2 minute read

Dog Seatbelt Safety & Nail Polish


What do these 2 vastly different things have to do with each other? Well it's a reminder that you don't have to have a dog or be in the dog industry to support dog seatbelt safety.


Dog seatbelt safety was something Cheryl had thought about when she would travel with her dad and his dog, Stroudsburg. She remembers,

"Stroud would sit on the back seat and go sliding across the bench seat with every turn and when my dad would stop short, he would go flying. It looked painful."

Then, Piper's crash happened.

Cheryl and Piper's mom happened to be co-workers at the time, and she saw how devastating it was. As P threw herself into learning about dog seatbelt safety, Cheryl learned right along with her.

Since then, Cheryl has played an integral role in running Piper's Walk, the dog event that raises awareness for dog seatbelt safety, as the volunteer Assistant Director.

In 2020, Cheryl started her own business selling dry nail polish by Color Street. When Color Street came out with nail sets featuring paws and pets, Cheryl knew they'd be perfect as prizes for Dogs Ride Certified to use at Piper's Walk.

And so, a partnership was born!

Despite having no dog of her own, Cheryl is one of the biggest advocates for dog seatbelt safety yet. She's always telling her friends, family and co-workers about certified seatbelts.

In fact, Cheryl is the reason that Albert, a goofy chocolate lab, was buckled up from puppyhood to now, a fully grown boy 2 years later. All because Cheryl shared her passion for dog seatbelt safety with someone who didn't know about it.

Cheryl's business, Nails & Glam, sponsored Piper's Walk this past June 2021. She encourages other people and businesses, whether dog-related or not, to consider becoming a sponsor for the next Piper's Walk in 2022!

When asked why, Cheryl said: "Sponsoring allows me to help Dogs Ride Certified spread the word about dog seatbelt safety as well as, likely saving lives. I get the personal satisfaction of helping a cause that I feel passionate about and can write it off my taxes. It's a win-win!"

Ha! She's got a good heart and pure honesty. Cheryl continues to make a difference in dog seatbelt safety each day, and Dogs Ride Certified is so incredibly thankful for her support!

If you're interested in getting your "win-win" and sponsoring Piper's Walk 2022, please email info@dogsridecertified.com!

To learn more about Nails and Glam, visit https://www.colorstreet.com/cherylphorn.

Join the Nails and Glam Facebook Group to view the paws and pets nail set, and more!