The Sunshiner - August Edition

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CONTENTS There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life, and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age" - Sophia Loren Page 3 •A Message from The District Director- Barbara Strasdas, DTM •Toastmasters in The Community - TM Luiz Bravim Page 4 •Discovering Your Niche in Toastmasters - TM Dudley Turnquest •A Collection of Tuesday Tips - Healing Communicators Club 7178 Page 5 •Toastmasters Trivia! - TM Derek Garcia Rolle •Upcoming District 47 Events & Celebrations Page 6 •The First-Ever District 47 Virtual Toastmasters Leadership Institute - TM Abby Martinez •The Toastmasters Gavel & The Talking Stick Pundit Piece - TM Marlene Smith Page 7 •F is for Family ( Division Highlight) - Ernesto Williams, DTM Page 8 •I survived my Moment of Fear Poem - TM Marlene Smith •Toastmaster Communications & Relationships - TM Shveta Kumar Page 9 •Happy Anniversary to our Toastmaster Clubs! •Calendar of Area Speech Competitions- Shakira Taylor, DTM •A Recipe for Success - TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club Page 10 •Credits & Notifications Page

The District Vision for 2020-2021 is a “culture of community,” and we must start with our own community of members—to renew interest in this visionary organization, to remind each member of their Why, to reach out to former members, and to reignite their own Why. Within our community of members, the District pledges to conduct beneficial educational workshops, webinars, and leadership trainings for its members, and most important of all, to recognize our outstanding clubs and—as the backbone of any outstanding club—their shining members, through award recognition and the provision of club incentives. The second aspect of this community vision is to escalate our community outreach. You have been given a gift. Being a Toastmaster is a gift—you have benefited in so many ways from your commitment to the Toastmasters promise. We encourage you to reach out to the community around us. To interface with the youth groups, churches, and other organizations who work with the young and organize leadership programs; to connect with businesses to offer speechcraft instruction for their employees’ benefit; and to become involved with Junior Achievement, Rotary, or the Boys & Girls clubs. Let us share this gift we have received. Rosena was dedicated to honing her skills in order to become more effective at serving the community in The Bahamas. Today, Rosena is an executive member of the Rotary Club, while also serving as a BY TM LUIZ BRAVIM club mentor for a brand-new Austen calls the Toastmasters Meeting “a Toastmasters club in Division I. It was pure chance that pushed playground with no bullies.” He Austen Canonica, DTM, into For many years, nearly all of Davie credits advancement in his career to Toastmasters. He saw a flyer as a Toastmasters. “It’s about communication Toastmasters Club #2508 pitched in to graduate student at FAU with the run the Youth Leadership Institute, a provocative statement, “Why your boss in general and leadership in general.” Toastmasters summer program training The courage to stand up at work and wants you to join Toastmasters!” children from age 8 through 13 in public take speaking roles that many of his Although aware of the organization speaking and leadership. Graduates of the colleagues avoid out of fear helps him some years before, Austen’s work Youth Leadership Institute have gone stand out. hours conflicted with the meeting on to deliver TED Talks and become time of his local club. A professor of Rosena Duncanson found Toastmasters leaders of their own campus communications pushed Austen into through Junior Achievement, a business communities. joining six months after FAU and entrepreneurship education Toastmasters Club chartered. program for young people. She worked Most impressive is that it’s not one or two members who perform volunteer roles All who meet Austen know him as the closely with secondary students developing the confidence to pitch ideas on successive Saturdays through the always energetic, often hilarious summer, but most of Davie Toastmasters Contest Chair for contests at the area, to business and community leaders. A Club #2508 shared duties in what presentation at work showed Rosena division, and district levels. It was not business scholars describe as ‘servant that she was still afraid of public easy developing these skills. Austen leadership.’ speaking even after earning her first counts Sherry Thomas, Henry designation in Toastmasters one year Ferguson, Chim Francisco, and David District 47 Toastmasters’ involvement in after joining. She left, then returned to Esposito as mentors who helped him their community proves the adage, “There the program following a seven-year perform for high-profile audiences are many paths to the top of the absence. Rosena competed in District again and again. 47's Evaluation Competition and earned mountain, but the view is always the same.” the runner-up honors! 3 | THE SUNSHINER


BY TM DUDLEY TURNQUEST We all sit in our clubs and know exactly what kind of speech we will hear based on who the speakers are. We easily identify the funny speaker and the speaker that sounds as though he’s preaching. These are people who have found their niche: the particular speech form and quality that is uniquely identifiable with one particular Toastmaster. The specialized form of speaking that makes them the Toastmaster they are. Now the question is this: how can you find your own? The first tip is rather anticlimactic. You must speak. One of the World Champions of Public Speaking in Toastmasters, TM Darren LaCroix, refers to it as “stage time.” Getting on the “stage,” in this case behind the lectern, is critical to finding your niche—as the evaluators in your club and in other clubs will testify. Another way to discover your niche is to think of what your friends outside Toastmasters say you’re good at. Are you the funny friend? Are you the friend that tells incredible stories? Are you the friend that makes people walk away smarter? Ask them and then craft your next speech around it; you would be surprised how natural it may feel. Finally, think about how you want to leave people after you speak. Think about whether you want to leave them entertained, leave them inspired, or leave them thinking. By the time you have done these three steps, you will be well on your way to having your chair introduce you as the master of whatever niche you have found yourself aligning with.

