DistrictMail 16 May 2013

Page 1


Price: R6.00 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com


16 May, 2013



Gewapende rooftog in SW


SW teens meet Justin Bieber


Rape victim left helpless


Let’s Play Star – Brendan Venter 31

Two suspected armed robbers crashed their getaway vehicle after trying to escape along the N2 with a large number of stolen cigarettes.


Shoot­out after cigarette heist JAMEY THOMAS Two armed robbery suspects sustained serious injuries in a shootout while attempting to escape with cigarettes worth R100 000 on Tuesday (14 May). According to Constable Suzan Jantjies, spokesperson for the Somerset West police, the incident occurred around 08:00 when a British American Tobacco (BAT) delivery vehicle stopped at a tuck shop in Sir Lowry’s Pass to drop off supplies. Two armed men approached the delivery vehicle and held the driver at gunpoint. The men off-loaded the large supply of cigarettes into the back of a dark green Ford bakkie and locked the driver of the delivery vehicle in the cargo area. The robbers drove off with the load, in the direction of the N2 towards Cape Town. “In the meantime, the driver they had locked up managed to free himself from the delivery vehicle and informed his colleagues, who were delivering supplies in Lwandle, about what has happened,” said Jantjies.

“The driver gave his colleagues a detailed description of the getaway vehicle.” The driver’s colleagues, accompanied by armed security guards, alerted the police and rushed to the driver’s aid but passed and recognised the robbers en route to the scene. The suspects recognised them too and opened fire. According to a BAT spokesperson the security guards returned fire. Wounded during the shoot-out, the suspect in the driver’s seat lost control of the vehicle and collided with an electricity pole at the side of the road, a few metres from the Gordon’s Bay/N2 intersection. Police arrived in time to apprehend the suspects, who were still on the scene. Due to the severity of their wounds, the suspects had to receive urgent medical attention under the police’s watch. One of the suspects was airlifted to Tygerberg Hospital while the other was transported to Helderberg Hospital. The suspect admitted to Helderberg Hospital was wounded in the

One of the suspects receive medical assistance before being transported to hospital. shoulder but is in a stable condition. The condition of the other is still unknown. The BAT spokesperson said that, although their driver is unharmed, he is receiving trauma counselling. “We are thankful that the driver was not injured and that all the stock was returned.” It was later discovered that the dark green bakkie was recently reported stolen in Wynberg.

The getaway vehicle crashed into an electricity pole off the N2, a few metres from the Gordon’s Bay/N2 intersection. PHOTOS: JAMEY THOMAS

A case of armed robbery, attempted murder and possession of a stolen vehicle is being investigated. The suspects will appear in the Somerset West Magistrate’s Court as soon as they are discharged from hospital. Last week DistrictMail reported on a previous incident in which another BAT vehicle was targeted. Two suspects held the driver of the delivery vehicle, which stopped

at a vendor stall alongside Sir Lowry’s Pass Road in Gordon’s Bay, at gunpoint. The suspects made off with R100 and the delivery vehicle. After being pursued by the police, the suspects were forced to stop the vehicle in Drommedaris Street and fled on foot into the residential area. A case of armed robbery and hijacking is being investigated and no suspects have been identified.


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2 Distrikspos Huishulp se appèl verwerp

Nuus News

16 Mei, 2013

ILLANA FRANTZ Nicoleen Williams (40), die vrou wat drie jaar tronkstraf opgelê is nadat sy twee ringe ter waarde van R219 000 gesteel het, het die afgelope Maandag ’n aansoek om verlof tot appèl teen haar vonnis ingedien. Die DistriksPos het verlede week berig hoe Williams ’n werk as huishulp by ’n bejaarde vrou van die Strand aanvaar het. Sy het Dinsdag 9, Vrydag 12 en Saterdag 13 April by die vrou gewerk. Die volgende dag (Sondag) het die vrou besef dat twee van haar ringe, wat antieke erfstukke is, weg is. Sy het die polisie ontbied, met die vermoede dat haar nuwe huishulp dalk hiervoor verantwoordelik kon wees. Die vrou het die huishulp weer op Maandag (15 April) laat kom, waarna sy die polisie weer ontbied het. Die polisiebeamptes het die huishulp ondervra en sy het skuld beken. Regshulp Zaida de Jager het namens Williams in die Strand-landdroshof opgetree. Sy het onder meer die volgende redes vir die appèlaansoek aangevoer; drie jaar gevangenisstraf is ’n skok vir Williams wat ’n eerste oortreder met twee minderjarige kinders is, en dat Williams uit die staanspoor skuldig gepleit het en nie die hof se tyd gemors het nie. De Jager is ook van mening dat ’n ander landdros Williams ’n ligter vonnis sou gegee

het. Clement Abrahams vir die staat het hierop reageer en gesê dat Williams die ringe gesteel het omdat die klaer nie vir haar ekstra geld wou gegee het nie. “Die waarde van die ringe is ’n groot bedrag en net omdat dit teruggevind is, beteken nie dat dit nie gebeur het nie. Daar is baie sake op die hofrol waar werknemers van hul werkgewers steel en in dié geval gee dit ’n slegte reputasie aan ander huishulpe,” het hy gesê. Hy het bygevoeg dat daar geen reël is wat sê dat ’n eerste oortreder nie direkte tronkstraf opgelê mag word nie. Tydens die hofverrigtinge het Williams met ’n Bybel in haar hand in die beskuldigde bank gestaan en net voor haar uitgestaar. In haar uitspraak het landdros Karen Scheepers gesê dat die klaer Williams vertrou het om haar huis skoon te maak, maar dat sy die klaer se vertroue verbreek het toe sy die ringe gesteel het. “Die hof het meer as twee keer oor die vonnis gedink. Daar is baie bejaarde, afgetrede mense in die Strand en mense moet veilig voel om ’n huishulp aan te stel. “Die erns van die misdryf is groot en ek sien geen ander gepaste vonnis nie.” Scheepers het Williams se aansoek om verlof tot appèl teen haar vonnis van die hand gewys.

GONE IN THE BLAZE: A home in Mariners Way, Gordon’s Bay burnt down around 09:38 on Tuesday morning. According to Theo Layne, spokesperson for the City of Cape Town’s Fire and Rescue Services, a total of 14 firefighters responded to the incident where they found wood and iron structures alight. Firefighters battled with the blaze for approximately 33 minutes before extinguishing it. No injuries or fatalities were reported.

Under the gavel /Voor die regsbank Neighbour stabbed

Zolisa Somphali (44) appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court this past Monday after he allegedly stabbed his neighbour. According to the charge sheet, the accused stabbed his neighbour three times in the head and shoulder on Friday 26 April. He was arrested on 11 May and during his last court appearance this past Monday was released on R500 bail. He was however warned not to interfere with the complainant and the matter was postponed to 30 May for mediation.

Ammunisie in besit

’n Vrou (29) word van die onwettige besit van ammunisie aangekla nadat 19 patrone na bewering in haar besit gevind is. Tydens haar verskyning Maandag in die Strand-landdroshof, het Monique Solomons van Broadlands Park beweer dat sy slegs die patrone vir ’n vriend van haar gestoor het. Hy het dit glo drie weke terug aan haar gegee. Dié vriend was ook in die hof en landdros Karen Scheepers het hom na vore geroep. Hy het ook beweer dat iemand anders die koeëls aan hom gegee het om te hou. Borgtog van R500 is aan Solomons toegestaan en sy maak weer haar volgende hof-

verskyning op 21 Mei.

‘Drug smuggler’

Abraham Petersen (35), the man who was arrested for attempting to smuggle drugs into the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Friday 3 May, made his second court appearance on Monday 13 May. Last week the DistrictMail reported how security officials at the court found two parcels of dagga on the accused. He was then taken to the Strand police station where he was subjected to a second search where 10 mandrax tablets and one small bag of tik was discovered on him. The value of the drugs is estimated at R1 000. Magistrate Karen Scheepers granted the accused R3 000 bail and the case was postponed to 14 August, awaiting the results of the laboratory report.

In hof vir diefstal

Reginald Sylvester (29), Craig Fortuin (25) en Manvill Follmer staan tereg op ’n aanklag van diefstal. Luidens die klagstaat het hulle op 10 Mei sigarette ter waarde van R3 000 by ’n woning in Nautilusstraat, Strand gesteel. Clement Abrahams vir die staat het borgtog teengestaan. Die saak is tot 20 Mei vir ’n aansoek om borgtog uitgestel.



Nuus News

16 May, 2013




R ’n Voorval van gewapende roof het omstreeks 10:00 op Donderdag 9 Mei by Cash Converters in die Helderberg Village Walk-winkelsentrum plaasgevind.

Gewapende roof by Cash Converters “Daar was ’n harde geluid en toe hoor ek iemand sê ‘go down’.” Dít is die woorde van ’n getraumatiseerde personeellid ná ’n gewapende rooftog by Cash Converters, ’n pandjieswinkel in die Helderberg Village Walk-winkelsentrum, Somerset-Wes. Die besturende direkteur vir Cash Converters SA (Pty) Ltd, Richard Mukheibir, vertel die voorval het omstreeks 09:47 plaasgevind terwyl die eienaar vir ’n wyle uit was. Twee mans, een met ’n vuurwapen en die ander met ’n hamer gewapen, het by die winkel ingeloop. Een van hulle het as ’n wag by die deur gestaan en die ander het homself as ’n klant wat in juwele belangstel, voorgedoen. “Die twee mans het hul kans mooi afgewag en ná ’n paar oomblikke het die ‘wag’ sy vuurwapen uitgepluk en almal beveel om plat op

die vloer te lê,” sê Mukheibir. Die “klant” het toe na die glaskas waarin die juwele uitgestal was gegaan en dit met die hamer ingeslaan. Die mans het die juwele gegryp en te voet daarmee op die vlug geslaan. Een van die ses personeellede het kort daarna die paniekknoppie gedruk. Volgens dié personeellid, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, het Gordonsbaai Sekuriteit hulle binne minute te hulp gesnel. Die Somerset-Wes-polisie het bevestig dat geen skote afgevuur is nie en niemand tydens die voorval beseer is nie. Die polisie wou egter nie die waarde van die juwele waarmee die mans ontsnap het, bekend maak nie. Maar volgens een van die personeellede het ’n ketting ter waarde van R7 000 – wat sy nog dié oggend in die glaskas gesit het – deel van die gesteelde juwele uitgemaak. Hoewel niemand tydens die voorval beseer is nie, is personeel emosioneel en getraumati-


99 /kg

seer, het Mukheibir gesê. Die algemene reaksie onder die personeel was dat hulle nie hul gevoelens kon verwoord ná die traumatiese voorval nie. Almal was net bly dat niemand seergekry het nie, want “dinge kon soveel anders gewees het”. “Ons eienaar-bestuurde winkels is deel van hul gemeenskap met gereelde, lojale klante. Dit was dus vir ons ’n skok dat hierdie hegte span mense dié trauma moes beleef waarvoor hulle berading moes ontvang,” het Mukheibir gesê. “Ons is verlig dat niemand beseer is nie en werk saam met die SAPD om die mans aan te keer.” Die voorval is op die winkel se sekuriteitskamera vasgelê en ’n kopie van die beeldmateriaal is aan die polisie oorhandig. ’n Saak van besigheidsroof word ondersoek. Enigiemand met inligting kan die Somerset-Wes-polisie by 021 850 1300 kontak.


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4 Distrikspos Vissers op Strand aangerand en van hul toerusting beroof

Nuus News

16 Mei, 2013

ILLANA FRANTZ ’n Man van die Strand wil ander vissermanne waarsku ná hy en sy skoonseun Saterdag by die Strand aangeval is. Die man (47) wat anoniem wil bly, vertel hy en sy skoonseun (24) het dié aand oorkant die Melkbaaiwoonstelle in Kusweg gaan visvang. Omstreeks 22:30 het van die ander vissermanne die see ingegaan. Die twee mans het ’n groep jong seuns by die nabygeleë toilette opgelet wat in hul toerusting gekrap het. “Ons het vir hulle geskree en hulle het weggehardloop. My skoonseun het toe een van hulle agterna gesit en gevang en hom begin slaan omdat hulle ons toerusting wou steel,” vertel die man.

Die res van die groep het toe op ’n wit bakkie gespring. “Dit het gelyk of hulle uit die parkeerarea gaan wegry, maar toe het ’n nog groter groep, seker so agt van hulle, met slaangoed uit die bakkie gespring.” Die groep het die twee mans op die strand gejaag en met klippe en sand bestook. Die skoonseun is teen die kop getref en die man teen die skouer. Wat hulle egter gered het, was die sirene van ’n aankomende polisie-voertuig op pad na ’n ongelukstoneel. Die groep seuns het toe weggehardloop en tussen die huise verdwyn. “Ons het die polisie gestop en hulle vertel wat gebeur het. Die beampte het gesê dat sy eers na die ongelukstoneel sal gaan en dan weer terug sal kom,” vertel die man, wat


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die afgelope drie jaar in die Strand woon. Toe die polisie weg is, wou die groep weer terugkom, maar ’n man in ’n wit Volkswagen Jetta, wat ook wou kom visvang het, het by die pa en skoonseun gestop. Hulle het hom van die gebeure vertel en gevra om daar te bly staan terwyl hulle die res van hul toerusting, wat nie gesteel is nie, in hul motor gelaai het. “Ek het nie die saak by die polisie aangemeld nie, want teen daai tyd wou ek net by die huis uitkom. “Ek is nou te bang om weer te gaan visvang. Ek moet nou eers ’n wapen kry om myself te beskerm, want my kar is sekerlik gemerk.” Die man het gesê dat ander vissermanne uit sy ervaring moet leer en waaksaam moet wees wanneer hulle saans gaan visvang.

Die skoonseun se ’n kopwond ná hy met ’n baksteen gegooi is.

Man kry 21 jaar ná moord op beampte Ngakweliphi Nyati (38), die man wat van die moord op ’n Vetus Schola-beampte aangekla is, is Maandag tot 21 jaar tronkstraf in die Somerset-Wes-landdroshof gevonnis. Die beampte, Jhuvonne Julies (33), is op 21 Julie in Lourensfordweg, oorkant die Shell Garage, deur Nyati met ’n mes aangeval. Op die betrokke aand het Julies op ’n oproep van personeel by die Shell-vulstasie reageer. Volgens ooggetuies het Julies, wat toe slegs twee maande in diens van die sekuriteitsmaatskappy was, uit sy voertuig geklim toe Nyati op hom afgestorm het en hom met ’n mes gesteek het. Julies het van sy aanval-

ler probeer vlug, maar het gestruikel en geval. Nyati het toe na bewering bo-op Julies gaan sit en hom herhaaldelik in die bors en nek gesteek waarna hy met Julies se vuurwapen weggehardloop het. Julies het op die toneel aan sy beserings beswyk. Nyati is op 30 Augustus in Somerset-Wes in hegtenis geneem nadat hy luidrugtig en onder die invloed van drank in die openbaar was. Tydens ’n visentering is ’n vuurwapen met patrone in sy besit gevind. Die vuurwapen is later getoets en positief met die voorval waarin Julies dood is, verbind. Nyati se tronkstraf is opgedeel in 15 jaar vir die

moord, drie jaar vir die diefstal van die vuurwapen, waarvan 12 maande opgeskort is vir vyf jaar, en drie jaar vir die onwettige besit van ’n vuurwapen. Nadene Kannemeyer, Julies se vriendin, het gemengde gevoelens oor die uitspraak gehad. “Ek was een keer by die hof, maar dit het my net ontstel want ek weet hy het dit moedswillig gedoen. “Dis goeie nuus en ek is bly. Die Here is goed.” Sy het ook die ondersoekbeampte, ao. Carleigh Noemdoe, geprys vir sy rol. Somerset-Wes stasiebevelvoerder, kol. Mary Ann Williams, het ook waardering vir Noemdoe se puik speurwerk uitgespreek.

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Experts at Alzheimer workshops Alzheimer’s SA will be hosting awareness workshops at Livewell Suites (41 Lourens Street, Somerset West) on Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May and Saturday 1 June. The programme for the three days are similar and prominent speakers will address a variety of related subjects, including the latest clinical trials, international and local research, case studies and success stories. The speakers are experts in their respective fields and attendees will gain valuable information about this debilitating disease which affects close to a million South Africans. Sufficient time will be available for questions and discussions. Book your space by contacting Jimmy at jimmy@livewellsa.co.za, 082 343 0097 or 021 851 6886. Entry is R30.


