Global Social Media Awards 2021 Book of the Night

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A Review of the 2021 Awards Shortlists for all 28 Categories Summaries of all Winning Campaigns Judges’ Comments for the Winners



U Twitter ( a p p u C My

esser – # L & t s r and Do R & Y L M Alpro, V termath f A e g e i apitol S m 101 C o – o r R l e e d i t Ins om – Ho c . s l e t o ss Day H e n & d t n s i e K f i Man – World d n a l a e New Z Tourism


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a great, well presented campaign, that brought together strong audience numbers on Twitter, strong paid campaigns and engaging videos. The campaign delivered impressive results and was a clear winner. Well done!

Alpro, VMLY&R and Dorst & Lesser WINNER

Brits choosing to put plant-based in their tea shouldn’t have to compromise on taste nor on the experience. The wait is over with Alpro My Cuppa! In October and November 2020, we ran a campaign on Twitter to promote our new product launch in the United Kingdom with the objectives of creating mass product awareness, driving consideration and capturing conversions. We developed a full funnel strategic approach following a 3 stages phasing: tease & reveal, amplify and echo. We leveraged Twitter’s product offering to amplify the launch of My Cuppa by selecting four different placements, including a FirstView tweet. The campaign achieved above benchmark results, including a very strong reach on reveal day, and performed beyond expectation on qualitative KPls. We also successfully leveraged conversation through paid and organic activity resulting in a very high positive sentiment. Our Digital & Media Team is made up of a lean group of 8 talented individuals, whose work is not always fully grasped within the business due to uneven levels of digital knowledge. Winning the Global Social Media Awards would definitely boost internal visibility of our team, shed a light on the great work we do on a regular basis and thus obtain some well-deserved recognition.



E REYSAF R U S P E cil – #KE n u o C y y Count e r r ebook u c S a F & f l o a i e homore c s p U o s t ‘ s e e Air So h B t – Heroes Avoiding ess growth e – s r e u n i N L t Claim eal-world busin Coolr & n e i t a P Digital & generation for r rategy t r S a t e S c n e l e i Po ling lead ular Aud Scale a n c a r S : G ’ p – slum lourPop Higher AOV at o C & e ractiv e and Rise Inte g Drives Revenu in and Test



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — This was a brilliant campaign that made the most out of the Facebook tools that are available, and proved crucial given the limitations faced in terms of content and budget. The use of advanced methods of geo-targeting was impressive and especially the fact that this campaign is being used by three other councils.

Air Social & Surrey County Council WINNER

As the coronavirus crisis took hold in spring 2020 and Air Social was busy helping clients adapt, we identified a way our services could help local authorities in their attempts to limit the virus from spreading. Having delivered hugely successful digital marketing campaigns to boost ticket sales for clients in the events industry, Air Social recognised that the same methods could be implemented to help councils deliver their coronavirus test and trace communication strategy. We began working with Surrey County Council on a digital marketing campaign to trace, track and notifying people of localised outbreaks via social media and geotargeting. #KeepSurreySafe has enabled Surrey County Council to provide real-time updates and signpost residents in specific towns and villages to relevant information and guidance within minutes of any spike in cases occurring. The campaign was so successful, it has now also been rolled out across Devon and West Sussex and it is hoped that a similar approach will be adopted by local authorities to inform and educate residents about the vaccine roll outs available in their local area.



lgium) e B ( m a r g ou Insta Y r vement S, Save Lives’ o o F r d p o m o I G S # d & NH Protect the NH Alpro – n a l g n E NHS ome, r H o f y a l l t a S ‘ h To Stage e Batten ing COVID-19: m o H rt ra – From e p – Suppo O i a ent team Dub t n & o n c l o i a t t ac sda digi A Chain Re & y c nt Agen 2020 e t n o C t Hears stagram n I , n o s – Alway ccounts A m a r g hange a C t s l n a I u – q r E Inside p – Girls U l r i G gency & anctuary S 0 e l 2 a 0 h 2 Nebo A eluga W oad Trip B R l t s a u u t r r T i V SEA LIFE Oracle – & s n o i municat m o C e Strip e Ocean h t o t e – Hom


AM Battenhall for NHS England & NHS Improvement WINNER

As COVID-19 took hold in March 2020, Battenhall worked with NHS England and NHS Improvement to create a campaign that aimed to ensure NHS coronavirus safety messages engaged young adults in the UK. The critical objective was to explain how to stay safe, save lives and protect the NHS, by augmenting the government’s mainstream media campaign through newly created social content tailored to a specific group. In a two-week period, a highly innovative and interactive GIF campaign was created and activated through Instagram and TikTok, and was viewed over 33 million times. It was then shared through 100 influencers, representing some of the nation’s most trusted voices to reinforce the message, generating a total ‘opportunities to see’ (OTS) figure of more than 303 million. All of this was achieved on a budget of £0.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this campaign was very strong and created phenomenal results, reach and engagement. especially given the budgets and time constraints. The campaign was highly innovative and we felt this campaign was an outright winner. Well done!



