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Threads of Lockdown Life

The school joined in and supported Anti-Bullying week from Monday 15 - Friday 19 November. This year the theme is One Kind Word. Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us.

During Anti-Bullying Week students discussed with their form groups topics surrounding anti-bullying and worked through tasks and resources around anti-bullying with their peers.

The school supported Odd Socks Day which was held on the first day of Anti-Bullying Week. This happened to fall on our INSET day on Monday 15 November staff joined in with the campaign and wore their odd socks! We also encourages students and parents/carers to join in and send us some of their pictures from home. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Reporting Bullying If you feel unsafe in school or outside of school you must tell us. At Dorothy Stringer School we are committed to the safety and happiness of every student. Let us know if you are: feeling upset or unsafe, worried about a friend or a family member, being bullied, or have witnessed or have been a victim of harmful sexual behaviours.

Please speak to any member of staff you feel comfortable with and they will talk to the Safeguarding Team and we will help. You can report concerns anonymously through the SLG using the quick link section under 'Are you worried?'.

We have lots of information on the SLG parent newsletter for support for families over the holiday period.

Mr G Ward | Designated Safeguarding Lead