Wholly in Suspense - Process Document

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UADAPP-15-3 | Professional Practice and Work Experience in Graphic Design

Process Document 2020 ISTD Student Briefs Project 5 Paradiso

Leonardo Tanuwijaya 19032527 Tutor: Jez Hattosh-Nemeth

Table of Contents

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Project Brief


Research & Development


Calligraphy Development


Grids pt. 1


Imageries pt. 1




Verses Development


Spread Thumbnails ver. 1




Typeface Development


Second Narrative Development


Imageries pt. 2


Spread Thumbnails ver. 2




Grids pt. 2






Spread Thumbnails ver. 3


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Project Brief

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Research & Development

My notes when I read and rewrite the last canto of Paradiso

Reading the Source Material

Searching for Review and Summary

My first approach on receiving the brief is to read the source material stated in the brief which is Canto 33 Paradiso’s Longfellow translation. I read it several times to be able to absorb the story but I realised the story was very vague as I don’t have any clue about the prequel to the chapter.

So I decided to watch a few summary on the story of the Divine Comedy to absorb the overview of what the story about and why is it very impactful.

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My Youtube’s watch history on the topic the Divine Comedy

Notes on Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso

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Spread sketches on the whole storyline of the Divine Comedy

1st Sketch Although I did not go through this idea, I sketches a vertical book that tell the story of Dante while he go through the depth of hell and ascend through purgatory to heaven. The book kinda rotate when he went through the last circle of hell in the story.

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Notes on Christian faith, scripture, and poetry rhyme schemes, like Verza Rima

Faith and Poetry The last Canto of the Divine Comedy is the most spiritual canto compared to another canti in the book. It is about how Dante, meet personally with God and received “beatific vision� which relates to Christian Faith and scriptures. This is the basis of the idea on book full of quotes because the Holy Bible is full of quotes that relate to faith of believer, just like Dante himself. I also explore the idea of poetry because the original book is a poetry book although they are very old compared to the modern form of poetry like rap music. The original the Divine Comedy (Italian) used Verza Rima as the rhyme scheme for the whole book. At that time, verza rima is a dynamic rhyme scheme that changes every three lines. At this point I started to write verses that aims to be more suitable for 21st century audiences.

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My study on modern rap song rhyme schemes

My tutor’s feedback and notes on my research

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Poetry Compared to the modern rap song, verza rima in The Divine Comedy is more systematic and structured which is more suitable to be read while modern rap songs follow rhythm of music which is more flexible and fluid.

Make It Relevant In the last tutorial I had with my tutor, I found an insigh where I need to make the Divine Comedy relevant to the current demographic. Modern rap song is pretty popular nowadays and incorporate it in the design would be a terrific solution to the problem.

Calligraffiti It is the perfect bridge between old-style blackletter and modern street art which is one part of hip-hop culture in general.

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Calligraphy Development

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My sketches while practicing calligraphy

My first idea on the title of the book

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One of the calligraphy artwork for the book

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I changed the title of the book into Wholly in Suspense because I think it described more about the book

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Another calligraphy artwork for the book from one of its most popular quotes

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Pirata One Regular 60pt

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

Beach Wide Normal 18pt

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

Beach Wide Normal 9pt

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. Por autaqua tionseque optaquati si qui berempedita dolorpore nust, nestis sin cum int inum fugita velique maiorit atestrum il in ne quae. Tibusam faciet aut ommos aut eos quae. It, solo blaut omnimin vernate molupta cus eatustint accus es maio et dolorer spidebitate dolore vellace remped minctii sseressi delique doleces senimil maximodi quiae vollacest, sequam et rem laccustiossi am imaio quo consediosae si dipsuntium ea qui dolupti ulparum, id molendicilia vit eium eaquam sum qui quam, sintia vel id ulloris eicium vel id ut ma at aut ate vellupta num quost et

Typeface Choices I wanted to use typefaces that is quite similar to the calligraphy type I made and also reflects both modern and old look. For the body text, I used Beach Wide as the complementary typeface that also reflect the same feeling .

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Grids pt. 1

6 column + 9 row grid, 6pt gutter

Golden Ratio Frame

Tight Margin

To mimic the old biblical feel of the book, I used golden ratio grid which was used in old bibles.

To make the book feel a little modern, I shrink the top margin to only 30pt and used it as an initial guide for the golden ratio frame for the rest of the sides.