(Poland) e b menon u T o u n o e Y h P u odForYo YouTube o – G r # a e – B o Alpr and the a h s a M rd & DEover o A c c M a – m i An DE.COM A M & s oice annel h V l C a t e i b g i u T D ews You N r e d i s In Insider –


E Insider WINNER

The Insider News channel was launched in July of 2020, and already has over 22 million views and nearly 65,000 subscribers. The channel has been so successful, in part, because of how the videos break down complex issues in the news. We give our viewers first-hand accounts of major events as they unfold, and follow up with explainers on the how and why of those events. Unlike Twitter or Instagram, YouTube is suited for longform stories that really dive into the individuals and communities that shape American politics and life. People turn to the news section of YouTube to find information, educate themselves, and watch news coverage — and it’s our mission to be a reputable source.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a brilliant, bespoke strategy completely tailored to YouTube with great results! The use of graphics and animation to bring the subject matter to life was fantastic. Congratulations!




Com o c E t s e igg

Tok’s B k i T g n i a – Build i p k Russia o t e h e t r W a n E o i ds & enz Fash B s 33Secon e d e Merc ement v – o e Lives’ r p v p u a S o m r I , S G S H t H Artefac and & N e, Protect the N l g n E S H all for N ID-19: ‘Stay Hom h n e t t a B TikTok l ing COV t a r b o o l p p G u –S l – Pepsi a b o l G i Peps Coolr & TikTok nts n u o o c y c b A o TikTok rvery – T a C y b o Insider – T ltancy & u s n o C OneFifty


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was an outstanding entry. The platform specific creativity is brilliant, and a great way to educate a young demographic on being environmentally friendly in a fun way. Congratulations!

33Seconds & Earthtopia WINNER

33Seconds is a creative communications agency that dived into the world of TikTok in 2020. We set up Earthtopia – an account for 16-24 year olds dedicated to addressing climate issues and providing sustainable solutions through light and humorous content that felt native to TikTok. Earthtopia went from 0 to 130k followers in 10 months and has gained 1.9M likes. Using an organic strategy that tapped into trends and TikTok challenges, we’ve had over 35 videos receive 100k+ views with our best achieving 4.1 million views. We’ve partnered with the UN, been invited to talks hosted by WWF and have officially been verified. TikTok has also invited us to their Creator Marketplace and Amplify program as well as featured us regularly on their Learn On TikTok series, in particular ‘C is for #ClimateChange’. To win this award would be the icing on the cake for all the hard work and effort that has gone into using TikTok for the good of the planet.




reations C e l g n u J mpaign a C R A n k Swede andmar mStudio t AR & Penny: L a – Snapch



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — The agility, creativity and strength as a team came through really well in this entry. Their content is hyper niched for intended audiences and the platform, and achieved the set objectives. The results are great and they should be proud of their work.

Jungle Creations WINNER

Jungle Creations is a social-first publisher, owner and operator of some of the world’s most popular media brands on social that create and publish content across Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok and have collectively amassed over 121 million followers. With over 15 million subscribers, our Snapchat shows aim to inspire, educate and have some fun with the Snapchat generation. It seems to work, with our shows reaching on average 55 million monthly unique viewers. Only 60 shows globally get more than 10 million uniques monthly, and four of them are produced by Jungle. Despite the challenges presented last year, we pushed forward with our investment in Snapchat, even launching two new shows in April in response to the shift in audience needs due to Covid-19. In 2020, we achieved 2.5 billion minutes of content viewed across our shows, our audience grew by 142%, and we increased the watch times across our shows by 32%. Snapchat became our largest individual revenue stream programmatically, generating £1.2 million in monthly revenue from the platform.




inked L g S n i Q s y u t i n tal / Infi Partner Program i g i D a c Anic Global e h t g n i – Grow Chain y l p p u S DHL et’s Talk L , p l e H n – We Ca


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought that the winners have demonstrated great tactics and a smart strategy, using storytelling and bringing everything to life in a number of interesting ways. They have really put the customer first alongside great use of social PR to drive brand advocacy. Congratulations!


DHL Supply Chain WINNER

In a world of disruption and crisis, colleagues from around the world in the logistics and supply chain industry stepped up to play a key role in the Covid-19 pandemic. Hitting APAC first and quickly reaching Europe, DHL Supply Chain’s response was immediate, informative and assuring. “Connecting People – Improving lives” was not only our purpose but our calling. Using Linkedin as a primary social channel, we told our story in real time through our people from frontline to boardroom. We championed our industry, gave transparency to the issues at hand and shared with our customers and shareholders the facts as we had them. We showed how local efforts had global effects and our message to our customers was clear, we can help, let’s talk. The effort to make a personal connection was noticed and appreciated - our Net Promoter and loyalty scores from customers were the highest they have ever been in 2020. Winning this award, would give recognition to the 155,000 DHL Supply Chain colleagues who keep the world moving in these uncertain and wildly unpredictable times. That’s why we at DHL need to keep on delivering. Today. Tomorrow. And the day after that.

