2 minute read

Simply the Best


Out of the 5 certified brands of dog seatbelts, you'll find one brand mentioned the most, more pictures of dogs buckled up in this brand, and it's also the brand featured in Dogs Ride Certified's online shop. Yes, of course it's Sleepypod!


Dogs Ride Certified loves Sleepypod, for so many reasons. Most importantly, they're a brand with integrity. A good company, led by good people who care about the safety and well-being of dogs (and cats too!). Everything about Sleepypod just oozes that.

First of all, Sleepypod offers 6 different car safety restraints - 4 carriers and 2 harnesses, which are they ALL certified by Center for Pet Safety. Every single one! And getting certified is no small feat.

It takes a lot of time and money to make sure every feature is just right and meets all of the safety criteria. Sleepypod's products alone make up 60% of the list of certified seatbelt products.

From this list, they're the ONLY brand with a certified harness. No other seatbelt harness has passed Center for Pet Safety's crash test. What does that tell you about the quality of Sleepypod versus all the other harnesses on the market?

To top it off, Sleepypod harnesses were initially only certified up to 90lbs. Now, the Sleepypod Terrain harnesses can hold up to 110 lbs of dog! You've got to love their continual growth to allow more dogs the access to get buckled up.

Obviously, they've got great products. But they've also got big hearts.

Sleepypod has been a sponsor of Piper's Walk over the years, and also donated Clickit Sport harnesses and Air carriers to the Go Home Safe Program, where dogs adopted from the shelter went home with a free seatbelt! Dogs Ride Certified wanted to help families buckle up their pups from the start of their journey together, and Sleepypod shared the vision.

They also have a Crash Replacement Program, where they'll replace your seatbelt for free if you're ever in a crash. (Products can stretch or be damaged in a crash, which alters their effectiveness if reused).


In fact, Sleepypod saw a post about one of Dogs Ride Certified's buckled up dogs, Romi, who was in a crash (he's okay, thanks to his Sleepypod Clickit Sport harness!) and reached out to make sure Romi's mom knew about this program. Sleepypod goes above and beyond to keep dogs safe in cars.

Finally, they believe in positive, rewards-based training. They know that a seatbelt alone isn't going to keep your dog safe in the car, but the way you introduce and approach the training makes all the difference. They've got videos and tips to help with that.

So, although Dogs Ride Certified will always support and advocate for every certified brand and product, including new ones to come, Sleepypod has a very special place here.

They're top notch. Innovative. Dedicated to safety. They're simply the best. ❤