Dawson Trail Dispatch March 2012

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Wood Pleads Guilty to Theft in Saskatchewan

Zoning Outrages Landmark Residents

A Saskatchewan judge has handed former RM of La Broquerie administrator, Lori Wood, a suspended sentence after she plead guilty to theft in a Lloydminster courtroom. Last April, the Maidstone RCMP charged 40-yearold Wood after receiving a complaint from the Maidstone Arena Board on which Wood participated as a volunteer board member. The complaint accused Wood of issuing cheques “without authorization” for which she was the beneficiary. Corporal Fillion, with the Maidstone RCMP, confirmed that Wood attended Lloydminster Court on February 28. He said that Wood pled guilty to one count of theft under $5,000 in a joint submission between the Crown prosecutor and Wood’s defense. As a result she received a suspended sentence, six months probation and was ordered to pay back restitution in the amount of $2,902.40 to the Maidstone Arena Board. Wood was employed as administrator in the Town of Maidstone in Saskatchewan when the theft occurred. Prior to briefly taking the position, Wood was employed with several Manitoba municipalities and left her position with the RM of La Broquerie amid a sea of controversy.

Toews Responds to Twitter Attack By Marianne Curtis

Dave Sutherland, spokesperson for the group, explained. “We discovered all our homes have been re-zoned,” stated Sutherland. “I wasn’t worried about it at first. I understand its part of planning for the future, but then I found it was commercial. Then we had a problem.” According to Sutherland, residences are not allowed to be constructed on commercial property, based on the planning act. “You cannot have a house on a commercial property and

Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae has admitted a Liberal staffer was behind the Vikileaks30 Twitter account that aired details of Provencher MP Vic Toews’s divorce in retaliation for an online surveillance bill and that the staffer has resigned. Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae named staffer Adam Carroll as the culprit behind the Vikileaks30 Twitter account that surged into public prominence in the wake of the tabling of new legislation earlier this month that would have allowed increased police surveillance of the Internet and citizens who use it. A string of tweets posted online offered up alleged details relating to Toews’s divorce proceedings. It was alleged Carroll was upset with recent comments by Toews suggesting a link between opposing the online warrantless surveillance bill and siding with child pornographers, as well as Conservative MP Larry Miller’s speech comparing those opposed to ending the longgun registry with Hitler.

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Hettie and Leonard Penner are among over a dozen Landmark residents upset with the RM of Tache for re-zoning Main Street, Landmark as commercial and possibly compromising their homeowners insurance in the process. The map on the left is the most current map approved by the RM of Tache in 2009. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis Over a dozen homeowners in Landmark are furious with the RM of Tache council after recently discovering their properties had been re-zoned, allegedly without their knowledge. While the re-zoning itself raised questions, residents are further outraged to discover the change may have compromised their homeowners insurance coverage. At a recent RM of Tache council meeting, councilors heard from a number of Landmark residents who own land along the community’s Main Street.


March 2012

More Than Just News!

Twitter continued... Continued from page 1 Toews accepted a public apology from Rae, however, he also noted that some Liberal MPs had been encouraging the public to participate in personal, online attacks on him, and he asked the Speaker to look into that issue separately. “While I’m prepared to take (Rae’s) comments at face value that he had nothing to do with it,” Toews said, “I think the evidence is clear on the public record that there was at least one member who advocated on a continuous basis the use of that.” Meanwhile, the government asked House Speaker Andrew Scheer to investigate a series of videos directed at Toews by an online hacker group called Anonymous. The videos promised further action unless the minister backed off of the online surveillance bill. “Various allegations about my private life, but also specific threats, all of which were clearly stated to be in reaction to my sponsorship of proposed legislation tabled in this House, namely bill C-30,” stated Toews. “I will continue to do my duties and carry out my responsibilities in respect of this piece of legislation.” As for his personal life, Toews maintains that his previous marriage remains private despite the very public outings on twitter. “I have never responded publicly to the specific allegations made in these affidavits nor will I ever do so,” Toews said. “I will be fully accountable for any responsibility that I bear for the breakdown of my previous marriage but that accountability is not something I owe to the public generally or to my political opponents in particular.” He further admits that he has remarried and has a young son. “I do want you to know that I have a spouse and a young son who I love more than life itself,” Toews concluded. “The personal attacks, criminal acts and threats of future criminal acts against me will not dissuade me from carrying out my responsibilities as an elected Member of the House of Commons and as the Minister of Public Safety for Canada.”

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ontario Man Seeks Information on Woodridge Settlement

In the 1930’s Peter and Elizabeth Molnar and the first five of seven children voluntarily participated in a “Back to the Land” settlement program that saw them encouraged to relocate to a homestead in Woodridge.

By Marianne Curtis An Ontario man, who’s only time in Woodridge was as an infant, is hoping he will find information on his family’s humble beginnings as Hungarian immigrants forced to settle in the community back in the 1930’s. Joseph Molnar lives in Woodstock, Ontario but his family can be traced back to a homestead outside of Ste. Anne, near Dufresne. When he looks back even further, his parents Peter and Elizabeth Molnar immigrated to Winnipeg from Hungary in 1924 and would eventually have a total of seven children. Joe is the sole survivor. “I am hoping to leave an accurate oral family history for my descendants,” Molnar explained. “At this juncture their eyes glaze over in disbelief if I tell them I lived in a Molnar family built log house in the Woodridge region of Manitoba while an infant as the result of a ‘back to the land’ farm resettlement program.” Molnar said that his understanding is that during the great depression the Federal Government of the day and the Manitoba Provincial Governments had a joint ‘Back to the Land’ program to get welfare recipients off welfare. Through the program, the couple was offered an opportunity to resettle courtesy of the government on land located in the bush near Woodridge. “It was the height of the depression and my family referred to it as ‘Back to the Land’,” Molnar continued. “The family moved out to a piece of land in the Woodridge area. I am not sure if they were given animals for the farm or if they were given money to buy animals but the whole plan was to get them off welfare and on their own.” Molnar was too young to remember the Woodridge home, but he remembers eventually growing up in Dufresne and going to school in Ste. Anne. “It is important for me to find out more about what happened; it was shaming to my family to be moved from the city to the country.” Molnar recalled his parents talking about the program. “Manitoba was sending people back to Europe but my family was not sent back because they were here longer than five years.” Molnar would like to find official documentation on the settlement plan and has put out a call for information. He has already emailed several local MLA’s but has yet to get a response. “I want to see the actual documentation that my parents were involved with in this agreement,” he continued. “I’d like to be able to present to my family copies of the documents to show parts of their history so that they have something to look back on as being authentic.” Molnar is hopeful that there may still be families in the area that may remember or have participated in similar settlement programs. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact him at joemolnar1@tksavvy.com.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

March 2012


Walls are Up on Sprague Community Housing By Marianne Curtis Over the past few months, construction crews have been busy framing the structure that will soon become a 15-suite elderly persons housing (EPH) unit in Sprague. Construction of the elderly persons housing (Part 1 of PHASE III) started in October 2011 and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2012. Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation (MHRC) has committed to funding and financing the bulk of the construction cost. Land for the project has been provided by the Regional Health Authority, and EBCH has provided a community contribution of $275,000. The project also received $3.4 million from the Governments of Canada and Manitoba. Additional seed Below: At the beginning of February the walls are up on the new East Borderland Community Housing project. Photo by Marianne Curtis

