Ιδρυτής: ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ Ιδιοκτήτης - Εκδότης: ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ Διεύθυνση Παραγωγής: Περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, SSN 1107-3179.
Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού.
t s r
mirror γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας
Safety first
Αρκούν μόνο οι σκληροί κανονισμοί; Πλήρες αφιέρωμα για την ασφάλεια στην θάλασσα και τη ξηρά. Οι τελευταίες εξελίξεις στον χώρο του Safety. Απαντήσεις σε θέματα κρίσιμα για την ασφάλεια ναυσιπλοΐας.
Η ασφάλεια σε όλες της τις μορφές αποτελεί βασική επιδίωξη κάθε επιχείρησης που σέβεται την ίδια την αρχή της ύπαρξής της. Για να μπορεί μία εταιρία να δημιουργήσει καλό όνομα στην αγορά είτε πουλάει υπηρεσίες είτε προϊόντα, χρειάζεται ξεκάθαρους κανόνες ασφαλείας, τόσο για τον ανθρώπινο παράγοντα όσο και για τα τελικό προϊόν ή τις διαδικασίες. Οι σκληροί κανονισμοί που έχουν επιβληθεί στους πλοιοκτήτες τα τελευταία χρόνια αρκούν από μόνοι τους να δημιουργήσουν το πολυπόθητο ασφαλές περιβάλλον για το οποίο δημιουργήθηκαν; Γιατί οι κανόνες φτιάχνονται στα γραφεία αλλά το δύσκολο παιχνίδι παίζεται εκτός έδρας, και συνήθως με άνισους κανόνες. Η συνεχής αναβάθμιση των επιπέδων ασφαλείας των πλοίων και ο αυστηρός έλεγχος τήρησης των σχετικών κανονισμών και προδιαγραφών είναι το κλειδί της επιτυχίας; Ακόμα και η διαρκής ενημέρωση για τις αλλαγές που προκύπτουν δεν αρκεί. Ο Ανθρώπινος παράγοντας είναι καθοριστικός και είναι αυτός που δίνει την ουσιαστική έννοια στην Ασφάλεια. Εκατό κανόνες δεν είναι σημαντικοί όσο ένα ανθρώπινο δάκτυλο που θα πατήσει ένα κουμπί. Στην έκδοση του ΝΑΥΣ Νοεμβρίου αλλά και μέχρι τότε στο www.nafsgreen.gr αναλύεται σε βάθος η διάσταση της ασφάλειας στην θάλασσα, από εκπροσώπους όλων των κατηγοριών ώστε να γίνει ξεκάθαρο ότι η ασφάλεια είναι απόλυτα εξαρτώμενη από τον παράγοντα Άνθρωπο. Τα πάντα στο πλοίο αρχίζουν και τελειώνουν με ανθρώπινες ενέργειες. Εκεί πρέπει να δοθεί ιδιαίτερη έμφαση από τους διεθνείς οργανισμούς αλλά και από τις πλοιοκτήτριες εταιρίες και τους νηογνώμονες. Σημασία δεν έχει να μην περνάς το κόκκινο φανάρι όταν το πρόστιμο είναι 1000 ευρώ, ή όταν έχει 50 ευρώ, ούτε όταν το πρόστιμο και στις δύο περιπτώσεις εφαρμόζεται απολύτως. Σημασία έχει να μην περνάς με κόκκινο.
Στην έκδοση του ΝΑΥΣ Νοεμβρίου αλλά και στο www.nafsgreen.gr αναλύεται σε βάθος η διάσταση της ασφάλειας στην θάλασσα, από εκπροσώπους όλων των κατηγοριών ώστε να γίνει ξεκάθαρο ότι η ασφάλεια είναι απόλυτα εξαρτώμενη από τον παράγοντα Άνθρωπο.
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Να σταματήσει ο κατήφορος στο Λιμενικό Σώμα γράφει ο Κώστας Δούκας
κπληκτη αλλά και απογοητευμένη η ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα παρακολουθεί την μεθοδευμένη υποβάθμιση του Λιμενικού Σώματος, μετά την ουσιαστική κατάργηση του υπουργείου Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας για λόγους που μόνο η κυβέρνηση γνωρίζει. Η διαχρονικότητα της εμπορικής ναυτιλίας, άμεσα συνδεδεμένη με το ναυσίβιο της ελληνικής φυλής, δεν λαμβάνεται υπ’ όψιν. Ούτε το γεγονός ότι η ναυτιλία αποτελεί τον ένα από τους δύο εναπομείναντες πυλώνες της παραπαίουσας ελληνικής οικονομίας και έπρεπε, κατά συνέπεια, η οποιαδήποτε κυβέρνηση να δώσει την δέουσα προσοχή,
ώστε να μεγιστοποιήσει την συναλλαγματική προσφορά του πλοίου. Είναι προφανές ότι κάποιοι κύκλοι, που δεν βλέπουν με καλό μάτι το ελληνικό ναυτιλιακό θαύμα, μεθοδεύουν την υπονόμευσή του. Πρώτον με την κατάργηση του ΥΕΝ. Δεύτερον, με τη διχοτόμηση του Λιμενικού Σώματος. Τρίτον, με την εν μέρει επανασύσταση του υπουργείου κάτω από μια σχοινοτενή και ανόητη ονομασία, προφανώς υποβαθμισμένων αρμοδιοτήτων. Το Λιμενικό Σώμα βρίσκεται σε διαρκή αναβρασμό. Ένα Σώμα με υψηλό μορφωτικό επίπεδο, που κάνει όλες τις δουλειές επί εικοσιτετραώρου βάσεως, χωρίς απεργίες: Επιχειρούν, φρουρούν, φυλάσσουν τα λιμάνια, τις ακτές και τις θαλάσσιες, από αέρα, ξηρά και θάλασσα. Είναι το Σώμα με τους 7800 λιμενικούς που υπηρετούν σε 230 διαφορετικές λιμενικές αρχές, σε 273 περιπολικά σκάφη όλων των τύπων, σε επτά αεροσκάφη, σε έξι ελικόπτερα, στη μονάδα υποβρυχίων αποστολών, στα κλιμάκια ειδικών αποστολών και στις λοιπές ειδικότητες. Είναι το Σώμα που μπορεί με τα μέσα και το προσωπικό που διαθέτει, να ανάσχεση το κύμα λαθρομεταναστών στο Αιγαίο. Αυτό το επίλεκτο Σώμα η κυβέρνηση το έχει υποβαθμίσει και ευτελίσει « σέρνοντάς το σαν κουφάρι από υπουργείο σε υπουργείο», όπως καταγγέλλουν οι λιμενικοί, οι οποίοι δικαιολογημένα φοβούνται ότι το ιστορικό ΛΣ οδεύει προς διάλυση. Τα προβλήματα είχαν συσσωρευτεί ήδη από την προηγούμενη κυβέρνηση, ώστε το ΛΣ να υπολειτουργεί. Έτσι εγκαταλείφθηκε και αχρηστεύθηκε μεγάλο μέρος του επιχειρησιακού τομέα, όπως τα εναέρια, τα πλωτά και τα χερσαία μέσα, ενώ δεν καλύπτονται, σύμφωνα με τις καταγγελίες των λιμενικών, οι ανάγκες σε εξοπλισμό, με κίνδυνο την ασφάλεια του προσωπικού καθώς και την τραγική έλλειψη υλικοτεχνικής υποδομής. Και φθάσαμε στην αθλιότητα, οι άνδρες που επανδρώνουν τις διάφορες υπηρεσίες να εκλιπαρούν συναδέλφους τους επαιτώντας χορηγίες, από φωτοτυπικό χαρτί και αναλώσιμα είδη μέχρι σέρβις και ανταλλακτικά για τα επιχειρησιακά μέσα. Η απόλυτη παρακμή για ένα Σώμα εξειδικευμένο, που έχει γράψει ιστορία και που θα μπορούσε με την πρόσληψη εξειδικευμένου προσωπικού, να λύσει πάρα πολλά προβλήματα της ελληνικής κοινωνίας, αν εξελισσόταν σε μια ισχυρή και αποτελεσματική ακτοφυλακή, κατά τα πρότυπα της Κόστ Γκαρντ, με χρηματοδότηση που θα ήταν ανάλογη της υψηλής αποστολής της. Μια τέτοια ακτοφυλακή, με μέσα προσωπικό και εξοπλισμό, θα μπορούσε όχι μόνο να ασχοληθεί αποτελεσματικά με την ασφάλεια της ναυσιπλοΐας την έρευνα και τη διάσωση, αλλά θα μπορούσε να εφαρμόσει την αλιευτική νομοθεσία, να καταπολεμήσει την παράνομη αλιεία, να αντιμετωπίσει το φαινόμενο της λαθρομετανάστευσης, να προστατεύσει το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον και τον εναέριο πλούτο, να αντιμετωπίσει την ασφάλεια και την προστασία της ανθρώπινης ζωής και περιουσίας στη θάλασσα, να ασκεί ελέγχους στην εμπορική ναυτιλία, να προλαμβάνει και να καταστέλει τρομοκρατικές ενέργειες και να πατάσει εγκληματικές ενέργειες και οικονομικά εγκλήματα. Πώς είναι δυνατόν όμως να συμβούν αυτά, διερωτώνται λιμενικοί, κάτω από την απαράδεκτη και αντιπαραγωγική δομή και οργάνωση του ΛΣ που από ισχυρό αρχηγείο με αρμοδιότητες, όπως η κυβέρνηση είχε υποσχεθεί, καθιερώνεται σήμερα, μετά το προεδρικό διάταγμα 96/2010 σε ένα νέο μοντέλο ενός υποτιθέμενου φορέα άσκησης ναυτιλιακής πολιτικής και ενός εξίσου υποτιθέμενου επιχειρησιακού τομέα προδιαγραφών ακτοφυλακής; Και όταν μάλιστα διαχωρίζονται τα στελέχη τους σε δύο διαφορετικές κατηγορίες, εργαζόμενοι σε δύο εντελώς διαφορετικούς τομείς της δημόσιας διοίκησης; Ο υπουργός… ΘΥΝΑΛ (sic) κ. Ι. Διαμαντίδης προσπάθησε να γεφυρώσει το χάσμα και να καθησυχάσει το ΛΣ, μετά και την ισχυρή παραίτηση του αρχηγού ΛΣ κ. Μπούσιου, διαβεβαιώνοντας τους συνδικαλιστικούς εκπροσώπους του ΛΣ ότι η οποιεσδήποτε αρμοδιότητες του ΛΣ σε όποιο υπουργείο και αν ανήκουν, θα υλοποιούνται μέσα από το θεσμό του αρχηγού ΛΣ με την ίδρυση αρχηγείου Λιμενικού Σώματος, το οποίο θα εγγυάται την ενιαία και αδιαίρετη δομή των υπηρεσιών του και την υπαγωγή των στελεχών του κάτω από ενιαία διοίκηση. Ίδομεν. Όμως ο κατήφορος του ΛΣ πρέπει να σταματήσει. Κ. Δούκας
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‘Seek and ye shall find’ The search for ship finance continues By Ted Petropoulos, Head, PETROFIN RESEARCH The world shipping fleet continues to grow. Using N. Cotzias’ figures, in
Ship finance banks capacity
Graph 2
the last year, it has gone up by 2.1%
PETROFIN RESEARCH www.petrofin.gr
2009 Global portfolio, top 40 banks: $463bn 2010 Global portfolio, top 40 banks: $436bn
in terms of number of ships and an impressive 9.3% in terms of carrying capacity, which has now reached the mammoth figure of 1.355bn DWT. Over
Banks with lending capacity
the same period, the world order book may have fallen by 18%, however, it still represents a further 6,007 vessels or
Banks with reduced capacity
Banks with neutral/unclear policy/capacity
424.4m DWT or 31.2% of the existing fleet. Moreover, after a sluggish start in 2009, the rate of newbuilding orders has
22 banks
31.67m DWT in Q2 2010.
A bigger fleet and a hefty order book
17 banks
14 banks
require both higher equity, as well as loan resources.
escalated, reaching a quarterly peak of
13 banks
It is difficult to estimate the value for
the global order book, as the newbuilding prices are not available for every
vessel on order. However, as a broad
10 banks
estimate, an approximate total value figure for the 6,007 vessels of at least
4 banks
$250bn can be used.
DATA based on 2009
Assuming an average figure of 70%
DATA based on 2010
DATA based on 2009
DATA based on 2010
DATA based on 2009
DATA based on 2010
finance, the estimated finance require-
6. Alternative risks/rewards for lending to other sectors
ments for the newbuilding fleet are expected at $175bn over the next 4 year
7. Quality of existing loan portfolio / provisions / losses
The question that needs to be answered, therefore, is will there be finance
The above estimate shall be affected:
for all?
It is estimated that the global ship finance lending figures (drawn and commit-
- Fresh orders
- Committed finance already in place
ted) at the beginning of 2010 was approx. $480bn (Petrofin Bank Research ©)
- Second-hand acquisition finance
- Cancellations
of which approx. $400bn was drawn.
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Conversions / postponements
Given the total no of vessels in the global fleet of 44,784 (of all sizes and ages, the average debt outstanding per vessel amounts to $8.9m.
The new finance requirements should be assessed in the light of an approxi-
In order to respond to the question we sought to determine, the attitude
mately 10% per annum global loan book run off which is estimated at approx
towards ship finance by the top 40 global ship finance banks representing
$160bn over the next 4-year period. This percentage rises during periods of
$436bn of total loans (Graph 1).
strong shipping markets with healthy cash flows and reduces at times of market
We divided all banks between banks with a reduced capacity, banks with lend-
ing capacity and banks with neutral/unclear policy.
At first sight, therefore, should banks simply re-lend what they shall receive
We compared the findings with those of 1 year ago to determine if the ship
from loan repayments, a substantial proportion of the required newbuilding
finance climate is improving, has remained static, or is worsening. The results
finance should be met.
are shown in Graph 2. Clearly, the past year has resulted in a number of ship
The question, though, is will banks re-lend their surplus cash flow into
finance banks slipping from a neutral to reduced capacity policy, which is not
shipping and / or will they expand or contract their overall ship lending
encouraging for ship finance.
It is encouraging, however, that close to 50% of all banks continue to hold a
Bank lending affected by:
positive view towards ship finance.
1. State and progress of global economy
Consequently, it is clear that there will not be sufficient finance for all, but suf-
2. Lingering effects of liquidity crisis
ficient finance only for quality and financially strong owners.
3. Need to preserve capital ratios
We carried out the same analysis as to the attitude towards ship finance by
4. Basel III
all the Greek banks using January 2010 Petrofin Bank Research © published
5. Prospects for the shipping industry
analysis, involving 41 banks lending to Greek owners, totalling $67.02bn.
knowledge& PETROFIN RESEARCH 29 13 financialfocus innovation www.petrofin.gr
Bank Lending to Shipping Ship finance based on data of the beginning of 2010 – in $bn
• •
Top 6 Banks Finance approx. 39.5% of Shipping Loans finance banksHöppner approximately $436bn give an example,” explains, “a situation we
Total consumption. loans of leading the current energy “Of course,40 the ship data alone doesn’t really tell us anything,” says Höppner.
encounter frequently, the cooling water system often
HSH Nordbank “We need to follow up with a comparison, wherever wastes a lot of energy. So we take a close look at Commerzbank/Deutsche Schiffsbank/Dredner 33.3 DnBsister Nor ships, or at least possible with one or several its operation and try to come28.0 up with the best way RBS 23.0 with the data from a similar ship to improve efficiency.” Another area to scrutinize is KfW type. This quickly 20.3 Nordea 18.4 tells us whether there are any statistical outliers with the on-board power-generating equipment. Working BNP Paribas/Fortis 18.0 Lloyds Banking GroupThe best possible regard to energy consumption.” 16.9 closely together with the ship’s officers is essential BTMU* 15.0 scenario for HöppnerCredit has Suisse* been an analysis project for 14.0 Höppner. He draws on their insight into the subtle Agricole CIB 13.9the ship’s systems interact. “The amazing thing involving Credit an entire fleet of(Calyon) ships identical by design ways DVB 13.1 and operating in very similar environments. Comis – knowledge how to achieve efficient ship operaBank of China* 12.2 HSBC* 12.0 parison was straight forward – and the outlier was tion does exist on board. But in many cases nobody China Exim* 12.0 (HVB) diagram: its En11.4 quickly identified onUnicredit the summary ever asks. We try to bring it out into the open.” Danish Ship Finance 11.3 ergy Efficiency OperationalSMBC* Indicator (EEOI), which 10.0 Landesbank ECO-Patterns isBremer based on, was ten per cent lower 9.8 Accurate Directions Deutsche Bank 9.5 than the average of the other Citi ships. Among the rest FutureShip with its varied portfolio of consultancy 8.0 Danske Bank/Fokus Bank of the fleet, the CO2 emissions and, consequently,8.0 services can assist in many different ways. The final Korea exim* 8.0 Nordwere LB very similar – the 8.0 the fuel consumption values results of the analysis can be applied on several SEB 6.1 expected result for identical ships under intervention levels: the lowest or operational level ING operating 5.0 Santander* 5.0 nearly identical conditions. addresses the way the ship is run. The second level Natixis 4.8 ICBC involves minor retrofitting measures, and the third 4.7 ABN Amro (Fortis Bank Nederland) 4.5 Drawing on National the Skipper’s Expertise level includes major technical modifications. The Bank of Greece 3.2 3.0 So what is next after theSwedbank ECO-Patterns analysis? customer decides how far he wants to go. In the Helaba 3.0 “Future-Ship can then offer root-cause2.7 analysis,” case of the fleet of identical ships described above, Alpha a Bank Bank says Höppner. “Our Emporiki next step is what we2.6call ECOthe statistical outlier provided some valuable insights: Marfin Egnatia 2.5 Piraeus Bank Practices.” This is essentially a Failure1.8 Mode and Efthe ECO-Patterns analysis quickly demonstrated JP Morgan 1.5 fects Analysis (FMEA) whereby that it was worth searching for hidden potential for Bank of Irelandeach energy-relevant 1.4 1.0 system undergoes an errorDeka and*risk assessment. “To optimizing operations. The question what to do in a
Graph 1
given case – whether to give new directions to the skipper and his officers or to invest in some technical 49.3
modifications, such as a better cooling water pump – can be answered by running an ECO-Practices analysis. More information on all above GL Group products can be requested by Mr. Konstantinos Vasileiadis, Business Development Manager, GL Piraeus.
EEOI The Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) was developed by the IMO as a means to measure and optimize ship efficiency. The indicator is computed from a CO2 factor specific to the fuel used, the amount of fuel consumed, the distance travelled and the volume of goods transported. The industry is still debating whether or not the use of the EEOI should become a binding require-
Source: Petrofin Bank Research ©/ Marine Money ment. But it is safe to Autumn 2010
assume that it will be introduced on a voluntary basis before long.
* Market estimates
www.internaftiki.gr, info@internaftiki.gr, Tel: +302104126997, Fax: +302104127566 6 Alipedou str. GR 18531, Piraeus - Greece
Graph 23
Bank capacity in financing Greek shipping
Totals 2009: $73.2bn Totals 2010: $67.02bn
November 2009: 35 banks
February 2010: 40 banks
Banks with lending capacity
Banks with reduced lending capacity
60,00% 50,00%
14 banks – Nov 09
20 banks – Feb 10
13 banks – Autumn 2010
30,00% 20,00%
14 banks – Nov 09 51,49%
Autumn 2010: 39 banks
13 banks – Feb 10
Banks with neutral/unclear policy/capacity
19 banks – Autumn 2010 62,73%
7 banks – Nov 09
7 banks – Feb 10
7 banks Autumn 2010
September 2010
We have 3 reference dates in the analysis: November 2009, February 2010
2011/2012 as banks (existing and new) are expected to develop a more posi-
and Autumn 2010 and the results are shown in Graph 3.
tive view about Greek owners and Greece
Compared to the global shipfinance market, the Greek ship finance market is in
However, in view of the large Greek newbuilding order book of approx 800 ves-
a worse position with nearly 2/3 of banks now having reduced lending capacity
sels (Clarkson’s as of summer 2010), it is anticipated that Greek owners shall
as opposed to only about ¼ having lending capacity.
face difficulties in securing finance for all their orders.
The main reasons for this difficult position of the Greek market are: a) Due to the Greek economic crisis, Greek banks have reduced lending capacity,
b) The leading banks for the Greek ship finance market, i.e. HSH, RBS etc are
To conclude, therefore, both globally and especially for the Greek market,
all experiencing intrinsic problems, and
we anticipate a two-tier ship finance market. The top tier consisting of
c) Although Greek shipping is not viewed as a ‘Greek risk’, some banks are still
publicly quoted and major quality private companies, enjoying a sound
wary of increasing their ship lending in Greece.
financial position shall have little difficulty in securing finance at prevail-
d) Consequently, Greek ship finance is currently focused on the larger private
ing terms and conditions.
or publicly quoted and financially strong companies as banks are very selective e) Small owners are now forced to pay unprecedented high margins to secure
Less financially strong owners may find that obtaining ship finance is like
loans, if available.
Diogenes looking for honest folk using his lamp. However, even though
f) The poor Greek ship finance scene is at odds with the strong performance
it is expected to be an uphill struggle, smaller owners should persevere
shown by Greek shipping especially over the shipping crisis
and may augment their success probabilities by obtaining professional
g) Subject to any unforeseen market events, a gradual recovery is expected in
advice. Hence, the motto ‘Seek and ye shall find’.
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«ΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΗΣ» Νέα παραλαβή για την AEGEAN BULK
Το νεότευκτο φορτηγό πλοίο M/V AGONISTIS, τύπου Supramax ξηρού φορτίου, χωρητικότητας 59.000 τόνων, παρέλαβε πρόσφατα η AEGEAN BULK CO INC, από τα ναυπηγεία της Νοτίου Κορέας SPP PLANT & SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. To “AGONISTIS” είναι το πρώτο, της σειράς των τεσσάρων πλοίων τύπου Supramax, που παρήγγειλε η Aegean Bulk στα ναυπηγεία της SPP. Το πλοίο ναυπηγήθηκε σύμφωνα με τις τελευταίες σύγχρονες προδιαγραφές. Την ίδια ημέρα σε λαμπρή τελετή έγινε η ονοματοδοσία του πλοίου, παρουσία του κ. Γεωργίου Κ. Αγγελόπουλου, του Πρέσβη της Ελλάδας στη Κορέα κ.Πέτρου Αυγερινού μετά της συζύγου του, του κ. Παναγιώτη Πολυζωγόπουλου, Operations Manager της ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT, του κ. Paul I.D. Kim, Πρόεδρου της SPP, του κ. Φώτη Μπράτιμου Διευθυντή Ναυτιλιακών Χρηματοδοτήσεων της Royal Bank of Scotland, καθώς και αντιπροσώπων της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας και προσκεκλημένων της Aegean Bulk. Το όνομα δόθηκε από την ανάδοχο κα H. S. Lee, σύζυγο του κ. H. J. Kwak, CEO της SPP και ακολούθησε ο καθαγιασμός του πλοίου και η έπαρση της Ελληνικής σημαίας. Το πλοίο απέπλευσε για το παρθενικό του ταξίδι προς το Βανκούβερ του Καναδά, με την Ελληνική Σημαία να κυματίζει στην πρύμη του.
So why are bilge water treatment systems static? Traditional bilge water treatment systems rely on gravity, filters or flocculation chemicals to achieve 15 ppm. But while they may pass type approval tests in stable conditions on shore, these static technologies seldom perform at sea. Because in real life, the ocean is anything but stable. In a pitching and rolling environment, only a dynamic system like Alfa Laval’s PureBilge offers continuous bilge water treatment. PureBilge uses centrifugal separation – the same technology trusted to protect your engine – to handle varying bilge water feed and the toughest emulsions. The result is less filter waste and reject. Not to mention less time in the engine room. PureBilge – a dynamic force in bilge water treatment
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Ships are not still
TEN Operating expenses decline by 14% - Total net income since 2002 exceeds $1 billion Revenues, net of voyage expenses and commissions, were $83.3 million in the second quarter of 2010 compared to $88.6 million in the second quarter of 2009 primarily reflecting a slightly smaller fleet. Despite improved rates for crude carriers, the Company’s product carriers achieved lower rates than in the second quarter of 2009, as did its LNG carrier. On average, TEN deployed 45.0 vessels versus 46.0 vessels in the prior year quarter. Fleet utilization remained high at 97.8%, the same level as in the second quarter of 2009. The average daily time charter equivalent rate per vessel was $22,059 down from $22,890 in the 2009 second quarter. Vessel operating costs were $7,342 per ship, per day, down nearly 14% from $8,514 in the previous second quarter in part to a stronger US dollar against the Euro that positively impacted crew costs, reduced insurance costs, and decreased repair costs. In addition, the increased cooperation between our technical managers and Columbia ShipManagement S.A., even prior to the launch of the joint-venture Tsakos Columbia ShipManagement Ltd., achieved price reductions for spares, provisions, stores and lubricants. On July 1, this joint-venture formally assumed the technical management of the vast majority of the Company’s vessels. Read more in www.nafsgreen.gr
Αγιασμός για πέντε εξειδικευμένα πλοία της Toisa Limited Με μεγαλοπρέπεια έγιναν πρόσφατα στα Ναυπηγεία Wuchang της Κίνας, οι Αγιασμοί και ονοματοδοσίες πέντε εξειδικευμένων πλοίων της Toisa Limited, του Ομίλου Γρηγορίου Καλλιμανοπούλου. Πρόκειται για πλοία υψηλής τεχνολογίας τα τρία εκ των οποίων είναι πολλαπλών εφαρμογών (VS 4616 AHTS) και τα υπόλοιπα 2 υποστήριξης καταδύσεων & υποβρυχίων κατασκευών (DO 2 ROV VS483 MKK3 PSV). Τα πλοία ονομάσθηκαν: • TOISA ELAN με ανάδοχο την κα. Νικολέτα Παναγιωτοπούλου (CREDIT AGRICOLE). • TOISA – ENVOY με ανάδοχο την κα. Jayne O’ Conor (BANK OF AMERICA). • TOISA EXPLORER με ανάδοχο την κα. Xinju Yin (Import / Export BANK OF CHINA). • TOISA WAVE με ανάδοχο την κα. Sandra Marshall. • TOISA WARRIOR με ανάδοχο την κα. Susan Golding. Αξίζει να σημιεωθεί ότι στα Ναυπηγεία Wuchang ο όμιλος έχει ναυπηγήσει συνολικά 11 πλοία. Τον αγιασμό των πλοίων εκτέλεσε, ως είθισται, ο Σεβασμιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Καλαβρύτων & Αιγιαλείας κ.κ. Αμβρόσιος, βοηθούμενος από δύο Αρχιμανδρίτες τους κ.κ. Ιερώνυμο & Καλλίνικο. Οι οικοδεσπότες, κ. & κα. Καλλιμανοπούλου και η κόρη τους Άννα Καλλιμανοπούλου, μετά τις εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις στο Wuhan, φιλοξένησαν τους καλεσμένους τους στο Πεκίνο και στη Σαγκάη. Η παράδοση των ανωτέρω πέντε πλοίων θα γίνει εντός του ετών 2010 και 2011. Η διαχειρίστρια εταιρία της Toisa Limited, Sealion Shipping Limited διαχειρίζεται επί του παρόντος ένα σύγχρονο στόλο 26 πλοίων υψηλής τεχνολογίας γενικής υποστήριξης ανοικτής θαλάσσης (off shore) όπως ανιχνευτικά, ανεφοδιαστικά, υποστηρικτικά καταδύσεων & υποβρυχίων ως και εξορύξεως πετρελαίου. Μετά την παράδοση των παραπάνω νεότευκτων, η Sealion Shipping Limited θα διαχειρίζεται 31 πλοία πολλαπλών χρήσεων, ενώ βρίσκονται ήδη υπό ναυπήγηση στα ναυπηγεία ABG των Ινδιών δύο πλοία πολλαπλών εφαρμογών με παράδοση το έτος 2012.
wista conference
Efthimios Mitropoulos World needs women seafarers to help solve crew shortages.
Shipping companies have been urged by the
nities in the maritime sector, "and I hope that women
Union to go ahead with its own regulations on curb-
Secretary-General of the International Maritime Or-
will have their fair share in any such development."
ing greenhouse gas emissions if the IMO failed to
ganization to pay more attention to recruiting female
Shipping cannot afford any longer to ignore the huge
produce major breakthroughs. He replied that IMO
seafarers as part of the drive to solve widespread
workforce potential provided by women, he said, in
was making good progress on the 'three pillars'
crewing shortages.
areas ranging from management, to seafarers "at
(operational, technical and market-based methods)
Mr Efthimios Mitropoulos told the annual Conference
the sharp end." Mr Mitropoulous admitted that with
of an action plan agreed in 2006.
of WISTA International in Athens that women must
crew numbers on some ships having been reduced
He warned that a double approach of regional and
be brought into the workforce on a much greater
to levels as low as 12 to 15, the work demands were
international rules would be unacceptable to global
scale to help safeguard the future of the world
immense, and a ship could be a lonely place during
shipping. "Ships are not elastic objects that can
merchant fleet.
off duty hours; but the profession of seafarer was not
change their design and construction in accordance
Mr Mitropoulos was delivering the Conference
only a satisfying career choice, it was a passport to
with their next port of call. To move away from the
keynote address, on the theme of 2010, Year of
a huge number of jobs ashore.
IMO philosophy of a level playing field would be
the Seafarer, a designation which has helped to
The concept of shipping as a man's world was being
anathema." He was optimistic that Europe would
reinforce the need to come to grips with the long-
challenged, and barriers were falling. WISTA was
appreciate that the parameters had changed fol-
predicted labour-supply shortage in the shipping
attracting more women to the industry, and deserved
lowing the inconclusive Copenhagen conference in
industry. He insists that it is imperative for shipping
all credit for doing that.
December 2009 on climate change.
to re-launch itself as a career of choice for the high
Mr Mitropoulos said that as a United Nations
calibre, high quality young people of today.
agency, IMO had a long track record of fostering the
The IMO view is that there is no intrinsic reason why
advancement of women, and that gender equal-
women should not participate in and benefit from
ity should be considered a basic human right, "but
ignore the huge workforce potential
employment in the shipping industry, but it is be-
there are still many battles to be fought and won in
lieved that a mere 1% or 2% of the global workforce
this regard."
provided by women. IMO had a long
of 1.5m seafarers are women.
The IMO leader endorsed the values of WISTA in
The Secretary-General underlined his view
regard to commitment to excellence, knowledge,
ment of women, and that gender
that female seafarers are an under-utilised and
training and education. His support for WISTA ide-
underdeveloped resource that could provide part
als go back many years, including having addressed
equality should be considered a basic
of the solution to the problem of crewing the world
the previous WISTA International Conference to
merchant fleet.
be held in the Greek capital, in 1996. This year's
battles to be fought and won in this
He reminded the WISTA assembly that substantial
WISTA event is the 30th annual Conference.
growth in trade was being predicted for 2010, which
During a question session, M Mitropoulos was
should be followed by considerable new job opportu-
asked for his view on pressure within the European
“Shipping cannot afford any longer to
track record of fostering the advance-
human right, “but there are still many
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wista conference
representatives of the serious players in this industry, we must do our part to make sure it does.” A former president of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, Mrs Grieg pledged to the Conference audience of nearly 400 people: “In the Grieg Group we are determined to do better. Together with an increasing number of shipping companies, we act
Elisabeth Grieg Industry needs clear regulation to pave the way to sustainable future
now, as we speak, applying higher standards than the minimum requirements. We are no saints, but we are happily investing those extra dollars needed to be a decent, concerned and responsible provider of quality shipping also when recycling our ships.” International shipping is today responsible for nearly 3% of global carbon dioxide emissions, said Mrs Grieg. The international maritime industry emits more CO2 than most countries. “This estimate places international maritime emissions as the sixth worst in the world, between India and Germany, and nearly three times that of international aviation. Ship-
A leading shipowner has called on the maritime
regulations and rules. It is - at best - a paradox that
ping is already carbon efficient compared with other
industry to accept the need for tough regulations
so many companies in an industry with the long-term
forms of transportation, but the volumes underline
to achieve sustainability, in sharp contrast to critics
perspectives of international shipping are making
the need for us to address the issue with much more
who warn that such moves could hamper interna-
so many business decisions based on short-term
power than today.”
tional trade.
She said that forward-thinking companies, impatient
Mrs Elisabeth Grieg, chief executive of Grieg Inter-
Examples of short-termism were the ship recycling
with regulators, are increasingly coming up with
national and chairman of the Grieg Shipping Group,
industry “which represents a totally unacceptable
low-carbon solutions on their own. “Leaving green
declared: “We still have a long way to go before our
performance - a situation we clearly cannot live with
footprints is not a burden. In fact, I believe it will
industry actually does its relative part in creating
but instead must deal with;” and climate change, “an
become a a strategic and commercial advantage -
a sustainable future - both environmentally and
area where the challenges are so profound and the
in terms of reputation, in terms of partnerships and
socially. Therefore, while some [people] focus on
stakes so high that a common regulatory framework
in terms of business development.
the burdens of rules and regulations, my message is
must be put in place.”
“In our own industry we now have an order book of
that we cannot do without rules and regulations.