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Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality



Cause thy compassion and benignity Gives succour for those who are in need

To the noblest I pray,

Dante rise up from the lowest This verse refers to the journey Dante Alighieri, the writer of the Divine Comedy has gone through. With the help of his guide, Virgil, he went through the circles of Hell (Inferno), the terraces of Purgatory (Purgatorio) and spheres of Heaven (Paradiso).

Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her loving-kindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.





Layout and Text Placements During this time, I wanted the layout to be structured with looser placements of text. At this point I wanted the layout to focus on the verses and some emphasized quotes with Gustave Dore’s images to support the feeling of each spreads. I also wanted the color to be different each pages to reduce dullness and repetition while maintaining the mood of each spreads.

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Imageries pt. 1 Gustave Dore Paul Gustave Louis Christophe DorÊ (6 January 1832 – 23 January 1883) was a French artist, printmaker, illustrator, comics artist, caricaturist, and sculptor who worked primarily with woodengraving. He drew a series of artworks for The Divine Comedy. His art style is very suitable for Wholly in Suspense.

Some of the paintings he did for The Divine Comedy

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Image Treatments There are 4 different methods that I used to treat the images. The first one is the regular black and white that I used for many of the spreads. The second image used gradient map with gold as the black point, I mainly used it for spreads for lighter background. The third image with the slightly washed-up gold tint can

be used for both dark and light background. The last one is only used in two spreads that showcase mother Mary (which are one of the only pictures that is not from Gustave Dore) only used for dark background. At this point, I don’t really make a systematic approach on the usage of the selected images.

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A Divina Comédia Book Design Camila Caldana, Laura Gonçalves, Nicolas Carvalho e Vinícius Sartori This project was developed in 2018 during the 7th Semester of the Graphic Design Course at University Anhembi Morumbi. The Book uses a color for each part as an element to distinguish them. Magenta to Hell, Yellow to Purgatory and Blue to Paradise. This project has inspired the design style of my book. This project is the reason I looked at Gustave Dore’s artworks

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Verses Development References To develop verses that stay true to the original, I need to find references that able to help me about the commentary and summary of the book. Schmoop and Digital Dante has helped me a lot on that part. Dante Lab Reader website was also really helpdul on comparing the original Italian version and Longfellow translation; it also shows some commentary on the verses in the book.

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Wholly in Suspense by: Leonardo Tanuwijaya Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio To the noblest I pray, Dante rise up from the lowest Uplift himself so he may be higher towards salvation Burned by his vision carried stronger by affection Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality Cause thy compassion and benignity Gives succour for those who are in need Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended Then did my flesh sight, purified, Bright light I rise into, No doubt no fight, my mind blown through Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun

Oh, how my language fall short Light so bright, my perception be lost In it, the knowledge of the world Compiled in one volume, bound by love How unbelievable, this one moment Brings more forgetfulness to me Than twenty-five centuries of wonder Neptune’s vision of Argo’s shadow All things seems flawed Compared to the ray, I’m in awe And fragile, like infants at his mothers breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw Under the deep luminance Appeared to me Three Circles of three colours Same dimension with two reflecting each other And third breathed by two it was equal Painted with it’s own very colour If our effigy is a colour Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle Futile, as I try to find the principle I wish to see, I wish to understand I wish to know how to comprehend But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love The love that moves the sun and the other stars

I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory In my poetry for people of the future A paradise more of thy victory

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In it, the knowledge of the world - Compiled in one volume, bound by love



Oh, how my language fall short - Light so bright, my perception be lost


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How unbelievable, this one moment brings more forgetfulness Than twenty to me five centuries of wonder Neptuneʼs vision of Argoʼs shadow The original Dante’s Italian poetry use the word letargo which means forgetting although he refers to it as a form of visionary experience. Neptune, the roman sea god had longed to see his kingdom, inhabited as was the land. Therefore, he took great joy in seeing the first ship, Argo and has been painfully forgetting it (without satisfaction, he longs to see it everyday) for 2,500 years ever since. Yet Dante’s a minute of awareness, now lost, is more painful than Neptune’s far longer period.



Hyphens I thought that because this is a book with poetry, I need to make sure that the texts read and pauses like I want so, I used hyphenation if needed between lines. I consulted with my friend who knows poetry and ask her whether the texts read like what I intended.

