The EuRApean Summer 2024

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Contents The EuRApean

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Contributions on all aspects of mobility are welcomed for publication in the EuRApean. If you are a member of EuRA and would like to contribute news about your company please get in touch. Please contact Dominic Tidey, Managing Editor or Maria Manly, Editorial Consultant


Opinions expressed in the EuRApean are not necessarily those of the publisher unless otherwise stated.

Notes from the Editor

In the twenty five years that I’ve been privileged to have been part of this amazing industry, there has been much change. But there has also been much continuity. At the recent conference in Portugal we discussed the impact of AI a great deal and there is a lot of fear out there about what it means for our futures. As Frances said in her Opening Keynote address, it is unstoppable. There are major players out there who have bet the farm on AI as the next great revenue generator for the tech sector. Nvidia, once a graphics chip manufacturer, saw its stock price triple in 2023 and so far this year it has doubled again making it briefly the most valuable company in the world before spectacularly dropping value last week. With financial interests like this, there is no incentive to question and monitor the advance of machine learning and that begs a huge question; where are the ethics in this?

We only need to look back at the development of social media to see how tech sells itself as a tool for bringing

humanity together, to see this goal was a sham. The impact on child mental health from social media has been devastating. The thumbs up signal developed by Facebook way back when has been scientifically proven to have the same impact on dopamine spikes as drugs. We literally handed children the keys to the liquor cabinet. In a recent study by the UK BBC based around kids going on a 5 day digital detox, one of the greatest stressors for the group was losing their “Snapstreak” status. “Some students admit they are so concerned about losing the streak - which can sometimes last more than 1,000 consecutive days - they have asked friends to log into their accounts and keep them going during the detox.” This is not an accident or a fun way to stay engaged with Snapchat, it is a way to create an addiction to a product. Smoking is incredibly dangerous to physical health and we ban cigarettes for children. Any parent will tell you that social media is harmful to their children’s mental health. In the same BBC research of 2000 13-18 years old, 23% agree that smartphones should be banned for under 16’s, 35% think social media should be banned for

under 16’s and 50% say not having their smartphone with them creates anxiety.

With the march of AI, purportedly being developed for the benefit of humanity, I find it doubtful that these altruistic claims are true. But as Jon Harman points out in his article, we can either go downstream with it, or fight against the current.

What I do know is true is that people going through change need support. Our well being is being attacked from all sides and having support when moving to a new place, human support, is vital. To the generations who have grown up interacting with smartphones and social media, physical isolation is a real mental health concern. How we reach them on a human level to offer support is the challenge we face and if AI can help with that then all for the better. But like the cautionary tale I was taught at school about fire, “A good student but a poor teacher?”

Dom Tidey -

Letter from the CEO

It was great to all be together again in Portugal. For me the conference went by so very fast and we’re already well into the planning for Zagreb 2025. We just had an Executive Group meeting in the Zagreb Sheraton and the team are looking forward to welcoming us.

If you attended the Feedback Briefing you’ll already know how much our Zagreb venues have done for us. Due to circumstances way beyond our control, the venue we were contracted with for 2025 had to be cancelled at the very last minute. I’m not going to say where because we very much hope to go there in the future! This meant that myself, Dom and Briony did a whistle stop tour of available hotels and venues just weeks before the Vilamoura event. Dom and I went back to Zagreb two weeks before Vilamoura to sign contracts. The Sheraton and the Westin and our Gala Venue have all moved other events to be able to accommodate our dates. We are very grateful! This has happened before and will no doubt happen again when venues are dealing with a conference as big as ours.

The feedback from Vilamoura was terrific and you can watch the YouTube recording of the session led by President Sophie Rehberg and VP Simon Robins here.

I would like to thank some key people for their extraordinary efforts in making the programme such a success first and foremost Frances Edmonds for all her work, opening the event with such panache and hosting other sessions. As with every year she did a huge amount of work and made the event seamless and memorable. I’d also like to thank Alistair Murray and Isabel Cudell and current President Sophie Rehberg and VP Simon Robins for all their work. Peggy Love who coordinates

the programme and supports our speakers and moderators, as always, did an amazing job. And of course our team, AV led by Michael Vermaak and our amazing volunteers who are so dedicated and passionate about the conference.

It was interesting to note how many delegates said the venue was too big and made networking difficult. Our 2025 venue is completely different - we are back to a city centre conference hotel, which is much more compact for networking. We have also listened as we do every year to your requests to not increase delegate numbers and therefore we are STRICTLY limiting to 650 in Zagreb, no exceptions. To accommodate this we are limiting delegate numbers to three per member company.

Dom, Briony and I were recently at the Fidi conference in Edinburgh the week after Vilamoura and it was great to network with their members. It was an excellent conference and it was good to see the networking experience from the delegate perspective so soon after our own event and it is true what you always tell us, the limit on delegate numbers are critical to the success of the event.

We have a great programme lined up for Zagreb and I’m grateful to our Executive Group for their creativity in designing the event. We don’t yet have a theme but we will be concentrating on well-being. The call for speakers will go out on the same day we launch the bookings.

One of the many initiatives that have come out of the top down review which has been undertaken over the past few years by the Executive Group has been the EGQS+ being brought in house. This has led on to other projects including our brilliant

mentors who will be able to provide moral and practical support to first time EGQS+ certifiers.

There is an article in this edition outlining the programme. We have also introduced a “Premium Member” category which will launch later in the summer as the first part of our new website and CRM go live. Among other benefits which are outlined in an article in this edition, Premium Members will be able to pre-register for the conference two weeks ahead of the launch. I will be writing to all of them outlining their new enhanced status over the coming weeks.

Our web designers at OpenUp Media are working hard on the new system and at the same time reviewing all of EuRA’s communication strategies to move towards a new consistent brand which will affect several projects, most important our MIM Training. Over the coming years we will be redesigning the MIM Fixed Syllabus Programme and developing further content in our MIM+ Programme. We are also looking at ways to develop face to face MIM Fellowship Summits, where members can gather for residential training at a very high level.

So it’s an exciting time for EuRA. We continue to strive to provide services and initiatives to members that increase the value of their membership and it’s an honour to work for our amazing membership.

Letter from our President and Vice President

Hello to all fellow EuRA members,

The EuRA Relocation Congress 2024 was an enticing experience all around. From the stunning location and the seaside views to the content and networking the conference provided. There was a feeling of true collaboration and creativity, two qualities which encapsulate the values of EuRA.

Following on from the Congress your Executive Group have met in person to review the excellent feedback you provided which has enabled us to put the building blocks in

place for next year’s Congress in Zagreb. We thoroughly discussed both the positives and where you felt improvements could be made. Hopefully, many of you were able to join the recent Feedback

Briefing outlining the proposed changes to the Zagreb Congress including improving the delegate badges to make the company name more prominent and securing a superb off site location for the Gala Dinner. Thank you all for taking the time to provide your feedback, it is very much appreciated by the Executive Board and the great EuRA Team

EuRA will continue to strengthen the position of the Global Mobility sector and all of its members through international and local cooperations and this is especially important in 2024. This year is posing challenges to both the

world and our sector with elections in many leading countries, geopolitical situations evolving and many large corporations hesitant to move the numbers we have been accustomed to seeing. In the expectation and realm of these changes, we will need to prove that we as an industry are resilient and adaptable, in order to ensure we can accommodate and continue to thrive.

At our recent board meeting we also said a heartfelt farewell to Alistair Murray and Isabel Cudell who for over 8 years have given exceptional support and dedication to the EuRA Executive Group. Their commitment, insight and leadership have been invaluable to EuRA and the Executive Group – Thank you!

We will continue to ensure you the members remain at the centre of everything we do.

Vilamoura 2024 - Thanks to Our Brilliant Sponsors!

Conference Sponsor


Party Night


Gala Dinner

Supply Chain Symposium Gold

Welcome Reception

Speed Networking

Direct Clients Workshop

MIM Fellowship Case Study

“Assessing Materiality: Sustainable Development in Global Mobility within the Destination Services Sector” René Stegmann, Anna Kavelj

Rene and Anna submitted an excellent Fellowship Case Study and received a Distinction for their work researching the implementation of Sustainability in our industry. Below is a summary - the full paper is on the link at the end.


This study underscores the criticality of conducting materiality assessments within the destination services sector of global mobility. The objective was to discern the variations in prioritisation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues between global, regional, and local perspectives. Employing a sustainable materiality framework, the research aimed to identify ESG issues paramount to business operations, strategy, and long-term success by aligning them with stakeholder interests. Key findings indicate distinct differences in ESG priorities across global, regional, and local levels. Such disparities substantiate the necessity for tailored materiality assessments specific to each locality, enabling businesses to set impact targets relevant to them. The study concludes that while regional and global surveys necessitate scalability for broader industry applicability, localised representation remains indispensable for businesses to allocate resources effectively toward their sustainable impact

priorities. Emphasising the importance of materiality assessments, this research advocates for transparent and data-driven reporting, helping businesses to measure and report their sustainable impact comprehensively.

About the Authors

René Stegmann, founder of Relocation Africa, boasts 30 years of industry experience. Described as a serial entrepreneur and master strategist, she is also, deeply passionate about governance, compliance, and authentic sustainable development. Committed to making positive contributions, she initiated an industry gathering in 2022 for destination services businesses to explore sustainable development. Collaborating with Anna Kavelj, she initiated a global mobility joint learning. René has also crafted programs and motivated groups within destination services and temporary housing sectors to authentically engage with sustainable development. Her contributions include presentations at the EuRA Sustainable Development Symposium and managing focus groups for research projects, culminating in co-authoring this paper.

Anna Kavelj, Managing Director of Elite Woodhams Relocation has 20 years’ experience in the relocation field leading businesses in both China and Australia. In 2022, she represented DSPs for EuRA and its membership at a global mobility summit addressing Sustainability in our industry and co-organised an educational event on sustainability with René Stegmann, inviting industry peers to learn and collaborate on the topic. Her passion for sustainability and her deep understanding of the complexities of the global mobility landscape make her a respected voice in the field, inspiring positive change and driving towards a more sustainable future for the industry and the communities it serves.

For the full paper Click Here

MIM Update!

We are currently working with our fantastic website designers on a new site and CRM, but they are also doing so much more!

Over the coming months they will be doing a full review of EuRA brand consistency and this gives us the perfect opportunity to redesign the MIM Fixed Syllabus Programme. We will be updating the four Modules and Carmelina our Consultant for Education will be reviewing what topics will be covered in the foundation programme as well as what we will be concentrating on in MIM+. She will also be reviewing the Coaching Approaches in Mobility programme.

Coming Soon!

We are working on the creation of two new Modules; Working in the Supply Chain looking at how we work with RMC’s and ESG which will be developed by Johan De Kam from the online webinar series he delivered over the past few months.

We will also be looking at developing training to help members use our Carbon Calculator which we hope to launch with the Coalition for Greener Mobility Partners later this year.


