Stringer Press | Summer Term 2024

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Stringer Press SUMMER TERM

Message from Headteacher

Message from Chair of Governors

Messages from Heads of Year

Meet the Head Students

Our school dog


Ready, Steady, Cook - Royal navy visit

Mock election

Feminism club

History curriculum - Holocaust talk

English Speaking Union

English lectures

Higher Project Qualification

Roedean Academy programme

Equality and Diversity work

Guest speaker for graphics

Children’s parade

Work experience

RS - Ethics


Geography fieldwork

MFL - extra GCSE

Music concerts

Year 5 visits

PE & Sporting news

Eco news

Duke of Edinburgh


Enrichment week

Student achievements

Alumni success

Photography competition

Transition day

Meet the Y7 tutors

GCSE revision breakfast

Results day information

Y11 Prom

Key dates and start of term arrangements

Positive feedback

Big Summer Read

Social media photos

Get in touch!

Dorothy Stringer open evening


Message from Mr Hillier, Headteacher

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Governors,

Welcome to our summer term Stringer Press

As we break for the summer holidays, I would like to extend my gratitude to staff who throu looked to deliver exceptional lessons as well as providing for students beyond their taught amazed at the wealth of opportunities available here and am delighted by the way students Stringer has to offer. This academic year started with Ofsted, and we finish with Raising an activities, work experience and a huge variety of creative and enriching experiences. We no break to recharge and prepare for a new academic year. When the school closes, the site will be a hive of activity as this is the best time to make changes and improvements where we can to prepare for the return of staff and students in September

The end of an academic year is a time to celebrate the successes of all the students and all that has happened over the year. At our annual awards afternoons it was heartwarming to see the level of dedication from students and the progress they have made over the year. I have no doubt the class of 2024 will have been successful in their final examinations, and we look forward to seeing them collect their GCSE results in school on Thursday 22 August They are well prepared for college next year and I look forward to hearing about their continued successes All our Year 10 students were able to attend Varndean Sixth Form College on our city-wide transition day in addition to the many other college open events, so they will be ready to make their college choices early next term.

In amongst the academic successes, Stringer continues to provide exceptional opportunities in sport, music, art and drama as well as other areas Students have been successful for Sussex, England and Wales and we are extremely proud of the participation and team ethos of our PE department. Some of these students are featured in this edition of our Stringer Press and I have no doubt we will be hearing more from these names in the future. A huge thank you goes out to all the parents who support the clubs and local teams in so many ways.

We wish all the best to those staff who are moving on to new pastures and thank them being part of the Stringer community. A special thank you must go to Mr Fogden, who is taking a well-earned retirement after 20 years at Stringer, closely followed by Bubbles Robinson at 18. Mr Fogden has been a huge part of the wider community here in Brighton and knows many of the families well, and Bubbles has helped many parents and carers on the admin side over the years – we are grateful for their dedication and wish them both well

Thank you all for your continued support. I hope you and your families have an enjoyable and restful summer, and I look forward to welcoming our community back in September.

Dorothy Stringer open evening

Update from Bridget TaylorChair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers

Last term I wrote about the role of the Governing Board This term I would like to mention some recent additions to our Board who add strength and depth to our numbers. Rob Bradshaw, Eugenie Teasley and Sarah Bakhtiari have joined us as Coopted Governors and Eleanor Fagan as our Local Authority Governor. Between them they bring experience from business, teaching and community engagement so we are very pleased to have them on board.

That leaves one vacancy, where we would like to recruit what is called a Young Governor to bring their perspective to our work. This really means anyone starting out in work or post 18 study who might like to experience a community governance role and take a lead as the link for a curriculum subject. If you know anyone in your family or friendship group who might be interested, please ask them to contact our Clerk teresa.dee@dorothystringer co uk

You may be aware from the Weekly News and the local press that Brighton and Hove City Council is testing the idea of Federating schools in the city to address pressing budget deficits in many schools and falling student numbers. This would mean amalgamation of governance, budgets, leadership roles, support and specialist functions between schools to address these issues The schools would all remain under the Local Authority in this model We have been asked to decide whether we are willing to work with the Council over the next year to develop a model that we can agree.

The Governors have had two meetings to discuss the idea this term and have identified many questions that need to be addressed. There are no firm proposals, models or financial case at the moment, so it is difficult to reach a decision at this stage However whilst our priority continues to be delivering high quality education to our students, we are funded by the government per student so as the numbers fall we recognise that changes will need to be made as budgets reduce. The primary schools are already experiencing this, and it will have an impact on the secondary schools in the next few years.

Any detailed proposals that emerge will need to be thoroughly tested and consulted upon with our community of parents and our staff We are concerned about the additional work that will be required to develop and deliver this, so we are suggesting the Council might consider a phased approach to minimise the impact of any changes on educational outcomes and staff.

We will keep you in touch with developments from September In the meantime, I would like to wish you all a good break over the Summer and to thank you on behalf of the Governing Board for your support

Kind regards,

Head of Year updates

Year 11

As we write this on the eve of the Prom, reflecting on your Leaver's Assembly and seeing you head off into the sunshine, we are incredibly proud of you.

We have faced many hurdles together and found ways to navigate our way around them and you can be proud of the resilience that this has gifted you with. The vast majority of you have taken on board the three values of respect, resilience and creativity, and are ready to face the next step on your journey.

Remember that you will always be part of the Stringer family and please do keep in touch with your triumphs and successes, or times when you need a sympathetic ear (or a reference!) See you on results day, Thursday 22 August from 10am in the Atrium

As my dear Grandma once said, 'Life lies before you, like a path of driven snow, be careful how you tread it, for every mark will show.'

Keep working hard and be kind

Much love,

Miss Poole and Miss Parmar

Year 10

Yet again it has been a super term!

Our Year 10 students took their mock exams this term, and the feedback from the Exams team was so positive Our students were polite, punctual, organised and demonstrated great resilience through what is a very testing time

At the time of writing, we are now prepared and ready for Work Experience Week There is a buzz amongst our Year 10 students, and they are looking forward to gaining new experiences in the world of work

Unifrog has been a great success and Year 10 are using this to enhance their careers perspectives In PSE, students have been creating their CVs and will be using it to write their personal statements

As you will know, our students attended the Varndean College taster day, and a great many opted to attend the BHASVIC taster day as well. Their behaviour and interest in this experience was excellent! In September Year 10 will be preparing to apply to colleges with the help of their teachers and yourselves at home. We will be sending out key dates for your information.

I would like to wish my Year 10 students and you a lovely summer break, and I am really looking forward to working with my year group taking them into Year 11.

Ms De Brun

Head of Year 10

Year 9

Where to start with yet another whirlwind of an academic year here at Stringer? I know I speak for myself and all staff here when I say we can really see how far Year 9 have come as a group over the past couple of years.