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Spread Thumbnails ver. 1

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Oversights Material The quality of the final book is quite low with end papers that are thicker than the cover itself. I need to think about another material for the cover. I wonder whether hard cover could be a better substitute

Page Number In the end of the book, there were too many unnecessary and empty pages that I should have omit out. The final book should be compact, efficient and more make sense.

Typography Because the book was perfect bound, pictures and type close to the spine of the book can’t be showcased properly. Other than that, the type size was too large and actually does not work with my own calligraphy works.

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Content The poetry that I made for the content of the book only talks about the last chapter of Paradiso. Although it answers the brief by translating the canto for different audience, it lacks a second narrative that showcase my point of view. Also, I need more description for more verses because it did not make enough sense for the viewer and make the layout inconsistent in some of the spreads.

Layout and Grids The layout I used used too many different layouts and I need to simplify it to just a few alternate layouts. The grid system I used also does not support the content of the book.

Images The images that I could find online were low-res and looked unprofessional when printed. I need to find high-res Gustave Dore’s artwork. As it was hundreds of years old, I believe I could find royalty free high-res scan of it. Although I tried to simplify the number of image treatment for the book, it still looked inconsistent, I need to find a way to make them work well together.

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Typeface Development






















































































































































































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abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,:;!?'"‘’“”@_&# %*+-×÷=~<>/\(){}[]$¢€£¥©®™ ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØŒÙÚ ÛÜÝŸÞÐŁŠŽ¡¿«»‹›¤•°±−¶§‰⁄–— àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøœùú ûüýÿþðłšžßı^ˆˇ¨˜`´¸‛‚„…|†‡

36 | Process Document - Typeface Development Ligature

abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz

Common Elements I started the design of the character set by dissecting the characters. Then, I used the common elements that are used in the characters I made before and using them to make new characters.

Consistency Sometimes there are several ways to make a certain letter with different elements. With consistency in mind, I need to make sure the letterform is suitable with the rest of the character set.

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Uppercase Same with the lowercase, I tried to find the same elements to construct new characters. I made the size of the uppercase letter only slightly wider than lowercase or even the same because I want it to look like painted with brush with consistent width.

Minimal Movement with Maximum Effort. The typeface kerning and width was designed to mimic brushstrokes with consistent width.

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Pirata One Regular 60pt

Old English Text MT Regular 60pt Germania One Regular 60pt

Unifraktur Cook Bold 60pt

Handgloves Handgloves Handgloves Handgloves

I looked at calligraffiti pattern artworks and thought about making patterns with the characters I made.

References I looked at different typefaces that has the same quality to guide my development of the typeface. I also looked at several old scripts to give the typeface unique and authentic look. I looked at old Renaissance works and also modern artworks to make the book look timeless, like it could belong to both era.

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Right: I used the characters from my typeface to make a pattern to be used for endpaper in Wholly in Suspense

Left, Below: Examples and specimen on how the typeface will look like.

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Painted with itʼs very own colour If our effigy is a colour After a little while, Dante notices, the second circle “within itself and colored like itself, to me seemed painted with our effigy.” Wait, seeing a figure the same color as its surroundings? That’s not possible, right? Dante agrees and tries to figure out how this can be, but his efforts are futile.

Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle - Futile, as I try to find the principle



Ligatures Some character combinations have overlapping elements which I intend to connect together to make it look handmade. Wholly in Suspense is a book talking about describing the undescribable, a paradox that’s unsolvable. I thought about including two things that are does not naturally work together to work together so, I tried to make the typeface to look both constructed and produced while keeping it look hand drawn. These ligatures I believe is a tool for me to showcase these qualities.

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I jot down and checked every letter combination from the book and make the ligature of them.

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Second Narrative Development

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Second Narrative

My tutor and I drafted some possible narrative for developing my point of view

I wanted the book to talk about describing the undescribable. The original Canto 33 Paradiso talks about the end of Dante’s journey where he met God. He could not believe what he saw and could only describe what he can of the experience. He talked about how he become lethargic in his beatific vision. He describes things that seemed impossible and paradoxical in his narrative and I want to the book to talk about that experience.

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Iʼll explain,

problem that has faced humanity since before the recorded time...

How to describe the undescribable?

Humanity has always needed proof of the existence of a higher being, and has tried to do this through songs, literature, and art

Dante’s Paradiso Canto 33 is an artist’s attempt to describe the moment of

How would any of us do this?