As you’re no doubt aware, access to the MIM modules has so far been free to all EuRA Members with a charge only being levied if you’d like to get your credits as a result of passing the Module’s quiz.

From last year, we have been charging a nominal amount to access the Modules themselves. Access to each module now costs €50. Access to the quiz also costs €50 so each module will cost a total of €100 to qualify.

However we are developing a licence scheme for members to access the Academy which will reduce those costs, so if you have several team members that you would like to put through the programme, please just contact us and we can work out a year long licence at a discounted rate. Full details to follow.

So if you are planning to put your team through MIM and or MIM+ and CAM Certifications, contact us so we can create a licence for you to enable your teams to participate at lower costs.

The Sustainability in Mobility Module is now live in the Academy and we have had great feedback.

Primary Trainer Paul Barnes brings the topic to life and interviews people across the industry to get a sense of where we are going with this important topic. We’d like to say a special thank you to Paul for donating his development fee entirely to charity.

The topic remains at the fore of what we’re doing with the Coalition for Greener Mobility which you can read about later in this issue.

Managing International Assignments

Jacqueline Biersma has worked with Susie Goodall to update and refresh the Managing International Assignments module which is now live. If you have already taken this module and would like to do an update, there will be no charge, just contact us for an access code.

You can also just check the EuRA Academy where you will find all the courses. Don’t forget you need to create your identity and in order to get to the discount access codes you need to go to the EuRA Training page and log in. If you have any problems just contact us.

All the amazing content in the Academy is accessible for just €50 for modules and €50 for Quizzes. Non-members pay €250 to access a Module and a Quiz.

Our current MIM+ Programme consists of:

• Legal Compliance in Mobility

• Achieving Business Growth

• You are Your Brand

• Collaboration in the Next Normal

• Coaching Approaches in Mobility, four modules

• Sustainability in Mobility

• Introduction to the EGQS

Martina Scharwey our Consultant for Quality has developed an entirely new “Introduction to the EuRA Global Quality Seal” which is 100% free for all members to certify and gain 50 credits towards MIM and MIM+ certification. Online Now!

Duty of Care

Our Primary Trainers Tracy Kautzmann and Lucy Foster have been working on a brand new module dissecting Duty of Care in our industry and how members can best be aware of both the obvious and not so obvious duties owed by companies to their relocatees. This is now live!

• Anti-Money Laundering

• Duty of Care

Don’t forget you can mix and match modules to suit your learning needs and gain your credits to get your qualifications. Below are downloadable guides with everything you need to know;

• Guide to Qualifying with EuRA

• Routes to Qualifying Explained

EuRA Global Quality Seal+

Newly Certified and Re-certified


Congratulations to our newly certified and re-certified EuRA Global Quality Seal Members

Newly Certified

Expat Management Group - Apr-24

Nimmersion AB - Feb-24

Online Training

There is a full module in the EuRA Academy

Free to all members. This module of five components covers everything you need to know about setting up a process management system. You'll learn how to build your Quality Manual and how to implement all the required policies to ensure you're completely compliant for the future. The Quality Standard has just been updated and all members holding the Seal will have now received their copy of the updated standard. There is a full module in the Academy which will take you step by step through the changes. Even if this isn't the right time for you to go forward to your official

Newly Recertified

Relocation Belgium - Jun-24

IOR Global Services - May-24

Donath Relocation GmbH - Apr-24

Expat Relocation AS - Apr-24

Blue Global Relocation - Mar-24

Executive Relocations Netherlands Feb-24

audit, it's a great time to learn how to implement a process management system across your organisation. Following these three (free to EuRA Members) modules will simplify the process, led by a true expert in quality management.

To access the full training module, click here.

To access the 2023 update training module, click here

EuRA Global Quality Seal+

EuRA GQS+: This is ISO 9001 and more…

Strategic Consultant for Quality

The quality management system standards ISO 9001 and EuRA GQS+ (EuRA Global Quality Seal Plus) are both standards aimed at ensuring quality, customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, supplier management, continuous improvement, and relationship management within organisations. While ISO 9001 is applicable to any organisation, regardless of its type, size, or products and services, EuRA GQS+ has incorporated the ISO 9001requirements and specifically tailored them to the relocation service providers, including companies that handle corporate relocations, destination services and related activities. Since its introduction in 2008, the EuRA GQS+ standard has been reviewed annually and continuously incorporated necessary new requirements. Due to the unique market environment and business model of relocation organisations, there are additional requirements beyond those mandated by ISO 9001. Conversely, some requirements, such as Monitoring and Measuring Resources or Design and Development of Products and Services, are not applicable.

EuRA GQS+ requirements go beyond the requirements of ISO 9001:

• Risk Management, including a risk and opportunity assessment

• Compliance Management, including the assignment of a Chief Compliance Officer

• Definition and implementation of a

• Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR)

• Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Policy (DEI)

• Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR)

• Health and Safety Policy

• Anti-Corruption / Anti-Fraud Policy

• Environmental / Sustainability Management Policy

• Information Security and Data Protection, including the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures (TOMs) and the assignment of a Data Protection Manager. EuRA GQS+ holders have to work in compliance with local / international law and consider GDPR

• Business Continuity Plan has to be implemented and tested at least once a year

ISO 9001 requires the setting and measurement of quality objectives and process management using KPI’s. The EuRA GQS+ goes further: It requires to meet or exceed the target values of six specific objectives related to customer and client satisfaction, employee development and

sustainability. Additionally, it mandates achieving the target values of nine relocation-service related KPI’s, which reflect the highest standards in relocation services.

The EuRA GQS+ goes far beyond the requirements of ISO 9001, especially in the area of Human Resource Management, as the relocation business is essentially a people business. Therefore, special emphasis is placed on the hiring, background checking, selection, evaluation, training, further development and promotion of employees.

EuRA GQS+ holders must undergo an external audit at least every two years. The external Auditors, appointed by EuRA are quality management accredited Auditors and are experts in quality management as well as the relocation business. Every Auditor is an appointed ISO 9001 Auditor of an international certification company, must undergo annual further qualification and is subject to the EuRA Quality Assurance process. Quality checks are carried out at least once a year per Auditor to ensure the quality, meaningfulness, correctness, reliability and integrity of the audits and reports.

EuRA Global Quality Seal+

Premium Members - Dom Tidey EuRA COO

At our latest Executive Group meeting a decision was taken to highlight the members who have gone through the Seal and elevate them to Premium Membership! All members and their offices holding the Seal will benefit from Premium Membership.

There will be advantages for Premium Members including early access to conference bookings, discounted conference costs and discounted training, as well as a personal invitation to a Premium Members reception at the conference.

From April 1st this year we have brought the whole process in house.

Martina Scharwey lead a Briefing on how this will work in January, and it’s really important to take a look if you are currently certified or thinking of undertaking the process.

From now Maree Barnes will take the administrative lead in the EuRA

the Standard extremely well as well as how our industry works.

One other great advantage is that we are now able to offer all members remote audits should they prefer. From initial audit to recertifications, they can all now take place via Zoom or Teams which saves time and a lot of money!

Any member who would prefer a face-to-face audit can of course do this, just adding the auditors expenses themselves.

As we are now dealing with the administration ourselves, we can also significantly reduce the cost of audits. Full details are in The Guide to the EGQS+ on the website.

We sent out a survey last year asking non-EGQS+ members what the barriers were to them undertaking certification. It was great to hear that over 75% of respondents had plans to undertake the EGQS+ in the next two years, but predictably the main barrier to starting the process was a lack of internal resources and staff to prepare for the audit.

Office so all enquiries start with her!

We have recruited five auditors who are all very experienced in EGQS audits and therefore know

In order to help, we have developed a Mentoring Programme and Michéle Bramstoft and Åse Löfren Gunsten (both past Presidents of EuRA and long standing EGQS+ holders) are now acting as independent consultants to EuRA and will be providing mentoring services to any members certifying or re-certifying. The process will be free for two

hours of mentoring per member company. The first call will be about how to start preparing the Quality Manual. The first task is to undertake the “Introduction to the EGQS” training module in the EuRA Academy. This module takes you through the Quality Standard step by step. If you follow the training then build your Quality Manual accordingly, you’re done! Once you have built your Quality Manual, your Mentor will suggest you fill out the Self Assessment questionnaire and send it to them and your second call will be to determine how ready you are. In the interim your Mentor (and myself, Martina Scharwey and Gordon Kerr if you have any questions about GDPR!) are only a call or email away with answers to any questions you might have. We also provide you with all of the Policy Templates that you need to build for example your DEI or Environmental Policy.

If you have any questions just get in touch! The EGQS+ is designed to help members prove what we already know… they’re the best in the business!

EuRA Global Quality Seal+ Mentoring Programme

We recently asked all our members who don’t hold the EGQS+ what their biggest barriers to undertaking the programme were. Not surprisingly the number one reason was lack of internal resources to take the time to build the Quality Manual. Over 70% of members said that they would like to undertake the Seal in the next two years and that greater support would be a big help in getting started. So we have asked two seasoned EGQS Holders and past Presidents of EuRA to act as Mentors for the programme. If you are thinking of going for the programme, Åse Löfgren Gunsten and Michèle Bramstoft can now help you to start.

We met up in Copenhagen to design the programme with the aim of providing short no cost online sessions with Åse or Michèle to help give you a structure and deadlines to complete key stages of the programme. The first step however will be to access the training link that Maree will give you. Martina’s training module in the EuRA Academy is a blueprint for how to build your Quality Manual. Åse and Michèle will help to keep you in track.

Their role is not to build your Quality Manual for you, but to set some achievable goals to keep you on track as you build the system. They will set up three online calls at critical stages in the process. The first call will be once you have signed up with Maree at the EuRA Office. The purpose

Why Did Our Mentors Certify?

Have you ever felt totally lost?

Imagine sitting in a conference workshop. The session topic is about something unknown to you. You listen intently, trying to understand what everyone seems to already know. That was me in 2007 at the EuRA conference in Berlin. I joined a session to learn about the new quality seal being developed. But oh boy, in addition to feeling lost, I felt dumb. What the heck is a Process Management System? ISO 9001 –what’s that? Quality standard? Shish –what am I doing here? But you know what? I love to learn and since Copenhagen Relocations was already all about quality, we took a deep dive!! Ok – so it was 3 years later when we started writing our Quality Manual at my dining room table one productive Friday evening. And thank goodness for our friend Google!!

Looking back, the EGQS prepared us for growth. As a business matures, it needs, among other things, additional structure. The standard provides it. Practicing the EGQS ‘habits’ inspired us, gave us new ideas about how to run the business. It also won new business for us.

Copenhagen Relocations is grateful to have ‘bitten the EGQS+ bullet’. It’s made us a better company. It makes us proud to flash our EGQS+ credentials.

