Homegrown Frederick 2021-2022

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The Four Seasons of Three Farms | Bragging Rights of Farmers | Filling Plates and Glasses In partnership with Frederick County Office of Economic Development | Supplement to Frederick Magazine

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Supplement to Frederick Magazine PUBLISHERS Shawn Dewees Joseph Silovich MANAGING EDITOR Nancy Luse ART DIRECTOR Matthew Piersall CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Turner Photography Studio FREDERICK COUNTY OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Helen Propheter, executive director Katie Stevens, associate director of agriculture business development Kayla Umbel, senior business development manager of agriculture Sharon Hipkins, special events ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Terri Davis tdavis@fredmag.com Debra Tyson dtyson@fredmag.com Stephanie Dewees stephdewees@fredmag.com DISTRIBUTOR Josh Ensor alloutdist@aol.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Stephanie Dewees subscriptions@fredmag.com

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Homegrown Frederick is an annual publication of Diversions Publications, Inc., 6 N. East Street, Suite 301, Frederick, MD 21701-5601 (ISSN 006-923). Periodicals postage paid at Frederick, MD 21701 and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions to Frederick Magazine, $24.95 per year, which includes the Homegrown Frederick and all other annual guides (available through the business office). Back issues w/in the last 12 mo/$3.95. Prior to 12 mos. ago/$7. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frederick Magazine, 6 N. East Street, Suite 301, Frederick, MD 21701-5601. Customer inquiries to same address or call 301-662-8171. Distributed through mail subscriptions, home delivery, and sold at newsstands and other locations in Frederick, Upper Montgomery counties, and throughout the Central Maryland region. Advertising rates available on request. Manuscripts, drawings, and other submissions must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Frederick Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited material. All rights to submissions, including letters and e-mail, will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as subject to Frederick Magazine’s unrestricted right to edit and to comment editorially, unless otherwise negotiated with the author. Printed on © DIVERSIONS PUBLICATIONS, INC. 2021. All contents of this publication are protected by Recycled copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part for any reason without prior Paper approval of the publisher.


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ABOUT THE COVER Farming is an undertaking that fills the


entire year. Writer Gina Gallucci-White followed the lives of three local farmers and producers through the four seasons, showing the work that goes into their professions.

8 Homegrown Message

30 Spirits from the Farm

10 A Year in the Life of Farmers

34 Bragging Rights of Farmers

22 Homegrown Hay Days

42 Farm Listings

26 Markets Feed Local Residents

34 7

FARMER FAME ACCOLADES COME HOME TO ROOST IN A LIFESTYLE SPANNING FOUR SEASONS The motion picture industry has its Academy Awards and Time magazine selects its person of the year. The agriculture community also has its way of recognizing excellence and Frederick County growers and producers have plenty they can brag about, whether it’s a new apple with a patent pending, Maryland’s largest corn maze, or bringing home an award for being among the top 10 gin distilleries in the country. Or, how about Valley Ho Farms in Middletown, which won accolades for the way they care for the animals on their dairy farm? And did you know that Frederick County has the first licensed cidery? It’s Distillery Lane Ciderworks in Jefferson. Starting on page 34, writer Kristi Johnson explores many of the accolades earned, and history being made, by our farmers who are “outstanding in their fields.” This 8th edition of Homegrown Frederick also features a story from Gina GallucciWhite, beginning on page 10 that explores three local farming operations, giving readers a look at a profession that must adjust to four seasons, following a timeline as old as creation.


Their livelihoods turn on what the weather does, whether it’s facing a drought that scorches fields and gardens, or too much rain that prevents getting seeds into soggy ground. Pests can be a problem as well as commodity prices that don’t always pay for all the effort farmers have put forth. COVID-19 is still a factor in 2021, and Katie Stevens, associate director of agriculture business development for the Frederick County Office of Economic Development, says that despite the upheaval, “I think local food has become even more

important during the pandemic and consumers are more aware of where their food is coming from…Supporting local farmers keeps your dollars in Frederick County and supports other small businesses.” We invite you to flip through the pages of Homegrown Frederick and discover the many farmers markets, breweries, distilleries and wineries, as well as farms where you can go and pick your own produce. And when you enjoy an ear of sweet corn or slice a tomato that’s the perfect shade of red, thank your local farmer.

While in Lancaster, Pa., at an Amish store, Pam Moser found wooden letters cut out to spell Faith. “I saw it and I said, ‘This is perfect because I am all the time telling my husband (Danny) he’s got to have faith.’” The piece is now in the Moser’s dining room. The owners of the Middletown-based Walnut Ridge Farm, along with other local farmers, faced numerous challenges in the past year, while at the same time creating exciting successes. When looking at four seasons in the life of a farm, there’s clearly much more than the spring planting and fall harvest. Homegrown Frederick picked three farms to follow, asking producers about a variety of seasonal aspects including new projects, obstacles they faced and the general chores they had to do to keep things going. Here are their stories.

Pam Moser, Walnut Ridge Farm


The main daily focus on the Moser farm, which has been in the family for generations, are their dairy cows. Generally milking between 90 to 100 animals, in fall 2020, they had 125 milk cows along with about 100 others including young stock and heifers.

The Mosers know they can’t branch out too far because they don’t have enough hands. The couple, as well as their daughter Amber, are the only staff. “We don’t want to do more than what we can handle,” she said. “I want to make sure we stay with products that we know that we can do a nice job on. I feel very confident about the cheese and butter. We’ve dairy farmed all our life. Cows are our passion. It is just a matter of putting it all together.”

paperwork. They applied for grants to help offset the costs. “Financially it takes quite a lot of money to get things rolling (including) the equipment that you need just to have things stored on the farm,” she said. “It is amazing the amount of money it takes to start a new business even if it is inside or (in the) umbrella of a business that is already going. ... I spend 90 percent of my days thinking. You are thinking all the time. Trying to diversify and start something new that has been something else. It’s been a major learning experience. I don’t think I have ever had my head spin so much. It is going to be

During the fall, they completed the harvest, including hay and corn and hauled away the last of the manure, mindful of deadlines tied to government regulations. This year, the fields were quite wet, causing some delays. To diversify their agricultural income, the Mosers decided to send their milk out to be made into cheese by a Pennsylvania-based cheese maker. They named the new value-added business Moo Cow Creamery. Moser teased the farm’s social media followers in late fall that some exciting news was coming. “Everybody keeps asking ‘What are you up to?’ she said. “Well, I can’t tell you. It is very difficult to keep a secret in this area. It’s a small town you know.” 12

Walnut Ridge Farm

Before devoting themselves to the new venture, the Mosers went to another farm to see how others make cheese and butter. Moser bought multiple three ring binders to organize all the paperwork. One is for the creamery, another for the health department, a third holds extra

fun. It is going to be good, but getting there, that is a challenge.” They sent out their first batch of milk to become cheese in early November. The product must age for

Walnut Ridge Farm

60 days and Moser expressed her worry over taking the milk to make an unproven product. “That right there is my biggest fear,” she said. “What if it doesn’t sell? How do I recover that? And with being small and family owned and operated that is detrimental to us. If for some reason, this doesn’t work, I am out all of this and how do we recover? Do we recover? I try not to think about it that way. I try to be very positive and very upbeat. I try not to let that part out. I want my husband and my daughter to be positive and upbeat. I think we will all do better if that is how we look at it and how we face this challenge — to be positive.”

Pam Moser, Walnut Ridge Farm

At Mid-View Farm, Justin Tucker’s favorite part of fall is being active with the harvest. “When we’ve got a guy in the combine, a guy in the grain cart, guys trucking, I really like when we are really busy trying to get the crop in,” he said. 13

mid-October (Delta). We had a week of just really foggy weather and we could not get started harvesting until after lunch and it really shortened up your window in the day to get things done.”

Located in Middletown, Orchid Cellar Meadery & Winery specializes in complex honey wines as well as unique red and white varietals.

Mid-View Farm

The Jefferson-based farm produces crops such as wheat, soybeans, corn and sorghum. During the fall, the farm is harvesting but also planting their winter wheat. They also run a trucking company hauling building supplies and fertilizer.

Weather can be Tucker’s biggest challenge when it comes to getting the crops in. “We set a goal to be done at least by Thanksgiving,” he said. “Depending on the weather that can change. ...We had that one hurricane in

Honey harvesting is a big portion of the activity on the farm in the fall. Home to dozens of hives, the number changes every year based on the needs of the University of Maryland’s Bee Lab which oversees the pollinator’s homes. “We fancy ourselves as a honeybee sanctuary,” said Dan Kennedy, sales and marketing manager. Staff collect honey from the hives and use it for one limited batch of mead with

the remainder going into jars sold in the tasting room. “People seem to like that it is super, hyper local,” he said. “It feels nice that it is literally from the property.” The honey collection makes up less than 5 percent of what they will need for their additional libations. The work to winterize the hives begins in October and can last through November depending on how many hives they have onsite. “We will make sure they are protected from nasty winds,” he said. “We will button up the hives a bit so that there is only a small opening, so the heat of the hives is mostly staying inside the box. The bees will actually vibrate back and forth and huddle together to make their own warmth. You just really want to make sure the hives are super stable.” Staff usually put a brick or heavy rock on top to stabilize them because the Middletown Valley can get high winter winds. They are also getting as much as possible of the end of the year ingredients for all the different meads they make. “This year we got a second harvest of blackberries for the first time ever,” Kennedy said. “One at the beginning of summer and one at the end. We are finishing out the processing of peaches which is going into a few of the different sparking meads as well. It’s a lot of tying up all those things before it gets really too cold to work outside.” The farm also saw the completion of a new production building in late November. The 16-foot tall, 1,600

square foot warehouse was built to house bulk orders of bottles. In 2019, they launched a brand of mead in aluminum containers. The empty vessels had to be ordered in large bulk quantities, so they needed some additional space to put them. “When we get big orders of things, (the building) allows us a nice place to store (them) and we grab it one pallet at a time and take it down to the main production area,” he said.

Needless to say, 2020 was not a typical year. Crowd management restrictions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic was a complex issue. “A lot of people have been looking for a safe outdoor escape,” Kennedy said. “We are lucky we have a large 15-acre property here. There’s lots of room to spread out, multiple decks to enjoy the view and still be 6 feet away. ...I’ve never turned away customers like I have this year. A good problem to have but a problem nonetheless because we

Orchid Cellar Meadery & Winery

During a typical year, their chief fall challenge is hanging on to their fouracre native wildflower field for as long as possible because it helps to give good pollen and nectar for honey bees or any other pollinators. The field usually lasts until a deep frost.

always want to make sure everyone is happy. We want to make sure everyone can enjoy themselves and it is always heartbreaking when someone drives an hour or two to see you and you have to tell them try us back in a half an hour to see if we have any parking spaces.”


sending enough? Am I going to run out of cheese?’ My focus has changed, and it has only been two and a half, three months. It is not relaxing but it is humbling. The reception that we have had is humbling and I just hope that we can continue.”