Zoning continued... Continued from page 1 when I asked my insurer if I’d be able to rebuild my house if it burns, I was told no,” stated Sutherland, who is insured with Wawanesa Insurance. “It would be like my policy did not exist.” His next door neighbor, Ellie Chappellez, also produced an email from Red River Mutual which states they “reserve the right to revoke the actual cash value settlement if you cannot rebuild.” The residents were also upset about the inconsistencies in the zoning change. A total of 18 properties along Main Street in Landmark have been re-zoned from residential to commercial, except for a small pocket at the north end, exactly where RM of Tache councilor Bob Koop lives. RM of Tache councilor Ross Deschambault defended council’s planned practices. “Those that asked to be excluded from the zoning plan changes were excluded,” stated Deschambault. “There are issues that no one is aware of when we looked at planning; we did what we felt would benefit the community in the future.” At the recommendation of council the matter was reverted back to the LUD of Landmark. At a meeting that took place on March 1 the LUD of Landmark decided that they would leave it up to individual homeowners to request the zoning change. RM of Tache administrator Dan Poersch confirmed that when the RM of Tache adopted their development plan in 2009, both sides of Main Street were designated as commercial. “The LUD made a recommendation to council that would take into account the owners interests; it will be up to the individual homeowner to decide if they want their properties reverted back to residential,” stated Poersch. “In this case, the LUD has recommended that the municipality waive all costs associated with the change but it still has to be discussed by council first.” The Chief Administrative Officer confirmed the changes came into effect when the RM of Tache approved the development plan back in 2009. “Those properties are zoned commercial,” stated Poerch. “It is a preexisting use if you have a single family dwelling and they are grandfathered in, the zoning was done to provide ease should the land use change in the future.”

funding was provided by CMHC in the form of a $10,000 interestfree loan and a $10,000 grant to assist during the initial project planning stages. The complete East Borderland Community Housing PHASE III project includes a personal care home, supportive house/swing Beds and elderly persons’ housing. The EPH building will include affordable single and double bedroom units, as well as a common activity space, and be available to both seniors and disabled persons. It is estimated that approximately 24 new full-time jobs, valued at $1 million per year, will be created in the RM of Piney.

Left: Provencher MP Vic Toews, La Verendrye MLA Dennis Smook, South Eastman Health Board Liaison Paul Campbell and Ken Harder review the progress of the East Borderland Community Housing Project in Sprague.


More Than Just News!

March 2012

Independent Review for Province Wide Flood Protection

Responding to Change Residents of the southeast know about change. It is all around us. The size and the make-up of our communities are changing and they have been for several years. While it is evident to all of us who call the region home, it was confirmed in the most recent census results released earlier this year. Another study that came out last month by the RCMP and which was reported in the Dawson Trail Dispatch showed that not all of the change we are experiencing is good. Crime, particularly drug crime, is a growing reality for the communities in southeastern Manitoba. While this is an unwelcome consequence that sometimes comes with growth, the key is how it is responded to. My sense is that there has been a change in attitudes among residents of the region in recent years. Far from ignoring the problem that comes with issues like drugs and addiction, there is a growing willingness to find ways to tackle the problem. Police in our region, for example in Ste. Anne and Steinbach, have worked cooperatively to make arrests of those who are producing and selling drugs in our region. There has been strong support for in-school programs such as DARE which help to educate young people about the dangers of drugs.

As well, there has been support for the increased number of officers that are in specific municipalities to help aid in proactive police work. There has also been increased attention to the need to have resources to help those fighting addiction and, while there is much more that needs to be done, some specific community driven initiatives are having success. The recognition of the importance of these types of steps in fighting a growing problem is a credit to residents of the southeast because the issue of drugs and addiction can be an easy one to ignore if, as is the case for many people, they have no direct connection to the problem. For those families that have a loved one dealing with addiction or drugs, they immediately understand the need for support and prevention programs. But for those that don’t, the need is harder to understand and relate to. This region of the province has a reputation for being proactive on many fronts. It is one of the reasons it is as successful as it is and one of the reasons that growth and change have touched every part of it. Most impressive is the growing response to some of the challenges that come with change and growth that are not so

Serving the communities along the historic Dawson Trail and beyond.

The Dawson Trail Dispatch is a monthly newspaper distributed free of charge to 50 Southeastern Manitoba communities. Published by: One One Consultants Inc. Box 308, Richer, MB R0E 1S0 Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Dan Guetre, Managing Editor One One Consultants Inc., Publisher News Writers: Marianne Curtis, and Dan Guetre Columnists: Lee Guetre, Peter Friesen, Anni Markmann, Peter Martens, Herman Unrau, Raylene Snow, Lorena Mitchell, Eileen Lewis, Travis Olifirowich Production/Design: Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck, Monica Guetre and Wilma Priebe Advertising: Karen Jorgenson and Dan Guetre

For Advertising Call: Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Email: sales@dawsontrail.ca Subscriptions: $29.95 annually plus GST for Canadian Subscriptions. $52.95 annually for International Subscriptions

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

positive. That response is in keeping with a population that has a reputation for being progressive, proactive and compassionate. I appreciate your comments and concerns. If you have any comments on these or other issues, you can contact me by writing, #3 – 227 Main Street, Steinbach MB R5G 1Y7, by phone at (204) 326-5763, by fax at (204) 346-9913, by e-mail at kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca or by visiting my website at www.kelvingoertzen.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Grateful Relief Over Demise of Long-Gun Registry Dear Editor: I have been involved in fighting the gun law/registration since the early nineties. I spent countless hours hauling and distributing signs and working with various organizations and individuals in this endeavor. I never dreamed that those hours would turn into weeks, months, years and then into almost two decades. There were many times along this journey when it appeared that there was no chance or hope to overturn this absurd infringement on a tradition and a way of life. But during this journey I found that there was one constant, one person that made a commitment years ago and never wavered and finally last week there was a vote on Parliament Hill, many years after this fight began. That vote was to repeal the long gun registry. That constant, that one person that never wavered, that supported us, the farming, hunting and rural communities, was the Honorable Vic Toews. Putting all partisanship aside you can travel anywhere in the Constituency of Provencher and it is not unusual to find Mr. Toews at any senior’s function, parade or fall supper. It does not matter if he is in the larger centers like Steinbach or Pine Falls, but he can also be at Vassar or Anola. The registry issue is one that really showed the divide between urban and rural lifestyles in this country. Some people could not understand the reason why this tradition and way of life is so important to some of us. It is hard to put into words the appreciation that so many of us have for your unwavering commitment and support to our struggle. Thank you Mr. Toews, it certainly is refreshing to have someone that we can count on. Ken Lucko Dugald, MB

Four separate initiatives will help improve Manitoba’s ability to fight floods and manage water in the province including an independent eight-person task force that will look at Manitoba’s record flooding in 2011. Record flooding affected thousands of Manitoba families in 2011 and the rapid and extended response by provincial and local officials was unprecedented. Manitoba has a history of learning from major floods and taking steps to improve flood-fighting tools for the future. The findings of the task force and these other initiatives will be a critical part of our ongoing improvement of flood management in the province going forward. The flood review task force, chaired by civil engineer David Farlinger, is expected to release a public report by late summer examining a number of areas and focusing on how they can be improved for future flood events including: - provincial and municipal preparedness and response, - flood forecasting, - public communications and information sharing, - operation of flood control infrastructure, and - flood protection works. Future water management concepts will be examined through a Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin regulation review committee, a floodmitigation study for the Lake Manitoba watershed and the Assiniboine River basin, and a forum leading to a province wide surface water management strategy. Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Regulation review committee The 13-person Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin regulation review chaired by economist and certified management consultant Harold Westdal will have representation from technical and environmental experts, municipalities, First Nation and Métis communities, agricultural producers and fishers. The committee will consult with local stakeholders and advise the province on the appropriate interim regulatory ranges for the lakes and complementary operating guidelines for the Fairford River Water Control Structure and Lake St. Martin channel. The committee will become a permanent advisory group to the province regarding ongoing operation of these water control works.