Åse Löfgren Gunsten

I first undertook the EGQS+ back in 2008 for two very different reasons. Firstly to ensure the highest standards no matter where we delivered services and secondly as a marketing tool. At the time I had three offices and was told by my teams that service delivery varied between Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm. I gathered the three office leaderships teams and we sat down to pick out

being to help de-mystify the Quality Standard and answer any questions you have. The second will be once you are well underway building your quality manual at a time set out in the first call to keep you on track. The final call will be as you arrange with the Office to have your auditor come on site. The purpose is to provide moral support and help keep you on track. This programme is provided at no cost. If you want greater support in the actual building of the Quality Manual, the auditors are available to provide support but this is charged for directly by them and it will not be the same auditor who undertakes your final audit for the sake of compliance.

Just contact Maree about getting started and we will do as much as we can to help!

the very best practices across the network. This was then incorporated into our Quality Manual and improved service delivery and company culture. As owner and CEO getting to grips with things like annual risk assessments was unquestionably a great leadership tool. As a marketing tool the EGQS+ is hard to beat. 50% of our work came from RMC’s and they recognised the value of working with a provider with a consistently high level of quality no matter where the service was delivered. I admit that going through the process was daunting. You need time set aside to get the Seal completed - it is not something that can be done over a few weekends. But we realised we already had what the Seal asked of us in our heads, we just needed to commit it to paper and I’m looking forward to helping other gain the same sense of achievement that got when we qualified.

Vilamoura Picture Gallery

Thank you to the 782 members and friends who joined us in Vilamoura for this year’s conference. Looking forward to Zagreb 2025!

Full Picture Galleries

Vilamoura Picture Gallery

For a short film of the event click here

Feedback from Vilamoura 2024 “Beyond The Horizon” Dom Tidey

“Everything great in life, everything worth achieving, anything that’s ever been crowned a success, has been a community effort… I think we have to start thinking of ourselves as a community, that is in itself a tool of artificial intelligence, because if you think about it, aggregated in this room there is a morass of structured and unstructured information; tribal knowledge and a capacity to work together on shared goals. Figuring out the systems and the processes we need to reach those goals and that is the key element that we human beings have to keep ourselves on top of the food chain. That is the only angle we have; the capacity to work together to create those communities that can deliver those goals”

Frances’ wise words rang out through the room at the start of the conference, confirming for some what they already know about the

onset of AI and scaring the daylights out of those of us with our heads in the sand! Her words set the tone for the content of the event which was as ever, focussed on the topics that our industry is facing. What followed was three days of great sessions led by industry experts to try and unpick where we are, where we are going and how to face and overcome the threats that may be coming our way. Our session leaders have written synopses of their panels and discussion that you can read on the pages that follow. You will also find the links to the YouTube recording of some of those sessions. In one of the strongest programmes we’ve had, many ideas and solutions were tabled.

But there was also a great deal of fun to be had in Vilamoura and as you can see on the following page, we had great feedback on the event.

The Tivoli hotel was an exceptional venue and in terms of sheer scale one of the most flexible we’ve ever had. But this did come at a cost both financial (it was the most expensive venue we have ever used) and from the POV of delegate experience. Most delegates loved the space and airy nature of the venue, others found it too big.

The weather was not in our favour in one the chilliest May weeks the Algarve has seen in years. Our conference director at the hotel the wonderful Joana Maia took me up to the roof where we had planned the welcome drinks and it was just too windy to be viable.

Our gala dinner in the fantastic Lakeside venue was much chillier

than we had hoped but the vast majority of guests had a great time dancing the night away. The theme of White Night really made for some terrific Instagrammable photos!

Our party night featuring the brilliant Mobility Light Orchestra and a magnificent sunset over the ocean from the terraces of the hotel made for a truly memorable evening and your feedback completely backed that up.

We take the feedback extremely seriously and the big takeaways we have which we will focus on in a Briefing later in the summer were the same as ever… do not make the conference any bigger. You appreciated the limit numbers per company and the efforts we make each year to deter unregistered delegates.

It’s our goal to rotate between a beach or resort location and a major city and we are delighted that next year will be the Sheraton Zagreb, a wonderful property but very different from the Tivoli - we are back in a city centre conference hotel and will therefore be strictly limiting delegate numbers to 650. Bookings will open on September 23rd. In case you didn’t know, we were very worried that we would have to change the dates! Croatia were the favourites to win the Eurovision song contest and for those of you familiar with the event, it completely takes over a city for the entire week leading up to the final. Thankfully the Swiss entry won so our dates remain May 5th to 8th!!

See you there!

“EuRA Vilamoura 2024 Conference overall as excellent. As a professional in the relocation industry, attending this event provided invaluable insights and networking opportunities. The sessions were

“Awesome! EuRA is the most professional, wellexecuted industry event of the year! So well paced in terms of schedule, a great blend of information, inspiration and networking. A showcase event for

Vilamoura Session - Culture and the Mobility Process Panel Review

Cultural understanding and effective cross-cultural communication are cornerstones of a successful expatriate assignment. And yet, like many of the socall “soft services” Cultural Training is often overlooked and frequently one of the first benefits to be cut, or considered as “flex”, rather than “core.”

Culture is inherent in all of us. It influences our relationships, our attitudes, values, behaviours, emotional responses and communication styles. Cultural understanding, or lack there of, can therefore have a significant effect on an international assignment, and the success and happiness of the assignee and accompanying family members in the new location. As GM specialists, we, and our corporate clients have a duty to prepare the assignees for the realities of their new location, and give them the tools and resources to be successful. If not, we risk the assignment failing. But it’s not just assignees – what about our own teams? Being aware cultural differences, can help us more work effectively together and provide a higher level of care and support to our clients.

The first question we addressed was the “Why?” Why is it important, and why it is relevant for anyone working within the

GM space. For example, did you know how complex “yes” and “no” could be?

A shake of the head means “yes” in India, and in Japan it is rude to say no, so they will say yes to be polite, even if they really mean no? Understanding cultural nuances helps to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications, because what might be considered a straightforward request in one culture could be seen as rude or too direct in another.

We then moved on to ROI, something we are frequently asked to demonstrate, but how do you measure the cost of a failed assignment, or expensive faux pas? Expatriates who receive cultural training adapt more quickly to their new environment. They are better equipped to handle cultural shock and navigate the complexities of daily life in a foreign country. When expatriates and their families feel understood and supported, their overall satisfaction and productivity increase. They are more likely to thrive both personally and professionally. Laura shared her research to explain some of the ways we can demonstrate the ROI, and Janice shared her experiences of the costs associated with

lack of cultural awareness by assignees in the Middle East.

The next topic was communication. There are many ways we communicate with each other, and many ways we can misunderstand each other, even when speaking a common language. Having awareness of how our words and actions can be understood differently in other cultures is critical to success.

Finally, we looked to the future of Cultural training. It has already evolved, adapted to new technology and methodologies to be fit for purpose in the modern world, such as continuous cultural coaching even after relocation to help expats as they encounter new challenges and situations. We all agreed that, although it might change, it is here to stay.

You can watch this session on our YouTube Channel

Vilamoura Session - Stress and Working in Mobility

When we talk about stress in mobility, we immediately think of the person being relocated. But what about the stress felt by those who have the pressure of ensuring a seamless relocation?

These professionals take on this work for the opportunity to make something inherently challenging better, but there is a lot of pressure in assuring an imperfect experience is as perfect as possible. Over the last few years, there have been additional macro events around the globe contributing to both the potential imperfection of a global move and the ability of service providers to do their jobs effectively. To be successful, we couldn’t just avoid the stressors; we had to navigate through them.

The stress experienced by those delivering relocation services, whether it be corporate clients, RMCs, or service providers is often overlooked. The emotional intelligence required to juggle multiple responsibilities and stakeholders – such as assignees, RMCs, corporate clients, internal teams, and various vendors – is immense.

Research across thousands of employees in one organization highlighted several root causes of stress. Factors within the company's control include ineffective workload planning, inadequate onboarding and training, poor system performance, misalignment among departments, and insufficient technical support for home-based work. Additional stressors arise from the requirement to be available during time off and the backlog faced upon returning from leave.

While less frequently recognized, external factors beyond the company's control also contribute significantly to stress. Home environments that are not conducive to working, unplanned volume surges, and clients expecting 24/7 support due to time zone differences further exacerbate stress levels. Further, the emotional rollercoaster experienced by assignees often directly

effects the stress levels of the staff supporting them.

Understanding stress is crucial in managing it effectively. Stress is a momentary adaptive response to adverse or challenging situations, aimed at restoring balance. It occurs when demands are high and surpass available resources. Stress exists on a continuum, ranging from healthy stress, which motivates improved performance, to unhealthy stress, marked by a lack of resilience and resources to manage demands.

The key is to recognize the level of stress within our organizations and among our teams. At an organizational level, company culture significantly influences stress levels. There is evidence that stress can spill over from stressed to unstressed individuals, affecting overall team morale and productivity. Leadership plays a critical role in determining how stress is experienced within teams.

Cultivating an empathetic leadership style helps foster a positive work environment. Providing employees with the necessary tools such as robust feedback and escalation management systems can alleviate stress. Preparing for peak seasons and utilizing an agile workforce can better balance workloads. Encouraging continuous learning, improving internal technology, and setting clear communication expectations with clients are also vital steps. Ensuring effective technical support, especially for remote work, is essential.

On an individual level, recognizing the difference between what can be changed

and what cannot is key to building resilience. Timeboxing, or dividing tasks into manageable time slots, can increase efficiency. Building a network of “work besties” can provide support during transitional phases, such as when navigating new management.

Proactively managing stress doesn’t just relieve the stress but can also have a positive impact in numerous indirect ways.

Employees who are in tune with their feelings tend to be more empathetic toward their customers and deliver more satisfactory service. Happier employees with improved overall well-being are more effective and more productive. They have enhanced morale and higher engagement, resulting in reduced absenteeism and increased retention. Employee morale is naturally shared with their team and may be on display for clients, leading to positive company branding and new business opportunities.

In conclusion, it is time we acknowledge and address the stress experienced by those working in relocation. By understanding the root causes of stress, recognizing its impact, and implementing effective solutions at both the company and individual levels, we can create a healthier, more productive work environment. Investing in stress management is not just about reducing stress; it’s about building a resilient, empathetic, and engaged workforce capable of delivering exceptional service.

You can watch this session on our YouTube Channel

Vilamoura Session - The Power of Feedback

Feedback is a critical tool for organizational growth, and understanding its intricacies is key to leveraging its potential effectively.

During the Eura Vilamoura conference, a distinguished panel convened to explore "The Power of Feedback," moderated by Sophie Rehberg, Managing Director of Professional Organizing Relocation Consult GmbH. The panel featured insightful contributions from Aideen Hopkins, Operations Director at EER, Leah Bohmrich, Director of Key Accounts at Packimpex, and Andrea Gullickson, Senior Manager of Destination Services for IOR Global Services who explored the challenges and best practices in managing feedback within the relocation industry.