The first batch of Moo Cow Creamery cheese came in on Jan. 8 and multiple members of the family gathered for the first tasting. Moser told them to taste it first. She was too nervous and waited until the next day for a sample. “I said ‘It is better than I expected.’” After weighing and labeling, the products were put out for sale with a successful launch. Their cheese can be found at Hemp’s Meats in Jefferson, Mid-Maryland Farm Market in Middletown and Roots 657 Cafe and Local Market in Leesburg, Va. It is also available at their farm but they prefer if customers pre-order before coming out so products can be ready. They will also be at Jefferson’s farmers market as well as two others. By the end of winter, they were offering 10 cheese flavors with plans to expand to 13 by mid spring. The favorites are cheddar, crabby cheddar, garlic and chives and applewood smoked. They have multiple repeat customers with good word of mouth leading to new


customers. At the end of the season, they were out of cheddar for a couple of weeks. Moser noted she now doesn’t get as nervous when the milk leaves to be produced into cheese and butter. “When I send a load of milk out now, it’s OK,” she said. “(I’m thinking) ‘What am I going to make this time?’ It’s not ‘How is it going to taste? Have I done wrong?’ Now I am saying ‘Am I

Walnut Ridge Farm

On the farm, the Mosers kept busy over the winter months making sure machinery was looked over and ready for spring. They also worked to keep their cows comfortable in the cold temperatures. This includes making sure the water supply remains unfrozen by putting bales of hay near exposed water lines, putting insulation tubes and heat tape on spigots and lines. They do this “just to make sure we are not out there in the freezing cold figuring out how to thaw something out or how are we going to get water to this group,” she said. “We try to plan ahead and

make sure those things are already taken care of.”

since he gets to take a short break and not be as busy as usual.

At Mid-View Farm, Tucker’s main project over the winter was rebuilding his planter for spring. The project took about a week. “I go over all the equipment and make sure everything is good to go,” he said.

Late last year, Frederick County Government offered grants to restaurants and other food establishments to pay for heaters and propane. The funding was to make guests more comfortable as they dined outside, hesitant to eat indoors due to COVID concerns.

The trucking business stayed busy as he had a couple of employees running tractor trailers all winter. The farm also hauls a large amount of grain after the first of the year from the storage bins down to the mills. Weather continues to be a challenge during this season as several storms dumped multiple inches of snow over the area. “It wasn’t too bad,” he said, not minding the winter season as much

Orchid Cellar was one of the recipients and bought eight large umbrella-style heaters. Kennedy noted some guests stayed outside during the coldest parts of the season. “We are happy to have (guests) in any way that they feel comfortable,” he said. “The heaters are really best for extending the season at the end of fall, beginning of winter and at the end of winter and beginning of spring versus say the dead of

January. It is a bit of a stretch. ...At a certain point, it becomes a little unbearable to sit outside in 20-degree weather with a wind chill.” One project they always do at the end of the year is cut down their fouracre native wildflower field. “While it doesn’t require hardly any management, it is good to cut it down as much as possible and gather the cuttings.” During the pandemic, Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order allowing alcohol delivery directly to consumers within the state. Kennedy noted Orchid Cellar’s online sales picked up with purchases migrating from in-person at their tasting room to delivery. “That was unexpected but well received,” he said.


There are chores at Walnut Ridge that must be done every day such as feeding, watering, milking and cleaning. “Making sure our livestock is taken care of is first and foremost,” Moser said. “Twice a day somebody has to go around and make sure everybody has feed, make sure everybody has hay and make sure everybody’s waters are open and flowing. That stuff is done every day, twice a day, regardless if it is spring, summer, fall or winter. It doesn’t matter what season it is. Those are our chores that don't stop.” In the first weeks of spring, they were able to fertilize some fields as well as plant hay. “It looks to me like we are going to be able to get crops in the ground earlier (but) what does that mean later on in summer? Will we have enough moisture? Will it be too dry? Those are all questions we ask ourselves all the time. Nobody has a crystal ball. There is no way to figure it out. You just have to take it as it comes to you and thank God for the blessings you do get,” she said.

Dan Kennedy, Orchid Cellar Meadery & Winery

Though the winter break was nice, Tucker is ready to get back out into the fields. In the early days of the spring season, the farm is spreading fertilizer and tilling to get the ground ready for planting. He hopes to be able to get plants in the ground by April 15. “It

One big project is reopening the beehives in March, checking them over and giving them a cleaning. They let the grassy areas grow with clover and dandelions to provide the bees with their first sources of nectar. “It’s a great excuse to not mow for weeks on end which is always nice for people that have to take care of grounds,” Kennedy said.

Midview Farm

just depends on how warm the ground gets,” Tucker said. “We’ve got to watch out for frost.”

Kennedy’s favorite part of spring is seeing the property, inside and outside, filling up again with people. “You know that first taste of spring, typically in March? It feels like a high unlike any other. Sixty degrees feels like summer. Watching people get a first taste of outdoor experience. You can see the stress evaporate as they come here.” In late March, Kennedy noted the farm was in the process of buying more tables and chairs to increase seating by 50 percent. They were also starting discussions on building some type of outdoor pavilion to offer some muchneeded shade to customers during hot summer months.

Kennedy was also excited to share that the farm, beginning in April, was able to expand its distribution area to New York. “It’s been fun and stressful to try to keep up with demand for the Washington, D.C. Metro area,” he said. “We finally think we have been able to surpass supply for this area and wanted to work in New York.” The farm has lots to do in the spring months including pruning grapevines in March, tending to the wildflower field, including ordering more seeds if some areas need to be replenished and replanting the popular sunflower field.

Staff also check in with the apiaries that they buy honey from across the state. They find out about their winter losses and if their predictions have changed on how much honey they will be able to provide. Some years an apiary may give them 20 tons and other years 22 tons. “Changing projections is always a bit of a moving gamble but in most cases, we are always happy to take more and more and more because we buy more honey than the entire state of Maryland produces,” he said. “We can always use more and more and more.”

Orchid Cellar Meadery & Winery


The Mosers plant a garden every year that is usually about 15-by-25 feet. This year, they decided to more than double the size and add a small greenhouse to the farm. Her daughter Amber loves to garden, and they planted lots of squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans and potatoes.

“Generally, what we do, whatever we don’t need here for our families, we offer for sale to the general public,” Moser said. “We did that last year with squash, zucchini and tomatoes and it was a big hit. People were ecstatic to be able to come and get fresh out of the garden produce.”

produce for a reasonable price. “There’s nothing better than sitting down in an evening after you have worked all day and to be able to eat fresh garden peas. There is nothing better. They are absolutely wonderful and when you think about the amount of work that goes into each one of them, they should be good.”

While not a huge money maker, the family is happy to share what they Tucker joked that his favorite part of the summer season is being inside the air conditioned cab of his farm equipment. “I’m not a big fan of heat anymore,” he said. “I’m not a summer person.” The winter wheat gets harvested in late June or early July while the other crops are sprayed to fertilize and deter weeds. The farm also works to prepare equipment for the fall harvest. While in the spring, they hope the area doesn’t get too much rain. The summer is the opposite as Tucker wishes for rain.

Amber Moser, Walnut Ridge Farm


The summer months at Orchid Cellar usually involve organizing events to

Justin Tucker, Mid-View Farm

tastings. Due to COVID, Kennedy noted “we have to be a little more creative with a few things.” Many of these events are mostly being kept outside.

Orchid Cellar Meadery & Winery

give customers a behind the scenes look including tours of the grounds and production spaces along with

The official start of summer is Father’s Day, which is also traditionally one of their busiest times as they release all their new spicy meads with different levels of chili peppers. “People come

from five plus hours away for that every year,” Kennedy said. “They order online. We sell out pretty much in two days, but it is a blast.” From the summer to fall, the farm books many weddings. “We just love to be part of anything that is celebrating love,” Kennedy said. “It is such a wonderful thing to watch. All the employees are pleasantly fighting over who gets to work weddings because everyone loves it so much.” And when summer ends, the farmers do it all over again.


FARMING AT ITS ROOTS PRESENTED DURING HOMEGROWN HAY DAYS The annual fall festival sponsored by the Frederick County Office of Economic Development—Homegrown Hay Days—is a way to make the public aware of where their food comes from while at the same time offering fun excursions. The self-guided tour includes farms where visitors can pick apples, ride on a farm wagon, interact with alpacas or countless other activities. This year’s event is Oct. 16 and 17. “People can learn about agriculture and see just how diverse Frederick County agriculture is,” says Katie Stevens, OED’s associate director of agriculture business development. “We have 19 farms participating and there’s something for everyone in Hay Days, whether it’s a family with children going to a pumpkin patch, millennials on a day out with friends or seniors reminding themselves of days on the farm. You get to meet and talk with the farmer” and learn what is involved in their jobs. Admission is free, although some locations may offer special activities which have a fee. Beverage tastings are available at a cider producer, breweries and vineyards. Farm markets are featured at some locations on the tour where visitors can buy produce, fall decorations for their homes, cider, jams and jellies and crafts.


At South Mountain Creamery, 8305 Bolivar Road, Middletown, for instance, visitors can feed the calves, see cows being milked and more. Nick’s Organic Farm, 2733 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown, has animal feedings and hayrides. Winterbrook Farms, 13001 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont, boasts the state’s largest corn maze, with over five miles of trails, and has a petting zoo, mountain slides, a pedal cart track, zip lines, an apple cannon and a hayride to the nine-acre pumpkin patch with more than 20 pumpkin varieties from which to choose. Jumbo’s Pumpkin Patch, 6521 Holter Road, Middletown, is where seven generations of the family farmed, and is home to a 30-acre pumpkin patch. These are just some of the many adventures of Homegrown Hay Days. Check www.homegrownfrederick.com for updates.

Adams County, PA


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PARTICIPATING FARMS 1. Black Ankle Vineyards* 2. Brookfield Pumpkins 3. Catoctin Breeze Vineyard* 4. Catoctin Mountain Orchard 5. Gaver Farm 6. Jumbo’s Pumpkin Patch 7. Linganore Winecellars* 8. Mayne’s Tree Farm 9. Milkhouse Brewery at Stillpoint Farm*

10. Nick’s Organic Farm 11. Orchid Cellars 12. Rocky Point Creamery 13. Scenic View Orchards 14. South Mountain Creamery

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15. Summers Farm 16. Sycamore Spring Farm 17. Thanksgiving Farm 18. Whispering Meadows 19. Winterbrook Farm


Frederick counTy youTh BeeF, Turkey, raBBiT, Sheep, Swine and goaT Sale Saturday, September 25th, 2021 Time: 10:00 am THE GREAT FREDERICK FAIR, BEEF SHOW RING, BUILDING 18

• Sale Order: Swine then Alternating Beef and Sheep through remainder of the sale • Registration Procedure: Registration begins at 9am at the Beef Show Ring. You will need to provide name, address, phone number, and drivers license. You will then receive a buyers number. This card needs to be provided to the auctioneer when a purchase is made. The auction begins at 10am.