E C N E I D I U A A P M A C BEST T N E M E G A G N E pera

bai O u D & n actio Chain Re me To Stage o – From H & atoti s t n a i G y Made B at Social g – Winnin



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a really well thought out and executed campaign! The campaign was creative and seems to have had a huge impact on not just the clients customers, but in bringing the community together during these hard times, whilst being true to their cause of spreading art. A worthy winner. Well done!

Chain Reaction & Dubai Opera


When Covid-19 hit, it changed the world, and what was meant to be a busy season quickly became a very quiet and worrying time. As a major entertainment venue, Dubai Opera was faced with the challenge of maintaining a connection with its audience during the pandemic, despite he fact that all shows were cancelled. After reaching out to Chain Reaction for help, we proposed “From Home To Stage”, a unique social media campaign that would call on people to video their talents and share them with Dubai Opera via social media. To further inspire the audience, we collaborated with popular performers to hold live Instagram concerts to maintain viewer engagement. We are delighted to say that the campaign has performed phenomenally well. We have smashed our engagement targets, achieving over 500K in engagement and attracting over 800 entries, not to mentioned >3.3M impressions, >400K video views and >47K likes! Additionally, this campaign was recently awarded at the MENA Search Awards as the ‘Best Use of Social Media’ and ‘Most Viral Campaign’ 2020 which meant so much for every member of our team as the campaign is one that is very close to our hearts. We were humbled yet very proud of these achievements and are even more fuelled to keep striving for more success.

L A I C O G I S A T P M BES A C R E C N E U INFL uzie’

‘I Hate S n i d e t c i a, as dep m u a r T Mokka s on w n e o i N s s e u h c t ky – Dis rld with S o & W s r d u n o 33Seco Unbox Y – l l a h x u oops & Va L s p d U n t I o c h 33Se l – Switc l a at (UK) h x O u s r a u V o Y & e ds s – #Mak r 33Secon e allenge w h o T C s & y a d la – 21 D Richmon o & C o n r e p daries l e r n A u G o B & y o c ss Has N onsultan e n C i p y t p f i a F H One kil PCI – o t n e R cial & Reko So



Reko Social & Rentokil PCI


With Democratisation of Internet, Influencer marketing has become more relevant than ever. However, there is lack of visibility and data in this space. The objective for Rentokil PCI was to have Analysis, Monitoring, Execution and Audit of Influencer Marketing campaign. COVID-19 lockdowns in India in Q2 2020 impacted Rentokil PCI’s residential sales due to consumers safety concerns and social distancing even when Disinfection were categorized as essential services. Using Reko Social Influencer Software and data science to build a trusted influencer network, Influencer campaigns in Q3-Q4 helped in gaining trust from customers again and recovering the Cockroach Control Service revenue lost during lockdowns. (90% + recovery in sales in Q4!)

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this campaign demonstrated amazing creativity, outreach and communication during extraordinary times, and as such, delivered unbelievable ROI. A worthy winner – well done!

H C R A E S E R F O E S U N O BEST I T A U L A V E AND Story h c n Fair u a l Bank e s R s l e a n t i i s g i u – Our D British B & y c n a Consult ne y t f i F e n O ow It Alo r G t ’ n o –D


H OneFifty Consultancy & British Business Bank WINNER

British Business Bank exists to increase the supply of credit to UK SMEs. A consistent decline in applications for funding - despite research showing that if they do so, they’re far more likely to become high-growth businesses - was a concerning trend. Continuing to tell them this was not going to deliver results. ‘Don’t Grow It Alone’ was an exclusively social, behavioural change campaign aimed at SMEs – a completely new communications approach for the Bank, which ultimately saw 634 SME owners enquire about funding options direct from campaign content and smashed all KPIs set (engagements were 423% higher). It was grounded in data and behavioural science from the start, showing that the main barrier was attitudes towards finance rather than circumstance, meaning the true barriers could be directly tackled. It’s also just been named as the Government Communication Service’s campaign of the month as it “saw a complex communications challenge and came up with a good creative solution”.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a well written entry demonstating clear strategy and a really solid impact! By leveraging social, it meant a complex issue was explained in an easy and creative way and more relatable for the audience! A clear winner for us – well done!