Nuus News

16 May, 2013

Somerset West teens meet and greet Justin Bieber ILLANA FRANTZ

place at the Cape Town Stadium on Wednesday 8 May. This enabled Tanya to take both girls – her daughter In a series of fortunate events two Kaylee and her stepdaughter René. teenage girls from Somerset West “I wanted to jump out of my skin were lucky enough to meet their when I heard the news. I phoned my favourite singer – teen singing mother and just started screamsensation Justin Bieber. ing . . . not knowing that I was on speaker phone and that she was Kaylee Joao (13) and René in a meeting at the time,” said Swart (14) were ecstatic when René, a Grade 8 pupil at Parel they heard that Justin Bieber Vallei High School. was set to perform in Cape She added that when she told Town this month. one of her closest friends at They didn’t manage to get school the next day, despite intickets to the show, but structing her to keep it a secret, Kaylee’s mother, Tanya, the friend ran around the school bought a Justin Bieber fanand shouted “René’s going to pack which contained a commeet Justin Bieber” to all the pupetition through which one pils in the hallways. could win tickets. The girls stood in the queue to “I bought it about a month meet their idol for about four and a half ago. There was a hours, but they say it was all SIM card number which you worth it. He gave each of them needed to SMS to a competia hug before posing with them tion number. for a photo. “I only SMSed once and Kaylee, a Grade 7 pupil at completely forgot about the Beaumont Primary, was overcompetition,” recalls Tanya. In this group photo Kaylee Joao (left) and René whelmed by her friends’ reacOn Monday 6 May she re- Swart (far right) are with teen singing sensation tion when she returned to school ceived a phone call to inform Justin Bieber and another, unknown fan. the next day. her that she won an all-ex“Everyone came running, crowdpenses-paid trip to the Justin Bieber that he might have a solution for her concert in San Diego in the United and that he would phone her back lat- ing around me, asking me how it was, what he smelled like and what his States of America next month. The er that afternoon. He kept his promise and when he hair looked like. They all wanted me golden circle tickets also came with the opportunity to meet the singer. phoned Tanya, he said that one of the to get them his autograph, including At first Tanya was ecstatic about other winners were willing to swop one of my teachers,” remembers Kaylee. the prize as the concert was sched- their prize with them. Instead of two golden circle tickets This was the first concert Kaylee uled for the same day as her husband’s birthday and it also meant she to the San Diego concert, they were attended and both girls are in agreegiven two extra golden circle tickets ment when they call this an “unforcould visit some friends overseas. But there were only two tickets. “I to the Cape Town concert, which took gettable experience”.


told the kids about it that afternoon when I fetched them from school, but it was difficult as both of them love Justin. As a mother, how do I decide who stays and who goes?” She explained her dilemma to the representative from Blu Label Media who ran the competition. He told her

Kaylee Joao (left) and René Swart show off their Justin Bieber memorabilia.


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Green Leaf Designs | 2013.05.09



Distrikspos 16 Mei, 2013

Nuus News


Nuus News

16 May, 2013

Rape victim feels community failed him NIKITA SYLVESTER “You will never forget Valentine’s Day again.” These were the words a 38-year-old Strand resident was left with after he was raped by three unknown men. It’s been three months since his traumatic ordeal, but *John is determined to make people aware that rape is a reality and that it happens to men as well. Sitting in his apartment last week, staring blankly into the distance, John nervously recalled the daunting experience which changed his life forever. “I was walking towards the Strand train station at around 05:30, on my way to work. At the corner of Union and Da Gama Streets a man in a white Hyundai stopped next to me. He asked where I was going, I replied to the train station and he offered me a lift,” said John. Unaware that there were another two men in the back seat, John got into the car. “They blindfolded me and began to drive. I had no idea where they were going but it felt like an eternity. “All I could think of was what they were going to do to me. Were they going to kill me and dump me? Would I ever see my partner, my mother or two children again?” When they finally came to a stop, John said he suspects they were in an informal settlement. “I could hear dogs barking, and people talking. Once we were inside a small room, they removed the blindfold. And then it started.” John recalled that one of the men who seemed to be the instigator was smartly dressed in a suit and tie. With much difficulty he told how all three men had raped him and thereafter relieved themselves on him. Their words to him were: “Nou weet jy hoe dit voel om met ’n regte man te wees” as well as “Nou weet jy ook hoe ruik ’n man”. After all three men had their way with him, John said before leaving the room they blindfolded him again, took him back to the car and started to drive.

The next time the blindfold was removed John found himself sitting on the pavement outside the Strand train station. He said it must have been around 11:00 that morning when the men left him there. “I just sat there for a while before I made my way back home,” said John. He explained that this ordeal had a huge effect on his now fearful life. He can’t board a train or be around too many people without feeling overwhelmed and anxious. “I will never forget the smell of his aftershave or the wedding ring he wore,” John remembers as he thinks back to the man in the suit, “or the fluffy Dalmation hanging from the rear-view mirror as I got into the car”. John feels that because he is a homosexual the

community has failed him. He claims that he reported the incident to the Strand police soon after it happened. Upon returning to the police station a few days later to retrieve his case number, he was told there was no record of the incident being reported and then had to give his statement again. The police referred him to Rape Crisis for treatment. According to John he felt discriminated against when he was told at the centre that the crime kit used on rape victims could only be performed on women. John claims that despite being examined by counsellors as well as a doctor, no tests were performed or medication provided, only his blood pressure was taken. What disappointed John even more was when he recently received an SMS from the police stating that his “case has been withdrawn”. Reinette Evans, director and counsellor at Helderberg Rape Crisis, feels that John had been misinformed. “Unfortunately the crime kit and medication can only be provided within 72 hours after the rape took place, thereafter our hands are completely tied. “We encourage victims to come forward as soon as possible,” said Evans. Strand police spokesperson, Const Mbulelo Mafuna, confirmed that the case was reported and transferred to Family violence, Child protection and Sexual offences unit for investigation (FCS). However, Mafuna said that if new leads or information are received the investigation will proceed. “I feel people are not bothered because I am gay or that I went looking for it. “Don’t be so quick to judge people just because they are different. “I would love to form a support group to help me get through this. If there is anyone out there who would like to share their experience with me I would gladly offer my assistance,” said John. Anyone with information about the incident contact Lt Col Franklin Plaatjies on 082 469 3359. *Not his real name.

For Helderberg commuters who rely on the Golden Arrow Bus service to get around, alternative transport arrangements are now a thing of the past. This comes after the three week long nationwide bus drivers’ wage strike has finally come to an end. Bus drivers affiliated to the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) and the Transport and Omnibus Workers Union (Towu) undertook strike action on Friday 19 April. Initially employers offered a 6,5% wage increase, while unions demanded an 18% wage increase. After almost two weeks of strike action and a number of deadlocked negotiations, unions lowered their demand to a 13%, while employers improved their offer to 8%. But, still no one would settle. Further negotiations finally resulted in an agreement being reached. A wage increase of 9,5% was settled upon on Monday. According to Bronwen Dyke, spokesperson for Golden Arrow Bus Service, Tuesday already saw 80 percent of their staff back at work. By Wednesday, 99% of their staff were on the job with the bus service running smoothly.

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Hoofartikel Main feature

16 Mei, 2013

Sê jou sê



) Wat ’n jammerte om te hoor dat Pick n Pay Broadlands nou amptelik hul deure gesluit het. Dit was ’n genot om daar te shop. Dit is skoon en dit was net lekker om in so ’n winkel te wees. Vir meer as twee jaar het ek dit geniet. Wat die rede vir hul sluiting is, weet ek nie. Wat ’n jammerte vir dié wat dit meer gerieflik gevind het om daar te shop.

Is crime on the rise in the Helderberg? This edition of the DistrictMail features several violent crimes which occurred in and around the Helderberg during the past week. It is not the intention of this newspaper to shock our readers or sensationalise these events. Our task is to report on all happenings within the Helderberg and to inform our readers of what is going on around them. Crime-related reports will hopefully inform and educate our readers so that they learn from what is going on around them.

Hawkers selling plastic rhino horns I saw the advertisement on television about the plastic rhino horns you can buy at CNA. Recently I also noticed hawkers selling these plastic horns at the traffic lights on the N2. I was just wondering, if by any chance, someone can look into it because I’m 99% sure that the money that they get from selling those horns does not contribute to the rhinos at all. If it is possible, please notify the public to rather buy the plastic horns at CNA for R30 if they really care. I think it’s a little unfair and fraudulent to make money from someone else’s charity – if this is the case.


DistrictMail mobi This week’s featured photo gallery on our website shows off the Vergelegen Wine Estate and Camphor Restaurant. Have a look at this gem of a wine farm right here in Somerset West under the tourism link in the multi-media folder. Also have a look at the photos taken this past weekend at the Helderberg Rotary’s awards ceremony and 30th birthday celebration. The event took place at the Lord Charles Hotel on Friday 11 May. To view all this and more, including the latest news, visit www.districtmail.com. You can also catch our mobisite on the go, by visiting distrikspos.mobi.

Now also online... www.districtmail.com

) Thank you for the outstanding service and delicious fish and chips at uncle Manny’s in Main Road, Strand. You have a loyal customer now. Thank you once again, you guys made my day. Mendelsohn “Manny” Ontong. SCENIC HELDERBERG: This photo, with the Helderberg Mountains in the background, was taken by Fanus Oosthuizen on the Wedderwill Estate during the Hottentots-Holland Classic mountainbike race on Sunday. The race started and ended at the Ongegund Wines Estate. PHOTO: FANUS@OAKPICS.COM

‘Strand­polisie doen weer hul berugte swak diens gestand’ Op Sondagoggend (21 April) om 01:00 uur word my seun van die pad afgetrek nadat hy sy kollega in Kusweg gaan aflaai het ná ’n skof by Privè Private Bar. Hy word toe ingeneem polisiestasie toe waar hy van sy beursie beroof word. Daar was net een man aan diens. Hy konfiskeer my seun se knipmes en dié word in een of ander register opgeteken, maar die beursie met R50 verdwyn. Die tragedie is egter dat al die bankkaarte, rybewys wat in die beursie was, ook nou gesteel is. Die

man aan diens dra nou kwansuis geen kennis van die beursie nie – en dit vir ’n skamele R50. ’n Saak van diefstal is oopgemaak en kan met die polisie bevestig word, maar bowenal, die ongerief om weer, met kostes, al daardie kaarte te vervang. My seun se reg op ’n prokureur asook ’n telefoniese oproep was ook geskend en sy regte was nooit vir hom voorgelees nie. Strand-polisie doen weer hulle berugte swak diens en diefstal gestand.


STRAND Const Mbulelo Mafuna, spokesperson for the Strand police responds: This office can confirm that the accused was arrested for allegedly driving while under the influence. Upon his release he alleged that some of his property was missing. A docket for theft was opened and the investigation continues. Anyone with information that may assist the investigation, can phone Lt Col Franklin Plaatjies on 082 469 3359.

Re­zoning of property will cause more traffic problems The owner of Erf 1757 and 1758, which are numbers 11 and 13 Lourensford Road is, re-zoning them into a single property and putting up a double-story mixed-use development of offices, retail development, restaurant/coffee shop. This development will also have underground parking.

The amount of collisions and near misses at the corner of Lourensford Street and Caledon Street is amazing, and to have more traffic feeding in from almost opposite the intersection is frightening. I feel this should be brought to the public’s knowledge, so that they too can put in objections to

the municipality. Traffic lights cannot be erected at this corner as it is too close to the Main Road and Lourensford Road intersection.


Vetus Schola se passie vir werk ’n inspirasie Graag wil ons almal by Vetus Schola bedank nadat julle ’n skelm vasgetrek het wat ’n nuwe stel gholfstokke by ons eiendom gesteel het. Shaun en die manne het lont geruik nadat hulle ’n persoon douvoordag met ’n stel gholfstokke by

die pad sien afstap het. Hulle het dadelik gereageer en hom vasgetrek voordat hy nog kon gaan “gholf” speel. Wat hierdie voorval so besonders maak, is dat ons nie eens een van hul kliënte is nie.

Thank you Cllr Van Minnen We would like to thank councillor Benedicta van Minnen from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and donations given to us over the years. We know you do not always get the recognition you deserve, therefore we would like you to know how much your efforts mean to us. We know we can always count on you and that you go the extra mile, often beyond the call of duty.

You are an irreplaceable part of our community and we value you. Thanks for always following up and remembering our school. You are a woman of true character and we admire your passion for your job. You are the best councillor we have ever had. Please keep up the good work.


Dit is duidelik dat hierdie manne ’n passie vir hul werk het, en dus beveel ons julle hoogs aan. Welgedaan, Vetus Schola!


Well done Somerset West traffic department Yesterday afternoon (Monday 13 May), my driver’s licence, Fedhealth medical aid membership card and all my loyalty cards were stolen out of my rucksak at Somerset Mall. I would like to let the public know that this morning (Tuesday 14 May) two employees from the Somerset West traffic department went out of their

way to assist me by rendering me excellent customer services. They greatly assisted me with obtaining a new driver’s license. Their names are Tanya Anthony and Jeremy du Toit. What a relief this assistance was for me, a 74-year-old senior citizen. GUDRUN KOCH STRAND

) Baie dankie mej Meyer vir die groen bins se skoon maak. Danie ) Just want to thank the lovely ladies at uncle Manny’s Fisheries, Main Road, Strand for the absolute best fried fish I have ever eaten! Will definitely be a repeat customer. Thanks, DJ ) There is talk every where about “saving” electricity, how about investigations being done on these huge spot lights that burn all night, namely Harmony Park? Why must the rate payers be targeted for wastage like this? ) Kan iemand my dalk sê hoekom die munisipaliteite verwag dat die seniorburgers nog hulle sypaadjies in stand moet hou met hul karige toelae? Ek dink dis skokkend terwyl die regering geld gee vir instandhouding van parke se sypaadjies. ) A big thank you to Anton Fourie and his staff at BP garage, Gordon’s Bay who were helping me on two very stressful occasions. I am very grateful especially to Anton, thanks again. Resi Kothe ) Neighbours in the Orion Close area, are you not absolutely exasperated by the continuous barking of an obviously bored dog whose owners are either away all day and don’t stop to consider the needs of their pet or are stone deaf and don’t care about those living close by? Shame on you. ) Horlosie gevind in park. Stuur beskrywing en u kontakbesonderhede aan die DistriksPos en ek kontak u graag. ) Totally agree with John. Week later and still waiting for the plumber to pitch as well as a paver for a quote. Been disappointed with this attitude more than once before.

Stuur jou sms na 32465

Begin die sms met die woord MENSE en tik dan jou boodskap. Sê dankie, geluk, jammer, lief jou....


Vermaak Entertainment

16 May, 2013

Guitar kidz and friends in concert Guitar kidz and friends will be performing live on 20 and 21 May at the Playhouse Theatre in Somerset West. Guitar kidz brings together 80 guitar students from the Helderberg in collaboration with local celebrities and musicians to perform old and new contemporary and rock n roll music. Taking music from beginners level to advanced level, students from ages 9 – 15 will play along with a live band.

Special guests include vocalists: Jesse Jordan, Tommy Dell, Elvis (Fanie Schoeman), Angie Mitchell, Helene Henn and Deon Strydom; guitar: Mike Pregnalato, Elmarie de Necker and Dottie Westpfahl; keyboard: Maureen Malan; bass guitar: Duncan Combe and drums: Jeané Combe. The event will take place at 19:00 and tickets can be bought at R70 each. Bookings are open between 12:00 and 18:00. Phone Elmarie on 084 571 4343 or email, denecker@telkomsa.net.


An electric guitar can be won at the concert.

Piano Duo recital “IT’S MY LIFE”: Legendary American rock band, Bon Jovi took to the stage of the Cape Town Stadium on Tuesday 7 May and captivated a crowd of thousands, with their signature hard rock sound. The band performed live in Cape Town and Johannesburg as part of the worldwide “Because we can” tour. PHOTO: LANCE PETERSON

The Somerset West Music Society will be hosting a Piano Duo recital featuring Laura Pauna and James Redfern. The concert will take place on Sunday 26 May at the Somerset West library hall at 16:00. Tickets for non-members are R60 for adults and R30 for students.

Girls to rock at Berties performing their songs with raw passion and as close to the original as possible. Join them for a funfilled walk down memory lane as they rock the night away. Girls of Rock, The Tribute is the brain child of Jacqui Brits, better known to some as the front woman of the band Melk, and also for her fame in the Big Brother house. The show will start at 21:00 and entrance is free.

BUSS: 021 856 0676

CELL: 073 403 1878

HOMECOOKED MEALS SESSION: Meet the guys of Session this Friday 17 May at Petrolheads in Strand. The band has returned by popular demand to entertain the crowds with rock sounds of the past and present – always adding new songs to their repertoire. Come and enjoy an evening of hot guitar riffs. For further details phone Jock 083 757 9133.

Delivered daily aswell as Frozen Cooked meals delivered weekly! Tired of cooking, let me do the cooking for you!



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Dont miss Girls of Rock, The Tribute perform live at Berties Moorings on Friday 17 May. Girls of Rock, The Tribute is a 70s celebration of the spectacular talents of Janis Joplin, Marianne Faithful, Cher, Stevie Nicks, Juice Newton, Bonnie Tyler, Joan Jett, Suzi Quatro, Heart and local girl band Clout. The performers’ vision is to capture the essence of each artist by

Catering Cathy's


Distrikspos 16 Mei, 2013

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Leefstyl Lifestyle

16 May, 2013

Elana and Bruce to start ROOT44 parkrun bosch and Somerset West. The initiative encourages the participation of every ability and age, from kids to adults, first-time runners to Olympians and even those who prefer to jog or walk the course. “Bruce, Elana, and her husband, Jacques, have test run the course and are extremely pleased with the track,” said Kirsten Weir, general manager of ROOT44 Market. The market will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 09:00 – 15:30. Expect great kids facilities, live entertainment, gourmet food and local arts and crafts. To sign up for the ROOT44 parkrun, register on the website at www.root44.co.za/ parkrun and follow the instructions. Phone 021 881 3052 for more information.

With winter approaching, one sometimes feels like hiding under the covers and hibernating until summer returns. But with the beautiful weather the Winelands has been enjoying this autumn, get out for some fresh mountain air and morning sunshine at the ROOT44 parkrun. Parkrun is a non-profit organisation that facilitates free 5 km timed runs in various locations around the world every Saturday at 08:00. On Saturday 25 May Olympic silver medallist Elana Meyer and legendary ninetime Comrades Marathon champion Bruce Fordyce will be launching the newest parkrun to hit South African shores at the ROOT44 Market. It’s based at Audacia Winery on the Annandale Road between Stellen-

FIRST BIRTHDAY: Chairperson Caraleigh Otto (left) of the Nthando Home of Safety and new house mother, Trudie Jacobs celebrate the first birthday of the home. Around 40 guests gathered to celebrate the occasion where the Nthando board also unveiled the newly renovated home as well as introduced Trudie Jacobs to the guests.