Flood mitigation study The province expedited work this summer and fall to construct the $100-million Lake St. Martin emergency channel and has committed to permanently enhancing flood protection in Brandon and along the Assiniboine River. In addition, a flood mitigation study for the Lake Manitoba watershed, including Lake Winnipegosis, Dauphin Lake and the Shoal Lakes, and the Assiniboine River Basin, including Lake of the Prairies and the Qu’Appelle and Souris rivers, will be conducted by an independent consultant who will identify potential methods for enhanced flood protection in these systems. A wide range of stakeholders will be given an opportunity to provide input throughout the process.

Surface-water management strategy A forum will be the first step in the formation of a province wide surface-water management strategy that will work to ensure a coordinated approach on water management to prevent or reduce flooding of agricultural, industrial and residential land. It will involve representatives from conservation districts across the province, the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Keystone Agricultural Producers and the Manitoba Water Council. Shannon Stunden Bower, University of Alberta professor and author of Wet Prairie: People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba, will also participate in the development of this strategy. The 2011 flood affected many areas of the province which have not seen major flooding in several decades and we are still fighting the flood now. There are families that still have not been able to return home and there is ongoing uncertainty about lake levels and what future floods may bring. These initiatives are the first step towards better long-term flood protection and water management in the areas of the province hit by record flooding last year. As always, I appreciate hearing your comments and thoughts on these and other provincial initiatives. I encourage you to contact me by email (rlemieuxmla@mts.net), by phone (878-4644), or by mail at 1011309 Dawson Road, Box 517, Lorette, MB R0A 0Y0 and together we can continue to move Dawson Trail and Manitoba forward.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ottawa Still Churning Ugly Surprise, surprise... this was supposed to be budget month with the announced distraction that possible changes to the Old Age Security were imminent. It was a good bet that an austerity dose would at the very least creep into this anticipated economic document. The pronouncement from Minister Findlay implying cuts are necessary to ensure the long range viability along with the GIS (guaranteed income supplement), it was evident that double speak was cranking up. I have never understood how cutting a program’s value can save it. If an elderly person needs extra assistance for basics, reducing the amount of assistance after a life time’s work seems to be the last place a compassionate conservative would cut. Or at the very least you should hide the value of your own objectionable pensions. Perhaps then we would not indulge in our distracting cynical and disrespectful habits of not taking you seriously. On the other hand, Kevin Page, the Parliamentary Budget Officer, with his abundance of resources of economic data at his disposal indicated that the OAS is on solid ground now and going forward into the future. Go figure, somebody is blowing smoke. I don’t think its Mr. Page. Further, this same gentleman was asked by the provincial governments what the minimum criminal sentences would cost them and how it might affect their budgets. He was asked because the provinces are assured by his integrity and his access to all necessary data. His reply, approximately three quarters of a billion dollars increase in budget expenses over the next five years. He doesn’t dispute violent offenders proposed comeuppance nor does he take these criminal numbers into his calculations, he only takes into consideration non-violent crimes. He is talking of theft, minor drug offenses and fraud to name a few. It costs approximately $160 a day to keep somebody locked up versus $10 if confined at home. Not to mention disruptions in work, income, schooling or parenting that will add immense costs to society but not necessarily reflected in provincial budgets. Minister Rob Nicholson has been advised of this wrong approach by none other than the Americans. They are only now tabulating the cost and ineffectiveness of their “lets get even” approach to justice. If you don’t agree, please tell me what is the possible reason to give somebody a sentence of more than one life when their life sentence means a natural life? Vengeful, petty and childish come to mind. Many states are now releasing non-violent inmates to bring their deficits under fiscal control; I can see the provinces becoming caught in the same conundrum. Minister Vic Toews probably attempted to defuse some of the heat by introducing Bill C-30. Another “law and order” bill to give us a warm and fuzzy feeling. What the hell was he thinking of, or maybe he wasn’t thinking? This bill in its present form allows searches of internet subscriber’s files without a warrant in section 17 and in section 34 a warrant allows authorities to make copies of your files, and who would have a say on what is relevant? Yet Minister Toews and the association of chiefs of police say there will be no changes in procedure because of this proposed change to existing laws. This is not only a minor bit of misinformation; this discredits the all of the above in an outright lie. It is interesting to note that in an RCMP press release, Sgt. Line Karpish is quoted as saying, “The RCMP doesn’t opine on proposed legislation or amendments. We enforce the laws that are in effect.” One wishes her integrity was contagious. Mr. Toews and his defense line of “you are either with us or with the child pornographers” was immature and ridiculous. Perhaps as a Minister, Mr. Toews should tell us where he stands on the remainder of our constitutional rights? I find this quite amazing in light of the Government’s proposal to jettison all collected information on the gun registry law as too intrusive on individual rights. The costs in Bill C-30 would probably dwarf the gun control bill expenditures. The potential information gathering would be immense, costly to store, abuse our basic right of free speech and sully our collective reputation in the eyes of the world. Surely I can’t be the only one that is offended by these ironies. How many can remember Government after subsequent government collecting useless information about Tommy Douglas and his “communist sympathies.” At the time were there not ministers of Justice both Tory and Liberal continuously preaching juvenile and silly consequences? Which brings us to the latest unfolding scandal that of “Robocall’’. No matter how much political ducking, bobbing and weaving, Prime Minister Harper will undertake, negatively affecting one’s right to vote for his or her choice is a criminal offense. We know the NDP and the Liberals didn’t perpetrate this on themselves. It doesn’t take a genius to make an educated guess. If you guessed the Bloc you are one of possibly two very delusional Reform escapees. This seems to have taken a massive effort to attempt to alter the outcome of 25 or more ridings. This toxic political percolation in Ottawa is becoming long in the tooth. This swamp is becoming nigh impossible to drain as it appears one would be up to his derriere in alligators. Perhaps this is another reason why people don’t vote. To many of us, you taint us with permeating rot with these embarrassing antics. The Liberals are still in the dog house after eight years for the” Sponsorship Scandal”. Looks like the Red Dogs have to make room for the Blue Mutts because of Robocall? To the NDP this is like an endless supply of “Kibbles and Bits”, a gift that will keep them drooling.

More Than Just News!

March 2012


Facts Over Personal Attacks Healthy debate is one of the cornerstones of our parliamentary democracy. We owe it to Canadians to ensure the debate is informed by facts rather than personal attacks. Earlier this week, Bob Rae, the interim Liberal leader, apologized for one of his senior researchers who was responsible for a vicious internet smear campaign against me. These dirty tricks, shrouded in anonymity, attempted to obstruct me from carrying out my duties as a minister and as a Member of Parliament. As an elected representative, I take no issue with open debate or criticism, even when it comes to my personal reputation. However, I do take strong issue with the fact that taxpayer–funded resources provided to the Liberal Party were used to secretly attack me under the guise of an anonymous internet account. While I accepted Mr. Rae’s apology, there are many outstanding questions that remain deeply troubling. Is the Liberal Party going to reimburse the House of Commons for the misuse of resources? In addition to directing thousands of his supporters to the malicious, anonymous attacks, what involvement did Justin Trudeau have in this smear campaign? When did he first know a Liberal staffer was involved? Upon making this discovery, what did he do to prevent it from advancing? I have attempted to obtain some clarity from Mr. Trudeau. To date, he has refused to provide any answers. Irrespective of the personal attacks I have faced, I will not be deterred from doing my job. Legislation to modernize our laws in the face of high-tech criminals is overdue. Our international partners – Europe, New Zealand, Australia and the United States – already have similar legislation. All of the provincial justice ministers, including Manitoba’s NDP minister have urged us to bring this legislation forward, as have police forces across Canada. This legislation was first proposed by the prior Liberal government. My Liberal predecessor, Anne McLellan, made the first attempt at updating the laws in 2005. Liberal Marlene Jennings tried again twice in the form of private members’ bills in 2007 and 2009. (It should be noted that their legislation contained fewer privacy protection provisions than the legislation currently before parliament). Stephane Dion, former Liberal leader, March 15, 2007: “This act strikes the right balance between the needs of police and industry, while respecting Canadians’ right to privacy.” Dominic Leblanc, Liberal MP, March 11, 2009: “The old tools, the old laws and regulations, and common law around search warrants, lawful access, etc., haven’t kept up with the technology that organized crime is using.” Ujjal Dosanjh, former Liberal MP, March 30, 2009: “They (the police) want to be able to apprehend or disrupt gang activity and they are at a disadvantage because of the state of the law in this area. It goes back over 30 years.” Even Jim Malloway, a former NDP MP, among other New Democrats, stated on October 27, 2009: “New Democrats agree that we must be tougher on crime, tough on Internet-based crime and have zero tolerance for child pornography. We support modernizing our laws to ensure that cellphones and the Internet are not a haven for criminal activity. We want to work with the government to ensure that these changes are done right.” The proposals we have put forward are not new or radical ideas. They include no new powers to access the content of e-mails, web-browsing history or phone calls. Nor do they compromise the privacy of Canadians. We are simply taking action to bring our country’s legislation out of the Cold War era and into the 21st century, as has been done in other western democracies around the world. It is clear that my political opponents are willing to sacrifice their principles – and their record – in the name of scoring political points. Canadians deserve an honest debate when it comes to this important legislation. Please feel free to contact my office if you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss. You may contact my office toll free at 1-866-333-1933 or at 204-326-9889 or in Lac du Bonnet at 204-3459762. You may write my office at 8 - 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by fax at 204-346-9874 or by e-mail at toewsv1@parl.gc.ca. Twitter: @ToewsVic

