Grand Ave Augmented Project Guide

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GRAND AVE AUGMENTED Engaging Audiences at the Intersection of Art + Technology + Place Table of Contents

Grand Ave Augmented is an augmented reality (AR) walking tour showcasing the major cultural institutions, key properties, outdoor spaces, amenities, and attractions of Grand Avenue through AR art and activations. The key goals of the project are to attract and engage visitors, residents, and workers, activate Grand Avenue, promote DTLA as a place of innovation & creativity, art & technology, and support our local artists and creative economy. The tour will be published on a DTLA-branded channel of the Hoverlay app as a cohesive experience, with activations placed at selected locations along Grand Avenue. (See Site Map in Appendix A.)

Project Partners ........................................ 2 Timeline .................................................... 3 How to Participate .................................... 3 User Experience ........................................ 4 Creating Content ........................................ 4 Appendices: A: Site Map ................................................ 7 B: Invited Partners..................................... 8 C: Artist List ............................................... 9 D: Project Examples ................................ 10 E: RFP ...................................................... 11

PROJECT PARTNERS Grand Ave Augmented is being developed by the Downtown Center Business Improvement District (DCBID) in partnership with Hoverlay and NOW Art who will work with Downtown stakeholders and local artists to curate and produce the tour’s content. n DCBID The DCBID a coalition of over 2,000 property owners in the central business district of Downtown Los Angeles. For over 20 years, the DCBID has been committed to enhancing the quality of life in the Downtown Center, which includes Bunker Hill, the Financial District, and the Jewelry District. From 24/7 safe and clean operations to a range of economic development initiatives, marketing programs, and community events, the DCBID helps a vibrant community of business leaders, retailers, artists, workers, and residents reach its full potential. Overseeing the project for the DCBID is their executive director, Nick Griffin. n Hoverlay Hoverlay is an AR app and publishing platform with a simple backend interface that enables the content provider to manage, customize, and change their own content. Used nationally by leading art and technology producers, this platform provides ‘channels’ that host exhibitions and gives the end-user an easy way to locate AR works while optimizing the AR experience. The Hoverlay team will support each participating partner, guiding them through the technology and publishing their content to be accessible, compelling, and functional for the audience. Overseeing the project for Hoverlay is their founder, Nicolas Robbe / n Downtown Stakeholders The Grand Ave Augmented team will work with Grand Avenue cultural institutions, property owners, local businesses and other civic and cultural organizations to produce content for th e tour. A list of potential stakeholder partners is included in Appendix D. n Artists & Creators The Grand Ave Augmented team will work with local artists and creators to produce content for the tour, with the ancillary goal of nurturing and growing the community of artists, creators, and companies working in the AR medium and enhancing DTLA’s profile in this emerging field. n Grand Ave Arts: All Access (GAAAA) Grand Avenue Augmented will launch during GAAAA on Saturday, October 22, 2022 and will remain available thereafter as an evolving, evergreen exhibition and experience of the Grand Avenue Cultural District. Grand Ave Arts: All Access is an annual one-day event that invites all to explore, be curious, pop in, and choose their own adventures, with more than 10 participating cultural institutions along Grand Avenue providing programming that ranges from exhibits and performances to backstage tours and hands-on activities. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Nick Griffin at the Downtown Center BID /

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TIMELINE June 28, 2022 July 12, 2022 July 26, 2022 August 1 , 2022 Aug-Sept, 2022 September 30, 2022 October 1-15, 2022 October 22, 2022

Introductory Workshop, RFP period opens Hands-on Content Creation Workshop RFP period closes Final selection of AR locations and experiences Content Development & Production Final artwork due Final content publishing and on-site testing Launch at Grand Ave Arts: All Access

HOW TO PARTICIPATE n Civic and cultural institutions, property owners and businesses Local cultural institutions, property owners, and businesses (Stakeholders) are invited to participate in the project by providing, producing, and/or hosting creative content. (A list of potential Stakeholder partners is included in Appendix D.) The Grand Ave Augmented team will work with Stakeholders from initial ideation through production and final publication to: • Identify, assess and select a location (Site Map, Appendix A) • Identify, assess and select a type of experience (see “Creating Content” below) • Assess and select a content production option: o Commission new or existing work from an artist of your choosing o Commission new or existing work from an artist on our pre-selected list (see Appendix B) o Produce or re-use existing work from your collection o Produce or re-use informational content from your organization o Engage Hoverlay to produce artistic or informational content based on your specifications. • Produce and publish the final content n Artists & creators Traditional and digital visual and conceptual artists, and creators ranging from architects and designers to writers and musicians, are invited to participate in the project by proposing, providing, or producing creative content. The Grand Ave Augmented team will work with artists from initial ideation through production and final publication to: • Identify and connect with a potential Stakeholder partner (see Appendix D) • Identify, assess, and select a location (Site Map, Appendix A) • Identify, assess, and select a type of experience (see “Creating Content” below) • Submit a project proposal (The RFP submission period will be open from June 28th-July 26th, see Appendix F) • Develop, produce, and publish the final content Artists are encouraged to attend a hands-on content creation workshop on July 12 (sign-up at