Expanding on her concerns over ship demolition,
between 30 – 50% of the existing fleet to be deliv-
“In fact, our industry should encourage rules and
she said: “On the shores of Bangladesh and other
ered the next three to five years. These are ships
regulations to force all players to adhere to some
countries children are working hard - carrying heavy
that will form the basis for the worldwide fleet for the
basic standards and to punish those that do not.”
steel and industrial waste from early morning till late
next 30 – 40 years. Except for very few low-carbon
She was speaking during a debate at the WISTA
evening. These children are deprived of childhood
ships, all of them are building engines designed for
2010 Conference in Athens on the relevance
and education, growing up in local communities ex-
heavy-fuel oil.
of regulation to sustainability. Mrs Grieg said: “I
posed to chemical waste and other forms of pollution
“This is not sustainable. Our industry must act. We
sincerely believe that the shipping industry is one of
from the ship wrecks at their beaches. It happens
need a technological revolution, and we need it now!
the cornerstones in the infrastructure of the global
because companies’ gives priority to the last cent on
It’s a tall order, but I feel confident and optimistic
community. We carry 90% of the global transporta-
the bottom line in their quarterly reports instead of
when I look at all the energy and resources that are
tion of goods. Through exploration, production and
focusing on long-term sustainable value creation.
being dedicated to the development of new and
transportation our business is essential in providing
“This must come to an end. And representatives of
cleaner solutions also in our industry.”
energy to a growing world market.
the serious players in this industry, we must do our
She said” Our industry has a choice: either the
“We must recognise that national, regional and
part to make sure it does.
governments force new regimes on our industry,
global regulations are justified by the absence of
“The adoption of the first IMO convention on Ship
or we take control of the situation ourselves. The
desired performance across the industry. There
Recycling in May 2009 was an important first step.
best solution would be for the international shipping
might of course from time to time be more oppor-
But - as with most conventions - it only provides a
industry to strive for a situation where governments
tunistic reasons for political interference, but there
required minimum. The ratification process takes a
and the industry play together and collaborate to
are numerous examples of areas in grave need of
long time – too long. This must come to an end. And
reach common goals.”
wista conference
νομοπαρασκευαστικές επιτροπές για την πρόληψη της πειρατείας και έχει συνδράμει στην προετοιμασία και εκτέλεση αντιτρομοκρατικών ασκήσεων που περιλαμβάνουν διαπραγματεύσεις σε περίπτωση απαγωγής και ομηρίας, αρκετές από τις οποίες σχετίζονταν με το ναυτιλιακό χώρο. Το 2004 τιμήθηκε με το Μετάλλιο της Βασιλικής Αστυνομίας σε αναγνώριση της αφοσίωσης της στους τομείς ειδίκευσής της. Η φιλανθρωπική της δράση περιλαμβάνει τη θέση του μέλους Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου στην Hostage UK, μια οργάνωση που υποστηρίζει τις οικογένειες των θυμάτων ομηρίας διεθνώς. Αναφερόμενη στην υποψηφιότητα της ως Προσωπικότητα της χρονιάς 2010, η κ. Williams είπε: “δεν μπορώ να αλλάξω την κατεύθυνση του αέρα, αλλά μπορώ να προσαρμόσω τα πανιά μου για να φτάσω στο στόχο μου, ο οποίος είναι να αναγνωριστούν οι θυσίες που κάνουν οι ναυτικοί μέσα από την δύσκολη και σημαντική εργασία τους.”
Προσωπικότητα της χρονιάς 2010 Suzanne Williams Διαπραγματευτής για ναυτικούς ομήρους
Οι επικεφαλής της WISTA επαίνεσαν την διαρκή
Η ειδική διαπραγματευτής για περιπτώσεις ναυτικών
εμπιστευτική υπόθεση απαγωγής, στην ξηρά
Η Πρόεδρος της WISTA Αγγλίας, κ. Maria Dixon,
που κρατούνται όμηροι, κ. Suzanne Williams, μια
αυτή τη φορά, η οποία αφορά αξιωματούχο μη
σημαντικότατη προσωπικότητα στην διασφάλιση
κυβερνητικής οργανώσεως.
της ασφαλούς διάσωσης πλήθους θυμάτων
Η κ. Williams, έχει υπάρξει στην εμπροσθοφυλακή
της πειρατείας, επελέγη από τη WISTA ως η
σε πολλές εξαιρετικά ευαίσθητες υποθέσεις, στις
Προσωπικότητα της χρονιάς 2010.
οποίες έγιναν προσπάθειες να απελευθερωθούν
Η ανακοίνωση έγινε κατά τη διάρκεια του Διεθνούς
τα υπό κατάληψη πλοία και τα πληρώματά τους.
Συνεδρίου 2010 της WISTA στην Αθήνα. Η επιλογή
Η ίδια αφού έδωσε μια εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρουσα
αυτή, συμπίπτει με το γεγονός ότι η πειρατεία
ομιλία στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της WISTA στο Λονδίνο
παραμένει μια τεράστια απειλή για τη διεθνή
το 2009, προτάθηκε από τη WISTA Αγγλίας ως
ναυτιλία, παρά την παρουσία της Ευρωπαϊκής
Προσωπικότητα της χρονιάς 2010.
Ένωσης, των ΗΠΑ, της Κίνας και δυνάμεων
Η σύμβουλος για τη διαχείριση κρίσεων και
του πολεμικού ναυτικού άλλων χωρών σε μια
αναγνωρισμένη ειδική ερευνήτρια, κ. Williams, είναι
προσπάθεια να διαφυλάξουν τα εμπορικά πλοία στα
ειδική διαπραγματεύτρια σε υποθέσεις ομηρίας από
ανοιχτά των ανατολικών ακτών της Αφρικής, της
το 1991 και έχει κληθεί να παράσχει τη βοήθεια
Νιγηρίας και των στενών Malacca.
της σε πολλές υποθέσεις “ζωής ή θανάτου”, αρχικά
Αυτή τη στιγμή οκτώ εμπορικά πλοία αναφέρονται
κατά τη διάρκεια των 32 χρόνων της θητείας
ως υπό ομηρία από Σομαλούς επιδρομείς και
στη μητροπολιτική αστυνομία του Λονδίνου ως
υπάρχει φόβος, καθώς η περίοδος των μουσώνων
αστυνομικός. Όταν αποσύρθηκε από την ενεργό
τελειώνει να αυξηθούν τα κρούσματα. Στο
δράση το 2008, ήταν επικεφαλής του Τμήματος
αποκορύφωμα της κρίσης, το Νοέμβριο 2009, ο
Διαχείρισης Κρίσεων που αφορούν Ομήρους της
αριθμός των υπό κατάληψη πλοίων ήταν 18.
Scotland Yard. Μεταξύ των αρμοδιοτήτων της,
Η κ. Williams διοικεί την δική της εταιρεία στο
ήταν μέρος της ομάδας προστασίας της Βασιλικής
Λονδίνο, την “Sue Williams International”, με
οικογένειας, εργαζόμενη στο παλάτι του Bucking-
εξειδίκευση στην αντιμετώπιση κινδύνων σε
περιπτώσεις εκτάκτου ανάγκης, και επί σειρά
Η ανάμειξή της σε υποθέσεις σχετικές με άσκηση
ετών συμβάλλει αποφασιστικά στην επίλυση
βίας στο ναυτιλιακό τομέα, ξεκίνησε το 1996 όταν
τρομοκρατικών υποθέσεων και απαγωγών. Κατά
της ζητήθηκε από έναν Δικαστή ασχολούμενο με
τη διάρκεια της παρουσίας της στο Συνέδριο της
την έρευνα αιφνίδιων θανάτων, για να ερευνήσει
WISTA την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα, η κ. Williams
έναν ύποπτο θάνατο εν πλω που προκλήθηκε
ενημερώθηκε για τις εξελίξεις σχετικά με μια ακόμα
από πειρατές. Έκτοτε, έχει συμμετάσχει σε
αφοσίωση της κ. Williams στο επάγγελμά της και την ενσάρκωση των αρχών της WISTA στο πρόσωπό της, μεταξύ των οποίων περιλαμβάνεται η βαθύτατη γνώση της ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανίας, το ανοιχτό πνεύμα της, η εμπιστοσύνη της στην ποικιλία/διαφορετικότητα, η επίτευξη στόχων και η συνεισφορά της στην βελτίωση της εικόνας της ναυτιλίας. δήλωσε στο Συνέδριο ότι η κ. Williams έχει τεράστια συνεισφορά στην προσπάθεια ενδυνάμωσης της προστασίας των πληρωμάτων από την πειρατεία και γι’αυτό προτάθηκε ως Προσωπικότητα της χρονιάς 2010, η οποία έχει ανακηρυχθεί από τον ΙΜΟ Έτος του Ναυτικού. Εξάλλου, ο ΙΜΟ έχει ήδη ανακηρύξει το έτος 2011 ως έτος “Ενορχήστρωσης της απάντησης στην πειρατεία”. Η κ. Williams είναι μέλος της WISTA UK. Για το βραβείο Προσωπικότητα της χρονιάς -το οποίο αποτελεί το αποκορύφωμα των διεθνών συνεδρίων WISTA από το 2006- , φέτος υπήρχαν άλλοι τρεις υποψήφιοι:α) η κ. Karin Orsel, διευθύνουσα σύμβουλος του ολλανδικού Ομίλου “Management Facilities Group”, μια ναυτιλιακή εταιρεία μεταφοράς χύδην φορτίου, β) ο πλοίαρχος Adamu Audu Biu, διευθύνων σύμβουλος του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου φορτωτών της Νιγηρίας και γ) η εφοπλιστής κ. Borgny Edervik. Οι ανωτέρω προτάθηκαν από την WISTA Σουηδίας, WISTA Νιγηρίας και WISTA Νορβηγίας, αντίστοιχα. Οι περίπου 400 σύνεδροι από σχεδόν 30 χώρες στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο 2010 της WISTA που φιλοξενήθηκε στην Αθήνα και διοργανώθηκε από τη WISTA Ελλάς, συζήτησε τα σημαντικότερα ζητήματα που απασχολούν τη σύγχρονη ναυτιλία και επαινέθηκε από τους ηγέτες της ναυτιλίας ως ένα από τα εντυπωσιακότερα γεγονότα της χρονιάς στο χώρο της ναυτιλίας.
wista conference
Poulovassilis- Grieg - Sheppard - Gratsos
Delegates from the USA
The Dutch delegation
Nigeria Delegates
Πρωτοφανής επέκταση της WISTA Το μοναδικό φαινόμενο της διεθνούς δικτύωσης της
στενή συνεργασία με πιθανά μέλη στην Κίνα, στην
κοινωνική ευθύνη, στην εκπαίδευση και στην
ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας, η WISTA, βρίσκεται σε
Ιαπωνία, στην Ινδία, στη Μέση Ανατολή , στην
δυνατότητα δικτύωσης που παρέχει μοναδικά.
πορεία παροιμιώδους ανάπτυξης προωθώντας την
Αφρική και αλλού, ενθαρρύνοντας την επισημη
Κανένας άλλος οργανισμός δεν φέρνει σε επαφή
επιρροή του σε νέα ισχυρά έθνη.
ίδρυση εθνικών WISTA. Η WISTA Νιγηρίας, μιας
επαγγελματίες από όλο το έυρος της ναυτιλίας. Σε
Κατά την έναρξη του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου 2010
από τις πολυπληθέστερες αποστολές, συζητά με
χώρες όπου η επαγγελματική δραστηριότητα των
της WISTA στην Αθήνα, οι συμμετέχοντες
άλλα αφρικανικά έθνη, μετά την επιτυχή συνεργασία
γυναικών μπορεί να περιορίζεται από παράγοντες
ενημερώθηκαν ότι επαγγελματίεςς του χώρου
της με την Γκάνα για την ιδρύση της εθνικής WISTA
κοινωνικούς, βοηθά τις γυναίκες να διατηρήσουν μια
παγκοσμίως εργάζονται για την ίδρυση νέων
αίσθηση εμπιστοσύνης ότι υπάρχουν δυνατότητες
εθνικών οργανισμών που σκοπεύουν στην
Στην Ευρώπη, υπάρχει ενδιαφέρον στην Κροατία,
να εξελιχθούν επαγγελματικά
προώθηση της γνώσης και της αριστείας σε όλα τα
Αυστρία και άλλες χώρες. Καλωσορίζοντας η κ.
επίπεδα της ναυτιλίας.
Χαλκίδη τους συμμετέχοντες στην Αθήνα είπε ότι η
Ο υπουργός Ναυτικών υποθέσεων, Νήσων και
Το Συνέδριο 2010 έθεσε από μόνο του τις βάσεις
WISTA είναι το σπίτι για επαγγελματίες, δυναμικές,
Αλιείας, κ. Γ. Διαμαντίδης, απέστειλε τις ευχές του
προσελκύονταας 400 συμμετέχοντες, ομιλητές και
ανοιχτόμυαλες γυναίκες σε επίπεδο διοίκησης στους
στο Συνέδριο, επαινώντας την ιδιαίτερη συνεισφορά
προσκεκλημένους από όλο το εύρος της ναυτιλίας
τομείς της ναυτιλίας και του εμπορίου, γυναίκες
των γυναικών στην ανάπτυξη της πρωτοτυπίας
και των περιφερειακών αυτής τομέων.
αφοσιωμένες στην αριστεία και στην διαφάνεια στην
στη ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία και αναγνωρίζοντας
Κατά τη διάρκεια της πρώτης ημέρα, οι
επαγγελματική ζωή.
τη σημασία της εκπαίδευσης, ειδικά ως τρόπου
συμμετέχοντες ενημερώθηκαν ότι οι εθνικές WISTA
Στο έδαφος της, η Ελλάδα παρουσίασε την
προσέγγισης νέων ανθρώπων στο ναυτικό
αυξήθηκαν σε 30. Οι νεώτεροι εθνικοί οργανισμοί
μεγαλύτερη αποστολή συμμετεχόντων στο φετινό
ιδρύθηκαν στην Γκάνα, στην Αίγυπτο και στα
συνέδριο , ενώ 26 συμμετέχουσες ήρθαν από τις
Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα. Όπως επεσήμανε η
ΗΠΑ, 20 από την Ολλανδία, 17 από την Νιγηρία
Η αποστολή της Σουηδίας, όπου θα λάβει χώρα το
Πρόεδρος της Διεθνούς WISTA, κ. Βέρα Χαλκίδη, τα
και 22 από το Λονδίνο. Άλλες χώρες έχουν επίσης
επόμενο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της WISTA ενημέρωσε τις
μέλη των επιμέρους οργανισμών έφτασαν συνολικά
σημαντική συμμετοχή. Η νέοϊδρυθείσα Γκάνα
συνέδρους, ενώ η Αίγυπτος, ένα από τα νέα μέλη,
τα 1300.
απέστειλε 8 συνέδρους.
ανέλαβε την οργάνωση του συνεδρίου για το 2012.
Η κ. Χαλκίδη, έχει θέσει ως προτεραιότητα της
Από την ίδρυση της στο Λονδίνο το 1970, η WISTA
Η εκπρόσωπος της Αιγύπτου δήλωσε ότι θεωρεί ότι
θητείας της την επέκταση της WISTA σε νέα κράτη.
θεωρείται μια αξιοσέβαστη δύναμη στην ναυτιλιακή
μέχρι το Συνέδριο 2012 τα μέλη της WISTA από τον
Τα ανώτερα στελέχη της WISTA βρίσκονται σε
σκηνή χάρις στην έμφαση που δίνεται στην εταιρική
Αραβικό χώρο θα έχουν ξεπεράσει τα 50.
World’s first LNG-fuelled coaster to be classed to DNV NSK Shipping AS, a coastal vessel operator based in northern Norway, has recently placed an order for a stateof-the-art LNG-fuelled multi purpose vessel at the Turkish shipyard, Tersan. The vessel, designed by Nordnorsk Skipskonsult AS, will be classed to DNV.
is increasingly seen as a viable, long-term solution to help reduce emissions,” he says. “By making use of technologies and expertise available in Norway, NSK can meet the demands of the charterer while reducing the vessel’s environmental impact on Norway’s pristine coastline.” Olsen adds that the project has received
Tor E. Svensen, the President of DNV welcomes the
support from Norway’s Næringslivets NOx-fond, a
project. “LNG is here to stay, and short sea shipping
Scheduled for delivery in 2012, the general cargo
state sponsored organisation promoting emissions
has been the most obvious place to start,” he says,
vessel will enter into a long-term charter agreement
noting that ECAs have already been established in
with BioMar, a leading regional supplier of fish feed for
The designer of the vessel, Nordnorsk Skipskonsult
the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and will be soon en-
the aquaculture industry. According to DNV’s Harstad,
worked closely with DNV on design specifications.
forced along the North American coastlines. “We have
Norway Station Manager, Jan Oddvar Olsen, NSK and
Roald Vårheim, DNV’s head of ships and offshore
seen that LNG represents no technical obstacles and
BioMar’s shared focus on improving environmental
structures, says that DNV’s early involvement in the
is more cost-effective than alternatives. Action taken
performance was a key driver to the decision to build
project allowed Nordnorsk Skipskonsult to manage the
by companies like NSK Shipping AS demonstrates that
an LNG-powered multi purpose vessel. “The coopera-
project efficiently. “DNV moved quickly to provide sup-
LNG-fuelled marine transportation is no longer an in-
tion between owner and charterer in this project is a
port on technical issues and compliance to streamline
teresting concept, but an economically positive reality.”
clear signal that LNG-fuelled marine transportation
the approvals process,” he says.
Author: Per Wiggo Richardsen
DNV news pot
on the s
• Students predict LNG preffered fuel According to DNV’s summer students, LNG could easily become the most
• DNV Benchmark: Improving vessel performance Building on DNV’s vast vessel database (NPS) the organization has launched
feasible means of fuel in short sea shipping. The students’ report was presented
DNV Benchmark, an advanced benchmarking tool to allow shipowners and
today in front of an audience of 200 people – including shipowners, representa-
managers access to valuable performance data to reduce operational costs and
tives from the supply industry and Norwegian authorities.
improve vessel safety.
• Asia’s first TOTS compliant cargo handling simulator validated by DNV
• DNV and Patjens cooperate on first LNG fuelled container ship
The performance of Asia’s First Cargo Handling Simulator designed, set-up and
Together with DNV and other partners, DNV customer Reederei Stefan Patjens
owned by global simulation solution provider Applied Research International
is ready to retrofit LNG on board a 5,000 TEU container vessel. When complet-
(ARI), is validated by the competency management arm of DNV, DNV SeaSkill.
ed, this would be the very first use of LNG as fuel on board a container ship and
• US and Norway: Fundamental differences between drilling regimes
of LNG as fuel in worldwide trading.
• Strengthening Sino-Norwegian ties
DNV has compared the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and the Norwegian offshore drilling
Chinese Vice Minister visits DNV headquarters to promote green Expo. Talks
regulatory regimes and regulations. The study identified several similarities,
demonstrate mutual commitment towards combating climate change issues.
but overall there are some fundamental differences between the two countries’ regulations.
• Thome first out on competence management
Thome Ship Management has become the first third party ship manager in the
• New recommended practise for US BOP compliance:
world to receive full accreditation by DNV SeaSkill for their competence manage-
In order to support the oil and gas industry in complying with the US Department
ment system.
of Interior’s new regulations for immediate re-certification of subsea BOP (blowout preventer) stacks, DNV has issued a Recommended Practise guiding owners and operators through requirements and technical aspects.
• Read more DNV news in www.nafsgreen.gr
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Chinese shipyard NTS introduces FRIENDSHIP-Framework FRIENDSHIP-Framework is a CAE software system for the simulation-driven design of optimal functional surfaces like ship hulls, rudders, propellers and other maritime systems exposed to a flow regime. The development of optimally task-suitable, energy efficient, high performing designs is achieved in a streamlined design process which is built around integrated simulation. Parametric modelling, variant generation and assessment, as well as hydrodynamic optimization are key design steps which are fed by the simulation results and lead to an optimal design. FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS has released the latest upgrade of the simulation-driven design software FRIENDSHIP-Framework, version 2.1, in late 2009. A new release with further enhanced functionality and user-friendliness is planned for autumn 2010. About NTS New Times Shipbuilding (NTS) is part of New Century Shipbuilding Corporation (NCSC) and based at
Chinese shipbuilder New Times Shipbuilding Co., Ltd (NTS) introduces simulation-driven design to its product development. NTS has signed a contractual agreement with GL’s maritime software developer FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS. The contract includes the licensing of engineering software and design support for the development of a large crude oil tanker. By introducing the simulation-driven design software the shipyard aims to improve the efficiency of its products, streamlining its design work and increasing its competitiveness.
DanHua Port in Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province. Next to extensive shipbuilding facilities, which include dry docks for 150,000 dwt and 300,000 dwt vessels, the company operates a marine design and research institute and a technology center. Since 1996, the shipyard has delivered about 100 vessels of all types, mainly bulk carriers, oil tankers and container ships. According to the company, a present 114 vessels are in the order book amounting to a total of 13,800,000 dwts. The shipyard designs and delivers vessels, which are classified also by GL, for an international clientele. More on NTS’ products and services under http:// www.ncship.com.cn/eng/. About FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS offers software solutions to the maritime industry. Shipyards, design offices and consultancies use the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) system FRIENDSHIP-Framework and supplying modules to develop high quality products. The software development activities facilitate parametric design and aim at a holistic approach involving the systematic analysis and assessment of a large set of design variants. Geometric modelling procedures are coupled with hydrostatic und hydrodynamic analysis, which are consecutively used for the detailed assessment of hull designs. The ideal customer-specific parameters of the ship are determined from many thousands of virtual ships for the ultimate benefit of the owner and operator. More about FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS’ engineering software and services under www.friendship-systems.com. Picture: Shipyard NTS in China
First LNG powered vessel with GL class The conversion will enable
and 92% in SOx emissions”, said Dr Pierre Sames
the vessel to qualify for lower
at GL’s press conference during the SMM yesterday.
NOX emission taxes under the
"Using gas as a fuel can be one of the major con-
Norwegian government’s NOX
tributors to meeting emissions targets."
fund scheme. The ‘Bit Viking’
GL has issued guidelines for gas as ship fuel on the
has twin screw propulsion, with
application of the IMO regulations. These guidelines
each screw currently powered
are in force since 1 May and apply to all ships ex-
by a 6-cylinder in-line Wärtsilä
cluding liquefied gas tankers. The internal combus-
46 engine running on heavy
tion engine installations subject to the IMO interim
fuel oil (HFO). The conver-
guidelines may be single-fuel (i.e. natural gas) or
sion involves changing these
dual-fuel (gas and fuel oil) machines, and the natural
to 6-cylinder in-line Wärtsilä
gas may be stored in gaseous or liquid state. The
50DF dual-fuel engines that will
guidelines are to be applied in conjunction with the
be converted to run on LNG. It will then be the first
operate on LNG. The ship is built with double engine
relevant provisions of the International Convention
ship with Germanischer Lloyd (GL) class using gas
rooms, propellers, steering gears, rudders and
for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and the
as fuel. The ship will we retro-fitted with a dual fuel
control systems. After conversion, for which Tarbit
Wärtsilä engine. Sea trials are planned for May
Shipping chose Wärtsilä, the ‘Bit Viking’ will be one
of the safest and most environmental friendly 25,000
Protocol of 1988 relating thereto, as amended. Picture (source: Wärtsilä): The 25,000 dwt product tanker ‘Bit Viking’ will be converted to run on gas.
With two 500 m³ tanks the vessel will have a range
ton product tankers in the world.
The 25.000 DWT product tanker “Bit Viking” will
of 12 days. It is owned by Tarbit Shipping and
“The use of LNG could reduce carbon emissions
operated by Statoil along the Norwegian coastline.
by 23%, with even bigger reductions of 80% in NOx
Read more GL news at www.nafsgreen.gr
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green pages
Climate change and heathcare on DNV agenda Green mechanisms to limit greenhouse gas emissions and global healthcare issues, were addressed at a meeting with Norway’s diplomatic corps abroad. If there is to be any hope of limiting greenhouse
sector is becoming increasingly engaged globally
gas emissions, efficient mechanisms for financing
He continued, “In our eagerness to find other solu-
in the pursuit of improved quality, patient safety
the introduction of new low-carbon technologies
tions and not look at the positive results that the
and care, with a heightened understanding of risk
must be put in place quickly. The Clean Develop-
green mechanisms, like CDM, have led to, we are
management concepts.
ment Mechanisim (CDM) initiative, the UN-backed
in danger of undermining one of the few measures
“While the pursuit is global, its execution is with
program to offer carbon offsets, should play an
that have been allowed to function over time and
very few exceptions local, affected by the local
important part in future emission trading schemes
that developing countries have proven willing to
healthcare governance model,” he said. “It is within
because it has demonstrated that it leads to both
start using to build new low-emission facilities. This
the framework of risk management that DNV will
emission reductions and technology transfer.
is a scheme that should be expanded – not re-
contribute to improved healthcare, drawing on its
Head of DNV’s climate change unit, Stein B.
stricted. CO2 knows no boundaries and one tonne
experience from other industries and sharing best
Jensen made these remarks at a meeting earlier
less in China means just as much to the climate as
practise, its global network of offices, unique inde-
this week at DNV’s headquarters in Hovik, which
a one-tonne reduction in emissions in Norway.
pendence as a foundation and its ability to develop
attracted over 80 representatives from the Norwe-
Speaking on the theme ‘global impact for safe
internationally recognised standards,”
gian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
and sustainable healthcare’ Espen Cramer, head
Cooperation with public authorities
Addressing the audience, made up of almost all
of DNV’s healthcare unit addressed the key chal-
Further close cooperation with public authorities is
Norwegian ambassadors abroad and leading policy
lenges of patient safety, healthcare in developing
necessary to “address this global issue” accord-
experts, Mr Jensen said that “The CDM (and Joint
economies and patient mobility.
ing to Mr Cramer, who made reference to several
Implementation) schemes are not without their
“The world’s population is continuing to grow, and
successful cooperations, including the WHO safety
defects and problems but they have also proven to
the average life span continues to increase. Urbani-
campaign (polio programme), the China healthcare
be implementable in practice – and not least that
sation is also increasing and with these three key
reform with the China National Health Research &
they can be practical instruments on the road to
factors the need for improved, sustainable and safe
Development Centre and the collaboration with the
better financing schemes. However, the public de-
healthcare services is also rising,” said Mr Cramer.
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning
bate mainly focuses on the negative aspects of the
Statistics tell the story
biosafety in high-risk laboratories in Indonesia.
schemes, and society risks throwing the baby out
Referring to the European Commission’s patient
The meeting, which was officiated by Ketil Djønne,
with the bath water if it does not also understand
safety and quality of healthcare report he said, “The
head of DNV’s corporate external relations,
the past significance of these schemes and see
report reveals that patient safety is a real concern,
provided a useful platform for interaction and
the potential for their further use while also making
and is representative for other OECD countries.
discussion. “We’re delighted that over 80 high level
improvements to them.”
The statistics tell the story: 5% of all patients in EU
representatives from the Norwegian Ministry of For-
No time to lose
hospitals are contracting healthcare-associated
eign Affairs came to hear about our climate change
During his presentation Mr Jensen warned the con-
infections. In terms of numbers, this means more
and healthcare services. Offering a forum where
centration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
than 4 million patients every year – of which 37,000
our government relations can meet and listen to our
increased and is continuing to increase. “This will
patients die. This is the about the same number of
experts has proven a great success, and we will
very probably lead to the earth’s climate changing
people who are killed in traffic accidents every year.
work closely with them on these important issues in
and to the world’s oceans becoming more acidic.
“In addition, 5% of patients are exposed to medica-
their respective countries.”
Both these long-lasting changes may dramatically
tion, surgical or diagnosis errors or the failure to
In connection with the meeting, DNV officially
affect our descendants for many generations to
act on the results of tests. The impact of this is
announced that it has set up a Sustainability &
that liability claims are ever-increasing,” added Mr
Innovation division to “steer DNV towards green
“So we have no time to lose when it comes to
service growth and sustainability services.” COO
reversing this trend,” stressed Mr Jensen. “We
“We are experiencing concerns of a higher order in
for the division, Bjørn K. Haugland, expects the
currently have mechanisms that can bring in
developing economies. Lack of basic competence,
division, which includes DNV’s climate change and
private capital to cooperate with public authorities
resources and organisation, and little or no relevant
healthcare services, to expand “significantly” in re-
in combating increased greenhouse gas emissions.
legislation in place, have resulted in a rapid in-
sponse to changing markets and customer needs.
It is clear that these mechanisms can be improved
crease of new diseases, combined with incapability
See link for more information.
and made more transparent and efficient. It will
to control known diseases such as tuberculosis.
take 5-10 years before new schemes are efficient
Patient mobility and tourism could easily escalate
and functional, and no one knows what weak-
these shortcomings into a global health concern,”
nesses such new mechanisms will have until they
warned Mr Cramer.
have been tried, in the way that the flexible Kyoto
While acknowledging the hospital environment is
mechanisms have now been tested during the past
inherently risky, Mr Cramer said the healthcare
Author: Stuart Brewer
green pages
Environmental Για 3η χρονιά ο Passport for ten διαγωνισμός “Green percent of GL fleet Dreams” από το ALBA Nearly ten percent of GL's fleet in service will sail
Μετά την επιτυχία των δύο περασμένων ετών, συνεχίζεται για τρίτη χρονιά ο διαγωνισμός
the seven seas with a class notation Environmental
«Green Dreams – Πράσινη Επιχειρηματικότητα». Ο διαγωνισμός διεξάγεται στο πλαίσιο των
Passport (EP). This is a reflection of the on-going
ετήσιων Βραβείων Κούρος που έχει θεσμοθετήσει η Λέσχη Επιχειρηματικότητας σε συνεργασία
trend to further reduce the environmental implications
με το ALBA Graduate Business School.
of shipping. More and more ship owners are ordering the class notation in order to outperform international maritime regulations such as MARPOL. "The GL class notation EP is well recognized among operators as a useful tool to underline their commitment to the protection of the maritime environment, " says Ralf Plump, Head of Environmental Research at
Ο διαγωνισμός «Green Dreams – Πράσινη Επιχειρηματικότητα» επιβραβεύει καινοτόμες επιχειρηματικές δραστηριότητες φιλικές προς το περιβάλλον. Επιδιώκει την ανάπτυξη περιβαλλοντικής επιχειρηματικότητας δίνοντας την ευκαιρία σε οποιονδήποτε, ανεξαρτήτως ηλικίας, να συνδυάσει φαντασία και πρακτικό πνεύμα με αποτέλεσμα έξυπνες «πράσινες» κερδοφόρες επιχειρηματικές δραστηριότητες. Ο φετινός στόχος είναι ιδιαίτερα υψηλός, αφού, σε αντίθεση με το 2008 και το 2009, ο διαγωνισμός θα επιβραβεύσει επιχειρήσεις και
GL. "The scope of issues within GL's class notation
επιχειρηματίες που έχουν ήδη κάνει τις ιδέες τους πράξη.
EP reflects the increasing demands by shippers and
Η καλύτερη πράσινη επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα θα λάβει χρηματικό έπαθλο €3.000 και
charterers to have evidence of enhanced environmen-
θα παρουσιασθεί στο Συμβούλιο της Λέσχης Επιχειρηματικότητας και στην εκδήλωση των
tal features. Environmental awareness and the use of
βραβείων Κούρος το Νοέμβριο του 2010.
environmental friendly equipment are not only essential for a positive image of stakeholders in the maritime industry. It appears that an environmentally sound behaviour is one of the key parameter to stay in business." EP is a voluntary class-notation for ships. All mandatory and voluntary environmental features of a vessel are compiled in a single, ready to use document including the Environmental Passport certificate, flag state certificates, compliance certificates, and NOx emission diagrams. Mandatory requirements of EP focus on NOx Tier II emission reduction, an approved ballast water management plan, fuel oil tank protection, and for tankers a VOC - Management Plan. The Environmental Passport requires a comprehensive survey of emissions into sea
Διεθνής πρωτοπορία για την Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος Α.Ε Η Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος Α.Ε. (ΤΠΠ Α.Ε.) ιδρύθηκε το 1977 στον Πειραιά και είναι ένας διεθνής πρωτοπόρος στην παραγωγή και εμπορία προϊόντων τόσο για τη Ναυτιλία όσο και για την Βιομηχανία. Με περισσότερα από 25 χρόνια εμπειρίας στην παραγωγή και την κατασκευή καινοτόμων εφαρμογών για την διαχείριση των υγρών αποβλήτων όλων
related to MARPOL Annex I to Annex V which include
των πλοίων, είναι σήμερα η μεγαλύτερη Ελληνική εταιρεία όσο και μια από τις μεγαλύτερες
the Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
εταιρείες στον κόσμο, παρέχοντας ένα πλήρες φάσμα υπηρεσιών και προϊόντων με στόχο
and Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious
την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Η ΤΠΠ Α.Ε. υπερήφανα παρουσιάζει την παραδοσιακή
Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS).
γκάμα των προϊόντων της με νέες εφαρμογές POSEIDON EVO, ALIOS EVO, TRITON EVO,
Apart from emissions into sea, EP covers emissions into air such as NOx and SOx emissions. It requires vapour emission control systems to collect vapour during loading operations, refrigeration systems which do not exceed 3800 Global Warming Potential (GWP) and which are equipped with leak detection and a recovery system. Fire-fighting systems have to fulfil tight criteria such as an excess limit of 4.000 GWP.Ozone depleting
TRITONμ. Διαχωριστήρας Πετρελαίου – Νερού – POSEIDON EVO έχει εγκατασταθεί σε πάνω από 4000 πλοία προσφέρνοντας ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες για την παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία. Σημαντικά ναυπηγεία σε όλο τον κόσμο καθώς επίσης και πολλές αξιόλογες πλοιοκτήτριες εταιρείες χρησιμοποιούν κατά προτίμηση τους διαχωριστήρες POSEIDON σε νεότευκτα ή σε υπάρχοντα πλοία. Συστήματα Παραγωγής Πόσιμου Νερού – ALIOS EVO είναι αποτέλεσμα μακρόχρονης
substances in fire extinguishing medias are prohibited.
έρευνας. Το σύστημα παράγει φρέσκο νερό με τη χρήση μεμβρανών αντίστροφης όσμωσης.
The class notation EP is regularly updated according to
Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Λυμάτων – TRITON EVO το 2009 ήταν ανάμεσα στους finalists για το
the mandatory environmental regulations. Reviews of
SEATRADE AWARD στη κατηγορία Προστασία Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος.
the class notations took place in 2002, 2007 and 2009.
Φυσικοχημικό Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Λυμάτων – TRITON μ είναι η ιδανικότερη επιλογή
The next review is scheduled for 2011. While deliveries of EP Class notation has reached the number of 250 vessels, additional 450 Environmental Passports will be issued in accordance with ship deliveries.
Φυσικοχημικού Συστήματος Διαχείρισης Λυμάτων για εμπορικά πλοία, μικρά κότερα και κρουαζερόπλοια.
