1 minute read

Mental Health Champions Launch

This term the film studies department introduced an exciting new project which is taking place in school. In what is possibly a first, the school is making a feature film.

Mr Buchan has written and will be directing the film but we are looking for students to join the cast and crew. We will be organising casting sessions next year - look out for the character bios and script pages on the SLG - but are looking for potential crew members now.

If students are interested in being part of this exciting opportunity there is a Forms Survey to fill out on the SLG where students can say what they are interested in and tell us a bit about why they would be suitable for the role.

For those who want to know more about the film (or think they may be able to help in some way!) please contact Mr Buchan – bcn@dorothy-stringer.co.uk

Mr Buchan | Head of Film and Media Studies Thanks to Eco Action Families we are able to share a unique code for the Stringer community to watch this positive uplifting film which is a welcome tonic to some of the negative news items from this year.

Concerned about his young daughter’s future, filmmaker Damon Gameau travels the world in search of new approaches and solutions to climate change. He meets with innovators and changemakers in many fields to draw on their expertise.

Please find below your digital screening link and password for 2040.

2040 Streaming

Screening Link: https://screeners.cinesend.com/view/60d60cc24fb8d16e b704e9c9

Password: 2040EAFDOROTHY https://www.ecoactionfamilies.life/