MYTHS and FFA ACTS Myth: Lawful Access legislation infringes on the privacy of Canadians. Fact: Our Government puts a high priority on protecting the privacy of law-abiding Canadians. Current practices of accessing the actual content of communications with a legal authorization will not change. Myth: Having access to basic subscriber information means that authorities can monitor personal communications and activities. Fact: This has nothing to do with monitoring emails or web browsing. Basic subscriber information would be limited to a customer’s name, address, telephone number, email address, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and the name of the telecommunications service provider. It absolutely does not include the content of emails, phones calls or online activities. Myth: This legislation does not benefit average Canadians and only gives authorities more power. Fact: As a result of technological innovations, criminals and terrorists have found ways to hide their illegal activities. This legislation will keep Canadians safer by putting police on the same footing as those who seek to harm us. Myth: Basic subscriber information is way beyond “phone book information”. Fact: The basic subscriber information described in the proposed legislation is the modern day equivalent of information that is in the phone book. Individuals frequently freely share this information online and in many cases it is searchable and quite public. Myth: Police and telecommunications service providers will now be required to maintain databases with information collected on Canadians. Fact: This proposed legislation will not require either police or telecommunications service providers to create databases with information collected on Canadians. Myth: “Warrantless access” to customer information will give police and government unregulated access to our personal information. Fact: Federal legislation already allows telecommunications service providers to voluntarily release basic subscriber information to authorities without a warrant. This Bill acts as a counterbalance by adding a number of checks and balances which do not exist today, and clearly lists which basic subscriber identifiers authorities can access.


March 2012

Development and Peace Launches Share Lent 2012 Appeal

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Steinbach Hosts Successful Job Fair

By Louis Balcaen A recent meeting held in La Broquerie was attended by some 35 members from different parishes in the southeast. Campaign material was presented and distributed. A group of students from Université de St Boniface engaged in social justice causes made a presentation. Miguel Vielfaure also made a brief presentation on his business which markets wool and leather products manufactured by groups of indigenous women in Peru. For more than 40 years the generous donations of Canadian Catholics during the annual Share Lent Campaign, to the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) has made it possible to support partner organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This Lent CCODP is focusing on partner organizations that support small scale farmers in the global south, farmers whose labour helps to feed 70 percent of the world’s population. They are working to help develop ecologically sustainable systems of agriculture that make it possible to feed communities while maintaining the health of the land. In recent months we have been reminded that hunger is a daily reality for millions of people around the world. CCODP, through Caritas, the international agency of some 160 Catholic aid groups world-wide, has been providing immediate emergency assistance. An instance is in the Horn of Africa developing food, water, sanitation and health projects. However, it does not end there. The funds raised will help to develop new projects aimed at countering food insecurity in the medium and eventually long term. Because of this long term engagement Caritas organizations can begin to use some of the emergency funds to implement sustainable development strategies that the communities have identified. Nomadic populations whose livelihood is based on raising livestock are the most vulnerable to drought. The lack of water and vegetation caused by the crisis has caused them to lose 80 percent of their animals. Caritas-Ethiopia distributes goats to communities that depend on livestock for their survival. In Cambodia a CCDOP partner since 1996 called Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) has introduced almost 200 small scale farmers in the village of Tareach, to cooperative ways of working together. This has made the village self- sufficient. They are now organized well enough to carry on without DPA’s assistance, which is the goal of all CCDOP overseas programs. This is how they got there. DPA first introduced the idea of creating a rice bank in which a group of small scale farmers shared an amount of free seed donated by DPA. After the harvest the farmers returned the rice they borrowed plus a further 20 percent of their harvest to the bank. DPA contributed an initial 5 tonnes of the rice seed to the rice bank. Today there are 19 tonnes available for lending, allowing more small scale farmers to participate. A cow bank has also been very successful. Under this scheme small scale farmers take turns in borrowing and breeding a cow. Each keeps the resulting calf. Savings and loan self-help groups have also helped the community. Residents had been borrowing funds from outside the village, sometimes paying as much as 50 percent interest. Today there are five savings circles in the village with a total of 86 members. The groups lend money at just 3 percent interest, a rate that people can repay. The loans are used to buy items that will help them make a living, pay medical bills or pay for training and education. Against the backdrop of a difficult past and a challenging present the work of DPA helping villages such as Tareach become selfsufficient is vitally important. Several years ago I was in Zambia visiting a missionary friend. As a farmer I was keenly interested in their agriculture and I visited a few farms. One of the challenges of small scale farmers at that time was that there was no legal framework by which farmers had an officially recognized title to the land they farmed. It simply did not exist. Now, thanks to a group called Zambia Land Alliance, funded by CCODP, the issue of land is now on Zambia’s development agenda. Political leaders have made it a key development issue. The ZLA is now consulted on land issues each year by the Zambian government. It is through projects such as these that CCODP continues to exercise its mission of helping the world’s poor and disadvantaged, either by urging governments, corporations and others to implement change or by donating time or money to support development efforts. Last year CCODP had 80 partners in 30 countries. The amount of project and emergency aid totaled $28 million. You can find out more about the achievements that our donations contribute to, by picking up the material produced for the Share Lent campaign available at your parish office. Of course, the website devp.org can be used as a source of information and also to donate online. Should you want to receive more information or become a CCODP volunteer you can reach me, Louis Balcaen, at 424-5434, or ljbalcaen@gmail.com. You can also contact the provincial CCODP animatorbrenda.chaput-saltel@devp.org or by phone at 204-231-2848.

Hundreds of people came out to check out the various job opportunities in the region during the 3rd annual immigrant and newcomer employment fair.