The biggest ‘wins’ for me have been the growing respect and responsibility levels across the year group, which was particularly demonstrated by how seriously they took their Year 9 exams. It was brilliant to hear such positive feedback from the exams team, who said it was the best Year 9 cohort yet for the way they approached the exams.

Another huge highlight for me has been the fortnightly celebrations, which many of you will already have received emails about, due to the sheer number of students we ’ ve been able to recognise and reward. We have celebrated a wide range of things, such as improvements in ATL, commitment to form time, the students’ sense of humour, and many more! It’s been lovely to spend form times celebrating with the form groups, and hopefully proving to the Year 9s there are many, multifaceted ways of excelling in life and all skills and attitudes are valued here at Stringer: everyone can bring something to the table

I also need to mention the amazing achievements of our year group in extra-curricular areas: treble winners at football, cup winners at rugby, girls representing the country in gymnastics, among so many other things, and a significant amount involved in the amazing school play and music concerts The commitment of so many to excelling in so many different creative arenas is truly exceptional, and something I’ll never tire of hearing about

We still have some things to work on as a year group: punctuality being one issue we continue to focus on, but the gains of the year group this year have been great, and the student have been a pleasure to work with I’ve said before there aren’t many jobs where you have the possibility of over 300 people potentially making you proud each and every day, but this is one of them, and that’s something I’m thankful for

I hope you all have a lovely summer

Kind Regards,

Mr Haddington and Ms Dodds

Year 8

It is exciting to see our Year 8s complete this year. They are a dedicated and diverse group and are making great progress. They are looking all set for the challenges of next year and appear to be approaching it with greater maturity as well as a wonderful sense of community We wish all the year group and their families a restful and restorative break away from school and look forward to welcoming them all back as they transition into Year Nine and become the oldest lower school year group. They are good role models for the younger year groups and will be looking forward to ever increasing involvement in their academic studies and wider school life.

From the Wear Red and Culture Day at the end of last year, to Bake Off and the bake sale, and ‘Let’s Dance’ at the Dome, Year 8 involvement in the life of the school has been exceptional There have been some excellent results in sporting fixtures for Year 8, particularly in Football, Cricket and Netball, and they performed well at Sports Day too. There was also superb involvement from Year 8 in the Spring and Summer concerts, which were a pleasure to attend; the Summer concert played to a full house even in the light of a very significant national sporting event.

This year we have seen the start of the selection for Options subjects, with Year 8 students selecting their practical subjects. Year 9 continues this theme with selection of examination subjects, which is the major milestone of this year. We hope that this traditionally challenging year is managed with grace and rigour by our students, so many of whom are always reliable, resilient, creative, and respectful To celebrate this, we have some forms who have the best attendance overall (8HGT with 94.99%), some others who have gained the most achievement points (8MOR with 12,327) and others with the least behaviour points (8MFT with 603).

It has also been wonderful to celebrate each half term with our regular Cake Day and some of the reasons tutors Year 8 tutors gave for nominating are as follows:

Being kind and always perfect behaviour in form time.

Always on time. Always polite. Model student.

For always going above and beyond to be polite and respectful to everyone.

Always doing the right thing - kind, listening, trying hard with work! Well done and keep it up!

Persevering even through difficult mornings and coming out the other side with strength.

For having a fantastic year and a mature outlook to school.

Improved ATL across subjects

Drawing some great sketches. You have a talent.

Incredibly engaged in activities and makes very well-informed arguments during discussions!

Music commitment and always putting in so much effort.

Well done Year 8!

Year 7

To the Parents and Carers of Year 7,

How are we already at the end of the year? I’m sure it doesn’t feel long ago that the year group were getting on their uniform for the first time, making sure they have all their equipment, getting to grips with their confusing timetable and wondering what secondary school lunches are like. Before we know it, Year 7 is over and new and exciting things lie ahead in Year 8.

I know that for most of our students, Year 7 has been a year of firsts: first time travelling to school independently; first time doing such a range of lessons in one week and moving between them; first time trying out new summer and winter extra-curricular activities and hopefully some thrillseeking firsts whilst out on the residential trip to Dolawen.

The year has led to many successes in the classroom, on the sports fields and in the creative spaces. Our Year 7 students have won Subject and Form Tutor awards and they have accumulated thousands of achievement points

Next year, the year group will be led by Miss Leszniwskyj and Mr Harvey and we are all excited to see the students build on this year ’ s progress to bigger and greater things.

Thank you all for your continued support over the year. Have a wonderful restful summer and we look forward to seeing you in September.

Happy summer!

Mr Knott – Head of Year 7

Mr Harvey – Year 7 Pastoral Manager

Meet your Head students

Cassidy Buchan

I wanted to be a Head Student to be a part of this school's legacy and help it to thrive and improve To my own year group, thanks very much if you voted for me - I'm going to be an ambassador for all of you and keep your best interests at heart. And for anyone in the years below who doesn't know me; I'll try and sum myself up for you. I love music very much - especially hip-hop (my favourite album is probably Igor by Tyler the Creator) and I'm also a big fan of Brighton and Hove Albion. My best subjects are English and Film Studies because I love picking apart different forms of media and really understanding them - and I also like creating them myself I can't wait to start giving back to the school that has helped me so much, and if you see me around, feel free to say hi or ask me any questions!

Emma McCulloch

I applied to be a Head Student because I wanted to help contribute more ideas of ways to improve our school I am very grateful to be selected, and I am looking forward the most to working on fundraising events with teachers and students. My favourite subjects are Dance and Maths, and I also do lots of dance outside of school. A fun fact about me is that I’m fluent in German!

Iona Tutton

Hello, my name is Iona, and I am so excited to be one of the Head Students next year!

I’ve always loved being a member of our school community, a community that I feel is quite rare to find in such a big school and am really looking forward to working with everyone to make the changes that students want to see Especially for our year group - the new Year 11’s - as I want us to get as much out of our final year of Stringer as possible

Next month we ’ re meeting all of the new Year 7s and it’s going to fun working with them to leave them with a school they will all love growing up in.

I genuinely hope that Kit, Emma, Cass and I can make a positive impact on our school and would love for as many people as possible to help us with it

Kit Rothery

I'm Kit, and I am thrilled to be a part of next year’s Head Student team. My favourite subjects are Drama and Additional Maths, and in the future, I want to study Physics or Politics My favourite school club is football, but I also take part in the (sensational) Stringer Dance Show This school has so much to offer, and I have really enjoyed my time

Dorothy Stringer open evening

Broccoli, our new school dog

Broccoli is a 'Splurcher' - a Spaniel X Lurcher. She is 6 years old and has been raised with a family around lots of children. Before joining Stringer, she worked at a school in Crawley taking secondary students on wellbeing walks and joining primary school children for reading sessions. She is a regular around Fiveways and is often seen doing the 'school run ' when not at Stringer. In her spare time she is training for an Ultra Marathon in July and although a pretty sporty dog, she is not a fan of water and never goes in the sea. Running through the woods is her favourite activity as well as finding the muddiest puddle to roll in! She loves her creature comforts and is often seen sneaking onto a sofa if no one is watching! The staff and students have made her feel very welcome at Stringer and she loves all the ear rubs she's getting.