Filling Plates with Local •••••••


In the search to find food that hasn’t traveled thousands of miles, Frederick County residents have options ranging from weekly markets held during the growing season or Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) enterprises where you share in whatever bounty the farmer produces. Following are resources for fresh-fromthe-farm-to-the-table offerings:

FARMERS MARKETS Brunswick Main Street Farmers Market Potomac Street at 1st Avenue Second and last Fridays of the month, 4:30 p.m.-7 p.m. May 14-Sept. 24

Emmitsburg Farmers Market 302 S. Seton Ave. Fridays, 3 p.m.-6:30 p.m. July-September

Farmers Market at NCI-Frederick Fort Detrick, Building 549 Check website for details.

Field Fresh Farmers Market Great Frederick Fairgrounds 797 E. Patrick St. Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. End of April-November

Frederick City Market 331 N. Market St. Sundays 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Mid May-End of November

Frederick Farmers Market Gavigan’s Furniture parking lot 1215 W. Patrick St. Saturdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. End of April-November

Frederick Farmers Market at Everedy Square & Shab Row Church and East streets Thursdays, 3 p.m.-6 p.m. June through September

Jefferson Farmers Market Jefferson Ruritan 4603 Lander Road Wednesdays, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. May-September

Key City Food & Farm Market William Talley Rec Center Fridays, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. May-August

Lake Linganore Farmers and Artisans Market Corner of Eaglehead and Coldstream drives Thursdays, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. June-August

Middletown Farmers Market 12 S. Church St., Middletown Thursdays, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. May- October

Myersville Farmers Market 301 Main St. Saturdays, 9 a.m.-noon April-October


Moon Valley Farm www.moonvalleyfarm.net

Open Book Farm 240-457-2558 www.openbookfarm.com

Pleasant Hill Produce 301-471-2699 www.pleasanthillproduce.com

Rendezvous Farm 908-528-3923 www.rendezvousfarmmd.square.site

Seed of Life Nursery & CSA New Market Farmers Market Sidewalks of the town 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. May 22-September 25

Thurmont Main Street Farmers Market

Chocolates and Tomatoes 571-271-2686 www.chocolatesandtomatoes.com

Dandelion and Rust

Municipal Center parking lot, South Center Street Saturdays, 9 a.m.-noon May-September

240-385-9023 www.dandelionandrust.com

Urbana Library Farmers Market

301-639-9711 www.fullcellarfarm.com

9020 Amelung St. Sundays, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. May-October 11th

The Village at Worman’s Mill 2479 Merchant Circle, Frederick Fridays 5 p.m.-8 p.m. May-September

YMCA of Frederick Market 1000 N. Market Ave. Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. May-October



Full Cellar Farm

Good Soil Farm LLC 443-536-1830 www.goodsailfarm.com

House in the Woods Farm 301-607-4048 www.houseinthewoods.com

The Little Red Wagon Produce 240-439-9401

240-344-6533 www.facebook.com/seedoflifeCSA

Serenity Grove Farm facebook.com/serenitygrovefarm

E&E Trees 9420 Dublin Road, Walkersville 301-829-2799 www.eandetreesinc.com

Eberle Christmas Farm 13415 Liberty Road, Union Bridge 301-898-4232 www.eberlechristmasfarm.com

South Mountain Creamery

Scenic View Orchards

301-371-8565 www.southmountaincreamery.com

301-271-2149 www.scenicvieworchards.com

Sycamore Spring Farm


301-788-6980 www.sycamorespringfarm.org

Catoctin Mountain Orchard

A handful of Frederick County farms provide a memorable Christmas experience by offering cut-your-own trees. Families can be found trekking through the small forests with saws in hand and hopefully a dusting of snow on the ground to add to the fun. Fresh greens and wreaths can also be purchased.

301-271-2737 www.catoctinmountainorchard.com

Clemsonville Christmas Tree Farm

Thanksgiving Farms 301-662-1291 www.thanksgivingfarmandgarden.com


Country Pleasures 301-371-4814 www.countrypleasuresfarm.com

Pryor’s Orchard 301-271-2693 www.pryorsorchards.com

10120 Clemsonville Road, Union Bridge 410-848-6083 www.clemsonville.com

Dreamland Christmas Tree Farm 2700 Sumantown Road, Middletown 301-418-5348 www.dreamlandchristmastreefarm.com

Gaver Farm, LLC 5501 Detrick Road, Mount Airy 301-865-3515 www.gaverfarm.com

Mayne’s Tree Farm 3420 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown 301-662-4320 www.maynestreefarm.com


WET YOUR WHISTLE FREDERICK A BEACON IN THE LIBATION SEARCH Maryland has more than 1,000 acres of grapes being turned into wine. Frederick County is front and center with many vineyards located within its borders. But there’s more. The county is also home to a growing number of breweries and distilleries, many relying on local growers to provide ingredients to make their products special. Visit www.homegrownfrederick.com to view a map of locations.

Linganore Winecellars




4539 Metropolitan Court, Frederick www.americanshochucompany.com

9831 Fox Road, Frederick www.celebrationcellarswinery.com

8601 Mapleville Road, Mount Airy www.freysbrewing.com




400 Sagner Ave., Suite 400, Frederick www.attaboybeer.com

1341 Hughes Ford Road, Suite 108, Frederick www.dragondistillery.com

7550 Green Valley Road, Frederick www.hiddenhillsfarmandvineyard.com



14463 Black Ankle Road, Mount Airy www.blackankle.com

5533 Gapland Road, Jefferson www.distillerylaneciderworks.com



124 N. Market St., Frederick www.brewers-alley.com

15113 Liberty Road, Mount Airy www.elkrun.com



15010 Roddy Road, Thurmont www.catoctinbreeze.com

4607 Wedgewood Blvd., Frederick www.flyingdogbrewery.com

IDIOM BREWING CO. 340 E. Patrick St., Frederick www.idiombrewing.com

JUG BRIDGE BREWERY 911 E. Patrick St., Frederick www.facebook.com/jugbridgebrewery



13601 Glissans Mill Road, Mount Airy www.linganorewines.com

MONOCACY BREWING 1781 N. Market St., Frederick www.monocacybrewing.com

NEW MARKET PLAINS VINEYARD 11111 W. Baldwin Road, New Market www.newmarketplains.com Smoketown Brewing Station

LINKS BRIDGE VINEYARDS 8830 Old Links Bridge Road, Thurmont www.linksbridgevineyards.com

LOEW VINEYARDS 14001 Liberty Road, Mount Airy www.loewvineyards.com

OLDE MOTHER BREWING CO. 526 N. Market St., Frederick www.oldemother.com

SMOKETOWN BREWING STATION—CREEKSIDE 400 Sagner Ave, Suite 100, Frederick www.smoketowncreekside.com

SPRINGFIELD MANOR WINERY, DISTILLERY & BREWERY 11836 Auburn Road, Thurmont www.springfieldmanor.com

STEINHARDT BREWING CO. 340 E. Patrick St., Suite 102, Frederick www.steinhardtbrewing.com

ORCHID CELLAR MEADERY & WINERY 8546 Pete Wiles Road, Middletown www.orchidcellar.com

PROSPECT POINT BREWERY MAD SCIENCE BREWING AT THANKSGIVING FARMS 1619 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown www.madsciencebrewing.com

5500 Jefferson Pike, Frederick, www.facebook.com/prospect pointbrewery

PUERTO RICO DISTILLERY MAZZAROTH VINEYARD 8333 Myersville Road, Myersville www.mazzarothvineyard.com

1341 Hughes Ford Road, Unit 113A, Frederick www.puertoricodistillery.com



35 S. Carroll St., Frederick www.mcclintockdistilling.com

13601 Glissans Mill Road, Mount Airy www.redshedman.com



912 N. East St., Frederick www.midnightrunbrewing.com

880 N. East St., Suite 201, Frederick www.rockwellbrewery.com



8253 Dollyhyde Road, Mount Airy www.milkhousebrewery.com

223 W. Potomac St., Brunswick www.smoketownbrewing.com

Springfield Manor Winery, Distillery & Brewery

TENTH WARD DISTILLING CO. 55 E. Patrick St., Frederick www.tenthwarddistilling.com

WILLOW OAKS CRAFT CIDER 6219 Harley Road, Middletown www.willowoakscraftcider.com


Oh, Frederick County farmers and producers, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways... We love you for being home to Flying Dog Brewery, the largest craft brewery in the state and the 35th largest in the nation. And if that’s not enough, we love you for the 36 wineries, breweries, distilleries, cideries and meadery that make Frederick County a hoppin’ (pun intended) good time. Of all the wonderful reasons that make Frederick County a special place to live and work, none is more compelling than being able to immerse ourselves in a bounty of farm and farm-based products that enrich our lives and satisfy our souls. Whether it’s a destination for events and tastings, helping keep Downtown Frederick vibrant, or preserving precious farmland, these iconic farms and agricultural-based businesses are richly deserving of our praise and support.

recognizes individuals who have made genuine impacts on the apple industry. When it comes to what people want in an apple, Bob Black, along with co-owner and sister, Patricia, have it figured out. The key, he says, is in the ‘noise’. “The majority of people want a noisy apple, one that is crisp and crunchy when you bite into it,” Black says. Their new varietal, the Harry Black Gala, named in memory of their founder father, currently has a patent pending.


Catoctin Mountain Orchard, Thurmont—A staple along U.S. 15, North, Catoctin Mountain Orchard knows how to produce a memorable apple. Co-owner, Bob Black was recently honored as the American Fruit Grower and Western Fruit Grower 2020 Apple Grower of the Year. The Apple Grower of the Year program, sponsored by Valent USA,

Catoctin Mountain Orchard

Catoctin Mountain Orchard reopens daily each spring and is now offering live apple trees to plant at home. Winterbrook Farms, Thurmont— Young and old just can’t get enough of corn mazes, especially when it’s Maryland’s Largest Corn Maze. For 20 years, Lawyer’s Winterbrook Farms has created corn mazes for all ages. Taylor Lawyer Huffman and her husband Brandon farm 327 acres and host four separate corn mazes with a total of over five miles of trails on 15 acres of corn. Watch for their 2021 event dates to be posted on their website. MIlkhouse Brewery at Stillpoint Farms, Mount Airy—The desire to farm sustainably drove Carolann McConaughy and Tom Barse to purchase 47 acres in 2008, and ultimately to start Maryland’s first Class 8 farm brewery, Milkhouse Brewery at Stillpoint Farm. The brewery hosts an open taproom, events, and produces five year ‘round beers and seasonal releases. Their newest series, “Stillpoint Reserve” launched in 2015, uses locally sourced ingredients, including hops, grains, fruits, herbs, honey, and other Maryland agricultural products. Orchid Cellar Meadery, Middletown—Since opening in 2010,

Orchid Cellar has grown into a wine and mead producer with a growing fan base around the U.S. As Maryland’s first meadery, Orchid Cellar strikes a balance between the old world and the new, crafting a product not much different than the mead produced by monks in Medieval Europe. Their exquisite hand-built tasting room is situated on 15 rolling acres in Middletown with to-die-for views of the surrounding countryside.