Dante described his experience by literally going through Hell to meet his Friend, God, the Maker, in the Tenth Heaven, Empyrean.

You see this in many artforms. In paintings, songs, films, sculptures, and across many religions.

or as Dante did...

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Divine Enlightenment

How to describe Divine Enlightenment.

Through the beauty of language itself, trying to describe something that words could only suggest.

prob face sinc recor

I changed the extruded gold drop cap into more subtle monotone dropcap

Cyan I wanted to use a color that could differentiate the main story of the book to tell my point of view and also tries to provide a stark contrast between old narrative (gold and black) and my current era narrative. That’s why I chose cyan as the colour that indicates my second narrative which also works complementary with the gold I used primarily.

Dropcap At first, I made an extruded “A” character as a dropcap to start the narrative but after discussion with my tutor, the dropcap feels to dominant and that’s why I changed it to somehing that is less strong but proper.

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Type Specimen As I want to showcase the typeface I made, at the end of the book I design a few pages dedicated to showcase the character sets. They show how the characters and ligatures look like. I used the colour cyan because it is my POV.

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Empyrean A blackletter script font designed by Leonardo Tanuwijaya Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789

Basic and Extended Characters


ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäåæëéêè çíîìïñòóôõöøœùú 0123456789 !”,&’()*+×-÷:;_./%\ $¢€¥=[#]<>@{}~¡¿

En Em Fi Fr Fri Fu Fus Fv Gi Gis Gr Gu ar art as ast cs es est ex fi fis fr ft fu fus fv fw is isi ist ms ns nsi of on or orms ory ot ow py ri ris ru ry si st sts su ti tr tru try ts tu tv tw ty us xs



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Imageries pt. 2

The Queen of Heaven 300ppi Gradient Map C20 M30 M85 Y0

The Heaven of Fixed Stars 300ppi Grayscale

The Empyrean 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0

Madonna and Baby Jesus 300ppi Multiply 100% C20 M30 M85 Y0

50 | Process Document - Imageries pt. 2

I simplified the image treament to only 3: Gold Gradient Map, Grayscale and Gold Multiply. The Grayscale one is more widely used for dark and light spreads while gold gradient map mostly used for lighter background. The gold multiply images are only used for a few images.

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Spread Thumbnails ver. 2

problem that has faced humanity since before the recorded time...

Based on The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri


How to describe the undescribable?

IĘźll explain,

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Humanity has always needed proof of the existence of a higher being, and has tried to do this through songs, literature, and art

Dante’s Paradiso Canto 33 is an artist’s attempt to describe the moment of

Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son

Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio

Divine Enlightenment

Paradiso Canto 33 starts with an eloquent prayer uttered by St. Bernard to the Virgin Mother. The first verse of the Canto “Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio” shows the embodiment of the paradoxes in Dante’s Paradiso.



How would any of us do this?

To the noblest I pray,

Dante rise up from the lowest

This verse refers to the journey Dante Alighieri, the writer of the Divine Comedy has gone through. With the help of his guide, Virgil, he went through the circles of Hell (Inferno), the terraces of Purgatory (Purgatorio) and spheres of Heaven (Paradiso).



Dante described his experience by literally going through Hell to meet his Friend, God, the Maker, in the Tenth Heaven, Empyrean.

Uplift himself so he may be higher towards salvation

Burned by his vision - Carried stronger by affection



Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality

Cause thy compassion and benignity gives succour for those who are in need Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.

St. Bernard’s final moments of prayer asks Mary to take the cloud of Dante’s mortality away, to help him remain pure so that he may see God, as He is as his mortality interfere with his vision.





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You see this in many artforms. In paintings, songs, films, sculptures, and across many religions.

Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion In Paradiso XXXI.88-90, Dante himself beseeches Beatrice for heavenly assistance. Beatrice smiled and together with the blessed prayed. The Virgin is gratified by the prayers of the devout and turns her gaze (as did Beatrice) back up to God.


or as Dante did...

Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval




Then did my flesh sight, purified

Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended



Through the beauty of language itself, trying to describe something that words could only suggest.



Bright light I rise into, no doubt no fight, my mind blown through Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.


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Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light


Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness


Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun


How to describe Divine Enlightenment.