Leading expertise for a safer world. Our reputation is founded on the skills and the experience of the people who make up our team around the world. Every piece of advice we give is underpinned by a global research and development network that is continually helping us find new and better ways to improve safety and quality in the marine industry. We are committed to being at the forefront of technological innovation in our industry and to sharing that knowledge to help make the world a safer place. Learn more about our global network – go to www.lr.org/marine
Services are provided by members of the Lloyd’s Register Group.
green pages
Εθελοντισμός υπό βροχή… Το ραντεβού για τον εορτασμό της 25ης επετείου της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Εθελοντικού Καθαρισμού Ακτών που είχε ορισθεί για το Σάββατο 25 Σεπτεμβρίου δεν είχε σύμμαχο τον καιρό. Η βροχή που έπεφτε από το βράδυ της Παρασκευής και η καταιγίδα το πρωί του Σαββάτου δημιούργησαν εξαιρετικά δύσκολες συνθήκες για την πραγματοποίηση της δράσης με αποτέλεσμα αρκετοί προγραμματισμένοι καθαρισμοί σε όλη τη χώρα να αναβληθούν για νέες ημερομηνίες. Ο κεντρικός καθαρισμός της HELMEPA στο Καβούρι πραγματοποιήθηκε υπό καταρρακτώδη βροχή, με σύμμαχο αδιάβροχα και ομπρέλες και τη συμμετοχή περίπου 50 μαθητών των Εκπαιδευτηρίων Γείτονα και των εκπαιδευτικών τους, δυτών του Aegean Dive Center και εθελοντών των εταιρειών-μελών Euronav Ship Management, Μaran Tankers Management και Maran Gas Maritime. Το παρόν έδωσαν το μέλος του Δ.Σ. της HELMEPA, κυρία Μαρία-Χριστίνα Ι. Κτιστάκη, ο Αντιδήμαρχος Βουλιαγμένης κος Παναγιώτης Σκουζής καθώς και κλιμάκιο του Λιμενικού Τμήματος Βουλιαγμένης. Παρά τις δύσκολες συνθήκες που επικρατούσαν οι εθελοντές συγκέντρωσαν αρκετά απορρίμματα όπως αποτσίγαρα, πλαστικά μπουκάλια και χάρτινες συσκευασίες τροφίμων, αλλά και μερικά πιο ογκώδη, όπως ελαστικά αυτοκινήτων, ένα φορητό ψυγείο αλλά και δίχτυα αλιείας, τα οποία κατέγραψαν σε ειδικά δελτία. Συγχαίρουμε τους γενναίους εθελοντές που αψήφησαν την έντονη βροχόπτωση και αφιέρωσαν το πρωινό τους για να αποδείξουν ότι μπορούμε όλοι να βοηθήσουμε στο να διατηρήσουμε τις θάλασσες και τις ακτές μας καθαρές από σκουπίδια. Σύμφωνα με τα μέχρι τώρα στοιχεία, καθαρισμοί ακτών πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε Κερατέα Αττικής, Ρέθυμνο Κρήτης και Σάμο, όπου οι καιρικές συνθήκες ήταν ευνοϊκότερες. Συγκεντρωτικά στοιχεία από τη καταγραφή των απορριμμάτων που συλλέχθηκαν στις ελληνικές θάλασσες και ακτές θα ανακοινώσει η HELMEPA το Νοέμβριο, αφού οι εθελοντικοί καθαρισμοί ακτών συνεχίστηκανμέχρι και το τέλος Οκτωβρίου.
DNV verifies vessels according to IMO guideline on emission reduction DNV verified that two newbuildings at Oshima Shipyard in Japan have been built according to a guideline from IMO encouraging reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in shipping. This is the first time DNV has verified a ship’s design efficiency index and issued a verification statement to this end.
“The process included a survey on board the two vessels intended to verify and confirm the adopted design values for calculating the CO2 index. The final results were based on the vessels’ main characteristics and engine performance as well as the design speed-power curves adjusted with the
DNV verifies energy efficiency of newbuildings
sea trial data provided by the builder,” says Angelo
The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) is
Tossio, DNV principal surveyor,
a new technical measure intended to ensure a
IMO measure of energy efficiency
indicates the ratio between environmental impact
certain level of efficiency and decreased carbon
The EEDI is one of the technical measures that
and economic benefit and provides a benchmark
emissions of newbuildings. DNV was earlier this
have resulted from IMO’s approach to limit CO2
against which ship efficiency may be evaluated.
year asked by Oshima Shipyard to verify the EEDI
emissions in shipping. More specifically the EEDI
The EEDI is currently not mandatory. However due
for two of their vessels. The process, which was the
is intended to provide a measure of the energy
to the stricter and more comprehensive rules and
first undertaking of DNV related to the EEDI, was
efficiency of a vessel design, thus pushing the
regulations currently being enforced for shipping,
concluded with the handing over of the EEDI Verifi-
industry towards designing and building ships that
the measure is expected to become mandatory in
cation Statements at the yard on 10 September.
will emit less CO2 when in operation. The index
the near future.
46 38
knowledge& TECH innovation
Chemical-free Alfa Laval AOT 3F water purification system protects against Legionella The Alfa Laval AOT 3F is a compact, efficient ultraviolet water sterilizer based on advanced oxidation technology for purifying drinking water. Its robust yet lightweight construction, adaptable modular design and low maintenance requirements make it ideal for sustainable, low-cost, chemical-free purification of water onboard as well as ashore
World leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling Alfa Laval announces the launch of its Alfa Laval Advanced Oxidation Technology (AOT) 3F water purification system. The system has proven effective in delivering a log 4 reduction for biological contaminants and chemical pollutants and log 5 reduction for harmful pathogens such as Legionella bacteria. This means that, if water contains 100,000 disease-causing microorganisms the system reduces that number to 10 for log 4 and one for log 5. “The chemical-free Alfa Laval AOT 3F is a highly effective, fully automated system that does not generate any toxic residuals,” says Alex Jönsson, Alfa Laval’s Regional Marketing Manager, Marine & Diesel, Fresh Water Generators. “Water is the only byproduct.” Proven technology The Alfa Laval AOT 3F is based on Wallenius Advanced Oxidation Technology (AOT), a water purification system that imitates nature’s own way of purifying water. Compact, flexible and modular, this unique, chemical-free system produces radicals that safely and effectively neutralize organisms in water. Made of titanium Grade 2, the robust system also meets BRL K14010-1/01 regulations on Legionella in drinking water. IP65/67 approved, the Alfa Laval AOT 3F has a maximum capacity of 3 m3/h, operating temperatures between 5°C and 70°C, and easily adapts to a broad range of applications. As an option, the Alfa Laval AOT 15F with a capacity of 15 m3/h is available. Modular system with minimal maintenance In addition, the Alfa Laval AOT 3F has no moving parts, which means that there are no consumables and no service hazards. A range of accessories makes it easy to customize the system to meet a broad range of water purification requirements. With its space-saving design, chemical-free technology and full automation, Alfa Laval AOT 3F is the natural choice for cost-effective, sustainable water purification.
Alfa Laval introduces new Gunclean Tofetjorg i40 S and i40 D tank cleaning machines Alfa Laval announces the extension of its tank cleaning equipment portfolio with two new tank cleaning machines, the Gunclean Toftejorg i40 S and Gunclean Toftejorg i40 D. These two additions to the Alfa Laval tank cleaning equipment portfolio are specifically designed for use in fixed installations aboard chemical and product carriers as well as in offshore applications.
Developed to meet the toughest tank cleaning requirements, the Gunclean Toftejorg i40 S and Gunclean Toftejorg i40 D are high-impact tank cleaning machines that are designed for use in fixed installations aboard chemical and product carriers as well as in offshore applications. Both are based on the proven platform of the Alfa Laval Gunclean Toftejorg i65 S and i65 D and come with the same innovative features, including: a patented hysteresis clutch for elimination of slippage and false starts; an optimized turbine with high-tech, wear-resistant ceramics for improved power transmission and prolonged machine lifetime; and, an isolated oil-free gearbox located above deck for easy removal without exposing the tank to the atmosphere. Other design finesses include a robust gearbox construction with fewer wear parts and advanced sealing technology. “When choosing a tank cleaning machine, it is important for ship owners to consider what type of cargo will be carried,” says Christian Mathiasen, Regional Marketing Manager, Marine & Diesel Equipment at Alfa Laval. “Understanding the nature of the ‘soil’ helps determine whether fast cleaning or high impact is the most critical factor when selecting a tank cleaning machine.” The i40 S single-nozzle machine with its helical cleaning pattern, for instance, may be more appropriate for section cleaning, for tanks that require a longer throw length, or for the ability to adjust the pitch angle and rotation speed during operation to optimize a cleaning cycle. The i40 D dual-nozzle machine, on the other hand, may be the right choice when saving time is of paramount importance. This can prove to be less expensive for every cycle over the long run, depending on the cargo type. “The nozzles of the i40 S and i40 D come with a standard factory-preset rotational speed. Although the preset speed is applicable for most cleaning operations, it is also easy to adjust the speed to match the tank cleaning task at hand,” adds Mathiasen. “Taking the time to teach the crew how to slow or speed up the rotational speed not only can save time, but can assure that higher cleaning efficiency than most other machines on the market today is achieved.” In addition to the high reliability and simple operation and construction of the Gunclean Toftejorg i40 tank cleaning machines, Alfa Laval can ensure the proper size and placement of the units. Alfa Laval has more than 50 years of tank cleaning experience and today’s most advanced tank cleaning technology. To provide the best tank cleaning solution possible, Alfa Laval tank cleaning engineers take into account the entire installation from the boiler to the tank interior.
FURUNO launches NavSkills™ - a cutting edge training concept FURUNO launches a new and groundbreak-
to provide DNV SeaSkill™-certified training courses
today we find INS and ECDIS on all types of vessels.
ing training concept and simulator solution called
from the day one”. FURUNO will, as part of the
Also, and the equipment have become a part of the
service contract, handle the issuing of certificates
daily work for many navigators. During this period the
“This is different from all known provisions of
to the trainees.” In this manner, the training centre
technology and sophistication of INS and ECDIS has
maritime training simulators and solutions today in
or owner can apply oneself to the effectiveness of
developed rapidly and has put a new challenge to
the maritime industry,” says Mads Friis Sorensen,
training offered, and thereby utilize own resources in
the navigators who are used to operate a conven-
an optimal manner - FURUNO will be the guarantor
tional navigation system and using paper charts. A
OFFICE in Copenhagen. “The NavSkills™ training
for quality”.
short familiarization training course provided by the
solution is the expressway for ship owners and
The training package includes DNV SeaSkill™-
maker might not be enough, unless the naviga-
training centres to be capable of providing DNV
certified ECDIS training in accordance with IMO
tors are experienced ECDIS and INS operators.
SeaSkill™-certified ECDIS and IBS/INS training
Model Course 1.27, DNV SeaSkill™-certified IBS/
Hence, to ensure proper and qualitative training, and
courses to the navigators. The NavSkills™ solution
INS Operator training course in compliance with
thereby contributing to less accidents and casualties,
consists of a full mission training simulator with
IMO Model Course 1.32, Bridge/Engine Resource
FURUNO has taken on the challenge to share our
ECDIS planning stations. To make the training envi-
Management training and Bridge Team Management
experience and knowledge, both as a manufacturer
ronment more realistic, FURUNO uses real equip-
and a training provider, with the maritime training
ment in the provided bridge system and at the plan-
“FURUNO’s training center in Copenhagen, FURU-
centres and ship owners enabling them to conduct
ning stations. The simulator will be approved by DNV
NO INS Training Center (INSTC), will continue to de-
sufficient training,” Mads Friis Sorensen explains.
SeaSkill™ as class A or S, depending on the solution
velop new training courses and maintain the existing
In 2005, FURUNO established FURUNO INS Train-
selected by the ship owners/training centres.”
training courses to ensure compliance with current
ing Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and during the
“The uniqueness of the NavSkills™ solution lies with
and future requirements and needs. New training
past 5 years the training centre has developed and
the second part of the package, which is a service
courses together with revised training materials for
conducted ECDIS, IBS/INS, BTM and BRM/ERM
contract”, Mads Friis Sorensen continues, “The
existing training courses will be continually provided
training courses in compliance with the related IMO
service contract covers the provision of approved
to the customers during the duration of the service
course models or STCW requirements to customers
training materials, education of the local instruc-
contract and the certification of the courses by DNV
worldwide. In August 2010, FURUNO INS Training
tors and the assessment by DNV SeaSkill™ of the
SeaSkill™ will be upheld by FURUNO INSTC for the
Center received - as the first training centre world-
training courses to be conducted by the NavSkills™
same period”.
wide - the certification by DNV SeaSkill™ for the
customers locally – it is a kind of turnkey solution,
“Since the past 10-15 years INS and ECDIS have
compliance of FURUNO’s INS training course with
which enables the ship owners or training centres
been introduced onboard the merchant fleet and
the IBS/INS IMO Model Course 1.32.
AVEVA Review harnesses 64-bit power for 3D model visualisations of unprecedented size
Caption: 64-bit AVEVA Review 12.1 can handle massively complex models. These two images show how much bigger models 64-bit AVEVA Review can handle. The top image is the maximum that could be loaded on a 32bit OS and the bottom image is the full model which can be easily loaded on a 64-bit OS AVEVA Group plc (LSE:AVV) one of the world's
of navigating it.
be marked up and commented on by its recipients to
leading providers of engineering design and informa-
• Enhanced model streaming. Streaming enables
create an auditable record of design communication.
tion management solutions for the plant, power and
massive model files to be easily viewed over internet
ReviewShare 1.3 is now also available in both 32-bit
marine industries, today announced the release of
connections. New features in both versions add use-
and 64-bit versions. 64-bit technology provides simi-
the first 64-bit versions of its powerful visualisation
ful capabilities such as dimensioning, view clipping
lar benefits to those of AVEVA Review 12.1. In ad-
and design communication technologies.
and part picking in views combining both streamed
dition, both versions include a number of functional
This enables designers to take advantage of the
and non-streamed models.
enhancements suggested by users, including:
greatly increased processing power of the latest
• Display of the master coordinate grid used in ship
• Export to MS Excel. This enables MS Office tools
64-bit computers to create highly detailed and easily
design. This enables a user to easily determine the
to be used to manage and report on ReviewShare
navigable 3D design visualisations of even bigger
absolute positions of features in the 3D view.
message threads.
and more complex capital projects in the plant and
• Increased customisation. Extensions to the API
• Increased control over access and use permis-
shipbuilding industries.
provide users with access to Review’s lighting and
sions of ReviewShare documents. This enables this
AVEVA Review 12.1
animation controls and the ability to create custom
relatively informal design communication tool to be
AVEVA Review is an established application for 3D
add-ons to tailor Review to their particular working
used effectively in more formal, controlled workflow
design communication. It creates high-quality, photo-
realistic renderings of 3D models which can be used
• Wavefront (.obj file) export is now included as
ReviewShare 1.3 is delivered free with AVEVA Re-
by all stakeholders in a project to carry out design
standard. This enables Review models to be passed
view. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the ReviewS-
review and analysis for various purposes. It features
to third-party visualisation applications for such pur-
hare reader/editor application may be downloaded
powerful animation capabilities for model fly-throughs
poses as creating complex video sequences.
free from www.aveva.com/reviewsharedownload.
and object manipulation so that operations such
AVEVA ReviewShare 1.3
About 64-bit technology
as equipment replacement may be simulated, can
AVEVA ReviewShare is a complementary product to
64-bit computing technology provides the latest step
handle a variety of third-party CAD model formats,
AVEVA Review. It extends the power of 3D visualisa-
increase in processing power and is supported by
including as-built laser scans, and can stream its
tion to meet the need for an informal, easy to use
Windows 7. Compared to existing 32-bit technology,
output across normal internet communications for
design communication tool for resolving the myriad
64-bit enables considerably faster data manipulation
effective multi-site collaboration.
of day-to-day design issues that designers must deal
and the ability to use 64 times as much computer
Review 12.1 is now available in both 32-bit and 64-bit
with. ReviewShare consists of a server application
memory. This in turn enables applications such as
versions. It provides a number of functional enhance-
for streaming 3D model content to easily emailable
AVEVA Review to handle the most massive 3D mod-
ments, including:
documents viewable in a freely available reader/edi-
els in a smooth and intuitive manner, anticipating the
• 64-bit technology dramatically increases the size
tor application. ReviewShare documents contain em-
trend to increasingly complex, large-scale engineer-
and detail of model that can be handled and the ease
bedded links to navigable 3D model views which can
ing projects.
Safety first
DNV: An effective US offshore safety regime As a consequence of the Deepwater Horizon blow-out accident in the Gulf of Mexico, DNV has prepared a position paper highlighting the key aspects of an effective US offshore safety regime. Major accidents tend to lead to a review and revision of current practices and regulations with the objective of avoiding other major accidents in the future. This also appears to be the case after the tragic Deepwater Horizon blow-out accident and subsequent oil spill. DNV´s views on key aspects of an effective offshore safety regime are presented in the position paper that has now been developed.
Peter Bjerager, Director of Operations, Energy Services Region North America
Elisabeth Tørstad, COO Division Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa
Eirik Andreassen, Director of Operations, International Affairs
Robin Pitblado, Service Director, SHE Risk Management
“The position paper is meant as input to the on-going discussion on how to improve safety and environmental protection during offshore oil and gas exploration, development and production,” says COO Elisabeth Tørstad, who has been in charge of the project. The white paper presented on the following pages has been prepared by Robin Pitblado and Peter Bjerager in Houston and Eirik Andreassen in Oslo with input and suggestions received by a number of experts and managers in DNV.
Major accidents lead to a review and revi-
DNV believes that a step change can be achieved with respect to prevention and mitigation of major accidents
sion of current practices and regulations
through an effective and efficient safety regime for offshore energy exploration, development and production.
with the objective of avoiding similar or other major a cidents in the future. This also appears to be the case after the tragic Deepwater Horizon blow-out accident and subsequent oil spill. This paper presents
Such a safety regime must be risk-informed, balancing the inherent risks with the benefits for society and must possess the following characteristics discussed in this paper • Performance-based supplemented by prescriptive regulation • Consideration of technology, organization and people • Clear roles and responsibilities • Enforced identification, reduction and control of risks • Shared performance monitoring
DNV´s view on key aspects of an effective
• Practical and economic feasibility
offshore safety1 regime. The paper is meant
• Balance between risk, control and condition
as a contribution to the on-going discussion on how to improve safety and environmen-
DNV has world wide experience within risk management in the offshore energy and maritime industries. DNV advises regulators on offshore safety regulation as well as executing key functions on behalf of authorities and industry in order to safeguard life, property and the environment. This paper does not present the many ways
tal protection during offshore oil and gas
in which the key aspects could be implemented within law and regulation or how they are effectively institu-
exploration, development and production.
tionalized, or which roles are best managed by governmental agencies and which by independent or private
The paper supports and complements the recommendation for a more systematic approach to safety and environment in the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) report on “Increased Safety Measures for Energy
organizations. The paper does, however, highlight issues and methodologies that DNV believe regulators should take into account when promulgating new legislation.
Objective of an offshore safety regime Oil and gas will constitute the major part of the U.S. energy supply in the foreseeable future despite on-going and needed efforts in developing renewable and other alternative energy sources to meet our energy demand and limit carbon emissions. In addition, deep water exploration and production of oil and gas will continue
Development on the Outer Continental
to be a vital part of our oil and gas supply. Because of this, additional focus on managing risk of deep water
Shelf” (May 27, 2010).
activities is needed to prevent consequences such as those from the Deepwater Horizon accident. Following a major accident we have an obligation to review and revise as needed the offshore safety regime
Safety first
under which oil exploration and production takes
dedication and understanding of responsibility
and people
place with the objective to:
as well as proactive initiatives to increase the safety
A complex system such as an offshore drilling or
• Ensure that exploration and production activity is
level beyond compliance. This is particularly impor-
production platform
done safely and in a sustainable manner, and
tant in the deep water offshore arena where new
performs safely and reliably only when
• Assure all stakeholders – foremost the public – that
technologies and techniques to improve production
1. The technical facility is fit for purpose and works
activities that pose a threat to life, environment and
and safety and also reduce costs are being con-
as intended
property are properly controlled. DNV believes that
stantly developed, but by their nature may introduce
2. The people operating the facility are trained and
a safety regime for offshore energy exploration and
potential new risks.
competent, also as regards safety culture, and
production must ensure that:
To be able to account for new types of events and to
3. The organization is defined so decisions are made
• Life, environment and property are protected in an
allow for needed innovation and new technology in
and safe procedures are followed as planned
effective, consistent, transparent and predictable
the future, performance-based (also referred to as
Within chemical process plants these aspects are
way; both for those directly affected and involved
functional-based or goal-based) safety regimes have
often referred to as plant, process and people which
in offshore operations, but also for those otherwise
been introduced in several countries. In these,
all must be fit for purpose and performing accordingly
affected by an accident, such as fisheries, recreation
performance requirements and acceptance criteria
for the process plant to perform safely. When root
and the whole ecosystem
are specified and industry must document that their
causes are identified for major accidents, it generally
• Risks are properly evaluated and all prevention and
specific solutions meet such requirements, e.g. in
turns out to be a combination of several factors that
mitigation measures are identified
terms of acceptable risk levels. The advantage of
lead to the accident – and often a combination of
• Control measures are implemented and main-
performance-based regulation is that solutions for
technical, human and organizational failures. Even
tained by all parties in accordance with mandatory
the problem at hand can be developed free of
when it at first appears that it was a technology fail-
risk assessments as well as what is prescribed by
specific prescriptions. The regulation will include
ure, the root cause analysis may reveal that organi-
comprehensive safety – or HSE – cases that docu-
zational or human failures e.g. during modifications
• Conditions of safeguards, facilities, procedures,
ment how all risks (including novel risks) for the
or maintenance in reality lead to the failure.
personnel and organizations are continuously moni-
specific facility, operational conditions and location
Organizational and human factors are the dominant
tored throughout the lifetime for proper functioning
will be prevented or mitigated. A challenge of a pure
root cause factors and together often estimated to
and compliance with all regulatory requirements and
performance-based regulation is that it may require
constitute up to 80% of the causes for major acci-
to assure that risks do not increase
more analysis and documentation
dents. In summary, it is critical that an offshore safety
• Technical innovation and efficiency improvements
to be done in each individual case to verify that per-
regime properly accounts for technological, organiza-
can be implemented safely and responsibly
formance goals are met. It also requires a competent
tional and human factor defenses – or barriers5 – in
and active regulator.
Performance-based supplemented by prescriptive regulation
the prevention and mitigation of accidents throughout
The current safety regime for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
the lifetime of the offshore installation.
The safety regime must benefit from all learning of
ment for safety cases4 to be performed. The offshore
Clear roles and responsibilities
the past. This is the traditional way of developing
safety regimes in the UK and Norway, for example,
An effective offshore safety regime must ensure
safety regulations where previous events lead to new
are of the performance-based type where safety
that clear roles and responsibilities are established
knowledge and additional regulation that prescribes
cases (UK) or detailed risk assessments (Norway)
between all parties involved. In particular, the role
a set of requirements for industry to follow. In most
must be presented to the authorities who review and
and responsibility between authority and operator is
cases, however, regulators and industry do not
accept - rather than approve - these before imple-
important. The performance-based regime has been
regularly revise and upgrade procedures, rules and
mentation. Once accepted, operations not in
preferred by a number of authorities not least be-
regulations, as the collective knowledge of how to
conformance with the safety case is an offence.
cause of its very clear split of responsibilities, where
operate safely increases (e.g. Baker Panel3 findings
DNV believes that an offshore safety regime based
authorities define performance goals and acceptance
after Texas City). More often, a major disaster
on a performance-based regulation requiring safety
criteria and the operator has the responsibility to
becomes the trigger to update regulations that have
cases including risk assessments supplemented by
ensure that these performance goals are met. The
been proven to be insufficient.
required or recommended specific prescriptive regu-
aim is to force the operator and contractors to take
Every major accident at sea has been followed by
lation for selected areas is the most effective
an active role and not lean on authorities to ensure
new regulation, from maritime oil spill accidents such
regime model. Areas that may be addressed by
safety. In such a regime the authorities will normally
as Exxon Valdez, Erika and Prestige to offshore oil
prescriptive regulation are typical facilities, compo-
not approve the operator’s plans but only review and
and gas accidents such as Alexander Kielland, Piper
nents and situations where experience exists. The
accept them. In a prescriptive regime the authorities
Alpha and now Deepwater Horizon. The same is the
prescriptive regulation may include specific require-
define implicitly the performance by prescriptive re-
case in the chemical process industry where aci-
ments supplemented e.g. by API standards and class
quirements and will furthermore typically approve the
dents in Bhopal, Seveso, Pasadena Texas and Texas
societies such as DNV Offshore Codes.
operator’s plans, in some cases including detailed
City led to new US and EU regulations.
The safety regime must ensure a safe operation
The potential weakness from such regulatory de-
of the offshore facility throughout its lifetime. The
Although the operator normally will be defined in the
velopment is that issues of the moment rather than
safety case performed at the design stage must be
regulation to carry the liability for the operation, mat-
long term sound policy become dominant and that all
implemented in the actual operation of the offshore
ters may become unclear if something goes wrong
focus is on the specific event and root causes with
installation and not just end as a document on a
and the authorities have both given specific require-
insufficient focus on other possible, future hazards.
bookshelf. Furthermore, the offshore installation may
ments for the facilities and operation plans as well as
An offshore safety regime based on prescriptive
be modified, it will degrade over time, external load-
approved their implementation.
regulation has the advantage of being relatively easy
ing conditions on structure or process system may
Also, the responsibilities between parties may also
and simple to implement and follow up but has the
change, and the operator and crew may change.
vary between different pieces of the regulation. The
weakness that it may not prevent new types
Each such change of condition must be monitored
choice of the performancebased model is therefore
of accidents that may appear in the future and it often
and documented as a safety case update as part of
natural when authorities want to minimize own risk
prevents innovation due to its specific, prescriptive
the regulated process for ensuring a safe operation.
Consideration of technology, organization
and liability.
rules and requirements. It may also limit operators’
is largely a prescriptive regulation with no require-
Safety first
Enforced identification, reduction and control of risks
be reported as
DNV believes that risks such as those related to
to authorities and
offshore drilling and operation can only be properly
regulators as part
managed if the risks are known and understood by
of their oversight
the operator (and subcontractors to operator) of the
facility. Therefore, a key element in an offshore safety
online information
a specific installation through which preventive and
Practical and economic feasibility
mitigating means are identified and where all factors
After a major ac-
mentioned above are included in the safety and
cident there can
environmental models. Furthermore, the regime must
be a tendency
ensure that such risk management is maintained
to establish a
throughout the life of the installation and continuously
significant amount
kept up to date to prevent deterioration of barriers
of new regulation
learned from these achievements:
that prevent and mitigate risks.
where all elements may not have an equally good
• When seeking a step-change, a holistic approach to
DNV believes that the frequency of major accidents
balance between investment and benefits to society.
address technical, procedural, human and organiza-
only can be significantly reduced by identifying the
It is important that new regulation is practical and
tional and cultural aspects is essential
risks and the factors influencing these risks through
economically feasible in addition to ensuring suficient
• A detailed quantified safety and environmental
quantified risk assessment where the effect of
safety and environmental protection. DNV recom-
model is necessary to underpin operational decision
preventing and mitigation measures can be directly
mends that the effectiveness of new regulation
making to prevent major accidents.
evaluated and compared. This is the means that
should be assessed on basis of a risk assessment
have been introduced in other industries such as
where the reduction of risks (reduction of expected
nuclear and aerospace and which have proven suc-
loss) due to the new or modified regulation is com-
cessful in reducing major accidents. As mentioned,
pared with the investment needed to implement the
mercial nuclear power industry, a detailed risk model
the current offshore safety regime for the U.S. Gulf of
new or modified regulation.
is established and, from this model, all hazards are
Mexico does not require risk assessment and safety
As has been seen with the Deepwater Horizon
identified and managed to a level commensurate
cases to be established.
accident it can be important that equipment from
with the risks. In the offshore energy industry, all
IADC has, however, a recommended approach for
other parts of the world can be brought into the Gulf
risks would include at least all safety and environ-
a safety case for mobile drilling units. DNV believes
without any delay when needed. The regulation in
mental risks from topsides infrastructure, subsea
that such requirements with extensions must be
the U.S. Gulf of Mexico should therefore be aligned
arrangements and downhole. This approach has the
introduced in the future regulation so that all risks
with international regulation for offshore oil and gas
benefit of being able to reduce risks as they become
are evaluated throughout the lifetime of the offshore
exploration, development and production. Specific
directly known and the approach therefore provide
drilling and production activities, including design,
requirements needed for the local conditions such
additional and higher levels of safety and environ-
construction, installation, operations, maintenance,
as risk of hurricanes should be established and met
mental protection.
adaptation of new technologies, modifications and
in addition.
regime is that all parties are required to take an active role on undertaking holistic risk assessments for
Illustration of the elements Risk, Control and Condition in a risk-informed offshore safety regime
Balance between risk, control and condition In the North Sea offshore industry and the com-
A risk management approach is characterized by
It should be noted that some operators in the US
A step change for major accidents
Gulf of Mexico already perform risk assessments
DNV believes that a step change for major accidents
due to their own corporate governance and based on
can be achieved, i.e. that the risk can be reduced by
1. Risk: The risk model7 is the foundation of a
experience from other safety regimes in the world.
a factor of 10 by use of risk management. The oil,
safety case
Furthermore, the challenge of handling an unlimited
gas and process industries have achieved significant
• The operator must identify of all risks ranging from
liability for operators can be met through a sys-
improvements over the past 20 years in occupational
high frequency, but small consequences to rare
tematic risk management approach where active
safety and limited spills or pollution incidents
major events with significant consequences, ways
prevention and mitigation barriers are monitored and
because companies´ safety and environmental man-
and means to prevent these accidents and how
managed throughout the lifetime.
agement have focused on and measured progress in
to respond if prevention fails. The barrier model –
these areas. However, major accidents in safety,
mentioned further in the appendix – is an effective
Shared performance monitoring
structural failures, explosions and environmental pol-
technique to understand prevention and mitigation
DNV believes that performance monitoring of all
lution have been more resistant to improvement (e.g.
systems, equipment and operating procedures.
factors influencing a safe operation should take place
major accidents onshore:
• The engineering and maritime design must meet
throughout the life time of the facility. The monitoring
Texas City6 and Longford Australia, and offshore:
current regulations and standards and the safety
should include the actual risks updated regularly, the
Piper Alpha and the Montara blowout).
case must describe the basis for the design and
condition of the facility, people and organization
After the Three Mile Island accident, the nuclear
as well as the condition of all barriers preventing and
industry achieved a step change using better tools,
• The risk model must have a sound basis and detail.
mitigating accidents. Such performance monitoring
namely formal Probabilistic Risk Analysis, new
To achieve a step change it must in the design stage
would be a continuous assessment of the total in-
audit structures from the Institute of Nuclear Power
be quantified to cover safety and environment risks
tegrity of the operation and ensure that, for example,
Operations and stricter regulations. The Offshore
on the topsides, subsea and downhole. Subsequent-
barriers do not deteriorate.
industry in the UK and in Norway, following two major
ly, operations procedures may rely on, or require,
The performance monitoring should be shared – fully
disasters with more than 100 fatalities each in the
more qualitative risk models.
or partly – with all parties participating in the opera-
1980’s, has also achieved an improvement by using
• The risk model is used to establish the required
tions such as partners and subcontractors in order
safety cases and quantified risk assessments. Also
performance of all critical aspects (technical, human
for all to benefit from the knowledge wof the actual
the aviation sector has been successful in reducing
and procedural) and these performance standards
condition. Part of the performance monitoring could
major accidents. There are important lessons to be
would be used for verification.
three main elements:
Safety first
2. Controls: Effective mechanisms for control
living quantifiable safety
must be implemented
and environmental risk
• Ensure that regulatory requirements and safety
model to support decision
case commitments are achieved in practice, are
making to prevent major
documented and communicated to all offshore and
accidents. A holistic model
onshore staff and contractors
is needed that addresses
• Ensure that modern safety & environment manage-
all aspects affecting the
ment system and process safety and safe drilling
safety, such as technical,
operations culture programs are in place to institu-
procedural, human and
tionalize success and to prevent short term financial
organizational and cultural
Key Performance Indicators from increasing longer
term threats
This paper is intended to
• Verification by an independent, competent party
introduce the concept of a
as a key control mechanism both during design and
risk informed approach to
safety and environmental
Illustration of the risk assessment and mitigation identification process
regulations, and does 3. Condition: The sound condition of all elements
not attempt to describe the
must be continuously monitored
concept comprehensively.
• Complex systems are subject to degradation or fail-
DNV will be pleased to assist
ure from the moment of entering service. Processes
and contribute to the discus-
must be in place to maintain equipment and to
sion and development of an
ensure that systems meet the required performance
improved offshore safety and
standard throughout the life time
environmental regime for the
• As well as the technical systems may degrade,
United States. Two risk mod-
this is also the case as regards working culture, or-
els should be established,
ganization and human competences which must be
one for the Safety Case
included in the condition monitoring processes
during the Planning Stage
• Changes in system, organization or people must
and one for the Operations
be assessed, managed, controlled and documented
Stage as briefly outlined in
before implementation, with effective processes for
the following.
Illustration of a holistic, quantitative risk model for offshore installation
returning critical equipment to its current state after temporary changes
Planning Stage Risk Management
It is important to have the right balance between the
The Planning Stage risk model includes quantified risk assessment (QRA) that uses detailed engineering
three elements risk, control and condition. A safety
studies and human performance models to identify all risks and demonstrate how they are prevented and, if
regime which has focus in only one or two of the
an event occurs, mitigated. The figure above illustrates such a holistic, quantitative risk model. Within offshore
elements will lead to ineffective risk management. A
facilities, there has traditionally been a focus on safety due to fire and explosion on the topside. A holistic
prescriptive regime focuses typically on control and
model should also include e.g. environment and downhole related risk as illustrated in the figure.
condition but less on risk.
A QRA is a risk model that quantifies key aspects of risk and – importantly – allows for the demonstration of risk reduction by the application of defined safeguards. In many ways, a QRA is similar to a Nuclear Probabil-
istic Risk Assessment (PRA), except that the numerical approach is a little different (discrete versus probabilis-
DNV believes that an effective and robust safety
tic) and the range of events examined is much broader for the offshore industry while the PRA focuses mostly
regime for offshore energy exploration, development
on the single event of potential reactor meltdown.
and production must be risk-informed and must possess the following characteristics
Operations Stage Risk Management
• Performance-based supplemented by prescriptive
The Operations Stage risk model captures all the findings and requirements and translates these into easily
understood terms and documents that can be effectively managed and driven into a positive process and
• Consideration of technology, organization and
safety culture during operations. The documentation will likely consist of a combination of a qualitative barrier
diagram approach (often termed a “Bow Tie”, see figure below) for foreseen threats and an operational version
• Clear roles and responsibilities
of the QRA model described in the previous section to address unforeseen issues. The nuclear industry uses
• Enforced identification, reduction and control of
also such an operational approach in utilizing the PRA model.
risks • Shared performance monitoring • Practical and economic feasibility • Balance between risk, control and condition DNV believes that the introduction of a risk management approach as basis for a new regulatory regime within U.S. waters will significantly improve the safety of offshore oil exploration and production. It will meet the public expectations for assessment of all risks as well as accommodate further development in offshore exploration and drilling safety and environmental protection. DNV believes that it is critical to maintain and use a
Bow Tie barrier model showing critical barriers (controls). Prevention barriers are on the left and mitigation barriers on the right. Each barrier should have a responsible person - only some of these are illustrated.
