The Loop - Nevada (July 2023)

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Once again, we are playing catch-up when it comes to all that is going on regarding events within WestCareNevada and in our community at large The hot summer months have not been a deterrent for us In fact, events that continue to support our overall endeavor of Uplifting the Human Spirit for clients, staff, and the community appear to be on the rise So, let me catch you up on what you will read and see in this issue of our WestCare Nevada Loop newsletter

In June, the Las Vegas Stadium Authority made its impact well known to some of our staff and significant others as WestCare Nevada was chosen to attend an event in one of Allegiant Stadium’s community suites This time, it was on Father’s Day and the event was the CONCACAF Finals Allegiant Stadium is beautiful in itself; however, to be able to attend events in a luxury suite makes those events so much more memorable WestCare Nevada cannotthanktheStadiumAuthorityenoughforwhattheydointhiscommunity

Next, I would like to introduce the activities surrounding the greatest secular event in the country, Independence Day (4th of July), beginning with the hard work and dedication of the two alumni groups associated with WestCare Nevada Both our Las Vegas and Spiritual Alumni Groups conducted their fireworks booth fundraisers with safe and sane success Managing and operating booths that remain open for 24 hours a day the week leading up to theholidayisnoeasytask,yetbothgroupsdidsoexceptionally

The Women and Children’s Campus (WCC) conducted their 3rd Annual “Night UndertheStars”movie event, which continues to growinrelationtopositive

feedback as well as in food and refreshments A similar event was conducted at the Community Triage Center and another is scheduled for Harris Springs Ranchlaterinthemonth

Our Community Action Council (CAC) is responsible for some wonderful renovations that were recently completed at the WCC The improvements upgraded the group meeting room area and elevated the morale of our treatmentparticipantsandthestaffwhoprovidegroupsessionsinthatarea

The month of July should remind us of the importance of what so many have been willing to fight and even die for: liberty, justice, and freedom for all Although that fight continues as we have not reached that level for everyone, it remains so important that we continue to willingly join in this fight As a people or a community, we must realize that we are only as strong as our most vulnerable and with that, we must make every effort to continue to serve and to love others - no matter who they are and no matter what they may be experiencing

Leo Magrdichian, LCSW, LCADC, Vice President
A C O L L E C T I O N O F S T O R I E S F R O M A R O U N D N E V A D A I S S U E 2 8 V O L U M E 3 J U L Y 2 0 2 3

WestCare Nevada Receives Thanks for Their Service in Championship Fashion!

On Father’s Day 2023, 17 WestCare Nevada employees and their family members attendedtheCONCACAFNationsLeagueCupatAllegiantStadium in Las Vegas WestCare won the tickets for a full suite in a raffle for non-profit organizations organized by the Las Vegas Stadium Authority (LVSA) We were thankful to have previously won tickets from this amazing group to a Las Vegas Raiders game in 2021 Special thanks go to Vice President of WestCare Nevada, Leo Magrdichian, whoenteredusintotheraffleandorganizedthewholeeventfortheteam!

We were treated to a pair of games, Panamavs Mexico in the 3rd place game and Canadavs theUnited States in the finals In an action-packed game with a couple ofgoalscalledbackbyreviewfromavideoassistantreferee(VAR),Mexicodefeated Panama 1-0, taking 3rd place in the tournament Additionally, the ascending United States team defeated a talented Canadian team, led by young star winger, Alphonso Davies With goals in the 12th minute by the center's well-rounded performance, an ascendingUnitedStatesteamdefeatedatalentedCanadianteamledbycenter-back, Chris Richards, and in the 34th minute by striker, Folarin Balogun, from the United StatesMen’sNationalTeam

In an extra special moment, the United States Men’s National Team defender, SergiñoDest,whowassuspendedforthefinalafterreceivingaredcardinthesemifinal,waswatchingthegameinthesuitenexttooursandcameovertokickitwithus!

Ontopofthegamesthemselves,thisoutingservedasagreatplatformtominglewith other WestCare staff that I don’t normally see or interact with since our state is comprised of a handful of campuses that are in some cases, many miles apart from eachother

Additionally, since I work the graveyard shift, I don’t get to see most employees on a day-to-day basis, so any time that you can join Team WestCare on a future outing, I would strongly encourage everyone to do so! It always lifts my spirit any time I get to meetnewindividualshelpingserveourclientsontheirjourney

Thank you, team WestCare! In football terms, stay on that “rich vein of form” that you’vebeenonsince1973!

