2023 Fall Newsletter

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2023 Fall Newsletter



YOUR FALL TO-DO LIST The calendar has flipped from summer to fall, which means it’s time to start thinking about what you need to do around your home to prepare for the season ahead. Whether you live in cold or warm climates, there are a number of tasks you could do on your own, or things that might be best left to the professionals. No matter where you live, your fall checklist could include: 1

Clean gutters (if you’re able): Your gutters may have accumulated a lot of leaves and debris since the last time they were cleaned out. If you’re able to safely clean your gutters and downspouts on your own, it might be a good idea to do so once the last of the leaves have stopped falling from the trees in your neighborhood. If you’re not comfortable doing it, hire a professional to take care of it for you. Safety first!



HVAC maintenance: It’s generally recommended to change your filters several times a year, depending on what size of filter you use. If you haven’t changed yours for a while, the new season is a good reminder to do so. You could also schedule a tuneup with a local professional to make sure your system is running as it should be.


Check on smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Similarly, the change in seasons offers a reminder to check on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they’re working properly and change the batteries if needed. Experts recommend changing batteries on these devices once a year.


THINKING OF BUILDING A NEW HOME? Is building a home in your future? If so, now is the time to start looking ahead to spring for your building plan. An important first step is to work closely with me, and I will help to make sure your loan approval process is hassle-free. Providing requested information and responding to questions in a timely manner can go a long way to making everything as smooth as possible. I will guide you through what they need to complete the process. Then, if you haven’t selected a builder for your project yet, you can visit model homes and inspect different options to find what aligns with your tastes and preferences. Once you make your final decision and select your builder, it’s essential to communicate with them on a regular basis so that everyone is on the same page and your expectations are understood.

YOUR HOME EQUITY: WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU If you’ve owned your home for a while now, making dozens of mortgage payments over that time, you’ve been quietly building your home equity. Your home equity is the current market value of your home minus what you still owe on your mortgage, and can be a valuable tool in your financial toolbelt as well as a long-term strategy for building wealth. Your equity grows as you pay down the principal balance of your mortgage with each month’s payment, and as the market value of your neighborhood grows over time. The longer you stay in your home and the more payments you make, the more equity you’ll accrue. You can tap into those funds with home equity loans or home equity lines of credit, where you essentially borrow against the money that you’ve already put into your house. These loans can be used for a number of different purposes, including funding a big home improvement project, paying off high-installment debt, funding education for your child or yourself, and more. Just remember, as with any form of credit, what you borrow will eventually need to be paid back, plus interest. Contact Bell Bank Mortgage to learn more about how you can put your home equity to work.



‘FALL’ IN LOVE WITH YOUR HOME AGAIN With cooling temps, cozy fires, and all the changing fall colors, some might say fall is one of the more romantic seasons of the year – which makes it a good time to take stock of your relationship with your home. If you haven’t been feeling the passion lately, maybe think about what you can do to improve it. For example, are there improvements you’ve been meaning to make around the house? Whether it’s something minor, like painting an accent wall or updating lighting, or major, like a larger remodel or renovation, there are any number of projects that can help to spruce up your home and re-light that spark.

Here are some projects to tackle that could help you fall in love with your home all over again:

Kitchen improvements: We all spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, baking and eating, so if you haven’t done much to the space lately, maybe now is the time. You could spice things up by updating the countertop (modern butcherblock, anyone?), adding a touch of class in the form of a new backsplash, or redoing your cabinets. Or you could opt for a simpler route and change out your cabinet hardware – even smaller things like that can make a big difference. Flooring: Is your carpet looking a little worn out these days? Consider replacing it with new, fresh carpet, or tearing it out and going in a different direction altogether. There are plenty of flooring alternatives that could be an improvement, like wood or tile.


4 Painting: Has it been a while since you last painted the interior of your home? Or maybe you’ve never had to paint anything in the time that you’ve lived there. Whatever the case, a fresh coat of paint can go a long way. You could re-do an entire room or multiple rooms, or add a bright splash of color to an accent wall. Either way, a new coat of paint can help your space shine. Lighting: It’s easy to take the lighting in our home for granted, as we turn it on and off probably without much thought multiple times a day. But, it plays a major role in our overall comfort level throughout our home. And as the days get shorter, we rely on the lighting even more. You could look at replacing a lighting fixture in one room, or throughout the entire house. Or maybe you could benefit from adding an accent light fixture to a specific place where you and your family spend a lot of time, like a living room. Renovate or remodel: There may come a time when those smaller weekend warrior projects just don’t provide the level of change or improvement you’re looking for. Maybe you have something bigger in mind, like remodeling your bathroom or kitchen, or renovating your landscaping or outdoor space. These can be significant, expensive projects requiring the service of a licensed contractor, and can take time to complete. But the end result could be worth it, both for your own personal level of satisfaction and potentially for the value of your home as well. If you’re thinking about remodeling or renovating, you could benefit from Bell’s Rehab loan program or be able to take advantage of the home equity you’ve built up to make your home improvements a reality.

WE LOVE YOUR REFERRALS! Referrals from my satisfied clients are a big part of my business. If you have friends or family who are interested in buying a home, we’d love for you to send them my way so that we can help them find and finance their dream home.


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