Members of Healing Communicators Toastmasters Club #7178 of Division F, Area 61 “There are 7 seconds and 7 steps to creating a good first impression: demonstrate respect, present yourself appropriately, be authentic, smile from your mouth and with your eyes, exude positivity, manage confidence responsibly, and remember that good manners still make good sense.” - Nakera Symonette, DTM “Here are ways to perfect your speech craft: speak on a topic that interests you, grab the attention of the audience from the beginning, conclude with a memorable ending, be concise, include facts and examples and logical reasoning in your speech, connect with your audience emotionally, and be uniquely you by letting your personality shine through.” -Deandra Dorsette, DTM

““Compliments are powerful because they build trust, boost confidence, motivate and spark creativity, convey respect, increase happiness, change someone’s mood, relieve anxiety, and increase longevity.” - TM Tanzinia Carey “Here’s how to prepare for your next interview: do your research, assess your credentials, speak with someone who has been in your seat as the interviewee, practice a mock interview, take care of your appearance ( be camera ready), and travel, and technology if it is a virtual interview, prepare a few questions of your own for the interviewer, and be positive and confident.” - Jamere McIntosh, DTM

“Here are some tips to help you manage a healthy relationship with your ‘other’: learn love languages, walk the two-way street, manage expectations, build trust, address issues so that they do not fester, learn and apply patience, listen, be intentional, and understand that the next person may be healing or working on past or current life problems.” - Juliana Clarke, DTM


TM Chevette Black, Food & Nutrition Educator & Owner of Vette'z Delightful Treat Just like a conch fritter recipe, the joys of being in the Toastmasters Program are vast. It includes the textural experiencing diversity in of our members, the distinct flavors of our pathways, the precise measurements of our goals, and the spices of each individual club. In a way, Recipes are intended to guide each of the ingredients in us the same way manner that Toastmasters guides each of its members. Although the results may vary, an uncertainty not unlike what we face during these times just like the uncertain times we are facing now, even when we follow each step, the product proves to be one worth sampling. In the end,and then we’ are left with lessons for future learning and enhancement. So Thus, take a whack at this Bahamian-native recipe that I modified for you, and be sure to reflect on this process as it relates to your development in the Toastmasters program!

INGREDIENTS: 2 large conchs 1 medium-sized onion 1 medium-sized green bell pepper 2 ounces of freshly -squeezed lime juice 2 ounces of freshly -squeezed lemon juice Hot peppers to taste 2 cups of all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder Salt to taste 1 teaspoon of thyme leaves 2 cups of water (approximate) Vegetable oil for deep-fat frying SAUCE: ½ cup of mayonnaise ½ cup of ketchup 1 teaspoon of mustard 1 teaspoon of hot sauce

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Wash the conchs in cold water. Then, cut into quarters and place into a food processor fitted with the knife blade. Manually cut the onion and green pepper into quarters and place into the processor with the conch. 2. Using the pulse setting, pulse only until the conch and vegetables are coarsely ground. Scrape into a medium-sized bowl. 3. In a small dish, mix together the lime and lemon juices. Crush the hot peppers into the juices and then pour over the conch and vegetables. 4. Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and thyme leaves, and then combine with the conch mixture. While doing this, add enough water to make a stiff batter. 5. Pour the oil into a deep-fat fryer or a deep pot and heat. Drop the batter teaspoonful by teaspoonful into the hot oil and fry quickly until golden brown. 6.Remove the fritters with a slotted spoon and drain on a wire rack over power towels. Serve immediately with sauce

VETTE’S ISLAND TIPS Add a can of V8 vegetable juice for flavor Season your conchs separately with a dash of salt before pulsing. The amount of conch should match your flour: the more conch, the better!

Submitted by TM Derek Garcia Rolle

It’s TRIVIA TIME Toastmasters! Here’s how it works: 1) Using your sleuthing and researching skills only, find the answers to this Sunshiner Edition’s trivia questions. 2) Once finished, send an email to with the answers!