Every day Broccoli starts with a sniff around the offices, saying 'Hello' to the pastoral and AC teams and students. She has registration with the AC and then starts her meetings for the day! She has been involved in student reviews and Year 5 tours. She is also working in the woods as part of Forest School and meets some of our students who are struggling to be in school. She has an instinct about who needs her and when, and often quietly positions herself next to someone who may need a bit of care and attention.

Raising and Giving and Fundraising Update

Our minibus fundraising efforts have continued this term and we are now pleased to share that we are over 50% of the way to our fundraising target! Thank you to everyone who has donated money, attended our school events, or made use of our pre-loved uniform sales.

It has been particularly exciting to see our Year 7 students getting involved in the fundraising during our Raising and Giving Week earlier this month. They undertook a variety of activities to raise money for our minibus fund and a charity of each form group ’ s choosing. Activities included ‘Capture the Flag’, a ‘Bake Sale’, a staff ‘Baby Match-up', a ‘Movie Night’, and the hugely popular ‘Splash the Teacher’. The fun continues in the new year with the ‘School Sleepover’ which will take place next term.

Well done to all students who took part and to next year ’ s senior students for supporting the form groups with their activities. We will share the full amount raised next term, when we will also be sharing more information about our upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

Ready, Steady, Cook!

This term we were delighted to welcome three serving members of the Royal Navy Catering Services Branch into D1. The invitation to join the free session, where MasterChef met Ready Steady Cook, was extended to all Year 9 students

Students were challenged to create a main dish and a dessert using the recipe sheets and ingredients provided (along with the RN team’s assistance). The class had a timeframe of 90 minutes to complete their dishes before presenting them. The students greatly enjoyed employing their initiative, teamwork, communication and time keeping skills

In addition to the cooking and menu creation, careers and interests were discussed following a Catering Services PPT Presentation. This presentation explained the roles of the Catering Service Branch, career opportunities, service life, educational gains, sporting and social opportunities and a general insight into the career of Royal Navy personnel.

Each session had a winning team decided by the visitors, but all students rose to the challenge and did very well. Judging by how quickly the students ate their dishes, it is safe to say the students were pleased with what they achieved too! The Royal Navy staff very much enjoyed meeting our students and hope to be back next year.

Mock Election 2024

Y10 future politicians took part in a mock general election, showcasing the manifestos of Labour, The Green Party, Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives. They worked together in teams to create a student-friendly manifesto pledge, slogan and speech by the leader

Students then voted and turnout was around 62% The result was a LABOUR victory, with 44% of the vote There was no Reform candidate in our election, but some students spoilt ballots to express their democratic right to vote for them, who received 3% of the vote. Well done to our candidates Ibrahim, Tommy, Angus and Dylan, and thank you to everyone who voted.

Feminism Club

Year 11 students in feminism club have been addressing big issues and utilising feminism as a safe space to ensure equality for all. Topics discussed and addressed recently include misogynic comments made at this year ' s Oscars regarding the feminism right-on film 'Barbie'.

Other topics we have explored include Andrew Tate's misogyny and sexism, the patriarchy today, historical patriarchy, how to address sexism in society today and women who have challenged the patriarchy/ status quo through time.

In addition, we have examined Emma Watson's 'HeForShe' campaign with the United Nations, Kate Winslet’s advocacy for going 'make-up free’ and why some women feel the need to wear makeup daily, as well as the pressures surrounding this

I have seen the students grow in confidence and thrive in this club; I am proud of the women they have become and how they endeavour to stand up against sexism to ensure they themselves challenge some aspects women have previously faced and accepted.

I wish the students all the best when they move on to sixth form and college after this busy year!

History Curriculum - Holocaust Talk

On Wednesday 8thMay we had the son of Walter Kammerling (Peter Kammerling) come to school to speak about his father and mother’s experiences of the Holocaust This included an in depth talk on the Kindertransport and the tragic horrors of the Holocaust It was emotive, exceptional, heartful and a true privilege to hear Peter's story and experiences; incredibly brave too Year nine as a whole were very respectful and well behaved Discussions afterwards have been thoughtful and reflective Year nine responded very well to such a serious and heavy topic and I am proud and grateful to them for that. Below are a few testimonies from Year 9 students:

"It was lovely hearing about Peter's story and very brave."

"I liked hearing the story of what his family went through, it was captivating"

"It was fascinating to hear a different version of the Holocaust focused on the children (Kindertransport) "

English-speaking Union

The English-Speaking Union - Performing Shakespeare Competition semi-finals at Ditcham Park School took place on Wednesday 15th May. The ESU organisers contacted the school to give a special congratulations to Ella (Year 9). The judge at the event commended her ‘outstanding’ performance, adding that, ‘her oracy was the strongest on the night’.

Well done Ella!

English lectures

This half term the English department have delivered an exciting series of English Literature lectures which form part of a comprehensive extra-curricular revision timetable.

Our theatre was full of keen and engaged students who listened, answered questions and made notes independently. The theme of Ms Uren's first lecture was ‘The Role and Representation of Nature in Macbeth’; Ms Richards explored ‘Religion in A Christmas Carol’ and Mr Sillery analysed the theme of ‘Kingship in Macbeth’. The students who attended took a mature approach to this style of learning. Not only did it boost their revision but helped to prepare them for 6th form, where they are expected to be more independent in organising their time and taking notes whilst listening to tutors. The students were grateful for this time given by their teachers and all the other revision sessions that have been taking place over the last few months.

Higher Project Qualification presentations

On Thursday 21st March, all 19 of the Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) students presented their reports, which they have been researching and writing over the last 6 months. The standard of work was described by numerous members of staff as undergraduate level. The range of titles and topics was extensive, with students choosing, researching and presenting on areas such as:

The shape of the universe

Discrimination in sport

Golden age crime writers

Animal intelligence

The media representation of Britney Spears

Pregnancy in the pandemic

This course gives students an exposure to the world of in-depth academic study and teaches them important skills that will be useful at college, university and beyond. All students involved are to be commended on their effort and the standard of their work Well done everyone!

Roedean Academy Programme

Some of our Year 10 students, along with peers from other schools in the city, have been invited to participate in the prestigious Roedean Academy programme. This exciting five-week programme, which began this term, offers students a unique opportunity to attend after-school sessions at Roedean. During these sessions, they engage in two hours of lectures and critical thinking activities.