I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory

In my poetry, for people of the future, a paradise more of thy victory


Oh, how my language fall short - Light so bright, my perception be lost




In it, the knowledge of the world - Compiled in one volume, bound by love


How unbelievable, this one moment brings more forgetfulness Than twenty to me five centuries of wonder Neptuneʼs vision of Argoʼs shadow


All things seem flawed Compared to the ray, Iʼm in awe

The original Dante’s Italian poetry use the word letargo which means forgetting although he refers to it as a form of visionary experience. Neptune, the roman sea god had longed to see his kingdom, inhabited as was the land. Therefore, he took great joy in seeing the first ship, Argo and has been painfully forgetting it (without satisfaction, he longs to see it everyday) for 2,500 years ever since. Yet Dante’s a minute of awareness, now lost, is more painful than Neptune’s far longer period.





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And fragile like infant at his motherʼs breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw 56

Painted with itʼs very own colour If our effigy is a colour After a little while, Dante notices, the second circle “within itself and colored like itself, to me seemed painted with our effigy.” Wait, seeing a figure the same color as its surroundings? That’s not possible, right? Dante agrees and tries to figure out how this can be, but his efforts are futile.


Under the deep luminance, appeared to me Three Circles of three colours Same dimension with two reflecting each other and third breathed by two it was equal Dante reassures us that he harbors no heretical notions about God’s nature(s); if He is three, that does not mean that He is other than one; if He is one, that does not mean that He is other than three. Even his vastly improved powers still have a visionary capacity to reach, one in which he will be able to experience the undescribable. He describes it as three circles inhering in a single space, distinguished only by their colors, not their sizes, which are identical.




I wish to see, I wish to understand, I wish to know how to comprehend

Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle - Futile, as I try to find the principle 61



But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light


Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love



Wholly in Suspense

The love that moves the sun and the other stars 68


Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio To the noblest I pray, Dante rise up from the lowest Uplift himself so he may be higher towards salvation Burned by his vision, carried stronger by affection Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality Cause thy compassion and benignity gives succour for those who are in need Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended Then did my flesh sight, purified, Bright light I rise into,


No doubt no fight, my mind blown through Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory In my poetry for people of the future A paradise more of thy victory Oh, how my language fall short Light so bright, my perception be lost In it, the knowledge of the world Compiled in one volume, bound by love How unbelievable, this one moment Brings more forgetfulness to me Than twenty five centuries of wonder Neptune’s vision of Argo’s shadow


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Artworks by Gustave Doré Poetry adapted from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto XXXIII

All things seem flawed Compared to the ray, I’m in awe And fragile, like infants at his mothers breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw

Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love the love that moves the sun and the other stars

Under the deep luminance Appeared to me Three Circles of three colours Same dimension with two reflecting each other And third breathed by two it was equal Painted with it’s very own colour If our effigy is a colour Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle Futile, as I try to find the principle I wish to see, I wish to understand, I wish to know how to comprehend But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light



Empyrean A blackletter script font designed by Leonardo Tanuwijaya Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789

Basic and Extended Characters


ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäåæëéêè çíîìïñòóôõöøœùú 0123456789 !”,&’()*+×-÷:;_./%\ $¢€¥=[#]<>@{}~¡¿

En Em Fi Fr Fri Fu Fus Fv Gi Gis Gr Gu ar art as ast cs es est ex fi fis fr ft fu fus fv fw is isi ist ms ns nsi of on or orms ory ot ow py ri ris ru ry si st sts su ti tr tru try ts tu tv tw ty us xs



27 February 2020 At this point I sent the spreads to my tutor to be reviewed, I believe I made enough ligatures so that the texts looked both hand-drawn and also a little produced. I moved my file from Adobe Illustrator to inDesign at this point for better organisation and makes it easier for me to set up grid system for the book. At the end of the book I showcased the character set and ligatures of the typeface I made.

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Colours Ultramarine C: 92 M: 77 Y: 0 K: 0

Danteʼs Paradiso Canto 33 is an artistʼs attempt to describe the moment of Divine Enlightenment 10


Ultramarine Ultramarine is a deep blue color pigment which was originally made by grinding lapis lazuli into a powder. The name comes from the Latin ultramarinus, literally “beyond the sea”, because the pigment was imported into Europe from mines in Afghanistan by Italian traders during the 14th and 15th centuries. Ultramarine was the finest and most expensive blue used by Renaissance painters. It was often used for the robes of the Virgin Mary, and symbolized holiness and humility. Rather than using cyan like I used before, my tutor asked me to consider using ultramarine and actually it does works well with the rest of the book and makes the book looks expensive and vibrant. Initially I only wanted to use the colour for the endpapers but, integrating it to the rest of he book works so well.

