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PE & Sports News

This half term the inter house competition has continued to thrive across Years 7-9.

Students have participated in Football, Basketball and Capture the Flag and completed the Stringer Run around the school campus. The sports captains have been fantastic and as always have helped organise and officiate these events for the younger students to take part in. Their help is much appreciated. In each year group with one event still outstanding the results are as follows:

Year 7 – Surrenden are leading the way with 78 points. Year 8 – Ditchling are on top with a total of 52 points. Year 9 – Ditchling also head this leader board with 54 points.

PE and Sports Awards

Every half term we award students for their commitment, hard work and outstanding performances in PE, Dance and Sport. This term five students were chosen from a raft of nominees to take the half-term PE, Sport and Dance awards.

In GCSE PE Nathan was awarded for his incredibly hard work with revision and completing his NEA. Maisy and Lorien were awarded for their outstanding performances in Netball and Football respectively. Alexis was awarded for her commitment and improvement in Dance. And finally, one of new year 7 students, Samuel was awarded for his polite, dedicated and committed attitude in PE lessons.

The Young Entrepreneur Club (YEC) is an extra-curricular club where students design, create and market their ideas.

This term Young Entrepreneurs Club students have designed and laser-cut Christmas decorations.

Thank you to everyone who purchased the Christmas decorations we managed to sell out and rasie a total income of £195, this money will be put back into the club and a percentage of it has been donated to The Stringer Christmas Appeal.

We look forward to sharing the next venture with you, keep your eyes peeled for more updates from the YEC.

If you are interested in joining the YEC please contact Ms Smith in DT.

Mr Russell & Ms Smith | DT Department

Senior Maths Challenge Many of our Additional Maths students took part in the Senior Maths Challenge this term. The Senior Maths Challenge is a national event with students from Years 11 to 13 competing.

Our Year 11 students took the challenge after three Science exams (!) with outstanding results. Seven students gained bronze awards, six silver, and Arthur Rainey achieved a Gold award and qualified for the follow-on round.

All those awarded with a certificate scored in the top 40% of all entrants across the country which is an excellent achievement! Well done to all who participated. We would like to wish Arthur good luck in the follow on round.

Mr Field, Maths Department