Within our own organizations we handle feedback by focusing on solutions and showing empathy. Aiden stresses acknowledging human error and prioritizing client outcomes while being considerate of employees' feelings. Leah recommends calm, non-blame

discussions with field managers. Andrea emphasizes a commitment to customer experience, using empathy to understand and improve from what went wrong. This approach ensures feedback is managed constructively and used for continuous growth.

The theory of Black Box Thinking was introduced as a method to use feedback to drive organizational success. It focuses on learning from failures through detailed analysis, similar to how aviation investigates accidents with black box data. By collecting and analyzing feedback, especially the negative kind, organizations can find root causes and make improvements. It is the responsibility of management to turn failures into growth opportunities, enhancing processes, prevent future errors, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Aiden remarks that immediately responding to service failures is imperative and entails a meticulous 24-hour resolution process that

involves various stakeholders and can be very disruptive to the team. However, it is important to gather all the information using this collaborative approach to get a full understanding of root causes. While challenging it is a necessary evil as we have a commitment to foster a strong partnership with clients and improve processes to strengthen the customer experience.

Leah points out that failure can actually be our friend; getting negative feedback isn't so bad if we act on it. The panelist noted that by analyzing feedback trends, companies can capitalize by developing new service lines. Andrea notes that after seeing a trend that VIPs did not feel sufficiently supported, IOR developed a VIP service line that focused on a more hands on, concierge-like approach.

This method ensures transferring VIP employees feel well cared for and consultants have better guidelines, resulting in a more positive experience for everyone involved.

In summary, The Power of Feedback is all about fostering growth and improving performance through open communication. Constructive feedback highlights strengths, pinpoints areas for improvement, and offers actionable insights. It promotes a culture of continuous learning and development, helping individuals and organizations adapt, innovate, and thrive. In essence, feedback is a crucial tool for achieving excellence and maintaining progress and a positive customer experience.

You can watch this session on our YouTube Channel

Vilamoura Session - Symposium on Sustainability in the Relocation Industry

The 2nd Symposium on Sustainability in the Relocation Industry, held in 2024, aimed to deepen the conversation on sustainability within the supply chain and practical decisionmaking in business. The symposium was structured into several key sessions, each addressing different aspects of sustainability. Once again, the sustainability symposium was a highly interactive and engaging start to EuRA 2024!

The event began with a panel discussion with Jeff Heissler, Magali Horbert, Dominic Offer and Johannes de Kam, focusing on assessing current practices and looking towards future improvements. The panel emphasized the current phase of transition, where actions like capacity building, data preparation, and stakeholder engagement are critical. Looking ahead, they anticipated that the upcoming legislative changes in the EU will be reflected increasingly in RFPs, and underscored that sustainability must become an exciting and core business practice, essential for attracting and retaining clients and talent.

The panel was followed by a session on engaging stakeholders, where Dominic Offer from Santa Fe Relocation and Lucie Nazar explored the importance of relational approaches to stakeholder management, especially in the context of sustainability. They discussed various reporting frameworks and the evolving requirements for sustainability in Request for Proposals (RFPs), emphasizing the need to balance expectations with actual impact. After a break Magali Horbert led a session on tools for the relocation industry to measure sustainability progress. This included

the introduction of the FIDI carbon calculator, designed to address industry-specific challenges in measuring carbon footprints. All symposium participants were offered to take part in piloting the tool free of charge and could see how long-term and short-term solutions could be part of their business’ strategies.

For the final session, the focus shifted to practical decision-making frameworks. Jeff Heisler of Home Sweet Home shared his personal journey of integrating sustainability into business decisions. He emphasized that sustainability should be an integral part of all business decisions, rather than an additional concern. He shared examples from his company, such as reducing annual travel by moving the office strategically and the ways in which his remote working policies cut down on CO2 emissions.

Throughout the symposium, several key themes emerged. One was the critical role of stakeholder engagement, both internally with employees and externally with clients and suppliers. Further, the symposium underscored the importance of data collection but to utilise data strategically to ensure continuous improvement and adaptation in the pursuit of real, impactful changes. Throughout the symposium, participants shared their progress, challenges, and next steps in integrating sustainability into their operations, leaving the room with new insights and energy for their next steps!

Vilamoura Session - Creating the Future –Integrating Digital Transformation in Your Organization

The International Relocation Associates (TIRA) was thrilled to present at EuRA Vilamoura 2024. The session closely aligned with EuRA’s keynote speaker and major conference theme.

The discussion offered members’ insights into automating relocation business functions with ChatGPT and AI, featuring real stories from TIRA members, Simon Johnston, ICON Relocation, Inigo Lopez, BiCortex Languages, and Brenda Levis, NYC Navigator on using digitalization, choosing the right tools, measuring automation’s impact on time and cost savings, and learning about ethical and responsible AI use. Christine Martin Barclay, recent Chair and Founder of EO Mobility Consultancy introduced the educational session.

Alane Boyd, Co-Founder of Workday Ninja expertly moderated the discussion. Alane is an operations and growth strategy expert specializing in AI and automation to enhance client efficiency. In 2022 her company launched ARVO an AI-powered visual documentation software for creating standard operating procedures, training documents, and company knowledge. Alane has written and been featured in Entrepreneur, HuffPost, South by Southwest (SXSW), PBS, FemFounder, and many more.

The educational discussion covered topics for which delegates expressed keen interest, curiosity, and a bit of trepidation.

• Using Chat GPT and AI to automate functions in your business

• Using the best prompt engineering for the desired output

• Understanding easiest ways to starting using AI

• Debunking commons myths about automation

• Choosing the best AI tools to use for different use cases

• Hearing real-world examples of using automation in the relocation industry

• Learning ethics and responsible AI use (and for what not to use AI for!)

The member panelists shared their journey embedding automation into their company operations.

Brenda Levis, Chair and Director of Events and President of NYC Navigator shared how, “Using automation to develop neighborhood guides in a nano second has saved my team a tremendous amount of time. Of course, we make necessary edits to any automated document to ensure it is customized to each transferee and is up to date. For example, a museum or local restaurant may have closed during covid.”

“My team and I have discovered the fantastic benefits and value of using ChatGPT and automation. AI can be a helpful tool. We have learned by doing that asking the right questions of Chat GPT will rapidly get us the answers we need,” commented Simon Johnston of ICON Relocation.

Inigo Lopez, Founder of BiCortex Languages added that, “It is important for leadership to get involved in automation and AI-related processes. My involvement has helped my team realize the benefits and reduce human error mistakes. Automation helps ensure we deliver our services and processes consistently.”

Alane Boyd eloquently concluded our presentation saying, “Start automating and you will see how it saves you and your team time and streamlines processes. Digitalization will help your company get through the nitty gritty, afford more time to personalize your work. Have fun with it.”

We thank EuRA for inviting us to present!

You can watch this session on our YouTube Channel

Vilamoura Session - Immigration Workshop

Highlights from the Immigration Workshop: Key Sessions and Insights

The recent Immigration Workshop brought together industry leaders and professionals to discuss emerging trends, challenges, and best practices in the immigration sector. The event featured several insightful sessions, each focusing on different aspects of immigration services.

Talent Acquisition & Retention Strategies in Immigration

Talent Acquisition & Retention Strategies was a 45minute panel session featuring best practices from various speakers. This session focused on strategies for hiring, training, developing, and retaining immigration professionals.

Key Focus Areas:

• Hire: Balancing the hiring of experienced professionals with training new employees from scratch.

• Train: Implementing best practices in training programs to develop skilled immigration professionals.

• Develop: Keeping employees engaged through career development and professional growth opportunities.

• Retain: Understanding employee expectations regarding tenure and the importance of a supportive company culture in retaining top talent.

Threats & Opportunities in Immigration

Key Areas Discussed:

• New Products and Services: Innovations to meet emerging client needs and fill market gaps.

• Advisory Services: The importance of expert consultations to navigate complex immigration regulations.

• Right to Work Checks: Ensuring compliance with local laws was seen as both a challenge and an opportunity to improve service reliability.

• A1 Services: Providing essential documentation and support for international assignments.

• RPA and AI: The potential of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to streamline immigration processes and reduce manual workloads.

• Regulatory Changes: Adapting to new legal requirements was viewed as both a threat and an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Service Delivery Models and Partnerships in Immigration

Threats & Opportunities in Immigration was a 45 minute panel discussion identifying and analysing the main threats and opportunities in the immigration sector. It was an exciting session with a game of bingo intwined!

The last session, "Service Delivery Models and Partnerships in Immigration" was a moderated panel discussion that included a corporate representative from Boeing and innovative service providers. This 60-minute session provided valuable perspectives on client expectations and effective service delivery models.

Key Takeaways:

• Client Expectations: Clients, such as Boeing, are looking for local, regional or global immigration

providers who can integrate destination services with immigration support to streamline the process and enhance the overall experience.

• Service Delivery Models: The session explored low-touch, standard, and high-touch service models, emphasising the importance of defining scopes, addressing compliance and liability issues, and training staff to meet these standards.

• Collaborations: Effective collaborations with data providers and tax providers were highlighted as essential for offering comprehensive, integrated solutions to clients.


The Immigration Workshop provided a comprehensive platform for discussing the latest trends, challenges, and best practices in the immigration sector. Attendees gained actionable insights and a deeper understanding of how to navigate and excel in this dynamic field. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the workshop highlighted the importance of innovation and adaptability in delivering exceptional immigration services.

You can watch these sessions on our YouTube Channel

Talent Acquisition & Retention Strategies in Immigration

Threats and opportunities

The Buyers perspective

Vilamoura Session - Corporate Housing Workshop

Investing in Technology and Operational Partnerships: A Recap of the Corporate Housing Workshop at the EuRA International Relocation Congress

Industry leaders convened in Vilamoura to explore the most pressing topics shaping the future of corporate housing. From the transformative power of data analytics to the indispensable role of agencies as facilitators of global mobility, the discourse illuminated the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead. As the workshop unfolded, a resounding theme emerged: the imperative of embracing innovation while staying rooted in the ethos of human-centered business practices.

The Path of Technology

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for real-time data and insights becomes ever more pressing. Participants delved into how data analytics can empower decision-making, allowing for better resource allocation and enhanced customer experiences. Moreover, the session highlighted the importance of robust CRM systems in managing end-toend operations, ensuring seamless interactions and building trust with customers.

Panelists shared when thinking of technology for smaller companies, focusing

on systems that improve efficiencies is of utmost importance. This focus helps determine what projects and systems are worth the investment of funds and people to develop.

The future of technology in corporate housing isn't just about adopting new systems and platforms—it's about embracing a consumer-centric approach. Being focused on people will continue to be the key differentiator in our industry. By focusing on consumer products and understanding the evolving needs of clients, companies can stay ahead of the curve and deliver unparalleled value.