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C: 20 M: 30 Y: 85 K: 0

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100

How unbelievable, this one moment brings more forgetfulness Than twenty to me five centuries of wonder Neptuneʼs vision of Argoʼs shadow

To the noblest I pray,

Dante rise up from the lowest

The original Dante’s Italian poetry use the word letargo which means forgetting although he refers to it as a form of visionary experience. Neptune, the roman sea god had longed to see his kingdom, inhabited as was the land. Therefore, he took great joy in seeing the first ship, Argo and has been painfully forgetting it (without satisfaction, he longs to see it everyday) for 2,500 years ever since. Yet Dante’s a minute of awareness, now lost, is more painful than Neptune’s far longer period.


This verse refers to the journey Dante Alighieri, the writer of the Divine Comedy has gone through. With the help of his guide, Virgil, he went through the circles of Hell (Inferno), the terraces of Purgatory (Purgatorio) and spheres of Heaven (Paradiso).




Black and Gold In contrast of the fabulous ultramarine, black and gold evoke more classic luxury. Although art deco the usage of black and gold is more about luxury but, I want my usage of typeface and pictures carry sophistication rather than just luxury.

About Art Deco Art Deco is a style of visual arts, architecture and design that first appeared in France just before World War I. Art Deco was associated with both luxury and modernity; it combined very expensive materials like gold and exquisite craftsmanship put into modernistic forms.

Black and gold gives the quality of luxury but I intend to show sophistication rather than just luxury.

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Grids pt. 2 Top Margin 36 pt Header Baseline 30 pt Text Baseline 6 pt Outside Margin 52.156 pt

Body Text 9/12 pt Artifex CF Book Colour: Paper Folio 15 pt Artifex CF Bold Colour: Paper

Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son

V ne Madre, figlia del o figlio

Sub-Heading 18/30 pt Artifex CF Book Colour: Paper Heading 54/60 pt Empyrean Regular Colour: C20 M30 Y85 K0

Column 47 pt Paradiso Canto 33 starts with an eloquent prayer uttered by St. Bernard to the Virgin Mother. The first verse of the Canto “Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio” shows the embodiment of the paradoxes in Dante’s Paradiso.


Gutter 12 pt Inner Margin 25.371 pt Bottom Margin 79.276 pt

Baseline Grid With the roughly the same outer margin than before, I modified the baseline grid to focus and accomodate the heading because my publication focus more on that. With the every

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6pt text baseline increments, I made a system where the text size is always 6pt multiplication with my heading always sitting 5 x 6 pt baseline grid increments.

aughter of thy Son


o ďŹ glio

H to d be Divine lig m t.

Hero 90 pt Empyrean Regular Colour: Paper


Hero Text


For shorter texts that need to be emphasized, I made a new heading that are larger than my usual to accomodate that. With 90 pt text, my grid can only accomodate 5 line of hero texts.

Both first and secondary narrative use the same grid system and only differentiated with the use of colour.

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Typography In the end I stick to these 5 different text sets for the content of Wholly in Suspense.

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Empyrean Regular 90 pt

Empyrean Regular 54/60 pt

Artifex CF Book 18/30 pt

The Quick Brown The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

Artifex CF Book, Book Italic 12/18 pt Artifex CF Book 9/12 pt

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. Por autaqua tionseque optaquati si qui berempedita dolorpore nust, nestis sin cum int inum fugita velique maiorit atestrum il in ne quae. Tibusam faciet aut ommos aut eos quae. It, solo blaut omnimin vernate molupta cus eatustint accus es maio et dolorer spidebitate dolore vellace remped minctii sseressi delique doleces senimil maximodi quiae vollacest, sequam et rem laccustiossi am imaio quo consediosae.

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Book Cover I screen printed gold ink on a piece of fake leather for the book cover. I used the same artwork as my previous cover. The material is quite tricky and need special ink combination for fabric but it comes out quite nice and looks very nice in my opinion. I also made another with different artwork for testing. Then, I stuck the material with PVA unto grey boards becasue I wanted to make hard bound cover.