The programme covers a diverse and challenging range of subjects, allowing students to broaden their horizons and deepen their knowledge. This initiative not only promotes academic growth but also provides a platform for our students to meet and interact with their counterparts from various schools across the city

By stepping outside of their comfort zones, our Year 10 students are able to challenge themselves, enhance their critical thinking skills, and gain valuable experiences that will benefit them in their future educational endeavors page 18

Year 7 Equality and Diversity

Our Year 7 students recently participated in two lessons dedicated to exploring the important issues surrounding bullying This was part of their Equality and Diversity curriculum During these lessons, students delved into various aspects of bullying, including its impact on individuals, ways to seek help, and strategies for fostering an inclusive environment.

To reinforce their understanding and spread awareness, the students created fantastic and creative posters These posters were not only a means for the students to express their learnings artistically but also served as educational tools. Each group then had the opportunity to share their poster with the rest of the class through presentations.

The presentations provided a platform for students to articulate their thoughts and insights on bullying, highlighting the different ways it can affect people and emphasising the importance of inclusivity and support This exercise aimed to create a more empathetic and informed student body, ready to take a stand against bullying alongside staff, and to support each other in creating a safe and welcoming school environment.

Faye Brown - Guest Speaker for Graphics

Year 10 Graphics students took part in a live Zoom call with a Freelance Graphic Designer named Faye Brown For the first ten years of Faye’s career she worked in Soho, London for the Hive, VTR, Liquid TV and Prime Focus as a motion graphics designer. Her clients included the BBC, the Discovery Channel and O2. Faye then went freelance and worked for ITV quite regularly, amongst others. In 2012, she published her first class on the online teaching platform, Skill Share. Faye now has over fifteen classes on the platform, on subjects ranging from typography and creativity to freelancing tips. Faye is one of their top teachers and really enjoys seeing students build and progress a love for designing.

The purpose of the live Zoom session with our students was to give them the opportunity to hear from a Graphic Designer, understand what their day-to-day routine looks like, ask any questions and run through a live brief with Faye. Faye showed the students how she begins a logo design, and the students will now be designing a chocolate brand and receiving feedback from her. We look forward to seeing what the students come up with!

Huge thanks to Faye for giving up her time to inspire our students.

Children’s Parade 2024

Earlier this term our Art Department helped to kick off The Brighton Festival by taking part in the dazzling Children's Parade. It was a beautiful day, allowing our team to show off their creations alongside other schools in the glorious sunshine. This year, our Art department and art club attendees responded to the brief of “Dream Again” with monsters inspired by bedtime stories They constructed colourful birds, costumes and headdresses and, accompanied by the infectious rhythm of the Stringer Samba Band, the procession of dancing friendly monsters brought cheers & smiles from the crowds lining the streets. Charlie in Year 7 said, “It was so exhilarating & exciting!”. Well done to everyone who took part and represented the school so well.


We’re so proud of our Year 10 students who spent a week out at work experience placements in July. Students worked at a variety of businesses and organisations including local schools, cafes, fshops, libraries, theatres and jewellery designers.

Our staff undertook visits to check in on how they were getting on and were delighted to receive lots of positive feedback from employers.

Well done Year 10's, we hope you enjoyed your work experience week!

In Religious Studies, Year 9 has recently been studying a unit on Ethics, culminating in creating a final assessment piece. Students created animal rights posters on issues of their choice. The topics covered were diverse, including the treatment of animals in captivity and the entertainment industry such as zoos, circuses, and SeaWorld along with experimentation on animals and the ethics of vegetarianism.

Science - Ducklings

It is nearly time to say goodbye to our three ducklings Quark, Swan, and Cress have brought lots of joy and excitement to students, staff, and everyone in our school community. They have not only been educational, linking in with our Year 7 curriculum reproduction topic, but have also fostered a sense of unity and caring which has been a delight to witness. Students from all year groups have been excited to meet the ducks and charmed by their interactions with them in lessons, breaks and lunchtimes.

This shared excitement has been wonderful, and staff and students alike will be sad to see the ducklings go. During the summer holidays Quark, Cress and Swan will all be relocated to a farm in Eastbourne which will be their new home. We wish them well in their travels!

Geography Fieldwork

Year 7

Year7geographers took half a day off timetable to take part in a series of fieldwork activities around Preston Park. The students took part in an orienteering exercise, where they competed against other teams to locate a series of hidden key words. This helped them to develop their map reading skills within a familiar area and practice navigation between locations.

The students took in the Rose Gardens and wrote Haikus centred around what they were experiencing on a sensory level, encouraging creativity and a mindful attitude towards the natural environment.

Finally, the students conducted a traffic survey, looking at the different types of transport and numbers of vehicles on the road to develop their data collection techniques. Back in the classroom, students will evaluate the experience and interpret the data they have collected The students worked extremely well and enjoyed learning more about both the physical and human geography of their local area. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to thrive outside of the classroom environment and get back into nature.

Year 10

This May, Year 10 geographers got out in the field to investigate how the discharge (volume of water) of the river changes over time. Over the course of six days, six different classes measured the width and depth of the channel; they then measured the surface speed of the water and used this to calculate the discharge.

The river we used for our investigations was the River Cuckmere, an iconic river in the Sussex landscape. Surrounded by chalk hills and pasture, the site was a great place to explore the interplay of geology and land use in the context of river discharge and flooding/flood management. It was great for the students to learn a little more about the area they live in and to be able to admire local landscapes, not only for their aesthetics but for the underlying processes that have shaped them over millions of years.

Many students were brave enough to get into the water using the waders

Foreign Languages - Extra GCSE

This year, we had about 20 students taking an extra GCSE in a foreign language. Students prepared for their exams independently and worked hard at home to be fully ready to take four different exams: Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading. We had entries in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, Turkish, and for the first time, Persian

It was a real pleasure to see students showcasing their language skills and demonstrating excellent organisation by attending regular meetings.

A big thank you to parents and the whole Stringer community for their help in running the speaking exams, which was really appreciated by our students Thank you also to the exam team for all their work making sure everything went smoothly.

We hope all our students will be receiving the good grades they deserve on results day

If your child can speak and write in another language fluently, get in touch to let us know (, we might be able to enter them for an exam so they gain an additional qualification.

If you speak a foreign language, or you know someone who does and who would be willing to conduct speaking exams for us in the future, do also get in touch as we are always looking for volunteers.