Safety first
Most accidents (e.g. Bhopal, Texas City) have been demonstrated to be due not to an unforeseen threat, but due to a known threat adequately addressed by regulations and company requirements,but where the
IT system can be used to com-
safeguards have been allowed to degrade over time
municate the current status
(technical, human or organizational). The Chemical
on barriers and risk to allow
Safety Board investigations have shown the same to
everyone anywhere to access
be true in other serious U.S. accidents (e.g., recent
this information in real-time.
explosion at Imperial Sugar, Georgia). Thus, a vital output of the Operations Stage risk model is that it be maintained up-to-date to provide a clear understanding of the current status of all barriers and how they affect risks, when these have degraded what must be done to return the system to a safe state, and ensure that all company staff, contractors and regulators are aware of the barrier status at all times in daily operations.
Verification and improvements through audits, reviews and inspections Regular audits during operations of the risk management system are vital. Important areas that need to be addressed are the management system, the process safety and organizational culture, seamless processes across company staff, contractors and
sub-contractors, offshore and onshore as well as the
to ensure robust integrity.
status of all barriers. included, such as emergency and mitigation meas-
Effective communication and decision making
ures e.g. for containment of oil flow from a well and
Modern information and communication technology
reduction of oil spill in the ocean.
can be an effective support in sharing performance
Management and staff reviews must in the same way
monitoring of risks and barriers as well as for making
be executed regularly in order to improve continu-
team-based decisions for critical situations win an
ously. Finally, regular and in-depth technical inspec-
integrated operations environment as illustrated in
tion and verification of physical facilities are needed
the figures below.
Also the readiness of prevention barriers must be
Piraeus Greece, 10 Akti Poseidonos 185 31
Tel.: +30
210 422 1000
+30 6976 444 100/103 +30 210 422 1008/417 4885 E-mail: salvage@tsavliris.com London United Kingdom, 38 Bruton Place, Mayfair W1J 6NX Tel.: +44 (0) 207 629 7373 Telefax: +44 (0) 207 629 7379 E-mail: tsav@globalnet.co.uk A.O.H:
Safety first
Tsavliris Salvage Group stands by the Latin motto “SEMPER PARATUS”, meaning “always ready”. Tsavliris is one of the most active emergency response contractors for maritime casualties worldwide and a frequent user of the Lloyds Open Form contract, having handled over 2000 casualties. With tugs on permanent station at strategic locations, the Group’s international activities embrace every service relating to marine salvage & towage, extending to complex wreck removals and partnering today’s ship owner in fulfilling his obligation to protect the marine environment from pollution. Tsavliris Salvage Group stands by the Latin motto “SEMPER PARATUS”, meaning “always ready”. As the key element of their business is salvage, Tsav-
and tow entered Spanish responsibility SAR area
(30,000 dwt) and the Giovanna (6,500 dwt) were
liris are called upon at times of crisis, when safety
in order to seek some shelter to restore the vessel
hired by the salvor to join the convoy.
at sea falters, whether that be from a mechanical
to a more or less safe condition. After inspection of
The flotilla faced severe weather conditions of
problem or human error; indeed they are the first
the casualty by the Spanish Authorities, the crew
up to Force 12 winds until, on the 21st January,
and the last line of defence.
was instructed to abandon the vessel, and the
in a break of good weather the M/T “Giovanna”
In 2007, Tsavliris won the highly coveted “Safety
Spanish Authorities ordered the convoy to maintain
managed to make fast alongside the M/T “Castor”
& Environmental Award” at the Lloyds List Greek
a minimum distance of 30nm from the Spanish
and on 22nd of January around noon the whole
Shipping Awards. As a professional salvor, no
coast. The same policy was also maintained by the
cargo of No4 damaged tanks had been transferred
greater honour could have been bestowed by the
Gibraltar Authorities.
from “Castor” to the “Giovanna”. This eliminated
shipping community upon Tsavliris Salvage Group,
On the same day, the 4th of January, Tsavliris
the danger of pollution, fire or explosion and
who pride themselves on saving life, property, pro-
time-chartered the Spanish salvage tug “Golfo de
brought the “Castor” to a load condition such that
tecting the environment against marine pollution
Bengala” to proceed from Cartagena to assist the
the deck plating was kept in compression in way
and safety at sea.
“Nikolay Chiker”, while Tsavlris salvage tug ‘Megas
of the crack to remove stresses and avert further
To highlight why Tsavliris Salvage Group’s con-
Alexandros” was fully loaded with salvage equip-
tribution to safety at sea and the measures that
ment and sailed from Piraeus to meet the “Cas-
Meteorological information from the meteo office,
they must take to ensure the highest standards at
tor”, followed a few days later by the company’s
which provided weather routing to the operation,
all time is the Motor Tanker “CASTOR” of January
salvage tug “Atlas”.
indicated that strong southwesterly airflows were
2001. This case illustrates the magnitude of a
Salvage teams and equipment were also mobilized
to be expected for a prolonged period in the area.
salvage operation and the dangers that are faced
right away from Greece and Holland to attend
Not being able to find shelter off the Spanish coast,
by the salvage team, the distressed vessel, the
the casualty, consisting of a salvage master,
and faced with gale force winds, the convoy (six
environment and in this particular example the
salvage officer, salvage engineer, marine chemist,
vessels) was forced to head east in hope of finding
relevance of the much debated “places of refuge”.
engineers, electricians and salvage assistants.
better sea conditions for the maximum of three
Inclusive to this, it shows the need and important
The team was placed onboard the casualty, and on
days of good weather required to complete the
role that professional salvage companies play
the 8th of January managed to seal the crack with
within the safety of the maritime shipping industry.
a combination of polyurethane foam and silicon
After a towage of more than 2,000 miles around
paste so as to create an elastic sealing on the
the western Med, the operation reached an end
The vessel “Castor” was on a laden voyage carry-
crack and to prevent the tank from “breathing”. Gas
on the 6th of February, when the “Yapi” finally
ing a cargo of 39,000 mt of unleaded gasoline from
concentrations were continuously monitored by the
managed to moor alongside the “Castor” and begin
Costanza to Lagos, Nigeria. On 31st December,
chemist and a few days later, two inert gas installa-
the STS operation to lighten the damaged vessel.
during storm weather, the vessel developed a
tions were placed on board the ship and the vapor
Using a sophisticated discharge plan, the salvage
20-meter crack in her main deck in way of cargo
spaces of all tanks were inerted to eliminate the
team managed to empty the casualty’s tanks from
tanks No4. Her position at the time was off the
danger of explosion. The salvage team prepared a
cargo, and ballast the vessel so as to minimize
Moroccan Coast. Morocco ordered the ship to stay
plan for an STS operation to discharge the vessel,
stresses on the damaged area. The STS operation
40 miles away from their coast.
supported by 135 pages of salvage plans and sup-
was over on the 8th of February. The casualty’s
On the 3rd of January 2001 the ship owners
porting calculations, which were agreed to by the
tanks were then inerted, shaft and rudder secured,
contacted Tsavliris for assistance and a LOF was
Salvage Association and ABS. However, the tech-
and the vessel was subsequently towed to Piraeus
signed the same day. Tsavliris, having the very
nical merits of such plan were never discussed by
Roads as dead ship by the “Megas Alexandros”,
large salvage tug “Nikolay Chiker” in the area in-
coastal states, which, on purely political grounds,
where she arrived on February 14th. The cargo on-
structed her to proceed full speed in order to meet
refused the operation to be performed within their
board the “Giovanna” was transferred to the “Yapi”
the M/T “Castor”. Following the instructions of the
30-mile limit. After refusal coming from Spain, Gi-
using the Marsaxlokk shore facilities in Malta, and
Moroccan Authorities “Nikolay Chiker” escorted/
braltar, Morocco, Malta and Algeria, it was decided
the “Yapi” resumed the “Castor’s” voyage.
towed the vessel by stern 40 miles off the coast
that the operation will take place in the open sea
Certificate of Safe Delivery was signed on Febru-
of Morocco. Next day, on the 4th of January, tug
and the two lightering tankers, namely the Yapi
ary 20,2001.
Safety first
“Sustainability of Shipping - addressing Corporate Social Responsibility through Management Systems” Stavros Meidanis Lloyd’s Register, LRQA/ Marine Global Business Support Centre Manager In an economic downturn, the bottom line rises to the top of management’s agenda and commitments to be sustainable – made in better times – can begin to fade. However, stakeholders continue to demand greater accountability. They are seeking independent scrutiny of social, economic and environmental credentials which go to the very heart of Organisations’ brand. The area of sustainability and social responsibility has slowly crept up the corporate agenda and awareness of this topic is growing. However, in relation to other corporate governance issues which capture the interest and attention of stakeholders and board directors, Sustainability is still low on the list. This paper explores the development of sustainability and its links with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In particular it will discuss those tools for the risk identification and performance measurement using Management Systems - setting of strategic aims and their subsequent monitoring. The paper will then conclude by looking at what companies can do to demonstrate their commitment towards sustainability through Management Systems. Production of credible, open and transparent accounts of these non-financial operations is just one such mechanism and one that can help to protect your brand reputation and hard assets.
As mentioned, CSR themes such as Safety, Health and Environment and external environment are high on quality shipping companies’ agenda. As illustrated above, global CSR-initiatives are supported and dominated by land-based industries. Participation by shipping companies is limited. As touched upon several questions arise from this: • has the globalisation process been different for shipping companies? • does the institutional structure of the industry leave CSR superfluous? • how much of business practices referred to as ‘quality shipping’ equal CSR in other industries? With globalisation civil society in general and NGOs in particular have raised the question of accountability of corporations with increased frequency. Who, in a global economy, holds corporations accountable for their actions? Human and labour rights are codified in international conventions and declarations, but breaches are often penalized neither by a company’s host nor home country. By voluntarily involving stakeholders more and imposing social and environmental minimum standards on own activities, companies have sought to meet the concerns expressed over a business sector perceived to be accountable to few other stakeholder groups than their shareholders. To what extent does this description apply to the shipping industry?
CSR for land-based companies does involve defining self-imposed unilateral codes of conducts or development of voluntary industry guidelines and codes. The institutional structure of the shipping industry is different than for land-based industries. Whereas companies and industry associations in land-based industries to a larger extent are lacking international organisations regulating and defining industry-specific performance levels for the industry, the shipping industry has organisations passing global rules and thereby making a potential levelplaying field and a more equal competitive situation possible. The shipping industry has also come further than most land-based industries in developing a system for industrial relations and wage and contract negotiations in a globalised business environment.
Governmental failure to secure enforcement of shipping rules and regulations, increases expectations’ to shipping companies’ ability to self-regulate. International regulation is a compromise between a wide range of actors and thus often takes on a least common denominator-character. Shipping companies situated in societies with higher expectations will benefit from proactively defining higher performance levels and communicating them. Land-based companies are increasingly solving challenges raised by globalisation by working with CSR. Their suppliers and business associates are more and more expected to demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility. Shipping companies increasingly need to be able to communicate with customers using CSRterminology and to demonstrate supply chain responsibility. Expectations to shipping companies have changed. The shipping industry has played a central role in bringing about many of these new expectations. By enabling global transport of goods the industry has helped give momentum to the globalisation process, a process that has altered notions of the extent of responsibility in all industries. Social and environmental dimensions of the full life-cycle of products as well as co-responsibility for business associates’ performance through ‘guilt by association’ are today business realities. Although the shipping industry is a more regulated industry than others, the IMO and ILO-regulations do not effectively cover these new notions that CSR seeks to address. Globalisation blurs the traditional divide between business and government. Public and private roles become less clear in a globalised world. Considerations that previously could be left for governmental agencies to solve, today is becoming an integral business process in companies. Oil and gas-companies have long been challenged for negative consequences such as corruption and destabilisation of developing countries that revenue from corporate activities brings about. A related situation is criticism of revenue going from shipping companies to ship registries and strengthening the power base of oppressive regimes etc. CSR offers both an explanation for why corporations increasingly are challenged on such consequences as well as a prescription for how companies can work to forestall criticism. In the developed world, the image and reputation of the shipping industry is not as strong as previously. It has been argued that quality shipping is too often silent and not communicating positive contributions from the industry. Engaging in CSR forms a good basis for working with social and environmental performance, and also gives guidance on how to engage with stakeholders and undertake activities influencing the perception of the industry positively. Work with CSR creates ‘brand capital’ which helps the company sustain its reputation in time of crisis or accidents etc. Lastly, CSR is per definition a voluntary undertaking. Quality shipping companies wishing to excel further by addressing social responsibility will benefit from CSR.
Safety first
Sustainability in shipping
Whether a company is know to be socially responsible or not, ultimately rests with how the company is perceived by its stakeholders. It is, however, possible to say that a socially responsible shipping company is a company working actively to integrate economical, social and environmental concerns in their running business operations. And a company that manages to find a sound balance between the need for operational efficiency, shareholder value and attention to the interests of non-financial stakeholders. CSR can be approached from both an upside and a downside-perspective. Companies may engage in CSR to avoid exposure of poor performance, unethical business practices or potential negative impacts on local communities etc. Companies also seek to get a competitive advantage from choosing to go beyond rules and regulations, implementing Management Systems (MS), working proactively to strengthen a brand or increase employee pride and loyalty. There are also certain organisational processes/activities that typically are performed by a socially responsible company.
Stakeholder involvement is a central CSR activity. In addition to commercial stakeholders such as customers, partners, suppliers etc., companies increasingly seek to identify and consult with non-financial stakeholders such as non-governmental organisations, trade unions and local community organisations etc. Stakeholder involvement takes place because companies increasingly see that having a dialogue with stakeholders directly rather than trough, for example, the media is helpful. Dialogue and direct involvement helps companies register expectations and gather alternative views on social, economical and environmental dimensions of business processes. Stakeholder dialogues are therefore frequently argued to increase a company’s ability to determine responsibil-
ity, risk management capacity and ability to innovate. Companies use different methods for gathering stakeholder input ranging from: • meetings with stakeholder representatives • development and implementation of MS • industry stakeholder dialogues (performed by industry associations, for example to gather shipping companies in similar market segments and relevant NGO-representatives etc)
by a variety of means, through MS implementation, such as: - internal audit of data collection and reporting systems - issue-specific audits by appropriate experts - reviews and commentaries by independent external experts - external independent assurance.
CSR work with a management system approach. Like work with quality environmental or Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) environment, work with social responsibility and sustainability, can be approached within a plan-do-check-act Management System systematic. Shipping companies addressing their social responsibility that have quality, environmental Occupational Health & Safety indicators and an Integrated Management System in place should seek to broaden the existing management system rather than creating a new one for social indicators.
The final part of managing sustainability is to demonstrate to stakeholders your performance; whether it is good or bad. This is currently achieved by the: - production of a separate sustainability/corporate responsibility/non-financial operating report - inclusion of text in a company’s annual accounts and report on material issues, this may be - elements of sustainability - submission direct to the national government’s regulating authority of legislated data. Stakeholders also expect to be able to trust any data and information presented. Companies therefore need to take steps to enhance the credibility and quality of published data, information and/or reports. In particular for non-financial reports this can be done
It is due to this increasing interest from stakeholders and government; together with the need for companies to be both transparent and accountable that performance, including that of sustainability, is becoming a regular feature on the corporate agenda. Consequently the board of directors must have confidence in the data used to govern their company. Management systems and standards play a vital role in helping companies govern their activities and manage sustainability. By taking a systems approach companies are able to focus on identifying their risks, legislative requirements, operational controls and ensure that material issues are not overlooked. Standards, meanwhile, provide a means for companies to quantify their performance, and to identify areas for improvement whilst the production of a nonfinancial report allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Consequently, shipping companies may, if desired, participate more actively in the CSR-field and highlight much of their quality efforts under a Sustainable development umbrella. Nonetheless, a project conclusion is that there is considerable room for shipping companies to extend their commercial considerations and relation with business associates to include broader social considerations. To engage more directly with stakeholders, broaden training given to employees and to communicate and report more openly with the surroundings on social and environmental responsibility are also timely activities.
Safety first
MARITA HELLAS S.A Πρωτοπόρος στον τομέα των σωστικών Από το 1973 η MARITA HELLAS S.A προσφέρει
Παράλληλα η SOLAS 1960 πρόσθεσε ότι πρέπει
πρωτοποριακά και τελευταίας τεχνολογίας προιόντα
εξοπλισμό σε συνδυασμό με την πολυετή εμπειρία,
το 25% των επιβατών να καλύπτεται με πνευστές
και υπηρεσίες με κύριο γνώμονα την ασφάλεια της
την τεχνογνωσία και την υπευθυνότητα του τεχνικού
ανθρώπινης ζωής στη θάλασσα.
τμήματος της εταιρείας, δίνεται η δυνατότητα να
Το 1974 υπογράφτηκε η SOLAS 74 ανάμεσα σε 71
χώρες προσθέτοντας περισσότερους κανονισμούς
προμηθεύει - εγκαθιστά και επιθεωρεί:
εξυπηρέτηση και υψηλή ποιότητα πάντα με κύριο
θέτωντας γερά θεμέλια για τον εκσυχρονισμό των
• Συστήματα Εγκατάλειψης Πλοίων MES
γνώμονα την ασφάλεια της ανθρώπινης ζωής στην
πλοίων σύμφωνα με διεθνής κανονισμούς και την
• Πνευστές σχεδιες LIFERAFTS
εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας. Μια από τις κυριότερες
• Πυροσβεστικά συστήματα ( CO2 –NOVEC-FM 200) • Πυροσβεστήρες & πυροσβεστικά μηχανήματα &
αλλαγές ότι το πλοίο θα πρέπει να εγκαταλείπεται
μέσα σε μόλις 30 λεπτά από την στιγμή που θα σημάνει σήμα συναγερμού για την εγκατάλειψη του πλοίου.
Η πρώτη διεθνής Σύμβαση για την ασφάλεια της
Tότε ξεκινάει και τα πρώτα βήματα της, η εταιρεία
ανθρώπινης ζωής στην θάλασσα υπογράφτηκε
εξουσιοδοτημένη για την επιθεώρηση των σωστικών
το 1914
μέσων από τους κατασκευαστικούς οίκους : RFD –
διεθνείς κανόνες ασφαλείας για τα πλοία.Στο
κινδύνους στην θαλάσσα αποφασίζει να ιδρύσει
κεφάλαιο 3 θεσπίζεται η βασική αρχή ότι : Τα πλοία
εταιρεία με κύριο αντικείμενο τα σωστικά μέσα
που ταξιδεύουν πρέπει να έχουν σωστικά μέσα που
των πλοίων με βασικό γνώμονα την ασφάλεια της
Επίσης, η εταιρεία λειτουργεί με ISO 9001:2000 και
να καλύπτουν όλα τα μέλη του πληρώματος και τους
ανθρώπινης ζωής στην θάλασσα. Η MARITA HEL-
οι υπηρεσίες που παρέχει είναι πιστοποιημένες από:
επιβάτες που ταξιδεύουν.
LAS S.A εξελίσσοταν σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούς
DNV , Lloyds ,Germanischer Lloyd,ABS & Hellenic
Οι κανόνες αυτοί αναβαθμίζονται αφού περισσότερες
και σε στενή συνεργασία με κορυφαίους οίκους
register of Shipping.
χώρες κράτη
για την θέσπιση
του εξωτερικού καθώς και με τις αρχές και όλους
Από το 2004 λειτουργεί ο υπερσύχρονος σταθμός
διεθνών κανονισμών ασφαλείας και το 1960 (
τους παράγοντες που εμπλέκονται στον τομέα των
SOLAS 1960) αποφασίστηκε ότι ο αριθμός των
σωστικών : κατασκευαστές, νηογνώμονες, σημαίες,
σωστικών λέμβων πρέπει να καλύπτουν το 50%
ελληνική επιθερώρηση.
ΠΑΡΚΟ ΣΧΙΣΤΟΥ. Το εξουσιοδοτημένο συνεργείο
των συνολικών επιβατών από την κάθε πλευρά του
Η MARITA HELLAS S.A είναι αντιπρόσωπος τoυ
αποτελεί έναν από τους μεγαλύτερους σταθμούς
πλοίου καθιστώντας σαφές ότι θα καλύπτεται το
κατασκευαστικού οίκου RFD Beaufort στην Ελλάδα.
επιθεωρήσεων σωστικών στην Ευρώπη 3000 τ.μ. .
100%.Επίσης κάποιες από τις σωστικές λέμβους
Η RFD Beaufort εξειδικεύεται στην παραγωγή
Με τις σύγχρονες εγκαταστάσεις της εξοπλισμένες
μπορούν να αντικατασταθούν με πνευστές σχεδίες.
σωστικών μέσων για όλα τα είδη πλοίων από το
• Σωστικά υλικά Παράλληλα
(SOLAS 1914) από 13 χώρες θέτοντας
εχοντάς ταξιδέψει και αντιμετωπίσει
Safety first
1920 κατασκευάζοντας το πρώτο SOLAS LIFER-
.Επί σειρά ετών κάθε νέος κανονισμός αποτελούσε
AFT ( πνευστή σχεδία) το 1960 και το πρώτο ΜΕS
για την MARITA HELLAS S.A μια πρόκληση, για
μηχανήματα και σε συνδυασμό με την πολυετή πείρα
( σύστημα εγκατάλειψης πλοίου) το 1979. Η RFD
τον λόγο αυτό η εταιρεία διακρίνεται
στον χώρο
και καλά το εκπαιδευμένο προσωπικό η MARITA
Beaufort είναι ένα από τα πρωτοπόρα ονόματα
των καινοτόμων προϊόντων
- παρέχοντας την
HELLAS S.A παρέχει υψηλού επιπέδου υπηρεσίες
συνηφασμένα με υψηλής ποιότητας και τελευταίας
δυνατότητα στους πελάτες να εφοδιαστούν με μέσα
με άμεση ανταπόκριση σε όλους τους τύπους
τεχνολογίας σωστικά προιόντα.Πάντα σε συνδυασμό
εγκεκριμένα σύμφωνα με τους νέους κανονισμούς
με τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις των κανονισμών ( SO-
- εγκαίρως και με υψηλή ποιότητα. Τα κύρια
LAS & IMO) και με τις ναυπηγοκατασκευαστικές
Η MARITA HELLAS ως αντιπρόσωπος της
εξελίξεις στον τομέα της τεχνολογίας πλοίων η RFD
πλοίων σε σχέση με τα υπόλοιπα σωστικά μέσα
RFD BEAUFORT παρουσιάζει το νέο Σύστημα
Βeaufort αναπτύσσει προιόντα ιδρύοντας ένα ισχυρό
είναι ότι το σύστημα ενεργοποιείται μόλις σε 90
Εγκατάλειψης Πλοίων RFD MARIN ARK 632 το
παγκόσμιο δίκτυο (SURVITEC GROUP) για την
δευτερόλεπτα καθιστώντας δυνατή την εκκένωση
οποίο αποτελεί το νέο τεχνολογικό επίτευγμα
καλύτερη υποστήριξη των προιόντων της,παρέχοντας
του πλοίου μέσα σε λίγα λεπτά ενώ το σύστημα
του κατασκευαστικού οίκου RFD BEAUFORT. Το
την δυνατότητα άμεσης εξυπηρέτησης παγκοσμίως.
μπορεί να ενεργοποιηθεί έστω και με ένα άτομο και
Το 1996 υπογράφεται η SOLAS 1996 σύμφωνα
σε περίπτωση εγκατάλειψης του πλοίου ο ναυαγός
RIN ARK 632 είναι εγκεκριμένο σύμφωνα με τους
με την οποία έπρεπε να συμμορφωθούν όλα τα
δεν έρχεται σε επαφή με την θάλασσα.
τελευταίους SOLAS & IMO κανονισμούς και παρέχει
πλοία μέχρι την 1η Ιουλίου 1998. Τότε εμφανίζεται
Το 2004 η MARITA HELLAS S.A για να μπορέσει να
την καλύτερη και ασφαλέστερη επιλογή για κάθε
ο κανονισμός εγκατάλειψης του πλοίου χωρίς ο
ανταποκριθεί στις απαιτήσεις της νέας τεχνολογίας
ναυτιλιακή εταιρεία με επιβατηγά και κρουζιερόπλοια.
ναυαγός να έρχεται σε επαφή με την θάλλασα – τότε
και των πελατών της δημιούργησε τον μεγαλύτερο
θέτονται υποχρεωτικά οι σχεδίες καθαιρουμένου
τύπου και τα συστήματα εγκατάλειψης πλοίων
Βιομηχανικό Πάρκο Σχιστού (3000 τ.μ) . Ο χώρος
Σύστημα Εγκατάλειψης Πλοίων RFD MA-
MARITA HELLAS S.A is proud to present the NEW and latest development 4th generation MARINE EVACUATION SYSTEM MES 632. The RFD Marin – Ark marine evacuation system provides the most advanced way of evacuating passengers and crew from all types of passenger vessels in an emergency. Evacuees transfer quickly and safely from the ship directly into the liferaft without exposure to the weather. The innovative RFD Marin- Ark was the first evacuation system in the world to fully with the latest International Maritime Organization (I MO)/ SOLAS Chapter III regulations governing safety on board passenger vessels.
The MES consist of twin track slides evacuating passengers on to a platform, from where they are transported into canopied liferafts. The MES 632 has a Max Capacity of 632 persons consisting with • 4 Completely NEW Fully reversible canopied liferafts, 158 person capacity. • 2 Completely NEW Fully enclosed (Twin) Helical Slide Path • 1 Completely NEW Compact stowage unit REVERSIBLE CANOPIED LIFERAFTS The fully reversible liferafts ensures the system inflates upright each and every time. Each liferaft with a total capacity of 158 passengers, feature a suspended floor ensuring maximum thermal protection and multiple thermal protection and multiple buoyancy compartments to ensure utmost safety in the toughest sea conditions.
HELLICAL SLIDE PATH The innovative helical slide path integrates the benefits of a fully enclosed evacuation chute with the natural descend of a spiral slide-crew members can
No other system in the world can rival the unique design features of MARIN ARK :
even ascend to assist other passengers if required. Offering a controlled rapid
• Four fully reversible liferafts ensures the system inflates upright each and every time
decent from the vessel safe from extreme weather as it is fully enclosed and
• Two fully enclosed evacuation chutes ensures no passenger is exposed to the ele-
dry shod.
ments at any time during evacuation
Compact stowage unit
• Compact all in one stowage design requiring minimal deck footprint, maximizing
One of the most dynamic design features of this new system is the integration
operator’s space for passenger entertainment and comfort onboard
of a service winch into the stowage unit which allows for the entire unit to be
• Single action release for simple operation
deposited onto a Barge during service periods thus in the most case eliminat-
• 24/7 full after sales support by MARITA HELLAS and an RFD Worldwide Service
ing the requirement for a crane during service.
54 36
Safety Safety4Sea first Corner
Risk Management era : The safety fairy tale: Entering at yourtoown risk From inception reality Are you ready to play the game? Apostolos Belokas Apostolos Belokas Principal Consultant & CEO of IBS Marine Consulting Group
Principal Consultant & CEO of IBS Marine Consulting Group It is Safety widely accepted that from July 1st we are entering a new era where each and every one of us has to think in terms of Risk Assessment. Example : You most widely fairy tales in our industry about safety. Onboard every vessel willOne find inexcusable the same motto to be posted the red light are One tryingoftothe cross the road spread on a pedestrian crossing while at isthe same time there is a red light for allyou cars. person is violating ranging fromLord superstructure alleyways the wayHeaven down to thehell. Engine Room: SAFETY FIRST.you There is alsofault a good andinisseveral sendingspaces you straight o the to negotiatetoyour optionsall between and However the Lord is asking : Whose is it? Why are you of a company whoto rephrased/”translated” SCF “SafetyaComes First”answer. onboard theiryou vessels. A nice sales pitch. Believeofit crossing or not the road? hereexample at the moment? You have review what happened andtoprovide reasonable Have properly assessed the dangers someone has to “sell” safety in these days. Have you accommodated for Contingency Planning? and the ultimate one : Whose fault is it? Well the asking question is simple can you define safety? Do you think that thecourses seafarerrecently is able and to define safety?isDoes the one. industry general have a person who is I have been this question to conferences and training the answer a simple Theinfault lies with the practical approach what safety is?here? YOU. Yes you who is currently negotiating with the Lord. paying the cost. Who istopaying the cost point is : Dothe wemeaning care? Does thestory. IMOWe care? YouThe do understand of the all have to be proactive. Something easier said than done. Let’s on the IMO case: There arefocus several interesting developments lately with respect to Risk Management, to name but a few: • SOLAS Safety of Oil LifeSpill at Sea. There are several definitions included, from vessel to proper bulk carrier, however there is NO • Deep Waterstands Horizonfor/ Macondo definition of 31000:2009, safety. • ISO Standard entitled “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines on Implementation”. • ISM stands for International Management Thererevision is a definitions stating what a respect Non Conformity and objec• OPA 2010 developments, that is Safety U. S. Oil Pollution ActCode. immediate due anddedicated the end ofsection, the liability limits with to Oil Pollution which may tive severe evidence are but there(fines, is NO unlimited definition liability, of safety include consequences civil and criminal penalties, and other goodies) for failure to implement a proper safety culture IMO instruments fail to so properly identify and treat safety by defining same. Amazing at least! We Two havekey seen many developments far in the shipping industry. It happened once every 20-30 years, this is the time now. After the Exxon Valdez disaster about people’s perception? In an industry is lacking the properAmendments, safety leadership, noAmendments, wonder you will be amazed by 95 theetc) variety andWhat the leguratory wave of the early/mid 90s (SIRE, that Vetting, ISM, MARPOL SOLAS GMDSS, STCW it is happening now. quality responses received asking a simple question: Canother you define safety? The most reliable starting and realistic We and havethe Risk to beofimplemented attachedby with STCW 2010 due, MLC and goodies due for implementation from reply 2012.is provided Kuofor who was actually the head ofItthe IMO Maritime Safety Committee : who is going to win. It is by anprofessor era that calls leadership in the industry. is arespected time for the good and evil to fight. We will see "Safety is a human perceived quality that determines to what extent the MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING/DESIGN and OPERATION of a system is FREE OF RISK to life, property and the environment " That takes us to a key conclusion : Safety is about minimising Risk. Period. In other words minimizing risk improves safety. This is why we see a Risk buzz spread in the industry during the last years.
Απάντηση κεραυνός της ΕΕΕ για το Υπουργείο Θαλασσίων Υποθέσεων Safety Culture
οποίο το από οκτώ δεκαετίες δραστηριοποιούμενο Υπουργείο Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας έχει The term “Safety Culture” firstly appeared in literature as late asδήθεν 1988,βεβαρημένο despite whatκαι many think that the termΠροφανώς should be existent for το a πρώην Υπουργείο αμαρτωλό παρελθόν. αγνοεί ότι minimum of two or three centuries. The term ‘safety culture’ was first used Ναυτιλίας in the ‘Summary Report on the Post-Accident Meeting on Εμπορικής είναι ίσως ο μοναδικός φορέας της Review πολύπαθης δημόσιας
the Chernobyl Accident’ where it was described as: “That assembly of characteristics and attitudesσε in υποθέσεις organizations and individuals which διοίκησης, ο οποίος δεν ενεπλάκη διαπλεκόμενων συμφερόντων που ήδη establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance.” This concept ταλαιπωρούν δεινώς την πατρίδα μας.
was introduced as a means of explaining how the lack of knowledge and understanding risk and safety by theσυγκροτημένο employees and 3) Αντίθετα, το ΥπουργείοofΕμπορικής Ναυτιλίας σεorganizaσυνεκτικό φορέα tion contributed to the outcome of the disaster.
διοίκησης και πολιτικής με την επάνδρωση των πολλαπλώς έμπειρων στελεχών του Actually Chernobyl brought attention to the importance of safetyΛιμενικού culture and the impact managerial andστις human factors on the outcome of μας στην Σώματος που of ανταποκρίνονται ειδικές ανάγκες της ναυτιλίας
safety performance. There is a much simpler and easier way toΕλλάδα describe safety culture today: is the way weπου do business, και το εξωτερικό, είναι Itακριβώς αυτό στήριξε τοsafety, θαύμαquality, της μεταπολεμικής environmental risk wise etc.