The Women and Children’s Campus (WCC) hosted their Third Annual Movie NightUndertheStarseventonSaturday,June24

Thank you to our Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Jason Engle, for his yearly gifts in the form of theater treats Our Vice President, Leo Magrdichian, also served as our technicalmaestrowhileouramazingWCCstaffputinhoursofworktoensurethis wasasuccessfuleventforourwomenandchildrenserved

With a snack bar that had various items such as popcorn, cotton candy, candy, nachos,soda,anddeliciousfrozenyogurtsundaes,clientswereabletopurchase goodswith“WestCarebucks”thattheyearnedthroughhardworkduringtheirstay atourfacility Itwasanightfilledwithlaughterandenjoyment


“It was a great family bonding experience It was fun earning money to purchase snacksandsharewithmyhousesisters”-ES

“It was fantastic to have everyone together in happiness and without arguing My spiritwaslifted”-ML

“Watchingthemovieonthebigscreenwasagreatincentiveasitremindedmeof myhappyyearsatthedrive-in”-S.R

“We all became one by working individually for ‘WestCare bucks’ and then sharingourmoneytoensurethateveryonewasabletoparticipateasafamilywith laughterandenjoyment”-D.D.
The WCC Holds Third Annual Movie Night Under the Stars

Creating Something Beautiful Together

Everything takes a village and we at WestCare Nevada know that to be true Recently, through a culmination of efforts from our community and supporters, our Women and Children’s Campus’ Healthy Family Program’s all-house meeting room underwent a beautification! This meeting room is used by our staff and clients during their recovery journey, and we are so grateful to be given the opportunity to enhance it and give our clientsaninspirationalspace

This project first began with a $15,000 donation from PlayStudios From there, community leaders Jeneva Bell, founder and CEO of Ruggable, and interior designer, Leslie Parraguirre from Leslie Parraguirre Interior Artistry, volunteered their time and skills to create a vision for the revitalizedspace Lesliespecificallydesignedandcompletedthis project for us pro bono, while Machabee Office Environments alsoprovideddiscountedfurnishingsforthespace

Alongside the enthusiastic assistance from our WestCare Nevada Community Action Council (CAC) and WestCare staff, the beautification of this meaningful room could not have been possible without everyone coming together! On behalf of our CAC, WestCare Nevada, and the women and children that they are so proud to serve – thank you to our amazing community partners for making this project a reality for those in ourcare!

@westcare Before After

Alumni Groups' Annual Fireworks Fundraiser

WestCare Spiritual Alumni

Happy Independence Day! The WestCare Spiritual Alumni group provided all the necessary bangs, booms, and pops to celebrate a meaningful Fourth of July with our annual fireworks fundraiser Our #BuyFireworksHealAddiction hashtag was a clear message from our alumni members and promotional efforts to call out folks to make a meaningful impact We received support from community partners, patriot donors, “recovered and redeemed” community members, and passing patrons who heard the message of freedom from addiction, contributed to our cause, and shared theirownstoriesofvictory!

Funds generated from this annual fundraiser provided last year's monthly BBQ eventsforourresidentialfacilities,funcommunityactivitiesforourtransitionalclients and Alumni members, supplies for community service projects, Spiritual Alumni leadership training luncheons, and monthly panels We intend to continue to offer a healthy spiritual after-care community that will serve as a “forever family” and providesplentyofopportunitiestogivebackandexperiencethisgoodlife-freefrom pasthurts,habits,andhang-ups

Freedom can be explained in many ways For WestCare’s spiritual community, it’s exemplified by no longer being a prisoner or compromising our beliefs and what is sacred Today, we celebrate our freedom from addiction as men and women of integritywhocanbeaforceforgoodinthisworld

WestCare Las Vegas Alumni Group

EveryFourthofJulyforalmost20years,theWestCareLasVegasAlumni Group has run a fireworks booth to fundraise on behalf of WestCare Nevada’s clients The proceeds are used to fund alumni events hosted at the Women and Children’s Campus (WCC) and Harris Spring Ranch (HSR) These events also help connect current clients with our alumni members and show them that recovery can be fun withouttheuseofdrugsoralcohol!

Participating in the fireworks booth is a great opportunity for clients and those that have recently completed a program to get connected with a healthy support system andbeapartofgivingbacktoothersinrecovery Workingatthefireworksboothisa great opportunity to meet new people, to become friends with those who have been through the same thing as you, and to talk about recovery and learn to have fun in recovery

As a WestCare alumni member, the fireworks booth was the first event that I attended after completing a program I did not have a support system when I completedandknewthatIneededtobearoundthosethatwerepromotingrecovery I met people like me who turned their lives around and was offered guidance for creating a better future for myself The Las Vegas Alumni Group continues to offer support to those who are new in their recovery We have no restrictions on who can beapartofouralumnigroup Theonlyrequirementistohavecompletedaprogram We will continue to advocate year-round and fundraise every July in order to give backtothoseintreatment!

WestCare Nevada

@westcarenevada @westcarenevada

Uplifting the Human Spirit Get in touch with our Marketing Department to learn more about what is happening in WestCare Nevada at Connect with us in Nevada Continue the journey online! FollowWestCareNevadaonsocialmediatolearnmoreaboutourteam andtheworkwe'redoinginourlocalcommunity! #WestCareNevada
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