than the classic mead, which takes years to bring to market, and is more “approachable,” according to Dan Kennedy, marketing manager. “Elemental has been a great way for us to dip our toes in to something different and explore some of the new trends,” he adds, giving a nod to the sexy aluminum bottles and simple eyecatching labels. Distillery Lane Ciderworks, Jefferson –Just outside Burkittsville is

Distillery Lane Ciderworks

The newest creation for the company is Elemental Mead Co., producing single-serve, bubbly mead beverages made with local honey, fruits and produce. The line was developed with a quicker turnaround


95 acres formerly used by Union soldiers prior to the battle of Antietam and known as “The Encampment.” This area, rich in history, was purchased in 2001 by Rob Miller, his wife Patty Power, and their

three children. When they moved onto the land that had never been used as an apple orchard, they brought their love of cider along with them. So began Distillery Lane Ciderworks, the first licensed Cidery in Maryland. In 2008, their cider house officially opened for business, and in 2010, Distillery Lane Ciderworks became an official Maryland Winery. The orchard is now a booming nine acres with over 3,000 apple trees. Springfield Manor, Thurmont— Maryland’s first winery, brewery, distillery combination is awarded to Springfield Manor, along with Best of Frederick distinctions for both the distillery and the venue. The 130-acre estate built in 1774, backs up against the Catoctin Mountains and produces rye whiskey, bourbon, rum, vodka, grappa, brandy and world class lavender gin. Ten award winning varietals and blends are produced onsite. The venue includes a spacious ballroom, romantically appointed barn, eight suites and seating for 300 guests. Catoctin Breeze Vineyard, Thurmont—The theory of ‘terroir,” the French term describing how unique environmental factors and farming practices affect the characteristics of a crop, are part of how Catoctin Breeze Vineyard won the Maryland Wineries Association 2019 Comptroller’s Cup with their

Catoctin Mountain Orchard


2017 Estate Cabernet Franc. Catoctin Breeze was also awarded “Best Winery” in Frederick Magazine’s “Best of Frederick” two years in a row. Frederick Places

Flying Dog, 4607 Wedgewood Blvd., Frederick—It’s hard to be humble when you’re Maryland’s largest independent craft brewery and the 35th largest craft brewery in the nation. But hey, humble was never

part of the Flying Dog shtick, anyway. Founded in 1999 by George Stranahan, Flying Dog has 20-plus unique craft styles available at any one time. McClintock Distilling Company, 35S. Carroll St., Frederick—Only open for slightly more than four years, McClintock Distilling Company, located in Downtown Frederick, is not only Maryland’s first certified organic distillery, but has put

themselves on the map with some pretty impressive awards. Named Best Craft Vodka Distillery in the Country and one of the Top 10 Best Gin Distillery’s in the Country by USA Today, and 2020’s Best Distillery in Maryland by the NY International Spirits Competition, McClintock uses only organic whole grains that are milled at the distillery using a stoneburr mill to preserve essential enzymes.

Deer Run Farm


Deer Run Farm

for their animals. The Derrs milk around 75 Holsteins and are part of the Maryland and Virginia Milk Co-op. Clemsonville Tree Farm, Union Bridge—Weighing in at 9,060 pounds, the Guinness World Records World's Largest Wreath, is held by Photo courtesy Michael Colella

Jamie Derr took over farm operations on the 180-acre farm in 2008 and began their dairy farm in 2013. Implementing animal welfare practices for their herd includes the use of “calf jackets” on newborn and young calve up to two months when

McClintock Distilling Company

Preserving Farmland

Blue Dreams USA, Frederick – The country’s first roses, tea and lavender combination farm is owned by Imelda Roberts and Jeff Snively and located in Frederick. The online and on-farm retail store opened in 2004, and hosts a multitude of value-added products made from lavender, roses and tea. Since the pandemic, Blue Dreams has expanded their product line to include handbags and other accessories. Valley Ho Farms, Middletown – In 2020, Valley Ho farms was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Animal Care category by Maryland American Dairy Association Northeast. As a fourth generation family farm, Chris and

Clemsonville Christmas Tree Farm

temperatures are below 40 degrees. “Cattle need well ventilated areas for their respiratory health,” explains Jamie, “and we don’t want our calves shivering and using body energy and nutrients to stay warm. They need their nutrients to grow and stay healthy.” The increased labor and management required to make sure their herd stays healthy is a testament to the pride the Derrs take in caring

Clemsonville Christmas Tree Farm. Made of fresh evergreens, the wreath was constructed on an oak framework and decorated for the holidays. Clemsonville Tree Farm has 200 acres of pine, spruce and fir trees for digging or cut-your-own. Deer Run Farm, Emmitsburg—The only heritage chicken hatchery in the United States to test its fowl regularly for four destructive avian diseases,


Deer Run Farm is considered the cleanest hatchery in the country. While these diseases don’t affect humans, humans can act as a vector. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum and Mycoplasm can live in the human nose for one day, for up to two days on straw, rubber and cotton, and up to three days in hair. Pullorum Typhoid and Avian Influenza are two other deadly diseases being tested for regularly at Deer Run. The chicks are also vaccinated for Marek’s, a highly contagious viral disease, only hours after they hatch. Deer Run Farm offers five heritage breeds for onfarm pickup. Country Pleasures Farm, Middletown- Certified organic since 1986, Maryland’s first certified organic orchard has over 1800 apple, cherry, pear, peach and apricot trees as well as small fruits and a


Winterbrook Farms

smorgasbord of value-added products, including preserves, fruit sauces, pesto and heritage cider. Owned by Eric Rice and partner, Lori

Catoctin Breeze

Leitzel Rice, Eric collaborated years ago to help write the Maryland Organic State regulations, and is a founder of MOFFA, the Maryland Organic Food & Farming Association. In addition to the accolades these Frederick County farmers have received over the last few years for their products, farm practices and business savvy, please join us in thanking them for their role as land stewards, rural ambassadors, and in keeping heritage agricultural products relevant and exciting for future generations. As the COVID-19 landscape changes, the companies profiled may not be following typical business days/times. Be sure to visit their websites or call to get all of the up-todate information on dates, times and specifics regarding occupancy limits, social distancing and masking up.

FINDING IT ALL ON THE FARM PROVES POSSIBLE Farming continues to play an important part in the local economy with 65 percent of the land zoned for agriculture. Increasingly, consumers are seeking fresh, locallyproduced food and other products and Frederick County farmers and growers are meeting the demand—whether it’s raising alpacas, beef cattle and heirloom vegetables, or inviting you to pick-yourown fruits and vegetables and enjoy a corn maze and hay ride. THE FOLLOWING ICONS DESIGNATE SPECIAL FARM FEATURES. Pick-YourOwn

Homegrown Hay Days


ALLEN’S APIARY 9980 Harvest Drive, Frederick 240.409.3589 • 240.793.5532 www.allensapiary.com Allen's Apiary is a great source for fresh, local honey, 100 percent beeswax candles and homemade honey oatmeal soaps. Stop by to pick up your honey or visit them at one of the local farmers markets.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The apiary has more than 100 hives spread throughout Frederick County and is producing honey for a few local restaurants.

BARTGIS FAMILY FARM, LLC 1699 Shookstown Road, Frederick 240.285.7005 • www.bffarm.us Bartgis Family Farm is family owned and operated raising beef cattle for over 35 years. Their beef is pasture raised with no antibiotics, no hormones. They mix their own feed with grains harvested on the farm, or locally sourced, consisting of corn, barley and oats. They offer their all-natural, freezer ready beef by the pound, choose your cuts, as well as by the quarters, halves, whole. Visit the website for more details.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Monthly specials are posted on Facebook or call 240-285-7005 for more information.


BELLE BLOOMS FARM 3311 Paprika Court, Adamstown 240.277.0275 • www.bellebloomsfarm.com Belle Blooms Farm is a family farm growing high-quality, specialty cut flowers. Seasonal flower CSA shares are available, as well as buckets of blooms for DIY weddings and events. Call or visit the website for information on floral workshops, farm tours and farm stand hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Monthly farm tours highlight unique blooms of the season.

BLACK ANKLE VINEYARDS 14463 Black Ankle Road, Mount Airy 301.829.3338 • www.blackankle.com At Black Ankle Vineyards they believe that a prime vineyard site marked by rolling hillsides and rocky soils, combined with meticulous care of their vines and land will yield grapes that make wines of depth, nuance and character. Wine Tastings, Tours (Saturday & Sunday at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., weather permitting), Cozy indoor/outdoor seating, Polish pottery and other merchandise, Entertainment/events, groups welcome, private event rentals. Refer to website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT All wines are sold at the farm and online. In addition, a cheese plate featuring an assortment of locally-produced cheese is available. 45

BLUE DREAMS USA 11700 Old Annapolis Road, Frederick 301.882.4747 • www.bluedreamsusa.com Blue Dreams USA is the first of its kind lavender, roses and tea garden boutique in the country. Surrounded by scenic views, it's a place you can unwind while enjoying the beauty of lavender, roses and tea gardens on a 25-acre farm. They offer pick your own lavender in summer, tea tasting, afternoon tea, plus thoughtful gifts and artisan quality crafts inspired by nature, lavender, roses and tea. Open to the public on weekends from June to October with special shopping days during the holiday season. If you are looking for a special place for your family this summer, or to celebrate special occasions, please contact them for more information.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer pick your own lavender on a limited schedule.


BROOKFIELD PUMPKINS, LLC 8302 Ramsburg Road, Thurmont 301.898.3527 • www.brookfieldpumpkins.com Brookfield Pumpkins is a pick-your-own pumpkin patch located on a six-generation cash crop farm with a beautiful view of the Catoctin Mountains. Many customers start their visit with a hayride to the 15-acre patch to explore the fall produce and pick the perfect pumpkin. Also enjoy the family-friendly Corn Maze for a Cause (100 percent of proceeds are given to local charities), petting zoo, corn tables, and countless photo opportunities. Call or visit the website for more information.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Hayrides (Friday – Sunday), petting zoo, corn tables, Corn Maze for a Cause ($), face painting ($, SaturdaySunday), and apple cider ($).

CASTLE HILL FARM 5814 Broad Run Road, Jefferson 301.371.4111 • www.voracsuffolks.com Farm-fresh, excellent tasting lamb from Frederick County is the specialty of Castle Hill Farm. Lambs are grain-fed and grass-fed, with no growth hormones or steroids. USDA inspected. Processing is done at Hemp’s Meats, Jefferson. The farm was settled in 1813 and Castle Hill is the fourth owner from the original land grant, farming for 35 years.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Castle Hill specializes in custom-processed lamb, whole or half lambs, lamb for a BBQ, lamb sausage, lamb burgers, 4-H market lambs to show at county fairs; lamb leasing program to 4H’ers—lambs leased for the summer, at no leasing cost to the 4-H family; Registered ewe and ram breeding stock, ewe breeding services, Suffolk and Hampshire fleeces and Greek Easter lambs.