ναυτιλιακής ανάπτυξης, από την απόκτηση των πρώτων 100 λίμπερτυ μέχρι τον It is clear that organizations with a positive safety culture are characterized byσύγχρονο communications founded onπλοίων mutualσήμερα. trust, by shared percepαξιοθαύμαστο στόλο των 4.000
tions Συμβούλιο of the importance of safety and by Εφοπλιστών confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures. Το Διοικητικό της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Ποιος είναι συνεπώς ο πραγματικός λόγος για την τρίτη μέσα σε 11 μήνες ανατροπή The question is how many organisations are you able to identifyτου with such a positive safety ? που και αυτή σχεδιάστηκε και εκτελέστηκε χωρίς σε πρόσφατη συνεδρίασή του ασχολήθηκε διεξοδικά με την διοικητικού πλαισίου τηςculture ναυτιλίας, σύσταση του νέου Υπουργείου για την Ναυτιλία (με το όνομα TheΘαλασσίων Fairy Tale issue Υπουργείο Υποθέσεων, Νήσων και Αλιείας), αντί
να ζητηθεί και να αξιοποιηθεί η εμπειρία ενός πολύπλοκου παραγωγικού κλάδου της
εθνικής οικονομίας ; Fairy tales επανίδρυσης in many occasions are eitherΥπουργείου versions of the truth or4)a Όσον flip side of same. this case weτου have a phenomenal Many talk της αναμενόμενης του ιστορικού αφορά στηνInαναβάθμιση νέου Υπουργείου approach. στην ιεραρχία του Υπουργικού about safety but the end is notστα in line with the wording. Many insist that safety culture “is a concept whose time has come”, stating Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας (Υ.Ε.Ν.) καιresult κατέληξε ακόλουθα Συμβουλίου, θα είχε ιδιαίτερη σημασία αν η αναβάθμιση αυτή, ανταποκρινόταν στο that there is both a challenge and an opportunity to develop notέμπρακτο only a clearer theoretical butναυτιλία also realise results. συμπεράσματα: ενδιαφέρον της understanding Πολιτείας για την στηνpractical εκάστοτε ακολουθούμενη Judging the end κοινότητας, result, unfortunately the term cultureπολιτική. may be realistically considered a fairy taleότι in σ’ these Rest 1) Το σύνολο τηςfrom ναυτιλιακής δεν κατανοεί την safety εμμονήand safety κυβερνητική Και δεν πρέπει να ξεχνά κανείς αυτήdays. την παγκόσμια assured you mayτοfind a number of top quality operators that are doingκρίση their best to treat safety alongτηwith many thingsεξακολουθεί properly. Is να της Πολιτείας να that καταργήσει ιστορικό Υπουργείο Εμπορικής οικονομική η οποία πλήττει βαριά χώρα μαςother η ναυτιλία this to the market is it the ενός exception? Ναυτιλίας καιthe ναrule προχωρήσει στη or σύσταση νεφελώδους βρίσκεται στην παγκόσμια πρωτοπορία και να προσφέρει τα μέγιστα στην εθνική We φορέα are at the same time an increasing number of substandard διοικητικού με άσχετες καιwitnessing αλληλεπικαλυπτόμενες οικονομία. practices and operations going on in the market with penalties such as State Detentions, worryingly increasing record accidents. είναι η επανίδρυση του ιστορικού αρμοδιότητες. Γιαfines μαςand είναιPort σαφές ότιControl πρόκειται για έναν setting aside the 5) Το μόνο αίτημα στο οποίο θαof επιμείνουμε
Bear in mind που that safety is tested onboard every day.και If the crewΥπουργείου cannot understand what safety is, προκειμένου there is no meaning to further discuss και στον ακόμη πειραματισμό δημιουργεί μεγάλη δυσλειτουργία Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας, να επιτευχθεί περαιτέρω and analyse. whyπαρέχει they sayκαμία you need to have everything μεγαλύτερο to be fool proof in these days. ανασφάλεια. Και αυτόThat’s γιατί δεν εγγύηση ότι μπορεί δυνατό βαθμό, η σύνδεση της ναυτιλίας με την εθνική οικονομία και μάλιστα, να ανταποκριθεί στις ιδιάζουσες ανάγκες της πρώτης ναυτιλίας
σε περίοδο που καταβάλλεται πράγματι γιγαντιαία και αξιέπαινη προσπάθεια από την
του κόσμου, που ως γνωστόν είναι η ελληνική επί τριάντα
κυβέρνηση για να επιτευχθεί ο εκσυγχρονισμός και η ανάπτυξη της πατρίδας μας.
συναπτά έτη.
6) Η Ένωση Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών έχει αποκλειστικά μία και μόνη επιδίωξη και θέση:
2) Είναι επίσης ακατανόητοι και άκρως προσβλητικοί για πολλούς
Να παραμείνει η ελληνική εμπορική ναυτιλία η πρώτη και μεγαλύτερη στον κόσμο, όπως
οι υπαινιγμοί του κυβερνητικού εκπροσώπου σύμφωνα με τον
είναι σήμερα, επ’ωφελεία της ναυτικής κοινότητας και όλης της Ελλάδας.
Safety first
Safety4Sea Forum inaugural event successfully concluded in Athens. Over 200 delegates representing more than 120 companies attended the inaugural Safety4Sea NON Profit, PRO Bono event organized by IBS Marine Consulting Group, sponsored by Lloyds Register, Dorian Hellas and Transmar Shipping and supported by BIMCO and INTERMANAGER The innovative full day event took place in Eugenides Foundation premises in Athens on Tuesday 5th of October 2010. During forum opening Mr Apostolos Belokas, as the chairman of the forum outlined objectives including: • Enhance Safety Awareness • Promote Best Practices • Provide an effective platform for the exchange of ideas in the industry Presentations were given in three sessions as follows :
Session 1 : Challenges faced so far Capt. Panagiotis Nikiteas, Operations Manager, Newlead Shipping S.A.(photo 1) Operational challenges managing a Fleet of Bulkers and Tankers in today’s regulatory environment
photo 1
Capt. Panagiotis Nikiteas analysed through extensive/detailed real life examples analysis of basic activities of the ships such as Environmental pollution topics, ship’s integrity, Safety Culture, Design handicaps, Drills, Hygiene Issues and Mooring operations, encompasses to the following objectives: • Vessel’s operational success is directly linked to the level of safety management implementation ashore and onboard. • Investment on developing, updating and improving Safety management is in nowadays more than ever vital. • Safety Culture is not a cost center, but an earning center which minimizes losses and increases availability ratio of a ship. Mr Dimitrios Orfanos, HSEQ Manager, DPA/CSO, Dorian Hellas (photo 2) Developing and Maintaining Safety Culture onboard & Ashore Mr.Dimitrios Orfanos by analyzing the profile and Safety culture implementation both ashore and onboard the ships of Dorian Hellas mentioned the key of success of a shipping company based on the following points: • Safety Culture is mentality of Everything. • Proactiveness is a key element, instead of Reactiveness. • Top Management real Commitment is a very basic step which is best implemented onboard the ships through purchasing, procedures, maintenance, training and crew awareness. • Benefits spring from Safety culture are :
photo 2
• reduced risk of accidents, • increase of confidence, • Better customer acceptance and trust. photo 3 Capt. Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General, InterManager (photo 3) Operating in today’s complex regulatory environment Capt.Cuba Szymanski, in a very brief but highly interactive presentation focused on the following points: • “Both direction” (ashore and onboard) clear and definitive communication is of paramount importance. • “You cannot manage if you don’t measure” basic element addressed with reference to Key Performance Indicator (KPI) procedure broadly expanded in shipping industry. • By criminalization the Seafarers shipping industry just looses time. • More Education than Regulation is the strong message of InterManager Association.
photo 2
Safety first Session 2 : Forthcoming Challenges
photo 4
Mr Aron Frank Sørensen, Chief Marine Technical Officer, BIMCO (photo 4) STCW 2010 Convention Mr.Aron Frank Sørensen analyzed STCW main elements which dead with: • Minimum requirements on training, certification and watch keeping on an international level. • Recognition of certificates of foreign seafarers. Also mentioned the Manila 2010 amendments regarding: • Improved measures to prevent fraudulent practices • Revised requirements on hours of rest and new drug and alchohol abuse regulations • New certification requirements for able seafarers • New requirements for Electro-technical officers • New requirements for training to keep up with development (ex. security, ECDIS and DP) • Revised training requirements for tankers Finally he referred to the critical shortage of officers that is expected in the years to come, and the challenge of Ship owners to attract qualified and skilled seafarers able to confront the new shipping environment. Mr Michael Sigalas, ILO Senior Specialist, Hellenic Lloyds (photo 5)
photo 5
ILO Maritime Labour Convention Mr.Michalis Sigalas analysed the importance of ILO Maritime Labour Convention which is one of the four major pillars of the maritime legislation as it is heavily affecting 90% of the global marine trade and 1.2 millions of Seafarers. The main objectives of the convention are: • Decent working and living conditions of the seafarers • Governments and ship owners commitment • Creation of Control and enforcement mechanisms The achievement of convention main objectives comes through implementation of its basic titles as follows: • Minimum requirements for seafarers to work onboard. • Conditions of employment. • Accommodation, recreation facilities, food and catering. • Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security. • Compliance and enforcement. Mr David Peel, European Manager, Rightship (photo 6) Vetting & Environmental Rating Mr.David Peel by analysed the background of vetting needs and the status of the market making 25% of the vessels generating an approx 70% of the problems. Also Mr. Peel presented the Star Rating System and its relation with ships performance. According to further statistics analysis of RightShip data base, poor performance is predictable and the less the Rightship photo 6
system’s stars the poorer the ships performance. Finally he outlined the idea of the Environmental rating system currently designed within RightShip
Session 3 : Best Practices & Experience Transfer photo 7
Dr Michael Pantazopoulos, Managing Director, LISCR Hellas (photo 7) Best Practices from the perspective of the Flag State Mr.Michalis Pantazopoulos through his own presentation firstly pointed basic characteristics of the marine environment as follows: • Shipping Industry’s negative perception is difficult to be overcome. • Assigning the responsibility in the industry is a really difficult game called “The blame game”. • Flag states play a very important role in this complex environment. After that analyzed Liberian Flag structure and data base, with 3405 ships register reflecting 11% of world fleet, with average age less than 15 years. Flag’s best practices for safety culture are based on: • Annual Safety Inspections • ISM and ISPS Audits and Verifications • Port State Detention Analysis and Flag State Detention Analysis • Casualty Investigation and Analysis (a reactive measure) • Class/RO Cooperation & Monitoring • Participation in International Organizations (IMO, ILO, STCW, etc.) • LSC – Liberian Shipowners’ Council. Through the implementation of the above practices, Liberian Flag has created a positive perspective among the other Flags registering World Fleet.
Safety first
photo 8
Capt. Theodore Lalas, Fleet Operations Manager, Marshall Islands Registry (photo 8) Safe & Efficient ship operations : The Flag Perspective Capt. Theodore Lalas, in his presentation specified that Marshal Islands Flags lies in the White List of Paris and Tokyo MOUs as well as in USCG Qualship 21 list. Furthermore mentioned that Flag States can assist Ship owners to achieve safe and efficient operation of the ships, by analyzing the whole international framework consisting of: • Port State Control Safety Inspection Rules • “Name and Same” policy • THETIS system • Vessels Inspection Programs • Interaction among Classes, Flags and Shipowners
Mr Thomas Eefsen, Maersk Maritime Technology (photo 9) photo 9
Environmental & Energy Management Best Practices Mr Thomas Eefsen, analysed programs in place through Maersk Maritime Technology regarding Energy efficiency and Vessel Performance Management Services. Energy efficiency which is considered generally a “good business” is based on: • Main engine and auxiliary machinery efficiency. • Voyage planning and execution. • Optimum trim guidance for all vessels. • Monitoring of new paint techologies. • Monitoring of Hull and propeller conditions. The main tool for achievieng energy efficiency is the Vessel Performance Management Services, which is given to Shipowners with experience of more than 30 years and is based on daily reports of: • Hull and propeller performance. • Voyage abstracts and statistics. • Operational efficiency. The secret of success in terms of energy efficiency is good cooperation between Owners,manager,and operators. Session 4: Round Table Discussion Does the industry have the necessary internal strength to self-regulate or do we need more regulations to be enforced and comply with? Strategy and actions required to improve safety beyond compliance.
photo 10
Discussion moderated by Forum Chairman, Mr Apostolos Belokas with the participation of : • Capt. Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General, InterManager • Mr Aron Frank Sørensen, Chief Marine Technical Officer, BIMCO • Dr. Michael Pantazopoulos, Managing Director, LISCR Hellas • Mr Yannis Triphyllis, Director, Gourdomichalis Maritime S.A. (photo 10) Agenda items discussed and there was a consensus on the following points: •
No more regulations are required
We need more education to the market in order to implement properly existing regulations
The path towards self improvement and the implementation of best practices should be the core of a strategy
aiming to safety beyond compliance
Forum successfully ended with discussion/feedback and participation from the audience. Finally Forum Chairman, Apostolos Belokas of IBS Marine Consulting Group, on behalf of the organisers expressed his sincere thanks and gratitude to the sponsors, speakers and panellists for their excellent contribution towards forum objectives and also thanked the delegates for their participation.
More details on the forum including presentations & photographs may be found www.safety4sea.com/article. php?id-926
Safety first
Quality Requires Teamwork from Owners / Operators, Class and Flag Captain Theodore Lalas International Registries, Inc. /Marshall Islands Registry Fleet Operations manager As was discussed at the Safety4Sea Forum, held
issues and questions 24/7 and clients are able to
Older vessels receive even more intense scrutiny
in Athens on 5 October, teamwork is critical to
speak to maritime experts in their own languages
before being allowed into the Registry. Once in the
maintaining a safe global fleet. “Quality has always
and time zones thanks to the global network of
fleet, vessels are inspected at least once yearly by a
been the goal of the Marshall Islands Registry and it
offices. Periodic seminars are also held regionally
qualified inspector and must also maintain classifica-
is gratifying that that quest has resulted in multi-year
to discuss changes in international and national
tion by an IACS member Classification Society,”
white listings on the Paris and Tokyo MoUs and
regulatory regimes,” he continued. The Registry also
Captain Lalas continued. The Registry maintains
six consecutive years on the prestigious US Coast
works closely with Classification Societies and holds
a monthly vessel watchlist, which ensures the
Guard Qualship 21 list,” said Captain Theodore
semi-annual meetings with the top ten societies
continuous monitoring of ships that have identified
Lalas, Fleet Operations Manager in the Piraeus
that are members of the International Association
problems aboard or have raised the concern of the
office of International Registries, Inc. (IRI), which
of Classification Societies (IACS). “These meetings
Administrator (e.g., a result of a detention, incident
administers the Marshall Islands Registry. “This
allow Flag and Class to discuss challenges facing
or casualty) which enables the Registry to maintain
achievement did not come without teamwork from
the maritime community, including increasingly strict
an open and active dialogue with the shipmanager
a triad that is composed of owners and operators,
Port State Control (PSC) regimes, statutory require-
or operator to ensure full compliance with inter-
classification societies and the flag State,” he added
ments and other issues facing shipowners today,”
national and national regulations. These vessels
For its part, the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Captain Lalas said. Changes with respect to marine
may be inspected on a more frequent basis to the
(RMI), now the third largest Registry in the world,
operations are addressed through the issuance
satisfaction of the Administrator. Finally, the RMI
understands that ongoing communication between
of Marine Notices, Marine Safety Advisories and
is an active member of the International Maritime
the three elements in that “quality triangle” are criti-
Marine Guidelines sent on a regular basis. These
Organization (IMO) and participates in all of the
cal to maintaining a safe, secure and environmen-
documents are also posted on the Administrator’s
major committee and sub-committee working groups
tally responsible fleet.
website upon issuance.
to forge a responsible regulatory environment that
“With a decentralized organizational structure and
“Vessel quality is an issue for the Registry even
provides for a safe global fleet without unduly hinder-
the recruitment of maritime experts in the Registry’s
before a ship is allowed to fly the Marshall Islands
ing maritime commerce. The RMI is a signatory to all
20 worldwide offices, communication with owners
flag. Applications for vessels seeking entry to the
major treaties and conventions and works with other
and operators has never been better,” Captain Lalas
Marshall Islands Registry are fully vetted with
maritime states and industry stakeholders to address
observed. “Duty Officers are available to handle
respect to the ship itself, its owner and operator.
challenges facing the industry.
Ναυτική ασφάλεια από τρομοκρατικές ενέργειες Οι αντιτρομοκρατικές ρυθμίσεις αποτελούν υψηλή προτεραιότητα των ναυτιλιακών εταιριών. Η Ένωση Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών (ΕΕΕ) πιστεύει ότι η πολιτική ασφάλειας κατά της τρομοκρατίας στην θάλασσα πρέπει να ισορροπεί μεταξύ του σεβασμού των παραμέτρων της ασφάλειας και της αποφυγής αδικαιολόγητων περιορισμών στην ελεύθερη ροή του εμπορίου. Υπό την έννοια αυτή, η ΕΕΕ είδε θετικά δύο πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στις ΗΠΑ: πρώτον, την άρση των περιορισμών στις εργασίες φορτοεκφόρτωσης των πλοίων και στις κινήσεις του πληρώματος λόγω απροειδοποίητων επιθεωρήσεων των πλοίων από μικτές ομάδες υπαλλήλων διαφόρων υπηρεσιών και, δεύτερον, την αποδοχή της παρουσίασης ταυτοτήτων των ναυτικών που πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις της Σύμβασης Νο 185 του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού
δεν έχουν ακόμη οργανώσει τα απαιτούμενα
Πολλά κράτη ανησυχούν για την νομοθεσία των
κέντρα δεδομένων. Παράλληλα, νέα προβλήματα
ΗΠΑ, που προβλέπει, με έναρξη εφαρμογής
εμφανίζονται, που χρειάζονται έγκαιρη επίλυση,
από το 2012, έλεγχο με σάρωση όλων των
όπως το ζήτημα της μόνιμης εγκατάστασης του
εμπορευματοκιβωτίων (σε ποσοστό 100%),
Διεθνούς Κέντρου Ανταλλαγής Δεδομένων (IDE
λόγω ακριβώς των πρακτικών δυσκολιών που
-International Data Exchange), το οποίο προσωρινά
παρουσιάζει η εφαρμογή του. Τέτοια μέτρα παρότι
φιλοξενείται στις ΗΠΑ. Το ευρωπαϊκό σύστημα της
στοχεύουν στην βελτίωση της ασφάλειας, δεν
εκ των προτέρων δήλωσης φορτίου είχε αρχικά
αντιλαμβάνονται τον ρόλο και τα πλεονεκτήματα της
προγραμματιστεί να τεθεί σε ισχύ την 1.7.2009,
πιθανοθεωρητικής ανάλυσης στην ασφάλεια της
σύμφωνα με τον κοινοτικό Κανονισμό 1875/2006.
τροφοδοτικής αλυσίδας και τον αρνητικό αντίκτυπο
Ωστόσο, η αναθεώρηση της σχετικής νομοθεσίας
στην ομαλή ροή αγαθών του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου.
καθυστέρησε, με αποτέλεσμα να καθυστερήσει
Προτιμώμενη εναλλακτική λύση στην σάρωση
αντίστοιχα η ανάπτυξη και λειτουργία κατάλληλων
κατά 100% θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει ο νέος
συστημάτων ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών που
ομοσπονδιακός Κανονισμός ‘10+2’.
πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις του Κανονισμού. Κατά
Το Σύστημα Αναγνώρισης και Εντοπισμού
συνέπεια, η έναρξη ισχύος του βασικού του
Πλοίων Μακράς Εμβέλειας (LRIT) καθίσταται
τμήματος, που περιλαμβάνει την υποχρεωτική
παγκόσμιο σύστημα συνεργασίας για την
εφαρμογή των συγκεντρωτικών δηλώσεων εισόδου
βελτίωση της ασφάλειας κατά της τρομοκρατίας,
και εξόδου των πλοίων, αναβλήθηκε μέχρι την
παρά το γεγονός ότι μερικά κράτη μέλη του ΙΜΟ
Safety first
cover story
Interview Geir Skaala, CEO Norsafe Group
Norsafe Group
Stands by the maritime safety performance How does the human factor issues could con-
a report of the British Marine Accident Investiga-
above are very related to human factor. The most
tribute to maritime safety performance?
tion Branch it turns out that accidents related with
important human factors challenges facing the mari-
lifeboats are closely related to hook maintenance.
time industry is facing today are fatigue, inadequate
Over the last years, the shipping industry has fo-
The IMO committee by issuing MSC.1/Circ.1206
communication, inadequate general technical
cused on improving ship structure and the reliability
categorizes accidents related with lifeboats to the
knowledge, inadequate knowledge of own ship
of ship systems in order to reduce accidents and
following major causes:
systems, decisions based on inadequate informa-
increase efficiency and productivity. We’ve seen
1. Failures of the on-load release mechanisms;
tion, poor maintenance, faulty policies and practice.
improvements in hull design, stability systems, pro-
2. Accidental operation of on-load release mecha-
If we pay our attention on improving the relationship
pulsion systems, and navigational equipment. We,
nism by human error;
between the human and machines, if we invest on
in Norsafe, have contributed a lot in improving the
3. Inadequate maintenance of lifeboats, davits and
training people and alert them of the dangers their
lifesaving systems. Today’s ship systems are tech-
launching equipment;
actions are putting them into, then I strongly believe
nologically advanced and highly reliable. Yet, the
4. Communication failures;
that the maritime safety performance will be signifi-
maritime safety performance rate is still low. Why? It
5. Lack of familiarity with lifeboats, davits, equip-
cantly improved.
is because ship structure and system reliability are
ment and associated controls;
a relatively small part of the safety equation. The
6. Unsafe practices during lifeboat drills and inspec-
How important is for a company to design and
maritime system is a people system, and human
develop high quality safety products in close
errors figure prominently in accident situations.
7. Design faults other than on-load release mecha-
dialogue with its customers, the end-users and
More than 75% of marine accidents are caused, at
regulatory authorities?
least in part, by some form of human error. Studying
It can be easily noticed that most causes stated
Safety first
Norsafe motto is “BETTER BY DESIGN”. Our strat-
an accommodation semi-submersible built by Kep-
Safemar AS, and we now offer training on a full
egy is to design and develop high quality products
pel Fels Singapore for the Swedish based Floated
range of free fall and conventional lifeboats, fast
in close dialog with our customer, the end-users and
International. Floatel Superior is regarded as the
rescue boats and launching boats. Similar training
regulatory authorities. Norsafe invests in the best
number one with regards to safety and comfort.
on most of our products is also provided by our
possible technological services available. This is a
Norsafe’s close dialog with the customer and par-
company in Greece, Norsafe Watercraft Hellas.
high cost strategy, but repays itself in maintaining
ticipation in this project, the first ever Floatel in the
the company’s position at the forefront of design
world with free fall systems installed is a source of
Tell us about the importance of after sales ser-
and manufacturing of lifesaving equipment.
great pride for Norsafe.
vice for safer shipping voyages.
following a product cycle procedure where the
What are the means which can drasti-
Norsafe is always focusing on high quality products
customer is actually taking an active role during
cally improve the safety on board and avoid
where we are able to give service to shipyards dur-
research and development. Norsafe have achieved
ing testing and commissioning but also to end users
Our mind is set on the improvement of the product
providing after sales support 24 hours a day, 365 Training is a key factor to improve the safety on
days a year. Our main focus is to be able to provide
board and avoid accidents. As a major provider of
this services at a same level of quality, worldwide.
safety at sea, Norsafe is focused upon best possible
Long before the IMO service resolution 1206 was
crew training and optimum maintenance of Lifesav-
initiated on the 1st of July 2006, Norsafe has stead-
ing Equipment. A substantial proportion of accidents
ily built its worldwide service network of author-
occurring during lifeboat drills are caused by defi-
ized service stations and partners. We now have
cient or lack of maintenance. A set routines for the
50 certified service partners and 7 wholly owned
systematic inspection and maintenance of lifeboats
service stations. There are more than 200 service
several world records with our products. Today, our
and launching arrangements should be implement-
engineers available and the organization is able
GES 50 free fall lifeboat for 70 persons is certified
ed in the vessel’s maintenance system, moreover,
to handle yearly inspections of more than 12.000
for installations up to 42 meters. No other boat in
maintenance should never be carried out in connec-
the world can achieve this level of performance. For
tion with a drill. When the maintenance operation is
Being in the business for all these years, we under-
Norsafe, the Offshore market consists of all types
finished, the necessary functional tests should be
stand a vessels needs and how important it is to
of floating and fixed constructions, such as jack
conducted before commencing any planned drill.
have both spares and technical personnel available
up, semi-submersible and fixed platforms as well
Where lifeboats must be lowered or hoisted as part
at all times. Apart from the recommended spare
as crane, pipe laying and platform supply vessels.
of the lubricating routines, such operations should
parts we always suggest the ship to have onboard
During 2009, Norsafe Group supplied more than
be performed as part of the maintenance and never
for special situations, we also have established and
800 boats and 450 davits to these types of offshore
in connection with the drill itself.
carry the cost of a minimum stock of crucial spare
installations and associated vessels.
So, the only way to improve safety and avoid ac-
parts in most basic locations worldwide. In addition,
We were also the very first to install free fall
cidents: Better training! Follow up yearly and 5 year
we have a 24/7 technical support telephone line
lifeboats transverse from a ship-side, rather than
inspections with OEM certified personnel. Ask the
for urgent matters giving the opportunity to solve
from the stern of the vessel which has been typical
manufacturer to establish a weekly and monthly
minor problems on the spot or even mobilize service
earlier. This allows free fall lifeboats to be installed
maintenance program of boats and davits for the
personnel within the same day.
on production and storage vessels which have key
crew to follow up. Ask for available operational
Today, in order to be a leading company in the field
operating equipment located on the stern.
training programs the manufacturers may provide.
it is not enough to provide top quality products but
In Spring 2010 Norsafe completed testing of 8 x 60
Norsafe has entered into an agreement with one of
to be able to support these products with a state of
person GES40 free fall lifeboats to Floatel Superior,
the most professional training centers in Norway,
the art after sales system.
Safety first
Norsafe AS profile Norsafe AS , former Jørgensen & Vik AS is one of the oldest boat-building companies in Norway. The company began building lifeboats in Grimstad on the south coast of Norway in 1903. The first boats produced were wooden, followed by aluminium until 1958 when fibreglass took over completely. In the beginning, only open lifeboats were manufactured. Totally enclosed lifeboats were introduced in the 1960s, and in the 1980s, the company started the development of a range of free-fall boats and fast rescue boats with davits. In 1990, Jørgensen & Vik AS relocated its operations in south Norway from Grimstad to Arendal where the company has three large factories. The company changed name to Norsafe AS in 1992 and is marketing the products around the world under this name. Since it was founded in 1903, the company has supplied more than 20 000 lifeboats to the global ship and offshore markets. Norsafe today is the global market leader in marine life-saving systems - lifeboats, rescue boats and davits, all integrated into a total safety solution for the Merchant and Offshore markets. Norsafe has grown rapidly over the past 10 years; - a small Norwegian company has evolved into an international group, with operations worldwide. The product range covers most needs for lifeboats, rescue boats, daughter crafts, military, professional boats and davits: Conventional lifeboats up to 150 persons. Free fall lifeboats up to 90 persons. Fast rescue and military boats up to 12 meters. Norsafe manufactures the largest free fall lifeboat in the world, certified for a drop height of 38 meters, and has also received several Design Awards for its products. Norsafe supplies and sells davits to fit all boats, but also sells davits separately. The davit sales have more than doubled over the last years, and are an important focus area for Norsafe's Technical Department, using their many years of combined experience and know-how to develop failsafe solutions that exceed industry standards. Norsafe has also a wide range of boats for military and professional use and attention is paid to guarantee the highest quality, craftsmanship, parts and materials of only the very best quality are used. The boats are specially designed to operate away from shore or the mother ship for extended periods of time. Worldwide service is a growing business segment, into which Norsafe have put a lot of effort. Norsafe, along with the global network of certified service agents, offers service globally. As part of the overall service concept, Norsafe offers training for service agents, crew, inspectors at the training facilities in Norway or in Greece. Refurbishment of existing equipment is done both in Norway and in Greece. In order to stay in the forefront as a market leader within the development and distribution of Maritime Safety Appliances, Norsafe's strategy is to design and develop high quality products in close dialogue with our customers, the end-users and regulatory authorities. Norsafe has been the first European Company within the industry to invest in self owned and run production facilities in China, leading to lower overall costs for its customers, while still maintaining stringent quality control. The whole organization has experience and competence beyond the norm, - and is able to fulfill all customer's requirements in the best possible way. Norsafe is well prepared to meet future challenges, - a wide range of products, updated state of the art production facilities, innovative technology, a solid financial background and motivated employees, all dedicated to our number one goal, - safety.
The effective port state control and its impact on maritime standards. As of today the responsibility for ensuring that ships comply with the provisions of International conventions (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, etc.) and that the vessel is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international law rests upon the ship-owners, masters and the flag States. Unfortunately, some of these, for various reasons, fail to fulfill their commitments contained in agreed international legal instruments and subsequently some ships are sailing the world’s seas in an unsafe condition, threatening the lives of all those on board as well as the marine environment. An effective Port State control is the only available system today of harmonized inspection procedures designed to target sub-standards ships. Through ship detention or denial of access to ports port state control can prevail future hazards or possible accidents. Vessel inspections are a key management tool for monitoring and control. Port inspections are considerably easier to conduct than those at sea due to the safety factor of not having to deal with the motion of the sea on boarding and disembarking, or during the inspection itself. Having the regulations but lacking of someone to control and enforce them is like having road and traffic regulations without police.
Safety first
Safety first
Παρολαυτά, οι κανονισμοί αλλάζουν και αλλάζουν
cover story
διότι η τεχνολογία εξελίσσεται με γοργούς ρυθμούς. Λύσεις σε προβλήματα που παλαιότερα φαίνονταν δυσεπίλυτα σήμερα προσεγγίζονται ευκολότερα με τη βοήθεια των ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών. Οι κανονισμοί που σχετίζονται με τη τομέα της βιομηχανίας μας έχουν γίνει πιο αυστηροί σε ότι αφορά την ποιότητα και τυποποίηση της παραγωγής αλλά δίνουν και μεγάλη έμφαση στην τακτική συντήρηση των προϊόντων και την εκπαίδευση των πληρωμάτων στην χρήση τους. Πόσο σημαντικό είναι για μια εταιρία να διαθέτει την εμπειρία και την απαραίτητη τεχνογνωσία στον ευαίσθητο τομέα της ασφάλειας ναυσιπλοϊας, ώστε να δραστηριοποιείται επιτυχώς στη διεθνή αγορά;
Συνέντευξη Γιάννης Γεωργιάδης
Managing Director Norsafe Watercraft Hellas S.A
Η Norsafe δραστηριοποιείται έντονα στις πλατφόρμες πετρελαίου ενώ πελάτες της είναι οι πλέον καταξιωμένες εταιρίες στον χώρο της ναυτιλίας. Όταν οι πελάτες σου απαιτούν να ξεπεράσεις κατά πολύ τα όρια των υπαρχόντων κανονισμών, όταν σου ζητούν να συμμετάσχεις σε ομάδες εργασίας για να βρεθούν λύσεις που θα εφαρμοστούν για πρώτη φορά, τότε αποκτάς τεχνογνωσία και μοιράζεσαι εμπειρίες που αργότερα μπορείς να προσφέρεις και σε άλλους πελάτες. Τόσο στον χώρο των νέων κατασκευών
Πόσο ευαισθητοποιημένη είναι η Nor-
και προσανατολισμένους στην ασφάλεια της
όσο και στις επιθεωρήσεις των συστημάτων
safe Watercraft Hellas στον τομέα της
ανθρώπινης ζωής στη θάλασσα.
διάσωσης δεν υπάρχουν πολλά περιθώρια για
παρακολούθησης της συνεχούς αναβάθμισης
Η Norsafe Watercraft Hellas ως ενεργό μέλος
λάθη. Η εκπαίδευση, η τεχνογνωσία και η εμπειρία
των επιπέδων ασφαλείας των πλοίων και του
του ILAMA (International Lifesaving Manufactur-
των μηχανικών πρέπει να αποκτηθεί μέσα στην
αυστηρού ελέγχου τήρησης των σχετικών
ers’ Association) όχι μόνο ενημερώνεται για τις
εταιρία, παρακολουθώντας και συμμετέχοντας
κανονισμών και προδιαγραφών ώστε να
τρέχουσες εξελίξεις αλλά συμμετέχει, προτείνει,
στην παραγωγή των προιόντων , στα μοντέλα
προσαρμόζεται αναλόγως στα νέα δεδομένα
αντιτάσσεται ή υποστηρίζει αλλαγές που προτείνει
προσομοίωσης, στα ειδικά τεστς των σκαφών που
που δημιουργούνται;
ο IMO. Ειδικότερα τα τελευταία χρόνια θα έλεγα ότι
πραγματοποιούνται στην θάλασσα καθώς και
η εταιρία έχει συμβάλλει σημαντικά στις παγκόσμιες
στην δεξαμενή δοκιμών του εργοστασίου. Επειδή
Η Norsafe Watercraft Hellas από ίδρυσής της και
εξελίξεις ειδικά σε τεχνικά θέματα που αφορούν την
οι εμπειρίες που αποκτά κανείς είναι μοναδικές
πάντα, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις συνεργασίες που
ασφάλεια του συστήματος των γάντζων.
και δεν μεταβιβάζονται εύκολα έχουμε αναπτύξει
είχε διεθνώς με τους μεγαλύτερους κατασκευαστές
ένα σύστημα μετάδοσης εμπειριών με όλα τα
σωστικών μέσων έχει δημιουργήσει μία
Οι κανονισμοί σήμερα θέτουν τα ελάχιστα στάνταρντ
εργοστάσια και τους εξουσιοδοτημένους σταθμούς
επιχειρησιακή κουλτούρα πλήρως προσαρμοσμένη
που πρέπει να τηρούνται. Αρκετοί πελάτες
service είτε μέσα από το εταιρικό Intranet είτε
στην παρακολούθηση των νέων κανονισμών και
βρίσκουν ήδη τα στάνταρντ αυτά υπερβολικά. Η
μέσω ειδικών προγραμμάτων εκπαίδευσης και
προδιαγραφών που αφορούν τα προϊόντα της.
προσωπική μου άποψη είναι ότι οι κανονισμοί,
ανάλυσης περιπτώσεων (case study analysis).
Η είσοδός της το 2006 στον όμιλο της Norsafe
για πολλούς και διάφορους λόγους, αργούν πολύ
Επανερχόμενος όμως στο ερώτημα, πιστεύω
όχι μόνο κατέστησε την κουλτούρα υποχρεωτική
να προσαρμοστούν στις τρέχουσες ανάγκες ενώ
ότι δουλεύοντας κανείς στον τομέα της ναυτιλίας
αλλά και την αναβάθμισε παρέχοντας τόσο στο
πολλές φορές προσπαθώντας να καλύψουν το
δραστηριοποιείται ήδη στην διεθνή αγορά και
τεχνικό όσο και στο διοικητικό προσωπικό μία
χαμένο έδαφος φτάνουν στα άκρα δημιουργώντας
πρέπει να έχει τις απαραίτητες βάσεις αλλά και
ροή πληροφοριών που τους καταστεί απόλυτα
συνθήκες που ούτε η προσφορά (από την
στρατηγικές συνεργασίες ώστε να μπορεί να
ενήμερους και έτοιμους για την εφαρμογή των νέων
πλευρά των κατασκευαστών) ούτε και η ζήτηση
προσφέρει στον πελάτη υπηρεσίες και προϊόντα της
κανονισμών που αφορούν τα προϊόντα της
(από την πλευρά των πλοιοκτητών) μπορούν να
ίδιας ποιότητας με την ίδια ταχύτητα και αξιοπιστία
Αυτό δημιουργεί συνεργάτες σκεπτόμενους
όπου και αν αυτός βρίσκεται ανά την υφήλιο.
