Il racconto dei tre rinnegamenti di Pietro nei Vangeli sinottici, "Uscito fuori pianse amaramente"

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3. Commentari dei vangeli 3.1. Il vangelo di Matteo ALBRIGHT W.F. - MANN C.S., Matthew, Garden City 1971; ALLEN T.W.C., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to St Matthew, Edinbourgh 19933; BENOIT P., L’évangile selon Saint Matthieu, Paris 19613; BONNARD P., L’évangile selon Saint Matthieu, Paris 19702; DA SPINETOLI O., Matteo, Assisi 19935; DAVIES W.D.– ALLISON D.C., The Gospel according to Saint Matthew, 3 voll, Edinburgh 1988-1997; FABRIS R., Matteo, Roma 19962; GÄCHTER P., Das Matthäusevangelium, Innsbruck 1962; GNILKA J., Il vangelo di Matteo, 2 voll, trad. it., Brescia 1990-1991; GRUNDMANN W., Das Evangelium nach Matthäus, Berlin 1968; GUNDRY R.H., Matthew, Grand Rapids 1982; HAGNER D.A., Matthew, 2 Voll, Dallas (Texas) 1993-1995; HARRINGTON D.J., The Gospel of Matthew¸ Collegeville (Minnesota) 1991; HILL D., The Gospel of Matthew, Grand Rapids-London 1972; KEENER C.S., Matthew, Downers Grove (Illinois) 1960; KILGALLEN J.J., A Brief Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, New York 1992; KINGSBURY J.D., Matthew, Philadelphia 19862; KLOSTERMANN E., Das Matthäusevangelium, Tübingen 19714;


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