CATOCTIN BREEZE VINEYARD 15010 Roddy Road, Thurmont 240.578.3831 • www.catoctinbreeze.com Catoctin Breeze is a boutique vineyard and winery operation producing small lots of fine quality Maryland wines. The winery offers a range of varietal and blended wines, as well as a selection of honey wines known as mead. From thoughtful attention to the vines, careful selection of fruit, and gentle winemaking methods, their commitment to producing the finest quality wines is reflected in each bottle. Catoctin Breeze offers both general and private tastings.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Live music is hosted every weekend, spring through fall, a perfect time to unwind and enjoy a beautiful day with wine, family and friends. Visit www.catoctinbreeze.com/events for more information.


CATOCTIN MOUNTAIN ORCHARD 15036 N. Franklinville Road, Thurmont 301.271.2737•www.catoctinmountainorchard.com Catoctin Mountain Orchard is a fourth generation fruit, vegetable, and berry farm celebrating more than 55 years in business. One hundredplus acres produce products sold at the retail market on the farm. Pickyour-own crops and flowers are available including apples on Saturdays and Sundays in September and October. Call or visit the website for days and hours at their retail farm market.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Products also include plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, apples, pears, grapes, kiwiberries, blackberries, sweet cherries, black raspberries, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, kale, fruit pies, cookies, crumb cakes, apple cider donuts, apple butter, cider, honeycrisp apple sauce and local honey. Supplies the school lunch program with fruit.

CHOCOLATES & TOMATOES 7957 Hollow Road, Middletown 571.271.2686 • www.chocolatesandtomatoes.com Chocolates & Tomatoes is a certified naturally grown table crop farm offering over 100 varieties of vegetables, berries and, in a few years, tree fruit. They also offer a full line of specialty artisan chocolates handcrafted by founder, Mark Mills. They offer a CSA share program and hope to have an on-farm produce stand. They are proud members of the Maryland harvest community and offer a full range of products through this platform. This coming year will see a realization of their dream of bringing produce grown on the farm together with their love of cooking to host numerous farm dinners throughout the year.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Chef Mark has numerous years in the restaurant industry and currently serves as an instructor at both Frederick Community College hospitality program and the emerging hospitality program at the University of Maryland at Hagerstown. 48

CLEMSONVILLE CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 10120 Clemsonville Road, Union Bridge 410.848.6083 • www.clemsonville.com At Clemsonville’s 250-acre Christmas Tree Farm you can cut or dig trees—fir, pine and spruce—plus get wreaths, swags and tree stands. All trees are $35. The farm dates to 1775 and has an historic mansion copied from George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon. The farm is the home of the Guinness Record-breaking wreaths. Member of the Maryland Christmas Tree Association. Pets are welcome.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Clemsonville has been a Christmas tradition for over 50 years. Visit the Christmas Barn, explore the Nature Maze, see Boulder Garden Christmas Wonderland and go to Picnic Park. Open daily after Thanksgiving until Christmas 10a.m.-5p.m, after 5p.m. subject to weather. Fresh-cut trees, greenery and cut your own firewood-truckload $30. Saws and rope available. Check or cash.

DANDELION & RUST FARM Highland School Road, Myersville 240.385.9023 • www.danelionandrust.com Dandelion & Rust Farm is a small vegetable and herb farm nestled in the mountains west of Frederick. Motivated by a love of food and a love for plants, they grow what inspires them, including funky peppers, unusual fruits, and delightful herbs. They sell to local restaurants, on their website, and through their CSA. They strive to create robust and resilient ecosystems on their farm, working with nature to enhance natural pest suppression and internal nutrient cycling.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Come get your hands dirty! They offer occasional workshops and events. See website for details.


DEER RUN FARM 15131 Sixes Road, Emmitsburg 717.357.4521 • www.deerrunfarmmd.com Deer Run Farm is a combined registered Red Angus cattle operation and heritage breed chicken hatchery operation located in northern Frederick County. Owned and operated for 25 years by the Stewart Family. Deer Run Farm offers an on-farm retail store of humanely raised beef and pastured eggs. During the spring and fall chicks are hatched out regularly on the farm and sold all across the United States and to backyard flocks right here in Frederick County.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Deer Run Farm puts Maryland on the map by being the United States’ cleanest, certified disease-free chicken hatchery. They’re the only chicken hatchery in the United States to test regularly for MS, MG, AI and PT.


DREAMLAND CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 2700 Sumantown Road, Middletown 301.418.5348 www.dreamlandchristmastreefarm.com Dreamland Christmas Tree Farm is a choose and cut farm in the beautiful Middletown Valley. They also offer pre-cut trees of all sizes. Dreamland was started to honor the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ. They are a family-friendly farm with a beautiful old barn which has been lovingly restored as a Christmas shop. The barn offers a cozy atmosphere including a stone fireplace and wood stove, wreaths, garland, crafts, ornaments, and a café serving hot food and beverages.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Children love the farm’s turkeys, pheasants, chickens, and playground. Visit weekends from Thanksgiving to Christmas to make this your family’s tradition.

EBERLE CHRISTMAS FARM 13415 Liberty Road, Union Bridge 301.898.4232 • www.eberlechristmasfarm.com They are a family-owned and operated Christmas tree farm located on 40 rolling acres with Civil War-era buildings. They offer a great variety of tree species ranging from 4 to more than 12 feet for you to cut. Fresh-cut trees range from 6 to 11 feet and are kept in water for you. Open the day after Thanksgiving 10 a.m. until dark five days a week. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT A full service farm with a wide variety of trees and accessories. Fresh custom garlands and hand-made wreaths of all shapes and sizes by on-site artist. Shaking and baling included.

ENGLAND ACRES 5620 Detrick Road, Mount Airy Market Sales: 240.674.2028 Hay and Field Products: 240.674.2030 www.englandacres.com England Acres Family Farm raises pasture raised/grass finished Angus beef; pasture raised chickens and eggs from pastured hens are seasonably available. Freezer ready beef by the cut, 30-pound sampler, split side and by the side (cut to customer specifications). Beef sales by appointment; call or email for information.The farm fields are managed by Jeff England to yield quantity hays for horses, cattle, sheep and goats to rabbits. Seasonal supply available in squares, bundles and round bales. Call him directly at 240-674-2030 for variety availability, prices and delivery options.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Visit at lambing time; watch chicks grow to maturity; frequent the gardens as the produce ripens; help to plant potatoes in April and dig them in August; press apples into cider, all to learn the benefits of eating with the seasons. 51

ESWORTHY FARMS 3405 Sumantown Road, Middletown 301.471.3435 • www.esworthyfarms.com Esworthy Farms is proud to be a small, family owned farm in Middletown. With a lifetime of farming in Frederick County, they are happy to offer grass-fed, grass-finished angus beef for you to enjoy. Their black angus beef cattle are cared for in large pastures and fed only the alfalfa and orchard grass that is grown at the farm. The farm’s great soils produce great feed, and therefore great beef.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Esworthy Farms offers beef by order only, for whole, side (half) or quarter quantities.

FLYING GOAT FARM 5241 Bartonsville Road, Frederick 443.538.8303 • www.flyinggoatfarm.com The owners have 25 acres that they farm in an organic and sustainable way with fruit, berry and nut trees, free range chickens, guinea fowl, Angora goats, Cormo and Blue Faced Leicester sheep. They make yarn and spin fiber from the fleeces of their sheep and goats. They sell mohair and wool fleeces, roving and yarn made from these animals as well as commercial sources. They participate in the Fiber Art Studio Tour twice a year. Dates can be found on their website. Visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer spinning, dyeing, weaving, knitting and needle felting workshops throughout the year.


FLYING PIGS FARM 9233 Bessie Clemson Road, Union Bridge 301.524.3968 • www.flyingpigsorganic.com Flying Pigs Farm grows delicious organic blueberries. The season runs from mid-June to early August. In addition to growing blueberries, over the past 18 years we've worked to improve soil and water quality, remove invasive species, add pollinator strips and plant hundreds of trees on their 25-acre farm.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Organic blueberries are available at The Common Market and Frederick restaurants, or by emailing or calling the farm directly.

FOX HAVEN ORGANIC FARM & LEARNING CENTER 3630 Poffenberger Road, Jefferson 301.748.2427 • 240.490.5484 • www.foxhavenfarm.org Features organic hay, organic vegetables and cut flower production and sales. At Fox Haven, they develop and use innovative conservation practices used to enhance organic methods for improving healthy soils that result in production of healthy foods. Workshops and seminars are held to encourage visitors to their Learning Center to build healthy soils and to grow healthy foods.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The Learning Center is available for your seminars, workshops and group meetings. "Farm Stay" rentals are available to house groups. Weekend or week-long stays are available. 53

FREY’S BREWING COMPANY 8601 Mapleville Road, Mount Airy 240.394.6336 • www.freysbrewing.com Frey's Brewing Company is a veteran-owned and operated small farm brewery on the Frederick County side of Mount Airy. Owner and brewer, Adam Frey has been brewing and selling beer throughout Maryland since 2012. They offer small-batch, hand-crafted, real farmhouse beer. A tasting room opened in 2019 and offers a rustic and relaxing atmosphere among several hundred acres of rolling hills. Frey's has 20 taps to choose from with a variety of beer styles and hard cider. With names like Whack Truck McDonkey, Made in Freypan, Clydesdale Rocket Boots—there's something for every beer lover.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Frey's is open year-round and can host parties and other events in their beautiful tasting room. For more details, contact kerry@freysbrewing.com


FULL CELLAR FARM 3901 Lander Road, Jefferson 301.639.9711 • www.fullcellarfarm.com They grow fresh vegetables, herbs, cut flowers and pastured poultry, pork and eggs on the scenic westward slopes of the Middletown Valley. Though not certified organic, they aim to grow the prettiest and tastiest food for the local community in a way that leaves the farm healthy and productive for future generations. You can find them at area farmers markets, CSAs and local food hubs.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Talk to Kip about the winter CSA and "A la carte" delivery programs to get seasonal vegetables, meats and eggs from November through April.

GAVER FARM, LLC 5501 Detrick Road, Mount Airy 301.865.3515 • www.gaverfarm.com Gaver Farm features a farm market with pumpkins, apples, cider, corn stalks, decor and farm fresh food including cider donuts, pumpkin donut holes and cider slushies. Take a free hayride to pick you own pumpkins, apples and sunflowers and enjoy the Fall Fun Festival complete with farm animals, corn maze, straw activities, jumping pillow and over 50 family-friendly attractions. For over 30 years Gaver Farm has provided cut your own and fresh-cut Christmas trees, wreaths, roping, swags and fresh greenery.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Gaver Farm is a family-owned and operated working farm offering seasonal farm products, fresh-baked pies, their famous apple cider donuts and family fun on the farm.

GLADE-LINK FARMS, LLC 12270 Woodsboro Pike, Keymar 301.898.7131 • www.gladelink.com Glade-Link Farms is family owned and operated. They have been in continuous operation for almost 50 years. Customers can come to Glade-Link to pick their own strawberries and blueberries and find them at Field Fresh Farmers Market and Greenbelt Farmers Market with lots of homegrown flowers, berries and vegetables. Wedding and event flowers have also become a specialty of Glade-Link. Visit the website for more information about the farm or call the 24 hour “hotline” to see what is in season and for directions and hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Acres of strawberries and blueberries available for pick your own. Beautiful cut flowers including wedding and event florals.