Safety first
Safety first
Ο παράγοντας ασφάλεια στη ναυτιλία σχετίζεται
την μεριά των υπευθύνων του πλοίου, μπορούν να
και των αντίστοιχων βιντσιών για την ανέλκυση -
σε μεγάλο βαθμό με το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό και τη
οδηγήσουν έναν άνθρωπο σε λάθος εκτίμηση που
καθέλκυση των λέμβων και των σωστικών μέσων σε
συμπεριφορά του. Πώς το αντιλαμβάνεστε εσείς
είναι πιθανό να είναι καταστρεπτική στο μέλλον.
πολλές περιπτώσεις τίθεται υπό επανεξέταση από
αυτό στην Norsafe Watercraft Hellas;
Η Norsafe Watercraft Hellas ακολουθώντας την
τις κατασκευάστριες εταιρίες. Η Norsafe έχει ήδη
πολιτική του ομίλου Norsafe προσπαθεί να μειώσει την
προχωρήσει σε επανασχεδιασμό και πιστοποίηση των
Δεν τίθεται καμία αμφιβολία ότι το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό
επίδραση του ανθρώπινου παράγοντα στην ποιότητα
περισσοτέρων από τα μοντέλα που επηρεάστηκαν
είναι ο καθοριστικός παράγοντας της ασφάλειας.
του τελικού προϊόντος ή υπηρεσίας. Οι Εκπαιδεύσεις,
από τον νέο κανονισμό.
Ιδιαίτερα στον κατασκευαστικό τομέα, ο ανθρώπινος
οι εντατικοί εσωτερικοί έλεγχοι, οι τυποποιημένες
Χωρίς να αποτελεί ακόμη κανονισμό αλλά απλή
παράγοντας παίζει καθοριστικό ρόλο στην τελική
αναλυτικές λίστες και οδηγίες, το on line σύστημα
οδηγία προς αναθεώρηση του κώδικα LSA, Reg.
ποιότητα του προϊόντος και επομένως στην ασφαλή
καταχώρησης των ευρημάτων κατά τη διάρκεια ενός όπως προτάθηκε στην IMO- MSC.86/26/
λειτουργία του. Η βιομηχανία σωσίβιων λέμβων
περιοδικού ελέγχου καθώς και η προσωπική ευθύνη
Add.2/ Annex 15 για να υιοθετηθεί το 2010 και να
και επωτίδων εξακολουθεί να είναι μία βιομηχανία
των τεχνικών καταστούν το προσωπικό της εταιρείας
εφαρμοστεί από το 2012, όλες οι νέες σωσίβιες λέμβοι
εντάσεως εργασίας. Παρότι διάφορα μηχανήματα
έτοιμο να αντιμετωπίσει και το πιο ιδιαίτερο πρόβλημα
πρέπει να φέρουν γάντζους που να συμμορφώνονται
έχουν εισαχθεί στην παραγωγική διαδικασία κατά
που μπορεί να προκύψει μειώνοντας ταυτόχρονα το
με τις κατασκευαστικές συστάσεις της DE 52
τα τελευταία χρόνια, η κατασκευή τόσο των λέμβων
περιθώριο ανθρώπινου λάθους.
(Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment)
όσο και των καπονιών γίνεται εξ’ ολοκλήρου με
ενώ όλες οι υπάρχουσες λέμβοι με γάντζους που
ανθρώπινα χέρια. Κανένα προϊόν δεν είναι 100%
δεν συμμορφώνονται στις προδιαγραφές αυτές
ίδιο με το προηγούμενο και κανείς δεν μπορεί να
Ποιοί είναι οι τελευταίο κανονισμοί που αφορούν
θα πρέπει να εξοπλιστούν με νέους γάντζους ή να
προγραμματίσει έναν τεχνίτη να μην κάνει λάθη. Στην
τα lifeboats;
τροποποιήσουν τους υπάρχοντες σύμφωνα με την
Norsafe Watercraft Hellas αλλά και σε όλο το group
οδηγία και σίγουρα όχι αργότερα από τον επόμενο
της Norsafe δίνουμε ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στον έλεγχο
Στον τομέα των προϊόντων ο τελευταίος κανονισμός
δεξαμενισμό του πλοίου.
της ποιότητας και στον έλεγχο του ενός εργαζόμενου
που τέθηκε σε ισχύ από την 1η Ιουλίου του 2010
Η Norsafe για τις ανάγκες των πλέον απαιτητικών
από κάποιον άλλο. Κατά μέσον όρο τα προϊόντα
αφορά το Chapter IV και Chapter V του κώδικα LSA
πελατών της έχει ήδη κατασκευάσει έναν νέο γάντζο
μας ελέγχονται σε 450 σημεία κατά τη διάρκεια της
όπως τροποποιήθηκε από την resolution MSC. 272
που ονομάζεται TOR MK2. Ο σχεδιασμός του
παραγωγής και έπεται ο τελικός έλεγχος, πολλές
(85) και αναφέρεται σε όλα τα νέα φορτηγά πλοία
διακρίνεται από την απλότητα και την αξιοπιστία
φορές παρουσία του νηογνώμονα.
άνω των 500GRT. Με το νέο κανονισμό οι σωσίβιες
του. Διαθέτει όλα τα απαραίτητα πιστοποιητικά, είναι
Όσον αφορά στις υπηρεσίες ελέγχου σωστικών
λέμβοι πρέπει να είναι κατάλληλες για άτομα βάρους
ο πλέον εύκολος στην εγκατάσταση, λειτουργία
μέσων που παρέχουμε επί των πλοίων ή σε
82,5 κιλών. Το ίδιο αφορά και όλες τις σωσίβιες
και συντήρηση ενώ η διάρκεια ζωής του είναι
πλατφόρμες πετρελαίου, τότε είναι που ο ανθρώπινος
λέμβους ελευθέρας πτώσης καθώς και τα σκάφη
πολύ μεγάλη. Η αξιολόγηση της κατάστασης των
παράγοντας γίνεται ο πρωταρχικός λόγος ασφάλειας
διάσωσης. Εκτεταμένες έρευνες στα πληρώματα του
υπαρχόντων γάντζων μπορεί να γίνει εύκολα και
ή ανασφάλειας ενός συστήματος διάσωσης. Η
Παγκόσμιο εμπορικού στόλου ανέδειξαν ότι το βάρος
άμεσα από το τεχνικό τμήμα της εταιρίας στην Ελλάδα,
εργασία εκτός του ελεγχόμενου και προστατευμένου
του μέσου ατόμου στον κλάδο είναι πολύ παραπάνω
ενώ η αντικατάσταση των γάντζων σε περίπτωση
περιβάλλοντος μιας εταιρίας, η πίεση του χρόνου, η
από τα 75 κιλά που ίσχυε παλαιότερα. Η αλλαγή αυτή
που οι υπάρχοντες δεν πληρούν τις προδιαγραφές
πίεση του πελάτη, οι αντίξοες συνθήκες εργασίας και
επηρεάζει άμεσα όλα τα υπάρχοντα μοντέλα λέμβων
ασφαλείας γίνεται από ειδικά εκπαιδευμένο συνεργείο
σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις η άγνοια και η έλλειψη
όλων των κατασκευαστών μειώνοντας αισθητά την
καθότι πρόκειται για το πλέον κρίσιμο και επικίνδυνο
κουλτούρας προσανατολισμένη στην ασφάλεια από
χωρητικότητά τους. Η δε ισχύς των καπονιών καθώς
εξάρτημα του συστήματος διάσωσης.
Safety first
company profile Πολλές εταιρίες και οργανισμοί προσφέρουν νέα προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες ενώ ταυτόχρονα προτείνουν βελτιώσεις στους κανονισμούς με την ελπίδα ότι θα μειωθούν οι κίνδυνοι στις θαλάσσιες μεταφορές . Είναι, όμως, γεγονός ότι δεν ζούμε σε ένα ιδανικό κόσμο και απρόσμενοι παράγοντες όπως μία κακοκαιρία, ένα ανθρώπινο λάθος ή ένα ελαττωματικό προϊόν θα οδηγήσει στην πρόκληση ενός ατυχήματος. Είναι σε όλους γνωστό ότι η μάθηση έρχεται μόνο αφότου ένα ατύχημα έχει συμβεί και ότι η πρόληψη βασίζεται μόνο σε προηγούμενες εμπειρίες. Η εκπαίδευση των πληρωμάτων σε προσομοίωση καταστάσεων καταστροφής είναι ελάχιστη και αυτό είναι λογικό αφού οι καταστροφές αυτές συμβαίνουν πολύ σπάνια. Τα μέσα διάσωσης που υπάρχουν σήμερα βρίσκονται επάνω στα πλοία για να σώσουν ζωές όταν και εάν χρειαστεί και θα το κάνουν με επιτυχία μόνο αν το πλήρωμα γνωρίζει πολύ καλά πώς να τα χρησιμοποιήσει και αν η συντήρησή τους έχει γίνει σωστά και σύμφωνα με τις υποδείξεις των κατασκευαστών. Η Watercraft Hellas, που πρόσφατα μετονομάστηκε σε Norsafe Watercraft Hellas, ιδρύθηκε το 1974 από Έλληνες ναυπηγούς με μεράκι για την κατασκευή σωσίβιων λέμβων . Το 2006 η εταιρία εξαγοράστηκε από τον Νορβηγικό όμιλο Norsafe. Η Norsafe είναι μία από τις παλαιότερες εταιρίες που κατασκευάζουν λέμβους και η ιστορία της πάει πίσω στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα, πολύ πριν το ναυάγιο του Τιτανικού και την θέσπιση διεθνών κανόνων ασφαλείας της ανθρώπινης ζωής στη θάλασσα. Η Norsafe Watercraft Hellas έχει σήμερα έδρα στην Βιομηχανική περιοχή των Θηβών όπου βρίσκεται και η παραγωγική μονάδα, από τις μεγαλύτερες του είδους στην Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη. Η εταιρία απασχολεί 55 άτομα προσωπικό και παράγει πάνω από 150 σωσίβιες λέμβους και 100 καπόνια το χρόνο. Τόσο το τμήμα λέμβων όσο και αυτό των καπονιών είναι πλήρως καθετοποιημένα. Ειδικευμένοι εργατοτεχνίτες χρησιμοποιώντας υψηλής ποιότητας πιστοποιημένες πρώτες ύλες παράγουν ολικά κλειστές (Totally Enclosed Lifeboats) ή ημίκλειστες σωσίβιες λέμβους (Partially Enclosed lifeboats), λέμβους ελευθέρας πτώσεως (Free fall lifeboats), λέμβους ταχείας διάσωσης (Fast rescue boats – rescue boats) καθώς και καπόνια για την ανέλκυση – καθέλκυση των λέμβων από το πλοίο ή την πλατφόρμα πετρελαίου. Η τεχνολογία που αποκόμισε η εταιρία από τη συνεργασία της αρχικά με την πρωτοπόρο Watercraft Ltd αλλά και έπειτα από την Norsafe την κατέστησε ικανή να εξοπλίσει σημαντικό μέρος του Ελληνόκτητου στόλου με λέμβους διάσωσης και να κατέχει σήμερα ένα αξιοσημείωτο μερίδιο της Παγκόσμιας αγοράς εξάγοντας τα προϊόντα της σε όλο τον κόσμο. Οι εγκαταστάσεις της εταιρίας βρίσκονται στη Θήβα Βοιωτίας και η παραγωγή ελέγχεται από αυστηρό σύστημα ποιοτικού ελέγχου ISO 9001: 2008, ενώ πρόσφατα πιστοποιήθηκε από το Υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας και εγγράφηκε στο μητρώο κατασκευαστών αμυντικού υλικού. Όλα τα προϊόντα της εταιρίας διαθέτουν πιστοποιητικό σύμφωνα με την ντιρεκτίβα 96/98 της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και είναι κατασκευασμένα σύμφωνα με τους τελευταίους κανονισμούς για την ασφάλεια της ανθρώπινης ζωής στη θάλασσα. Το πρότυπο ποιότητας παραγωγής που χρησιμοποιείται είναι το Module D της ντιρεκτίβας
Το τμήμα Service της εταιρίας παρέχει υπηρεσίες ετήσιων και πενταετών ελέγχων σε όλα τα συστήματα διάσωσης που ορίζει η MSC.1/Circ.1206 σε εικοσιτετράωρη βάση, όλες τις ημέρες του χρόνου και καλύπτοντας σχεδόν όλα τα λιμάνια του κόσμου χρησιμοποιώντας το δίκτυο σταθμών Service του ομίλου Norsafe. Πέραν του συστήματος ποιότητας ISO 9001, η εταιρία έχει πιστοποιηθεί ως εγκεκριμένος σταθμός επιθεώρησης σωσίβιων λέμβων και καπονιών από αρκετούς νηογνώμονες όπως ABS, Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, Hellenic Register of Shipping κ.α. Η Norsafe Watercraft Hellas ως κατασκευαστής έχει λάβει έγκριση από τους μεγαλύτερους Ευρωπαϊκούς και Ασιατικούς οίκους κατασκευής σωστικών μέσων για την επιθεώρηση των δικών τους συστημάτων διάσωσης. Τον τελευταίο χρόνο η εταιρία διοργανώνει σεμινάρια για την ασφαλή λειτουργία και συντήρηση των λέμβων και των καπονιών ενημερώνοντας τα πληρώματα άλλα και τα τεχνικά τμήματα των πελατών μας για τα σωστικά μέσα. Με την τεχνογνωσία, τις εγκαταστάσεις και τους εξειδικευμένους τεχνικούς μας είμαστε έτοιμοι να παρέχουμε τις υπηρεσίες μας στην Ελληνική ναυτιλία και να προσφέρουμε τις γνώσεις μας σε ό,τι αφορά τους νέους κανονισμούς για την ασφάλεια της ανθρώπινης ζωής στη θάλασσα.
cover story
Safety first
Gas as Ship Fuel – current status of developments at IMO Dimitrios Fokas
Area Quality Manager for Mediterranean/Southern Africa & Middle East Germanischer Lloyd Gas will play a substantial part in the coming decades
was authorized by the
in enabling substantial near-term carbon emissions
Norwegian authorities
reductions. Natural gas is widely regarded as a bridge
to be operated on
to a low-carbon future. For the maritime industry gas
LNG. Nowadays a
could be regarded as a viable alternative to heavy
number of ferries
fuel oil which will be gradually phased out according
and offshore supply
to IMO within the next years. Gas has the potential to
vessels are operating
reduce dependence on other fossil fuels with heavier
on LNG in Norwegian
carbon impacts.
territorial waters. IMO’s Maritime Safety
The promotion of gas as ship fuel requires a new set
Committee (MSC)
of regulations by IMO and other institutions. Safety is-
decided to open the
sues have to be clearly addressed and dealt with and
way for gas as ship
requirements to be agreed for global application.
fuel. Its subcommittee Bulk-Liquids and
Tank / engine room installation, source: Neptun- Stahlkonstruktions GmbH
The European Commission has drafted guidance for
Gases (BLG) was
liquefied natural gas carriers seeking to use boil-off
tasked with drafting a
gas during European Union port calls in order to
new Code for the use
comply with low sulphur requirements. Boil-off gas
of gas as ship fuel. It became obvious that a formal
could become the "primary fuel" at berth and anchor
Code should be part of SOLAS. Furthermore, apart
given that it produces lower sulphur emissions than
from LNG other gases should be taken into account.
the 0.1% limit set out in EU legislation.
Due to the underlying technical examinations which required more time, it was decided to develop “Interim
Whereas most ships have to switch to ultra-low sul-
Guidelines” for the use of natural gas in combustion
phur fuel or shoreside electricity
engines as a first step on the way to a general Code
to comply within existing EU law, LNG vessels are
for gas as ship fuel.
frequently fitted with dual fuel boilers allowing a combination of boil-off gas and heavy fuel oil to be used.
Ships will need to be equipped for continuous moni-
IN SHIPS” were approved by MSC in May 2009.
toring and metering of boil-off gas
At the same time the work on a general Code for gas
and marine fuel consumption. While an effective solu-
as ship fuel which is labelled IGF-Code (International
tion for sulphur emissions, boil-off gas has in the past
Code of Safety for Gas-fuelled ships) is continued
caused concern because of its contribution to global
and will be completed by 2012. It is planned that the
warming. Methane, the main gas emitted during boil-
general code should be incorporated in SOLAS within
off, is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide, but
the revision process in 2014.
it is not significant enough to include in an emissions trading scheme.
The IGF-Code will replace the Interim Guidelines (MSC.285(86)) which are for the time being the bases
According to IMO’s SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea Con-
for design of ships using natural gas as fuel. While the
vention (1974) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is allowed
Guidelines are not mandatory for the flag sates, they
to be used by LNG gas carriers. Given the public
represent nevertheless the state of the art rules for
pressure related to the impact of global warming
construction and are widely accepted as design bases
IMO has started to amend its Convention. Norway, in
by flag states. Governments with a strong agenda to
particular proposed to IMO to develop a Code for gas
combat global warming can apply the Interim Guide-
as ship fuel in 2004. The Scandinavian country had
lines to gas-fuelled ships.
obtained considerable experience with gas fuel ferries. In the year 2000, a small ferry named GLUTRA
Ship classification Germanischer Lloyd (GL) contrib-
uted to the development of the IGF Interim Guidelines from the beginning and took part in the IMO correspondence groups. On the bases of MSC.285(86) GL published the “Guidelines for the Use of Gas as Fuel for Ships” (GL Rules VI-3-1) which came into force on May 1st 2010. In addition, GL is preparing a supporting technical document which assists the user in applying the new technology and new regulations. The economic and environmental benefits of LNG as an alternative fuel for shipping are already evident. Compared to oil, natural gas has two key advantages: high efficiency and a lower environmental impact. Engine problems and damage caused by low-quality heavy fuel oils will be a thing of the past for ship owners switching to gas as a ship fuel. The concept of a fuel switch will be implemented at first in the Baltic Sea. The short sea sector with its intensive ship traffic is an ideal region to build up the necessary LNG infrastructure. The move away from heavy fuel oil makes sense, when the price of marine gas is considerably higher than the one for LNG. LNG is already a commercially viable fuel for shipping. It offers the prospect of 25% reductions in CO2, a complete elimination of sulphur emissions and close to 90% reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOx). IMO is actively supporting the international shipping industry by providing regulations which are flexible and forward looking to reduce the environmental impact of shipping. IGF-Code when finalised will, as part of SOLAS, cover all related safety considerations.
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Safety first
The ways to enhance & improve safety in shipping Nikolas Skarpidis Managing Director & CEO Internaftiki SA
Internaftiki was inaugurated in 1975 near the Port of Piraeus. Since its foundation, the com-
such services.
pany has expanded rapidly in the field of marine and industrial products, providing an entire
range of service activities on ships and yacht machinery. The company’s ability has estab-
lished it as a highly reputable corporation in the marine business. Over 32 highly qualified personnel are capable to deal with various customers needs, before and after sales. Internaftiki recently celebrated its 35th year of anniversary together with the opening of her privately owned new headquarters in the Heart of Piraeus. The new building is ccharacterized by its remarkable alternative design which covers nine floors and is sure to make a mark in what is the largest marine based shipping centre of Greece.
Quality System
Internaftiki operates with a quality control system un-
der ISO 9001:2008 as well as ISO 14001:2004, which
are certified by Lloyds Register of Shipping ensuring
the highest standard of customer satisfaction. Our
fundamental aim is to fulfill all our customer needs
and demands. This quality control system helps us to
Our service department is responsible for the installa-
recognize these needs and make them an actuality by
tion, maintenance and repair on the above mentioned
Load Testing Division
offering the best viable service.
equipment as well as general hydraulic, electrical and
The highly regarded equipment owned by the com-
mechanical services on various ships’ and yacht’s
pany and used in conjunction with these services, has
Business Area
equipment. Internaftiki has been committed to provide
been approved and is currently used to guarantee
Internaftiki offers a full combination of highly distinc-
a complete and reliable service supported by a world-
practical, safe and modernized methods in the service
tive products intended for industrial and marine use
wide spares and after sales team. Comprehensive
they have been appointed to. Waterbags from 395 kg
by Ships, Yachts, and Yards. Our core product assort-
spares depots and workshop facilities are available
each and up to 30tons are used by Internaftiki to carry
ment consists of the following:
with experienced engineers for on-site emergency
out any required load tests including lifeboats, davits,
repairs or maintenance work.
cranes, derricks, winches, embarkations ladders,
platforms, cargo gear, etc. In addition, digital load
Safety Equipment
cells, hydraulic jacks and hydraulic benches and other
In addition, Internaftiki offers annual and 5-year
special tools are used for testing equipment for up to
periodic services and tests on Lifeboats, rescue boats,
release gears and launching appliance systems, in
compliance with the international requirements of the
Associations- representation
latest SOLAS regulations. The management of Inter-
In the region of Greece, Internaftiki has become a
naftiki holds an experience of 35 years in production
successful sales and service representative of major
of lifeboats, launching appliance and release gears
international companies. The companies include:
and can be consider as specialists in that filed. Our 19
service engineers are fully qualified and by keeping
exceptional knowledge on this field, we assure that
the customer’s life saving equipment are maintained,
and serviced at the highest level of quality. Internaf-
tiki has been appointed by 28 major global lifeboat
and Davit manufacturers as their approved service
provider. The company is also authorized by the
Greek Administration, MCA and major classification
societies (RINA, KR, LRS, BV, GL, HRS) to perform
Safety first
Safer and more efficient shipping operations are a continual issue in the maritime world.
Subsidiary Companies
It is up to the manufacturers of safety
The management of Internaftiki recently announced
equipment to provide the industry with
the acquisition of Quick Marine Service Corp. The
secure, effective and resourceful safety
latest was established in 1986, with main activities the
products. For a company who designs and
supply of various parts intended for Main & Auxiliary
develops these products, information must
engines, Turbochargers, Pumps, Purifiers, F.O./L.O.
be retrieved based on risk examination,
Separators, Air Compressors,
safety assessment, accident and investiga-
Q.M.S.C is a highly regarded company which has
tion reports. The manufacturer is duty
been sourcing all kinds of materials throughout its
bound in ensuring its product is designed,
network suppliers all over the world. With over 20
manufactured and evaluated under the
years of cooperation, the company has established
essential requirements of the authorities.
both a professional and excellent relationship with its
Vast knowledge and understanding is
suppliers in Europe and the Far East.
required in the research and development
of safety rules and regulations including frequent on
of safety products as to ensure safety at sea and
board drills. The research, development and introduc-
INTERVIEW with mr. Nikolas Skarpidis
prevention of marine pollution. In order to do so, it is
tion of new and innovative design technology and
How does the human factor issues could contrib-
vital the company monitors the performance of their
equipment to the highest quality standard is also vital
ute to maritime safety performance?
safety products by being in constant communication
for safer ship operations. Human factors as mentioned
with their customers and end users. They should
above are also important; fatigue, conditions on board
It is a fact that 70% of maritime accidents are caused
also keep in mind that no matter how innovative the
and inadequate technical knowledge can all affect
by human error and associated organizational proce-
product, it should be user friendly for those who will
safety on board. Constant monitoring and support of
dures. This could be attributed to various considera-
operate them. Sometimes a complex safety product
these factors should help avoid accidents and keep a
tions such as sufficient and professional training
can lead to a very dangerous product if the user is
safe working environment at sea.
of ship crew, working conditions and correct safety
not familiar and properly trained to use it. This is why
management. Furthermore, these days, as a result of
proper thorough training should always be provided
Tell us about the importance of after sales service
strong competition and high costs, there has unfortu-
to the customer/end user with continual guidance and
for safer shipping voyages.
nately been a reduction in the level of qualifications of
support. It is up to the customer to share their experi-
crew who have in many cases, inadequate education
ences with the manufacturer. This paves the way for
Regular maintenance of safety equipment ensures the
and training. To change this situation and better these
further research and development and regulations in
safe operation and safety management of equipment
conditions, maritime guidelines including rules and
the maritime world.
when needed. It is imperative that quality service is
regulations should be deliberated upon. Consider for
provided by the appointed service providers. Reliabil-
example the conditions of the worker. Noise, vibration
What are the means which can drastically improve
ity and knowledge is key when it comes to the service
and climate all influence the capabilities of crew at
the safety on board and avoid acciÂŹdents?
engineer who is entitled and qualified to inspect and
sea. Clear minds and good morale mean better task
certify the safety equipment on board a vessel. It is
performance as well as effective team efforts and
The International Safety Management code (ISM) and
also his job to encourage and ensure the crew main-
good communication between all crew members
the use of safety assessment systems are a hands
tain and keep a constant eye on the safety equipment.
(whether bridge crew or engine room crew). Extensive
on means to enhance and improve safety in shipping.
Manufacturers or their authorized representatives
technical knowledge is also a major factor for safety
Efficient and safe ways to carry freight and passen-
should be appointed to conduct the service job using
at sea. It is vital that all crew members are up to date
gers is the key to safety on board. There are various
properly trained and experienced personnel. They
and fully aware of the machinery and operational
means to improve the safety on board and avoid not
should be able to respond to requests quickly, solve
procedures on board. Thus, the human aspect is
only human accidents but also marine pollution. Con-
problems efficiently and listen to end user feedback.
extremely important and vital in ensuring the SAFETY
tinuous training of officers and crew is vital as well as
Regular service can be considered a long term invest-
addressing the need for highly skilled crew. In some
ment which means equipment and products will be
How important is for a company to design and
cases, optimal training through simulators and other
safer and last for longer. In conclusion, I would like
develop high quality safety products in close
very modern training apparatus is also necessary.
to point out that high quality after sales service helps
dialogue with its customers, the end-users and
Proper maintenance recommended by the manufac-
avoid accidents and ensures safe ship evacuation in
regulatory authorities?
turer should always be conducted by crew/engineers
times of emergency. Attention to detail and experience
on board to prevent accidents as well as the practice
is vital for the safety of human life at sea.
Safety first
A different kind of working culture Dimitrios Orfanos HSEQ Manager (DPA) Dorian (Hellas) S.A.
Building a safety culture must be one of the most dif-
The term “culture” precisely denotes broadness. It is
Same in the office. Ideally, if staff understand that the
ficult, abstract and often elusive challenges a shipping
something common among the practices of everyone
true purpose of any internal audit is the company’s
company, or any organization for that matter, may
in the company. It refers to the mentality each person
self improvement departments should locate and iden-
decide to face.
in a company applies to his particular line of work, the
tify themselves where non conformities have existed
And a company only “may” decide to adopt such a
common perspective or denominator between every
and “offer” them for formal recording and corrective
mentality simply because a safety culture is not man-
individual: Prevent bad things.
action. After all, this is the exact same concept that
datory requirement. Nor is it evidenced or expressed
A safety culture starts with the owners and manage-
we ask our crews to do with near miss reports; we ask
by any existing certification. It runs deeper, wider and
ment and it really starts at the budget stage. The key
them to come forward and record their own unsafe
higher than such prima facie “evidence”. It is a modus
role of the owners is committing the needed resources
acts and conditions so that we have the chance of
operandi permeating everything the company does; a
and of management to translate these resources into
improve something.
way of thinking.
measurable results through steering the daily decision
• Promotion and rewarding proactiveness; for example
All ship-operating companies are certified but very few
making on all matters to the direction of proactively
good near miss reports. It builds transparency and
can actually claim, successfully, an all-encompassing
reducing the total operational risk of the company.
utilizes the whole crew to constantly think about
safety culture in their operations. The truth is that our
If the owners or management do not see value in the
what could go wrong. Give for example a guide to
ISM certification merely means that we are allowed
cost of good quality parts for example, more training
all seafarers on near miss reports, make the forms
to manage our ships legally; it is our shipmanage-
than is mandatory as a minimum, effective audits or
publicly available in the central aisle for everyone to
ment “license”. Building a safety culture goes beyond
inspections, a culture of safety cannot possibly flour-
use at any time, promote reporting through onboard
complying with mandatory certification which in es-
ish. And committing resources must not be confused
sessions set specific minimum targets, explain what
sence only describes the minimum acceptable level.
with unaccountable free-spending. If money is invest-
we are trying to achieve, NEVER blame for observa-
A culture of safety in everything may happen only in
ed on additional training a return on this investment
tions, reward the ones with the best lessons to be
companies that from their own internal drive and deci-
should be expected through from the staff’s improved
learned every month and send those to all ships to
sion aim higher than the base “pass mark”.
knowledge, behavior, skills or performance. If good
build healthy competition among crews for the safest
Neither is a safety culture evidenced by a “good”
equipment or parts are supplied good management,
ship of the month.
safety department or a brilliant, or two safety manag-
inventorying and care should be expected in return.
• Digging in investigations deeper than the surface,
ers, designated persons etc. In fact, if a safety culture
A culture of safety includes the concept of voluntarily
not jumping to easy results to “close” the matter
exists in a particular company you should be able
and intentionally restricting or limiting ourselves in
with a superficial “root cause” that does not improve
to subtract these people or department from the
certain key aspects of our ships operations in order
anything. Reminding the lesson learned in any way
company and the level of safety (essentially the op-
to reduce risks. This self restriction will be evident
possible. In our company for example except for the
erational risk undertaken daily) to remain unchanged.
in a number of operational policies and processes,
classic Safety Alert or Bulletin we use posters at every
If it changes, there is no safety culture. A culture is the
from the policy on filling limits of bunker tanks, to the
location on the ship that a past accident has hap-
prevailing attitude and behavior in a company, not the
underkeel clearance policy, to the policy on maximum
pened to constantly remind existing crew and warn
safety department’s. And the higher safety awareness
hull stresses allowed for operations etc.
the new seafarers. It is also part of our pre-joining
exist in the average staff the less needed are brilliant
briefing process to advice in writing of all the previous
Safety or Quality Managers. It is bad companies that
The degree of transparency is also indicative of the
accidents involving human injury or serious operation-
need such “super” Safety Managers who in reality are
culture of a company. Incident prevention is severely
al incidents. Share your incident investigations with
tasked with creating a superficial impression of a safe-
limited when there is no transparency. Little or no
your customers. For the proactive owners it is a prime
ty culture precisely because the rest of the company
transparency is often there to cover up instead of
opportunity to advertise the company’s transparency,
works on different priorities. Or they are asked to play
revealing the risks.
sophistication and prowess in investigating, learning
the role of the smoking police; everyone abides when
and improving.
they are present, nobody when they are not. A safety
Elements of a proactive safety culture in practice may
• Setting an example when visiting or sailing with
department may typically represent 10% of the total
ships of the “safety first” concept that many voice
staff of a company daily acting on its behalf. It’s how
• Real audits. This would mean ship audits during
but few dare practice. For example by aborting tank
the rest 90% of the company’s staff operate and think
voyages to allow time for in depth checks, discuss and
inspections if conditions are suspect and postponing
that really matters to the total amount of operational
develop ideas to improve the system and also witness
them after more preparation or accepting near misses
risk taken up by the company daily.
actual practices (wathckeeping, bunkering, mainte-
against unsafe acts of Superintendents. The culture
The safety department may act as a reference point
nance jobs, drills etc) beyond inspecting paperwork
must be that safety rules are for everyone, from the
but not be the place where the “safety culture” exists.
and real and useful findings and non conformities.
owner visiting the ship to the wife of the Master riding
Safety first
along for the voyage. An accident involving a Super-
with customers to find the amount of money another
intendent is an accident and a loss all the same – and
kind of working culture could have saved. Maybe
At the end of the day the culture of a company is the
much more embarrassing for the company. Everyone
because few companies sum up or quantify these
behavior of its people. We all know that the last world
is subject to the same rules when one a ship – make
preventable losses is often so difficult for some to see
financial crisis was brought about mainly from risky
no exceptions!
the point of investing above the absolutely minimum
financial behaviors that went on for too long, hidden
Sometimes, the ultimate aim of a culture of safety
operating costs in such a very competitive business
from view and at the time appeared to be “profit-
remains unclear in many people’s minds. They simply
environment like shipping.
able”. When reality eventually caught up (and this is
cannot see the “benefit”, the “why”. “We have our cer-
This investment, for those few owners who do it, is
question of when, not if) and those hidden risks came
tificates, what more do we need”? Well, all accidents
just like buying one extra type of insurance policy.
at last to be settled the losses were much higher
have happened to certificated vessels and certified
They intentionally and proactively spend something
than the earlier profits as the very existence of the
seafarers and some have brought whole companies
additional than the minimum in order to reduce the
companies was threatened. Of course, in their case
to their knees. That’s enough why we shouldn’t feel
likelihood or frequency of the sudden losses from op-
because of their public face some of these companies
comfortable with just that.
erational incidents which unlike the normal operating
had they were saved by governments. Do we have
A company only needs to look back in its own losses
costs cannot be predicted, controlled or budgeted for
such a mechanism to bail our own companies out in
from incidents of all kinds (operational, technical
and suddenly negate all previous cash flow estima-
case a serious incident reveals we that our working
breakdowns, human injuries or environmental cases,
tions that may transform in a moment an otherwise
culture actually had been running too much hidden
commercial rejections) including loss of face and trust
profitable fixture to a near-death experience for the
operational risks for too long?
Vernicos – Argonaftis: We focus on a safety management strategy The aim of Vernicos - Argonaftis is to achieve high
that availability and quality of human resources are
review of near misses and other practices in order
customer satisfaction, which ensures that we main-
the cornerstones for a rational safety strategy of
to constantly update same, examine the adoption
tain our reputation as a well recognized company
any ship management company. The emphasis to
of new technologies introduced at shipping where
in the tug sector. Such satisfaction will be gained
meet the above aim exacerbate costs .
applicable, it goes without saying that to achieve
by providing high quality of services by our tugs
the above tasks a high number of well-educated
and crewmembers. Our services should be avail-
We consider our crew members as the most vital
and experienced people are appointed for each
able on time and reliable with zero tolerance on
guards in the process of implementing our safety
task/ position.
issues. This is why we focus on a safety manage-
strategy. With respect to our customers our mas-
ment strategy. This strategy was developed from
ters and their crew should be competent with sea-
Due to the specialized structure of Vernicos -
our understanding and experience that the good
manship skills and good knowledge of environmen-
Argonaftis our organization there is an excessive
reputation of our company heavily dependents in
tal issues being fluent in English language. Every
burden to our workforce. This burden should also
providing excellent services. The high competency
crewmember is trained for a long time before as-
include increased workload for our employees in
levels of our employees ashore, onboard, and the
signed to a particular task. Especially our captains
order to meet our company’s aims. Our priority is
maintainance of high standards to our fleet warrant
need a long time of training before they develop
that our seamen which already have a heavy daily
these services. We believe that in the long term
the required skills. To maintain a competent crew is
schedule do not be buried in paperwork. Therefore
this is the only way to maintain a large share in the
expensive. To be more specific crew costs should
the cooperation among our staff ashore and
tug market.
include motivated salaries to increase satisfaction.
onboard is vital. Our offshore employees do at their
In addition some of our tugs have double shifts in
out most to provide our staff with the appropriate
A main challenge is that the fleet should meet the
order to be 24 hours available without being at risk
support and guidance especially with regulatory
international requirements in order to be ready in
of exceeding the working hours.
issues. The excessive size of applicable regula-
every respect to sail outside from Greek territory.
tions is matter of priority for our offshore employ-
The reliable structure of a tug and equipment
The personnel at our headquarters are experi-
ees. Through our safety management system
always in good condition ensures that our services
enced ready to provide guidance and assistance
we ensure that most of the workload regarding
will be provided at any time to the satisfaction of
to crewmembers of our tugs. Demand for human
implementation of any regulation should fall to our
our customers. The continuous monitoring of the
resources ashore should fulfill the demand of
headquarters. A continuous inspection to our tugs
condition of our fleet from the technical department
regulations to cover specific positions such as
ensures that regulations are followed and if any
warrant that the challenging environment of Greek
the “Designated Person Ashore” and “Company
trouble is identified immediate corrective action is
seas will not be an obstacle.
