Wholly in Suspense - Type Specification / Strategy

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Type Specification / Strategy

Leonardo Tanuwijaya Wholly in Suspense

International Society of Typographic Designer

Table of Contents

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The Use of Typography


Expressive Typography and Special Processes





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About Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) is one of the greatest works of the world literature that has influenced many works of literature in modern days. The Divine Comedy was divided into three books: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso (Paradise) each containing 33 canti. In the last chapter of Paradiso, Dante tries to face something that has troubled humanity since before the recorded time; he tries to describe something undescribable.

Brief In Project 5 Paradiso brief, we were asked to interpret Canto

33 Paradiso to a new audience using the Longfellow translation. Although the Longfellow translation does help with the interpretation of the original poetry, it loses the rhyme and poetry essence of the original. Another problem with the Longfellow is how hard it is for the modern audience to understand it because the language used was obsolete and unfit for the modern audience to be digested easily. Modern hip-hop culture which includes calligraffiti surprisingly showcases parallel similarities with early 14th-century work, The Divine Comedy. This publication is aimed at modern young adults that are interested in knowing about the end of Dante’s journey and his experi-

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ence in the Empyrean, the last circle of heaven while bridging two different eras. This publication place itself along with another special and narrative-driven design publications.

Direction Describing the undescribable and bridging the old and new are one of the paradoxes that become the core of this publication. This publication will consist of two different narratives, one of my voice and the other of Dante’s journey.

This publication tries to acknowledge the undescribable feeling that makes Dante wholly in suspense in his meeting with the highest.

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Grids Top Margin 36 pt Header Baseline 30 pt Text Baseline 6 pt Outside Margin 52.156 pt Column 47 pt Gutter 12 pt Inner Margin 25.371 pt Bottom Margin 79.276 pt

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Wholly in Suspense 148 x 210 mm

Villard Diagram During the Renaissance, the architect Villard De Honnecourt came up with a famous diagram used for producing page layouts with margins of fixed ratios. This diagram became the standard of beautifully harmonious book and even considered the perfect book. Villard Diagram has been heavily used for early manuscripts and bibles and even many modern books also adopt the usage of the diagram: a truly timeless grid that perfect for bridging the old and new.

Wholly in Suspense | 7

ďŹ g , my min bl n t g Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.


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Heading 54/60 pt Empyrean Regular Colour: C20 M30 Y85

Although the diagram usually have a wider margin, I tighten it to only 36pt top margin to make it feel more modern. Also rather than using the grid as it is, I rounded the content grid into the nearest 12pt increment to accomodate the text size. Body Text 9/12 pt Artifex CF Book Colour: K100 Folio Margin 36 pt Folio 15 pt Artifex CF Bold Colour: K100

Wholly in Suspense | 9

Typefaces Artifex CF Book ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Artifex CF Book 18/30 pt

Artifex CF Book Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son

Artifex CF Book, Book Italic 12/18 pt

Poetry adapted from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy

Artifex CF Book 9/12 pt

Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.

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Wholly in Suspense

Artifex CF Artifex CF by Connary Fagen Inc. is very easy on the eyes. With its gentle and subtle serifs, it help the flow of text without being ornate. Because I want Empyrean, the typeface I made become the star of the show, I need to use a typeface that would provide as few distraction as possible. This is why Artifex CF become an amazing solution. With its near-upright italic design, I can make sure that I can gracefully add emphasis on some text without too overpowering the main content.

Wholly in Suspense | 11


Wholly in Suspense Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789 12 | Type Specification - Typefaces

B d to thee th@ th sc m tali Empyrean Wholly in Suspense is a book talking about describing the undescribable, a paradox that’s St. Bernard’s final moments of prayer asks IMary to take the cloud of Dante’s unsolvable. thought about mortality away, to help him remain includingpure two things that areas He is as so that he may see God, mortality interfere his vision. does nothis naturally work with together to work together. This typeface is the embodiment of that. 20 Empyrean was developed to look produced while keeping it

look hand drawn. Its monospace look and expectable elements provide structure and contructed look while its soft curves, sharp edges and connecting ligatures showcase handmade quality.

Wholly in Suspense | 13

Basic and Extended Characters

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz ßàáâãäåæëéêèçíîìï òóôõöœùúûüýÿžþıłš 0123456789!,&’(|†‡)* +×-÷¨ʻʼ ´¸ ˆˇ˜‛“”„:;_./%\$¢ €¥=[#]<>@{}~¡¿ Ligatures

   Bu  CD EF        OI OP QRSTU XY        14 | Type Specification - Typefaces

           cu   çí             etfu         fi         łš       œù             st        yz þı  23 45 67 Wholly in Suspense | 15

The Use of Typography There are 5 different text hierarchy used throughout Wholly in Suspense. Because the focus of the book is the narrative which showcased with the Empyrean typeface, the grid system was made to mostly accommodate the narrative, which is the heading.