Bake sale for Hope and Light Primary Come and sink your teeth into a vast array of delectable home-made treats this Saturday 18 May. Feast on a selection of muffins, cakes and tarts, without passing up the opportunity to taste savoury bakes such as quiches and boerewors rolls. The sale will be held at 7 Aster Street in Somerset West from 11:00 to 15:00 and proceeds will go to the Hope and Light Primary School in Sir Lowry’s Pass. Phone Lize de Jongh on 072 190 6238 for more information.

Elana Meyer and Bruce Fordyce PHOTO: GRAHAM POWELL


Strand Vereistes: • Toepaslike ondervinding in the voedseldiensbedryf • Goeie administratiewe en personeel vaardigheid • Kreatiewe bekwaamheid t.o.v funksies en voedselvoorbereiding • Goeie kliënte verhoudings • Beheer van naweek skofte • Eie vervoer voordelig Faks verkorte CV aan Karen op 086 560 7894 of epos karenl@feedem.co.za


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Promosie Promotion

16 Mei, 2013

Quality service at Colin van Wyk Optometrist After 20 years of working in Worcester, Colin van Wyk Optometrist was established in Somerset West in 2004 in a beautifully renovated old house in Lourensford Road. At Colin van Wyk Optometrist they strive to provide quality and efficient service. When it comes to your eyes they believe that their clients deserve only the best, which is why they take pride in their comprehensive 45 minute eye test. During the eye test the optometrist will conduct a full case history, do retinoscopy, a refraction, extra ocular muscle testing, slit lamp examination, visual field measurement, ophthalmoscopy, fundus photography and glaucoma testing. They also do colorimetry testing and eye movement assessment (using a visagraph). Colin van Wyk Optometrist makes use of the latest technology combined with years

of experience. Today more people become successful contact lens wearers because of advances in contact lens technology. There are many designs and type of lenses available and according to your eye health, lifestyle, visual and occupational needs the optometrist will be able to determine the best suitable contact lens for you. They specialise in fitting and assessment of hard contact lenses, but also have an extensive range of soft lenses, including daily disposables, monthly disposables and multi-focal lenses. They provide a wide selection of frames, sunglasses and contact lenses, as well as extras such as cases, cords, cleaning kits, clipons, UV shields, ready made readers etc. Their on-site lab is available to assist with repairs and cutting of spectacle lenses.

As an additional service they also have a Wise Eye Reading Lab where they assist children to become better, faster and more efficient readers. Colin van Wyk Optometrist can scientifically and accurately measure the eye movements during silent reading with a specialized devise called the visagraph. With the Wise Eye programme they will be able to identify any reading problems related to incorrect eye movement. In 2008 they opened a Low Vision centre to accommodate the increasing demand for low vision services in the Helderberg. They provide a comprehensive low vision assessment and have a full range of low vision devises like magnifiers, telescopes, and electronic equipment as well as other assistive devices to help improve the quality of life of all their low vision clients.

THE TEAM: Prof. Schalk le Roux, Roan van Vuuren, Hannes Jacobs, Bennu Smit, Itai Kahenga, Marcus Smit and Ansu Smit.

Modern luxury homes, professionally designed Having graduated with top honours from the University of Pretoria in 1993, Marcus Smit established his practice, Marcus Smit Architects, in Cape Town after spending two years with GAPP Architects. A recent recipient of a Cape Institute for Architecture Award for Excellence, the firm performs most of its work in the modern luxury residential market. Apart from a current project in Tanzania, locations where buildings have been designed span almost the entire South Africa, but are concentrated in the Western Cape. The team’s design philosophy is rooted in a functional and relevant application of appropri-

ate, current and economical criteria, construction and materials. The practice is located outside Cape Town, central to the Helderberg, Winelands, Overberg and Hermanus regions, with the team consisting of registered architects, architectural technologists and administrative staff. As registered architects with the SA Council for the Architectural Profession, the Cape Institute for Architecture and the SA Institute for Architects, the practice offers a complete professional service. Additional services include the selection and design of interior fittings and furniture, and garden layout, for ideal integration with building design.


Promosie Promotion

16 Mei, 2013


The Guys, your one-stop salon The Guys at 15 on Bright has become a wellknown salon where there is always a buzz. Helmut and Petrus opened the doors of the Somerset West unisex hairsalon in 2006 and soon became a very popular stop for everyday haircare. Together with Ruan, the duo then opened a very popular three-man station in Bright Street two years later. In the spring of 2012 Johan joined the team, completing a fully-fledged hairdressing team. The men would not have been able to cope successfully without Karen, their very capable senior operator. The Guys are set amongst a hive of activity which includes galleries, restaurants and coffee shops, beauty salons and a cocktail lounge too. The Guys are operating Monday: 08:00 – 12:00, Tuesday – Friday: 08:00 – 16:00 and Saturday: 08:00 – 13:00. Make sure you phone today for an appointment with the Guys who are always happy to hear from all their much-loved clients and anyone else that would like to be amongst those that everyone is always talking about. Contact The Guys on 021 852 2222 or 072 200 6677

Get caught up in the tranquility of Chelsea Village.

Inspiration at Chelsea Experience unique shopping when you visit Chelsea Village in Bright Street, Somerset West. The quaint little shopping centre has entrances in Bright as well as Stellendal Road, making it easily accessible for the keen shopper. The village hosts 15 shops, which are: Chec’s and Squares Coffee Shop and Function Venue, Mulberry House Interiors, Maya Clothing Boutique, Juno Maternity Wear and Accessories, Co-

coon Healing Beauty Salon, Rodenburg’s Deli, Bronski’s Jewellers, Chelsea Décor and Gifts, Gister Antiques, Paradiso Flowers, The Horse and Hound, Jukie D Cakes, Chelsea Wellness and Tummy Time 3d/4d Ultrasound. With free parking in Stellendal Road, the village offers a tranquil, relaxing environment in which to meander and be inspired by what is on offer and perhaps relax with a bite to eat and a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

LAW: Principal, Nico van der Watt heads the team of Saunders Venter and Van der Watt who is known for their professional ability. Their effective communication with colleagues, state institutions and judicial and administrative bodies allows them to skillfully simplify administrative processes for their clients.

Madelyn Barnard, associate.

Charlotte Potgieter, candidate attorney.



Promosie Promotion

16 May, 2013

Guidelines on finding the right daycare centre for your youngster Parents are often faced with the problem of finding a suitable daycare or pre-school for their child. Here are some tips on how to select a daycare centre which you would be happy with. If someone is looking after six or more children, they are required by law to be registered,

to have certain facilities and a certain level of training. There are regulations with regards to space, toilets and washbasins as well as prescribed menus to be followed if a daycare centre receives a government food subsidy. The extensive requirements are laid down in a manual titled “Early Childhood Development” issued

by the Department of Health and Social Services. Tips on how to find a suitable crèche or daycare: . What does the daily programme look like? . Is the person looking after the children a trained caregiver? . Who will stand in if she gets ill? . Are there other adults on the premises during the day who are not involved with the running of the daycare centre? . How many children are catered for at the daycare centre? . Who decides on the menus and their nutritional value? . Does the caregiver have any first aid training? . What will this person do if there is a crisis of any sort? . Are parents welcome to drop in any time? . What would the caregiver do if your oneyear-old drew on the wall? . What is the policy with regards to illness? . Are the other children vaccinated against diseases such as polio and smallpox?

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. What stimulating educational activities are there for the children? . Are the fees payable per month or per term? . What is the ‘notice period’? . What are the opening and closing times? . How much will parents have to pay extra if they are late in fetching their children? . How safe is the outdoor playing area and what sort of ongoing supervision is there when children are playing outside? . Are any active steps taken to ensure that no bullying takes place? . What happens when it rains? . What sort of security is there on the perimeter of the property? . What is the procedure if someone else needs to drop off or collect the child? Remember that you are the client, you are paying for the service and your child deserves proper care and attention when you are not around. Feel free to visit a few facilities with your child and see where he or she feels most at home. (Source: Health24).


Promosie Promotion

16 May, 2013

Be a good role model, raise a healthy child favourite food,” advises Melinda Johnson, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. “At a meal, mix their favourites with what you’re trying to challenge them with.” And don’t give up after the first time your child rejects a food. “Don’t force them [to eat it], but keep offering it to them,” says Sutherland. “You might have to [offer] new things eight times before a kid will eat it.” ) Follow the “Rule of Three” At each meal, try to include at least three of the following food groups from the food pyramid: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat or beans. A snack can consist of two food groups. ) Make grocery shopping a fun learning experience Let young children pick out their favourite fruits; older kids can learn maths concepts, like finding the best value or comparing nutrition labels. ) Involve kids in the kitchen Letting your children help with the cooking can give them a better understanding of food, notes Sutherland. Source: Health24

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In a recent study, 120 children between 2 and 6 years old, were invited to “shop” for play food in a play grocery store stocked with everything from fruits and vegetables to sodas and junk food. What did the kids purchase? The same stuff they see their parents buying and eating. “Parents need to be aware that the choices they make do have an impact on their kids, and kids start to learn food behaviours and patterns at a very early age,” says study leader Dr Lisa Sutherland of the Hood Center for Children and Families at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. To raise a child who grows up loving broccoli and whole grains, consider the following: ) Be a good role model Let them see you eating wholegrain toast at breakfast, enjoying a piece of fruit for a snack and filling up on veggies at dinner. If you can’t give up your cookies and soda, try to eat them when the kids are in bed and keep them out of sight. ) Combine favourites with the unfamiliar “Don’t just always serve their

Lions Hall, New Street, Somerset West 021 851 5580 021 852 3308




Promosie Promotion

16 Mei, 2013

Rotary Club hosts anniversary dinner The Helderberg Rotary Club celebrated 30 years of existence with an elaborate anniversary dinner and award ceremony held at NH The Lord Charles Hotel in Somerset West on Friday 10 May. The Helderberg Rotary Club, which takes its name from the Helderberg mountain overlooking Somerset West and its surrounding areas, was chartered on 17 May 1983. The Helderberg Rotary Club took this opportunity to celebrate its success which started from the humble beginnings of 32 Rotarians, one of whom is still a member. Now, the club enjoys a membership of 36 members and two honorary members.

Gannick and Marie Ogiela celebrated their wedding anniversary on the same day as the Helderberg Rotary Club celebrated 30 years of existence.

Seen here (back, from left) are Henry Laubscher, Dr Peter Humphreys and his wife, Rose; (front) Eleanor Roberts with past president Dave Barnes and his wife, Shirley. PHOTOS: JAMEY THOMAS

District governor Mike Ochse (left) presented Kathy and André Boonzaier with their awards.

President of the Helderberg Rotary Club, Mervyn Cole, presented his wife, Jill, with an award for her work done as director of membership, her club survey and revision of the fireside chat.

Seen here is JC and Lynette Stassen (assistant governor of five Helderberg basin rotary clubs) with Rotary Ann Sue Blues (right).

Lynette Stassen (assistant governor of five Helderberg basin rotary clubs) awarded president elect Peter Cohen with a certificate in recognition of the tireless and important work done as director of service projects in the past year.

District governor elect Vyv Deacon awarded Elma Vorster with a certificate for her dedicated work as Rotary foundation chair and involvement in the implementation of the new process plan.

Maud Prinsloo and Everlee Doveton were amongst the many guests.

David Good (past president and assistant governor), Joké Young (president elect nominee), Caroline Swellengrebel (past Rotary Ann president) and Elsa van Zyl.

So was dit: Stories van gister en vandag bekendgestel Die bekendstelling van Johan van Wyk se nuwe boek, So was dit: Stories van gister en vandag, het Saterdagoggend om 11:00 in die klubhuis van die Greenways Gholflandgoed in die Strand plaasgevind. Die boek is deur Tafelberg uitgegee en is tans die topverkoper onder Afrikaanse boeke. Johan van Wyk is ’n gesoute joernalis en rubriekskrywer wat die afgelope paar jaar gereeld artikels vir Weg, Landbouweekblad en By skryf, asook rubriekbydraes vir Die Burger se “Van alle kante” lewer. Sy boek, So was dit: Stories van gister en vandag, beskryf ’n

plattelandse leefwêreld waar eenvoud en outydse waardes die botoon voer. Die verhale is propvol enigmatiese karakters, vreemde gebeure en stofpaaie na afgeleë plase. DistriksPos het ’n komplimentêre uitgawe van die boek ontvang. Een gelukkige leser kan ’n eksemplaar daarvan wen. SMS jou naam en van, tesame met die sleutelwoorde “So was dit” na 34421 voor 12:00, Maandag 20 Mei.

Hier (van links) is Johan van Wyk, Annie Olivier (uitgewer by Tafelberg), Hennie van Deventer (skrywer en oudkoeranthoof van Nasionale Koerante) en Tobie Wiese (samesteller van die boek). FOTO’S: JAMEY THOMAS

Sandra en Carlo Germeshuys was by die boekbekendstelling om hul eksemplaar van die boek te kry en te laat teken.

Die bekende skrywer Deon Meyer (agter, regs) het ook die boekbekendstelling bygewoon en sy eksemplaar van die boek deur Johan van Wyk (sittend) laat teken. Saam met hulle is Rudie van Rensburg.

Wen dié boek.


Algemeen General

16 May, 2013

The red tape covering their mouths symbolised the silence of children who have fallen prey to sexual abuse.

March in silence to raise awareness of child abuse On Thursday 9 May, Strand area experienced momentary darkness as Mondeor Eco School pupils descended on Beach Road clothed completely in black. In an attempt to create community awareness around child sexual abuse, the Grade 11 pupils, with the help of their teachers, planned a silent march down Beach Road from the Strand Jetty down to the water slides at Water World. The initiative came about after the Grade

11 pupils completed their prescribed book, Roepman. According to one of the teachers, the pupils were quite disturbed by the theme of the book which was based on child sexual abuse and therefore decided on an awareness march. The purpose of the march was to make the community aware of the reality of child sexual abuse taking place around us, to encourage the victims of these acts to speak out and lastly to send a message to all perpetrators of child sexual abuse that it will not be tolerated.

The Grade 11 pupils of Mondeor Eco School marching down Beach Road, Strand in protest action against child sexual abuse.

NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE SUBCOUNCILS: MAY 2013 Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the 24 (twenty four) Subcouncils for the City of Cape Town will take place at the time and venue indicated in the schedule below: Subcouncil Venue 1 2 3 4

Farewell Joe de Smidt – RIP Joe de Smidt passed away suddenly on 21 April leaving behind his wife Barbara, daughters Gail Gould and Penny Bentley, and granddaughter Sasha Bentley. Born in Durban in 1925, Joe was one of the first long board surfers at Addington beach where he also enjoyed fishing. His wife Barbara won many ballroom dancing championships in the Durban City hall in the 1940’s. Joe taught at Maritzburg College for many years before retiring to Somerset West where he then became involved with Southey’s Vines craft market, selling his finely crafted wooden toys, breadboards and gabled towel rails. He was well known for his chatty nature and positive attitude and will be sorely missed by his family and friends.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The late Joe de Smidt with his wife, Barbara.

14 15 16

Now also online... www.districtmail.com

17 18 19 20 21

The Slimming & Firming Clinic


Our Infra Red lights are like heaters and will keep you warm!!



Contact Mardie on 082 044 1845



Council Chambers, Royal Ascot, Milnerton Kraaifontein Council Chambers, Brighton Road, Kraaifontein Council Chambers, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood Parow Council Chambers, Tallent Street, Parow The Hague Community Hall, Cnr Delft Main & Silversands Road, The Hague Bellville Council Chambers, Bellville Civic Centre, Voortrekker Road, Bellville Durbanville Council Chamber, Cnr Queen and Oxford Streets, Durbanville Strand Council Chambers, Cnr Fagan Street and Main Road, Strand Solomon Tshuku Hall, Solomon Tshuku Avenue, Site C, Khayelitsha Lookout Hill Tourism Facility, Cnr Spine Road and Mew Way, Ilitha Park, Khayelitsha Vanguard Community Hall, Maangan Street, Vanguard Estate Lentegeur Civic Centre, Cnr Melkbos and Merrydale Road, Mitchells Plain Fezeka Council Chambers, Cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu Fezeka Council Chambers, Cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu Raven Room, Pinelands Training Centre, Pinelands Council Chambers, 44 Wale Street, Cape Town Athlone Minor Hall, Cnr Klipfontein and Protea Street, Athlone Subcouncil Chambers, Buck Road, Lotus River Council Chambers, Central Circle, Fish Hoek Council Chambers, Alphen Centre, Main Road, Constantia Council Chambers, Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River Strand Council Chambers, Cnr Fagan Street and Main Road, Strand Colorado Community Centre, Highland Drive, Mitchells Plain Khayelitsha Training Centre, Cnr Lwandle Road and Bonga Drive, Khayelitsha

Date Time 23
















































Manager Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 444 0689 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Johnson Fetu 021 360 1351 Goodman Rorwana 021 360 1267 Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1737 Alesia Bosman 021 371 8199 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1619 Christopher Jako 021 630 1678 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551 Goodman Rorwana 021 444 7532

To access the full agenda and all supporting documentation 72 hours before the meeting go to www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils. Highlight the date of the subcouncil meeting, choose the subcouncil you require and download the agenda. Please report any difficulties to the relevant subcouncil manager. The following policies and plans are open for public consultation during May 2013. They are available for scrutiny at subcouncil offices and interested parties may comment: • • •

Draft Urban Design Policy Utility Services Plans, Water Services Development Plan, Solid Waste Management Plan and Electricity Services Plan Events Policy




Sake Business

16 Mei, 2013


Ferrari koors hardloop hoog in die Strand GERHARD DE JAGER HELDERBERG SAKEKAMER Die Helderberg Sakekamer bedank die Strand-gemeenskap vir die terugvoering na die vorige artikel oor die toestand van die Strand se strandfront. Volgens kommunikasiebeampte Gerhard de Jager, is die sakekamer oorval met meer e-posse, sms’e en oproepe as wat hulle kon voorspel. “Dit is fantasties om te sien hoe passievol die Strand se sakemanne en inwoners is oor hulle dorp. Die terugvoer was geweldig positief van aard, die gemeenskap besef dat as hulle nie self betrokke raak nie, dan sal niks gebeur nie,” het hy gesê. Na ’n in-diepte gesprek tussen die sakekamer en Grant Goodwin van Friedman en Cohen, was die gevolgtrekking dat die Special Rating Area-projek reeds afgeskop het en dat die wiele reeds draai om gebou eienaars, ongeveer honderd en vyf-

tig van hulle saam te snoer om die Strand se sakekern te beveilig en te vernuwe. Die projek word deur Gene Lohrentz van Geocontric Information Systems bestuur. Besoek www.cityimprovement.co.za/strand vir meer inligting oor hoe die projek die gemeenskap gaan raak. “Wat die Straatmark aanbetref is die Strand in vir ’n besonderse bederf. Julie maand word die eerste sooie gespit vir ’n nuwe moderne straatmark fasiliteit waarop ons kan trots wees,” spog De Jager. Hy sê verder dat daar ook organisasies soos die Helderberg Vroue Kring is, wat aangebied het om ’n moontlike projek aan te pak om die Strand-treinstasie te verfraai om verbruikers se reis ondervinding op te kikker. “Kom ons kry al die Strand se probleme in ’n publieke gespreksforum sodat ons dit een vir een kan hanteer.” Stuur enige voorstelle, klagtes en raad aan De Jager by navrae@sakekamer.org.za of 082 922 2024.