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Embossing To make the cover pop up, I wanted to emboss the cover with the same artwork. I started by laser cutting the emboss piece with 2 1mm acrylic glass because I want to make sure that the piece is see through so that I can propoerly adjust the board according to the printed artwork. I spoke to Dave about embossing and he suggest that I let the cover dry for a night after I glued it and so I did it. On the day of embossing, I only have one piece of the work so I need to make sure that the piece emboss well so we did several tests with extra gray boards and the piece actually emboss well. In the end, although the emboss shifted a bit from the artwork, the ned product look handmade.

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Paper Choice The paper I chose before does not print well especially when printing flat colour. So, I picked several different papers like cupcycled paper, catridge paper, coated silk paper and Simili Japon paper. After I test printed them, Simili Japon 140gsm printed the best. although the colour of the paper is yellowish, it helps with making the book feel more expensive.

Catridge paper that I used when I printed the ultramarine blue does not print well.

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The endpaper is two patterns I made screenprinted with gold ink on ultramarine paper.

Endpapers I want the reader to feel the book was very expensive and well crafted. I screenprinted my artworks into ultramarine papers and the result was better than I expected. They looks very good while looking timeless as intended.

Colour Proofing As colour accuracy is very important for the reader’s experience, I checked so that the contents which were printed in CMYK could match the ready made ultramarine papers. I tried several times and found the value that roughly the same with the ultramarine paper.

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Binding I perfect bound the final book which consist of 75 filled pages with 140gsm Simili Japon paper. I perfect bound it because it takes lesser time and signature binding takes longer time to do. Although signature binding is stronger than perfect binding and open better, because of the time constraint, I agreed to do perfect binding. After I made sure that content block is ready and the cover is ready, I stuck double tape unto the content block and stuck it unto the embossed cover.

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Oversight After finished binding, I found a problem with the content. I forgot to fix the side bearing of one of my ligatures. I promptly fix the side bearing and Becky helped me to fix in the correct page unto the book.

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Spread Thumbnails ver. 3

problem that has faced humanity since before the recorded time...

Based on The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri



How to describe the undescribable? 4


IĘźll explain,


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humanity has always needed proof of the existence of a higher being, and has tried to do this through songs, literature, and art 7

Danteʼs Paradiso Canto 33 is an artistʼs attempt to describe the moment of

Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son

Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio

Divine Enlightenment

Paradiso Canto 33 starts with an eloquent prayer uttered by St. Bernard to the Virgin Mother. The first verse of the Canto “Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio” shows the embodiment of the paradoxes in Dante’s Paradiso.





How would any of us do this?

To the noblest I pray,

Dante rise up from the lowest

This verse refers to the journey Dante Alighieri, the writer of the Divine Comedy has gone through. With the help of his guide, Virgil, he went through the circles of Hell (Inferno), the terraces of Purgatory (Purgatorio) and spheres of Heaven (Paradiso).




Uplift himself so he may be higher

Dante described his experience by literally going through Hell to meet his Friend, God, the Maker, in the Tenth Heaven, Empyrean.

towards salvation

Burned by his vision - Carried stronger by affection



Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality



Cause thy compassion and benignity gives succour for those who are in need Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping al l those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.

St. Bernard’s final moments of prayer asks Mary to take the cloud of Dante’s mortality away, to help him remain pure so that he may see God, as He is as his mortality interfere with his vision.






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You see this in many artforms. In paintings, songs, films, sculptures, and across many religions. 24

Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion In Paradiso XXXI.88-90, Dante himself beseeches Beatrice for heavenly assistance. Beatrice smiled and together with the blessed prayed. The Virgin is gratified by the prayers of the devout and turns her gaze (as did Beatrice) back up to God.



or as Dante did...

Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval 28




Then did my flesh sight, purified

Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended



Through the beauty of language itself, trying to describe something that words could only suggest. 36





Bright light I rise into, no doubt no fight, my mind blown through Bernard appeals to Mother Mary’s compassion, saying that those who would advance even higher than the last sphere of heaven may not be able make it further without her lovingkindness. She is known for helping all those who plead for her kindness, as well as others have not yet done so.


