2 minute read

School Values

We would like to introduce our appointed head students for the 2021/22 academic year.

Head Students : Joshim and Nancy Deputies: Millie, Lulu, Joshua and Matthew

This term has been our Head Students first term. We would like to congratulate them on their appointments and on their first duty of the year - speaking at Open Evening to our prospective students and parents.

We recorded our Head Students speeches, if you would like to view them please click on the videos.

Our head students regularly meet with SLT to discuss student’s wishes and plans for the future of Dorothy Stringer School.


We would also like to introduce out new Junior Leadership Team to you.

Nancy Joshim Lulu

11BCE 11LMB 11GDB Sophie 11GDQ Orissa 11LML Maya 10DMB Sylvie 10FMN Zac 10FMN Alex 10HND Ivy 10DMB Frasier 9STO Rowan 9GTT Elise 9GTT Iona

8PBY Jonah 8PBY Cassidy 8PTN Annie 8PTN Emma 8DNN Lilith 8PBY ECO Lily 8PBY ECO Lotta 7LKR Arda 7LKR Emeric 7ETT Isla Allsopp 7FNS Aisha Rahman Fry 7TYL

Click here to view.

Click here to view.

Enrichment Week was launched at the end of term during assemblies and will be discussed during tutor time with all Year 7, 8 & 9 students. Enrichment week will take place from 11– 15 July 2022.

You can find a copy of our booklet which details all the activities on offer to the right. Please take the time to read through this with your child.

Students will be asked to pick a first, second and third option for the week. Activities offered may be limited to certain year groups or they may be open to all three year groups. These details are all in the booklet.

All students will need to return their completed Student Choice Form to their Form Tutor by Friday 21st January 2022. We will then allocate students to the activities and inform them of their selection in March. We will not ask for any payment until full details have been confirmed.

The Student Choice Form can be found at the back of the booklet or on the website as a separate document which can easily be printed and filled out- https://public.dorothy-stringer.co.uk/DS/Pages/enrichment_ week.aspx. There will also be some hard copies available in the Nexus office for students to pick up if required.

We are really looking forward to what looks to be an amazing week and thank you in advance for your support with this

The Enrichment Team enrichmentweek@dorothy-stringer.co.uk

Dorothy Stringer Enrichment Week

Monday 11th - Friday 15th July 2022

Click here to view.

creativity I resilience I respect