EYSAFE R R U S P il – #KEE c n u o C cating u y t d n E u , o g C n ntertaini & Surrey E l – a i y c g o o S Air Technol the Pandemic O G I B uring e from Stage o T e Bigo Liv ing Audiences d m o bl From H – a r e p and Ena Dubai O & n o i t et’s Talk c L a , e p R l f Crisis e n o i H s a e n a Ch m i C T During ain – We y h t h C g i y l p M mall But DHL Sup S – r e t n Wax Ce n a verage e o p o C r s i s Eu i ur Mind r o C Y e e g e e r i F S Capitol n CCG – – o r d e n d o i L s n t I -USA) Eas O h t T u G o S M ( & NHS ffice USA O m s Lynn PR i r eniors ent Tou D-19 S m k n s i r R e v t o I A Helping Macao G sponse for COV – VID-19 g n O i C v i L e g R n r i l r io u – Socia dale Sen d Connected D k o o r B gency & tay Informed an A Appeal o s b e e r fi N S h s s d One ralian Bu t s u A – and Love l rnationa e t n I F W Tug & W


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a simple, yet highly effective campaign that knew what it had to do and achieved great reach! They have used the bushfires to educate people about climate change an how this affects us everyday. A very powerful campaign. Well done!

Tug & WWF International WINNER

WWF is the world’s leading environmental charity. Following the Amazon fires, the Australian bushfires of summer 2019-2020 gained global attention. People lost their homes, their livelihoods and their lives, and animals perished in their millions. The fires continued as a new disease outbreak was discovered in Wuhan. Disaster fatigue began to set in, just when Australia needed aid most to tackle the fires and provide care and support to people and wildlife. WWF approached Tug with a challenge: To raise vital funds for their Emergency Bushfire Appeal on social media. This was the first time Tug had appealed for donations on organic social. We used a cross-channel approach on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Our aim was to inspire hope rather than despair, to galvanise people to help. Our organic social posts reached 9,506,526 people, with an average engagement rate of 7% (over 3X the industry average). But most importantly for WWF and the Australian relief team, we exceeded our fundraising goals. By continuing to talk about the bushfires beyond the initial disaster, we raised awareness of the long-term impacts of climate-related disasters. The bushfires have become a springboard to encourage WWF’s audience to take action in other ways, such as by signing ongoing WWF petitions.

I C O S L U F T C A P M I T N S O O I T M A V O N N I A I D E M unity

Comm o c E t s gge

k’s Bi o T k i T g – Buildin a i p o To Stage t e h t m r a o E H ds & – From a r e p 33Secon O i & Duba n o i t c a e trategy vation Chain R S o e n c n I n e y i r d ular Au wipe-sto n S a r – G r e – d i p at Scale o Ins P V r O u A o l r o e ctive & C venue and High a r e t n I 2020 Rise y s Re a e v D i r s s D e g low PSA n n F d i t r n i s u e K o T Y d l d r an ax: Know nd – Wo p a l m a a e T Z – New Gamble & r Tourism e t c o ts for Pr r o p s E United


IAL United Esports for Procter & Gamble WINNER

United Esports is proud to partner with Tampax to be the first creative media and marketing agency to bring feminine care messaging into the esports & gaming space. Women in gaming are a vastly under-served and under-appreciated audience. As a trusted innovation partner of Procter & Gamble, United Esports jumped at the chance to help Tampax achieve a first mover advantage within gaming, by leveraging a strong number of gaming personalities to create fun, relatable content that drove incredibly high-impact engagements.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a really well executed campaign, with a bold approach, clearly driven by insights and delivering awareness and positive sentiment around the brand in the space! The campaign had a clear cultural impact, and makes this a deserving winner. Congratulations!




ment e v o e Lives’ r v p a S m I , S S H H and & N e, Protect the N l g n E S l for NH -19: ‘Stay Hom l a h n e t t Ba paign g COVID n m i t a r C o s p r p o t – Su – Instruc m i l 3 o t&M Broccoli e Blue Ha v ampaign o C L – g n i g n e e V cy & Hiunch Op a L o i d u ilk agen -USA) O p – St T o t G s t M i ( F ork & ffice USA O m s LT Netw i r ent Tou m n r e v o ign -USA) O T G Macao G ets West Campa M ( e ffice USA O m s – East M i r ent Tou m n mpaign r a e v C o Y G H o P I Maca s it to G e k a m 101 M o o o R a l c a e t –M ppeal – Ho A m s o e c r . fi s l h lian Bus t & Hote a s r t e s f i u n A a – M l rnationa e t n I F W Tug & W


N G I A MP Manifest & WINNER

Our research told us British millennials love to moan and, even more so, love to complain online so we decided to give our audience a safe space to rant or, more importantly, somewhere to banish the most hated things of 2020 - say hello to Hotel Room 101. The strategy was simple - Twitter is known as a place of culture and conversation and we have built the UK profile to be a creative platform for irreverent content and social commentary. We used both to unite our audience against 2020. Using a classic hotel theme aligned with the much-loved Room 101 format, we gave over our timeline to the Twitter community and built a social campaign that engaged, entertained and rewarded people for over 10 hours.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We absolutely loved this campaign! It’s creative and brave on a low budget, and it’s fantastic to see the pick up in key media too. Really great work. Congratulations!