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Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light


Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness 41



Oh, how my language fall short - Light so bright, my perception be lost



How unbelievable, this one moment brings more forgetfulness to me The original Dante’s Italian poetry use the word letargo which means forgetting although he refers to it as a form of visionary experience. Neptune, the roman sea god had longed to see his kingdom, inhabited as was the land. Therefore, he took great joy in seeing the first ship, Argo and has been painfully forgetting it (without satisfaction, he longs to see it everyday) for 2,500 years ever since. Yet Dante’s a minute of awareness, now lost, is more painful than Neptune’s far longer period.



I begged for the memory

How to describe Divine Enlightenment. 44

Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun

so may be conveyed thy glory

In my poetry, for people of the future, a paradise more of thy victory 46


In it, the knowledge of the world - Compiled in one volume, bound by love



All things seem flawed Compared to the ray, Iʼm in awe

Than twenty five centuries of wonder Neptuneʼs vision of Argoʼs shadow 53



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And fragile like infant at his motherʼs breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw 56

Painted with itʼs very own colour If our effigy is a colour After a little while, Dante notices, the second circle “within itself and colored like itself, to me seemed painted with our effigy.” Wait, seeing a figure the same color as its surroundings? That’s not possible, right? Dante agrees and tries to figure out how this can be, but his efforts are futile.


Under the deep luminance, appeared to me Three Circles of three colours


it was equal



I wish to see, I wish to understand, I wish to know how to comprehend

Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle - Futile, as I try to find the principle 61



Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love 65

The love that moves the sun and the other stars 68

each other and third breathed by two

Dante reassures us that he harbors no heretical notions about God’s nature(s); if He is three, that does not mean that He is other than one; if He is one, that does not mean that He is other than three. Even his vastly improved powers still have a visionary capacity to reach, one in which he will be able to experience the undescribable. He describes it as three circles inhering in a single space, distinguished only by their colors, not their sizes, which are identical.

But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light


Same dimension with two reflecting



Wholly in Suspense Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio To the noblest I pray, Dante rise up from the lowest Uplift himself so he may be higher towards salvation Burned by his vision, carried stronger by affection Bernard proffer to thee that thou scatter his mortality Cause thy compassion and benignity gives succour for those who are in need Beatrice and all the blessed joined In prayer, In gratitude, In devotion Dante, remember what you saw in your mission Because she gazed down with approval Thus Bernard smiled and noded And so the desire within me ended Then did my flesh sight, purified, Bright light I rise into,


No doubt no fight, my mind blown through Wholly in suspense, steadfast In the presence of the light Does yield the memory and vision Dream and passion turned into sweetness Of which my speech is feeble Like snow melts under the sun I begged for the memory so may be conveyed thy glory In my poetry for people of the future A paradise more of thy victory Oh, how my language fall short Light so bright, my perception be lost In it, the knowledge of the world Compiled in one volume, bound by love How unbelievable, this one moment Brings more forgetfulness to me Than twenty five centuries of wonder Neptune’s vision of Argo’s shadow


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Artworks by Gustave Doré Poetry adapted from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto XXXIII

All things seem flawed Compared to the ray, I’m in awe And fragile, like infants at his mothers breast Pure yet ever changing like I may, I withdraw

Finally, I get to see the solution Finally, I get my desire apart Finally, I get to be moved by the love The love that moves the sun and the other stars

Under the deep luminance Appeared to me Three Circles of three colours Same dimension with two reflecting each other And third breathed by two it was equal Painted with it’s very own colour If our effigy is a colour Incomprehensible, like squaring the circle Futile, as I try to find the principle I wish to see, I wish to understand, I wish to know how to comprehend But, my wings were not enough Yet, my wish was fulfilled by a light


AG A blackletter script font designed by Leonardo Tanuwijaya


Empyrean Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789 73

Basic and Extended Characters

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ßàáâãäåæëéêèçíîìï òóôõöœùúûüýÿžþıłš 0123456789!,&’(|†‡)*+×-÷ ¨ʻʼ ´¸ ˆˇ˜‛“”„:;_./%\$¢€¥=[#]<>@{}~¡¿ Ligatures

An Ar Bri Bu  CD EF   Empy En Ff Fi       Fri Fu               OI OP QRSTU XY Xx  aff ai am an ap app appr ar ari arri art artf   �  as ast at ati  atri att atu au aus av aw ay az br bri bt by   ci cip 74

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Oversight If I have more time, I would like to try signature bind my book so that it opens better. Also, I would like to use real leather to make it more expensive.

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