The Value and Role of Agents

The session emphasized the nuanced value agencies bring to the table, serving as a single point of contact for corporate buyers, especially those with global and multinational operations. Through strategic partnerships, companies can tap into a vast network of resources, expanding their reach and bolstering their competitive edge.

Key discussions revolved around the expectations from both suppliers and agencies in fostering a mutually beneficial relationship. By aligning goals, leveraging each other's strengths, and maintaining

open communication channels, participants learned how to navigate the complex landscape of partnerships with finesse and agility.

Expanding Partnerships and Networks

In a rapidly evolving corporate housing landscape, informed decision-making is paramount for sustainable growth and expansion. From data-driven insights to professional networks and strategic partnerships, participants gained actionable insights into propelling their businesses forward in a dynamic and competitive market. The session underscored the power of collaboration, highlighting how partnerships can amplify capabilities and unlock new opportunities for growth.

By recognizing the value of strategic alliances and tapping into a diverse array of resources, participants learned how to navigate the complexities of the corporate housing ecosystem with confidence and foresight. In an era defined by rapid change and innovation, the ability to expand partnerships and networks emerges as a strategic imperative for success.

About the Association of Serviced Apartment Providers (ASAP)

ASAP is the not-forprofit trade Association representing the serviced apartment accommodation industry, its operators, agents and suppliers in over 20

countries across Europe, Canada, Africa and the Middle East, while working to protect the industry from the unintended consequences of changes to legislation and regulation globally. We host events in the UK, Europe, and worldwide. ASAP recently published the first ever review of the serviced accommodation sector in England, its size and economic value, and our European focus group is collaborating on producing a Europe-wide version. ASAP is proud to have brought together a community of hospitality professionals who are supportive, diverse, inclusive, and operate with integrity. More details here.

About the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA)

CHPA is the world’s largest and only trade association dedicated exclusively to the corporate housing industry. The association advances the highest standards in business and professionalism; provides valuable insight, knowledge and resources to the industry; and increases visibility among related industries. Along with networking, education, certification and information sharing, CHPA members grow their business and expand their reach through an international network of partners. Find out more about corporate or furnished apartments online.

IGNITE 2024!!

IGNITE expectations & answer questions and get acquainted with each other. Engaging with the IGNITERS is one of my favorite parts of the IGNITE journey.

This year was different – well every year is different!! This year, 5 Igniters had to bow out of the session at the last minute. Fortunately, we had a brave soul step in. More about that in the session résumé.

The first IGNITE speaker was a mother describing her metaphor about how to mop a floor. How do you mop a floor? [if you have ever had that pleasure!!]

from birth. Micah Bellieu, the CEO & Founder of the Fluency Corp., presented, ‘Why I’m Raising My Daughter Trilingual’. Micah is committed to helping Isa understand that there can be more than one way to do things, love people, & communicate in general. The Silver Door’s Senior Vice President of Partner Relationships, Alex Neale, spoke about the balancing act between technology & the human touch, in ‘The Tech Conversation’. How do you get it right? What are the key elements of having humans behind the technology that supports your business?

IGNITE 2024!!

Conclusion: "People buy from people that they know, like, and trust." Intuition and emotional intelligence play pivotal roles, especially when faced with unexpected disruptions. Inherently genuine human interactions remain irreplaceable. At least for now[!]. When the Client Success Director, Ben Jones of Simply London Relocation took the stage, there was a lesson in vulnerability to be had. Ben’s story entitled, “The Strength in your Vulnerability” brought tears to many that ventured into our session that afternoon. He spoke about his struggle with anxiety and how sharing his situation with friends led to an emotional breakthrough. Ben’s vulnerability was humbling. Ben invited us to share our vulnerability, because this is our greatest strength. Our “last minute speaker”, Michael Vermaak, owner of Missing Link, presented, ‘The World of Live Events.’ Michael took the IGNITE challenge less than a week before our session. He gave an interesting, insightful, & humorous look into producing a live event….like our EuRA conference. Michael admitted that it was challenging to take the advice he normally gives speakers

as he prepares them for the stage. We have a deeper appreciation for Michael and the Missing Link team- now more than ever!!

On behalf of EuRA, I would like to thank Ignite presenters since it started in 2016. The IGNITE session is one of the highlights of our conference. Please, please, please, put your name forward to do an IGNITE. The request for speakers form will go out in Sept. What is your story?

Would you like to challenge yourself?

Would you like to show EuRA ‘the strength in your vulnerability’?!

Looking forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards, Michèle

You can watch the Ignite sessions on our YouTube Channel

Feature: Jon Harman

“Pick Up Your Paddle”

“Life, at its best, is a flowing, changing process in which nothing is fixed.” Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person

For the great Carl Rogers, experience was “the highest authority.” As per the quote above, Rogers’ experience taught him that life is a flowing changing process. In fact, Rogers would say that you are a process. You are in a constant state of flow. There are no fixed points, and the scenery is always changing. This same perspective can be used to describe your business.

Sometimes the scenery changes slowly, creating the illusion of sameness, but if you look back across time it is evident that your business is in an ongoing process of becoming marked by team members joining, team members leaving, clients won, clients lost, technology integrated, processes improved, knowledge and experience added. It just happens.

Imagine your business being carried in the flow of a river. The water is never in the same place. Change is a constant. Paddling upstream is an unwise and fruitless effort. Around blind turns, across wide straights, and over violent rapids, the river moves forward. Moving is what a river does.

As a point of reference, when my father first got on the river, the most advanced piece of technology in the house was a 1930s era radio. Women were in the kitchen, African Americans came in through the back door, and most LGBTQ folks were in the closet. The river has traveled far in

his 90 years. Some may wish the current was faster and some would like it to slow down. Occasionally we may be stuck in an eddy, but if you could float high above and look back over its course, you would know that this river’s name is Progress.

I imagine us as mobility professionals, each in our own raft, floating down the river of our work experience. Much of that experience is shared and yet we each encounter the river, the view, and the changing conditions, from our unique perspective.

Recently, we floated around a bend in the river and found ourselves in strange new terrain. A mysterious new technology was suddenly a part of our work environment. Those who had been observing the changing landscape closely knew that AI was coming. Most of us assumed it was further downstream. Now, here it is.

Confronted with this unfamiliar new technology, some paddled toward the riverbank in search of a rock or a tree root to cling to. If they couldn’t pull themselves back upstream, they hoped at the least to hold on in a spot where AI only dotted the landscape. Others dug their paddles in a bit deeper, pushing ahead to that point downstream where AI has transformed our business.

For those tempted to cling to the riverbank, it may help if you take a moment to remember what the terrain was like when you first put your raft in the water. When I started at Move One, we were just developing our relocation platform. I had a notebook with a

section for each assignee. I tracked our progress in hand-written notes. I had a Nokia flip phone, but texting was reserved for close friends and associates, not clients or assignees. Each relocation involved numerous phone conversations with my contact at the client company and quite a few with the assignee as well. Sometimes we left each other voice mails.

High-speed internet was not that speedy. Netflix was mailing DVDs. Stream was not yet a verb. Facebook was a year old, and the eventual founder of Snapchat was 15. Zoom was the sound a child made while pushing a toy car across the floor. The Blackberry was five years old and three years from obsolescence.

It has not always been easy, this rafting on the river of change. Despite the challenges, most would agree that advances in technology have enhanced our work and increased our capabilities. Why should AI be any different?

And yet there is no denying that the arrival of this most recent advance does feel different. We don’t understand how to use it, but its tremendous power and potential are self-evident.

My sense is that the reason that AI feels so different to us is that it is unlike any technology we have encountered. As revolutionary as the iPod was, it was still just an improvement on the Walkman. We already knew how to use a Walkman. An iPhone was three familiar tools – a phone a computer and a camera – in

one portable device. We already knew how to use phones and computers and cameras. We didn’t learn to use an iPhone as much as we adapted to it.

We have no frame of reference for AI. If using AI reminds us of anything it is human interaction. No wonder this shift feels more disconcerting than those that came before.

Chat GPT, Dall-E, Claude and their AI peers are so completely different that we have difficulty imagining how we might work with them and what they might do for us. Some may be tempted to adopt a “wait and see” approach to AI, letting others test the waters. I would discourage that choice. We are all, even the most tech savvy among us, in a strange new land. The only way to understand it is to explore. Let go of the riverbank and get back in the flow. Stop trying to imagine what AI is and find out firsthand. And stop waiting for someone to tell you what AI will mean for your business or for our industry. The truth is nobody knows.

There are too many bends in the river for anyone to see very far ahead. Even if an “expert” can make an educated guess based on the capabilities of ChatGPT 4, by the time we get to ChatGPT 10, or 20 or 30, the terrain will be dramatically different, and the river will still be moving forward of its own accord.

Remember Carl Rogers, “Experience is the highest authority.”

The only way to know what AI is capable of is through firsthand experience. I’ve watched videos and listened to podcasts, but nothing has taught me more about AI than using it. If you haven’t started already, now is the time. Try a few different platforms. Have your colleagues do the same.

Share what you learn.

I recently asked ChatGPT to analyze the pricing models that I am considering for my new business. The response affirmed some of my thinking, but it also suggested an approach I had yet to consider. I had ChatGPT draft a confidentiality clause for the employment agreement of a friend’s retail store. It did what would have taken me hours in seconds, and its product was better than what I would have come up with.

The best advice I have heard is to think of ChatGPT as an eager, gifted 18-year-old intern with some surprising capabilities. If that person was standing by your desk every morning waiting for you to assign her work, would you ignore her or would you find something for her to do?

Could she do research? Could she draft good job interview questions? Could she merge two job descriptions into one? Could she assemble a list of the best books on e-marketing published in the last two years? Could she summarize your notes from a recent conference session and condense them to a single page? Could she suggest a few restaurants for your upcoming client meeting in Frankfurt?

She can do all of that and she can do it quickly. No sooner will you assign her the task than she will be turning in her work and standing by your desk, waiting for something else to do.

She is young so she will make mistakes. She will sometimes misunderstand your directions. She

will also sometimes surprise and

long you can ask her to condense it. If her response is unclear, you can ask her to clarify. She has a powerful and accurate memory so that if you tell her about your business, your vision and your objectives, she will keep them in mind and factor them into her responses. She is always available, and she never gets tired. Do you have any good reason for not putting her to work?

I would be remiss were I to fail to acknowledge that, despite all the AI cheerleading, this tech advancement has arrived with a substantial side serving of existential threat. Professionals in myriad fields find themselves wondering if their jobs, or even their industry, will be eliminated. At this early stage nobody knows. There is no certainty about what is downstream on this river. My sense is that while there are plenty of rapids ahead, we are not moving toward for a waterfall.

Guiding the influence of AI in our industry will require familiarity with the technology. The more of us with that familiarity, the better. The river is powerful, but we do have some agency as we position our rafts within it. Better to navigate the rapids with our heads up and our paddles in the water than to close our eyes and hope we make it.