In ’n vorige artikel van Gerhard de Jager, beskryf hy die pier in Kusweg, Strand as ’n “twispunt en ’n onooglike gevaar vir mens en dier”.

Social media talk at next Business Connect A golden networking opportunity awaits at the next Cape Business Connect network breakfast, “Social Media Bonanza” on Wednesday 22 May. Whether you need a general introduction, have a specific question, need to figure out how/when/where to fit social media into your marketing mix or want to know how to get the most out of Facebook, this meet-

Marla Nortjé

Retirement income: part 3 Remaining two asset classes: cash/bonds


Logista Chartered Accountants, prominent auditors in Stellenbosch, has a new position available for an entry level PR Officer to manage their PR and communication within the organisation.

In the final of a three-part article on how to convert capital into income, we will firstly look at generating an income from the remaining two asset classes of cash/ bonds and then how to construct a portfolio using all the asset classes to produce an inflation linked income.

QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: • Marketing Degree / Diploma or Public Relations Degree/Diploma / Certificate • Knowledge of accounting or the accounting industry will be an advantage • Candidates with 2 years experience preferred • Own transport and license SKILL REQUIREMENTS: • Any experience in PR/Marketing • Good written and verbal skills • Fully bilingual • Highly presentable • Ability to plan, organise and control • Self-motivated and disciplined

before 31 May 2013

2013 S 1C7GBA049

Basic salary from R4 000 to R6 000 p/m plus Commission (CTC) Please send an updated CV to

and is scheduled to start at 08:00 till 09:30. Cost per member is R110 and visitors R140 which includes a twocourse breakfast. To secure your seat and for further details phone Sylvia Malinowski on 082 454 9475. “Dont forget your business cards and a gift for the lucky draw,” said Malinowski.


Entry Level PR Officer


ing will offer all those answers. Each one of the speakers will focus on a specific aspect and, together, will be sharing a wealth of expertise. Guest speaker Marla Nortjé will deliver a talk entitled: Social media: Powerful marketing tool or time and privacy thief? The meeting will take place at NH Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West

Most people already understand how they earn an income from cash, which is simply the interest rate payable by the bank. The interest received is fully taxable excluding the first R23 800 per year for those under the age of 65 and R34 500 for those 65 and older. Bonds are a little more complicated in that investors not only earn an income from interest, but can also generate a potential gain or loss of capital – but this is beyond the scope of this article.

What is important is that there is no growth on interest income. If you recall from the two previous articles both shares and property are able to grow their income and it is this growth in income, which drives capital growth. Annual inflationary income growth from a cash and /or bond investment will need to come from capital, which erodes the capital base. An investor requiring an income from capital must expose the portfolio to shares, property, bonds and cash in order to ensure inflation-linked income for life. The following investments observations provide guidelines for constructing a portfolio: 1) Each client needs to plan for a range of lifestyle events that require cash. 2) In order to achieve these objectives each client’s investment port-

folio needs to earn a real rate of return (that is a return above inflation). 3) Risk is a function of time. 4) Investment time horizons are determined by cash-flow needs and financial plans are an aggregation of time horizons. 5) The longer the investment horizon the greater the capacity for risk. 6) Systematic and dynamic risk management must be applied to shortening investment time horizons. Or in plain English you need to match your future income and expenses requirements with how your portfolio is invested on a risk/ return time-horizon basis. If this still doesn’t make sense then speak to a certified financial planner and ensure that your current assets will match your future liabilities. In other words you won’t run out of money!

Mark Williams Mcomm, CFP, HDipTax 0 021 851 3746 2 mark@synfin.co.za


Skole Schools

16 May, 2013


Aansoekproses by hoërskole uitgespel “Doen ook by ander hoërskole in die omgewing aansoek.”

Twenty nine hockey players from Somerset College were recently awarded their provincial colours. Nicole Wilmans (Namibia u.21), Kaira Day (WP u.21B) and Natasha Rootenberg (WP u.21A) represented their respective teams at the recent national u.21 Inter-Provincial Tournament (IPT) in Durban. Pictured here are (back, from left) Sarah Wilmans (u.16 regional), Frances Carstens (u.16A IPT), Sinead van Eeden (u.16B IPT), Bianca van der Westhuizen (u.16B IPT), Matthew Greaver (u.16A IPT), Henry Rahmann (u.18 regional), Heinrich von Stein (u.18 regional), William Sendin (u.16 regional), Dylan van Druten (u.18 regional), Mark Reuter (u.16A IPT), Megan Donald (u.18 regional), Pierre du Plessis (u.18 regional) and Courtney Yon (u.18 regional); (middle) Nicole Wilmans (u.18A IPT and Namibia u.21 IPT), Savannah Burns (u.18A IPT), Megan Engelbrecht (u.18A IPT), Kaira Day (u.18A IPT and WP u.21B IPT), Natasha Rootenberg (WP u.21A IPT), Jason Raubenheimer (u.18A IPT), Jade Batchelor (u.18A IPT) and Hayley Walker (u.18A IPT); (front) Kiera van Eeden (u.14 regional), Meghan Johnstone (u.14 regional), Lisa Rahmann (u.16B IPT), Ambar van der Wath (u.16A IPT), Natasha Furness (u.16A IPT), Richard Milton (u.14 regional) and Tyler Oliver (u.16A IPT). Absent, Carlotta Wright-McMahon (u.18B IPT).

Hoërskool Strand se VOCA-revuespan.

Hoërskool Strand hou kultuuraand Die Hoërskool Strand se jaarlikse kultuuraand word môre (Vrydag) en Saterdag 18 Mei by die skool gehou. Twee toneelstukke en ’n lewendige sang- en dansvertoning deur die splinternuwe revuespan, VOCA, beloof om die gehoor waarde vir hul geld te gee. Die regie vir die toneelstuk, Die Fynproewer, wat voorgeskryf is vir graad 11-leerlinge, word deur ’n graad 12-dramaleerling, Dian Marcovecchio, behartig. Hoërskool Strand is trots op Dian wat vanjaar sy regisseurseksamen vir die praktiese komponent van sy vak doen. Die toneelstuk wat deur die seniors opgevoer

Dit is die boodskap wat Hoërskool Parel Vallei (PV) se skoolhoof, Ettienne Gouws, aan ouers en kinders wat hul hoërskoolloopbaan moet begin en self nog deur die aansoekproses moet gaan, wil oordra. Hoërskool Parel Vallei het vanjaar groot druk weens ’n toevloei van aansoeke ervaar – baie meer as vantevore. In die verlede kon PV slegs 230 graad 8-leerlinge aanvaar. In 2012 het PV egter sewe ekstra klaskamers bygekry. Aan die einde van 2011 is die skool deur die WesKaapse onderwysdepartement (WKOD) genader om as suksesvolle skool hul deure wyer oop te maak, sodat meer leerlinge baat kan vind deur by hulle in te skryf. Nou, met genoeg plek vir 260 graad 8-leerlinge, het die skool in 2012 altesaam ongeveer 420 aansoeke ontvang vir die akademiese jaar van 2013. Ongeveer 160 leerlinge moes dus noodgedwonge weggewys word. In 2013 lyk die prentjie vir 2014 nie veel anders. In hierdie stadium het daar reeds 420 aansoeke ingekom en word daar nog veel meer verwag tot die einde van die jaar wanneer aansoeke altyd ontvang word van mense wat verhuis. “Om teleurstelling te voorkom, is dit juis waarom ons die publiek maan om betyds by skole aansoek te doen en ook om by meer as een skool in die omgewing ’n aansoekvorm in te handig,” het Gouws verduidelik. Verder word daar ook opgemerk dat die publiek moontlik onseker is oor aansoekprosedures en hoe dit werk. Dus moet die sewe onderstaande stappe gevolg word om suksesvol die aansoeken keuringsproses te voltooi:

. Stap 1: Woon skole waarin jy belangstel se opedae by. ’n Opedag is ’n wonderlike geleentheid om ’n indruk van die skool te kry. Tydens die inligtingsessies word belangrike inligting gekommunikeer en word daar ook gefokus op die skool se sterk punte wat hom differensieer van ander. Klem word ook gelê op die vakkeuse waaruit Graad 8’s moet kies, en sport en kultuur aktiwiteite word ook uitgelig. Dokumentasie: aansoekvorms, belangrike beleide en skoolreëls word uitgegee. . Stap 2: Voltooi die aansoekvorm volledig en handig dit voor die sluitingsdatum in (wat 9 Mei was), saam met afskrifte van die volgende dokumente: Geboortesertifikaat of ID-dokument van leerling en beide ouers; twee paspoortfoto’s; jongste rapport; getekende ooreenkoms (oor gedragskode en skoolreëls); en bewys van woonadres. . Stap 3: Bespreek ’n onderhoud met die skoolhoof by die ontvangsdame as jy jou aansoekvorm kom inhandig. . Stap 4: Die keuringsproses vind daarna plaas en word gedoen op grond van verskeie kriteria, onder andere ’n volledige verslag van die leerling se huidige laerskool. . Stap 5: Voor die derde kwartaal sal suksesvolle leerlinge skriftelik of per e-pos in kennis gestel word dat hulle toelating gekry het. . Stap 6: By aanvaarding van ’n plek by Parel Vallei is ’n R500 bevestigingsfooi betaalbaar. (Dit vorm deel van die volgende jaar se skoolgeld). . Stap 7: In Oktober sal die suksesvolle leerlinge dan genooi word na ’n inligtingsessie waartydens alle relevante inligting m.b.t handboeke, skryfboeke en skooluniform deur gegee word.

Versterk só jou aansoek Die toneelspelers van Die Fynproewer. word, is ’n epiese werk uit die pen van skrywer-regisseur Louie de Necker. Hierdie werk met heelwat verrassingselemente handel oor die sinloosheid van wraak. Verrigtinge begin stiptelik om 19:00. Kaartjies sal teen R50 elk by die deur te koop wees.

Raad aan laerskoolleerlinge wat aansoek moet doen by hoërskole: ) Pas jou reputasie op – dis jou toegangskaartjie vir die hoërskool aangesien ’n volledige verslag van die laerskool ontvang word. ) Wees betrokke by alle fasette van jou laerskool. Tydens toelating word daar gekyk na gedrag, akademiese prestasie, asook sport- en kul-

tuurdeelname. Parel Vallei bedank alle gr. 7-leerlinge en ouers wat hul opedag bygewoon en belangstelling getoon het in die skool. “Aan al die voornememde Parel Valleiers van 2014: PV sien uit daarna om julle te ontvang tydens die inligtingsessie in Oktober, en mag julle sommer van die intrapslag al tuis en trots voel om deel te wees van die skool.”

Die HHH-trompoppies Nabeelah Rhoda, leidster van die Hoërskool Hottentots-Holland trompoppies, het onlangs die eerste plek as binnemuurse leidster tydens die WP trompoppie-kampioenskappe gewen. Haar span het die derde plek behaal. Die span sal tydens die Junie-vakansie aan dié nasionale kompetisie in Polokwane deelneem. ’n Dans, ter fondsinsameling, word op 31 Mei in die skool se aktiwiteitsentrum gehou. Bel Karen Verster by 021 852 1405, vir nadere inligting.

GUEST SPEAKER: André Wagner, National Organisational Development Manager of the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa, was the guest speaker at an Ascension Day service held at Hottentots-Holland High School last week. From the left are Marcel de Ridder (teacher and former pupil), Zoë Chetty (Grade 9 pupil), Wagner and Marinus van Wyk (teacher).



Promosie Promotion

16 May, 2013

DistriksPos soek die oulikste Babas

BabaKompetisie Wenner Week 3 Kategorie B: Jana Slabber

Wenner Week 3 Kategorie A: Lilly Hamman Kategorie A: 0 - 18 maande Week 4:

Yanka Coetsee

Anke Filmalter

Athena Stopforth

Cassidy Gregan

Haley Coetzer

Isabelle Southey

Karlien Kirchner

Keanu Heyns

Lanae Mostert

Lilly Rossiter-Fiodi

Mathew Voight

Mia Arendse

Mia Sanders

Michael-John du Plessis

Mieke Traut

Nika Geldenhuys

Scarlett van der Merwe

Tameeqa Ficks

AnriĂŤtte Meyer

Kategorie B: 19 - 36 maande Week 4:

Calan Daniels

Cassidy Kerspuy

Clayton Christiaans

Danelle Steyn

Elke Coetsee

JuanĂŠ Meyer

Lea Devries

Matthew Barnard

Mienke Hattingh

Nadia Agenbag

Retief du Plessis

Willow Hendriks

SMS Baba + Kategorie + Naam + Van (bv. Baba A Heidi Oosthuizen) van die oulikste Baba na


(SMSe kos R2.00 elk)

Groot pr yse te wen


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013


DINES STANLEY JOSEPH We missed you on your 86th birthday and can't believe it's 4 years since we lost you. All our love Christine, Janet, Pamela, Gillian & Families.


JOE DE SMIDT 21.10.1925 - 21.04.2013 In loving memory of Joseph de Smidt who passed away suddenly in April. Forever in our hearts we will miss your positive attitude, warm smile and total commitment to your family. From your loving wife Barbara, daughters Gail and Penny and granddaughter Sasha.

Clint Atson 326 Main Road Somerset West Tel. 087 940 0399 084 416 0045 (24 Hours)

STUURMAN: Edward 10.10.1972 - 12.05.2013 Sy heengaan word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Gedenkdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Mei 2013 om 10H00 vanuit die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, Gordonsbaai. Privaat verassing.

AFFORDABLE AIRPORT SHUTTLES Tel: 081 460 0257 rudie.loots@gmail.com

HENDRIK GEORGE JOSEPH Gebore: 9 Maart 1951 Oorlede: 16 Mei 2011 It has been 2 years without your physical presence, but we know you're with us in spirit. We miss you dearly daily but hold onto all the good memories and valuable life lessons you have taught us. From your wife, children and grandchildren.

www.bluerockshuttles.web s.com


Repairs/renovations Dutch qualified Watchmaker/Jeweller Collect and deliver Rolf: 021-8530576 ONLINE BUSINESS

JOSEPHS: Vernon Douglas 05.04.1951 - 07.05.2013 Saggies heengegaan na 'n lang siekbed. Sal met liefde onthou word deur sy eggenote Julie, kinders, kleinkinders, agterkleinkind, familie en vriende. Privaat verassing.

Clint Atson 326 Main Road Somerset West Tel. 087 940 0399 084 416 0045 (24 Hours)

Annual Returns, CC's Companies & Websites

Clint Atson 326 Main Road Somerset West Tel. 087 940 0399 084 416 0045 (24 Hours)

( 021-903 8062 or info@onlinebusiness.co. za


Gevind/Found SMALLISH GREY and blue bird with ring on left leg. Very tame and friendly. Call 021-838 1234.


NIGEL HENDRICKS Op 16 Mei is jou eerste jaar weg van ons. Verlange is groot. Van Ma, Pa, Ouma, Suster, Broers, 3 kinders en familie

Gelukwensing Congratulations

PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE PERSONAL SERVICES G.S Muller Botha 16 Junie 1926 - 13 Mei 2013 Sy lewe en sy moed, geloof en dankbaarheid tot die end was vir ons 'n inspirasie. Retha en DaniĂŤl, Alinda, MA NELLIE VINK Rinalie en Muller. Begraf24/9/1925 - 11/5/2013 nisdiens Saterdag 18 Mei 11h00 in die NG Kerk Hel- W i l l b e f o n d l y derberg, Firmount weg, remembered as the most amazing Mother, Somerset Wes. Grandmother & Great Grand Mother. You are an SIMONS: inspiration to us all. Will Isak always love you. Peter and 16.04.1969 - 07.05.2013 Sal met liefde onthou word Rosemary, Helene and Peter and Marius and deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas Samantha. op Saterdag 18 Mei 2013 om 09H00 vanuit die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, Firlands-gemeente. Teraardebestelling te Rusthof begrafplaas.

