2 minute read

Deciding on a Seatbelt Based on Space


How much room does your pup take up in the car? If you've got multiple dogs or a whole crew of kids, the type of certified seatbelt depends on the space you've got.


Sleepypod harnesses and carriers are the most versatile of them all. They only take up as much space as your dog. You can use a Sleepypod product in any car, in any seat, as long as you've got a shoulder belt to go with it. Sedan, minivan, SUV, truck...it's all good. If your dog isn't riding with you that day, you can use the space for someone or something else.

Same goes for the Away Pet Carrier - all you need is just one seat with one shoulder belt, and only when your dog is in the car.

The ZuGoPet Rocketeer Pack takes up the least amount of space, because this dog car seat lays flat against the backseat. The space it takes up depends on how big your dog is! Since your pup is suspended in the air, the actual seat is available if you absolutely need to put items on it. You can't put another body there, but your kid's backpack, sure.

If you need the seat for an actual human when your dog isn't riding with you, the Rocketeer Pack is movable. You just have to unhook everything. Not preferable, but doable.

If you're looking at a Gunner or Lucky Kennel, know that they take up a LOT of space, but are absolutely worth the investment. It's not something you'll want to move around after you set it up though. The space you dedicate to the kennel is no longer available to anyone else but your dog!

The small Gunner Kennel should fit in just about any vehicle. Any bigger size, and you'll need to use the cargo space of your minivan or SUV. All sizes should fit in the back of a pick up truck.

Both of these kennels are huge, so if you need more room, you might need to trade in your car (kidding...sort of). One dog mom says:

"I got my current vehicle with 'what do I need that will fit a Gunner Kennel?' in mind!"

Oh the things we do for our dogs!

When choosing your dog's certified seatbelt, first eliminate the products that won't work for your pup. Shift your focus to the ones that do! Then out of what's left, envision how you and your dog would do with each one - which works best for the space you've got and your lifestyle?

Choose wisely, because buckling up your dog isn't something you're going to do sporadically. Riding Certified becomes habit. It's something you'll do every time you and your dog get in the car, so it needs to be sustainable, and that's different for each person.

What will you choose?

The popular Sleepypod? The indestructible Gunner or Lucky Kennel? The hip ZuGoPet Rocketeer Pack? Or the classy Away Pet Carrier?

As long as the fit is right, you can't go wrong with any of those certified options. Now go get your certified seatbelt today!