M L A I C O S F O E S T U N T E S M BE N I A T R E T N E FOR ds & Sky ne n o c e S 3 3 r Everyo o f _ s I t r – #A Opera i a b u D action & age e R n i a h C e To St m o H m o – Fr



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — This was a great creative idea, well executed. It fits with the zeitgeist at the time extremely well and delivered great results at a limited budget, and during an uncertain time for the client. Excellent work!

Chain Reaction & Dubai Opera WINNER

When Covid-19 hit, it changed the world, and what was meant to be a busy season quickly became a very quiet and worrying time. As a major entertainment venue, Dubai Opera was faced with the challenge of maintaining a connection with its audience during the pandemic, despite he fact that all shows were cancelled. After reaching out to Chain Reaction for help, we proposed “From Home To Stage”, a unique social media campaign that would call on people to video their talents and share them with Dubai Opera via social media. To further inspire the audience, we collaborated with popular performers to hold live Instagram concerts to maintain viewer engagement. We are delighted to say that the campaign has performed phenomenally well. We have smashed our engagement targets, achieving over 500K in engagement and attracting over 800 entries, not to mentioned >3.3M impressions, >400K video views and >47K likes! Additionally, this campaign was recently awarded at the MENA Search Awards as the ‘Best Use of Social Media’ and ‘Most Viral Campaign’ 2020 which meant so much for every member of our team as the campaign is one that is very close to our hearts. We were humbled yet very proud of these achievements and are even more fuelled to keep striving for more success.

L A I C O S F O E S U E C T S N E A B N I F R O F A I D E M siness ritish Bu


y&B c n a t l u s Con OneFifty ow It Alone r untants o c c A d – Don’t G Chartere r e t t u R d Ormero It Local g – Keepin


OneFifty Consultancy & British Business Bank WINNER

British Business Bank exists to increase the supply of credit to UK SMEs. A consistent decline in applications for funding - despite research showing that if they do so, they’re far more likely to become high-growth businesses - was a concerning trend. Continuing to tell them this was not going to deliver results. ‘Don’t Grow It Alone’ was an exclusively social, behavioural change campaign aimed at SMEs – a completely new communications approach for the Bank, which ultimately saw 634 SME owners enquire about funding options direct from campaign content and smashed all KPIs set (engagements were 423% higher). It was grounded in data and behavioural science from the start, showing that the main barrier was attitudes towards finance rather than circumstance, meaning the true barriers could be directly tackled. It’s also just been named as the Government Communication Service’s campaign of the month as it “saw a complex communications challenge and came up with a good creative solution”.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this campaign was a clear winner! We loved the approach and the way to campaign was research based. The engaging content has delivered some excellent results, with a relatively small paid social budget. Congratulations!

L A I C O S F O E S U T L S I A BE T E R R O F A I MED areness w a d n a r reasing b ess c n I – g n n ture Livi furnishings busi u o C & cy e ilk Agen for a luxury hom s and sale y City t r a P & Media Likeable 0 merce Plus m – FU 202 o e c z i S e r a o d f fic & Mo Media Strategy f a r T o m Pro n Social e v i r D a – Dat


PromoTraffic & Moda Size Plus WINNER

Moda Size Plus Iwanek is dedicated to providing plus size clothing for women. The company has been present on the market for 16 years, producing clothing in their own manufacturing facility. Their high-quality products have been widely appreciated by customers in Poland. Currently, the company is looking to expand into international markets, and we treat this goal as an overriding ambition. PromoTraffic is a SEO/SEM/SM agency which specializes in boosting sales, generating leads and improving profitability of online businesses. Our aim is to truly understand customer’s needs and expectations, analyse the market and implement the most effective strategies so that the business is being constantly developed. We offer premium-quality services both on domestic and foreign markets.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a really strong entry, and a worthy winner! The goals, objectives and methodology were clearly defined and the results acheived were phemomenal. It’s evident that a great amount of research and expertise was poured into this campaign, and it demonstrates an all round excellent job. Congratulations!


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was an impressive, well written entry. The implementation approach was great, and the creativity clean and fun! The fact that everything has been kept in-house just shows how proud the team should be. Congratulations!


“Alpro’s story began in 1980 with an seemingly simple question: ‘What if the goodness of soya could be used to feed the planet’s population without the middle man [cow)?’ This idea flourished. The plant-based movement grew. And 40 years down the line Alpro is still pioneering the plant-based food revolution. 2019 was a key moment in our history as we upgraded our brand identity [logo, packaging, etc) and tone-of-voice, embracing a new core creative idea: GOOD FOR YOU! A platform to help us get our plant-based message to the masses, prompting everyone to embrace a more sustainable diet. We launched this new platform to the world in September 2019, coordinated from our central location in Belgium. A unique tour de force for our brand by setting up the biggest campaign until then, leveraging our in-house social media expertise to the max! Our Digital & Media Team is made up of a lean group of 9 talented individuals, whose work is not always fully grasped within the business due to uneven levels of digital knowledge. Winning the Global Social Media Awards would definitely boost internal visibility of our team, shed a light on the great work we do on a regular basis and thus obtain some well-deserved recognition.”