Non-Taught Coordinator

Music Concerts

The Music Department has been filled with amazing events this year showcasing some brilliant performances from students (and staff!) The Spring Concert, themed ‘Back to the 90's’, featured a wide variety of favourite hits from artists such as Destiny's Child, Rage Against the Machine and Brighton's own Fatboy Slim. There were lots of nostalgic moments for friends and family in the audience, who were treated to group numbers from Big Band, Show Choir and Vox as well as smaller ensembles and soloists from all year groups. The Staff Band also made an appearance, with Oasis's Live Forever and Natalie Imbruglia's Torn, fulfilling some of the teachers' fantasies of being 90s rock stars! A huge well done to everyone who took part and sold out the Stringer theatre!

Most recently the Music Department has put on the Summer Showcase: ‘Music from the Movies’. IWe were delighted to see so many parents and carers at our Summer Concert earlier this month – despite the clash with an England match! Our students (and staff) put on a spectacular show, performing ‘Music from the Movies’ to a sold-out crowd in our Middleton Theatre. Thank you to all the students and staff who worked hard to put the show together, and to all of our school community who came along to support the event –we hope to see you all at one of our concerts next year!

Year 5 Balfour Visits

Balfour Primary Outreach Days: Morning of Mystery and Fun at Dorothy Stringer

This, term we welcomed three classes of Year 5 students from Balfour Primary for some exciting Outreach Mornings The highlight of the mornings was the engaging mystery of the missing tombola, which set the stage for a series of fun activities Upon arrival, the Year 5 students were divided into groups and participated in various sessions led by the Science, English, and Maths departments. Each session provided interactive lessons where students gathered and analysed clues to solve the mystery The young detectives worked enthusiastically piecing together evidence in their small groups.

After much investigation and critical thinking, the mystery was solved: the missing tombola had been taken by none other than Mr Hiller, Mr Baker, and Mr Knott, the students were thrilled to uncover the culprits.

A special thank you goes to our Year 10 peer mentors, who helped during the sessions, their assistance ensured that the activities ran smoothly and that the Year 5 students felt welcome and confident in their detective roles.

To end each session, three names were pulled at random from the recovered tombola, and the lucky winners each received a Dorothy Stringer tote bag containing a mystery prize. This added an extra layer of excitement and left the students with lasting memories of their visit.

We hope the Year 5 students from Balfour Primary enjoyed their time at Dorothy Stringer and look forward to seeing many of you again at our upcoming Open Evening. Thank you to all the staff involved for making the Outreach Mornings a memorable and successful event!


What a fabulous summer term of PE and Sport we have had here at Dorothy Stringer. It has been clear how much the students have enjoyed participating and competing in Summer Sports, and the staff have enjoyed it just as much as the students! On offer this term there have been Athletics, Cricket, Rounders and Tennis clubs, as well as opportunities to take part in Volleyball and the usual Dance clubs, which have continued as normal. Gifted and Talented Dance auditions took place at the start of term as well, with over 70 students auditioning. Well done to those who were successful.


The Year 9 Boys football team finished their season with the County Cup Final against Tanbridge House. A terrific season where they had the chance to complete an unprecedented treble after their success in the League and the District Cup. The boys put in a strong team performance to win 3-0 (with goals from Freddie K, Josh B and Junior M), the cherry on the cake of an incredible undefeated season. We look forward to seeing how the team will fare in the National Cup next season.

They were later offered the opportunity to take on Brighton and Hove Albions U14 Elite Development squad in a friendly in Lancing. An exciting opportunity for our students to challenge themselves against an elite team. Again, the boys put in a terrific team performance and round up comfortable winners 4-0.

Rugby League

Due to the success of the Year 7 Boys rugby season, County Cup Champions and Snell Cup Sevens Winners, for the first time they were entered into a Rugby League competition. The Sussex Schools Rugby League 9s competition saw them take on Lewes Priory and Cardinal Newman A and B teams. A new rugby experience for all our students but some excellent rugby played A tough fought final vs Newman A saw Dorothy Stringer crowned Sussex RL 9s champions for 2024 This saw them progress to the Southern Schools Finals at Hemel Stags Rugby League Club.

A long hot day in Hemel Hempstead saw them again take on Cardinal Newman and JFK school from Hertfordshire in the Southern Finals. Four wins on the day, and the boys were crowned Southern School RL 9s Champions, a fantastic achievement to conclude an incredible first season of Rugby at Stringer. The boys finished undefeated for the season. Well done to the 20 different boys who represented the team at various points in the year.


Volleyball has always been a really popular activity with students when delivered on the curriculum, so it was fantastic when Yellowave Beach Sports hosted a Brighton Schools Volleyball Tournament for Year 7 and 8 students. Mixed teams of six were invited to a training session at Yellowave, where students developed their beach Volleyball skills and learned to apply them in games. Both teams were then invited back this month to compete in a tournament against other local secondary schools. Students had a fantastic afternoon of Volleyball in the sunshine and both our Year 7 and Year 8 teams were crowned winners Congratulations to k h P H d S hi P d Y 8 t Bl k H n

Rounders club has been well attended since the start of the summer term, with over 20 students regularly attending. Mr Freeman recently took a team of mixed Year 7 and 8 students to Patcham to play in a competitive match Some excellent striking from Phoenix B in Year 7 and some great catching and fielding from the team. Unfortunately, they lost by just 1 rounder but well done to all those involved.


The U12 Boys cricket team has seen lots of new faces coming to training and they have played some of their first hard ball games The team has had fixtures against Cardinal Newman and Blatchington Mill Both games ended in narrow defeats but there were some great individual performances. Casey W scored 20 and retired against Newman, and Eyaan K scored 29 retired against Blatchington Mill. There was a strong bowling performance from Magnus B who took a wicket maiden against Newman.

The U13 Boys team were entered into the County Cup and drew Cardinal Newman in the first round Although this game ended in defeat there were again some strong individual performances. Blake H has batted well all season, with an impressive 25 retired.

The U15 Boys made a strong start to their County Cup campaign this season with an impressive win against Seaford Head A maiden 100 from Gus F and a 50 from Blake H meant that Dorothy Stringer scored an impressive 219 from their 20 overs Tight and accurate bowling from Marko V meant that Stringer progressed to the quarter finals vs BACA. A strong batting performance from BACA mean season of cricket.


It has been a busy summer term with a lot of opportunities to compete in Athletics, including Junior and Senior Town Sports, Year 7 and Year 8 Super 6s, District Trials, and of course Sports Day Athletics club has grown in numbers and is a great opportunity for students to develop a new skill whilst also having the opportunity to be selected for one of our Athletics teams.

Junior Town Sports was a great success, where the Year 7 and 8 team finished 3rd overall. There were some great individual performances from Stella G who finished 1st in the 1000m, Beau H who finished 1st in the 600m and Emily T who finished 3rd in the Javelin.

Senior Town Sports was another incredible event, with many students taking part and Stringer finished 4th overall. Special mentions to Lara C who broke a 46-year-old Town Sports record in the 800m with a new time of 2:16 3, and Jaiten B who broke the Triple Jump record with a distance of 11 05m This also meant that Lara was awarded Best Female Performance of the day, and Jaiten was awarded The Reg Hook Cup - a new trophy this year, given to the best performing field athlete.