Clint Atson 326 Main Road Somerset West Tel. 087 940 0399 084 416 0045 (24 Hours)


22 Persoonlik/Personal

DR JOSHUA MEDIUM Palm reader and Psychic Financial Problems, Sharon Williams Home, Work problems het op 8 Mei haar 50ste etc. 0717899349. verjaardag met familie en vriende g ev i e r te Zevenwacht Wine Estate Baie geluk van Elizabeth en vriende.

Business Registration Office Caledon Street, S/W 8am-4pm Mon-Fri 021 852 4444 Come to us for all your business registration needs, like PTY, CC, Trade Names, BEE and TAX www.corp.co.za info@corp.co.za



Osmond Road, Broadlands Industrial Email: storagemegadad@gmail.com

Cell: 082 482 2246

In Memoriam ALETTA SWARTZ 17/05/2013 Eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Mis jou baie, maar het berus van Des en Swartz kleinkinders. ANTONIE SWART 18.05.1953 Baie geluk met jou 60ste verjaarsdag vandag 18/05/2013. Wens jy kon dit met ons vier met 'n vleisie op die kole. Liefde Jacqueline en Annene

EXTRA MATH CLASSES Grades 8 to 12 ONE-ONE-ONE Highly qualified and experienced math teacher Somerset West 082 650 5640 After 14:00 RESCUERS DAYCARE Stellenbosch. 3 months to 5 years. Call 082 487 6945

SILVERLINERS LINEDANCE STUDIO Dancing solo in lines! - to Country, Latin, Pop, Disco and Irish music. Classes Mon. - Thurs. on all levels. Please ph. Martie 083 287 7040

290 Secure Storage Units Also Mini Workshops with electricity STORE YOUR: Car, Caravan Boat, Documents Furniture

ENGLISH CLASSES; TEFL courses; Private lessons. The International English School. Call 0218 5 2 8 8 5 9 o r ties@english.za.net

SARENE'S DANCE STUDIO 185 Main Rd. Strand . Social . Wedding dances . Ballroom & Latin . Karate Sarene 082 453 6421 sarenem@absamail.co.za

24 Hour access 24 Hour security Closed circuit TV

Tel/Fax: 021 845 6070


Soek dame vir uitstappies moet kind van die Here wees en jonger as sewentig. Stuur kontak nommer na Alleen Posbus 4021 Somerset-Wes


1711 L 32E8B

ATSON: Bertha (Beaty) 13.02.1946 - 07.05.2013 Met tere herinneringe neem ons afskeid. Sal met liefde onthou word deur haar dogters Merle en Sharon, kleinkinders, agter-kleinkind, familie en vriende. Gedenkdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Mei 2013 om 10H00 vanuit die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, Pineview, Grabouw. Privaat verassing.

MIKE RITTER Ons treur oor jou heengaan op 1 Mei 2013. Daar is 'n magdom van herinneringe, een daarvan is jou verjaarsdag op 14 Mei 2013 wat ons nie saam kan vier nie, want die Here het anders besluit. Ons gaan jou mis. Joan & Familie.


Onderrig/Education ALLIANCE FRANCAISE: FRENCH CLASSES. All levels. Mornings/evenings. Diploma offered. ( 021-851 8149


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013

JETMASTER b u i l t i n fireplace. Carefully removed, never been used with gas bottles flue etc R1800. Phone 0834444218


Skoonheid en Gesondheid Beauty and Health


Diere en Voëls Pets and Livestock Jack Russel Puppies for sale. 2 Males, 1 female. 8 weeks. First injection and dewormed. R850 each Contact taniaweideman7@gmail.co m

Scavenger of 2nd hand goods, be it building materials/ furniture/what have you. We don’t select, we give you one price for job lots and take it all. Hassle-free 4 U Pls contact 021 850 0884

4711 L 36DFE



TOWNSHIP ANIMAL RESCUE a n d t h e i r kittens, pups and older dogs and cats will be at the Audacia Root 44 Market, (cnr R44 and Annandale Roads) on Sat. 18 May and Sun. 19 May from 11-2pm. Foster or permanent homes desperately needed and a piece of land to rent on which to house our rescued dogs. Tinned dog and cat food urgently needed. Without this we will have to close down and many dogs and cats will suffer in the townships. Tel. 021 855 1824 or 084 423 5991 for more info. www.townshipanimalrescu e.co.za


FUNCTION VENUE 185 Main Rd. Strand Brand new upmarket function venue available for rent - incl braai facilities. Ideal for weddings & company functions. Sarene 082-453-6421 sarenem@absamail.co.za


HSH BUILDING CONTRACTOR . New builds . Alterations . Renovations . NHBRC registered Contact 083 289 0198

EMBUIA, S t i n k h o u t , Geelhout en Swarthout meubels gesoek, asook "Queen Anne" & "Victoriaanse" sitkamerstelle. Kontak Freddie by 8543998 of 082 9237 283. FURNITURE, FRIDGES, ANTIQUES. Thinking of selling any item? I will be keen to make you a cash offer. Kindly phone Ronnie 082-823-9944 or Jeff 082 934 5025 WE BUY BEDDING, LINEN, Curtains, baby/children clothing, Tv's, fridges & any household items. Ph. 084 989 6712


107 106

Want your dog trained? We do so pleasantly and with play; Obedience, Socialising, Protection. Strand, Weekends. Starting mid-May. Phone Chris 082-590-7660 / 021851-4303.


Funksies/Konferensies Functions/Conferences

CATERING W e b u y Industrial,domesti c & Deli Catering Equipment. Ph Ed 0847991044 or 021 8530967.Selling gasstoves.


Bouwerk Building Construction

Buitenshuisdienste Home Services Exterior

Reparasies/Allerlei Repairs/ Miscellaneous


Baba/Kinderware Baby/Child Goods

Rekenaar Verkope en dienste Computer Sales and Services


Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMP 4 HIRE Jumping Castles and slides for hire. We deliver, erect and collect. Ph. Christo 083 566 3061. JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 8533999 of 083-513-9493.

RG HOME IMPROVEMENTS . Plumbing, painting, roof leaking . Paving . Painting . Supervision and care by owner . Phone 079-260-0221


Choose your theme! We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416


Gordyne/Matte Curtains/Carpets


R&A BUILDERS Alterations, Building work, Painting, Floor tiling, Wooden floors, Plumbing, Boundary walls. No job too small. Waterproofing torch on. Call 0823971656

Algemeen Miscellaneous

BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50km), verpakking ekstra. Bestel nou, hout raak skaars Kontak 083 493 6894 / 076 947 0700 / 021 8289693 / 021 854 7052 DOVER STOWE!!! Nuut - Tweedehands Pype - Hersteldienste 073 376 4126 073 421 3608 GARAGE hout deur, ex. Steenkamp. R600. Moet self verwyder. Skakel Fastfit 021-853 8030.

ABANDON your search! CASH for modern clothes, shoes, children's clothing, fancy dress, linen, kitchenware, books. I collect! ( Carol 082 890 5749. ABOUT FURNITURE W A N T E D : Queen Ann and Victorian l o u n g e suites, Grand Father clocks a n d R o l l Top desks. Call 021 853 1341 o r 082-771-3650. ANGLO AUCTIONEERS We buy and auction for cash Household Furniture, Antiques, Catering & any movable assets. Contact: Johan 021-851 2542 / 072 490 2312


Geld/lenings Money/Loans


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013




Loodgieters Plumbers

0612 38256

Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery

AERIALS & DSTV & accessories for your TV, video, DVD / alarm system. TopTV. Best prices at Microtronics since 1989 - 021-853 8433


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs


TV/DVD/Videodienste TV/DVD/Video Services

All building plans professional CAD drawn. Cheapest rates, all areas. Contact Rory 0218510792 or 083 456 2823 info@theplanco.co.za INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115

Accred ited installe r 3111 L 34BCC

LK STEELWORKS . Burglar Bars . Gates . Fencing . Staircases . Free Quotes Tel: 021 8369537 Cell: 0837469056

Somerset West (021) 851 5153


Stellenbosch (021) 883 2226 ALL FRIDGE AND DOMESTIC REPAIRS MOBILE WORKSHOP WENTZEL 083 897 2928 GNLD DISTRIBUTOR AUCTION FRIDGES REPAIRS FRIDGE & FREEZERS We repair/buy/sell Prompt & reliable service 076 552 0272

EMERGENCY PLUMBERS AND ELECTRICIANS For all plumbing and electrical problems! BE YOUR PROBLEM BIG OR SMALL, MAKE IT MINE GIVE ME A CALL! 10% Pensioners discount on labour ( 082 823 2196 021-8564727

Let us worry about your moles!!!! Ph: 021-8532180 (w) or 083 769 2428

I R Kannemeyer Plumbing All plumbing work Geyser replacement Bathroom renovations 0832616252/021-8523385 irkannemeyer@gmail.com


Algemene Dienste General Services 119



Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage

Garden Refuse Removal and general waste. Large & small loads 1 Ton bakkies & trailers. Tel. 082 7392 895 or 072 770 6873 4811 37016


* Blocked Drains * Burst Geysers 24 * Taps Hours * Burst Pipes * Bathroom Renovations

COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE Serving Strand, Somerset West, G/Bay, Stellenbosch

Fast ... Friendly ... Affordable Martin



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013

CARPORT KINGS Carports/Patio Covers Pergola's and Decking Good affordable prizes. 15 Years experience. S.A.B.S. APPROVED ( 073 583 5068 / 084 421 4076.


Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire

CARPORTS/AFDAKKE Patios/pergolas. Decks. Treated & SABS timber. Smart finish using 22 years exp. Great product @ great price! Tel: 083414-8103/021-8581873



Skakel Jaco by 071 685 0887

Swembaddienste Swimming Pool Services

Persoonlike Selfdedag Diens



Rommelverwydering Rubble Removal 1147

Mure/Heinings Walls/Fencing



Algemeen General Vacancies


AAA : ATTENTION Elite Removals: Removal of garden refuse, building rubble, household refuse. Treefelling and any small loads. Handyman services ( Danie 082-337-9532 / 021-852 6122

Vakansie Akkommodasie Holiday Accomodation PLETTENBERG BAY, Beacon Isle. Luxury timeshare to let from 15-22 June. R2 995 pw. Call Mrs Nel 072 394 7950.

1154 1146

BENODIG BAKSTER en Kassiere. Moet bereid wees om skofte te werk. Verwysings noodsaaklik. Kontak 021-854-7200


VAKANSIE VERBLYF Greenways, Strand. 2 slpk w/stel, s/sorg, see uitsig uit slpk. Braai geriewe, swembad, golf bane. Tel PERSON REQUIRED to 084-508 6879 / 021-856- fill office position. Must have very good computer 2144 / 079 498 6740 experience, Internet, Word, Excel,marketing web, office planning and organization skills. Own transport and live in or close to Gordon's Bay. Salary negotiable. Email CV to barker@global.co.za

Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring



Motoronderdele Parts & Accessories

5011 L 3748E



TEL: 021 851 4068

GORDON: 082 413 3442

FAX: 086 666 7930



Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale 1996 GREEN MICROBUS 2.6i. Recon engine installed on 04/12/07. Mileage ± 52 000 kms. R65 000. Excellent condition. Call 072 193 9043. MOTORS EN BAKKIES GESOEK Skakel 079 777 1729

ADMIN CLERK NEEDED with knowledge of debtors and creditors, filing and all admin duties with experience. Please contact us on 021 8537845 for details on how to apply.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds AVROY SHLAIN COSMETICS Sales Agents needed Earn 25 to 31% commission + incentives monthly. Contact Peggy 081 469 4427 Bilingual GIRL FRIDAY required by manufacturing company for initially halfday or 3 days per week only. Initiative, fully conversant on Windows XP for wages, PAYE, VAT returns, general clerical and own transport essential. Fax handwritten CV to 021-845 4409 or email to jochen@netralink.com stating minimum salary requirements.

16 Mei, 2013

General Technician Required Drivers License Work well with hands Willing to work away Salary: R4000 - R6000 Applications close: 24/05/2013. Only suitable candidates will be contacted info@deepblueaqua.net G O R D O N R D VETERINARY looking for Casual Salesperson for mostly weekend work. Min requirement - matric. Please drop CV at Shop (no faxes) Cnr Gordon Rd and Main Rd. Checkers Centre. 021 851 6084.

2 MALAWIAN PEOPLE looking for work as gardeners. Exp with refs. Please call James 0611173768 and Stuart on 0785833575. Malawian lady seeking domestic work. Call love 0610113072. A MALAWIAN is looking for work as a gardener for Wednesday & Saturday. Gen work also welcome Refs avail. Please call Humprey on 0843262641 A MALAWIAN is looking for a job as a cleaner or housekeeping or any job. 084 678 7829.

A MALAWIAN is looking for a job as a driver, code HALFDAG POS Graad R Juffrou gesoek 10. Five years experience. by Playway Pre-primêre Or any job. 071 771 9907. skool A ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for work Vereistes: Wednesday, Thursday and . 5 Jaar ondervinding Saturday. Very hard . ECD NQF Level 4 working. Call 0786493495 . Moet goed in 'n span or ref 0826936171 kan werk.

CALL CENTRE STAFF Telemarketer position a va i l a b l e . P re f e ra b l y residing in Helderberg area Experience required. English and Afrikaans a must. Basic R4000.00 + commission + bonus. Please call (021) 853 4721 Alle CV's moet persoonlik CAREER OPPORTUNITY na skool gebring word. OUTBOUND CALL CENTRE LOOKING FOR 10 NEW Sluitingsdatum 25 Mei RECRUITS TO JOIN OUR 2013 EXISTING TEAM. THIS COMPANY WEL- Vir navrae skakel 021 COMES 2012 MATRICU- 8366425 Kontak persoon Roslyn LANTS MOTIVATED GO-GETTERS Arendse ARE INVITED, BY A MATHEMATICS AND LEADING MARKETING SCIENCE TUTOR COMPANY. We require the services of REQUIREMENTS: . MUST BE TARGET part time tutors in our Maths and Science centres DRIVEN . SUCCESSFUL CANDI- in Somerset West. The DATE MUST BE BILINGUAL minimum requirements are: First year Tertiary . CRIMINAL CLEAR . MUST HAVE OWN OR training in the subjects M a t h s /S c i e n ce , f u l l y RELIABLE TRANSPORT . ENERGETIC PERSONA- b i l i n g u a l ( E n g / A f r ) , driver's licence and own LITY . EXCELLENT VERBAL t ra n s p o r t . E - m a i l a shortened CV to: ABILITY . RELEVANT EXPERIENCE theonette@mastermaths.c IN CALL CENTRE INDUS- o.za TRY WILL BE AN ADVANPick 'n Pay Gordons Bay TAGE We are seeking WE OFFER: experienced: . DAILY CASH BONUS . BASIC + HIGH COMMIS- - Cashiers - Till Packers SION EARNINGS CALL US NOW FOR AN - Experienced Deli INTERVIEW ON 079 359 Manager / Chef 4444 OR 072 916 7599. - Experienced Deli FORWARD YOUR CV TO Assistants - Bakers required for recruitment@ weekends. Experience core-markering.co.za not compulsory, instore Deeltydse VERKOOPS- training provided. DAME vir meubelwinkel. - Blockman Werk 2 dae per week en - Confectioner elke 2de naweek. Eie - Security Guards with vervoer, Afrikaans & Retail Experience Engels magtig. Faks een Fax CV+ ID to: 086-564bladsy CV na 021-853 9167 5079. POSITION for DTP/WEB DOMESTICS NEEDED developer, experienced for housecleaning Beauty therapist / Girl service. No sms's or Friday for sml shop. missed calls. C V + p h o t o t o : Tel. 083 283 7576 elaine@conturemakeup.co. za. DSTV INSTALLER with minimum 2 years expeVakature beskikbaar rience, valid drivers licence with matric certificate. Werktuigkundige/resto Salary negotiable. Fax reerder 1page CV to 086 684 8673. 'n Gevestigde klassieke en EXPORT ou motor restoreerder in ADMINISTRATOR / Somerset Wes benodig die SECRETARY dienste van 'n ervare moEstablished company in torwerktuigkundige met Somerset West has a ondervinding van klassieke position available for a e n o u m o to r s . D i e young energetic person suksesvolle persoon moet who is willing to get ook oor 'n goeie aanvoeinvolved in all aspects of ling beskik om klassieke the business. Job descrip- en ou motors in detail en tion is varied and can be tot oorspronklike status te tailored to applicant's restoreer. Herstelwerk en experience / qualification instandhouding van klaslevel. Main job functions sieke en ou motors vorm will entail export paper- ook deel van die besigheid. work administration, Kontak 082 788 3717 om accounts and general office 'n onderhoud te reel of epos aan werduties. nich@adept.co.za Requirements for the position are: Full computer WANTED experienced literacy, driving licence, houseworker (5yrs) Must good command of English have references, must be language (verbal and equaly efficient in English & Afrikaans. 5 Half days written). per week. Phone for Please e-mail your CV and appointment 021 8515036 a covering letter (in Engl i s h ) t o : 400 exportdc@iafrica.co, Salary will be dependant on experience.

Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted

WERK BESKIKBAAR by roomys winkel in Gordonsbaai. Geen taxi vervoer. Skakel Nadia by 021 856 1744.