Security Officer” required by the ISM Code and the
International Code for the Security of Ships and Apart from maintenance issues the priority of
of Port Facilities (ISPS code), respectively. At our
Christos Yemitzoglou
Vernicos - Argonaftis is to hire and preserve com-
headquarters the offshore staff is constantly work-
petent labour offshore and onshore. Our feeling is
ing to improve our standards and practices. They
Safety first
ISM and ISPS Certification: GL opens Certification Hub Greece ISM and ISPS certification services are now offered from a special customer service hub of Germa-
Safer shipping of dangerous goods with new tool “GL Cargo” New chemicals and other dangerous goods bring new challenges for their safe shipment by sea. This is reflected by a new amendment to SOLAS II-2/19 “Carriage of Dangerous Goods”, which focuses on the corresponding requirements for equipment on board. International agreements control the transport of dangerous goods across international borders. Each mode of transport - inland waterways, sea, air, road and rail - has different safety requirements and therefore its own international convention or code based on the UN Model Regulations.
nischer Lloyd (GL) in Greece. The new team in Piraeus provides order management, audit instruc-
With the new amendment coming into force on 1 January 2011, Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has launched a
tiaons, audit report review, issuance of certificates
database service “GL Cargo”, allowing its users an easy access to all equipment requirements on board of
and approval of ship security plans for clients in
a vessel.
Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon and Morocco. Customers located in these countries are now able to forward their
Most goods consigned for transport pose no danger to those involved in transporting them, to members of
inquiries and audit requests directly to the certifica-
the public, or to the environment. However, some goods are potentially hazardous - they might, for exam-
tion hub in Greece.
ple, be poisonous to humans and/or the environment, explosive, flammable or radioactive. The use and therefore transport of dangerous goods throughout the world is necessary to maintain both quality of life and
"In response to its customer demand for local support, GL established an ISM & ISPS coordination and certification centre, following the successful example of the Greek team of 'Fleet in Service'",
sustainable development.
Friedo Holtermann, a Marine Engineer of GL, explains the benefits of the new databank: “With GL Cargo, a
explained Athanasios Reisopoulos, Vice President,
user can just tick off the types of cargo space and goods classes, and then leave the remaining work to our
the expansion of the classification society's activi-
system which can automatically generate a report on all requirements about cargo holds and equipments,
ties in Greece, the Mediterranean and South Africa.
such as fire extinguishing system, water supplies, ventilation, detection system, etc. This tool makes it no
The certification hub coordinates ISM and ISPS
longer drudgery for cargo planners to figure out what specific requirements they have to fulfil because a
certification activities with Greek personnel trained in GL's head office in Hamburg, Germany.
comprehensive report can be produced no matter how many types of dangerous goods their vessels will transport.”
The ISM Code provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships
GL Cargo contains all provisions of SOLAS II-2/19 adopted by Resolution MSC 269(85), as well as the
and for pollution prevention. SOLAS adopted the
revised standard format for the Document of Compliance for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods according to
ISM Code in 1994 and incorporated it into chapter
MSC.1/Circ.1266. It covers all dangerous goods in packaged form carried by multi-purpose vessels, contain-
IX. By 1998 much of the commercial shipping community was required to be in compliance with the ISM code. The International Ship and Port Facility
erships and Ro-Ro vessels and all solid dangerous goods in bulk shipped by bulk carriers and multi-purpose vessels. GL Cargo is also used to generate and print out the Document of Compliance in the new standard
Security (ISPS) Code is an amendment to the Safe-
format as long as all relevant information about space type and goods classes is uploaded to the database.
ty of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention (1974/1988)
“This brings further convenience to our clients and GL alike,” Friedo Holtermann added.
on minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and government agencies. Having come into force in 2004, it prescribes responsibilities to governments, shipping companies, shipboard personnel, and port/facility personnel to detect security threats
GL has been authorized by major Flag State Administrations to provide the new Document of Compliance after conducting surveys and reviewing documents and drawings of ships. Existing documents for ships in service will remain valid until they need to be re-issued on the occasion of change of flag or class renewal.
and take preventative measures against security
GL has developed additional tools enabling its clients to comply with a variety of rules and regulations in a
incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in
convenient and time efficient way. All these tools are available at GL’s corporate website www.gl-group.com
international trade.
SFAKTIRIAS 17 & PAPASTRATOU 52 PIRAEUS TEL +302104082638 FAX +302104082639 emails : spares@orfanidismarine.com repairs@orfanidismarine.com
Safety first
DNV: On a quest for a safer London London Fire Brigade, one of the largest fire and rescue organisations in the world, is responsible for keeping 7.5 million Londoners safe from fires and fire-related incidents. DNV has worked with the brigade for the past two years, ensuring an increased awareness and implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in the organisation. The focus of work for fire and rescue organisations
don’t just deliver a smoke alarm and talk about
such as London Fire Brigade has changed dramati-
escape routes – we also explain how to reduce
cally over the past few years, not only in terms of
the risk of having a fire in the first place. This has
time spent on prevention work but also in terms of
been a big change. Previously firefighters went to
a brand new partnership-based approach to fire
the scene of fires – nothing else. Now a substantial
and rescue services. At a time when the global
part of a firefighter’s work is related to teaching the
economy is characterised by strain and dramatic
public how to prevent fires,” says Ms Ellison-Bunce.
cutbacks, London Fire Brigade continues to deliver
The other big change over the past years has been
about the potential for chemical and biological
an efficient, effective and value-for-money fire and
a shift to a distinctive partnership approach. “We are
weapons. Our job is making sure that we are
rescue service at the same time as it is preparing
now looking more at delivering shared objectives
capable of dealing with these new threats, and 9/11
for one of the decade’s big events – the London
together with others. London Fire Brigade is now
and 7/7 made us take a new look at our capabilities
Olympics in 2012.
involved in more than 4,000 partnerships. We work
and capacities. We immediately saw our limita-
Forum sat down with the woman who oversees
together with 33 London boroughs. This is a clear
tions. Luckily we received some additional funding
London Fire Brigade’s planning and performance
shift in Government thinking towards improving local
from the UK Government to address the gaps, and
to obtain an insider’s view on the work they do
accountability and involvement,” says Ms Ellison-
today we are better equipped than ever,” says Ms
and other questions concerning the safekeeping of
Working with DNV
Safeguarding the London Olympics
Two distinct shifts
Throughout the past two years, London Fire Brigade
There has also been a focus on potential terrorist-
According to Susan Ellison-Bunce, there have been
has worked closely with DNV on Enterprise Risk
related incidents in the preparations for the upcom-
two distinct shifts in focus for London Fire Brigade’s
Management. DNV has helped the brigade identify,
ing London Summer Olympics set to take place in
working patterns over the past few years. “We are
verify and audit risks related to the corporate risk
2012. London Fire Brigade has been preparing for
placing much greater emphasis on intelligence
framework. More specifically, DNV has looked at
the Olympics for the past four years. Amongst many
gathering about people and places at risk, and
how London Fire Brigade can identify, manage and
other things, they have provided advice on building
we have deliberately been skewing our resources
monitor corporate risks.
security and safety.
towards educating the public – particularly the
DNV has also helped identify areas where London
“London Fire Brigade has been a key partner in the
high-risk groups in the population. The results have
Fire Brigade could develop and improve. “Right
development of all new buildings for the Olympic
been great; last year saw fewer than 30,000 fires in
now, for instance, DNV is helping us develop our
Park. We look at not only fire safety issues but also
London for the first time in 40 years, which should
business continuity system so that it complies with
construction techniques. There’s an inherent conflict
be seen against a total of more than 57,000 fires in
the new British Standards,” says Ms Ellison-Bunce.
between the public interest in having building safety
2003/2004, and performance has improved again
“As a result of our collaboration with DNV, we are
standards in place and the construction companies’
this year,” says Ms Ellison-Bunce.
now at the head of the game with regard to risk
interest in constructing the buildings quickly. Our fo-
The shift towards prevention work has come about
management. We’ve embedded risk management
cus is on protection and ensuring good security and
as a result of successive governments’ increased
across the organisation and it is welcomed by our
exits in the case of fires,” says Ms Ellison-Bunce.
awareness of its effectiveness. “The understanding
staff. People seem to be very appreciative of its
London Fire Brigade is also heavily involved in the
that taking a reactive approach to risk was limited
effects,” she says.
provision of services during and after the Olympics.
in its effectiveness was an important turning point,”
Facing unconventional threats
“During the Olympics, we will be on alert with regard
says Ms Ellison-Bunce, adding that “everybody now
London Fire Brigade is one of the Greater London
to potential incidents in the Olympic Park whilst we
agrees that the most efficient risk approach is to
Authority’s functional entities. In the aftermath of the
continue to maintain our response teams for the rest
work with the local communities – giving them the
9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks in the US and London,
of London. In addition there’s the concern for the
ability to protect themselves.” London Fire Brigade
the UK Government dedicated new funds for invest-
city’s legacy after the Olympics, with the UK Gov-
has deliberately developed methods for addressing
ments in equipment and vehicles to deal with these
ernment wishing to ensure a lasting improvement in
high-risk groups – such as the elderly. “Although the
and other unconventional threats facing London and
infrastructure, housing conditions and the number of
elderly are no more at risk of fire than the average
other cities around the world.
open spaces in this particular part of north London.
population, the risk of physical harm to the elderly is
“After the 9/11 attacks in the US and the 7/7 bomb-
“These are all planning processes we’re deeply
much greater when a fire occurs.”
ings in London, there was a sudden realisation that
involved in,” says Ms Ellison-Bunce.
One of London Fire Brigade’s actions in its quest
terrorist incidents could take on forms other than
for a safer London is the home fire safety visit. “We
IRA bombs. We suddenly started talking seriously
Author: Jannicke Elisabeth Witsø
Safety first
Piracy nowadays and how to get assistance Panos G. Moraitis
Managing Director, Aspida Maritime Security Having proof of pirate activity even during the 13th
year; only one of them occurred in the Strait of
In the last 10 days of october 2010 alone, there
century b.C. , it is safe to consider that piracy as an
have been 13 reported attacks. In 7 of those, pirates
activity appeared when shipping itself did.
But despite the continuous decline of piracy
managed to board the vessel while the remaining 6
Piracy specifically flourished from the middle ages
incidents in the Malacca Straits and the South
vessels managed to evade the attack. Of the ships
to the 19th century with increased activity through-
China sea, overall there has been an increase in
boarded, 4 were abandoned by pirates as crews
out the world, from Europe to Africa, and from Asia
Piracy because of the attacks on the African coasts
mustered in citadels and pirates could not sail the
to the Americas.
and especially because of the activities of Somali
vessels. Out of the 6 vessels evading the attacks at
least 3 had a security team onboard while the rest
Piracy declined in subsequent centuries, thanks
employed best management practices during the
to the sustained efforts of the naval powers of the
If one were to look at historical data of piracy from
era and the severe penalties that convicted pirates
the last 2 decades he would notice that the attacks
faced. In the early 20th Century there have only
in the Somali basin are not something new, as
What is also alarming is the adaptability that Pirates
been rare incidents, but as the end of the Cold war
pirate attacks have been taking place there through-
show. Recently we have seen pirates attacking in
resulted in a decrease of patrolling the seas and
out the last twenty years but in a much smaller
swarms, where in some cases more than 8 skiffs at-
an increase in international trade, this resulted to
scale. Initially Somalis were fishermen turned
tacked a vessel simultaneously. We have also seen
another upsurge of Piracy. Modern day piracy is
pirates in order to defend their catch from foreign
the first nightly attack - contrary to popular belief
again spread globally but particularly the South
fishing fleets. We need to consider that Somalia has
that pirates prefer to attack at dusk or dawn, this
China Sea, the Malacca Straits, the Niger Delta,
been plagued by civil war and there has been no
attack took place after midnight.
and of course the surrounding areas off the coast
stable and universally accepted government since
of Somalia; the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean, the
1991. The warfare among rival clans caused famine
Red Sea.
on a biblical scale as hundreds of thousands have
Thankfully choosing a reliable partner to assist you
perished from famine, and the life expectancy is 44
with the security of your vessels, can mitigate the
years for men and 47 years for women. The Gross
extreme risk of transiting highly volatile areas like
National Income is US$140 well below the UN
the Gulf of Aden.
In the United Nations Convention on the Law of
defined poverty limit of US$1 per day.
At Aspida we can assist you by offering a com-
the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982, "maritime piracy" is
So we shouldn't be surprised that Somali men
prehensive suite of products and services ranging
defined as:
turn to piracy as a lucrative professional direction.
from training and consultancy services, to onboard
(a) any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any
They seize the opportunities given to them, the law
security, escort vessels and countermeasures. In
act of depredation, committed for private ends by
enforcement vacuum, the big rewards, even the
each case we adapt to the specific requirements
the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a
lack of prosecution if they are caught. Chewing khat
of each mission while offering flexibility for your
private aircraft, and directed:
leaves (plant with similar effects to amphetamines)
company's needs. Whether it's onboard security
(i) on the high seas, against another ship or aircraft,
and heavily armed, they sail from ports such as Eyl,
in the Gulf of Aden, the Niger Delta, an anti-drug
or against persons or property on board such ship
Kismayo and Harardhere - once fishing villages but
smuggling operation in Venezuela or crew training
or aircraft;
now pirate havens, searching for easy pray, slow
onboard one of your vessels, you can rest assured
(ii) against a ship, aircraft, persons or property in a
vessels, vessels with low freeboard, unprotected
that you will be receiving the best service available,
place outside the jurisdiction of any State;
balancing security, safety and cost efficiency.
But what is piracy?
Piracy has been steadily on the rise during the past
The International Maritime Bureau (IMB)
twenty years. Until 2005 the Malacca Straits "led
Despite the coordinated effort of many countries
the charts" as the most pirate infested area in terms
and the increased naval presence policing the area,
of attempted attacks. But the coordinated efforts
the area is vast and the available naval assets too
reports that while in the first quarter of
between Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and some
few to be able to be everywhere at any given time.
2009 the number of pirate attacks around
assistance from Thailand almost eradicated the
the Somali pirates are continuing to demonstrate an
problem in 2008. The International Maritime Bureau
ability to attack vessels, even within the Interna-
the world nearly doubled, to 102 inci-
(IMB) which keeps piracy statistics since 1992,
tional Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) and
reports that while in the first quarter of 2009 the
in unprotected areas, some attacks of which, occur
only one of them occurred in the Strait of
number of pirate attacks around the world nearly
more than 1,000 nautical miles from the Somali
doubled, to 102 incidents, compared to the previous
coast well into the Indian Ocean.
which keeps piracy statistics since 1992,
dents, compared to the previous year;
Safety first
Ο παράγοντας ασφάλεια σε πλοία και λιμάνια Κλαίρη Περηφάνου Ιδιοκτήτρια της εταιρίας Technomep
Ο παράγοντας ασφάλεια είναι σημαντικός στα πλοία και στη λειτουργία των λιμένων. Με τη λέξη «ασφάλεια» εννοείται η ασφάλεια της εργασίας, η ασφάλεια από παράνομες ενέργειες και η προστασία από τα φυσικά φαινόμενα. Για την προφύλαξη και την εξασφάλιση της ασφάλειας των πλοίων και των λιμένων δημιουργήθηκε ο Διεθνής Κώδικας για την Ασφάλεια Πλοίων και Λιμενικών Εγκαταστάσεων (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code). Η ασφάλεια συνιστά κρίσιμη παράμετρο, προκειμένου να διαφυλαχθούν και να αναπτυχθούν οι λιμένες στη μεταφορική αλυσίδα και να διατηρηθεί η εμπιστοσύνη των φορέων που δραστηριοποιούνται στο χώρο αυτό. Είναι εμφανές ότι κυρίως οι τρομοκρατικές επιθέσεις σε λιμένες μπορούν εύκολα να επιφέρουν σοβαρές διαταραχές στα συστήματα μεταφοράς και να αποτελέσουν αιτία σοβαρών επιπτώσεων σε παρακείμενες βιομηχανίες καθώς και να αποβούν σε βάρος της ζωής των προσώπων του λιμένα ή του πληθυσμού των παρακείμενων περιοχών. Το επίπεδο ετοιμότητος των Ελληνικών λιμένων σε σχέση με τις απαιτήσεις που προκύπτουν από την εφαρμογή του ISPS Code, ανταποκρίνεται στους σχεδιασμούς και στις στοχεύσεις που έχει θέσει η ηγεσία του ΥΕΝΑΝΠ. Με τον κανονισμό (ΕΚ) αριθ. 725/2004 εγκρίθηκαν κατάλληλα μέτρα στον τομέα της πολιτικής για τις θαλάσσιες μεταφορές μέσω της θέσπισης κοινών κανόνων για την ερμηνεία, την εφαρμογή και τον έλεγχο εντός της Κοινότητας των τροποποιήσεων της Διεθνούς σύμβασης για την ασφάλεια της ανθρώπινης ζωής στη θάλασσα, 1974 (σύμβαση SOLAS) και του Διεθνούς Κώδικα για την Ασφάλεια Πλοίων και Λιμενικών Εγκαταστάσεων (Κώδικας ISPS) που εγκρίθηκε από τη διπλωματική διάσκεψη του Διεθνούς Ναυτιλιακού Οργανισμού (ΔΝΟ) στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2002. Σχεδόν 10 χρόνια μετά την υιοθέτηση του Κώδικα ISM (Διεθνής Κώδικας Ασφαλούς Διαχείρισης Πλοίων) είναι ένας νέος υποχρεωτικός Κώδικας που δημιουργεί νέες απαιτήσεις για τη ναυτιλία. Ο Κώδικας ISPS έχει ως πεδίο εφαρμογής όλα τα φορτηγά πλοία και όλα τα επιβατηγά πλοία διεθνών πλόων άνω των 500 GT καθώς και τις λιμενικές εγκαταστάσεις στις οποίες καταπλέουν τα προαναφερθέντα πλοία. Ο Κώδικας ISPS συμπεριλήφθηκε στις τροποποιήσεις του Κεφαλαίου XI της SOLAS ώστε να καταστεί υποχρεωτικός και να αποτελεί πλέον ένα νέο πλαίσιο για την αναγνώριση και διαχείριση απειλών κατά της ασφάλειας πλοίων και λιμανιών με στόχο τον περιορισμό του κινδύνου και των πιθανών επιπτώσεων του. Σκοπός του Κώδικα είναι να δημιουργήσει ένα διεθνές δίκτυο μεταξύ των τοπικών αρχών και των ναυτιλιακών και λιμενικών βιομηχανιών προκειμένου να εκτιμώνται οι απειλές κατά της ασφάλειας και να λαμβάνονται προληπτικά μέτρα κατά των επερχόμενων ενεργειών που επηρεάζουν τα πλοία ή τις λιμενικές εγκαταστάσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται στο διεθνές εμπόριο. Ο Κώδικας έχει ένα υποχρεωτικό και ένα συμβουλευτικό μέρος. Διασφαλίζει την ασφάλεια των πλοίων και των λιμενικών εγκαταστάσεων, διαχειρίζεται και αξιολογεί τους κινδύνους και τα τρωτά σημεία της ασφάλειας και καθορίζει ποια είναι τα κατάλληλα μέτρα ασφαλείας. Επίσης παρέχει ένα πλαίσιο για την αξιολόγηση του κινδύνου, ώστε οι κυβερνήσεις να αντικρούουν τις απειλές κατά των πλοίων και των λιμενικών εγκαταστάσεων και να προσδιορίσουν τα κατάλληλα επίπεδα ασφαλείας και τα αντίστοιχα μέτρα ασφάλειας. Η εφαρμογή ενός τέτοιου μοντέλου λειτουργίας είναι τα λιμάνια, η λειτουργία, ο εξοπλισμός και η συντήρηση των οποίων συνδέεται άμεσα με την ασφάλεια της ναυσιπλοίας. Οι φορείς διαχείρισης υποχρεούνται να ακολουθούν πιστά τις κάτωθι υποχρεώσεις. Σύμφωνα με τους όρους του Κώδικα ISPS, πρέπει να προσδιορίζονται οι πιθανές απειλές, τα ευαίσθητα σημεία στα οποία ο λιμένας είναι ευάλωτος αλλά και η ανεύρεση τρόπων και μεθόδων εξάλειψης αυτών των αδυναμιών. Η Αξιολόγηση Ασφαλείας που καλύπτει αποτελεσματικά τη διασύνδεση πλοίου και λιμένα, προβλέπονται τρία επίπεδα ασφαλείας. Στο επίπεδο ασφάλειας 1 τηρούνται πάντα και συστηματικά ελάχιστα μέτρα προστασίας και ετοιμότητας, στο επίπεδο 2 τηρούνται κατάλληλα μέτρα ασφάλειας τα οποία διατηρούνται για μια χρονική περίοδο και στο 3 τηρούνται μέτρα που θα διατηρηθούν για μια περιορισμένα χρονικά περίοδο όταν ένα γεγονός ασφάλειας των μεταφορών είναι πιθανό και επικείμενο. Ο Κώδικας ISPS προβλέπει όχι μόνο τον τρόπο αντιμετώπισης ενός περιστατικού που δύναται να θέσει σε κίνδυνο την εγκατάσταση και το πλοίο που είναι ελλιμενισμένο σε αυτή, αλλά συγχρόνως οργανώνει το μηχανισμό πρόληψης προσδιορίζοντας τους αναγκαίους πόρους, ανθρώπινο δυναμικό και μέσα για τον έλεγχο και επιτήρηση των ζωνών περιορισμένης πρόσβασης και γενικά όλα τα κρίσιμα σημεία της εγκατάστασης. Οι λιμένες και τα πλοία αποτελούν τα κυριότερα σημεία των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών. Ο κλάδος της ναυτιλίας έχει παγκόσμιο χαρακτήρα οπότε η ασφάλεια των λιμένων και των πλοίων αποτελούν πρωταρχικό παράγοντα για την έννομη λειτουργία τους. Από τα ανωτέρω προκύπτει ότι η διεθνής κοινότητα έχει ασχοληθεί επισταμένως με την ασφάλεια του λιμενικών εγκαταστάσεων και των πλοίων. Ειδικότερα έχει δώσει έμφαση σε θέματα τρομοκρατίας μετά την τρομοκρατική ενέργεια της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου 2001 στις ΗΠΑ θεσπίζοντας και θέτοντας σε εφαρμογή Ειδικό Κώδικα. Βέβαια δεν έχει επικεντρωθεί στις φυσικές καταστροφές σε λιμενικές εγκαταστάσεις και στα πλοία. Σύμφωνα με την απόφαση, την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2011 θα αλλάξει σημαντικά στην ΕΕ το καθεστώς ελέγχου από το κράτος λιμένα (τεχνικές επιθεωρήσεις ασφάλειας στους λιμένες) με βάση την οδηγία 2009/16/EΚ σχετικά με τον έλεγχο των πλοίων από το κράτος λιμένα. Με το νέο καθεστώς θα επέλθει εναρμόνιση, σε κλίμακα ΕΕ, των προτύπων για τις επιθεωρήσεις ελέγχου από το κράτος λιμένα, ενώ παράλληλα θα υπάρξει για πρώτη φορά πλήρως συντονισμένο σύστημα όλων των διεξαγόμενων στην ΕΕ επιθεωρήσεων ασφάλειας από το κράτος λιμένα.
Safety first
The Liberian Registry – Promoting safety at sea Dr. Michalis Pantazopoulos General Manager of LISCR HELLAS S.A., Liberian Registry’s office in Piraeus The often celebrated global ocean shipping usually
(mandatory), Onboard Safety Drills (monthly) &
IMO Involvement and Adopting Legislation: The
cannot overcome the negative perception when
Safety Training Sessions (weekly), Guidance to
Registry is fully involved in development work within
accidents occur that receive major publicity. Whilst
Masters (Safety Inspection to Ships) with Sample
the IMO and has strengthened its London Office
responsibility for this could be laid in varying
Report of Safety Inspection Forms (Form 252)
for this sole purpose. Liberia is a signatory to all
degrees at the door of every sector of the industry
Harmonized ISM and ISPS Audits and Verifica-
the major maritime codes and conventions which it
from shipowners, and operators to charterers,
tions performed by the Liberian Registry exclusive
ensures are fully implemented onboard all its regis-
seafarers, port terminals, class societies, underwrit-
network of over 220 Auditors in over 200 ports.
tered ships. Furthermore the Registry’s Technical
ers, banks, regulatory bodies, and even to IMO,
Port State Detention Analysis and Flag State Deten-
Department works closely with owners and class
much of the blame must be borne by the Flag
tion Analysis followed by Routine Flag Inspection
to listen to their views, address interpretations of
State. A responsible Flag state aiming to promote
as well as Detention Specific Inspections to ensure
requirements and issue necessary dispensations
safety at sea would have to interact and work with
vessel’s compliance. Flag’s active working role
Promoting Awareness of New Statutory Re-
the shipowners and shipmanagers, the crew, the
with PSC and Shipowners/managers which would
quirements (e.g. MLC) with organizing of client
regulatory bodies being IMO, PSCs, Classification
also lead to PSC appeals when detentions are not
implementation information seminars to discuss
Societies etc., the shipbuilders, and even the bank-
valid. Promote Awareness of detention reasons
upcoming regulations
ers, and the lawyers. And whilst in a strict sense
by circulating Flag’s advice regarding inspection
Participation and Disclosure of results from IMO’s
the Flag Administration is a Regulatory Body and
Voluntary Member State Audit. The Liberian
at the same time serves the shipowner and ship
Casualty Investigation and Analysis: This funda-
Registry, being ISO certified since 2003, completed
operator who is the “client,” in a broader, general,
mental part of safety even if it is a reactive measure
a successful external audit in March 2007 under
and indirect sense the Flag Administration serves
represents the cornerstone of a safety culture under
the International Maritime Organization's Voluntary
the public at large.
the principles “investigate, cooperate and report.”
IMO Member State Audit Scheme (VIMSAS) without
As the world’s premier open ship registry with a
The essential ability to investigate casualties involv-
a single non-conformity recorded against the
fleet of almost 3,500 vessels of about 110 million
ing Liberian registered ships regardless of location
operation of the registry. While the audit scheme
gtons, the Liberian Maritime Program is renowned
is further expanded to participation in emergency &
does not require disclosure of the audit results, the
for quality, efficiency, safety, service, professional-
casualty exercises as well as “mock” investigations
Liberian Registry believes that transparency plays
ism and rapid response to situations that affect
with clients and relevant bodies. Investigations
an important role in the process and has published
crew, ship, or cargo. Its maritime experts regularly
should look to the cause of difficulties experienced,
both the full audit report, including areas of positive
inspect vessels to ensure compliance with all in-
possible means of avoiding them in the future, pos-
development, areas for further development and
ternational regulations making the Liberian flagged
sible violations of law and possible faults or failures
the action plan for the follow-up on the auditors’
ships among the safest and most secure in the
on the concerned parties which might require further
observations. By doing so, Liberia hopes it will pro-
world. Likewise, Liberia is recognized at the top of
action from the Flag Administration.
vide useful information to other member States and
every industry “white-list” including the International
Seafarer Certification covering identification/fraud
encourage other member States to take advantage
Maritime Organization and the major Port State
detection and prevention as well as confirmation of
of the opportunity and volunteer to be audited.
Control authorities.
competencies and training.
In today’s competitive and demanding shipping
Committed to safe and secure shipping, the Libe-
Selecting, Monitoring and Working with its ROs.
industry the Liberian Registry has chosen to
rian registry has cultivated its safety and security
The Registry only allows IACS members to act as
promote safety at not only as an Administration but
culture via an extensive infrastructure ranging from
its ROs and conduct Statutory Surveys on its behalf.
to enhance safety management in partnership with
management, staff and worldwide representation, to
The Registry carries out planned audits of all its
industry’s players and cooperate with them to a
technical expertise and close interaction with class
ROs as part of its RO monitoring scheme, as well
common goal. Notifying Flag State when there are
societies and recognized organizations, Port State
as an annual meeting with its ROs to discuss: a) Im-
problems, assisting your Flag State to follow-up with
Controls, to participation at IMO, ILO, STCW, etc.,
plementation of Regulations (e.g. MLC), b) Address
Port State; and cooperating during investigations to
as well as the Liberian Shipowners’ Council.
areas of mutual concern, c) RO performance, etc.
determine root cause(s) and then sharing lessons
The strong commitment of the Liberian Registry has
Anti-Piracy Initiatives – Training on Board, by
learned will lead to an increase level of responsibili-
led to a blend of safety practices and procedures to
producing and providing interactive training for Sea-
ty and promote safety as sea as well as improve the
promote proactively safety at sea describing some
farers based on the Best Management Practices to
perception of safe shipping to the public at large.
of them in the following:Annual Safety Inspections
deter piracy.
Safety first
CM Hammar: New technology for life-saving at sea Swedish maritime safety company CM Hammar presents solution to well known safety problem. With brand new technology, liferafts and epirbs can be released and float freely already when a ship or vessel is in listing position.
With current release systems on the market, safety equipment is released first when it reaches a depth of 1,5 to 4 meters. When a ship or a vessel capsizes without sinking, there is therefore a major risk that life rafts and epirbs are trapped under the craft, or never released at all. With List Angle Detection (LAD), the new technology introduced by CM Hammar, liferafts and epirbs can be automatically released at a specified degree of list when a vessel capsizes. The released safety units reach the surface before the ship flips around, significantly reducing the risk for it to be trapped or entangled in constructions on deck. The problem with safety equipment not being released or getting trapped under the vessel has a long history. It was most recently put under the spotlight after the tragic capsize of the anchorhandling Norwegian ship Bourbon Dolphin in 2007, when eight people lost their lives. IMO Norway proposes amendments to the current resolutions, and demands ”a release mechanism that operates immediately when the satellite Epirb reaches the surface, instead of before reaching a depth of 4 metres in any orientation.”
The first 3D survey simulator developed by DNV
– We are excited about this new technology and
The very first 3D survey simulator specially designed to improve safety in the shipping industry is now in
how it can contribute to saving lives of
use. By this - virtual ships used for extensive training, knowledge sharing and experience development are
seamen in distress all over the world. Norway
brought into the class rooms.
requests a solution in the future, but as we
Class surveyors and also port state inspectors are able to take major steps forward through improved and
see it the future is already here, says Henrik Påls-
accelerated training. Later on ship officers and superintendents will be able to start using the new tool too.
son, Managing Director at CM Hammar.
The 3D survey simulator has been developed by DNV. Based on the same principles as those used in
The LAD consists of a control box with two activat-
computer games, trainees are able to navigate around all parts of a vessel. Inspections can be carried out
ing outputs for Hammar H20 ERU´s. The control
from the upper part of the superstructure to the lower part of a cargo hold or the ship’s double bottom. Even
box has an integrated inclination sensor designed
a drilling rig can be surveyed in cyberspace. The complete 3D training facilities are installed at Gdynia, Po-
to release the ERU´s automatically in case the
land. A new building was opened earlier this month and training facilities mainly designed for the 3D simula-
vessel capsizes. The preset activation angle can be
tor are an important part of the building. But – as Nortun stressed when he introduced some of the maritime
adjusted to suit different ships and vessels. There
media to the new tool today – the equipment will be made portable and surveyors can be trained almost
is also a pushbutton used for controlled manual
everywhere. The 3D survey simulator allows trainees to conduct inspections on virtual vessels, indentify
activation. Output number two is activated automati-
non-compliances and safety issues and optimise workflow processes in a controlled, interactive and guided
cally 2 seconds after output number one has been
environment. Using images taken from existing vessels, the 3D-enabled software replicates onboard condi-
activated. The system has an integrated battery
tions with remarkable fidelity. Trainees are allowed to adjust conditions, such as the degree of corrosion
back-up and is built for tough marine environment.
and weather and light conditions, to fit different purposes. Safety conflicts are also built into the program to encourage trainees to be more aware of potential hazards while inspecting.
• Νεότερες έρευνες επιβεβαιώνουν στο ακέραιο ακόμα και τις πιο απίστευτες περιγραφές του «πατέρα της ιστορίας».
Ταξίδι στη γνώση
• Χρυσοφόρα μυρμήγκια που κουβαλούν χρυσάφι από τα έγκατα της γης και παστά ψάρια που… σπαρταρούν. • Οι 50.000 στρατιώτες του Καμβύση πράγματι ετάφησαν ύστερα από ανεμοθύελλα κάτω από την άμμο στην έρημο της Σίβα. • Ανατριχιαστικά ταφικά έθιμα με ανθρωποθυσίες και ανθρωποφαγίες νεκρών γερόντων από βαρβάρους λαούς. • Σεξουαλικές διαστροφές, ευνουχισμοί και συνουσίες ταριχευτών με νεκρές γυναίκες. • Η ψήφος του Αμομφαρέτου κατά τη μάχη των Πλαταιών και η ανεξήγητη έκρηξη που συνέβη στην Ελευσίνα κατά την ναυμαχία της Σαλαμίνος.
