WestCare Family,

Welcome to WestCare California’s monthly newsletter, The Loop! As the fall season arrives, it brings along a rich tapestry of annual events that we are delighted to participate in. From Recovery Happens at the State Capitol, Central Valley Veterans’ Stand Down and Women Veterans Stand Up, to the Central California Women's Conference, and Community Partners 4 Recovery’s (CP4R) SoberStock XVIII, all the way to diverse volunteer and career fairs, this season marks a pivotal time for outreach. Whether you have recently joined our staff, engaged with our outreach teams at these remarkable events, or are just discovering our organization, this fall holds great significance.
With this in mind, we would like to take a moment to introduce you to WestCare California. As a behavioral health and human services entity, we operate across more than 38 of California’s 58 counties, spanning areas such as Mental Health & Wellness, Treatment & Rehabilitation, Veterans Services, Criminal Justice, Housing Opportunities, and Education & Prevention. Our journey began in 1974 as The Third Floor, a 48-bed residential treatment facility in Fresno, CA. Over time, we became a part of the WestCare Foundation family, which now operates in 16 states, four U.S. territories, and two republics. Since our inception, our scope has evolved to encompass a diverse array of services. Today, we proudly offer over 50 programs across 25 facilities, spanning from San Diego up to Chico.

Over the past year, we added additional programming, including the Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Hope & Wellness Program (SSG Fox), made possible through grant funding from the Veterans Administration (VA). Through this program, our San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV) team provides assessments, case management, group meetings, life skills classes, family support, and connections to other community services for military personnel, Veterans, and their families in Merced, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin Counties. Expanding our Treatment & Rehabilitation domain, we added a men’s recovery residence in Bakersfield, complementing the transitional housing needs of men who have completed long-term residential programs and are now enrolled in outpatient treatment.
At the heart of our work lies the motto of Uplifting the Human Spirit, a mission made possible by our exceptional staff. Through this issue, we hope you gain a deeper understanding of the wide range of lifechanging services that we are so privileged to provide.
Thank you and take care,
Vice President WestCare California, Inc.

Program Spotlight: Fresno Outpatient and Admissions and Humboldt County

Recovery Happens at the Capitol

FresnoOutpatientandAdmissions provides services for those who suffer from addiction and are seeking assistance in improving their quality of life. In our Admissions program, our staff is dedicated to the mission of Uplifting the Human Spirit. Every day, we commit ourselves to providing a safe and non-judgmental environment for individuals to open up to their personal struggles and lowest points in life. We believe that everyone we serve deserves respect and understanding.
Our dedicated team of admission specialists and counselors recognizes that life can be filled with challenges and we are here to provide guidance for our clients. Services that we link our clients to include:

Withdrawal Management
Residential Treatment

Intensive Outpatient
Here at our Admissions program, we dedicate ourselves to helping individuals take the first
Every year in September, thousands of professionals, paraprofessionals, and individuals honor recovery by gathering at Recovery Happens events to kick off National Recovery Month. This year, our STOP: Area 1 team was on hand for two of these events at the steps of the state capitol in Sacramento and surrounded by nature in Humboldt County!

Community providers from all over California, including policymakers, WestCare clients and alumni, came together to spread the message and share resources with the public to reinforce the message about recovery. Our Administrative Assistant, Stephanie Buck, Community Services Representative Lee Noel-Story, and Training Coordinator Rhiannon Duncan provided outreach with the recovery community - talking about the connections to treatment services that we provide for justice-involved individuals in California.
On August 11

SJVV - Fresno Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

Housing Services Lends Their Expertise at Landlord Engagement Workshop
This month, members of our Housing Services department attended and participated in a Landlord Engagement workshop presented by the Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (FMCoC). Our Housing Locator, Cecilia Contreras, and Diversion Specialist, Pamela Madison, took the stage during the workshop. They both provided their expertise on sharing the best housing practices and how to engage community landlords to work collaboratively with housing service providers.

National Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) takes place from September 15 to October15 every year as a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive history of the American Latino community.

Beginning in 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month was originally observed as “Hispanic Heritage Week,” but it was later extended to a month in 1988. Since then, HHM has been celebrated nationwide through festivals, art shows, conferences, community gatherings, and more. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30-day period.
This year, our San Joaquin Valley Veterans team celebrated by sharing a quote/photo that resonated with their pride for their Hispanic heritage. Visit our blog to read what they shared!
2023 Fresno & Clovis Recovery Summit

Earlier this month, our Adult Outpatient program in Bakersfield celebrated National Recovery Month with the theme, “Fall for Recovery.” Throughout September, clients participated in decorating their group room by making a tree and creating leaves to hang on. This was followed by a journaling contest where their clients wrote entries with journal prompts for September.

Towards the end of Recovery Month, their staff also held a pizza party for their clients as they enjoyed each other’s company and fellowship together. This also gave them the chance to attend the Rock Out ceremony, which their program holds for clients who have completed the outpatient program each month.

Our MLK Residential and Fresno Adult Outpatient programs attended the Seventh Annual Fresno & Clovis Recovery Summit at First Street Church! About 10 of our alumni members visited our booth and informed us that they have all maintained their sobriety since leaving our program. One even has his own business now and says that WestCare has changed his life!

WestCare California Celebrates National Recovery Month!

September marked National Recovery Month! Our WestCare California staff and clients were proud to join our awareness campaign, along with the WestCare’s nationwide family of programs and services, to share what recovery means to them. Everyone shared heartfelt sentiments to support those who have been through and are currently persevering through their recovery journeys. Thank you to everyone for their words of encouragement and for Uplifting the Human Spirit!

Kudos: Jitin Brar, Data Systems Director, Administration

“A huge kudos to Data Systems Director, Jitin Brar, for helping console a disgruntled SJVV Veteran. Thank you for being so helpful and providing hope for our Veteran clients! We appreciate you.” -

CORE Award: Luis Cortez, Maintenance
“Congratulations to Luis Cortez for receiving a CORE Award for the trait of Morale Booster! Luis has always been supportive to members of our team. Thank you for your endless support, Luis! We appreciate you.” -

Kudos: Megan Wyneken & Hannah Hubbard, Counselors, MLK Residential

“I’d like to recognize Megan and Hannah for working together to de-escalate a client who was having mental health concerns. They were able to contact 911 to get them assistance. Thank you both for your service and for being great team players. Your efforts make our team stronger!” -
Jenny Magdaleno, Program Director, MLK Residential

For more information or questions, please contact Michelle Allen: (559) 240-2883 |