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Enrichment Week 2022

Last month we were delighted to hold a Mock Climate Conference with WWF.

The students explored a range of topics and took on roles of people in affected countries or that of leaders of countries making decisions. They also created ‘pledge leaves’ which stated one thing they would do and on the other side a message to the world’s leaders stating what they would like to see them commit to.

These leaves are were displayed on a tree in the middle of the conference in Glasgow for all the delegates to see. BHCC Transport Team Visit

We were delighted to have Brighton and Hove City Council Transport team come into school on Wednesday when Transport was the topic of discussion at COP26 in Glasgow.

A group of Eco Committee students were able to discuss ideas and explore the various options for developing a more sustainable transport system for Brighton and Hove. The students ideas will be fed back into the wider consultation.

Well done to the students involved and thank you to the BHCC transport team for visiting us.

Mr Sandercock | Sustainability Coordinator