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Ride into Fall


10 Autumn Activities To Do With Your 4-Legged Best Friend


Cooler weather, crisp air.

It's the perfect time of year to get out with your pup.

Sure, you can go to the park, find a new hike, go camping. That's great and always fun, but what else is there to do?

Here's 10 ideas to help you and your dog embrace the Autumn season together!

1) Take your dog to the farm.

Go for a hayride, pick a pumpkin, get lost in a cornmaze. Your dog's senses will go nuts!

2) Take your dog apple picking.

Because yum and fun.

3) Go to the beach.

Yes, you read that right. Now's the best time to go, just as the weather is starting to change, people are clearing the beaches, and dog restrictions are lifted (typically Labor Day - Memorial Day). Less crowds, less distractions, less heat = good times.

4) Go to Starbucks.

Pumpkin spice latte for you and a puppachino (cup of whipped cream) for your dog!

5) Drive a scenic route.

The changing leaves make for a beautiful, peaceful drive. 9) Take your dog to Michaels art store. Yes, this store is dog-friendly too! Pick up some knitting materials and make a blanket for the chilly weather. If you're super crafty, maybe knit matching sweaters, one for you and one for your pup!

6) Tailgate a college football game.

Hang out with some friends, enjoy a hot dog. Although you probably won't be able to take your dog into the game, you can take your dog for a good walk around campus.

7) Take your pup to Home Depot.

Did you know this store is dog-friendly? Go sniff out some mums for the garden together. Your dog can help you dig a hole to plant them afterwards too!

8) Go to the farmers' market.

Shop local and get the freshest butternut squash, brussel sprouts, and kale you can find. And if your pup is lucky, there's probably a dog bone stand right around the corner.

10) Go to a winery or brewery.

Enjoy the outdoors and just relax with your dog by your side.

Fall is a great season to be outdoors. Take in your surroundings, and breathe deep. You've already got the perfect companion to enjoy it with!