The Coalition for Greener Mobility Update

Tad Zurlinden &

Briony Horwood

In the last edition of the EuRApean, we reported that the Coalition was looking to analyse the kind of questions relating to sustainability being received by RMCs from clients. We were able to collect information from a number of RMCs and this will now be studies independently by ‘JustOne’ a specialist in this field whom the Coalition have retained. The results of this analysis will then be shared with all the members from the six Associations that form the Coalition. They will be published on the Coalition’s website If you have never visited the website there are a number of useful resources on it.

Again, as mentioned in the last EuRApean, we are in the process of formalising the Coalition to create a not-for-profit organisation that can represent ‘Global Mobility’ for specific projects. Projects, that are bigger than each of the individual disciplines within Global Mobility i.e. household goods movement, destination services, corporate housing, immigration etc. A typical project would have included GDPR had the organisation existed at the time, but should we need to revisit it we would do it as a ‘team’.

The new body will not just consist of the six associations, there will be opportunities for other interested parties to join and participate from smaller national associations to individual companies and organisations from around the world.

In addition to the work already underway, EuRA is working with FIDI and Worldfavor on a project to develop a free carbon calculator for all EuRA Members. Initially for DSP but we hope to add other groups further down the line. The only exception being Corporate Housing whose needs are slightly different from that of DSPs, RMCs etc. The Corporate Housing Providers Association and the Association of Serviced Apartment Providers are already working on this. Eventually we will make sure that the Corporate Housing calculator ties into the other calculators for DSP, Household moves etc.

Those of you who were in Vilamoura may have heard that we were looking for a ‘DSP Carbon Calculator Pilot Group’, we were delighted to hold our 1st meeting last week where the members of the group were able to see the FIDI Carbon Calculator for themselves.

The work of this group is vital in ensuring that we can adapt the current calculator, reporting tool and knowledge base to meet DSP requirements, we are so grateful to have a brilliant, dynamic group who are passionate about making this a success.

Over the summer the group will be studying the current tools and providing feedback of the changes we need to the reporting and any gaps in the knowledge base. Once this is complete we will then widen the Pilot Group in the autumn before we launch to all in early 2025 - watch out for the session at the 2025 Zagreb Conference!!

“Sustainability at the Conference”

Over the last few years we have been mindful of making the annual conference as sustainable as possiblethe obvious solution would be to hold a virtual conference and immediately reduce the carbon footprint of 780 attendees! I think I speak for everyone when I say that we need an in person conference and there are other ways to reduce, re-use and recycle - phew!

It all starts with the venue RFPs, we ask each venue to provide details of their own sustainability and waste management policies, that there is no single use plastic and that materials used are fully recyclable.

We then looked at what we can control ourselves and the areas we could improve. I am sure you all missed the video of Tad and Dom packing the

conference bags in the run up to the Vilamoura Conference, but did you miss emptying the contents of the bag, or the bag itself, in the bin? We did not receive a single comment on the absence of the conference bag and reduced the amount waste enormously.

Over the last few years we have reduced the number of Exhibitors at the conference, Vilamoura was the first year we had none. Again this has reduced waste, not to mention the airmails to transport the stands and the energy to produce materials in the first place.

cardboard, which again can be recycled once the conference was over.

Now that we have the conference app there is no longer a need to provide printed Delegate Lists or a printed Programme, all of the information is easily accessed on your phone.

There are certain items we cannot do without, name badges, sponsor stands and the staging for example. We therefore researched more sustainable options, the lanyards for the badges are made from recycled and recyclable plastic (RPET) as are the pouches themselves, whilst the badge itself is an A4 sheet of paper. We asked you to either return your name badge at the end of the conference or take it home ready to re-use in Zagreb.

We were also able to source alternative sponsor stands made from recycled

The Staging from Missing Link has been reused for multiple events and is made from recycled material which is then cleaned and re-printed with the new conference theme.

We are proud that we were able to make these changes but what’s next? There is still the small issue of the attendee footprint, yes, we are allowing many meetings to happen in a single trip but there must be more we canthere are many offsetting schemes offered, why not use one of those? This seems like a logical solution but, as we know, things are not always straightforward. Our task for Zagreb is to investigate this further - watch this space!!

All Things Legal … July 2024

Gordon Kerr

Legal sessions at EuRA conferences always produce great discussions and participation from the floor. Our two sessions at Vilamoura were no exception. Particular thanks are due to Stuart McAlister of Inter Relocation and Simon Scott of Altair Global who shared their practical experience of the legal issues under discussion. The main points arising from these sessions are summarised below.

I also highlight below the new EU border controls which come into effect in October and some very useful advice issued by the ICO (the UK’s data protection authority) on how to combat the growing problem of cyber-attacks.

If there is a particular legal topic that you would like me to cover in a future edition of The EuRApean, please let me know.

Gordon Kerr

EuRA Strategic Consultant – Legal Services (

Vilamoura legal sessions

1. Getting paid for your services: avoiding clients who don’t pay The session kicked off with an overview of the practical impact on relocation businesses of the bankruptcy of Paragon Relocation. Stuart McAlister of Inter Relocation shared his personal reaction to

what had taken place and talked through the questions he had discussed with his Inter colleagues:

• What have I done wrong here?

• Could I have suspended work once a debt threshold was reached? Could that be contracted for?

• Can I ask about the financial security of my partner/client?

• Can a debt level be agreed in advance?

I shared some suggestions from a legal perspective:

• Are your contracts clear on client payment terms (e.g. 30 or 45 days) and interest for late payment?

• Do you insist on a client “float” or prepayment before advancing payments to third parties (e.g. government fees for visas)?

• Do you have in place robust credit control processes?

• Do you continue to accept new instructions from a client who has outstanding invoices with you?

• Do you carry out any form of due diligence on new clients? – and do you have access to market intelligence about current clients who may be getting into financial difficulties?

The open discussion which followed produced a number of suggestions which will be shared with EuRA leaders. These included:

1. Could EuRA list all lapsed memberships in The EuRApean?

2. EuRA should consider introducing a membership rule, similar to FIDI's rule, to the effect that all members are obliged to pay invoices to fellow members within agreed contract terms, failing which EuRA may notify all members of the payment default.

3. Could payment problems be notified confidentially to EuRA, so that EuRA becomes a confidential source of information on consistent late payers?

4. EuRA could encourage members to notify them of consistent good payersand publish a "good payers" list

This was a lively session and one that is likely to be repeated at future conferences.

2. How to review – and improve - your GDPR compliance

This “standing-room only” session followed the recommended steps of a GDPRcompliance review, pausing for discussion on a wide variety of questions asked from the floor. The 3-step review process consists of:

1. Review your:

- Flows of personal data (in/out/within your organisation)

- Compliance with GDPR “Principles”

- Current documents and processes

- Data security

2. Identify compliance gaps and improvement areas

3. Implement changes (and document these)

There was wide agreement that reviewing all aspects of data security was a particular priority for most relocation businesses. The dangers facing our industry have been highlighted by the class action raised against Sirva in the Canadian courts. Simon Scott of Altair Global discussed several examples of cyber-attacks against relocation companies, with phishing attacks becoming more common and evermore sophisticated.

The other discussion arising out of the Sirva legal action was the question of when relocation companies should delete personal data. While a “rule of thumb” of seven years may be appropriate for fully outsourced relocation services, which include maintaining tax records, far shorter periods should be considered for more straightforward destination services. The important point is to be clear about the business need justifying your data retention period(s) and also

to maintain records of the data deletions which you carry out.

In other words, it is not enough to have a data deletion policy, your business must also be able to demonstrate that you are implementing the policy in practice.

Once again, I would thank everyone for their active participation in these legal sessions and for sharing their practical experiences.

New EU border controls

From 6th October 2024, non-EU passport holders will be required to have their fingerprints and picture taken on their first visit to the EU, raising fears of travel chaos. There is particular concern that travellers from the UK could face queues of 15 hours or more at Dover when the new controls are introduced. The new policy, called the Entry-Exit System (EES), has also led to serious concerns about passenger backlogs at airport arrival halls, with French officials expressing fears that these strict new border controls could lead to civil unrest at airports.

Patrice Vergriete, the French transport minister, is lobbying the European Commission for a further delay to the introduction of the controls but this now seems unlikely. The new system had been scheduled to start in May 2024 but was delayed because of IT problems and lobbying by French officials who did not want the scheme in place during the Olympics.

If you plan to visit an EU country in October, I recommend avoiding the first few days after the new system goes live!

The growing problem of cyber-attacks –how well is your business prepared?

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK’s data protection authority, has called on organisations to do more to combat the growing threat of cyber-attacks. It comes as the ICO responded to reports of a cyber breach at the UK Ministry of Defence and as its own research indicated that more organisations than ever are experiencing cyber security breaches.

Non-EU passport holders who fly into the EU will register for EES — either at a kiosk or in-person with a border officer — on arrival in Europe. Eurostar passengers, those taking ferries at Dover or catching the Eurotunnel shuttle at Folkestone in Kent, will carry out the formalities on British soil.

The ICO’s new report, “Learning from the mistakes of others”, includes practical advice on how to “understand common security failures and take simple steps to improve their own security, preventing future data breaches before they can happen”.

The report focuses on five

1. Phishing

2. Brute force attacks

3. Denial of service

4. Errors

5. Supply chain attacks

Accompanied by practical case studies, the report summarises what these attacks are, how they take place, the key principles to consider to reduce the level of harm from a security breach, and some possible developments that mean that these threats become more sophisticated in the future (such as through the use of artificial intelligence or quantum computing). It also includes some guidance on ransomware and malware.

or failed to mitigate against known vulnerabilities.

Frankly, this is scary stuff. Relocation businesses, of all sizes, must take these threats seriously and ensure that robust protection measures are in place – and are regularly updated.

The report makes clear that many cyberrelated data breaches are “entirely avoidable” if organisations implement the types of physical and technical measures mentioned in the report. Just as important are organisations having appropriate ‘organisational controls’ in place, such as ensuring that boards “take a more proactive approach to overseeing cyber risks within their organisations”.

It also reminds organisations that, European data protection authorities, such as the ICO may take enforcement action if measures are inadequate and provides examples of such action being taken against organisations which have, for example, failed to secure external connections with multi-factor authentication, used inadequate passwords on internal accounts,

If you need advice on these or any other legal issues affecting your business, please feel free to contact me.

ASAP Serviced Apartment White Paper 2024

ASAP is the not-for-profit trade body for the serviced apartment industry, its operators, agents and suppliers. The Association represents and unites the serviced accommodation sector, while working to protect the industry from the unintended consequences of changes to legislation and regulation globally.