By Marianne Curtis On February 28 several hundred immigrants and newcomers flooded the Steinbach 55 Plus for the third annual Immigrant and Newcomer Employment Fair. Eastman Immigrant Services, along with the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce, hosted the one day event which helped connect those seeking employment with perspective employers. There was an employer information session with a panel of speakers consisting of various employers who spoke on topics related to employer expectations. The second portion of the event was an employment fair where job-seekers met with local employers looking to hire, apply for available positions and submit their resumes Prospective employers at the fair included the Hanover School Division, Steve’s Livestock, Sawney Beans, enVision Community Living, Steinbach Chamber of Commerce, Best Way Lawn Care & Services, Canadian Tire, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc., HyLife Ltd., Ste. Anne Co-op, Canada Safeway, Palm Lite Electric, Service Canada, and Employment Manitoba.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

March 2012


Ile des Chênes Entertained by Habs Alumni By Marianne Curtis When it comes to community fundraisers the Ile des Chênes Hockey Association knows how to put on an event. On February 11 almost 750 Habs fans were treated to an once-in-a-lifetime experience when some of the greatest hockey players in Canadian history took to the ice in an exhibition game against the local boys, the IDC Elks. From the moment the doors opened the excitement was thick, as hockey fans of all ages shook hands with the likes of Guy Lafleur, Stephane Richer, Jocelyn Lemieux, Patrice Brisebois and Richard Sevigny during a pre-game meet and greet in the newly opened IDC Community Centre. The Montreal Canadien Alumni team, which also included Sergio Momesso, Normand Dupont, Gilbert Dionne, Mathieu Dandenault, Gilbert Delorme and Georges Laroque was in town for one night to help the Ile des Chênes Hockey Association raise funds for the club. There were many big stories that night, including how Bill Mateychuck from Zhoda managed to spend the game as assistant coach. The coveted position of assisting Lafleur during the game was won by the ex-hockey player on eBay. Mateychuck wore the number 10 jersey while playing hockey in honor of his hockey hero, Lafleur. Both his sons and now his grandsons all have worn the number 10 jersey over the years. Real Berard and Pierre Fournier were also big winners of the night because they got to play hockey on the same team as the Habs after paying $1,500 for the privilege of suiting up as guest players. While the Elks were soundly beaten 12 to 4 by the Canadiens, to the players on the ice the final score did not matter. Elk’s goalie JP Collette said that it was the most exciting night of his life. “To be able to meet the players I’ve idolized all my life was amazing, and then to play against them was the icing on the cake,” Collette recalled. “I gave it everything I had but their skill level was overwhelming, surreal is the best word I can think of at this time.” His sentiments are surely echoed by the group of youngsters between the ages of five and eight that had a chance to help the adult team, which

One of the highlights of the night was when the younger Elk players had a chance to take on the hockey greats during the second period. Photos by Marianne Curtis

included some of their fathers, during the second period. After the adults cleared the ice the youngsters swarmed the net with many attempts to score on Sevigny. There was even a mock fight in the corner. Marc Palud, IDC MHA’s fundraising coordinator, was very pleased with the event’s overall success. “We had a confirmed 738 people attend the event,” stated Palud. “We are especially grateful to the many volunteers who worked countless hours to ensure this event’s success.” The evening ended with a fundraising social and silent auction where fans could bid on autographed memorabilia.

Premier Greg Selinger was on hand to drop the puck to kick off the game between the IDC Elks and the Montreal Canadien Alumni team on February 11.


More Than Just News!

March 2012

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Middleboro Water Captures Top Award By Marianne Curtis A family owned and operated water company from Middleboro was recently awarded the prestigious Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting gold medal for 2012, making the product the ‘Best Tasting Water’ in the world. At the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting competition a panel of eleven media judges sampled and rated each entry on five specific attributes under guidelines similar to those in wine tasting. Out of 30 entries from around the world Jackson Springs Water, which originates in Middleboro, was named the ‘Best Tasting Water’ in the world. Chris Garrick, President of Jackson Springs Water, is thrilled

“The award confirms what our customers already felt; you can’t get any better taste than our bottled water.” with the international award and recognition. “We are still jumping. For years customers have been telling us they wouldn’t drink anything else,” explained Garrick. “They’ve been telling us the number one thing they like is the taste. The award confirms what our customers already felt; you can’t get any better taste than our bottled water.” To win the award, water is judged by clarity, overall taste,

after taste and if it makes you want more. “I believe that it is the mineral profile that our water offers, that makes the difference,” Garrick added. “Our water represents about two percent of natural water in the world that you can drink directly from the source.” Jackson Springs is marketed as premium natural spring water that features a moderate mineral profile as recommended by the World Health Organization. It has an alkaline ph of 8.1 and is also sodium and fluoride free. This is not the first time that water from Middleboro has been recognized as the best or by elite clientele. Other honors include being privately labeled for the Queen of England, the only water served to the world leaders during the G-8 meeting held at

Kananaskis, Alberta in 1997, and its exclusive water was bottled for Donald Trump as “Trump Ice”. Jackson Springs’ water can be found in Selkirk, Winkler and Pilot Mound with distributorship opportunities available in Brandon, Portage La Prairie, Steinbach and Thompson. The company has also recently introduced Jackson Springs to a number of Winnipeg’s fine dining establishments through its restaurant carafe program.

Reducing Your Hydro Usage I had been heating 1,800 sq ft of my floor in my home until a month ago. I switched from heating my floor to using a rad and it keeps my home at the desired temps without any other source for heat. Even when we get -20 temperatures it has no problem keeping my home warm. My cost per day has been reduced from $16 a day to an amazing $7 per day. When I first built my home I thought floor heat was the only way to go, but when I saw the $400-plus bills per month I was shocked. Yet when I spoke to other home owners who also heat concrete floors, they thought my bills were low. Once I installed my TED 5000 energy monitor I could see exactly what was going on. It was costing me just under $5 a day for the floor boiler to keep my floor at 20 degrees, plus I was sending all the energy my solar thermal could muster into my floor as well. Further, I would use a pellet stove to get the comfort that we wanted in the house, which cost $6 a day. To heat 1,800 sq ft of concrete takes a lot of energy and I have concluded that my floor, may not be insulated as efficiently as the rest of my home. It now costs me $3.37 a day to heat my home and supply all the hot water we need. I achieved the same results when I tested the far infrared panels. I used them as my primary heat when temps got to -25 degrees and the cost per day was between $3 and $4 a day. These panels are amazing as they heat the surfaces, like my floor, furniture and human bodies. I used six 750 watt panels. They only use 5.5 cents an hour to run each panel. I used programmable thermostats and that gave me individual room control when I wanted it. If you are considering replacing that old furnace, which uses about 20 kw an hour (which cost you about $1.40 an hour), this is the way to go. These panels will cut your heating cost in half without giving up any heating comfort. The cost of six panels with thermostats is around $4,000 plus taxes. Additionally, I cannot say enough about the TED 5000 energy monitor. This device cost about $200 but it’s worth every penny. I am able to look at my power usage and can determine what is using power and how much. I started turning off breakers in my panel one at a time and I quickly learnt that the float on my sump pump was stuck and it could have been running 24/7 for I don’t know how long. Just that alone cost $37.50 a month. It was an easy fix and the savings was seen in real time. Herman Unrau is with Evolve Green. For questions on these products or other “Green” technology feel free to visit www.evolvegreen.ca.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ritchot Opens New Waste Station

The RM of Ritchot is making it easier for residents to dispose of recycling items by adding a new recycling compound at the municipal dump. As of February the new transfer station and recycling compound is open at the RM of Ritchot disposal grounds. The $76,000 project was designed and built by MidCanada Environmental and allows for residents to safely and efficiently dispose of waste. The site is expected to reduce the amount of recyclables going into the landfill and help properly dispose of items for environmental and safety

Steinbach 55 Plus offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs.

March Events Old Time Country Dance: Friday, March 30 at 8 pm to Midnight. Live band: The Fugitives. Tickets are available at the centre. Cost $8 member, $10 non-member. Cake Decorating Classes: Tuesdays, March 13 to April 3. Cost $105 members, $107 non-members. Registration includes a reusable cake kit. Ingredients not included. Instructor: Pauline of P.S. Cakes. Spring Workshop: Motivating Change. Wednesday, March 28. 1:30 pm. Presented by Maggie Magnusson. Cost $1. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.” - C.S. Lewis.