The Year 7 and Year 8 Super 6 events were a lot of fun, where teams were made up from 6 male athletes and 6 female athletes in each year group Year 8 standout performances were Amy B who came 1st in the 200m, Cecilia who came 2nd in the Long Jump and the Girls Relay Team who came 3rd. Year 7 standout performances were Eddie S who came 1st in the 100m, Liam H who came 1st in the 200m, Beau H who came 1st in the Shot Put and Klara N who came 1st in the Long Jump. The Year 7 team came 1st overall, allowing them to progress on to the Sussex School Games Final at the K2. Despite placing 6th as a team, the students should be immensely proud of themselves for getting that far, and again, a massive well done to Klara N for 1st in Long Jump, Jack B 2nd and Beau H 3rd in 800m!

Finally, a large number of our Year 8–11 students competed in the District Trials to secure a place to represent Brighton, Hove and Portslade in future athletics events. Congratulations to Lara C, Jaiten B, Martha C and Huxley M in their respective events. A further congratulations to Lara C and Jaiten B who have qualified to represent Dorothy Stringer at English Schools Athletics

Sports Day

Tuesday 25th June saw the annual Dorothy Stringer Sports Day take place at Withdean Stadium for all KS3 students. A glorious sunny day where over 500 different students represented their forms in various events to try and win the Addis Shield for their House. Nine new school Sports Day records were broken on the day with Junior B breaking the Year 8 Long Jump record and Stella G breaking the Year 7 800m record. Well done to all the students, staff and Sports Captains who helped to make it such a positive day of Athletics and a big thank you as always to Withdean for hosting Results of the day and winners were shared in Celebration assemblies.

Sports Captains

We are very proud of our Sports Captain provision here and the opportunities that are provided to the students involved, through strong

links with the community This term, Year 9 students applied for the roleand 22 students were selected to become Sports Captains. They have already made an impressive start, supporting two Primary Athletics events at Withdean, St Bartholomew’s School Sports Day and two KS2 Swimming Galas at the Prince Regent. Year 10 Sports Captains also continued to show their commitment and represented the school brilliantly at a Cricket DiscoverABILITY event where they worked with children and adults with disabilities, and at KS3 Super 6 athletics as mentioned above Well done to all of them, we are proud of you all, and we know the schools that we support are grateful too. The following feedback came from Mr Mills at St Bartholomews:

“Please can you pass on how marvellous the 9 fantastic Sports Leaders were in helping run our Sports Day today. They are a credit to your school community. Their organisation, timekeeping, encouragement of our pupils, behaviour and attitude was second to none. We have had so many positive comments from our parents, carers, and staff. They made the day amazing!”

A huge thank you to all our students who have taken part in the PE department’s extra-curricular provision this year. We are hoping to continue to develop the existing provision and create some exciting new opportunities for students next year. We are looking forward to welcoming all students back in September and seeing some new faces at clubs in the autumn term. It’s been a busy year, so have a wellearned rest over the summer and we can’t wait to build on this year’s successes next year.

Eco News

Liz Williams Butterfly Haven

We had a very wet winter and a very slow start to the season, which has had a significant impact on butterfly sightings this season, but here is a lovely shot of a Common Blue Polyommatus icarus taken by Tony Gould, one of the Friends of the Liz Williams Butterfly Haven Year 7 students have been monitoring numbers of butterflies and bees as part of their Environmental Science lessons

If you would like to get involved in helping out at this important local nature reserve that we are so lucky to have on site please contact Mr Sandercock or check out the Xfeed @LWButterflyH

Successful Open Day at the Butterfly Haven

On Sunday, 21 July, the butterfly haven hosted a successful open day from 11 am to 3 pm, drawing in a crowd eager to learn about this exciting example of how biodiversity can thrive in an urban space The event provided a wonderful opportunity for the community to engage with nature and understand the importance of preserving our natural habitats

Throughout the day, free tours were led, offering visitors an insightful and educational experience. Expert guides led these tours, sharing fascinating facts about the various butterfly species inhabiting the haven and the crucial role they play in maintaining ecological balance.

The open day was a testament to the community's growing interest in environmental conservation and biodiversity.

Thank you to Mr Sandercock, the organisers and everyone who came along.

Sustainable Travel School

We are delighted that over 60% of students walk to school and another 20% catch the bus We know some people don’t have an option other than to come by car, but we do encourage everyone to consider their journey options and try to travel in a sustainable way if possible.


Sustainable Schools for a Sustainable Future

This year the student climate leaders from Dorothy Stringer and five other secondary schools have had great success in researching a range of topics linked to sustainability and then getting the people in power in a room to get them to commit to positive change in the future.

The students involved have learnt many valuable skills from CitizenUK with regards to research, hosting meetings and campaigning for change.

At the conference in Hove Town Hall, which was led by the students, Headteachers from the participating schools were given the opportunity to sign up to a range of pledges Mr Hillier agreed to the following:

By the end of 2024-25, we will aim to stop the use of single use plastic in our schools

By the end of 2024-5, we will aim to promote the development of a more plant-based menu offer and a significant reduction in food waste.

By the end of 2024-5, we will aim to reduce our carbon emissions from energy use by 20%.

By the end of 2025-26, we will aim to reduce our water use by 20%.

By the end of 2024-25, we will aim to increase, through a nature recovery plan, areas of our campus which encourage biodiversity by an additional 10 per cent of our overall campus size We will also sign up to the pesticide and herbicide free pledge

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh award is a life-changing adventure for young people ages 14-24. It helps young people develop skills for their future life and work Doing their ‘D of E’ is a brilliant way for students to discover just how much they are capable of. It gives them a chance to make new friends, follow their passions, learn new skills and make a difference to their community. It is a non-competitive and powerful way for every young person to build belief in themselves, whatever their background, interests and abilities. It is also a great way to impress future employers too.

We have over 150 students in Year 9 enrolled on the Duke of Edinburgh award and another 200+ in Years 10 & 11, the majority of whom have completed their Bronze award and will receive their certificates later this year.

Congratulations to our Year 9 students, who this term have taken on the challenge of not one, but two, weekends of expeditions as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award The delightful British weather meant they have experienced a full range of conditions, including a mixture of glorious sunshine, pouring rain, gale force winds and even hail! But they have done it all with a smile and demonstrated the resilience needed to complete this section of the award.

We were incredibly impressed with their determination and commitment, and the students should be very proud of themselves for all their efforts It has also been lovely to see the range of other activities that students have engaged with for the other sections of the award (volunteering, physical and skills).

We would also like to say a massive well done to the 43 Year 10 students wo have completed their Duke of Edinburgh Award this term.