Sub-Heading Artifex CF Book 18/30 pt

Thou Virgin Mother,

H4 Artifex CF Book, Book Italic 12/18 pt

Poetry adapted from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy

Body Text Artifex CF Book 9/12 pt

Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.

daughter of thy Son

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Hero Empyrean Regular 90 pt

Heading Empyrean Regular 54/60 pt

Or as Dante Finally, I get to see solution Wholly in Suspense | 17

Layout Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality

To the noblest I pray,

Dante rise up from the lowest

This verse refers to the journey Dante Alighieri, the writer of the Divine Comedy has gone through. With the help of his guide, Virgil, he went through the circles of Hell (Inferno), the terraces of Purgatory (Purgatorio) and spheres of Heaven (Paradiso).



I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory

In my poetry, for people of the future, a paradise more of thy victory 46

Painted with itʼs very own colour If our effigy is a colour After a little while, Dante notices, the second circle “within itself and colored like itself, to me seemed painted with our effigy.” Wait, seeing a figure the same color as its surroundings? That’s not possible, right? Dante agrees and tries to figure out how this can be, but his efforts are futile.



St. Bernard’s final moments of prayer asks Mary to take the cloud of Dante’s mortality away, to help him remain pure so that he may see God, as He is as his mortality interfere with his vision.



Then did my flesh sight, purified 34


Wholly in Suspense Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle - Futile, as I try to find the principle 61

Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio To the noblest I pray, Dante rise up from the lowest Uplift himself so he may be higher towards salvation Burned by his vision, carried stronger by affection Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality Cause thy compassion and benignity gives succour for those who are in need Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended Then did my flesh sight, purified, Bright light I rise into,


18 | Type Specification - Layout

No doubt no fight, my mind blown through Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory In my poetry for people of the future A paradise more of thy victory Oh, how my language fall short Light so bright, my perception be lost In it, the knowledge of the world Compiled in one volume, bound by love How unbelievable, this one moment Brings more forgetfulness to me Than twenty five centuries of wonder Neptune’s vision of Argo’s shadow

Artworks by Gustave Doré Poetry adapted from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto XXXIII

All things seem flawed Compared to the ray, I’m in awe And fragile, like infants at his mothers breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw

Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love The love that moves the sun and the other stars

Under the deep luminance Appeared to me Three Circles of three colours Same dimension with two reflecting each other And third breathed by two it was equal Painted with it’s very own colour If our effigy is a colour Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle Futile, as I try to find the principle I wish to see, I wish to understand, I wish to know how to comprehend But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light


For the content of the book, generally there are 5 different layout templates (may vary according to content and background colour) and one more page layout to accomodate the whole poetry lines in one spread. The second narrative also mostly use the same layout, only differentiated with the absence of image and different colour usage (showed in Colours chapter).

Wholly in Suspense | 19

The Use of Typography Sub-Heading 18/30 pt Artifex CF Book Colour: Paper Heading 54/60 pt Empyrean Regular Colour: C20 M30 Y85 K0 Body Text 9/12 pt Artifex CF Book Colour: Paper Folio 15 pt Artifex CF Bold Colour: Paper

Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son

V ne Madre, figlia del o figlio

Paradiso Canto 33 starts with an eloquent prayer uttered by St. Bernard to the Virgin Mother. The first verse of the Canto “Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio” shows the embodiment of the paradoxes in Dante’s Paradiso.


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Wholly in Suspense Page 8-9 148 x 210 mm Background Colour: K100

Madonna and Baby Jesus 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0


Wholly in Suspense | 21

Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son

V ne Madre, figlia del o figlio

Folio 15 pt Artifex CF Bold Colour: Paper

Paradiso Canto 33 starts with an eloquent prayer uttered by St. Bernard to the Virgin Mother. The first verse of the Canto “Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio” shows the embodiment of the paradoxes in Dante’s Paradiso.

44 8

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Wholly in Suspense Page 44-48 148 x 210 mm Background Colour: C92 M77 Y0 K0 Hero 90 pt Empyrean Regular Colour: Paper

H to d be Divine lig m t. 45

Wholly in Suspense | 23

Heading 54/60 pt Empyrean Regular Colour: C20 M30 Y85 K0 Divider 2 pt Colour: C20 M30 Y85 K0 Body Text 9/12 pt Artifex CF Book Colour: K100 Folio 15 pt Artifex CF Bold Colour: K100

Wholly in Suspense Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio To the noblest I pray, Dante rise up from the lowest Uplift himself so he may be higher towards salvation Burned by his vision, carried stronger by affection Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality Cause thy compassion and benignity gives succour for those who are in need Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended Then did my flesh sight, purified, Bright light I rise into,

No doubt no fight, my mind blown through Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory In my poetry for people of the future A paradise more of thy victory Oh, how my language fall short Light so bright, my perception be lost In it, the knowledge of the world Compiled in one volume, bound by love How unbelievable, this one moment Brings more forgetfulness to me Than twenty five centuries of wonder Neptune’s vision of Argo’s shadow


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Wholly in Suspense Page 70-71 148 x 210 mm Background Colour: Paper

H4 Artifex CF Book, Book Italic 12/18 pt Colour: C20 M30 Y85 K0

Artworks by Gustave Doré Poetry adapted from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto XXXIII