R O F T O N / Y T I R A N H G I C A P M A C T I F PRO vement S, Save Lives’ o r p m I d & NHS Protect the NH n a l g n E for NHS 19: ‘Stay Home, l l a h n e t Bat COVIDg n i t r o p – Sup l & CUFA rity Campaign a i c o S o -19 Cha Kensho D I V O C n – Brazilia ational n r e t n I WF Tug & W ng Pandemics ti – Preven


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a great campaign with impressive results! There is a clear focus on the pandemic and wildlife awareness and it’s interesting to see how the team optimised the campaign as it ran across geographies. This was clearly a really effective campaign given the budget was fairly low. Well done!

Tug & WWF International WINNER

COVID-19 originated in animals but jumped to humans. Destruction of the natural environment led to the pandemic outbreak and is increasing the likelihood of similar pandemics happening in future - but the general public are largely unaware of this. As the world’s leading environmental charity, WWF is in a unique position to educate and inform the public about the connection between the destruction of nature and pandemics such as COVID-19. WWF approached Tug to raise awareness of the link between ecocide and pandemics. Their goal was to reach as many people as possible and connect with them in an impactful way, driving them to sign a petition calling on global leaders to take action to prevent future pandemics. WWF had a finite budget for the campaign and asked for Tug’s recommendation on how to spend most efficiently, with the goal of driving 13,600 petition signatures. Tug created assets for and ran a highly reactive paid social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram and IG Stories which featured a video ad with three ad copy variations. Overall we achieved 43,325 petition signatures at a CPA of £0.39. We also achieved 236,767 link clicks with a strong CTR of 1.29%.

A R T S M R E T G N O A I L D T E S M BE L A I C O S F O USE A Parks ca S U t i s i V i lobal & d to Rural Amer G n n a Herrm e Worl h t g n i c omore h p o s ‘ e – Introdu iding th growth o Fibre v y t A i C – e & n s cy Claim Li l-world busines t ilk agen n e i t a P a igital & eneration for re D trategy r S a t e S c n e l g e i o d d P aling lea nular Au t Scale c a r S : G ’ p – m p slu olourPo d Higher AOV a C & e v i ract e an Rise Inte g Drives Revenu in and Test



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought that this was a brilliant, well presented entry and it’s obvious from the great results that there was a strong strategy and an understanding of what the client wanted to acheive. Congratulations!

Pole Star Digital & Patient Claim Line WINNER

We’re all familiar with the ‘difficult second album’ syndrome. The ‘sophomore slump’. It’s what makes our paid social media campaign for medical negligence specialists Patient Claim Line (PCL) so notable: Hugely profitable for them. A case study in refinement for us. Having already enjoyed a ‘hit’ Facebook ads campaign in 18/19, PCL challenged us to match a doubling of campaign spend with a doubling of lead volume and lead value. Why wouldn’t you spend more to make more? We tested our approach and modelled an expanded campaign and projected that ‘yes’ we could double returns. But we didn’t just double returns. We increased the value of leads generated YoY +215.55% to £28.04M. Big numbers. Business building numbers. Life-changing numbers. How did we do it? • B y using appropriate paid social tactics such as lead gen forms, WCAs (Website Custom Audiences) and lookalike audiences developed from robust seed audiences; • T hrough embedded collaboration with the clients’ internal team to define lead quality and what would consistently deliver it; • W ith deep audience investigation and continual refinement of our strategy to create an ever-expanding pool of ever more suitable prospects. It’s a success story that winning this award would allow us to share. That diminishing returns are far from a given. That with the right research, strategy and application incredible things can happen!

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JUDGES’ COMMENTS — This was a really well planned and researched campaign that demonstrates the power of using customer data and research to drive growth through Facebook. The results were highly successful and delivered a clear KPI. A great job. Congratulations!

Pole Star Digital & Patient Claim Line WINNER

We’re all familiar with the ‘difficult second album’ syndrome. The ‘sophomore slump’. It’s what makes our paid social media campaign for medical negligence specialists Patient Claim Line (PCL) so notable: Hugely profitable for them. A case study in refinement for us. Having already enjoyed a ‘hit’ Facebook ads campaign in 18/19, PCL challenged us to match a doubling of campaign spend with a doubling of lead volume and lead value. Why wouldn’t you spend more to make more? We tested our approach and modelled an expanded campaign and projected that ‘yes’ we could double returns. But we didn’t just double returns. We increased the value of leads generated YoY +215.55% to £28.04M. Big numbers. Business building numbers. Life-changing numbers. How did we do it? • B y using appropriate paid social tactics such as lead gen forms, WCAs (Website Custom Audiences) and lookalike audiences developed from robust seed audiences; • T hrough embedded collaboration with the clients’ internal team to define lead quality and what would consistently deliver it; • W ith deep audience investigation and continual refinement of our strategy to create an ever-expanding pool of ever more suitable prospects. It’s a success story that winning this award would allow us to share. That diminishing returns are far from a given. That with the right research, strategy and application incredible things can happen!