For further info please visit our DofE page: Miss Booth & Mr Freeman DofE Co-ordinators

Year 7 Dolawen trips 2024

This term has seen the return of our Year 7 Dolawen trips. Students got up to a range of wonderful things whilst they were away: canoeing, gorge walking, climbing, and wide games to name a few. We have heard from staff and students that the groups had great fun together, and I hope they have all made many wonderful memories that will stay with them for life, as well as some new friends along the way.

We would like to thank the staff who give up their time to run these trips and the instructors at the site who make it safe and fun for our students.

These activities and experiences are not just about fun; they play a crucial role in our students’ development, teaching them skills such as teamwork, resilience, and problem-solving For many of our students, this is one of their first times away from home, and we support them in developing their independence along with gaining new practical and social skills.

Follow the link to see more about Dolawen - kT-kml0zk

Enrichment Week

Our penultimate week of term saw our lower school students taking part in our annual Enrichment Week.

During this action-packed week, we offered students a choice of a wide variety of activities that gave them the opportunity to extend their learning outside the classroom, be creative, embrace new experiences and make new friends!

Thanks to all the staff and students who made it a really successful and enjoyable week. We can't wait for next year!

Student Achievements


Huge congratulations to Jaiten for her outstanding achievements in out-of-school athletics.

Last season, Jaiten placed third in England in the triple jump, and this season she has moved up to the under 17s category She has already taken first place in the Sussex Championships, setting a new championship record with a jump of 11.24m. Additionally, Jaiten has qualified for the England nationals again this year and has set a personal best of 5.07m in the long jump. Jaiten also broke the triple jump record with a distance of 11 05m in the inter girls' competition and was honored with the Reg Hook Trophy for BHPSAA Outstanding Field Event Performance.

These accomplishments are truly exceptional, and we are excited to follow Jaiten’s journey and see what she achieves next We are incredibly proud of her!

Albert and Rafael

Congratulations to Albert and Raphael, whose artwork has once again been selected for display in both the physical and online exhibitions of the Royal Academy's Young Artist Summer Show 2024.

With over 21,500 submissions this year, this is an incredible achievement for the boys and we are so proud to see Dorothy Stringer students represented at the Royal Academy once again.

Will P, Thomas S, Marcus G and Adrian J

We were delighted to see that four of our Year 11 students: Will P, Thomas S, Marcus G and Adrian J, represented the Brighton and Hove District football team in a 5-2 victory against South East Sussex District in the final of the Sussex Schools District Cup at Culver Road in Lancing. It was a great game, and the boys played wonderfully throughout. Best of luck to the boys with their football beyond Stringer!

Student Achievements

Adam B

Adam Brett, one of our Year 11 students, recently traveled to Cyprus to represent Wales in the UEFA Under 17 European Championships. Adam balanced this incredible opportunity with the demands of taking his GCSE exams We would like to extend our congratulations to Adam for this outstanding achievement. We are very proud of his dedication and talent, and we eagerly anticipate watching his future endeavors. Adam was also interviewed about the challenges of combining his academic responsibilities with his football career. You can read more and watch Adam’s interview here: Adam B at UEFA U17 EURO.

Isla A

We would like to wish the best of luck to Isla who is leaving us at the end of this year to attend the BRIT school. Isla is hoping to pursue a career in performing arts and will be following the theatre strand, meaning she will be going on to study in-depth theatre skills alongside her GCSEs. Congratulations Isla, we wish you all the best for the future!

Leonardo M

A huge well done and congratulations go to Year 10 student Leonardo who completed the Pier to Pier race in a time of 13:00:00 – making him the first male finisher! Leonardo was congratulated by Mohammed Asaduzzaman, the mayor of Brighton & Hove, pictured here presenting Leonardo with the Pier to Pier trophy. Well done Leonardo on your incredible accomplishment!

Student Achievements


After smashing our 46-year old-local Town Sports record earlier this year, Year 10 student Lara also recently competed in the 800m at the English Schools Championships in Birmingham Lara came second in her heat, and 14th out of 38 overall. She is looking forward to competing again next year and will also be returning to Birmingham at the end of the month for the National Championships Huge congratulations Lara, and best of luck at the National Championships!

Eddie S

Congratulations to Year 7 student Eddie S, who won a gold medal at the Sussex Championships this month. Eddie ran in the 75m and has now been selected to run the 100m, 200m and relay for Sussex in the South East England Inter Counties competition! Congratulations Eddie, we wish you the best of luck!

Gothia Cup - Lara, Millie, Timea and Starla

Well done to Year 7 girls Lara, Millie, Timea and Starla who raised an amazing £300 this term to go towards their Brighton Schools U12 trip to the Gothia Cup in Sweden.

On 21 May the girls ran a bake sale for our staff during break time and then took on some of our staff for a threehour football match in the afternoon. The game ended 21-20 with the Year 7 girls stealing the win in the final minute.

The girls also had a fantastic time in Sweden last week, with one of their teams making the quarter final of the tournament and the other also making it out of the group stages A huge well done also goes to Lara who received the Collette Seltzer Special Recognition award for her fundraising efforts.

Has your child achieved something outside of school? We’re always keen to celebrate our students’ successes –drop us an email at to let us know!

Alumni success

Huge congratulations to ex-Dorothy Stringer student Morgan Adderly-Jones, who made his premiership debut for Gloucester Rugby in May.

Morgan was captain of the Stringer rugby team when he was at school and was a great asset to the team. We look forward to continuing to follow Morgan’s journey!

We were lucky enough to contact Morgan to see how he is getting on, how his career has developed and if he has any words of advice for our students, this is what he said:

I have always loved rugby and have been playing since I was 5 years old I started playing at Hove Rugby Club and enjoyed watching the adults play on a Saturday and I always played on a Sunday

When I joined Stringer, I joined the rugby team straightaway and was the team captain During my time as a Stringer player, we won trophies every year I also played up a year and had a trial for Harlequins in Year 8 I represented Sussex towards the end of Year 11 Mr Lawrence and Mr Ibbott encouraged my interest in rugby from day one and would ask my opinion in training sessions

I have been lucky to play at a few different rugby grounds, however, the best thing for me is walking out at the Kingsholm stadium in front of 15,000 supporters and knowing that my friends and family are there to support me and Gloucester Another good thing is that I get to train, play with and against international players, which helps improve my game

I feel very lucky that I am with Gloucester This season I have played in the Premiership Cup, and I have also made my Premiership debut This wouldn't have been possible without hard work and the support from my coaches and family

My advice to any student would be to follow your passion, work hard and keep things interesting

Photography Competition 2024

We were once again blown away by the standard of the photos we received for our annual Photography Competition! This year our categories were Spring, Summer, Autumn, Brighton & Hove, Colour, and Animals & Nature.