THE DAIRY BAR AT GLAMOURVIEW 9847 Woodsboro Pike, Walkersville 301.801.1438 (Emily) • 301.741.0753 (Craig) www.cattleclub.com/glamourview/glamourviewcreamery.com This creamery on wheels serves soft custard and homemade hard ice cream, ice cream bars and sandwiches, milkshakes, floats, fresh cheese curds and bottled cream-top milk, straight from their on-farm creamery. They also are available to serve all your catering and event needs. Contact them to get some fresh goodies straight from the cow.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT More exciting news is the Glamourview Creamery storefront coming late this summer. Visitors can view the farm’s Jersey cows getting milked by a robotic milking system.

GOOD HOPE FARMSTEAD 10820 Renner Road, Woodsboro 240.367.9676 • www.goodhopefarmstead.com Good Hope Farmstead is a pasture-based family farm, passionate about raising food that's good for you and the environment. The well-being of their animals and preservation of the land and soil is at the forefront of their farm planning. They offer non-GMO chicken eggs, pasture-raised lamb and mutton, non-GMO pastured pork, and 100 percent grass-fed beef.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Products are available year-round for local home delivery, and at area farmers markets. Visit the farm website for further details.


GOOD SOIL FARM, LLC 9736 Keysville Road, Emmitsburg 443.536.1830 • www.goodsoilfarmllc.com Join their vegetable CSA and receive a generous share of vegetables each week of the growing season. Mushrooms, flowers, sourdough bread and pastured chickens and eggs are also available. The owners focus on community—from the community of people they feed to the community of fungi, bacteria and microbes in the soil.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Fans of the farm include this customer who posted on the farm’s website that “I have participated in the Good Soil Farm CSA for the last two years, and will be buying a full share again for this summer. I recommend this local farm to you on account of the variety and quality of the produce and their regenerative agriculture methods. The greens in particular make amazing salads.”


4309 Cap Stine Road, Frederick Bakery: 301.788.5409 • Farm: 301.471.5968 www.edscountrybakery.com Hara-Vale Farm is a four-generation family farm which has successfully transitioned from dairy farming to all natural, pasture-raised beef, egg, hay and straw sales and a livestock hauling business. The farm is also home to Ed's Country Bakery featuring old-fashioned baking at its best. Their eggs and select beef cuts are available for sale in the bakery. Visit the bakery website or follow Ed's Country Bakery on Facebook for current hours and information

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer baked goods, all natural pasture-raised and grain-finished beef sold by the quarter or half or in a variety of cuts and ground beef; hay and straw bales and livestock hauling.


HEDGEAPPLE FARM 3760 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown 301.662.0226 • www.hedgeapplefarm.com Hedgeapple Farm dates to 1731. Since 1956, the Jorgenson family has operated a dairy and a beef farm on the property. Since 1997, it has been a nonprofit research and educational foundation farm dedicated to improving and promoting grass-fed Angus beef. In 2006, the owners reconstructed a 1790s-era log cabin to serve as a market to sell the grass-fed and grass-finished beef raised here. Call or visit the website for hours.

HIDDEN HILLS FARM AND VINEYARD 7550 Green Valley Road, Frederick 301.660.8735 • www.hhfav.com Nestled among the hills of this 103-acre horse farm are acres of vines which produce some of the region's most elegant dry wines. Come and enjoy the breathtaking views of Frederick County's gorgeous horse country. Carefully spaced seating both inside and out and a beautiful new outdoor stone fire pit.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Individual cuts of beef are available and sold by the pound. Their beef is dry-aged and sold vac-sealed and flash frozen. They also offer a premium boxed assortment package, outstanding beef jerky and monthly beef specials. Beef is 100 percent grass-fed and grassfinished. No grain ever. Open three days per week all year-long. 58

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Minutes from historic Downtown Frederick, off of Route 70, come drive through Frederick County's breathtaking horse country. Learn about this important and growing wine region, while sipping on elegant and approachable dry wines and port.

HILLSIDE TURKEY FARMS 30 Elm Street, Thurmont 301.271.2728 • www.hillsideturkey.com Hillside Turkey Farms is a family-owned, third generation farm and retail store specializing in today's family needs. The main focus is further processing of poultry to make meals more fun and interesting. They carry many fresh poultry products, deli items and some prepared foods. Hillside Turkey Farms is a USDA inspected plant serving the public with a retail store and in many local restaurants. Call or visit the website for store hours and more information. Don't forget to order your fresh turkey or turkey breast for the holidays!

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Fresh turkeys and breasts, turkey sausage, ground turkey, soups, turkey jerky, turkey snack sticks, fresh chicken, deli-sliced roast beef and country ham, pork bacon, smoked turkeys and breasts, cheeses, turkey pot pies and other products.

HOUSE IN THE WOODS FARM 2225 Park Mills Road, Adamstown 301.461.6575 • www.houseinthewoods.com

House in the Woods Farm is celebrating 20 years of production, offering their farm share/CSA program and farm experiences. House in the Woods is a certified organic, diverse farm near Sugarloaf Mountain. Their farm share program offers member-only Upick rows and a full growing season of organic produce, all grown on the farm featuring heirloom varieties. In May, they sell seedlings to home gardeners, featuring heirloom tomato plants.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT House in the Woods Farm inspires families to explore the farm and connect to the land, food and community through farm memberships, farm-to-table experiences and harvest events. Lend a hand to plant and harvest produce and experience the delight of eating what you grow. Memberships, produce, events, classes and tours available through the website. 59

J BAR W RANCH 10530 Green Valley Road, Union Bridge www.jbarwranch.com This father, son and daughter partnership has received recognition nationwide for producing and hosting pro-bull riding. The ranch has been credited for professionalism displayed at their Battle of the Beast. They maintain more than 750 head of Generation of Genetics Bucking Livestock. Call or visit the website for hours and event dates.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Battle of the Beast event, pro-bull riding, cowgirl barrel racing, mutton bustin’, face painting, food, souvenirs, including T-shirts, cowboy hats, etc.

JUMBO’S PUMPKIN PATCH, LLC 6521 Holter Road, Middletown 301.371.6874 • www.jumbos.org Jumbo's Pumpkin Patch, LLC is a part of Homestead Farms, owned by the Huffer family. Homestead was purchased in 1870 and has now been home to seven generations. Pick your pumpkins from the 30-acre patch and find your way through a 15-acre corn maze.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Hayrides, fall shopping, yummy food, activities for children and fun for the whole family. Visit the Craft Attic to shop for handmade items from over 50 local vendors, enjoy a fresh-squeezed lemonade and funnel cake at the Snack Shack and marvel at the gorgeous selection of farm-grown chrysanthemums. 60

LILYPONS WATER GARDENS 6800 Lily Pons Road, Adamstown 1.800.999.5459 • www.lilypons.com

Lilypons is an aquatic plant farm that was started in1917. In addition to harvesting and selling aquatic plants, they offer a full line of water gardening products such as liners, pumps, filters and fish. The farm is located along the scenic Monocacy River and is a destination for nature lovers. Visit the website for hours and events.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Aquatic plants, fish, pumps, filters, gift items, birding products, heaters for ponds, nets and more.

LINGANORE WINECELLARS 13601 Glissans Mill Road, Mount Airy 301.831.5889 • www.linganorewines.com Linganore Wine Cellars is the oldest family-run vineyard on the Maryland Wine Trail. The Aellen family first opened Linganore in 1976 and it currently boasts 86 acres of active vineyards. The Aellen family produces more than 30 varieties of wine, ranging from elegantly dry white and red dinner wines to luscious semi-sweet varietals, fruit and dessert wines.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Celebrating over 40 years, Linganore offers it all—wine tasting, tours, festivals, and hosts private events. Open seven days a week, 361 days a year. Come and join the family adventure.


LINKS BRIDGE VINEYARDS 8830 Old Links Bridge Road, Thurmont 301.466.2413 • www.linksbridgevineyards.com At Links Bridge Vineyards, owners Robert Thompson and Joan Cartier have been growing premium grapes for more than 10 years. In 2015 they began crafting estate wines in small batches, focusing on style, taste and excellence. Their vineyards, winery, and tasting room overlook the scenic Monocacy River, just north of Frederick at the site of Old Links Bridge. Come for a visit, sample some good wines, and enjoy a leisurely walk or picnic along the river.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Links Bridge Vineyards may be the only vineyard in Maryland that can be visited by canoe or kayak, located on the Monocacy River between Creagerstown and Devilbiss Bridge. If paddling downriver, look for three old stone bridge piers (not connected by an actual bridge). Pull your boat up on the shore in front of the right-bank pier. From there, the tasting room is a short walk up the hill. Please call in advance to let them know you’re coming. 62

THE LITTLE RED WAGON PRODUCE 11434 Keymar Road, Woodsboro 240.439.9401 The Little Red Wagon is a small family farm where beautiful flowers and seasonal produce is grown. The market opens in early spring with bedding plants, annuals, eggs, sweet potatoes and more. As the season progresses, you will find all the vegetables and fruits you expect from a roadside market. In the fall, select mums, pumpkins and other fall decor from the large variety. Can't make it out to our market? Find their flowers at the Frederick Field Fresh Farmers Market in the spring and fall. Open March through October, Monday – Saturday. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Signature hanging baskets, handcrafted wooden planters, as well as traditional flower and vegetable plants in spring and early summer. Summer CSA's available. Large color variety of fall mums grown right on the farm.

LOEW VINEYARDS 14001 Liberty Road, Mount Airy 301.831.5464 • www.loewvineyards.net The history of winemaking in the Loew family dates back to the mid-19th century in Eastern Europe. To renew that tradition, Bill and Lois Loew put down roots (literally) in Frederick County. They planted their first grapevines in 1982, and since that time, have focused on producing a diverse selection of fine handcrafted wines. They take great pleasure in sharing their love of wine with visitors to the winery.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Wine tasting, winery and vineyard tours and picnic grounds. Several varieties of wine, from traditionally crafted dry white and dry red selections to unique semi-sweet and sweet wines. Wine-related crafts and gifts also are available.

MAD SCIENCE BREWING COMPANY AT THANKSGIVING FARM 1619 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 240.409.8723 • www.madsciencebrewing.com Mad Science Brewing Company is located at Thanksgiving Farms & Garden Center just south of Frederick on Md. 85 (Buckeystown Pike). Mad Science Brewing is open to the public for retail sales on Saturdays and Sundays from April to Christmas. Their emphasis is on high-quality, hand-crafted beer using their own homegrown hops, fruits, and vegetables that are available throughout the growing season at Thanksgiving Farms.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Mad Science Brewing Company offers a communitysupported brewery (CSB) program, which allows members to have access to special events, discounts and unique single-batch beers.