Late last year ASAP commissioned data experts BONARD to help produce the first in-depth study of the serviced apartment sector in the UK, to help explain its size and economic importance when meeting with policymakers. With possible changes on the horizon for regulation and planning in the short-let industry, the independent report has become invaluable for those within the sector, their stakeholders and investors. A Europe-wide equivalent is planned as the next project.

Kim Ashmore ASAP Memberships Director

Executive Summary…

Often described as a “home away from home,” professionally managed

serviced apartments offer accommodation solutions that combine a flexible lease with a range of hotel-like services and amenities, including a private kitchen or kitchenette, laundry facilities, housekeeping services, and separate relaxation and work spaces. Traditionally popular among business travellers and professionals relocating abroad, serviced apartments are also gaining popularity among tourists, especially those who prefer selfcontained accommodation over a standard hotel room and value the sector’s standards compared to other shortstay options advertised online by private hosts. The sector plays a vital role in supporting tourism and international trade, both critical industries for the UK economy. With a growing understanding of its specifics among investors, developers and operators, serviced apartments have established themselves as a distinct part of the hospitality industry. This report represents an effort to systematically measure the sector and navigate its future development. Market supply in the UK The mapping exercise reveals the presence of over 56,700 serviced

apartments spread across the UK. Among them, 28,566 properties across more than 1,400 buildings are managed under a brand, meaning they are operated by a company rather than a private host. ASAP members account for 41% of these establishments. The rest of the market is particularly fragmented and comprises a long tail of independent operators and ‘singlekey’ offers on the market (approximately 28,000 apartments). It must be noted, that the range of services on offer in these cases is often more limited (e.g., regular housekeeping is either provided at a cost or not provided at all). England accounts for 87% of all serviced apartments in the UK, followed by Scotland (9%). At 3% and 1%, respectively, Wales and Northern Ireland are yet to develop a more sizeable supply. Zooming in on England, London constitutes the largest proportion of the market supply and accounts for 12,867 serviced apartments (45% of the total supply in the UK). Manchester, Liverpool and Edinburgh follow with a 6.3%, 4.8% and 4.4% market share, respectively.

Market performance In line with the overall upward trend observed in the rental sector, stimulated by increased mobility, the sector has witnessed a strong rebound from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector demonstrated a higher resilience and adaptability to external circumstances than hotels (predominantly thanks to self-catering options and its specific clientele). Operators reported that, by the end of 2022, their bookings were already 44% above prepandemic levels.

According to the Emerging Trends in Real Estate ®: Europe 2024 report by PwC, the interest in investing in serviced apartments has been gradually growing. In a ranking of 26 real estate sectors, serviced apartments climbed from the 16th place in 2022 to the 9th rank in 2024. Market value The sector is an important contributor to the UK economy. In 2022, professionally-run serviced apartments generated a turnover of £1.2 billion. Including the long tail of ‘singlekey’ operators, the total market value of the sector extends to £1.7 billion. Jobs created In the UK, ASAP members employ

2,460 people (1,927 fulltime and 533 part-time employees). Considering ASAP members’ market share in the UK and the structure of the remaining market supply, it is expected that the entire sector directly supports a minimum of 6,050 jobs. Guest profile Serviced apartments cater to a specific blend of customers. Business travellers comprise the largest share of the clientele (45%), followed by tourists (27%), and professionals relocating to the UK (23%). Importantly, the sector caters to both domestic and international guests (59% to 41% ratio). The average length of stay in 2022 was 3 days; however, 11% of customers stayed between 30 and 89 days and 6% stayed longer than 90 days. Compliance and regulations According to the research, 71% of properties are operated under the C1 use class (hotel license or equivalent), 26% under C3 (residential license or equivalent) and the remaining 3% are neither (sui generis operations). There is a correlation between provider size and class use –smaller operators tend to have a higher prevalence of C3 use class. Independent and single-key providers almost exclusively operate under the C3 license. Going

forward, the findings of this research call for further professionalisation of the sector and stakeholder collaboration to: • Improve transparency through the establishment of a mandatory lighttouch property registration scheme that should include the entire accommodation industry. • Level the playing field for all operators, including those managing apartments that might not be compliant with the minimum standards. • Define the sector’s contribution to sustainable housing and inform planning policy development in the UK. • Support platforms for knowledge sharing.

To read the full report click here


“What ’s News at TIRA”

The TIRA network has been busy! We congratulated our new members, hosted member events, presented at EuRA and recently hosted a public webinar.


TIRA hosted a much-anticipated TIRA Day prior to the opening of the EuRA Congress 2024. Guest speakers included Heather Rychener, Head International Mobility and Group Benefits at The Adecco Group and Alane Boyd, Co-Founder of Workday Ninja, a company that specializes in Automation, Digitalization, and AI to enhance client efficiency. Heather listened to and heard suggestions from the members on improving twoway RMC-Service Provider communication, as she shared her pearls of wisdom from the Management Consulting perspective. Alane educated members on the many benefits of incorporating automation into our work-lives. The network officially welcomed its newest members, Inigo Lopez at BiCortex Languages and Karen Cygal at Global IQ to the TIRA community.

The AGM ended with well-deserved praise and appreciation to our steadfast Chair, Christine Martin

Barclay, Managing Director of EO Mobility and Vice Chair, Brenda Levis, President of NYC Navigator We welcomed the dynamic new Chair and Director of Events, Brenda Levis, Founder and President of NYC Navigator and New England Navigator and Vice Chair and Director of Membership, Deborah Loones at Relocation Belgium

Christine Martin Barclay commented that “It was a joy and privilege to lead this amazing association of dedicated entrepreneurs. I am proud of our accomplishments and am confident that Brenda and Deborah will lead TIRA into the next chapter of growth. Thank you, all for your warm support.”

Future of Work

TIRA was thrilled to present at EuRA Vilamoura 2024. The session, “Creating the Future – Integrating Digital Transformation in Your Organization” closely aligned with EuRA’s keynote speaker and major conference themes. The discussion offered insights into automating relocation business functions with ChatGPT and AI, featuring real stories from TIRA members, Simon Johnston, ICON Relocation, Inigo Lopez, BiCortex Languages, and Brenda Levis, NYC Navigator on using AI, choosing the right tools, measuring automation’s impact on time and cost

savings, and learning about ethical and responsible AI use. Alane Boyd, Co-Founder of Workday Ninja moderated the discussion. Alane is an operations and growth strategy expert specializing in AI and automation to enhance client efficiency.

TIRA was proud that additional members shared their wisdom at the EURA Congress. Michah Belieu, Founder of Fluency Corp shared her heartwarming “Ignite” story. Aideen Hopkins, Co-Owner, and Operations Director at shared her expertise during the session, “The Power of Feedback.”

TIRA recently hosted an in-depth webinar, “Versatility & Agility: Strategies for Navigating Uncertainty and Change.” Panelists included members, Irina Yakimenko, Managing Partner Intermark, Rahul Batra, Managing Partner at Hudson McKenzie with special guest, Melissa Myer, Director, Global Mobility at Mastercard, and moderated by TIRA Partner, Susan Ginsberg, Founder at SRG ADVISORY. TIRA’s Chair, Brenda Levis welcomed the attendees.

We heard their views on the World at Work and Talent Mobility landscape and learned pragmatic examples from them on their organization’s transformation, how they empower

their teams, support wellness and well-being into their hybrid or fully remote company culture, demonstrate agility, and in instances, have revised their companies' mission and performance metrics in pursuit of purpose and growth.

The Next Chapter

Brenda Levis, TIRA’s Chair shared her vision to “Continue the excellent work and growth led by my predecessors. We look to further elevate the value of being a

TIRA member and enhance our brand recognition worldwide. Our initiatives will include incorporating more members’ roundtables and events with corporate leaders and futureforward specialists.” She added, “I am so proud and honored to assume the role of TIRA Chair. It will be a privilege to work with our Board and talented member organizations.”

Deborah Loones, TIRA’s Vice Chair commented, “TIRA is like a family.

My vision is to increase our membership, and fine-tune and smooth our vetting and onboarding processes. We also look to engage all members so they can contribute to our wonderful association and fully enjoy the value of their membership.”

We invite you to contact us!

New Member Focus: Continuum

Continuum International, founded in 2002, is a full-service Relocation Management Company specializing in tailored clientspecific relocation programs. Continuum's tag line is "moving lives seamlessly." These are not just words but a methodology we follow every day.

Steve Hitchcock, Continuum’s President commented, “My team and I are delighted to become a EuRA member. As Continuum grows globally, we look forward to meeting with our valued partners, networking in person, and sharing insights with colleagues and thought leaders.”

Our vision: Total Partnership. A private independent entity which allows us to select all our service partners based on their service excellence, quality standards, technology, and quantifiable service metrics. We are not required to utilize a particular service partner based on company affiliation, agreement, or interest. We carefully select only those service partners whose vision and excellence aligns with ours.

From policy development to fair pricing to implementation, Continuum does not take a cookie cutter approach. We vet/ select the best service providers because we are not tied to a "corporate" network. We utilize the best providers in each

market - aligned with our commitment to excellence.

Moving Services

: Continuum has our own in-house Moving Services includingcrews, staff, equipment, and facilities providing international and domestic moving services – offering considerable cost savings. There are no third-party markups on the household goods moves - bringing unique value to our clients looking to capitalize on a seamless relocation experience for themselves/ their transferees.

Outstanding client retention

Continuum boasts a 96% client retention rate. We understand that client satisfaction results in client retention, and each day we approach our business with that philosophy in mind. That is why we have never lost a client due to service issues in our history, giving us one of the industry's best client retention rates for the best value.

Flexibility meeting unique business needs

- Continuum's service approach provides choice and flexibility. Knowing that no two companies have the same needs, we customize our services to each client's requirements to help support company's relocation program goals/ specific needs of each transferee/family. Each program is developed to be quantifiable and cost-effective. Our service delivery model ensures each

transferee is handled as a VIP. This concept must be adopted/adhered to by our vetted supplier partner network.

International in Scope, Local in Execution – Providing connection to the most diverse real estate delivery system, without limitations, on where to manage services. Partners are thoroughly vetted to ensure they meet/exceed our standards.

Extraordinary Staff Retention – We are proud to attract/retain a stellar staff. Knowing the same consultants will be in place throughout the process provides peace of mind and consistency in service delivery. It’s a significant benefit for our clients, who know their corporate objectives are being professionally managed - for their transferees, who appreciate not having to talk to different people along the way. Many consultants have CRP or GMS certification and have been with us for 10+ years - still serving the same client portfolio, with the same

client team for most of their relocation journey.

“We believe that employee wellness and well-being are central to Continuum's leading retention rate in the industry,” added Steve Hitchcock.

Protecting the Bottom LineContinuum acts as your advocate. We monitor ongoing service pricing worldwide, selecting multiple providers in most locations to ensure clients get fair pricing without sacrificing quality.

“We are thrilled to be part of the EuRA community and contribute to the wider industry,” said Dale Klein, Continuum Managing Director.