• Labor Day Holiday of The United States of America – September 7th • District Executive Council Meeting - Presentation of District Budget: September 12th • District Goal of Club Dues Renewal - Clubs Collect and Submit Member Renewal Dues: September 15th • Virtual Business Meeting of the District Council To Approve 2020-2021 Budget:– September 26th

3) Be the first submission to correctly answer both trivia questions and win a prize for your club from the 2020-2021 District 47 Public Relations Team!

• Deadline for Approval of District Budget: September 30th

Easy, right? On your marks! Get ready! GO!

• Smedley Award Membership Building Program ends: September 30th

a) What year was the TRIO a Quintet?

• District Deadline for submission of Area Director 1st Club Visits Report: September 30th

b) How many couples served as District Director/Governor of D47? 5 | THE SUNSHINER

• Club Humorous Speech and Evaluations Contests End: September 30th

• TOASTMASTERS MONTH: OCTOBER 2020 • Member Recognition Ceremony - Bahamas 2019-2020 Hall of Fame Awards: November 21st 2020 • Virtual Area Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests: October 1st - 30th

By TM Abby Martinez

The synergy and commitment of three resilient women led by Shakira Taylor, DTM Program Quality Director for District 47, brought us a successful and educational officer training to the virtual platform on August 15, 2020. The conference was seamless, as this power team based in The Bahamas and South Florida navigated through event logistics amid the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing to life on-screen top-notch facilitators and presenters that kept members safe but still engaged. Event Statistics Based on a Club Count of 183, 54 clubs (30%) have had all 7 of its officers trained. Based on a Club Count of 183, 147 clubs (80%) have had at least 4 or more of all of its officers trained. During the August 15th TLI, 321 officers in total were trained. Of that number, 175 officers were trained for the first time. The total number of individuals who registered for the August 15th TLI amounts to 634. •The total number of individuals who registered for the August 15th TLI amounts to 634. 575 of those registered were present.

The Toastmaster Gavel & The Talking Stick PUNDIT PIECE


Communication is vital to every culture. Communication tools can come in the form of a symbol, such as the Toastmaster’s Gavel or the Native Americans’ talking stick. The symbol is a non-verbal communication tool– the organization’s rules of engagement— to maintain order and decorum. The talking stick is brought to the tribal by the head of the meeting— their Toastmaster/ Chairperson. It is decorated with feathers, which the courage and wisdom to speak from the heart. The feathers call up the spirits of their ancestors for guidance to make good decisions. The talking stick is also decorated with colors which that represent the Native American values of wisdom, prayer, clarity, focus, life, happiness, and sharing.

Sessions and Session Presenters “Evaluation Tips and Techniques in the Virtual World” by Kim Beckett, DTM; “Connecting Through Community Outreach” by Sheree Thomas, DTM; “ Writing and Speaking for Laughs” by Joseph Tapper; and “Positioning Your Club for Success” by Dorrette Keen, DTM.

Trainers and Facilitators Andrew Bern, Juliana Clarke, Lapeedra Damianos, Anthony Elie, Linda Elie, Roosevelt Jean-Francois, Andre Kelly, Euvunka Paul, Leonardo Burrows, Jane Cabrera, Andrew Albury, Ernesto G. Williams, Tiffany BurrellRoberts, Lois Margolin, & Clifford Marr. Organizers Merla Atus-Pawar; Michelle Washington, DTM; Antoinette Bailey, DTM (advisor); and Shakira Taylor, DTM Program Quality Director “I express my most sincere thanks to our membersthe core of this organization. Trained members equals quality clubs, which in turn results in retained members,” Merla Atus-Pawar said in her closing remarks. As we navigate this health crisis and the challenges it brings, Toastmasters International continues to inspire and encourage its members to become confident leaders and speakers. We are in a virtual world indefinitely where we continue to connect and grow together. On this platform we can meet members from around the world and learn about our diverse cultures. This is the beauty of having unlimited access to the world.

Only the tribal member holding the talking stick speaks, which allows him/her the prestige and stage to give his/her ‘Sacred Point of View’. Everyone else at the meeting listens intently. No interruptions. No unsolicited advice. No comments. No challenges. When the member finishes speaking, the talking stick is passed to another member. Everyone is guaranteed a time to speak and to be understood— not just heard!

Can you see the meaning here? The talking stick reinforces the Native American belief that cooperation is valued over competition. By this standard, all points of view are sacred. The Toastmaster gavel symbolizes the Toastmaster core values of Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence— – notice any similarities? Thank you, – talking stick and program gavel, – for speaking to us without saying any words.

The talking stick is also used to maintain civility at powwows, in storytelling circles, when teaching children, and during meetings with enemies.