MARYLAND MICROGREENS 3091 Will Mil Terrace East, Monrovia www.marylandmicrogreens.com Craig and Sherill Carlson founded Maryland Microgreens in early 2017 to offer a wide variety of microgreens sold in living form to farmers markets, restaurants, caterers and individuals. Only pure water is used in the growing process utilizing non-GMO seeds grown on recycled and compostable cocoa fiber mats. Microgreens can have from four to 40 times the nutritional value of their mature counterparts. Plants are grown indoors with controlled temperature and humidity.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Microgreens are not just a healthy garnish on salads. Research shows these tiny seedlings harvested and eaten when they are just a few inches tall are a super food packed with antioxidants and other healthy nutrients.

MAYNE’S TREE FARM 3420 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown 301.662.4320 • www.maynestreefarm.com This is a full-service farm offering everything from asparagus and pick-your-own strawberries in the spring and sweet corn all summer long to a hayride to the pumpkin patch in the fall. In December is the opportunity to come cut your own Christmas tree and to visit the wreath barn. Call or visit facebook for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Hayrides to the pumpkin patch, pick-your-own fruits, vegetables and pumpkins, cut-your-own Christmas tree. Pumpkin barn set up for group and bus tours and gatherings.


MAZZAROTH VINEYARD 8333 Myersville Road, Middletown 301.639.0303 • www.mazzarothvineyard.com Mazzaroth Vineyard is a family-owned and operated boutique winery in the Middletown Valley. Achieving a goal of crafting premium Maryland wines requires them to maintain a relentless focus in the vineyard and winery, combined with a respect for nature. They currently grow five varieties well-suited for the region. They enjoy sharing a passion for grape-growing and wine-making. Guests welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They are proud to be a glyphosate-free vineyard. Eliminating this herbicide allows them to cultivate a managed cover crop that moderates soil temperatures and produces more flavorful wines.

MILKHOUSE BREWERY AT STILLPOINT FARM 8253 Dollyhyde Road, Mount Airy 301.829.6950 • www.milkhousebrewery.com Milkhouse Brewery at Stillpoint Farm is Maryland’s first Class 8 Farm Brewery specializing in traditional and 100 percent Maryland beers as well as their own wild yeast barrel program. The brewery, an integral part of the 47-acre farm, offers 16 draft lines with their handcrafted beer as well as cider and wine. The farm also raises Heritage Leicester Longwool sheep and offers wool products, lamb, and hay. Milkhouse is a dog– friendly, kid-friendly community gathering space that offers music, rotating food trucks, the best sunsets around, and other friendly family friendly events year-round.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Tom Barse and Carolann McConaughy and all of the folks at Milkhouse are excited to share their journey with you. Please come out and visit the tasting room and share a perfect pint or two. They’re Maryland proud—drink beer grown here. 65



3935 Bussard Road, Middletown 240.549.9183 • www.moocowcreamerywrf.com

Burkittsville 301.834.8752 • www.needwoodfarms.com

Moo Cow Creamery at Walnut Ridge Farm in the beautiful Middletown Valley, a small family owned and operated dairy farm, began in 1936. Currently they are milking Guernseys, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorn and Brown Swiss, a unique combination. They concentrate on high-quality milk with a richer flavor and golden color. This enhances their artisan cheeses and butter and gives it a more unique flavor.

Needwood Farms is a fifth generation, family-owned and operated farm that has been in business for over 100 years. Their Angus and Angus-influenced cattle are raised hormone-free and bred for tenderness and flavor. They offer all-natural freezer beef by the quarter, half or whole. Their beef is raised and finished on hay and grains grown at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains outside of the historic village of Burkittsville.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The farm is the birthplace of Yankees baseball great Charlie “Hong Kong” Keller. In addition to artisan cheeses and butter they offer farm-fresh eggs and seasonal produce.


HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They sell only all-natural freezer beef raised on their environmentally-friendly family farm. They invite you to treat your family to a product that you’ll enjoy and trust.



2733 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 301.983.2167 • www.nicksorganicfarm.com

6600B Roy Shafer Road, Middletown 240.457.2558 • www.openbookfarm.com

Founded in 1979, Nick’s Organic Farm sells directly to consumers. They raise all grass-fed Black Angus cattle, pastured chicken and turkeys, pastured eggs, food-grade corn and soybeans, small grains, poultry feed, hay and straw. Located outside of Buckeystown on an agriculturally preserved 175-acre certified organic farm, they are committed to constant improvement of their soil. To receive notice of when to purchase products, or to pick up eggs year-round, join the mailing list at nicksorganicfarm@comcast.net. Visit the farm on Homegrown Hay Days.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT 100 percent grass-fed beef, no hormones, grain or antibiotics; ground beef, all beef sausage and jerky, beef bones and organic meat; organic pastured chicken; organic pastured heritage and standard breed turkeys; organic pastured brown shell eggs; non-GMO organic heirloom grinding corn, popcorn and stone ground cornmeal; organic poultry feeds, hay and straw.

They are a diversified livestock and vegetable farm serving Frederick and the larger Middletown Valley. In their farming methods they focus on soil health, livestock well-being and direct to consumer sales.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Their farm offers a seasonal farm stand on Saturday mornings from May-October featuring their pastureraised meats and eggs and their own certified organic produce. Customers may also participate in a main season CSA (shop at the farm stand with your CSA tab) or a monthly winter CSA (November-February).


ORCHID CELLAR MEADERY & WINERY 8546 Pete Wiles Road, Middletown 301.473.3568 • www.orchidcellar.com They are Maryland’s premier meadery and winery specializing in complex honey wines, and unique red and white varietals. Visit their scenic tasting room in the Middletown Valley for an intimate tasting experience and an introduction into the divine world of mead. The tasting room sits among 15 acres of land, two acres of grapevines and a handful of beehives. They welcome mead fanatics, wine lovers and beer snobs to sample libations and engage with their questions and thoughts.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They produce the oldest known alcohol: mead, a wine made from honey. Pick-your-own sunflowers available.

P&R FARMS 2901 Green Valley Road, Ijamsville 301.385.7898 • 301.509.1688 www.pandrfarms.com The goal of P&R Farms is to stay as true as possible to the farming practices of their ancestors by rotationally grazing the pastures to maintain the fields and avoiding antibiotics or GMOs. They believe in taking excellent care of their animals so, in turn, their animals will nutritionally take care of their family and their customers. Owners Pat and Reilly Curran offer beef, pork, chicken and their signature line of BBQ sauce, Slow Burn. The cattle they graze are predominantly grass-fed, registered Blonde D'Aquetaine ("Blondes"), known for their lean red meat that doesn't compromise taste.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT P&R Farms is the only farm in Maryland with registered Blondes. For more information on the Blondes or how to get some of their one-of-a-kind sauces visit their website.


PICNIC WOODS FARM 6433 Picnic Woods Road, Jefferson 301.371.9202 • www.picnicwoodsfarm.com Picnic Woods Farm is the home of a flock of Romney Sheep and miniature donkeys to guard them, Angus cattle and bossy geese. Their wool is sent to Prince Edward Island in Canada and spun into wool blankets in many colors. Visitors are welcome, including to see "Hank" the wellknown soccer ball playing donkey.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Natural Maryland wool blankets are available in a variety of colors, both tweed and solids and are made from the wool from Picnic Woods Farm sheep.

A PIECE OF HARMONY Myersville • 240.215.5649 www.apieceofharmony.com Their products are available weekly on Frederick Fresh Online, plus they have an online store on their website where customers can place orders for pickup or local delivery within 10 miles of Myersville town center. They plan to participate in Farm to School this year, and grow a lot of microgreens for South Mountain Creamery.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT This year they added a Caterpillar Tunnel for season extension and to explore the benefits of growing crops in them. They continue to put a strong emphasis on growing better food and better soil. 69



10009 Kelly Road, Walkersville 8444 Fountain Rock Road, Walkersville 301.471.2699 • www.pleasanthillproduce.com

8202 Blacks Mill Road Thurmont 240.483.4891 www.potomacsproutcompany.com

Pleasant Hill Produce was founded in 2014 by Ben and Heather Sayler. Pleasant Hill Produce grows a wide variety of high-quality seasonal vegetables and partners with other local producers to offer a diverse, fully-customizable CSA experience. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

Potomac Sprout Company is a hydroponic farm that grows and sells certified organic sprouts including broccoli, radish and alfalfa. The main focus of Potomac Sprout Company is setting the best practice standards for sprouting. Everything they do is geared towards bringing the highest quality sprouts to the market. For more information and recipes visit their website.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, eggs, and other local products including meats, honey, and bread. CSA shares are available at several pick-up locations in Frederick County.


HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT You can pick up Potomac Sprout Company sprouts at The Common Market, MOM’s, Giant Food and other grocery stores along the East Coast.



5500 Jefferson Pike, Frederick 240.529.2747 www.facebook.com/prospect-point-brewing

13601 Glissans Mill Road, Mount Airy 301.703.5474 • www.redshedman.com

Prospect Point Brewing is a farm brewery located on Carroll Farms just south of Frederick off Md. 180. The open floor plan tasting room overlooks a 10 acre hop yard and beautiful western views of the mountains. They pride themselves for having only the best variety of beers using hops from their farm.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Check them out on Facebook for hours of operation. They look forward to hosting you soon.

Red Shedman Farm Brewery & Hop Yard was established in 2014 in the beautiful hills of Mount Airy on over 200 acres of farmland between Frederick and Baltimore. They cultivate several varieties of hops on the farm and brew a variety of beers from blondes to stouts, porters, sours, and barrel aged beers. They have several ciders available and new varieties, which rotate every season. Red Shedman is open Wednesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday from noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 7 p.m.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT In addition to having 16 rotating beers and ciders on draft, they also can most of their beers and ciders on site. They are always fresh and available for sale in the tasting room and many locations throughout the state.


ROCKY POINT CREAMERY, LLC 4323A Tuscarora Road, Tuscarora 301.874.5810 • www.rockypointcreamery.com The creamery has over 100 flavors of homemade ice cream, along with milk, brown eggs, cheese and beef. They milk 140 Holstein and Jersey dairy cows and raise 700 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and hay to feed their animals. Each year a beautiful two-acre sunflower field is planted and flowers are available for sale in late summer, with 100 percent of the proceeds donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Visit their Facebook page or website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Cheese made from their cows’ milk is now available for purchase. There are six flavors of cheddar to choose from. Enjoy with their farm-raised beef and ice cream—it doesn’t get any more local than this.

SCENIC VIEW ORCHARDS 16239 Sabillasville Road, Sabillasville 301.271.2149 • www.scenicvieworchards.com Scenic View Orchards is a seven generation owned and operated family farm. Their farm heritage requires sustainable farming practices—erosion control, field contouring, cover crops, crop rotation, farm land preservation and use of integrated pest management practices. They meet the needs of customers at farmers markets in Washington, DC, Frederick and Montgomery counties, in addition to the Sabillasville farm market. The farm motto is “Get Fresh with Us.”