3 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

USER EXPERIENCE n How users access and navigate Grand Ave Augmented • • • •

Users access the tour and content on the DTLA channel of the Hoverlay app via links, signage, QRcodes, or on-site ambassadors. The Hoverlay app automatically detects the user’s location and prompts them to enter the DTLA channel and access the Grand Ave Augmented tour. If a user is at one of the curated locations, the camera turns on and the AR content appears. If the user is not at one of the curated locations, a map with the closest AR content appears.

n How users interact with content • •

Users can experience content by walking around the scene, enabling them to explore and choose different perspectives on the content. Interaction with the content can also be enabled, allowing users to participate in the experience by repositioning, resizing or otherwise transforming elements.

n How users save and share their experiences The Hoverlay app has a built-in photo/video recording button. Users tap the button to take photos or record videos of the experience. Photos and videos are saved in the user photo library and then be shared on social media or sent to friends like any other photo/video.

CREATING CONTENT n Hoverlay Spaces • •

Experiences on a Hoverlay channel are organized into Spaces. A Space controls where and when an AR experience is active. Hoverlay Spaces is the web-based tool used to compose and publish experiences on Hoverlay AR channels. You can use this sign-up link to start using Hoverlay Spaces:

n Experience types and examples A space can contain a broad range of digital content and support a broad set of experience types, including: • Curatorial o AR Artwork o Artists Showcase (i.e. a green screen performance) • Informational o Curator Talk o Historical content • Promotional o “Behind the scenes” o Remote visit (i.e. 360 portal showing interior of an upcoming building)

4 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

CREATING CONTENT (CONT.) n Content types and templates The Hoverlay platform supports a wide range of content types, including: • 2D Photos (jpg/png) • Videos (mp4) • Green screen videos (mp4) • Spatial audio (mp3) • 360 Portal (360 jpeg/png or mp4) • 3D scan (gltf/glb) • 2D/3D animations (gltf/glb/Unity asset bundles) These content types can be utilized in a range of template forms, including: • Holograms o A character, recorded on green screen, narrates a story or performs. o Asset: Green Screen video (mp4) •

Photos + audio o One or more photos, placed around the user, telling a story about the past, present or future. o Asset: Green Screen video (mp4)

360 portal o Showcase a remote location by inviting the viewer to step through a virtual door to a 360 photo. o Asset: 360 photos or video (jpeg, mp4)

3D Model or 3D Scan o A central model, abstract or from a 3D scan, can be explored by the user o Asset: 3D model, animated or static (glb)

n Hoverlay Spaces publishing workflow The Hoverlay publishing process is designed to be simple and user-friendly for non-technical content creators. Following are the three basic steps: • Select or create an asset: image, audio, video, 360s or 3d model • Upload file asset into an existing or new space and arrange the content spatially in relation to an anchor point. • Save to publish. Users can immediately discover and experience content at selected location n Content anchoring options A Space activation zone defines a geo-fence where your content can be found. However, the actual layout of AR content is based on precise visual “anchors”. There are 2 types of anchors: • User anchor: the user’s initial position. Content can be placed anywhere around or above users. Every user experiences the content the same way regardless of their position. This is ideal for a large crowd or large zone where users can experience content. • Image anchors: a flat reference image (i.e., a mural, a printed sign, a billboard). Content can be placed anywhere around or above the image. Every user experiences the content at the same external reference point. 5 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

CREATING CONTENT (CONT.) n CTAs and integration with digital channels Hoverlay integrates with digital and social media channels and apps, and accommodates calls-to-action. Your experience can include interactive elements, linking external resources. When tapped, Hoverlay will open the corresponding link on the phone, either via its integrated browser (lower half of screen) or open the external browser. Interactive elements support all URL types, including: • • •

External website pages and forms (learn more, donate, buy, etc.) “Deep-links” into your app content Custom domains (i.e. open email client on phone with pre-filled subject and destination email).

n Content creation guidelines When designing experiences for AR, it is important to follow guidelines on content size, formats and rendering limits on mobile platforms. Please refer to Hoverlay’s Content Creation Guidelines for optimal targets and general content design guidelines:

6 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide


The following map indicates the most prominent locations of the tour - the sites for major content and activations. The tour will feature content and activations at many additional sites and interstitial locations along Grand Ave.