Continuum International moving lives seamlessly. From anywhere to anywhere in the world.

New Member Focus: EMC Relocations


A Premium Relocation Service in Jakarta

EMC Relocations, led by the expert realty specialist Esti McMillan, has been providing top-notch relocation services for over two decades. According to Esti, EMC offers "A boutique experience" with customized portfolios to ensure clients feel at home. Their support spans before, during, and after your move to Indonesia. The core team includes:

Esti McMillan: Founder and real estate specialist in landed houses

Lyubov Averiyanova: Real estate specialist in high-standard apartments

Tenny Afrianti: Account executive

In addition to their in-house services, EMC collaborates with A for Effort, a quality tutoring centre that supports expatriate families seeking high-quality, international curriculum-based educational aid. Despite a challenging realty market in recent years, EMC has expanded its offerings and announced a partnership with Double M for immigration services, a market expert in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

Services Offered by EMC Relocations:

Orientation Programs: EMC assists in a smooth transition to a new country, offering tailor-made tours covering social and volunteer opportunities, transportation, locations, traffic overview, and shopping and dining options. Cross-cultural training is also part of this service.

School Search: For families with children, EMC guides you through selecting play

schools, preschools, or schools with their extensive knowledge of educational institutions in Indonesia.

Home Search: This is EMC's largest area of expertise. They transform your needs into a customized list of potential homes, ensuring you find the perfect place.

Settling In Services: EMC helps new families with essential tasks such as obtaining a driver’s license, opening bank accounts, and recommending reliable agencies for hiring house staff.

House Audit: EMC arranges audits of potential rental homes to ensure a safe environment and prevent future rental issues.

Home Styling and Interior Design: EMC works with interior specialists to help you create and design your ideal living space.

Furniture Rental Assistance: While your shipping is in transit, EMC helps source quality rental furniture.

Immigration Services: In collaboration with Double M, EMC guides you through visa arrangements and immigration formalities, ensuring a smooth move.

Payroll & Tax Income Services: EMC provides support in payroll and tax handling to avoid penalties and incorrect account management.

Collaborations with Brands

EMC Relocations is proud to have collaborated with several major Relocation Management Companies, including Weichert, Sterling, ICU Net, Cornerstone, and Brunnel. Our extensive experience and strong partnerships ensure seamless and efficient relocation services. Additionally, we have partnered with Noah Mobility, further enhancing our ability to provide top-notch relocation solutions to our clients.


• Jeanette & Joerg Fischer Felsberg (Rolls Royce): One of the most knowledgeable and well-connected relocation agents in Jakarta. We are very blessed to have found Esti and her team at EMC. The administrative process was also handled without a hiccup. We would recommend her to anyone looking for a house in Jakarta.

• Csilla Lakatos (The World Bank): Esti is extremely efficient, reliable, friendly, honest, and above all, has an undeniable gift for matching house hunters with their dream homes. We appreciated that she went above and beyond the call of duty, and we highly and warmly recommend her.

• Matt & Melanie Cherevaty: Incredibly quick to respond, Esti understood

exactly what our needs were and got right on it. Moreover, she assisted with all our questions about living in Jakarta and also gave tips. We would highly recommend Esti to anyone new settling in Jakarta.

• Martin and Servane (L’oreal): Esti is not simply a relocation agent; she is the best friend you want to have when arriving in a new country. Trusting her blindly was the best first decision we made in Indonesia. She made everything easy

For more information on EMC’s services, head to

For inquiries, email us at

Or contact Esti on +62 811 949 235

Member Changes September to July

Welcome to Our New Members

Worldwide Mobility

Garth Coates Solicitors


Seven Stars Moving and Logistics

Curzon (Real Estate) (NY)

lingoking GmbH

Churchill Living

GHS Logistics Global Relocations Company

Dogancay International Movers

Viridian Apartments

OUI Immigration

Adams Express AS

Continuum International

OCS Shipping LLC

Laurie Bach (Independent Consultant)

Esen International Moving

Relobotic Solutions Pte Ltd

The Local Port Ltd

Adelaide Relocations

Swiss Prime International

Dukes Education

Audrey Caroline Chesneau, Madrid Expat Services

Oberhammer Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Urban Chic Serviced Apartments

GloboPrime Documents Clearing Services


Aimbridge Hospitality EMEA

ABDH Advisory Ltd

Stellar Coporate Housing

J and S Relocation Limited

Alghanim Freight

AptsLatam Ltd

Caterina House

EMC Relocations

Global Pet Relocation

Sun Mobilite



Arca Properties

Gerson & Grey

Consortia Legal

Residence Angels

Onboard Norway

Home Sweet Home

Highstreet Accommodations


Global IQ

LTC Language Solutions

Homez Technologies

Arango Konsults SAS

Blueground Furnished Apartments


Soyer International Movers

Remode Relocation

Ellis Porter

Paxton International

Maxxelli Real Estate

AvenueWest Global Franchise

Cooper & Cooper

Alacrity Solutions

Movinn Sverige


Pets Abroad

Bloomfield Law Practice

Naficy Consulting Group

Verto Mobility Management Services

Globe Properties

Metrica Relocations+

Members Who Have Left

Chery Koenig Relocation Services

Touchdown Relocation Services

IRC Berlin

ACS International Schools

Cultural Chemistry


Relocare Group

Your Friend in Paris

Celsium Ltd

The Mover (Premium Move Services)

MW Expat Solution Services

Expatride International

Expatland Global Network

Maxwell Logistics




Burke Bros Moving Group

Academia Group


Klippa Reloation


Expath Training & Consulting

Pass’Nord Relocation

Hauler Relocation

Members’ News Advertorial

Dwellworks, LLC

Highlights commitment to Sustainability and Dei Practices in 2023

ESG Impact Report

For the fourth year in a row, Dwellworks LLC, a leading provider of relocation and travel services for the globally mobile workforce, headquartered in Cleveland, OH, has published our comprehensive ESG Report, detailing our Environmental, Social, and Governance strides over the past year.

Download the report here

Dwellworks is at the vanguard of ESG strategy and execution within the global talent mobility industry. Since early 2021, we have focused on understanding our stakeholders’ expectations for meaningful progress and performance in ESG to integrate sustainable practices into our destination services, corporate housing, and real estate brokerage operations. We align our ESG initiatives with our core values of Integrity, Teamwork, Performance, Innovation, and Fun and we partner with industry associations to accelerate the adoption of effective sustainable options in our shared best interest. “Dwellworks has always been closely engaged with our clients, customers, associates, supply chain, and investors, as well as with regulatory agencies, the communities where we work and live, and the world we operate in,” says our CEO Bob Rosing. “It’s how we became the trusted global leader for destination services and a disruptor in global temporary living solutions. And it’s how we’ve earned the accolade we’re most proud of, a Top Workplace for our associates.”

Highlights from this year’s report include:

• Lowering our greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 47% since 2021 by managing our physical footprint and energy usage

• Integrating Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) into our newly redesigned website

To read more click here

Dwellworks Announces Top Leadership Updates

Cleveland, OH - Dwellworks LLC, the world's leading destination services and temporary living solutions provider for the globally mobile corporate workforce and business travelers, is sharing important updates about its executive leadership team and strategic product and services development.

Consistent with its leadership continuity plan, the company has formally confirmed Bob Rosing's elevation to the role of Executive Chairman and James Conigliaro's role to President and CEO. This announcement is a public statement of an evolution that has been in place for the past several years and was shared with associates and partners earlier this year.

Bob Rosing, who has led Dwellworks since its inception in 2007, will continue to focus on growth, market and industry engagement, corporate development, and seeking out the key partnerships that will help the company thrive for the next 10 years and beyond. He commented, "James and I have worked together at Dwellworks and other companies for over twenty years. As an operations expert, client champion, innovation advocate, and most importantly, developer of the extraordinary talent we have here at Dwellworks, James is providing trusted leadership to our organization every day. I'm excited for us to continue to work as partners in the future of Dwellworks and to lead the evolution of our business to meet new opportunities, services, and markets."

James Conigliaro, who has been instrumental in expanding Dwellworks' global footprint and services portfolio, will oversee the strategic direction and ongoing operational excellence of the company.

Contact for more information: Maura Carey-

To read more click here

Members’ News Advertorial

Grospiron International and Cosmopolitan Services

Unlimited Introduce New Joint Commercial Brand: Grospiron Mobility Solutions

Grospiron International and Cosmopolitan Services Unlimited have long been recognized for their dedication to meeting the mobility needs of professionals both domestically in France and internationally. Today, they announce a significant milestone with the official launch of their new joint commercial brand: Grospiron Mobility Solutions.

This initiative signifies a crucial advancement in their journey, which they are eager to share with their clientele first. Going forward, all services provided by the group, including Relocation, Moving, Visa & Immigration, Taxation, business transfer, and more, will be consolidated under this unified banner.

This strategic decision has been made after thorough consideration and reflects their unwavering commitment to delivering a seamlessly unified, consistent, and superior customer experience. Importantly, the transition to Grospiron Mobility Solutions will not compromise the esteemed quality of services that clients already know and appreciate. On the contrary, it will allow for a sharpened focus on continuous improvement to better meet the diverse needs of their clientele.

Arpin International Group Wins The 2024 Excellence in ESG Award From Relocate Global

Arpin International Group, a full-service global moving company providing the very best transferee experience for corporate, private-residential, government, and military customers, has been presented with the prestigious 2024 Excellence in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) award from Relocate Global. Caroline Curik, Director of Business Development from Arpin's German office, graciously accepted the award on behalf of the company on Thursday, June 6, at a glittering awards ceremony at Two Temple Place, London.

The teams at Grospiron International and Cosmopolitan Services Unlimited remain readily available to address any inquiries or concerns regarding this transition. Clients are encouraged to reach out to their account manager or the designated individual overseeing their operations for assistance.

They eagerly anticipate the opportunity to continue serving their clients under this new identity, promising even more innovative solutions tailored precisely to their requirements.

“Once again, thank you to our customers and agents for the trust you continue to place in us every day” said Group Managing Director, Philippe Mirault.

Relocate Global leads the immersive content provision for the global mobility market. It annually hosts the Think Global People and Relocate Awards to recognize and reward organizations that deliver unique customer experiences while demonstrating responsive, resourceefficient, and cost-effective services that set them apart from others. A team of independent experts in global mobility, human resource management and leadership, including practitioners and academics, judges all entries submitted for consideration.

Karen Bannon, Director of Marketing and ESG, expressed gratitude for receiving the award, "We are honored and deeply appreciative to be recognized by Relocate Global with the 2024 Excellence in ESGaward. At Arpin, devoting time and resources to environmental causes is central to our culture. Our commitment to responsible growth, emphasizing the triple bottom line, drives all our business decisions and underscores Arpin's commitment to maximizing our positive contributions to the world.”

To read more click here

23rd September Bookings

23rd September Call for Speakers



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