All things seem flawed Compared to the ray, I’m in awe And fragile, like infants at his mothers breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw

Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love The love that moves the sun and the other stars

Under the deep luminance Appeared to me Three Circles of three colours Same dimension with two reflecting each other And third breathed by two it was equal Painted with it’s very own colour If our effigy is a colour Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle Futile, as I try to find the principle I wish to see, I wish to understand, I wish to know how to comprehend But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light


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Expressive Typography and Special Processes Throughout Wholly in Suspense, there are many expressive usage of typography. Some of them were vectorized hand drawn calligraphy made to showcase the beauty of the letters and to make the book feel unique and sophisticated. Book Cover 158 x 220 mm 16mm Spine Black Leather Vinyl on Greyboard Artwork 110 x 117 mm Screen Printed with Gold Ink Embossed

Title Artwork The leather hardcover book with embossed letter on it was designed to make old and expensive first impression. The calligraphy work was made specifically to feel biblical and the circular shape to hint the spheres of heaven in Dante’s work. The star was inspired by the sphere of fixed stars and work as a large dot to indicate the end of Dante’s journey. The title Wholly in Suspense was selected because Dante continuously in awe and speechless about his experience there.

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Wholly in Suspense | 27


Endpapers 148 x 210 mm Ultramarine Card Paper 200gsm Artwork Foil Stamped with Gold Metallic Foil


Endpaper Artworks Although the cover was designed to look old, one the first page that the reader open, which is the endpaper, evokes a different feeling. With gold letters on ultramarine paper, the endpaper gives a more modern feel of sophistication. The front endpaper shows a pattern from arranged characters from the bespoke typeface, Empyrean which hints its usage and the overall feeling of the book. At the end of the book, the title of the book, Wholly in Suspense is shown once more to remind the reader about what the book is originally about.

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Wholly in Suspense | 29

Endpapers 148 x 210 mm Ultramarine Card Paper 200gsm Text Block 148 x 210 mm Simili Japon Paper 140gsm 76 pages

First Page Artwork To honour the source and the original author of The Divine Comedy: Dante Alighieri, a calligraffiti artwork of Paradiso was designed. Other than that, it was made to inform the reader of the source reference of the book

Artwork Colour: C20 M30 Y85 K0

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Based on The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri


Wholly in Suspense | 31

Text Block 148 x 210 mm Simili Japon Paper 140gsm 76 pages Background Colour: C92 M77 Y0 K0

Drop Cap To kickstart the narrative, a dropcap was created. The monotone design to letter A was made to make it stand out without being to dominant.

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Wholly in Suspense | 33

Text Block 148 x 210 mm Simili Japon Paper 140gsm 76 pages Background Colour: C92 M77 Y0 K0

Type Specimen Page After the main content of the book, I showcased my typeface in different sizes in a spread. The purpose of the type specimen is to show off the characters of the typeface. It used the ultramarine because it represents my point of view.

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AG 72

Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww 73

Wholly in Suspense | 35

Colours Black C0 M0 Y0 K100

Gold C20 M30 Y85 K0

Ultramarine C92 M77 Y0 K0

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Black and Gold The use of black and gold in Wholly in Suspense is influenced by the art deco movement. Art Deco is a style of visual arts, architecture and design that first appeared in France just before World War I. Art Deco combined very expensive materials like gold and exquisite craftsmanship put into modernistic forms. Black and gold evoke classic and luxurious quality and could show sophistication with the right usage. Dante’s beatific vision is an invaluable experience and something that not everyone could achieve and the author want to show that by using black and gold to emphasize its exclusivity.

Ultramarine Ultramarine is a deep blue colour pigment which was originally made by grinding lapis lazuli into a powder. It was the finest and most expensive blue used by Renaissance painters. It was often used for the robes of the Virgin Mary and symbolized holiness and humility. Ultramarine also look expensive and vibrant. In Wholly in Suspense, ultramarine works as a colour that could the main story of the book to tell my point of view and also tries to provide a stark contrast between old narrative (gold and black) and the author’s narrative. Because ultramarine is in the opposite of the colour wheel from gold, it balances the look of the book and also complements Dante’s narrative which is in black and gold.

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Madonna in Sorrow Battista, G. - 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0

Inferno Canto 34 Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

Saturn Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

Paradiso Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

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The Queen of Heaven Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

Beatrice II Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

Paradiso Canto 14 Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

Jupiter Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

Wholly in Suspense | 39

The Empyrean Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

The Empyrean Doré, G. - 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0

Crystalline Heaven Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

The Cross Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

40 | Type Specification - Images

The Heaven of the Fixed Stars Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

The Heaven of the Fixed Stars Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

Venus - Charles Martel Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

The Sun - Glorifies Souls Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

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Depth of the Ocean 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0

Madonna and Baby Jesus Sassoferrato, I. - 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0

The Beatific Vision Flaxman, J. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

Portrait of Dante Alighieri DorĂŠ, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

42 | Type Specification - Images

The Eagle II Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

The Eagle Doré, G. - 300ppi Grayscale

Paradiso Canto 5 Doré, G. - 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

Wholly in Suspense | 43

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