A 25YR OLD Zim lady is looking for a job as h/keeper and babysitter. Exp with refs avail. Please call Esther on 0710630931



DIANA my char of 5yrs is Kamers te Huur looking for extra days. Rooms to Let Please call Marietjie on 0846885481/Serah GORDONSBAAI 0848000658 for ref or call Netjiese slaapkamer in Diana on 079 260 9858. huis te huur aan enkel E L I K M A L A W I A N persoon. Deel alle geriewe. looking for job as a garde- Dadelik beskikbaar. Huur n e r. H a r d wo r k i n g & R 1 7 0 0 p m . T e l 0 2 1 r e l i a b l e . R e f e r a n c e 8562925 / 0845096604. available. Please contact him on 0746183692 or STRAND - 1 Kamer gemeub. R1 600pm. Geskik 0781568029. vir jong werkende mans Honest and trustworthy persoon. Beskikbaar 1 Juexperienced Zimb maid nie. Tel: 083-416-3063 of used to work for expats is 021-8547986 (w) 021looking for a 2 to 3 8543792 (h) days/week job on Tu and Th and Sat. 162 Please contact Bernard for Besighede te Koop further info at 072 263 2054 Businesses for Sale


I'M looking for job as a caregiver. Private or not private, also child minder or cleaner. With exp and g o o d re f e re n c e . Te l 0837164405.

OXFORD MEWS - oorkant Medi-Clinic. 2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers. Beskikbaar 1 Junie. Geen diere. R4 040 pm. Kontak 082 924 8915.

STRAND MAIN ROAD 6 BRUG ST. VAN DER STEL 2 Offices/Work area + s h o p Fr o n t . S e c u r e parking. Imm occup. R1500/m. Ph 0832972970 / 0832412038.

SHORT TO MEDIUM term letting. Fully equipped self-catering apartments to rent in Gordon's Bay, Mountainside. Amazing views, secure parking, swimming pool, braai area, indegenous garden etc. Would suit single professional Businessmen / Woman. From R4 000 to R5 500 per month inclusive electricity, water, sewage. Call Mike on 076 891 4189. www.wheretostay.co.za /whalewaters


Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let

2 BEDROOM sea facing unit to rent for +/- 6 months, situated on the Golden Mile. Fully furnished, available immediately. Rental R7 500.00 per month. Please contact Valeska on 021-853 7904 or 084 406 0895. SOMERSET LINKS Behind Mall. 2 Bedroom 2 Slaapkamer woonstel flat. 2 Bathrooms. Fully Naby dorp en 100m van smartly furnished (no see. R3500.00 linen), washing machine, 082 9277 839/021 854 3rd floor with lift, secure 3893 complex, Gym and swimming pool, one undercover parking. No smoking and no pets. R6 000 pm or as holiday flat. Contact: Ronell 082 928 3875 or e m a i l : marozel@telkomsa.net

I am 24 years old 112 BESIGHEDE looking for domestic work Antomar Makelaars as a house maid. I am very Vir lys, navrae of webblad: hardworking and www.antomar.co.za trustworthy. For ref call Tel. 021-8552603 0714470413 or call 0786767473. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS for under I am a 39 year old lady R5 000.00 - Registration looking for house work, and start up stock baby sitting and looking included. Send Name and after old people, everyday T e l number to work or chars. References aflair4life@gmail.com or available. Please contact sms / phone 081 475 1895 me on 0781947901. for more information. I AM looking for char or sleep in work. With contactable references. Looking for work from Mon-Fri. Call Dina 076623-7539.

LA CASA: 2Slpk op grondvloer, balkon met braai. Beskikbaar 1 Junie R3000pm. Skakel Zelda 082 826 0620.


Kommersieel en industriele Eiendom Commercial and Industrial Property STRAND: Main Road. Prime positioning with much traffic flow at your doorstep. From 1 July 2013 at R8 000 pm, Water included. Prepaid electric i t y. Floor space 182.64m². Phone Ettienne / Sonja at Ettienne Barnard Attorneys. Tel. 021852 7780 office hours.

LOOKING FOR a job as a domestic worker, every day work or chars. With valuable references. Viola 33 years and Monalisa 28 years. Call 071 799 8325 / 073 426 6434. BUSINESS PREMISES SOMERSET WEST MARGRET M a l a w i a n Offices / retail outlet lady looking for a house 2/3 offices, own toilet, c l e a n e r . R e f e r e n c e kitchenette / wash up a v a i l a b l e . C o n t a c t area. Near main road. 0789294315 R3 500.00 pm. Plenty of parking. RELIABLE CHAR seeks Offices. 4 large rooms, work Monday, Tuesday & reception area, kitcheS a t u r d a y s . C o n t a c t nette, full bathroom. Suit 0739909147 doctor / dentist / other professionals. Plenty of TWO MALAWIAN ladies parking. R6 000.00 per looking for domestic work month. Elizabeth 0730376947 is Please phone Judith 021 looking for Mon, Wed, 851 2672 (office hours) Thurs & Fri. Mamie is looking for Full time work FACTORY TO LET 0730375297. 481m² Factory unit in complex. ZIMBABWEAN MAN is 2 Offices, Eskom 3 phase, l o o k i n g f o r w o r k . easy access N2 and R44. Experience in woodwork factories@gantouw.com shop or any other work. 083 383 0174 Very honest. Ref. available Call Daniel 0789626330 Kantore te huur/deel Sarel Cillierstraat Zuki, my wo n d e r f u l Strand. Tel: 0861 746 nanny/housekeeper is 787 looking for work 3 days a OFFICES TO RENT week. She has done the Supernannies course, Somerset West, Fountain including their first aid square, Main road. Central course. If you are looking business area. Includes 2 for a wonderful nanny and offices plus reception area. completely trustworthy Kitchenette, bathroom and cleaner, in the Somerset balcony. Available from 1 West area, please call me June - R3 300 pm. Please on 0834545731 or Zuki on contact 021-851 2554 or 082 659 2034. 0833968033.


Erwe te Koop Plots for Sale

BACHELOR W/STEL in Industriële area. R1 450 + W & L. Navrae S-Signs 244 Hoofweg Strand.

Edna Brink 083 629 7879 R3 300: 2 Slp, sek, G/B, ASAP. PLOTS - 3 Fully serviced R3 500: 2 Slp, dupleks, plots close to beach. m/h, sek, STRAND Price: R295 000 each. R4 800: 3 Slp, 2 bad, Please contact Feroza - grondvloer, sek, geen hond 082 779 4804. Office no / kat, 1 JULIE 021-845 7169. R3 300: 2 Slp, sek, STRAND R795 000 STRAND R 4650.00 Build your dream house . With uninterrupted views Welgelegen ruim 2 slp, 1 badk stort/bad, kombuis, to Table Mountain, this erf measuring 810m² is sitkamer + onderdak parsituated in upmarket kering. Skakel Andries Somerset Heights, securi- Basson Eiendomme 021ty estate and is one of the 4600422 / 0829273154 / few remaining. Call Cheryl 0825702605. Claydon 082 379 2185 @ EMERALD BAY, Westacre 021-851 1791. GREENWAYS. Op see. Gemeub 2 Slaapkamer, sit/eetkamer en 171 parkering. R4 200 pm. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Woonstelle te Huur Kontak 021 853 7487 of Flats to Let 082 772 3961 GORDON'S BAY Flats to rent R2 350 pm excl charges. Contact Pat or Cindy 021-447 3665 GORDONSBAAI R4200.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1 badkamer in kompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea met balkon en braai. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692. GRANNY FLAT: furnished in Strand to let R2800.00. Six B/Room to let, house in Strand. Call Jane +27790111562 or +27742822848.

SOUTHFORK - Beautiful 3 bedroom house. Price: R850 000 SOUTHFORK - Three bedroom house, needs attention. Price: R650 000 Please contact Feroza 082 779 4804. Office no. 021-845 7169. GORDONSBAAI Kykhuis / Showhouse Saterdag 11-15h00 Splinternuwe 2 slaapkamer eenheid. Ten volle omhein, dubbel motorhuis. Ry vanaf Strand, draai links in Hibiscus straat, regs in Dennehof, links in St. Andrews, regs in Firwood, regs in Admirals Way. Vanaf Gordonsbaai ry na Sir Lowry's Pass pad, draai links in Mariners way tot Sunset regs en dadelik links in Admirals Way, verby Seaway tot 26 Admirals Way by Riverside Pines. Volg RSA Skouborde. R895 000 of n.k.a. RSA 021 855 2320 Geen sake op Sondae STRAND Broadlands 2 Bed R299 000. 3 Bed R329 000. 3 Bed + 2 bath R365 000. All as new. Gordon's Bay - 2 bed + garage + golf R599 000. Rustdal - Blackheath 2 bed, garage R480 000. 082 376 1461/0218552369

STRAND - Greenways. 2 Slpk woonstel. Balkon. Sekuriteit, swembad, golf, 166 braai geriewe, parkering, Huise te Huur mooi uitsig. Vanaf 1 Julie Houses to Let 2013. R4 500 pm. Kontak Rudman 082 587 2261. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE to rent in Gordon's Bay, secure cul-de-sac, long STRAND KUSWEG term rental. R6 000 pm 2 Slaapkamer woonstel References Nuut oorgedoen. Sentraal incl water. required. Contact 084 511 geleë. R5000pm. 9446. Skakel 083 460 2226/ k.u. 021 854 5225. STRAND R 3750.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1 vol badkamer. Oop-plan kombuis met leefarea en stoep of balkon. 1 Klein troeteldier welkom. Kontak: 079 136 9272 of 021853 6527 of 079 521 6692. STRAND R 4350.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1.5 badkamer. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea. Geen diere. Swembad in die kompleks. Kontak: 079 136 9272 of 021-853 6527 of 079 521 6692. STRAND R 8000.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in populêre blok in Kusweg met 1 badkamer. Kelder parkering. Geen diere. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692. STRAND/Cortlandt Place Rooms & Flats to rent Central / Secure Contact Frikkie 021-854 4779


Huise te Koop Houses for Sale PRIVATE SALE: House in Summervale Retirement Village. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom with shower & bath. Garage with automated door & inside access to house + carport. Enclosed front veranda. Outside braai patio under roof. Excellent security. R1.3 mil. Tel: 021-856 1936 or Cell: 076 956 0876.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013

COTTAGE ON SECURE FARM - Behind Monkey Town - easy access to N2. Two bedroom, one bathroom, private garden area, covered parking. R4 000 pm ex elec. Regret no pets. Available 1st June phone 021-858 1574 (08:00-14:00) for appointment to view.

ATTENTION: Mrs Chantel Wagner If your goods is not removed by next week 25th of May 2013 your goods will be sold to cover storage costs.

Gordon's Bay Village 3 roads up from beach. Secure walled property. 3 beds, 2 bths, dbl garage & ample parking. R8000.00 per month. Please phone Judith 021 8512672 (office hours)

ACCOUNT IN THE KENNISGEWING ESTATE LATE AUDREY In die Landdroshof vir die J O C E LY N E B U X T O N , Distrik van Somerset Wes Identity Number 220504 gehou te Somerset Wes 0028 089, Widowed Pensioner of Helderberg Saaknommer: 3400/12 Lodge, Swalle Street, Somerset West and who died In die saak tussen: at Somerset West on 6 GIDEON JOUBERT February 2013. LOUW Eksekusieskuldeiser Estate Number: 3183/2013 en LOURENS DE VRIES NOTICE is hereby given that Eksekusieskuldenaar the First and Final Liquidation

and Distribution Account in Kennis van Geregtelike the above Estate will lie for Verkoping van Onroerende inspection at the Office of the Eiendom Master of the High Court, Cape Town & of the MagisI N G E VO L G E ' n v o n n i s trate, SOMERSET WEST for toegestaan in die Hof vir die a period of 21 days as from 17 Landdros van SOMERSET MAY 2013. WES op 13 Februarie 2013 sal die onderstaande roerende MORKEL & DE goedere om 10H00 op 23 VILLIERS INC. Mei 2013 te, AECI, Attorneys for Executrix Strandstraat, Somerset Wes The Forum geregtelik verkoop word aan 13 Drama Street die hoogste bieër, naamlik: P O Box 43

1 Mercedes Benz CFM 19771 (Right, Title and Interest), 1 Samsung Computer and accessories, 1 Scanner, 1 Samsung Computer Damaged, 2 Speakers, 1 Rotel CD Player, 1 Rotel Amp, 1 National TV, Nokia Cell 2331 Phone, JS Speakers, Algemene Dribuddy Clothes Dryer, Samsung Flat Screen Kennisgewings C o m p u t e r, a m p a n d General Notices speakers, 1 Office Desk 3 Drawers and 1 Chair, 1 KENNISGEWING VAN Small table, Bosh Fridge GEREGTELIKE a n d F r e e z e r, S i n g e r VERKOPING Microwave, 2 Samsung Cell In die Landdroshof vir die Phones, Nokia Cell phone, 2 distrik STRAND gehou te Door Sliding Cupboard, 1 STRAND. Wood Frame Mirror, Trek Saaknommer: 4506/12 Bike, 2 Cornerstone In die saak tussen: C o m p u t e r s a n d JACOBUS GABRIEL NEL, Accessories, Mapex Drum Eksekusieskuldeiser, Set (8 Piece), 1 Sword en (Samurai Type), 1 Karate JANINE ERIEDA BLOM Type Weapon, 2 Warfdale (ID 760805 0129 08 2) Speakers, 1 JVC VCR, 1 Eerste Eksekusieskuldenaar TV Cabinet, 1 Warfdale en CD/ DVD, 5 Chairs, 1 Gass PAUL FRANCOIS BLOM Heater, Various Wines. (ID 690104 5027 08 6) Tweede Eksekusieskuldenaar Geteken te STELLENIngevolge 'n vonnis van die BOSCH op die 30ste dag van Landdroshof Strand en 'n Las- April 2013. brief vir Eksekusie gedateer 3 April 2013, sal die volgende (get) ANDRE OLIVIER goedere aan die hoogste bieër EISER SE PROKUREURS verkoop word op 5 Junie 2013 ANDRE OLIVIER om 14h00 te Hammondstraat PROKUREUR 12, Strand, naamlik: P/a Dalene Kuhn 1 x Volkswagen Citi L4 mo29, second floor, Fountain t o r v o e r t u i g m e t Square, MAIN ROAD, re g i s t r a s i e n o m m e r C F M SOMERSET WEST 51347. Tel: 021 0061014 Docex:

SELF SUPPORT males R2 500 pm incl. laundry & 10 main meals or R500 pw - no laundry or meals. Payable in advance. Tel 084 453 8007.

STRAND R 6050.00 - 3 Slaapkamer dupleks met 1.5 badkamers in sekuriteitskompleks. Moderne oop-plan kombuis en leefarea, privaat patio, braai en tuintjie. 1 Klein troeteldier welkom. Enkel motorhuis. Kontak: 021853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.

Somerset West - SW

Strand - S

Audrey Chetty - 076 642 1328

Gordonsbaai R3520.00 2 Slaapkamer dupleks met 1 badkamer in kompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea met balkon en braai. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.

Gordon’s Bay - GB

Apartment 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Parking, Secure Complex, March- SWR 4 100 Apartment 2 Bed, 1 Bath, Balcony, Secure-SWR 6 500 House 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Double Garage, Secure, 1 June-SWR 7 500 Apartment 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 st Floor, Views - SW R 8 000 Apartment 3 bed, 2 Bath, Groud Floor, Dbl Garage - SW R 11 500 Penthouse 3 Bed, Basement Parking, 360 Sea Views, Min 6 Months -S- R 70 000

Mariska Verhoeven - 073 966 0235

Granny Flat 2 Bed, 1 Bath, Semi Furnished - SW Cottage 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Fully Furnished, Spanish Farm - SW Apartment 2x2 Bed, 2 Bath, Beach Road Apartment-S-R 6 500/ Apartment 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, Pool, Sauna, Gym, Beach Road - S Apartment 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Fully Furnished, Spanish Farm - SW House 2 Bed, 2 Bath, Pool, Fuly Furnished, Pet Friendly - SW -

R 4 000 R 5 500 R 7 600 R 13 000 R 13 200 R 14 500

Anna v/d Spuy - 076 921 0122 | Jo v/d Spuy - 076 371 4459

Clinton de Beer - 083 408 2428

House 2 Bed, 1 Bath, Dbl Carport, Pet Friendly, Brand New -SWApartment 2 Bed, 2 Bath, Fully Furnished, Harbour Island - GB House 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Dbl Garage, Swimming Pool, No Pets -SW-


t: 021 851 1782 f: 021 851 5113

153 Main Road Somerset West 7130


5 000 6 500 7 000 7 500 16 500 18 000 20 000 25 250

SOMERSET WEST BRIDGEWATER DUPLEX. R5 000.00 pm - AVAILABLE 1 JUNE 2013. Large lounge / dining room, 3 Bed & lockup garage. Phone Lulu now for more info: 021-850 0192 / 074 123 1774. R 8 000 DYNAMIC REALTORS R 9 500 R13 500 STRAND R 9250.00 - 3 Slaapkamer huis met 1 badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, sonkamer en tandem motorhuis in Strand Noord. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692. 2013 DD ONLY

Apartment 2 Bed, 1 Bath, Secure Complex, Pool - S Apartment 3 Bed, 1 Bath, Furnished, Full Sea Views - S Apartment 2 Bed, 1 Bath, DeWijnlanden Stellenbosch Apartment 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Furnished, Communal Pool House 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, Secure Estate House 4 Bed, 2 Bath, Brand New, Secure Estate House 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Furnished, Secure EstateHouse 4 Bed, 4 Bath, Cinema Room, Pool -S-

SCHONENBERG Nuutgeboude 3 slk huis. Hoofslaapk met ensuite en walk in cupboard, vol gaste badkamer. Oop plan kombuis, scullery, eetk en sitk met ingeboude braai en wegvou deure. Swembad en dubbel garage met outomatiese d e u r e . H u u r vooruitbetaalbaar R13 000 pm + dep (kan afbetaal) Sluit in Levi, Water & Vullisverwydering. Koopkrag .Vanaf 1 Junie. Kontak Joana by 021 854 5483 / Julius by 082 856 6797.