E S N O P S E R T C E I R I A D P M A C BEST A I D E M L A I SOC siness u B h s i t i cy & Br


onsultan C y t f i F One It Alone w o r G t ’ ndon o – Don L t k A Digital & t u O d n Sta perform o t n r o B – ational n r e t n I WF Tug & W ng Pandemics ti – Preven



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was a brilliant, well-executed campaign, with great results and a robust strategy! It’s no surprise that this campaign resulted in increasing business volume by 177%. A worthy winner! Congratulations!

Stand Out Digital & Akt London


Stand Out Digital is a digital media agency founded in 2014 with the goal of being an end-to-end provider of digital marketing services for start-ups and SMEs. As more and more customers’ journey start online, we count on a team of seasoned biddable professionals to support our clients’ digital marketing needs, relying on three core values: integrity, innovation, and grit. After running a successful crowdfunding campaign in late 2018, and a few attempts to venture into digital advertising with uneven results, AKT got in touch with Stand Out Digital to manage their paid social activity Up to that point, paid social campaigns across Facebook and Instagram consisted of low investment, irregular optimisations towards CPA and an overall ROAS below profitability levels (established at 3). With a full funnel approach, from mid-September until the end of December we managed to increase ROAS up to 4.13, crucially upscaling business volume (purchase value increased by 177% compared to the first 9 and a half months of 2020). Ours is a relatively young agency with a small but passionate team devoted to serve our clients. Winning this award would provide a seal of quality to our work and help us growing as a business.



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CIAL Rise Interactive & ColourPop WINNER

Marketers are under more pressure than ever to prove that paid media is contributing to the bottom line of the business, and not just delivering marketing KPIs. In this campaign we helped ColourPop get every penny of their social campaigns working harder by strategically serving the right message at the right time to the right user. This campaign demonstrates the power of combining the right audience approach with technology to enable the strategy at scale, ultimately delivering true business value for ColourPop.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this was an impressive, well rounded campaign and an overall stand-out winner! The campaign delivered powerful results, exceeding the expectations of the client and used fantastic creative that looks like a natural fit for a social media news feed. Congratulations!




al Stack t i g i D – Brands t f i L & k tac Platform g n i t e k r Digital S ncer Ma e u fl n I – ity Influenc k Ads cial o o o S b o e o c a h – Kens on for F i o t o a h z i s n m i e t K t and Op i d u A – .io Squared



JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought this entry was great from start to finish! It’s refreshing to see a tool admit what it can’t do, as well as what it can do. They have demonstrated a wonderful concept and great insights, and they deserve this win! Congratulations!

Influencity WINNER

Influencity is the most complete AI-powered influencer marketing platform that will allow you to obtain total Influencer Relationship Management on a single comprehensive platform. We provide over 60 functionalities that will adjust to your own workflows to successfully execute end-to-end influencer campaigns. To go into more detail, this is what Influencity platform will allow you to do: • S earch for the perfect influencers for your campaigns in just a few seconds. We have over 70 million influencers which can be found combining over 20 filters (engagement, location, gender, age, interests…) • A nalyse any social media profile, create your own database, and organize your influencers in lists. Influencity will allow you to see full profile analysis (followers quality, KPIs, demographics…) • E stimate your campaign’s results before managing them. You will be able to do this thanks to the analysis that the platform makes based on the influencers’ main KPIs. You will be able to manage as many campaigns as you need at the same time on a very visual and easy solution. • M easure results through complete reports that include publications with its automatically generated metrics, graphs, and data of your campaign as a whole.



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Elizabeth Morales Insider WINNER

Elizabeth Morales is a great example of why it pays off to be nimble and innovative in this industry — her creativity knows no bounds. With a finger on the pulse of what’s trending, she is always eager to weed out outdated strategies and experiment with new, inventive ones. Her most recent win has been leading the charge on Insider Inc.’s distribution efforts on TikTok, a move she proposed when post people even knew about the platform. Thanks to her work, TikTok is now a major social media platform for Insider, bringing in revenue and ensuring our presence there as an essential asset to our brand. Elizabeth deserves to win this award because she embodies what a great social media strategist is — someone who is creative, flexible, and willing to take a leap in order to meet audiences where they are.

JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We were very impressed with this individuals ability to take risks, create a strategy and work hard to make the implementation a great success! She sounds like a remarkable young marketer and should be proud of what she has acheived. Congratulations!



dia Team e M & l a Digit m Alpro – edia Tea M l a i c Team o a S i d – e r M e l d ia Insi nd – Soc a l a e Z New Tourism


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — This social media team showed some really great campaigns delivered with creativity and passion. It’s really clear the team has a lot of clever thinking that turns ordinary events and ideas into great social moments. The team have accomplished so much at such a truly devastating time, and should be really proud. Well done!