Thank you to all the students who entered – we had a really difficult time choosing our winners and runners-up who all took home a tote bag with their photo printed on! Our category winners also received a framed print of their photo, and the overall winner was presented with a copy of ‘Read this if you want to take great photographs’ by Henry Carroll.

Take a look at our winners and runners up below. You can see the winning entries featured in our new online parent events calendar for 2024/25 They are also on display outside D6, and don’t forget to take a look at the updated Photography Competition display near the Staff Room to see more of the wonderful photographs that were entered this year.

2024 Runners up

2024 Winners

Transition Day

We had a wonderful time as we welcomed next year’s Year 7 students into school for their transition day earlier this month. Despite the rain in the morning, we had a great day getting to know our new students and giving them a taste of life at Stringer. They got to try their hand at some taster lessons, take a tour of the school, play on the Astro, and were even introduced to our school dog Broccoli. We hope that this experience has left the students feeling excited for September – we can’t wait to see you all again when term starts for Year 7 students on Tuesday 3 September.

It was also lovely to welcome so many of our new parents and carers to our recent ‘Meet the Tutor’ event and welcome them in person to the Dorothy Stringer community. They got to meet their child’s tutor and see their form room, as well as ask any burning questions and visit our pre-loved uniform sale.

Have a great summer and we look forward to catching up in September!


Mr Brand
Ms Cross
Mrs EdgarRosenberg
Mr Elliott
Miss Grout
Mrs Jenner
Mr Keast
Miss Lamal
Miss Parker Hanks
Miss Phillips Mr Richardson
Ms Stone

GCSE Revision breakfast and Results Day Information

This year, once again we ran revision breakfasts during Year 11 GCSEs Each morning, students were able to have a free pastry and hot drink before their exam, and staff were available to assist students with any last-minute questions. The revision sessions were really well attended, thank you to all the staff who were on hand offering students support and well done to our Year 11's!

GCSE Results Day - Thursday 22 August

We will begin issuing results in school from 10am. Weather permitting, we will do this from the south terrace, outside the student entrance. In the case of rain, we will issue in the Atrium.

Ms Cumming will be available on the day to help any students who need advice

If students wish someone to collect their results for them on the day, that person will need to have a signed letter from the student giving permission for them to collect their results, and some identification – this applies even if the person collecting is a parent or carer

In parallel, we will also post results for students on their SLG pages so that students can retrieve their results remotely if they decide not to come into school. We will aim to have these up by 11am if possible.

A reminder that if you have any unwanted uniform or revision books, you can bring those in with you on Results Day.

If you have any questions, please email

Year 11 Prom

This year, Year 11 Prom was held at Pangdean Barn, marking a special occasion where students and their tutors gathered for one final celebration together.

The prom was a great event, with both students and staff thoroughly enjoying themselves. The beautiful setting of Pangdean Barn provided a perfect backdrop for the evening.

The food at Pangdean Barn was nothing short of delicious and the DJ was a hit! The dance floor was alive with energy as students danced the night away, creating memories that will last a lifetime

We hope you enjoy looking at the selection of photos from the night- and if you haven’t already, head over to our Instagram to see the prom 2024 reel!

Key dates and start of term arrangements

Monday, 2nd September: INSET day. This day is dedicated to staff training, so students do not need to attend.

Tuesday, 3rd September: Our new Year 7 students ONLY will start school. Students should come to the main hall for a welcome assembly starting at 8.30am.

Wednesday, 4th September: Both Year 7 and Year 8 students will be in school. Students should arrive in time for registration at 8.40am.

Thursday, 5th September: All students return to school Students should arrive in time for registration at 8 40am There will be an extended form time during the first hour (Period 1) to help students settle in and receive important information for the year ahead Normal lessons will start from Period 2 onwards

Timetable and Calendar

The first week back will be a Week 2 on our timetable, and the week beginning 9th September will be a Week 1. Students will be given their new laminated timetable on their first day back. You can view our new parents’ events calendar below or on the SLG in the Quick Links area.




Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to send us feedback and kind words this term; it is always appreciated. We've been really delighted to receive some lovely feedback from parents and carers recently, so we thought we'd share some of the comments with you I wanted to drop you an email to let you know how impressed I was with the support you and your team are giving my son. It has made a huge difference to his school day and the way he now engages with his teachers and learning. What an incredible team!

You and your staff were brilliant and made the evening smooth, easy and fun for us too! In fact, Dorothy Stringer may just have pipped others as our new favourite school

I just wanted to let you know how fantastic a group of students from Dorothy Stringer have been over the past term supporting a number of Primary School Netball Tournaments From my calculations the students have enabled 208 children from 26 different primary schools in Brighton & Hove the opportunity to take part in Primary Netball competitions this year. All of the students have been polite, assertive and brilliant ambassadors for your school The primary schools taking part today all said what a great job they did officiating and supporting the tournament

I have just had the privilege of spending the last 2 mornings with a group of your year 9 sport leaders who were assisting me at the Primary School Town Sports on the finish line - they were brilliantsupportive, organised, worked as a team and the accompanying staff from the PE dept were also great. Please pass on my thanks to all and what great ambassadors for Dorothy Stringer.

My daughter has really enjoyed her time at Stringer, valued the learning, made good connections with others and grown so much as a person I'd like to personally thank you all for everything you've done for her over the years

My son has just finished his GCSEs at Dorothy Stringer and I wanted to drop you a quick note to say 'thank you' for everything you and your team do and have done to make the school a good place to be I know for you the 'fun' doesn't stop but I hope you and the team get to relax a bit over the summer

If you would like to leave us any feedback please email



This year, we are thrilled to bring back a project where we encourage every member of the school community (students, staff, and their families) to engage in a communal reading experience over the summer break.

We have chosen ‘The Bone Sparrow’ by Zana Fraillon.

‘The Bone Sparrow’ is the haunting, moving story of friendship and hope. Born in a refugee camp, Subhi has never seen the outside world. At night, he dreams that the sea finds its way to his tent, bringing with it unusual treasures. And one day it brings him Jimmie: an illiterate young girl who lives near the refugee camp.

We are not insisting that everyone takes part, but we hope as many of you will as possible.

During the holidays, email a picture of you and friends/family reading the book in far-flung places (or even in your back yard or local park) to

There will be a prize for the most original in each year group in September.

Share Your News

We are always interested in hearing about our students’ achievements outside of school as well, and would love to celebrate them in our termly news and on social accounts. Please share them with us by emailing communications@dorothystringer co uk

Weekly News Updates

Remember to keep an eye out for our weekly news update from the Headteacher in your email inbox! It can also be viewed by logging onto the SLG, where you will find it under ‘Newsletter’

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Follow us on socials to keep up to date with current news, school events and student achievements.

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