Του Ηροδότου τα παράδοξα… Οι νομιζόμενες υπερβολές του Ηροδότου, αποδεικνύονται σήμερα αληθινές ιστορίες
Ταξίδι στη γνώση
Δεν είναι λίγοι εκείνοι που έχουν κατηγορήσει τον Ηρόδοτο ότι λέει υπερβολές. Αν και ο ίδιος ο πατέρας της ιστορίας έχει ξεκαθαρίσει ότι όσα γράφει τα έχει ακούσει χωρίς να σημαίνει και ότι τα
Ηρόδοτος στο Ι 120 - υπήρχε ο τάφος του Πρωτεσιλάου και γύρω ένα ιερό με θησαυρούς,
πιστεύει, πολλοί ισχυρίζονται ότι τα ιστορικά στοιχεία που αναφέρει βρίθουν υπερβολών. Ωστόσο,
που σφετερίστηκε ο Πέρσης Αρταύκτης, ο οποίος
ο Ηρόδοτος ουδέποτε απομακρύνθηκε από τις πηγές, όπως συνέβη π.χ. με τον Θουκυδίδη, ο
έκανε έρωτα με γυναίκες μέσα στον ναό. Λέγεται
οποίος προς το τέλος της ιστορίας του εστράφη μάλλον προς τις δημηγορίες λησμονώντας τις πηγές. Κακώς χαρακτηρίζεται ο Ηρόδοτος ως αφελής και «παραμυθάς» ή ότι υπερβάλλει κάποιες
ότι στην χερσόνησο ένας από τους φρουρούς του Αρταύκτη έψηνε πάστα ψάρια, οπότε έγινε ένα θαύμα. Τα παστά ψάρια άρχισαν να σπαρταρούν
φορές, διότι νεότερες έρευνες επαληθεύουν ένα προς ένα τους «μύθους» του αρχαίου ιστορικού,
επάνω στη φωτιά, λες και τα είχαν μόλις ψαρέψει.
όπως για παράδειγμα εκείνον που αφορούσε τους στρατιώτες του Πέρση βασιλιά Καμβύση,
Μαζεύτηκαν ένα σωρό στρατιώτες και θαύμαζαν,
που θάφτηκαν στην έρημο της Σίβα και τώρα ήλθαν στο φως εκπληκτικά στοιχεία. Πράγματι ο Ηρόδοτος στο τρίτο βιβλίο του το επονομαζόμενο «Θάλεια», διηγείται ότι ο γιος του Κύρου του
όμως όταν είδε το φαινόμενο ο Αρταύκτης, φώναξε τον φρουρό που έψηνε τα ψάρια και του είπε πως το θαύμα ήταν για τον ίδιο. Και προθυμοποιήθηκε
Μεγάλου, ο Καμβύσης ο Β’, ξεκίνησε το 525 π.Χ. να καταλάβει, μετά την Αίγυπτο, την υπόλοιπη
να δώσει στους Αθηναίους ως λύτρα 100 τάλαντα
Αφρική. Σχεδίασε ο Καμβύσης τρεις εκστρατείες: Μια προς Καρχηδόνα, μία προς Σίβα και μια
υπέρ του θεού για όσα πήρε από το ιερό. Τελικά,
προς Αιθιοπία. Ενώ βρισκόταν στις Θήβες, διέταξε τον στόλο του να κινηθεί προς Χαλκηδόνα και έστειλε ένα εκστρατευτικό σώμα από 50.000 άνδρες στην έρημο της Σίβα με αποστολή να
παρά την… εξήγηση του θαύματος δεν γλίτωσε το θάνατο ο Αρταύκτης. Τον πήραν στην ακτή, στο σημείο όπου ο Ξέρξης είχε ρίξει τις γέφυρες και
κάψουν το ναό του Άμμωνα Δία. Στα μισά όμως της διαδρομής μεταξύ της πόλης τους και της
εκεί τον «αποτυμπάνισαν» ( δηλαδή τον κάρφωσαν
Όασης, και ενώ οι στρατιώτες είχαν στρατοπεδεύσει για φαγητό, φύσηξε ένας δυνατός άνεμος και
ζωντανό σε σανίδα) μπήγοντας στο χώμα όρθιες
τους έθαψε όλους. Έτσι χάθηκαν…». Η πληροφορία του Ηροδότου θεωρήθηκε ως ανυπόστατη, διότι θεωρήθηκε αδύνατον να χαθεί διά μιας ένα στρατός 50.000 ανδρών. Όμως η έκπληξη
τις σανίδες. Τον γιό του μάλιστα τον σκότωσαν με λιθοβολισμό μπροστά στα μάτια του. Αυτό το οικτρό τέλος είχε ο ιερόσυλος. Όσο για το θαύμα,
των αρχαιολόγων υπήρξε μεγάλη όταν δύο Ιταλοί σκηνοθέτες, οι δίδυμοι αδελφοί Άντζελο και
αυτό είναι ευεξήγητο. Τα παστά ψάρια, καθώς
Αλφρέντο Καστιλιόνι, ψάχνοντας στην Σίβα για υπολείμματα σιδηρούχων μετεωριτών βρήκαν
ήταν καλυμμένα με χοντρό αλάτι, άρχισαν να…
όλως τυχαίως διάφορα αρχαία ευρήματα, όπως υπολείμματα ανθρώπου, πήλινα αγγεία, ασημένιο βραχιόλι, ένα σκουλαρίκι πολεμιστή, χάντρες από περιδέραιο, χάλκινο σπαθί, αιχμές βελών και
σπαρταρούν επειδή κάθε κόκκος άλατος περιέχει νερό, που εξατμίζεται με τη φωτιά, σκάζει και υποχρεώνει τα πλαστά ψάρια να… χορεύουν!
άλλα. Όλα τα ευρήματα αναλύθηκαν και χρονολογήθηκαν με τη μέθοδο της θερμοφωταύγειας και διαπιστώθηκε ότι ανήκαν στην εποχή του Καμβύση. Οι έρευνες διευρύνθηκαν και βρέθηκαν πολλά «τεχνητά πηγάδια» φτιαγμένα από εκατοντάδες πήλινα αγγεία χωμένα στην άμμο, ηλικίας δυόμισι χιλιάδων ετών. Οι Βεδουίνοι ανέφεραν ότι ένα σιμούν ξέθαψε πριν από κάποιες δεκαετίες
ΕΚΡΗΞΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΕΥΣΙΝΑ; Λίγο πριν από την ναυμαχία της Σαλαμίνας και ενώ η Αττική καταστρεφόταν από τον Ξέρξη και είχε
χιλιάδες κρανία και κόκαλα. Αργότερα βρέθηκε μαζικός τάφος με εκατοντάδες ξασπρισμένους και
ενημερωθεί από τους κατοίκους, ο Αθηναίος φυγάς
διαλυμένους σκελετούς. Αυτή λοιπόν η «πόλη Όαση» του Ηροδότου είναι η σημερινή Χάργκα.
Δίκαιος, ο γιος του Θεοκύδη, που είχε περίοπτη θέση στους Μήδους τον καιρό εκείνο, έτυχε να βρίσκεται με τον Λακεδαιμόνιο Δημάρατο στο Θριάσιο πεδίο, οπότε βλέπει ένα σύννεφο σκόνης
ΤΑ ΧΡΥΣΟΦΟΡΑ ΜΥΡΜΗΓΚΙΑ ανάλογα με το βαλάντιο των συγγενών του νεκρού.
να προχωρεί προς Ελευσίνα, σαν να βάδιζαν
Φαντασίωση χαρακτηρίστηκε επίσης η
Αλλά σε αυτό θα αναφερθούμε λεπτομερέστερα
30.000 οπλίτες μαζί. Και απορούσαν και αυτός
πληροφορία του Ηροδότου σύμφωνα με την οποία
στη συνέχεια κατά την παράθεση ορισμένων
και ο Δημάρατος ποιοι μπορούσαν να σηκώσουν
«γιγάντια μυρμήγκια με γούνα, μεγέθους λίγο
περίεργων αφηγήσεων του πατέρα της ιστορίας,
τέτοιο κουρνιαχτό! Άκουσαν φωνές και φάνηκε
μικρότερου από σκύλου, εξορύσσουν χρυσάφι,
που εκ πρώτης όψεως θεωρούνται φανταστικές
στον Δίκαιο πως υμνούσαν τον Ίακχο Βάκχο.
που γεμίζει το θησαυροφυλάκιο του Δαρείου».
και απίστευτες. Το δυστύχημα είναι ότι, ενώ όλος
Ο Δημάρατος δεν ήξερε τα ιερά μυστήρια της
Ωστόσο στα βουνά του σημερινού Πακιστάν και
ο κόσμος έχει πάντοτε κατά νου τα εκπληκτικά
Ελευσίνας και ρώτησε τον Δίκαιο τι ήταν αυτά που
συγκεκριμένα στο επίπεδο Ντανσάρ, συνεχίζεται
κείμενα του Ηροδότου, ο οποίος εκτός των
άκουγαν. Και ο Δίκαιος του λέει: «Δημάρατε, είναι
ακόμη και σήμερα η εξόρυξη χρυσού με τον ίδιο
άλλων είναι ο πρώτος στον κόσμο που έκανε
μοιραίο ο στρατός του Ξέρξη να πάθει συμφορά.
τρόπο. Αμερικανοί στρατιώτες είδαν Πακιστανούς
οξύτατες ανθρωπολογικές μελέτες, τα γλαφυρά
Αφού η Αττική είναι έρημη, είναι φανερό πως οι
στρατιώτες να επιστρέφουν από περιπολίες με τις
και συναρπαστικά αυτά κείμενα δεν διδάσκονται
φωνές έρχονται από τον θεό, που σπεύδει από
χούφτες γεμάτες χρυσόσκονη. Και αποδείχθηκε ότι
στους Ελληνόπαιδες. Οι ιστορίες του Ηροδότου
την Ελευσίνα να βοηθήσει τους Αθηναίους…». Ο
ο Ηρόδοτος είχε και στην προκειμένη περίπτωση
είναι γεμάτες από παραδοξότητες, που προκαλούν
Δημάρατος τον προειδοποίησε ότι εάν δεν έκλεινε
δίκιο, διότι όπως διαπιστώθηκε, υπερμεγέθεις
την δυσπιστία του αναγνώστη, συνάμα όμως
το στόμα του, ο Ξέρξης θα τον αποκεφάλιζε.. Και
σκίουροι επιλεγόμενοι «μορμότες» είχαν τις φωλιές
εξάπτουν το ενδιαφέρον για την παραπέρα
συνεχίζει ο Ηρόδοτος, λέγοντας τα εξής εκπληκτικά
τους σε κοιτάσματα χρυσού και συχνά πυκνά
ανάγνωση. Μερικές από τις συναρπαστικές αυτές
(Θ’ 65). « Η σκόνη και ο ήχος από τον ύμνο έγιναν
τις… καθάριζαν. Στην γλώσσα των Περσών οι
παραδοξότητες θα αναφέρουμε στη συνέχεια.
σαν ένα σύννεφο, που ανέβηκε ψηλά και άρχισε να προχωρεί κατά τη Σαλαμίνα, στο στρατόπεδο
μορμότες ονομάζονταν «μυρμήγκια του βουνού». Οι σύγχρονοι επιστήμονες δικαίωσαν επίσης τον
Ξέρξη θα καταστραφεί. Αυτά έλεγε ο Δίκαιος, του
Ηρόδοτο σχετικά με την πληροφορία του, ότι στην Αίγυπτο, υπήρχαν τρεις μέθοδοι μουμιοποίησης,
των Ελλήνων, που κατάλαβαν πως ο στόλος του
Στον Ελούντα της χερσονήσου - γράφει ο
Θεοκύδη ο γιος, επικαλούμενος τις μαρτυρίες
Ταξίδι στη γνώση Οι αρχαίοι Αιγύπτιοι δεν έδιναν τις νεκρές γυναίκες σπουδαίων ανδρών στους ταριχευτές πριν περάσουν 3 ή 4 ημέρες, για τον φόβο μήπως συνουσιαστούν μαζί τους
Ταξίδι στη γνώση
του Δημαράτου και άλλων». Το κείμενο αυτό του
δύο φορές ως τώρα. Αυτός ο Ερμότιμος λοιπόν
τόσες πολλές που δεν μπόρεσε να τις υπολογίσει.
Ηροδότου έχει απασχολήσει πολλούς ιστορικούς
πήρε την μεγαλύτερη εκδίκηση από το κακό που
Στην διπλανή χώρα, την Αίγυπτο, οι Αιγύπτιοι
μελετητές, οι οποίοι υποστηρίζουν ότι η περιγραφή
έπαθε. Τον είχαν πιάσει οι εχθροί αιχμάλωτο και
παίρνουν καθάρσιο τρεις ημέρες τον μήνα, εμετικά
αυτή αντιστοιχεί σε μεγάλη έκρηξη, που δεν μπορεί
τον πούλησαν. Τον αγόρασε ο Πανιώνιος από τη
ή κάνουν κλύσματα επειδή θεωρούν ως αιτία των
βέβαια να εξηγηθεί από την τεχνολογία της εποχής.
Χίο, που κερδίζει την ζωή του από το πιο ατιμωτικό
ασθενειών τις τροφές. Φαίνεται ότι οι Αιγύπτιοι
Κάποιοι μάλιστα συνδέουν τα Ελευσίνα μυστήρια
επάγγελμα. Αγόραζε δηλαδή ωραία αγόρια, τα
είχαν ανακαλύψει την μπίρα (κρίθινος οίνος),
με μια άγνωστη τεχνολογία, η οποία συνέβαλε
ευνούχιζε και τα πήγαινε και τα πουλούσε στις
επειδή δεν υπάρχουν αμπέλια στη χώρα τους.
αποφασιστικά στη νίκη των Ελλήνων έναντι των
Σάρδεις και στην Έφεσο πανάκριβα, γιατί στους
Κατά τα συμπόσια των πλουσίων, άμα τελειώσει
Μήδων κατά την ναυμαχία της Σαλαμίνας. Ανάλογο
βαρβάρους οι ευνούχοι ήταν πολύ ακριβότεροι
το δείπνο, περιφέρεται από έναν υπηρέτη ένα
παράδοξο φαινόμενο συνέβη όταν περσική δύναμη
από τους μη ευνούχους, γιατί μπορεί κανείς να
ξύλινο ομοίωμα νεκρού μέσα στο φέρετρό
κατ’ εντολή του Ξέρξη μετέβη στο μαντείο των
τους εμπιστεύεται περισσότερο από τους άλλους
του. Ο υπηρέτης το δείχνει σε κάθε καλεσμένο
Δελφών για να το συλήσει. Τον ναό του Απόλλωνα
δούλους. Ο Πανιώνιος είχε ευνουχίσει πολλούς,
λέγοντας: « Κοίταξέ τον αυτόν, φάε και γλέντησε,
φύλαγαν ο Νοήμων και ο Φύλακος. Τότε ακούστηκε
αφού τέτοια ήταν η δουλειά του (σ.σ. καλή ώρα
γιατί σαν πεθάνεις θα είσαι όπως αυτός». Οι
ισχυρή έκρηξη από τον ναό της Προναίας
όπως σήμερα οι έμποροι ναρκωτικών που
ταριχευτές, μόλις τους φέρουν τον νεκρό, δείχνουν
Αθηνάς που έκοψε ένα τμήμα του βουνού και
ευνουχίζουν τις κοινωνίες εξαρτώντας τους νέους),
στους συγγενείς σε διάφορα ξύλινα μοντέλα,
καταπλάκωσε τους στρατιώτες, ενώ οι ισχυροί βοή
και ευνούχισε και τον Ερμότιμο. Ο τελευταίος,
χρωματισμένα φυσικά, τρόπους ταριχεύσεως. « Ο
και θόρυβοι ακούστηκαν από το εσωτερικό του
που κατά τα άλλα δεν δυστύχησε, βρέθηκε στις
πρώτος και σπουδαιότερος - λέει ο Ηρόδοτος που
ναού. Οι Μήδοι ύστερα από αυτό φοβήθηκαν και
Σάρδεις και ο Ξέρξης τον εξετίμησε πολύ. Όταν ο
και σε αυτό επαληθεύτηκε από τους σύγχρονους
εγκατέλειψαν τον ιερό χώρο, που επέπρωτο να
βασιλιάς ξεκίνησε από τις Σάρδεις με το στρατό
μελετητές - είναι εκείνος που έγινε σε κάποιον
συλληθεί εκατό χρόνια αργότερα από τον ιερόσυλο
του εναντίον της Αθήνας, ο Ερμότιμος είχε
που θεωρώ αμαρτία να τον ονομάσω. Ο δεύτερος
Φιλόμηλο. Δεν θα ήταν καθόλου παράδοξο αν οι
κατεβεί για κάποια δουλειά του στην περιοχή της
τρόπος είναι πιο ευτελής και ο τρίτος ακόμη πιο
σύγχρονοι ή οι μελλοντικοί ερευνητές έβρισκαν
Μυσίας, όπου κατοικούσαν Χίοι. Εκεί βρήκε τον
ευτελής. Ο πιο τέλειος τρόπος είναι ο ακόλουθος:
απτές αποδείξεις, ότι στην εποχή της ναυμαχίας
ευνουχιστή του, τον Πανιώνιο και τον έπεισε να
Αρχικά με ένα σιδερένιο εργαλείο καμπύλο
της Σαλαμίνας, το 480 π. Χ., είχε επινοηθεί η
τον ακολουθήσει στο σπίτι του, χρησιμοποιώντας
βγάζουν από τα ρουθούνια τον εγκέφαλο και ότι
εκρηκτική ύλη ή κάποια άλλη άγνωστη τεχνολογία,
διάφορες κολακείες. Ο Πανιώνιος πήρε μαζί του
παραμείνει μέσα, το απολυμαίνουν με φάρμακο.
που γέμιζε «κουρνιαχτό» και «βοή» το πεδίο της
τη γυναίκα και τα παιδιά του. Και τότε ήρθε η ώρα
Μετά με ένα πέτρινο νυστέρι κάνουν άνοιγμα στο
μάχης και γκρέμιζε κορυφές βουνών.
της εκδίκησης. Ο Ερμότιμος τον πλησιάζει και
πλάι της κοιλιάς και βγάζουν όλα τα εντόσθια,
του λέει: «Συ που πλούτισες ασκώντας το πιο
καθαρίζοντας κατόπιν την κοιλιά με κρασί από
άτιμο επάγγελμα, τι κακό έπαθες από μένα, εσύ ή
χουρμάδες. Ύστερα ρίχνουν μέσα διάφορα μυστικά
κάποιος δικό σου, ώστε από άντρα να με κάνεις
βότανα τριμμένα, γεμίζουν την κοιλιά με σμύρνα
Στο βιβλίο Θ 98 του Ηροδότου μαθαίνουμε ότι
ένα τίποτα;». Και αφού τον έβρισε για τα καλά,
καθαρή με κανέλα και άλλα μυρωδικά, εκτός
οι Πέρσες, ως τότε μεγάλη αυτοκρατορία, είχαν
έφερε τα παιδιά του Πανιωνίου μπροστά στον
από λιβάνι, και τα ράβουν. Σκεπάζουν έπειτα
οργανώσει υποδειγματική ταχυδρομική υπηρεσία,
πατέρα τους και τον ανάγκασε να τα ευνουχίσει ο
το πτώμα με νίτρο και το αφήνουν 70 ημέρες.
ώστε τα Σούσα, οι Σάρδεις και η Περσέπολις να
ίδιος. Ήταν τέσσερα και ο Πανιώνιος τα ευνούχισε
Ύστερα πλένουν τον νεκρό και τυλίγουν όλο του
επικοινωνούν στον ταχύτερο δυνατό χρόνο με την
όλα. Και όταν τελείωσε, ανάγκασε τα παιδιά να
το σώμα με λεπτό άσπρο ύφασμα κομμένο σε
αχανή χώρα στην περιφέρεια. « Δεν υπάρχει - λέει
ευνουχίσουν τον πατέρα τους. Έτσι τιμώρησε ο
λωρίδες, τις οποίες αλείφουν εσωτερικά με κόμμι
ο Ηρόδοτος - πιο γρήγορο έμψυχο ον από τους
Ερμότιμος τον Πανιώνιο. Ίσως το πάθημα του
και το παραδίδουν στους συγγενείς, που έχουν
ταχυδρόμους. Οι Πέρσες τους έχουν οργανώσει
Πανιωνίου να συνέτιζε με μια μικρή παραλλαγή
φτιάξει ήδη ένα ξύλινο ανθρωπόμορφο φέρετρο και
με τον παρακάτω τρόπο: Λένε, πως όσες ημέρες
τους εμπόρους ναρκωτικών, αν δηλαδή
κατόπιν το στήνουν σε ένα ειδικό δωμάτιο όρθιο
απέχει ο δρόμος, υπάρχουν τόσοι καβαλάρηδες
υποχρεώνονταν να εθιστούν και οι ίδιοι στις ουσίες,
κοντά στον τοίχο. Όταν πεθαίνουν οι γυναίκες
και άλογα και για κάθε ημέρα έχει καθοριστεί
με τις οποίες εθίζουν τους νέους ξεχαρβαλώνοντας
των διάσημων αντρών δεν τις παραδίδουν
ένας καβαλάρης και ένα άλογο. Ούτε χιόνι, ούτε
οι σύγχρονες κοινωνίες. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι
αμέσως για ταρίχευση. Το ίδιο γίνεται για τις
βροχή, ούτε ζέστη, ούτε νύχτα, ούτε τίποτα τους
και σήμερα στην Ρωσία του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν
πολύ ωραίες ή εκείνες που το όνομά τους είναι
εμποδίζει να κάνουν όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορα
η ποινή του ευνουχισμού επιβάλλεται σε κάθε
γνωστό. Για ταρίχευση τις παραδίδουν την τρίτη ή
την καθορισμένη απόσταση. Ο πρώτος παραδίδει
συλλαμβανόμενο παιδεραστή. Έτσι ο αριθμός των
την τέταρτη ημέρα, και αυτό το κάνουν για να μη
το μήνυμα στο δεύτερο, ο δεύτερος στον τρίτο και
σεξουαλικά διεστραμμένων μειώνεται.
συνουσιαστούν οι ταριχευτές με τις νεκρές.
από χέρι σε χέρι, το μήνυμα περνάει, όπως γίνεται στους Έλληνες η λαμπαδηφορία προς τιμήν του Ηφαίστου. Αυτό το έφιππο ταχυδρομείο οι Πέρσες
Παράδοξα και βάρβαρα έθιμα είχαν οι
το λένε αγγαρείον». Οι ιστορίες του Ηροδότου βρίθουν περιγραφών
Μασσαγέτες. Αν κάποιος της φυλής επιθυμήσει
που σχετίζονται με την ερωτική συμπεριφορά
μια γυναίκα, κρεμάει την φαρέτρα του στο αμάξι
διαφόρων βαρβάρων λαών, μερικοί από τους
όπου ζει η γυναίκα αυτή και κοιμάται μαζί της
Ο Ερμότιμος - Αναφέρει ο Ηρόδοτος στο Θ
οποίους έχουν και κανιβαλικές συνήθειες, αλλά
ανεμπόδιστα. Όριο ηλικίας δεν υπάρχει, αλλά
103 - καταγόταν από τα Πήδασα πάνω από την
και παράδοξα ταφικά έθιμα. Για παράδειγμα (Β25)
αν κάποιος γεράσει πάρα πολύ, μαζεύονται
Αλικαρνασσό και λέγεται ότι, οσάκις πρόκειται να
υπάρχει στην Αραβία μια περιοχή, στο ίδιο ύψος
όλοι οι συγγενείς του και τον θυσιάζουν, μαζί με
συμβεί μια δυστυχία στην πολιτεία, τότε η ιέρεια
με την πόλη Βουτούν, όπου φθάνοντας εκεί ο
άλλα ζώα, ψήνουν τα κρέατα και το ρίχνουν στο
της Αθηνάς βγάζει μακριά γένια. Αυτό έχει γίνει
Ηρόδοτος είδε κόκκαλα και ραχοκοκαλιές φιδίσιες,
φαγοπότι. Αυτό θεωρείται το πιο ευτυχισμένο
Ταξίδι στη γνώση
τέλος για τους γέρους. Αν κάποιος πεθάνει από αρρώστια, δεν τον τρώνε, αλλά τον θάβουν στη γη και θεωρούν ως δυστυχία το γεγονός ότι δεν έφτασε σε προχωρημένη ηλικία για να θυσιαστεί (Α 216). Στους Σκύθες υπήρχε η φυλή των Ανδροφάγων. Τις πιο άγριες συνήθειες από όλους τους ανθρώπους τις είχαν αυτοί. Ούτε τι θα πει δικαιοσύνη ήξεραν, ούτε νόμους είχαν, αλλά ήταν νομάδες, φορούσαν φορέματα παρόμοια με τα σκυθικά και μιλούσαν δική τους γλώσσα. Απ’ όλες τις φυλές μόνο αυτοί ήταν ανθρωποφάγοι (Δ 106). Οι Ταύροι πάλι (Δ 103) όλους τους Έλληνες ναυαγούς που έπιαναν κοντά στις παραλίες τους, τους θυσίαζαν στην παρθένα θεά χτυπώντας τους με ρόπαλα κατακέφαλα. Ύστερα έκοβαν τα κεφάλια και τα κάρφωναν σε ένα κοντάρι ενώ το υπόλοιπο σώμα των πτωμάτων το πετούσαν σε γκρεμό. Τα κεφάλια των νεκρών που είχαν καρφωμένα σε κοντάρια τα έστηναν στις σκεπές των σπιτιών τους, συνήθως πάνω από την καπνοδόχο. Λένε πως τα κεφάλια αυτά ήταν φύλακες που φύλαγαν τα σπίτια τους. Οι βάρβαροι αυτοί ζούσαν από τους πολέμους και τις λεηλασίες. Οι Αγάθυρσοι πάλι ήταν πολύ λεπτεπίλεπτοι και εκοσμούντο με πολλά χρυσαφικά. Είχαν κοινοκτημοσύνη στις γυναίκες ώστε όλοι τους ήταν αδελφοί και, αφού ήταν συγγενείς, δεν υπήρχε ανάμεσά τους ούτε φθόνος ως ούτε έχθρα. Ένας άλλος βάρβαρος λαός, οι Βουδίνοι, έτρωγαν τις ψείρες τους (Δ 109).
Η ΨΗΦΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΜΟΜΦΑΡΕΤΟΥ Ανεξάντλητες είναι οι περιγραφές του Ηροδότου για τις βάρβαρες συνήθειες βαρβάρων λαών, όπως η συνήθεια των Περσών να θάβουν νέους και νέες ζωντανές (Η 114), οι αιμομιξίες του Φαραώ (Β 121), συνουσίες στα φανερά όπως τα ζώα (Α 203), βάρβαρες ταφικές συνήθειες και απάνθρωποι τρόποι θανάτου κ.α., ώστε δικαίως οι Έλληνες αποκαλούσαν συλλήβδην όλους αυτούς τους λαούς βαρβάρους, χωρίς διάκριση. Μπροστά στα βάρβαρα αυτά ήθη, φαντάζει πολιτισμένη
Η ψήφος του Αμομφάρετου κατά την μάχη των Πλαταιών (ελαιογραφία)
και υπέροχη η κοινωνική συμπεριφορά των Ελλήνων, οι οποίοι από τότε είχαν δημοκρατία και νόμους, που τους ζήλευαν ακόμα και οι
τακτικής. Όμως ένας λοχαγός, ο Αμομφάρετος, ο
ο Αμομφάρετος έπεσε στο πεδίο της μάχης (Ι 53).
βάρβαροι, ενώ εκθειάζονταν η αρετή, η ανδρεία
γιος του Πολιάδη από τον λόχο Πιτανάτη, πιστός
Τέτοια παραδείγματα ανδρείας και αρετής των
και η ανωτερότητα του ελληνικού φίλου σε κείμενα
στην εντολή της Σπάρτης ότι οι Σπαρτιάτες δεν
Ελλήνων βρίθουν στα κείμενα του Ηροδότου,
αρχαίων συγγραφέων που καταύγασαν την
υποχωρούν μπροστά στον εχθρό, αρνήθηκε να
που σχεδόν αποσιωπούνται και αγνοούνται
οικουμένη και χρησίμευσαν σαν στέρεη βάση για
υποχωρήσει φέρνοντας σε πολύ δύσκολη θέση
από την ιστορική διδασκαλία, ενώ θα έπρεπε να
την περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη του πνεύματος και του
τον Παυσανία, ο οποίος μάταια προσπαθούσε
προβάλλονται ιδιαίτερα, όχι μόνο για να γνωρίζουν
πολιτισμού στους αιώνες που ακολούθησαν. Ένα
να τον μεταπείσει. Επακολούθησε φιλονικία
οι Ελληνόπαιδες την υπεροχή των προγόνων τους
μοναδικό παράδειγμα ανδρείας και δημοκρατίας
μεταξύ λοχαγού και αρχιστράτηγου, οπότε ο
έναντι των βαρβάρων λαών της αρχαιότητας, αλλά
που, παραδόξως, ουδέποτε διδάχθηκε στα σχολεία
Αμομφάρετος, παίρνει και στα δύο του χέρια μια
και για να μπολιάζονται με αισθήματα φιλοπατρίας,
και επομένως παραμένει παντελώς άγνωστο στην
κοτρόνα και βάζοντάς την μπροστά στα πόδια
της μοναδικής αρετής που μπορεί να εμπνεύσει
σπουδάζουσα νεολαία, περιγράφει ο Ηρόδοτος
του Παυσανία, είπε πως αυτή είναι η ψήφος του
ένα λαό να διατηρήσει την ελευθερία του και τις
στο βιβλίο Ι’ 53. Κατά την μάχη των Πλαταιών,
και ψηφίζει να μην τραπούν σε φυγή μπροστά
κοινωνικές κατακτήσεις.
ο Παυσανίας και οι στρατηγοί του αποφάσισαν,
στους ξένους, εννοώντας με τον όρο ξένους τους
ψηφίζοντας (με ψηφίδες) να υποχωρήσουν από
βαρβάρους. Ο Παυσανίας του είπε πως του είχε
ένα σημείο του Ασωπού ποταμού για λόγους
σίγουρα στρίψει και δεν ήταν στα καλά του. Τελικά
γιατί το λέμε έτσι...
Οι απίστευτοι μετασχηματισμοί του «μασσώ». Μία από τις πιο δημοφιλείς λέξεις σήμερα, στην εποχή της παχυσαρκίας, είναι η ψευδο - ξενική λέξη μασάζ. Φυσικά, η λέξη αυτή είναι πανάρχαια ελληνική εκ παλιννοστήσεως και απαντάται στα ομηρικά κείμενα. Πράγματι, το ρήμα μάσσω σημαίνει ζυμώνω, αλλά και αγγίζω, ψηλαφώ. Η ζύμη γίνεται μια εύπλαστη μάζα, λέξη που παράγεται από το μάσσω, οπότε προκύπτει η λέξη μαζός ή μαστός, καθώς το γυναικείο στήθος είναι μια σαρκώδης μάζα. Από τον μαζόν προκύπτει η Αμαζών, ήτοι η γυναίκα η οποία μεταφορικά στερείται μαζού, στήθους με την έννοια ότι πολεμά σαν άνδρας που στερείται μαζών. Αλλά και όταν μασάμε την τροφή, αυτή γίνεται ένας εύπλαστος πολτός στο στόμα. Έτσι έχουμε το ρήμα μασάω (μασώ) και, κατά συνέπεια, μασσητήρ είναι η κάτω γνάθος που κάνει αυτή τη δουλειά (μασημένη τροφή). Η λέξη παραλαμβάνεται αυτούσια από τη λατινική, την πρωτοξαδέλφη της ελληνικής, και περνά στις ευρωπαϊκές διαλέκτους, όπου η μάζα γίνεται masse και η μάλαξη από το επίσης αρχαιοελληνικό ρήμα μαλάσσω, γίνεται massage, λέξη που παλινοστεί στην Ελληνική και χρησιμοποιείται στη φυσιοθεραπεία. Επίσης amasser σημαίνει μαζεύω σε σωρό. Αλλά και από το ομηρικό ρήμα μάσσω προκύπτει πλήθος άλλων λέξεων. Εφόσον μάσσω σημαίνει και άπτομαι, αγγίζω, ψηλαφώ ( άλλωστε πώς αλλιώς θα γινόταν η μάλαξις;), τότε το εκ-μα-γειον είναι το αποτύπωμα, η σφραγίδα. Όμως και το μα-στίγιον είναι η λέξη που κατάγεται από το μάσσω αλλά και το σχετικό ομηρικό μάω= επιθυμώ, ποθώ. Εξυπακούεται ότι ο μαλακός λέγεται έτσι επειδή έχει μαλαχθεί, ζυμωθεί με μαλάξεις (γαλ. molle). Και εξ αυτού βέβαια το ρήμα μαλακιάω = είμαι μαλακός, τρυφερός και μαλακίζω = κάνω κάτι μαλακό, γίνομαι ηπιώτερος, πραύνομαι. Αλλά και το βότανο μολόχα, που στην αρχαία διατύπωσή της είναι μαλάχη, στο μάσσω ετυμολογείται και αυτή λόγω των μαλακτικών ιδιοτήτων του φυτού. Θα μπορούσε να διερωτηθεί κανείς γιατί ο ονοματοθέτης έδωσε στο ρήμα μάσσω την εκφορά αυτή. Απλούστατα, καθώς ο πανάρχαιος Έλληνας μασούσε την τροφή του, ήταν υποχρεωμένος να ανοιγοκλείνει το στόμα του και τα χείλη του. Αλλά από την κίνηση αυτή του στόματος τυχόν εξερχόμενη συλλαβή θα ακουγόταν υποχρεωτικά μα, ήχος και ρίζα που ταυτίζεται με την τροφή. Γι' αυτό η μάτηρ δωρικά (αντί μήτηρ), ήταν η γυναίκα που έτρεφε το παιδί της, η τροφός, και η ματτύη ήταν έδεσμα πλούσιο και πολυτελές. Η λέξη αυτή μάλιστα είναι τόσο παλιά, ώστε έχει ταυτιστεί από τον γράφοντα στην Γραμμική γραφή Β («Η Γένεσις του Λόγου» εκδόσεις Γεωργιάδη). Αργότερα, το ρήμα ματέω = τρέφω, έγινε πατέω = τρέφω, απ' όπου κατάγονται οι λέξεις πατήρ, πατρίς κλπ και βέβαια χρησιμοποιούνται διεθνώς (pere, father, padre κλπ). Από κει και πέρα, η γλωσσοπλασία, που ξεκινά από τα ρήματα μάσσω, μασσάω, μαλάσσω κλπ ( ακόμη και στην… βρεφική διάλεκτο η τροφή λέγεται μαμ, ήχος που βγαίνει αυθόρμητα από το βρέφος) χρησιμοποίησε την ίδια ηχητική αξία και παρεμφερή εκφορά.
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