Monthly Programs Single Ladies’ Night Out: The first Friday of the month at 5 pm. Enjoy supper out at a local restaurant. Call the centre for meeting place. Foot Care: The first and third Tuesday of the month from 9 am -3 pm. Run by Val Fry, a professional foot care nurse. Cost: $30. Bring your own towel. Call the centre to book an appointment. Pot Luck Supper: The second Thursday of every month at 6 pm. Meat and beverages are provided. Cost: $5.00 per person. Bring along a casserole, salad or desert. Call the centre to reserve your seat. Birthday Party: The first Wednesday of the month. All members with a birthday are invited for complimentary cake and coffee. Guests are asked to pay $2.00. Entertainment provided. Beltone Hearing: The third Friday of each month. Call 1-800-661-2653 for appointment. Brain Injury Support Group: Last Monday of the month at 7 pm. Parkinson Support Group: Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 pm. Starts February 15.

Weekly Programs Monday

9:30 - 10:30 am Fitness Class with instructor 1 pm Canasta 7:30 - 8:45 pm Tai Chi Tuesday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Circle of friends Wednesday 9 - 11:30 am Tai Chi 9 – 12 pm Computer lessons with Ron Siemens 10:30 am Choir practice 1- 4 pm Cribbage 1:30 pm Floor curling 7 pm Old Time Country Band Practice Thursday 9:30 - 10:30 am Fitness Class with instructor 1 - 4 pm Bridge and Whist 1:30 pm Wii bowling Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Circle of friends Noon meals are available Monday through Friday. Cost $5.00. Call 3204605 by 9:00 am to reserve your meal for the day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus are available at the office or in the newsletter. Bring a friend. Monday to Friday 1 - 4 pm – Billiards 9 - 12 pm – Open Computer Lab. Cost $1. 1 - 4 pm – Open Computer Lab. Cost $1. Volunteer opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters, receptionists. Membership at Steinbach 55 Plus is only $20 per year due in January of each year. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees.

Cold Winter Months Why not come and visit with us at 55 Plus. Play some cards, take in a fitness class or Tai Chi. Join us for a pot luck supper. If you are interested in playing scrabble, carpet bowling or joining a discussion group give Maggie a call at 320-4600. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities, drop by the Centre Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm or call 320-4600 or go to steinbach55plus.com.

reasons. The recycling compound aspect involves diverting materials that cannot or should not go to the landfill because they can be recycled or there is a safer, more environmentally friendly way of disposing of these materials, stated council. The municipality recently agreed to construct a recycling compound at the dump to give residents a place to drop off fridges, freezers, steel, electronic waste, waste oil, tires, batteries, propane tanks, pesticide containers, waste paint, clean lumber and other such items. The transfer station is a place

March 2012 where regular, non-recyclable household solid waste will be collected in two roll-off containers. Once the containers are full a commercial truck will take the bins to the landfill and dispose of the waste within the current landfill cell. The driving surfaces of the transfer station has a geo-textile liner and then gravel, meaning residents will never get stuck in clay or even get their shoes dirty when it rains. In the spring the Manitoba Household Hazardous Waste Program will be set up to accept paint and light ballasts, which are currently sent elsewhere for proper disposal.


Soccer Season Starting Niverville registrations for spring soccer starts in the basement of the Niverville curling rink on Thursday, March 8th in the evening or register by completing the registration form from the club website, leaguelineup.com/nivknights, and bringing the form, registration fee and a jersey bond cheque to the town recreation office in the Niverville Arena during normal working hours up until the deadline of March 16th.


March 2012


Friedensfeld Footloose Teen Dance - for grades 6-12 on Friday, March 30 from 7 pm till midnight at the Friedensfeld Community Centre. Safe environment, no alcohol or smoking with adult supervision. Cost is $10.00 at the door. Each person receives 1 free drink token. Additional cost for drinks and snacks. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact Dana at 204371-5950 or email dana_kihn@hotmail.com.

an adult to be on premises and must play bingo. Doors Open at 5:30 pm at the Seine River Banquet Centre 80 Arena Rd. MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact: Doreen Pchajek at 204422-5243 or email doreen@spmf.ca. Sisters of the Holy Rock fundraising concert - for Ste. Anne’s Water and Skateboard Park Sunday, April 22 from 6 - 7 pm at the Ste. Anne Catholic Church 162 Central Ave. Bake sale, 50/ 50 draw and concert tickets: advance $15 (at Old #12 Cafe & Lounge or call 204-371-6093) or $17 at the door.

Ile des Chenes Seine River Minor Ball – Softball/Hardball online registration until March 10 at srmb.countmein.com. Contact Jennifer Steinbach Woodward at 878-2217 or jmwood@mts.net. Steinbach softball registration - on Saturday, March 10 at 11 am – 2 pm at the Clearspring Centre mall. A second registration Kleefeld date has been organized for March 12th from 7 – 8:30 pm at Community Playgroup - for parents, caregivers and children the Southwood School, 3rd street entrance. Contact email ages 0-5. Activities include time for playing, stories, songs and sgsa.executive@gmail.com or jen@criknet.com for more snacks. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Kleefeld information or to request a registration form. Rec Centre. Contact Irene Ascough at 377-5013. Steinbach Girls Softball Association six-week Pitching Camp La Broquerie starts Monday, March 12 from 8 – 9 am. Open to girls from all Manitoba Coalition on Alcohol and Pregnancy Information communities from grade 3 to 10. To register contact Rita Winter Series free sessions - sponsored by the Manitoba Coalition on at 326-2674. Alcohol and Pregnancy (MCAP). Topic: Alternative Youth Justice on Friday, March 23 from 11:45 am – 1 pm. Contact Jean Carr Growing Hydrangeas and Heucheras - with Andrew Fehr, at 346-7039. Certified Prairie Horticulturist, will engage and enlighten us on the topic of these two perennial must-haves. Monday, March Landmark 12 starts at 7 pm at the Mennonite Heritage Village Coffee, Line Dance Classes - Thursdays to March 22 from 7 - 8 pm at dainties and door prizes. Non-member admission is $5. the Landmark Kinsmen Community Center. All welcome. Cost is $7 per evening. Contact Christine D. Klassen 371-6862 or The Steinbach Curling Club - will be hosting the Mixed Bonspiel email christine_d_klassen@hotmail.com on Friday, March 16-18 starting at 6 pm. Entry fee is $140 per team. Includes meal ticket. Contact the curling club at 326Lorette 3676 or Wilf at 326-9210 or wjp77@mts.net. Frere Jacque Nursery School registration for English preschool program - upcoming September school year on Wednesday, Domestic Violence Public Consultations - meeting to gather March 21 from 6 - 7:30 pm at the E.L.I library. For children 3- information on how to improve prevention efforts and services 5 years of age with four different classes running twice a week. for those affected by domestic violence. On Monday, March 19 Fees are reduced to $350/school year. Contact Jo-anne at from 5:30 – 8:30 pm at the Steinbach 55 Plus (The Hut/ 878-2389. Annex), 10 Chrysler Gate.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

South Eastman Transition Initiative - presents Green Drinks South Eastman. Drop in on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at Lecoka 5-275 Main Street and grab a coffee and discuss sustainable living. Contact email rebecca_hiebert@yahoo.com.

Meetup Group for Women Solo-Entreprenuer group helps you connect with other women who are passionate about growing their business, lead by Doreen Penner and meets monthly for 1 hour. Free, except for food and beverage. Contact and to register Doreen at 392-2698.

The Bethesda Regional Healthcare Auxiliary - meets on the first Tuesday of every month except for the months of July and August at the Bethesda Hospital. We welcome anyone interested in auxiliary work. Contact Verna Thiessen at 3263028.

