7 Tips for Buyers

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7 Tips for Buyers to Consider in this Market In a challenging market, it’s essential to help our clients make informed decisions to avoid common regrets when purchasing a home. Here are valuable insights from surveyed buyers, compiled into 7 tips to help you communicate and set better expectations in this market. 1. Don't Delay House Hunting Until the Last Minute: Encourage clients not to put off house hunting until the last minute. Explain the benefits of starting the search early to find the right property without feeling rushed. When you’re rushed, you make irrational decisions based off FOMO and deadlines. 2. Location Matters Most: Emphasize the importance of location to your clients. Suggest they consider factors like proximity to work, schools, amenities, and future growth potential. Don’t overlook the needs of future buyers when it’s time to sell this property. 3. Budget Wisely: Guide clients to establish a realistic budget early in the process. Encourage them to consider all costs, including property taxes, maintenance, and insurance. Stress the significance of staying within their financial comfort zone, and to be crystal clear on their budget so you’re all aligned. 4. Embrace Home Inspections: Urge clients never to skip a professional home inspection. Explain that it can reveal hidden issues and potentially save them from costly surprises down the road. Recommend trusted inspectors. 5. Think Resale Value: Discuss the long-term resale potential of the property with clients. Advise them to look for homes with timeless features and in neighborhoods with a strong history of appreciation. 6. Beware of Overbidding: Counsel against over bidding in competitive markets. Remind clients that over extending their budget can lead to financial strain and future regrets. Nothing worse than buyer’s remorse, and this can impact their decision to work with you in the future. 7. Seller Credits: Have this conversation early. If they are rate sensitive, explain how you can negotiate a 1-point seller credit into the deal to buy down their rate and lower their payment. A savvy lender can help with the payment breakdowns to make sure the buyers feel good about the numbers. By sharing these seven insights, you can help your clients avoid common home buyer regrets and ensure they make confident choices when investing in their dream homes. Your expertise is the key to their successful homeownership journey and don’t neglect the residual component of this business. We want to help them, their friends, and their family for many years to come. Be an advisor!


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