Gedateer te Strand op hierdie 13de dag van Mei 2013.

C:/LEXSQL Verw: Andre Olivier/dl Lêernr: GI0027

BOUWER POTGIETER NOTICE OF SALE IN INGELYF EXECUTION HOOFWEG 120 STRAND, 7140 BE PLEASED TO TAKE (Verw: BDB/hs/N250) NOTICE that in terms of a Judgement given in the KENNISGEWING Magistrate's Court Somerset In die boedel van wyle MNR West under case number: WG LE ROUX (ID 170312 3734/11 on 18 April 2012 5006 088) gebore op 12 Maart and under a Warrant of 1917, van Serenitas Tehuis Execution issued thereafter 103, Altenaweg, STRAND, and in terms of a Judgement oorlede te STRAND op 3 given in the Magistrate's April 2013. Court Somerset West under BOEDEL NR: 5193/2013 case number: 3733/11 on 12 Krediteure en Debiteure in March 2012 and under a bogenoemde boedel word Warrant of Execution issued hiermee versoek om hul eise thereafter the undermentioned in te dien by en hul skulde te moveable property will be betaal aan die ondergenoem- sold in execution by the de, binne 'n periode van 30 Sheriff of the Magistrate's dae, gereken vanaf 17 Mei Court for the district of 2013. Somerset West on Thursday, 6 June 2013 at STELLENBOSCH FIN. 1 0 h 0 0 a t E R F 1 7 7 , ADVIESDIENSTE W I N E R Y R O A D , KRIGESTRAAT 12 RAITHBY voetstoots to the STELLENBOSCH h i g h e s t b i d d e r, n a m e l y : TEL: 021-887-2644 Various of building blocks. FAKS: 021-883-9514 EPOS: BARRY NORTJE rache@waterkring.co.za ATTORNEYS TEL: 021 851 4847

SOMERSET WEST 7130 JCK/mm (KB 025)

Kitchen Installers Contract Basis Easylife Kitchens Somerset West is looking for installers to increase it's database. Installers must have own bakkie, quality tools, experience and contactable references (last three installations) Please send a one page CV, covering letter and references to fax 086 665 7986 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted E-mail bev.johann@wol.co.za


Woonplek te Deel Accommodation to Share

Available Rental Properties

Bestorwe Boedels Lik en Dis Estates Liq+Dis

NOTICE 3 Protea Court, Conradie Street, Strand, F I R S T A N D F I N A L L I Q U I D AT I O N A N D 7140 D I S T R I B U T I O N Tel: 072 4470014


w w w . o n l y r e n t a l s . c o . z a


VACANCY: Electrical and Maintenance Technician AAT Composites (Somerset West), is seeking an electrical and maintenance technician to effectively maintain all machinery, equipment, buildings and facilities. The incumbent must be suitably qualified to maintain 1200KW with a wireman's license and strong mechanical experience. The incumbent must be in possession of and has served an apprenticeship in an engineering trade which included the operation and maintenance of machinery which include mechanical, electrical and electronics. Qualifications and Experience Electrician (N4 trade test) Wireman's license 3-5 Years Experience in electrical installation, maintenance and repair of electrical devices and systems Good knowledge of electronics (Service & fault finding) Strong mechanical experience Computer literate (MS Office) Must be able to work overtime/weekends and to be on standby Must have valid Code 08 drivers license Reside locally Own Transport Manufacturing environment experience essential Knowledge of OHS Act Should you have your own transport, reside in the Helderberg region and is willing to work overtime when requested, please forward a complete resume with certified copies or qualifications plus a statement containing all academic results to: marita@aatcomposites.com or fax: 021 8533 446, by no later than 27 May 2013. This company reserves the right not to make an appointment. Correspondence will only be entered into with shortlisted candidates. If you have not heard from us within 2 weeks after the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

As a dynamic, pace setting and globally competitive Company, AAT Composites is committed to recruit suitable individuals in terms of the EEA 55 OF 1998 & Company EE profile

2013 LD AAT15x2



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013



Position available: 01 June or July 2013

The Senior School invites applications for the following positions to start in January 2014:

Afrikaans Teacher History Teacher Head of Boarding

Applicants for the Head of Boarding are expected to have had prior experience in Senior School boarding. The position involves oversight and care of the whole co-educational boarding facility, with a particular responsibility for the boys’ boarding house. Applicants for the Afrikaans and History positions are expected to be well-qualified, passionate and innovative teachers in their subjects. Ability to make a contribution beyond the classroom will be an added advantage. Please e-mail a letter of application and CV to Ms Carol Mitchell Baker, PA to the Head of the Senior School, at adresponse@somcol.co.za Closing date: 31 May 2013 Somerset College is an equal opportunity employer. The School reserves the right not to make an appointment. Submission of an application does not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview.


PO Box 104, Stellenbosch, 7599 Tel: 021 883 8988 Fax: 021 883 8941

GERMAN WINE SALES ASSISTANT A dynamic opportunity for an energetic self-starter


Somerset College is an independent, co-educational school offering schooling from Grade 000 to Matric. Founded in 1997, Somerset College is a welcoming, stimulating centre of learning situated in the beautiful Cape Winelands.

Required: *Female, married, 30-40 years old. Must be self motivated & organized. *Minimum 3-5 years experience in the Short term Insurance Industry (Commercial/Domestic) *Passed: First Level Regulatory Examination: Representative *Key individual not required, but it would be an added bonus *Manage and take full responsibility for the short term insurance division *Have a vehicle *Live in the Helderberg area Must have the following skills: *Afrikaans & English (Speak, read and write) *Strong, but friendly personality, with an excellent telephone personality *PC (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Spreadsheets, Biotrace (huge benefit) *Claims processing(submitting & follow up) *Renewals processing (presenting a document for each client) *Administrative, very strong *Operational: Be fully compliant in how you conduct business. Remuneration and benefits Salary negotiable. (state income required) • Cost to company will apply • Medical Aid and a retirement Fund optional Leave: 15 working days per annum (15 December 2013 - 12 January 2014) Please send your CV to Shaun McCulley at mcculley@mdmcc.co.za Closing date:23 May 2013

1913 LD Lusan10x3


Neethlingshof Wine Estate requires the services of a German Wine Sales Assistant. Knowledge of wine; a degree/diploma/certificate in Wine obtained at a recognised Wine Academy is preferable. Further requirements include computer literacy, above-average communicative skills and the ability to work independently. The successful applicant will report directly to the Facilities Manager and take responsibility for * maintaining strict housekeeping *stock control * maintaining financial records * wine tastings and sales * conducting cellar tours * ensuring the smooth running of the facility operating 7 days a week. Forward your Curriculum Vitae to the Human Resources Office on Fax: 086 765 8726 or E-mail to Slubeck@distell.co.za . Closing date: 19 May 2013. If no feedback is received within two weeks after closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.

Human Communications (Cape) C98883

TWO-A-DAY GROUP (PTY)LIMITED Two-a-Day Group (Pty) Ltd, situated in Grabouw, is actively involved in the packaging, cold storage and juicing of deciduous fruit, and an equal opportuniny employer. We currently offer the following opportunity:


We are seeking a person with an electrical/electronic background to assume responsibility for the installation and maintenance of a wide range of electrical and electronic equipment. The ideal candidate needs: • A successfully completed, recognised apprenticeship and relevant trade test • Thorough knowledge of a wide range of electrical equipment • Proficiency in one PLC language (preferable). In return for your skills and commitment, we offer a market-related remuneration package. Please forward a detailed CV to: The Personnel Officer, PO Box 43, Grabouw 7160, or e-mail: wouter@tad.co.za or fax it to 021 859-7616. Closing date for applications: 26 May 2013 If you do not hear from us within 30 days of the closing date, please accept your application as unsuccessful. www.humanjobs.co.za

Human Communications C98933

GRANT-IN-AID 2013/2014 APPLICATIONS: SUBCOUNCIL 22 The City of Cape Town’s Subcouncil 22, which includes Ward 15 [Somerset Ridge - Nutwood - Pearl Marina - Pearl Rise - Montchere - Monte Sereno - Lynn’s View - Schonenberg Stellenbosch Farms - The Links - Parel Vallei - Spanish Farm - Somerset West - Westridge - Lonkers Hoogte - Fraaigelegen - Braeview - Goede Hoop - Highveld - Helderberg Estate - Helderzicht - Helena Heights - Briza Township - Heldervue - Griselda - La Sandra - Dorhill (southwest of Roux Street, northwest of Drummer Street, northeast of Main Road and southeast of Woodlands Road and Smuts Avenue) - Firgrove Rural - Illaire - Die Wingerd - Bell Aire - Somchem Site – Interchange], Ward 16 [Electric City - Faure - Mfuleni - Forest Village - Eersteriver South - Eersterivier (southeast of Forest Drive, southwest of Francoline, Egret, Bernadine, Arlene, Norman, Beverley and Van Riebeeck Streets, northwest of Stratford Avenue) - Driftsands (south of Old Faure Road and Mfuleni build-up, southwest of Eersterivier Way/Spine Road, Faure and Dreamworld build-up, northeast of N2 Freeway) - Dreamworld] and Ward 109 [Sandvlei - Kramat - Macassar Beach - Macassar - Faure/Croydon/Kelderhof - Makhasa/Umrhabulo Triangle] invites all community-based and non-governmental organisations and institutions to apply for a grant-in-aid to be used for the purpose of providing financial support to a project of their choice. The projects will assist the City to build an opportunity-filled, safe, caring, inclusive and well-run city. Application must be made on the prescribed application form and be accompanied by the following documentation: • • • •

Constitution Detailed Business Plan with name and purpose of project, as well as a breakdown of costs Signed undertaking to provide the City with progress and financial reports NPO Certificate

Application forms can be collected and returned to the Kuilsrivier Municipal Offices Subcouncil 22, cnr Van Riebeeck and Carinus Streets, Kuilsrivier 7580. The closing date for applications is Thursday 13 June 2013. Applications must meet the criteria in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act and Section 67 Grants Policy. Enquiries can be directed to Zimkita Ninzi or Richard Vuyisile Moi at 021 900 1584/1508. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER




Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013

Care­givers on receiving end Earlier this week Vergelegen Mediclinic celebrated International Nurses Day, which honours the valuable role nursing staff fulfil in society.

Mediclinic managers who joined in the celebrations are at the back, from the left Penelope Barrie (Training and Development), Melody Ziervogel (Unit Manager: MC Strand), Maria Payne (Unit Manager: Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Units), Magda van Wyk (Unit Manager: Cardiology), AB Jacobs (Deputy Nursing Manager: General), Edith Tomboer (Unit Manager: Orthopaedics), Dr Roy Donald (Anaesthetist), Linda Potgieter (Deputy Nursing Manager: Theatre), Wendy Matthews (Unit Manager: Intensive Care), Tamara Bosch (Unit Manager: Medical), Lorraine Maloy (Unit Manager: Surgical) and Belinda Carolus (Unit Manager: Gynaecology and Maternity). In front are Estelle Jordaan (Nursing Executive Mediclinic Southern Africa) and Carla Petersen (Nursing Manager, Mediclinic Vergelegen).

The day is annually celebrated on 12 May, the birthday of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale. An air of excitement prevailed at the private hospital as nursing manager Carla Petersen was named the winner of the Nursing Excellence Award this Monday. Mediclinic Vergelegen also participated in the Evolabs/Bio-Oil Florence Nightingale Award initiative. This initiative supports and celebrates nursing staff as their unsung heroes. Competition was tough with entries flocking in from across South Africa, and yet Mediclinic Vergelegen and Strand joined the top ranks when two of their nurses, Jacqueline Pietersen (Mediclinic Vergelegen, maternity unit) and senior professional nurse Melody Ziervogel (Mediclinic Strand, unit manager) were amongst the winners.

Helderberg Netball Club match results This weekend saw Helderberg Netball Club battle it out with various other netball teams on the Paarl courts.

The Florence Nightingale Award winners are (middle) Jacqueline Pietersen (Mediclinic Vergelegen) and Melody Ziervogel (Mediclinic Strand) with Belinda Carolus (Unit Manager: Maternity) on the left and Carla Petersen (Nursing Manager, Mediclinic Vergelegen and Strand) on the right.

Professional Nurse Naomi Müller (third from left) was awarded the Nursing Excellence Award. Photographed with her are from left Carla Petersen (Nursing Manager, Mediclinic Vergelegen), Estelle Jordaan (Nursing Executive, Mediclinic Southern Africa) and Wendy Matthews (Unit Manager: Intensive Care). .

The results were as follows: • Helderberg A lost 24-45 to Maties. • Helderberg B beat US 37-24. • Helderberg C lost the battle against Akademi 25-31. • Helderberg D defeated Kuyasa 19-17. • Helderberg E lost 15-13 to Ithemba B. The Helderberg B team is the only undefeated team in the second league.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Mei, 2013


DIE SPAN: Hoërskool Strand se gholfspan is Deib Germishuys, Rohan van der Merwe, Elmo Barnard en Marcel Geldenhuys.

Hoërskool Strand se gholfspelers het tydens die jaarlikse KeNako-skolegholftoernooi weer eens die eer gehad om hul stokke op drie gesogte bane – Oubaai, George en Kingswood – te swaai. Deon Germishuys het op die eerste dag die Oubaai-baan oorwin deur ’n kolhou op die veertiende gat aan te teken. Dit was egter Elmo Barnard wat met ’n telling van 72 die tweede plek in die individuele afdeling ingeneem het. Ten spyte van die gure weer op George die volgende dag het Elmo daarin geslaag om die tweede plek met ’n telling van 73 te behou.

Kingswood se vinnige setperke het die spelers op die derde dag behoorlik laat les opsê, maar Elmo het steeds daarin geslaag om met ’n telling van onder 70 in die nek van die voorloper te blaas. Met slegs twee houe agter die wenner het hy ’n algehele tweede plek vir die toernooi behaal. Hoërskool Strand se A-span het ’n welverdiende vyfde plek uit 18 deelnemende spanne behaal, terwyl die B-span ’n ewe goeie sesde plek behaal het. Elmo, gr. 11, is ook in die o.19 WPspan, wat van 10 tot 12 Mei aan die Triangular Tournament op Riversdal deelgeneem het, opgeneem. Die span het teen Boland en SWD te staan gekom.

Helderberg’s scrumhalf, Armien Bailey, breaks away with the ball during his team’s rugby match against Durbanville/Bellville at the Morkel Stadium on Saturday. Helderberg lost the match 29-21. PHOTOS: PETER BEE.

A determined-looking Lyle Gelant, centre for Helderberg, on the charge during the match against Durbanville/Bellville.

FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION TO THE 2012 GENERAL VALUATION ROLL (SV01) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2013/2014 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 49 (1)(a)(i) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act no. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act,” that the First Supplementary Valuation Roll to the 2012 General Valuation Roll (SV01) for the financial year 2013/2014 is open for public inspection at the venues as stated below as from 21 May 2013 until 30 June 2013. The forms for the lodging of objections are obtainable at these venues. In addition the valuation roll is available on the Council website as from 21 May 2013 (the address is provided below). Properties were selected to appear on the First Supplementary Valuation Roll to the 2012 General Valuation Roll (SV01) Roll in terms of section 78(1) of Act if the property a) was incorrectly omitted from the Valuation Roll; b) has been included in the municipality after the last general valuation; c) has been subdivided or consolidated after the last general valuation; d) has undergone a substantial increase or decrease in market value since the last general valuation; e) was substantially incorrectly valued in the last general valuation; f) must be revalued for any other exceptional reason; g) of which the category has changed. In terms of Section 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Act, any property owner or person who so desires may lodge an objection with the municipal manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the valuation roll, within the abovementioned period. Objections may only be lodged in respect of properties valued on the SV01 Roll. The owners of these properties will be notified of their SV01 valuations in writing at the postal address currently held on the City’s database. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as a whole. The forms for lodging an objection can be obtained from one of the venues listed below, and can be downloaded from the website. A separate objection form must be completed per property. DATE: 21 May 2013 – 30 June 2013








08:30 – 15:45




08:30 – 15:45




08:30 – 15:45








08:30 – 15:45 08:30 – 15:45 08:30 – 15:45

Completed objection forms can be submitted as follows: • • • •

E-mail – valuationsobjection@capetown.gov.za Fax – 086 201 2304 / 086 588 6042 Post to (preferably via registered mail) – The City of Cape Town, for attention: The Objection Coordinator, PO Box 4522, Cape Town 8000 By hand - at one of our public inspection venues

For more information: Sharecall: 086 010 3089

Web: www.capetown.gov.za ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER

RUGBY­UITBLINKER: Adriaan Carelse, matrikulant aan Hoërskool Hottentots-Holland, is as ’n lid van die WP o.18-rugbyspan gekies. Hy sal gedurende die Junie-vakansie saam met die span toer. Adriaan is die skool se onderhoofseun en die trotse kaptein van die o.18A-rugbyspan. Tydens die afgelope Tony Stoops-rugbytoernooi is hy as die beste agterspeler van die toernooi aangewys. Altesame 48 skole het aan die toernooi deelgeneem.