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Strawberries, peaches, nectarines, lopes, melons, plums, apples, berries, cherries, sweet corn, tomatoes, green beans, squash, peppers, potatoes, honey, cut flowers, pears, pumpkins, cider in season and hay/straw. 72

SERENITY GROVE FARM Mount Airy • www.serenitygrovefarm.com www.facebook.com/serenitygrovefarm Serenity Grove Farm is a compact farm located between Mount Airy and New Market. They offer a mixture of garden staples, kitchen herbs, fresh fruits and young seedlings. They enjoy introducing others to some of their favorite culinary items like sorrel, popcorn, ground cherries and lemongrass. They believe food is the heart of community so come join them on their journey through the seasons. Visit their website to find a participating market near you and explore their cash-like, flexible CSA.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Stop by THEIR market each week for a recipe celebrating what's in season. Ask them how sustainability inspires everything they do, from soil to packages.

SHRIVER MEATS 16436 Four Points Bridge Road, Emmitsburg 301.447.2255 • www.facebook.com/shrivermeats1 Shriver Meats is a third generation, family-owned and operated farm and retail store specializing in beef production and processing. Raising grass-fed grain-finished cattle, and crops which is fed back to their cattle. Shriver Meats offers beef by the quarter, half or whole for your freezer. Give Shriver’s a call to order, or come in and pick up a pack of steaks, a few roasts and some hamburger patties to try.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Shriver Meats raises and processes their own cattle for your freezer. Selling freezer-wrapped steaks and roasts as well as cut-to-order amounts.


SOUTH MOUNTAIN CREAMERY 8305 Bolivar Road, Middletown 301.371.8565 • www.southmountaincreamery.com South Mountain Creamery brings the farmers market to you and does the cooking, too. Fresh from the cow, all natural dairy, cage free, certified humane eggs, grass-fed beef, fruit and vegetables, bakery items, fresh homemade soups, salads, home cooked meals and healthy snacks. They home deliver to nearly 10,000 homes in D.C., MD, VA, and WVA, with a commitment to help customers live a healthier lifestyle by providing a convenient way to shop. They love visitors and are open 365 days a year for self-guided tours or during the week for guided tours. Go to Visit Us on their website to learn more.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Visit every day to bottle feed the calves at 4 p.m. and see the cows milked from 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Scheduled guided tours available April-October. Sign-up for home delivery. 74

SPRING PASTURES FARM 6801 Mountain Church Road, Middletown 240.490.2058 • www.springpasturesfarm.com Spring Pastures Farm raises grass-fed, grass-finished beef without hormones, antibiotics or growth supplements. They are a small family farm in Middletown Valley where their animals thrive on a rich diversity of grasses. The herd lives outside year-round, supplemented with local hay in the winter as necessary. Their animals have access to spring or well water at all times. They handle their animals in a low-stress manner. They hope to share some of the family’s passion for this land and food with you.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They sell retail freezer-wrapped cuts from their farm store as well as cut-to-your specification sides of beef. Everything from soup bones to delicious, fork-tender standing rib roasts. On-farm store open by appointment.



11836 Auburn Road, Thurmont 301.271.0099 • www.springfieldmanor.com

Spruce Run Farm is a small farm located near Wolfsville. It grew from the owners’ desire to share their passion for agriculture and simple sustainable living with others. In addition to growing produce and beekeeping, they currently raise dairy goats, Hereford hogs, Katahdin sheep, as well as chickens and rabbits for meat or pets. While you can find them at several farmers markets including Middletown and Myersville, as Spruce Run Farm continues to grow, they welcome you to visit.

Maryland’s first winery, distillery and brewery. Come for a taste, stay for the experience. The historic barn tasting rooms serve 15 award winning wines, assorted craft beers on tap, and Maryland’s most awarded fine spirits. Aged straight bourbon, rye and corn whiskey are crafted entirely from corn grown on the farm. Visit the lavender fields which produce the prize winning Lavender Gin. There’s indoor seating, patio space and event space for 300 guests. Voted Frederick’s best wedding venue. Come enjoy food, live music, great events and a beautiful country setting.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Handcrafted fine spirits, Lavender Gin, rye, bourbon, rum, brandy and vodka. Ten award-winning varieties of wine. Assorted beer on tap. Lavender plants, flowers and products. Home to the Maryland Lavender Festival in June.

12924 Spruce Run Road, Myersville 301.293.1070 • www.sprucerunrd.com

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Spruce Run Farm strives to bring the best of locallygrown or handmade items, featuring seasonal produce, jams and jellies, raw local honey, goat milk soaps, as well as fresh poultry and live or dressed rabbit. 75

STADLER NURSERIES 5504 Mount Zion Road, Frederick 301.473.9042 • www.stadlernurseries.com Stadler Nurseries has been a growing family business since 1932. Their first three garden centers, in Frederick, Gaithersburg and Manassas, Va, are where you will find an exceptional selection of trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials. They also have a wide selection of native plants and organic garden care products. Stadler is known for trees with over 300 acres in production. Almost all plants sold are locally grown. The staff is enthusiastic gardeners who love sharing ideas and advice with customers. Landscape design services are available.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials, bulbs and holiday plants, garden accents including fountains, statuary, wind chimes, firepots, birdbaths and containers of every size and style, also garden care products including an extensive selection of organic plant health care options.

SUGARLOAF’S BREEZY VALLEY FARM 1215 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 301.874.0958 www.facebook.com/sugarloafsbreezyvalleygoats This family farm is nestled in the picturesque valley between the Catoctin Mountains and Sugarloaf Mountain. The family humanely raises Boer and Boer Cross goats. They sell goats as breeding stock and to consumers and restaurants, as well as for 4H projects, companions for horses, weed control and pets. They also sell orchard grass hay in small square bales and welcome visitors by appointment. For more information see their facebook page.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT March and April are a great time to visit. Come in March and meet the goat kids. If you come at feeding time, you will get to see the goat stampede.


SUMMERS FARM 5620 Butterfly Lane, Frederick 301.620.9316 • www.summersfarm.com Summers Farm is a 100-acre working farm. They host an annual sunflower and harvest festival to share their agricultural heritage. Activities include slides, farm animals, two jumping pillows, farmer golf, obstacle course, live music, and much more. Farm fresh food and bakery items available, including homemade apple cider donuts.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Join them for their second annual Sunflower Festival, featuring 35 different varieties of pick-your-own sunflowers and local beer and wine. In the fall, take a free wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch and select the perfect pumpkins (sold by the pound) or get lost in the corn maze.

SYCAMORE SPRING FARM 6003 Elmer Derr Road, Frederick 301.788.6980 • www.sycamorespringfarm.org A 14-year-old CSA program on a 340-year-old farm that practices “Do No Harm Farming.” They produce over 65 varieties of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and herbs, plus pastured beef, poultry and eggs. Healthy food from incredibly healthy soil is available year round at the farm's market and country store. Tours, workshops and delivery sites are detailed on the website.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Educational tours and classes, pastured meats, beef by the quarter or half. Winter program features hoop house produce and poultry.




1619 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 301.662.1291 • www.thanksgivingfarmandgarden.com

7800 Picnic Woods Road, Middletown 301.305.9796 • www.valleyhomemadeandhome grown.com

Thanksgiving Farms is a diversified 57-acre family-owned and operated business. They grow a vast selection of fresh fruits and vegetables March through December, and grow and specialize in unusual annuals, perennials, herbs and shrubs in a three-acre greenhouse and nursery garden center. They offer a CSA program throughout most of the year. 'We Grow Our Own' is their motto and they take great pride in an ability to offer products grown from start to finish on their sustainable family farm. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Pick-your-own options are available along with fruits, vegetables, annuals, perennials, herbs, evergreens, shrubs and trees, a selection of gardening enhancements—pottery, statuary, trellises— and tools and gifts for gardeners. 78

Jamie Beth Derr, a Middletown dairy farmer and mother of two boys, has always had a passion for growing flowers in between all the other farm activities. Three years ago, she turned her love of flowers into a side business of growing and arranging blooms. The family farm, Valley-Ho Farm, has a roadside stand at 7704 Picnic Woods Road where cut flowers are available daily. Find their beautiful flowers at the Middletown, Myersville and Brunswick Farmers Market.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Jamie Beth Derr also arranges flowers for local events and weddings using as many of her own homegrown flowers as possible. Cut your own flower events held twice a month July through September follow on social media for event details.

VALLEY VIEW ACRES 4005 Valley View Road, Middletown Mailing address: 3919 Valley View Road, Middletown www.valleyviewacresmd.com Valley View Acres started as a fun idea tossed around in a casual conversation. In 2018, the owners planted a field of sunflowers as a trial run. The response from the community was very encouraging, creating the concept of an Annual Sunflower Festival, first held in July 2019. Visitors can pick their own sunflowers, wildflowers and zinnias, enjoy local hand-dipped ice cream and food including fresh cut fries. There is a kid’s play area, shopping at the carefully curated craft barn, and local vendors while soaking in picturesque views. They have expanded to include a Fall and a Christmas Festival.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They are passionate about agriculture and sharing it with everyone who wants to visit, hoping their festivals become an annual tradition for all those who attend.

WHISPERING MEADOWS ALPACA BREEDERS 13959 Unionville Road, Mount Airy 301.452.9460 www.whisperingmeadowsalpaca.com Established in 1999, the farm maintains 30 alpacas. They started the first 4-H alpaca club in Frederick County. Their motto is “first in fiber, first in fun, first in Frederick.” They breed highquality alpacas as well as their own hay and have a variety of other animals on the farm year round. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Hand-made, home-grown, made in the USA, and Peruvian alpaca products available. Natural and dyed yarns, raw fiber, rovings, dryer balls, bears, hats, scarves, gloves, purses, sweaters, socks, and more socks, throws and more. Vendors, food, games, hay tower, tot lot and good family fun. Friend them on Facebook to see the latest news. 79

WILLOW OAKS CRAFT CIDER 6219 Harley Road, Middletown 301.371.4814 • www.willowoakscraftcider.com Eric Rice and Lori Leitzel Rice craft their farmhouse style cider from certified organic, American heirloom apples on their 35-acre farm in Middletown. Organic pears, blueberries, black currants and other fruits make tasty additions to Willow Oaks' ciders. Fabulous fruit, unique terroir and small-batch barrel fermentation let the flavors and aroma of the fruit shine through to a crisp, dry finish. Visit the website for tasting room hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Fresh organic produce, beef, jam, flowers, seedlings, potted fig trees and more are available at the farm store in the Willow Oaks barn. Relax on the deck, enjoy a glass of cider and take in the view.

WINTERBROOK FARMS 13001 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont 301.465.3801 • www.winterbrookfarms.com This family entertainment spot offers hours of fun for all ages with over 25 activities included in admission. Enjoy a hayride through the farm, get lost in Maryland’s largest corn maze with over five miles of trails, and feed the animals at the 300-foot interactive farm animal area. They also have a pumpkin jump pillow, mountain slides, mini ziplines, apple cannons, and more. Pick sunflowers during the Sunflower Festival and choose from over 20 varieties of pumpkins during the Fall Festival.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT A great place for birthday parties and family occasions, Winterbrook Farms has over five acres of U-Pick sunflowers during the Sunflower Festival in early September, and 10 acres of 20-plus varieties and colors of U-Pick pumpkins during the Fall Festival. Stop by the Farm Market to pick up local goods such as honey, goat soap, fresh apple cider, warm apple cider donuts, and lots of pumpkins and décor. 80

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