Tourism New Zealand Social Media Team WINNER

Tourism New Zealand is the organisation responsible for marketing New Zealand to the world as a tourist destination. The major platform we use to do this is the 100% Pure New Zealand marketing campaign, a campaign that has evolved over the past 20 years to make New Zealand one of the world’s most well-respected and wellknown tourism brands. As a newly formed team within the organisation, we’ve been consistently delivering and achieving above and beyond. Despite the tremendous impact of Covid on the Tourism Industry, the Social team at Tourism New Zealand has never shied away from big, bold ideas, even at a time when our border is closed and international tourists are unable to visit. We thrived in 2020 with the most innovative thinking, approach, and social formats to make sure the brand stays relevant and remains top of mind for our audience by building a genuine relationship with our social followers through on-going conversation and engagement. It would mean so much for our small team to win an award for the work we do to enrich New Zealand.




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y – PR c n e g a ilk tions a e r C e l Jung


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — We thought that this agency have achieved brilliant and extremely large campaigns in the middle of the pandemic. The in-house creative is impressive, and the growth in revenue is something to be proud of. A very deserving winner! Congratulations!


Jungle Creations WINNER

In 2020, we generated over 9.8B video views and 190M engagements across social platforms, leading our media brands to grow a collective 6.5M followers, a 5.6% increase year-on-year. Four Nine generated over 1.6B views and Craft Factory drove over 1B views across platforms, leading them to be crowned the #1 ‘Women’s Interest’ and #1 ‘Home and DIY’ channels in the UK, respectively. Level Fitness is the UK’s #1 ‘Health, Fitness and Self Help’ Facebook Page, having driven 325M views across the year. We produced over 214 videos for 60 brands, including Baileys, M&S, Cadbury, Heinz, Birds Eye, Aquafresh, Sensodyne, and The National Lottery, which together generated over 128M views and 1.43M engagements. Producing 10 of the top 100 branded campaigns of 2020, we’re the third highest ranking social video partner in the UK, following only Manchester United and Liverpool football clubs and leading against comparable UK partners. The average size of our branded content deals increased by 93% year-on-year, a testament to our reputation for producing engaging and effective branded content. Our in-house creative agency, The Wild, produced campaigns for clients including Major League Baseball, Braun Audio, and the United Nations’ initiative Verified, achieving a 460% increase in revenue year-on-year.




JUDGES’ COMMENTS — This agency were really brave to launch in 2020. It’s inspiring to see a group of people acheiving their dreams during the toughest period of our lives! They have been thoughtful about how they operate and support the growing team, and their brand personality really comes through. They should be proud of what they have achieved. Congratulations!

Y Made By Giants WINNER

Made By Giants™ combines brand and communications to help tech-powered brands reach the next big thing. Our services range from branding, to PR, to social media and digital marketing campaigning, powering bold and brave growth stories for tomorrow’s tech giants. We were born in 2020, a memorable year for us and for the world. Our team of seven giants (with another about to come aboard) have developed amazingly over the last six months. We have a growing client base of upcoming tech brands with nine clients based across Europe, the US and APAC. We are thrilled to have committed revenues of £350,000 with a healthy new business pipeline in the offing. Our client partners are attracted to our specialist experience, energy, bravery and giant creative ideas. We work with tech-powered brands - brands that are spear-heading the fourth industrial revolution, digitising our society and building a sustainable future for all of humanity. Launching an agency when the world has turned upside down is hard enough. But launching an agency without an external backer, angel investor and seed capital (while the world stays upside down) is harder still. We are giant underdogs, going from zero to £275,000 in the last six months of 2020 alone. This award would be dedicated to all our giants and client partners for believing in us.


G R A L T S E B all Battenh Coolr sition o P l a c i Log y nsultanc o C y t f i OneF the tree


JUDGES’ COMMENTS — This agency are extremely innovative, with strong company cultures and values. They are clearly a forward-thinking agency and it was amazing to read about their growth and success over the past year. Their approach to their people and giving the team flexibility to adjust during the pandemic really stood out. Congratulations!

Battenhall WINNER

Battenhall is the communications agency for the social media age, pioneering innovative technologies, new ways of working, and providing highly specialised and integrated brand communications. The past 18 months has been a record period in terms of business growth, investment in people and diversity, and technology innovation. During the pandemic, social media use has increased dramatically, with average daily time spent on apps rising by 15%. We have been at the forefront of helping brands and businesses use online communications and social media more effectively, and this has been demonstrated through our team growth and record levels of business. Winning an award would be validation of our forward-thinking approach over the past 12 months. Instead of furloughing staff and hindering our growth plans, we pivoted 100% to a total flexible working policy, continued to elevate our services to existing clients with new offerings like our critical response team ‘REACT’, and actively went after new business that would stretch our capabilities and enable us to continue with our growth plans.

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