7 1. Library


2. Bunker Hill Steps 3. YMCA 4. Wells Fargo Plaza


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5. The Broad 6. Disney Hall 7. Music Center 8. Colburn 9. MOCA 1 10. MOCA 2 11. California Plaza

APPENDIX B n Invited Partners

Following is a list of partners we have invited to participate, many may have already committed. Grand Ave Cultural Institutions • MOCA • The Broad • Music Center o Center Theater Group o LA Phil o LA Opera o LA Master Chorale o RED CAT • Colburn • Central Library • Grand Park • YMCA • Grand Performances Properties • The Grand LA • The Emerson • 244 Grand • Wells Fargo Center • Omni Hotel • Cal Plaza One • Cal Plaza Two • US Bank Tower • FourFortyFour South Flower

8 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

Local Businesses • Otium • Asterid • Vespaio • Kendals • Abernathy’s • Go Get ‘Em Tiger Other Civic & Cultural Organizations • ICA LA • Inner City Arts • Art Share LA • City of LA Dept of Cultral Affairs • LA County Dept Arts & Culture • Office of Supervisor Hilda Solis • Office of LA Mayor Eric Garcetti • Office of Councilmember Kevin de Leon

APPENDIX C n Artist List Following is a list of leading artists working in augmented reality that we have identified as potential contributors to the project. •

Nancy Baker Cahill

Tamiko Thiel

Tomas Saraceno

Will Pappenheimer

Arthur Clay

Gints Gabrāns

Alicja Kwade

Cao Fei

Olafur Eliasson

Marco Brambilla

Darren Bader

Koo Jeong A

Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Judy Chicago

9 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

APPENDIX D n AR Project Examples Following is a list of art & city augmented reality projects to consider as references for this project. •

Unreal Art - London, UK

Vancouver Winter Arts, Canada _A9w

Canal Convergence - Scottsdale, AZ

City Unseen - Orlando, FL

Ottawa Art City – Canada

The Greenway - Boston, MA

10 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

APPENDIX E n RFP This Request for Proposal (RFP) is open to artists and/or artist teams to submit for design and implementation of augmented reality installations at designated sites along Grand Avenue. This project will be an exhibition of experiences that are accessible by foot and bring cultural connection through art along Grand Avenue, starting on Grand Avenue Arts All Access event. One of the project’s goals is to support and include visibility of artists. Our aim is to have artists create site specific content or submit content that has already been produced, but can be placed site specifically. All proposed projects should have content that is inclusive for the general public and connect with the location and anchored with the sites. Applicants are encouraged to submit works that have already been produced, or can be produced by September 30, 2022. Hoverlay will support the integration of the artworks on their platform, and technical support for work that is being developed. Application Deadline: Application form and materials should be submitted didgitally by July 28, 2022 by 11:59 pm PST via: Application Requirements: 1. Contact info 2. Portfolio links 3. Resume 4. Previous work samples 5. Annotated List (for work samples) 6. Proposal Outline and Concept Statement 7. Renders/Storyboards/Video Reference files supporting Proposal Outline & Concept Statement 8. Description of Proposed Location 9. Images of Proposed Location 10. Up to (3) Professional References RFP Type: Augmented Reality Public Art - Temporary Installation

11 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

APPENDIX E (CONT.) Location: Sites will be positioned all along Grand Avenue from the Central Library on 5th Street on the south end, to The Music Center and Grand Park on the north end. Applicants are required to select a proposed site for their artwork and encouraged to identify unique and inspiring locations along the walking path. Our team has identified some key areas in the map below. However, you are not restricted to these options. Important considerations when selecting your AR location include it’s placement along this route, that your concept is site specific, and both your artwork concept and the physical space have a relationship to each other.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Los Angeles Central Library - Maguire Gardens Bunker Hill - steps YMCA - entrance plaza Wells Fargo Center - HALO plaza The Broad - olive tree and grass area Disney Concert Hall - amphitheater & garden area The Music Center - main plaza The Colburn - entrance walkway MOCA 1 - pathway between Colburn and MOCA MOCA 2 - walkway behind museum Cal Plaza - Grand Performances grassy area

12 Grand Ave Augmented I Project Guide

APPENDIX E (CONT.) Budget: Selected Artists will receive technical support, promotion and a creative stipend of up to $1,000 to be determined on artistic experience and production needs. Project Timeline: • • • • • • •

July 12, 2022 - Hands-on Content Creation Workshop July 28, 2022 - RFP deadline August 2, 2022 - Selected Artists will be notified via email September 30, 2022 - Completed artwork submitted October 7-21, 2022 - Add to platform and testing October 22, 2022 - Installations open Duration - 1 year

Contact Information: NOW Art LA Email Subject Line: Grand Avenue Augmented Send to:

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