Collected by Ernesto G. Williams, DTM


“The Right Communication Is The Key to All Great Relationships”



Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in situations and relationships that can only be resolved with the right kind of communication – namely, the “hard” talk. It can be tricky, of course, but with the right frame of mind and thought process, it can be a rewarding experience as well. I recently found myself in one such situation. My friend and I were trying to work out our differences; however, because the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, we quit. Still, the friendship remained important to me, so after a few days, I made an attempt to reconcile. I've always believed in openly and honestly discussing issues, even if sometimes—maybe more often than not— you can go around in circles without any resolution. With my friend, however, I was determined to reach it. The second time we spoke, I possessed more awareness and mindfulness. I invoked my Toastmasters frame of mind: Instead of hashing and rehashing the same thing, I entered the discussion with a beginning, middle, and end to my point of view and after finishing what I had to say, opened up the floor for evaluation, so to speak. My friend was a rigorous evaluator, naturally, but I took her critiques in stride and evaluated her back, careful to keep calm. In the end, my friend understood my point, and it was a fruitful conversation. We’re now closer than ever. Perhaps that’s the magic of the right communication.

Listen and you shall hear The story of how I survived my fear A speech practiced, oh so dear Given with a smile, not a tear It was a Wednesday, at noon Toastmaster meeting to start soon Through Microsoft Team, not Zoom This techie hoped to avoid doom An email with the link Just click and not think Audio, video check, a yes Time to speak as the guest Interesting this Microsoft Team I am looking at a blank, black screen! Setting check was not done I am not having any fun! Focus and show your smile Clarity of voice will go a mile Eye contact with the camera Pretend to see a panorama Speech done and meeting soon to end A tale of the screen I did pretend Expect the unexpected and be flexible Especially when it comes to the technical Listen and you shall hear The story of how I survived my fear A speech practiced, oh so dear Given with a smile, not a tear


Toastmaster Clubs! District 47 celebrates all our amazing clubs who have celebrated the dates of their founding between July 1st, 2020 and September 3rd, 2020!!

2020-2021 District 47 Area Humorous & Evaluation Speech Contest Dates

Collected by Shakira Taylor, DTM

YAY to our Biennial Anniversary Club: Workforce Solutions Toastmasters Club #7055565 of Division A, Area 10 turned 2 years old on July 30th! YAY to our Triennial Anniversary Club: DHL Plantation FL Toastmasters Club #6645499 of Division B, Area 23 turned 3 years old on August 28th!


YAY to our Quinquennial Anniversary Club: The Landing Toastmasters Club #4916034 of Division E, Area 52 turned 5 years old on August 31st! YAY to our Octennial Anniversary Club: Toastmasters at FIU Business Club #2662937 of Division E, Area 52 turned 8 years old on August 15th! YAY to our Undecennial Anniversary Club: High Voltage Voice Toastmasters Club #1376226 of Division D, Area 42 turned 11 years old on August 17th! YAY to our Duodecennial Anniversary Club: BPB Talking Heads Toastmasters Club #1118683 of Division B, Area 22 turned 12 years old on July 10th! YAY to our Crystal Anniversary Club: Sawgrass Toastmasters Club #590751 of Division B, Area 24 turned 17 years old on August 19th! YAY to our Porcelain Anniversary Club: University of Ft. Lauderdale Toastmasters Club #3383 of Division B, Area 24 turned 20 years old on July 1st! YAY to our Silver Jubilee Anniversary Club: West Kendall Toastmasters Club #8370 of Division E, Area 54 turned 29 years old on August 1st! YAY to our Pearl Jubilee Anniversary Clubs: Brickell Toastmasters Club #7619 of Division E, Area 53 turned 31 years old on July 1st! Pembroke Pines, Paul Spiewak Toastmasters Club #6003 of Division A, Area 14 turned 35 years old on September 1st! YAY to our Ruby Jubilee Anniversary Clubs: Freeport Eagles Toastmasters Club #1425 of Division I, Area 90 turned 48 years old on August 1st! Boca Raton Toastmasters Club #3299 of Division C, Area 33 turned 49 years old on September 1st! YAY to our Golden Jubilee Anniversary Club: Early Bird Toastmasters Club #3659 of Division B, Area 21 turned 57 years old on September 1st! YAY to our Diamond Jubilee Anniversary Club: Gold Coast Toastmasters Club #2727 of Division D, Area 42 turned 60 years old on September 1st!


TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club in District 120

The Sunshiner Team Newsletter Editions are published every 3rd day of the incoming month


Tidbits News Casts are published every 12th day of the incoming month

DTM Ernesto G. Williams – Editor-In-Chief DTM Glenisha Albury – Design Editor TM Ryan S. Kelly II – Copy Editor TM Abby Martinez – Writer TM Luiz Bravim – Writer TM Shveta Kumar – Columnist TM Dudley O. A. Turnquest – Columnist TM Taimak Saunders – Production Editor TM L. Robert Knowles – Video Editor DTM Elbert C. Thompson – News Anchor DTM Antionette Fox – News Cast Writer

Send all submissions, thoughts and suggestions to



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