Steinbach AA 12 Step Recovery Program - Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7 pm. Steinbach United Church, 541 Main St. Ring the front door bell.

Young moms to be - bi-weekly support group starts at 4:30 pm at Anna’s House B-11, Hwy 12N. For more information contact Carillon Toastmasters - meetings are open to adults who want 346-0413. to improve their leadership and communication skills. Meetings are held on Thursday evenings starting at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Whiteshell Library, 255 Elmdale Street. Guests are welcome without Winter Celebration with Conservation and Water Stewardship, advance notice. the Whiteshell Snowmobile Club and the Whiteshell Trapper’s Association on Saturday, March 10 starting at 1 pm at the The Steinbach and Area Lions Club - meets on the second and Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary, Whiteshell Provincial Park. Free fourth Wednesdays every month starts at 6:30 pm at the hotdogs and hot chocolate while you and your family take in Magnolia Restaurant. Contact 326-2313. the displays of heavy park equipment, enter the Bigfoot Challenge, snowshoes provided, scavenger hunt for prizes, Canadian Blood Services - is asking Steinbach and area interpretative events, trapper life and vintage power toboggan residents to support patients in need by donating at the Thursday artifacts. To display a vintage snowmobile, call 204-945-4375. blood donor clinic from 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm and 5 pm-8 pm. Contact the Whiteshell Park Interpreter at 204-945-4375 or To schedule an appointment or for further information. Contact email Sloan.Cathcart@gov.mb.ca or at ManitobaParks.com. 1 888 DONATE (1 888 236 6283). Located at Steinbach Evangelical Mennonite Church Gymnasium, 422 Main Street. General The Super Start Program, A Healthy Baby program run through South Eastman Health/Sante-Est Inc., will be holding a monthly group session. This is a program for pregnant women and families with infants up to one year of age. Each session includes song and rhyme time, discussions and games on topics related to healthy babies and healthy moms. Included are door prizes, nutritious snacks and milk coupons for all participating expectant moms or mothers who have babies up to six months of age. Next month our session will be held at: Niverville – Tuesday, March 13 from 10 am – 12 pm at the 4th Avenue Bible Church Ste. Anne – Every 2nd Wednesday, March 14 from 10 am – 12 pm at the Ste. Anne Dayspring Fellowship Church Kleefeld – Every 2nd Thursday, March 8 from 10 am - 12 pm in Village Oaks Sprague – Every 3rd Tuesday, March 20 from 10 am - 12 pm in the East Borderland Primary Care Centre St. Pierre-Jolys – Thursday, March 17 from 10 am - 12 pm in the St. Pierre Health Corner, 354 Prefontaine Ave. Ste. Agathe- Every 4th Tuesday, March 27 from 10 am - 12 pm at the Ste. Agathe Hall Lorette – Wednesday, March 28, from 10 am – 12 pm at the Community Services Building Contact Terry from Super Start at 346-7021 or just drop in.

Free monthly bus trips to the casinos of Winnipeg for a fun day at the Casinos. Pick up in Steinbach at 8:30 am and at Paradise Village at approximately 9 am. Must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes and $10.00 cash for everyone. There will be bingo on Craft and Bake Sale - at Le Club Les Blés d’Or, 1254 Chemin Novice Spring Classic Hockey Tournament - hosted by the the bus. Please call Marilyn at 326-4939 for date information and to reserve your bus seat. The next scheduled trips are March Dawson Road on Saturday, March 31 from 9 am - 3 pm. Contact Steinbach Minor Hockey Association. Tournament goes from 13 and April 17. Jeannette at 878-2716. March 23 – 25 at the T.G. Smith Centre. Mitchell Breakfast and Social - every Tuesday morning, 7:30 - 9 am except the last Tuesday of the month when the social is held instead. Lunch starts at noon at the Mitchell and Area Seniors Centre. Contact 326-6944.

Annual Providence College Spring Concert - on Sunday, March 25 starting 7:30 pm at the Emmanual Evangelical Free Church. Contact Henry Schellenberg 204-433-7488 ext. 269.

Soccer registration - Thursday, March 8 in evening in the basement of the Niverville curling rink or register by completing the registration form from the club website, leaguelineup.com/ nivknights, bring the form, registration fee and a jersey bond cheque to the town recreation office in the Niverville Arena during normal working hours up until the deadline of March 16.

Family First Aid and CPR Training - on Monday, April 2 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at Anna’s House. Contact: 791-2920 or email beatkeepers@hotmail.ca for more info or to register.

Steinbach Legion Cribbage - whether you are pro or just learning, come out for an evening of fun on Friday, March 30. Registration Niverville begins at 7 pm at the Steinbach Legion. Cost is $5.00/person safeTALK -Suicide Awareness and Prevention. A half-day and includes a snack, a light lunch and prizes. workshop at Niverville Primary Health Care Center, Thursday, March 8 from 9 – 12 am. Open to 15 years and older, to help Country Dance with live band The Fugitives - on Friday, March identify persons with thoughts of suicide and know how to 30 starting at 8 pm at the Steinbach 55 Plus, 10 Chrysler Gate connect them to suicide first aid resources in Manitoba. Cost: . Lunch served. Advance tickets available at the centre, $8 $15. To register call Loni at 346-7041. members, $10 non members, $12 at the door for all.

Richer New no-cost drop-off Pre-School program - sponsored by Seine River School Division until March 21 on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9 - 11 am. Maximum of 6 children based on age and kindergarten starts in 2012 or 2013. Register at the Richer School or call Sandra Pott at 422-5490. Includes nutritious snack, singing, crafts, learning the ABC’s and 123’s for Kindergarten readiness. St. Pierre-Jolys Weigh To Go – a weight loss support group that meets every Monday until the end of June at 6:15 pm, at the Health Corner DeSalaberry Hospital.

Zaac Pick and Joshua Hyslop in Concert - two acclaimed young Vancouver singer-songwriters to perform folk tunes on Thursday, April 5 at the Oak Ridge Cafe. Cost $10 Contact the Cafe at 326-1015 for tickets. Seniors (60 +) Shinny Drop-in Hockey - every Monday from 10 -11 am at Centennial Arena. Contact Bob Barrow at 3923596 or email bob.r.barrow@gmail.com. The Steinbach Rotary Club - meets every Monday at noon at the Smitty’s Family Restaurant, 145 Park Road West. Contact Cornie at 326-3155. Winter Fitness Classes - at Steinbach 55 Plus for adults of all ages until April 5 on Mondays & Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:30 am. Instructor Christel Flaming. Payment options for 25 classes is $75 members, $80 non-member or $4 walk-ins. Contact Maggie at 320-4600 or email ssinc@mymts.net

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba – Support group meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. Mental health information and support sessions - for family Located at the Health Corner DeSalaberry Hospital. Contact and friends of people with mental health issues are held the Judy Dunn 444-5228. 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Eden East building, 21 Loewen Blvd. Contact Kim at 371-0824 or email Crow Wing Arts Council - Spring Art Exhibit - deadline for eastmanmss@mts.net submissions is March 15. The first annual Spring Art Exhibit will take place at the St. Pierre Museum from Saturday, April 14 MS Monthly Self-Help group meeting - for people living with – Sunday, April 15, during the Sugaring Off Festival. Free multiple sclerosis. The group meets on the second Thursday Admission. Contact email crowwing@live.ca. evening of each month from 6 - 7 pm at Fernwood Place apartments. Contact Nadine Konyk, Rural Client Services Ste. Anne Coordinator at 1-800-268-7582 or email Southeast Manitoba Family Support Network - meets with nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. other families/caregivers supporting individuals living with children with special needs. Focus on caregiver health and Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba individual and support wellness. Free instruction to relaxation and gentle exercise groups - for persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, through Pilates with instructor, Kim Koop. Invite your respite bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns. worker or extended family members who share the Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Jake Epp responsibility. Refreshments available. Monday, March 26 Library from 7 – 9 pm. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. starts at 7 pm at 32057 Greenland Road, Ste. Anne. Long Term Care Seminar - to take a long-term view. Nobody Monday Night Bingos to raise funds for Stacey Pchajek plans to get sick. Be prepared. On Tuesday, March 13 from 7 Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides – 9 pm at Steinbach 55 Plus, 10 Chrysler Gate, Fireside Room. scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating RSVP by March 9, 2012 to melissa.sobering@sunlife.com, or grades 8 and 12. Children Under 14 must be accompanied by cal.richardson@sunlife.com or call 326-6331.