VACANCY: Electrical and Maintenance Technician AAT Composites (Somerset West), is seeking an electrical and maintenance technician to effectively maintain all machinery, equipment, buildings and facilities. The incumbent must be suitably qualified to maintain 1200KW with a wireman's license and strong mechanical experience. The incumbent must be in possession of and has served an apprenticeship in an engineering trade which included the operation and maintenance of machinery which include mechanical, electrical and electronics. Qualifications and Experience Electrician (N4 trade test) Wireman's license 3-5 Years Experience in electrical installation, maintenance and repair of electrical devices and systems Good knowledge of electronics (Service & fault finding) Strong mechanical experience Computer literate (MS Office) Must be able to work overtime/weekends and to be on standby Must have valid Code 08 drivers license Reside locally Own Transport Manufacturing environment experience essential Knowledge of OHS Act Should you have your own transport, reside in the Helderberg region and is willing to work overtime when requested, please forward a complete resume with certified copies or qualifications plus a statement containing all academic results to: marita@aatcomposites.com or fax: 021 8533 446, by no later than 27 May 2013. This company reserves the right not to make an appointment. Correspondence will only be entered into with shortlisted candidates. If you have not heard from us within 2 weeks after the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

As a dynamic, pace setting and globally competitive Company, AAT Composites is committed to recruit suitable individuals in terms of the EEA 55 OF 1998 & Company EE profile

2013 LD AAT15x2

Topposisies vir KeNako­span



Sport Sport

16 Mei, 2013


16 MAY





SUNSET 17:52



MIN 12°C

WIND: 7km SE SUNRISE 07:33

SUNSET 17:51

18 MAY





MIN 12°C

WIND: 10km S

17 MAY


SUNSET 17:50



MIN 12°C

WIND: 7km S


19 MAY

MIN 18°C

WIND: 10km NW SUNRISE 07:35

SUNSET 17:50



16 May 00:39 | 12:50

06:38 | 19:19

17 May 01:38 | 21:32

08:51 | 15:05

18 May 02:55 | 15:03

08:51 | 21:32

19 May 04:14 | 16:23

10:14 | 22:43

Goldy in SA team for World Cup Well known Somerset West paracyclist Goldy Fuchs has been included in the South African paracycling team to compete in two Union Cycling International (UCI) World Cup events during June in Italy and Spain. Goldy was selected for the team after excellent performances during the National paracycling championships in Oudtshoorn on 19 and 20 April. At these championships he won a silver medal in the time trial and a gold in the road race. This is the third time that Goldy has been crowned the SA T2 (tricycle) paracycling road-racing champion and the third year he is riding in the elite class. The UCI road World Cup events will be held in Merano, Italy on 7 – 9 June and in Segovia, Spain from 14 – 16 June. Goldy said he is looking forward to representing his country overseas and to be competing against

top international competitors. He added that if he did well at the UCI World Cup he could go to the World Championships in Canada in September. “I feel confident, strong and well prepared and believe that I will make my country proud in Italy and Spain. Goldy is currently studying at the Exercise Teaching Academy in Stellenbosch and is training hard for the forthcoming races. He trains six times a week under the guidance of Ben Capostagno (cycling) and Graham Bentz (conditioning) at the Sport Science Institute of SA in Newlands which is made possible by the Macsteel Maestros programme. He thanked his coaches and his mother Janine for their support and belief in him. On Saturday 11 May Goldy competed in and won the 21.1km Hermanus Wheels and Runners race. He was the overall winner of the tri-cycle race as well as the winner in his category.

Goldy Fuchs training on the R44 in Stellenbosch with training partner Eurice van Zijl.

Strand cut Silvertree down to size

BRADSHAW CUP WINNERS: The team from Strand Golf Club were the winners of the Bradshaw Cup played at the Milnerton Golf Club on 11 and 12 May. This famous foursomes tournament is played on a knock-out format at a different course each year. The tournament started in 1918 and was played up until 1995, then reinstated in 2011. Since then Strand have been in the finals three times, but this is the first year they have won since 1918. The Strand team played against WP Defence Force and Simon’s Town in the first round and the second round against Durbanville, Westlake and Milnerton. The happy winners are (from left) Michael-James Steyn, Donovan Liddicoat, Chris van der Merwe and Gideon van der Vyver.

Strand Rugby Club got back into their winning ways, much to the delight of their loyal supporters, when they thrashed Silvertree 53-12 in their rugby match played at the Gustrouw Sport Grounds on Saturday. Silvertree simply had no answer to the speed of the local backline and conceded 32 points in the first half. They did, however, score an unconverted try courtesy of their captain and number 8, just before the halftime break. The trend continued in the second half with the home team

scoring a further 21 points. One has to commend the visitors for not giving up and in the end they scored a well-worked converted try. It’s difficult to give a single Strand player an accolade, but debutante flyhalf André Centry and the ever-present centre Cleven Hoffman really excelled on the day. For Strand tries were scored by Cleven Hoffman (2), Dylan Moses, Zhaun Booysen, Dimitri Hendrickse and André Centry. Juan Keet converted six tries and two penalties.

Struisbaai and Uilenkraalsmond produce fish aplenty During the last ten years targeting belman has become a popular facet of fishing from the shore. In the early days belman (also known as baardman or tasselfish) were regarded as deep-sea fish and only seldom did one hear of a belman caught from the shore. In False Bay trek fishing was the demise of many shoals of this specie as they were often mistaken for kob. The scientific name for belman is Umbrina Capensis. The flesh of this fish makes good eating and can also be pickled. These fish are caught all along our coastline from Muizenberg and past Knysna. They are found in the shallows where there are sand-prawn or worms such as bloodworm and moonshine worm along the beaches and estuaries at Strandfontein, Macassar and Strand beaches.

The belman shoals frequent the shallow waters where there are prawn and worm holes. While hovering over the holes they dip the little fleshy tassel which is just under the chin – the fish has the ability to form a funnel with its lips pointing straight downward without changing its body, immediately sucking the prawn into his throat. Light tackle, small hooks and fresh prawn or worm baits are used when fishing into the shallow water in the surf. The light line is left limp with a slack in the line. The belman are only felt when they dart off with the bait and the line becomes taught causing a movement in your rod. If handled gently they give a good fight and are seldom lost. While fishing off Struisbaai plaat using worm from the area Mias de Fratos, an angler who fishes the plaat regularly, and Mark Wake-

field of Gordon’s Bay caught a 4 kg and 8 kg belman. He told me he caught and released quite a number of smaller fish as well. Mark mentioned they were also catching white steenbras from 4 kg to 8 kg on prawn, bloodworm and fresh red bait. He said that at times there were plenty of dassie that were also caught by a number of anglers also fishing on the plaat. During last week a number of kob of up to 8 kg were taken on live bait at De Mond at the plaat. Wessel van Deventer, a Strand angler caught a magnificent musselcracker of 15 kg at Uilenkraals mond recently.

Arno de Villiers, who accompanied him, also caught a musselcracker of 7 kg. They used red bait and were targeting galjoen. At the end of last week quite a number of small yellowtail (malkoppies) were boated near the Point. Professional boatmen Tommy Fraser and crew had 150 yellowtail and katonkel aboard. Last Thursday Steven Truter, on holiday from Holland, was successful in boating a 50 kg and 60 kg yellowfin tunny while spinning. He also bagged a 30 kg longfin. Steven will be remembered as one of the Strand’s top shore anglers who was somewhat of a fishing Guru even from a very

young age. The Atlantic Boat Club based in Hout Bay had a good competition last Saturday. Most of the competing boats caught longfin and yellowfin tunny during the duration of the event. Pieter Eksteen boated a 99 kg yellowfin, which was the best fish in the competition. The second best fish was a 92 kg yellowfin tuna. Fishing for tunny 25 – 30 miles off Cape Point a number of Gordon’s Bay Boat Club members were also successful catching tunny. Anyone wanting to arrange a tunny fishing trip phone South Sea Safaris or phone Alan du Plessis on 021 853 3532 or email: alan@southseasafaris.co.za For all your reel repairs and services phone Art on 021 854 3831. Send your fishing news and photos to bjridgway@telkomsa.net.


Sport Sport

16 May, 2013

Brendan Venter (jnr) is Sports Star of the month JAMEY THOMAS All-round sports star Brendan Venter (13) from Strand, who shows talent in multiple sports, has earned April’s DistrictMail Let’s Play Sports Star of the month award. Brendan is the son of former Springbok rugby star and doctor, Bredan Venter, and seems to be following in his dad’s footsteps. The grade 7 Somerset House pupil participates and excels in several different sport codes, namely athletics, rugby, hockey, tennis, swimming and cricket. Much like Breyton Poole, who is grade 7 at Somerset West Primary and earned DistrictMail Let’s Play Sports Star of the year for 2012 by also being an all-round sportsman. This year Brendan was selected to represent three regional teams in athletics: the Helderberg regional team for 800 m and 1 500 m; the Metropole regional team for the 800 m and 1 500 m; and the Western Province regional team for the 1 500 m. He was also selected for the Helderberg u.13 cricket and rugby teams. Brendan is still participating in the WP rugby and hockey trials. He made the cut for the WP hockey team, however, whether he was selected for the rugby team, only time can tell. He will continue with trials for another week before team squads are announced. Brendan is also an avid swimmer and tennis player who participates in galas and tournaments as a member of the school’s first teams. If it wasn’t for cricket keeping him busy, he would have participated in the tennis tri-

als as well. Amongst his list of achievements for 2012 are: Athletics – Helderberg regional, Metropole East, and the Western Province teams for 1 200 m. Rugby – Helderberg and Western Province u.12 teams. Hockey – Helderberg u.13 team. The young sportsman does not have a strict training routine, but it’s quite a busy one. In the athletics season, Brendan trains for 45 minutes every second day by focusing on sprints. According to him by focusing solely on sprints helps perfect his middle- and longdistance running skills. It also keeps him focused and fit for the other sports in which he participates. Brendan sets aside Monday afternoons for

cricket practice sessions with his dad. Together they’ll toss some balls and work on Brendan’s batting skills. Since they have a 10x13 m hockey astro turf at home, hockey practices happen at any time. He also has regular private hockey practices once or twice a week. With rugby it’s easy. Brendan perfects his rugby talent by learning the necessary skills from his dad. “My dad helps with my coaching, and I learn a lot through his past experiences on and off the field,” smiled Brendan, who takes pride in being recognised as the world famous rugby star Brendan Venter’s son. Although Brendan regularly delivers sterling performances in a variety of sports, his passion lies with his favourite sport – rugby. “Although I’ll have to decide which sport I’ll be focusing on later in high school, I would love to become a professional rugby player and doctor just like my dad,” said Brendan. He is encouraged to put in the hours of practice for sport but also reminded by his dad that education comes first. Fortunately for Brendan he is also academically strong. Brendan regards it important to open oneself to all sporting codes, as he did, to experience what all sport codes have to offer while at primary school. “This way, you can craft your talent and find out with which sport your passion lies while you have the time. I did it because I like a challenge and every sport teaches me something new every time,” said Brendan, who believes it is simply a bonus that he does so well in all sports.


Bredan Venter is April’s DistrictMail Let’s Play Sports Star of the month.

Pines win physical contest against Whistling Wheels

Strand Pioneers management and coaches received kits from Puma SA. Seen here (back, form left) are, Shamiel Railoun, Francios Swanepoel, Faizel Railoun, Moeiez Daggia, Ikraam Wentzel, Nazeem Gabier and Abdullah Aziz; (front) Adiel Davids, Faiz Davids, Taariq van der Ross, Gamiet Daniels and Anwar Josephs.

Even though it turned out to be their stiffest test yet, Strand Pioneers defeated neighbours Whistling Wheels from Eerste River by 29-24 on Saturday. Wheels were highly motivated for the match and scored first via a penalty by flyhalf Selestian Maroon. Pines were not going to stand back, although they were being overshadowed in the loose rucks, and came back strongly with a converted try (7-3). Wheel’s strong interplay and cleaning of the rucks led to them scoring their first try that was converted by Maroon (10-7).

Another monster derby awaits Raithby this weekend This weekend Raithby Universals host Stellenbosch Coronations in another huge and anxiously awaited derby. These clubs have never met in a league encounter before and a big crowd is expected. In other news, Sir Lowrians and Strand Pioneers are still unbeaten and Macassar did well to get their first victory of the season (as predicted). This week’s fixtures are: Helderberg vs Bellville (away) Berge should have a target to get at least a point out this match, and with them blowing hot and cold, they are due to be hot this weekend. Prediction: Berge to win by 5. St Georges vs Pniel Villagers (Gustrouw) Lulus were very unlucky to lose last week and will want to make up for this at home. Pniel are also very inconsistent and unpredictable and shouldn’t be too much of a threat for St Georges. Prediction: St Georges to win by 8 or more. Sir Lowrians vs Rangers (Surrey Estate) Rangers will be highly motivated for this game, but do come off a loss against Collegians. Rangers would also have noticed that Scottsdene scored plenty against the Navy Train. Sir Lowrians on the other hand

wouldn’t be too fazed by the initial hype posed by Rangers. Prediction: Navy Train to win by 15. Macassar vs Kraaifontein (Macassar) The Mac boys should be feeling relieved after their first win of the season, but now face second-placed Kraaie. The only chance Macassar have of taking this one is to remind Kraaie that they are not playing at home...and do so early. Prediction: Macassar to lose by 10. Strand United vs Langa (Abattoir) With coach Shamiel Boer resigning last week, United will have to pull things together under a new coach. With only one win in six it’s not looking too good, but its nothing the club hasn’t yet seen. Prediction: Langa to win by 7 or more. Strand vs Milnerton (Theo Marais Park) Milnerton are currently second placed in the league and Strand will have a tough time on Saturday. Prediction: Strand to lose by 9 or more. Raithby Universals vs Stellenbosch Coronations This is definitely the fixture of the week. Raithby have been in devastating form playing at home and should be the favourites to win this game. All Saints vs Watsonia (Athlone)

All Saints should target 5 points out of this game against a team that haven’t yet won this season. Prediction: All Saints to win by 12 or more. Strand Pioneers vs Young Ideas (Langa) Pines are looking good thus far, but lost twice to Young Ideas last year. Prediction: Pioneers to win by 12 or more. All Saints will be hosting a golf day on Sunday (2 June) at the Somerset West golf course. The entry fee is R1 000 per 4 ball. With our region doing well over the years with players representing the Union, it is great to report that we are also doing well in the administrative and coaching departments. Myself and Myneve Swartland (St Georges) are both on the relations committee, with Riedwaan Hassiem (Strand United) on the disciplinary committee, Reuben Riffel (St Georges) on the top executive, Deon Isaacs (St Georges) as WP Disa selector and Ricki Petersen (Helderberg) as the WP sevens coach.

Taariq van der Ross 2 taariq@rematch.co.za

For large periods of the match it was great physical rugby with Wheels winning most of the challenges to lead 16-10 at the break. The first 15 minutes after half time it was, however, all Pioneers as they scored two converted tries to lead with 24-16 and half an hour remaining. With Eugene Pieterse scoring the bonus point try for Pines to lead with 29-16, one would have thought the match would fizzle out, but Wheels came back strongly to make the score 29-24 with two minutes remaining. Fortunately, good defence by Pines secured their sixth successive bonus point victory.

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Tel: 021 852 8313/5

cherisse@helderberglaw.co.za 49 Reitz Street, Somerset West





H’berg improve, but still lose Helderberg upped their game considerably in their Super League A clash against Durbanville/Bellville at the Charles Morkel Stadium on Saturday, but it was not enough for a win and they lost 29-21. This result means that the thirdon-the-log visitors remain in third spot and Helderberg in eighth position. Durb-Bell started off dramatically by scoring their first try in the second minute (7-0). Helderberg responded with a try of their own. Hooker Zane Raimondi found himself in a scrumhalf situation from which he cleared the ball to centre Lyle Gelant, who fed full back Morné Cooper, who in turn passed to Raimondi for a super try. Cooper slotted the easy conversion (7-7). Durb-Bell forwards mauled over the line for the next converted try (14-7) before the break and the home team again drew level. Fullback Cooper fielded a defensive kick, passed to Raimondi, who passed to centre Siviwe Magaba, who switched with his fellow centre Gelant, who scored under the posts. Cooper again converted to take the half-time score to 14-14. After the break the visitors shad-

ed Helderberg somewhat and during this period added 12 points through two tries and a conversion (26-14). Helderberg however came back into the game with a strong onslaught on the Durb-Bell line. From a driving maul scrumhalf Armien Bailey broke and passed to captain and lock-forward De Wet Neethling who romped over the line. Cooper converted (2621). Durb-Bell surged into Helderberg territory and was awarded a penalty, which they kicked to the corner. A second penalty was awarded and this time their flyhalf took the shot (29-21). Then, with time running out and play on the halfway line, Bailey just missed an interception, which if successful, would have meant two bonus points from the game. Sadly, this was not to be. Outstanding in this match was Bailey and flanker Andri Blom. Players who also deserve a mention are Neethling, Gelant and the utility back James Amm. The team performed well all round, which augurs well for the remaining matches. Helderberg also played Maties at the Craven Stadium on Wednesday.

) This weekend’s fixtures are as follows: • Friday: the match between the Helderberg’s u.20 B-team and

UWC’s B-team will start at 19:00 on home territory; and Crusaders (fourth team) take on False Bay in an away game at 19:30.

• Saturday: Helderberg’s 1, 2, 3 and u.20 teams will battle it out in an away game against Bellville. The main game will commence at 16:00.

Helderberg’s flank Andi Blom wins ball the battle for the ball during a line out in the match against Durbanville/ Bellville at the Charles Morkel Stadium on Saturday. Helderberg lost the match 29-21. PHOTO: PETER BEE

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