La Broquerie LUD Wins Best in Roads

Seine River Good Behaviour Game Goes ProvinceWide The province is expanding to the rest of the province a program successfully piloted in the Seine River School Division. Originally created by an elementary school teacher, the PAX Good Behaviour Game has proven to immediately improve the classroom environment by reducing disruptions and allowing for more effective and focused learning. The Seine River School Division did a trial with PAX last year and found an immediate 45 percent decrease in the number of interruptions in Grade 1 classrooms. Long-term studies have shown that after playing PAX, just in Grade 1, students do better in school and need fewer special education services. Based on that and the long-term research, the province, school divisions, and the Central Regional Health Authority are moving quickly to launch a two-year, $1.3-million pilot project in schools across Manitoba.

A number of councilors from the LUD of La Broquerie attended an awards banquet in late February to receive an award that was won by the community. The LUD of La Broquerie members received an award from the Manitoba Good Roads Association that will be formally presented in Brandon at a special banquet and awards presentation on April 10. The LUD won the Provincial competition for communities with a population under 1,000. The award is presented to recognize achievements in road construction, maintenance, as well as the community and individual home grounds beautification. The last time the LUD of La Broquerie was recognized by the Manitoba Good Roads Association was back in 2008.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

First Actif Epica a Huge Success By Marianne Curtis Organizers of this year’s Actif Epica outdoor winter race are thrilled with the success of the inaugural event. The one day winter adventure took place on February 18 and consisted of a 130 kilometer bike challenge which kicked off in St. Malo and ended in St. Boniface. As expected, Actif Epica brought together participants of all backgrounds, ages and activity levels who participated, gathered to support the participants or just came out to enjoy the wintry weather, stated organizer David Pensalo. “It was an awesome event. Hundreds turned out to watch the race or to take part in co-Actif events, including shinny and a community walk along the beautiful Seine River,” stated Pensalo. “The race would not have been possible without the participants and volunteers. Their enthusiasm, initiative and general awesomeness added so much to the day.” Thirty-two individuals signed up for the race, including three runners and 29 cyclists, who took on either a 130 km bike ride or 80 km run. The first group of four cyclists crossed the finish line at the Festival du Voyageur in St. Boniface after completing the 130km ride in 6 hours and ten minutes. In a three-way tie, the last group crossed the line in just under 14 hours. Only two of the three runners finished the race and it took them 13 hours and 58 minutes to go the distance of 80 km. Pensalo added a special thank you to the host communities that opened their doors to the group including St. Malo and Festival of Friends, Saint-Pierre-Jolys Museum, Providence College, Niverville Arena and St. Adolphe Bible Fellowship Centre. The finish line was in St. Boniface at the Festival du Voyageur. Part of the race took place along the historic Crow Wing Trail. On behalf of the Crow Wing Trail Association, Murielle Bugera said that her organization was very pleased to be part of this event. “The Crow Wing Trail Association is proud to have been a part of this epic event,” stated Bugera. “What a great way to experience our history.

Above: Thirty-two brave individuals burst from the starting line in St. Malo in a test of endurance in the first ever Actif Epica cycling challenge. Right: Spotting in St. Pierre-Jolys, the elusive Manitoba Yeti, or Maniyeti, made several appearances along the trail to encourage riders and runners along the way.

One can only imagine the hardships our pioneers faced on the cold Manitoba prairie. It was a pleasure to have everyone biking and running through our warm rural communities.”

Rapid Debt Reduction In today’s economy you may notice a lot of advertisements on debt reduction and/or building wealth seminars. A lot of these can be very informative. There are many people that have programs on debt reduction and also many books written on building wealth. We decided to write about what we learned from some of these sources. First of all a lot of people are under the impression that the key to wealth is simple “Make more Money” however this is a deception. It has more to do with how we think about money, our attitude. The difference between Spending and Investing is simple. Spending is what you do when you don’t expect money that leaves your pocket to come back. Investing is when money leaves your pocket and you expect it to come back. Get into the habit of not spending. Before money leaves your pocket think to yourself, am I spending or investing? Another habit to watch is cash or credit card. Credit card users spend 12-18% more than cash users. If you want to get you’re spending in control and reduce debt here are some simple steps that may help you. 1. Make a list of your monthly expenses such as mortgage, water bill, hydro, telephone, groceries… 2. Make a list of your total income per month; your pay check, GST credit, child tax credit, investments... 3. Subtract the expenses from the income to find out remaining cash that should be left over. After doing this most people find that they should have money at the end of the month but their bank account says different. You need to find out where this money is going, so the next thing you do is, everyone in your house who has the power over your bank account needs to keep a daily journal on the spending that occurs. (EVERY PENNY). At the end of the month you will find out where it is going. 4. Make a chart on your debt.

5. If you find after doing this you are considering bankruptcy or consolidating your debt then you need to call each creditor one by one and talk with them. Explain the situation and let them know you want to pay them, however you need their help. If they could lower your payment from say 160 to 130, then you could afford to keep paying. Then do the same to the next one and so on. This action is used only if you are in a situation of going bankrupt or need to consolidate. Consolidation is a 78 percent chance you’re going bankrupt, because 78 percent of people who consolidate end up not changing their habits and getting themselves back in the same position in no time. 6. Next is take the excess money that you found in your journal you were spending foolishly and apply it to the debt with the smallest balance and largest interest, while still paying your other minimum payments. 7. When the first debt is paid, apply the excess money and payments to the next debt and so on, until all debt is paid. 8. Keep track of your progress, it will encourage you and when you are debt free and have money in the bank it will be awesome. You will have less stress and more confidence. Till next time hope this helps and if you have any questions or you would like more information contact Travis 371-7223 or Eileen 371-0255.

March 2012



More Than Just News!

March 2012

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ile Des Chênes Complex Wins Energy Award By Marianne Curtis On February 8 the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) announced twelve Sustainable Communities Awards that recognize municipal projects across the country that demonstrate excellence in environmental responsibility. The Ile Des Chênes Community Centre was named a co-winner in the category of energy, making it the only project in Manitoba to be recognized. The awards were announced during a ceremony at the FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference and Trade Show in Ottawa. Berry Vrbanovic, President of FCM, had a chance to tour the facility personally. “I have had a chance to travel to communities all across Canada and I can say that this year’s award winners are in great company,” stated Vrbanoivic. “The impressive range of examples of environmental leadership I have seen on the ground shows that municipalities are playing a key role in driving the emerging green economy.” A year ago the RM of Ritchot became the first municipality in Manitoba to go green by connecting three community structures to one geothermal system. The system interconnects the Ile Des Chênes arena, fire hall and the new community centre. Now complete, the project is expected to save the municipality and taxpayers thousands of dollars a year through energy efficiency.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities recently named the Ile Des Chênes Community Centre project as one of the top dozen green projects in Canada.

Roger Perron, Economic Development Officer of Ritchot Community Development Corporation, was confident in the project which made the RM of Ritchot one of the greenest municipalities in Manitoba. “We are the first to have a district geothermal system capable of

Photo by Marianne Curtis

The Ile Des Chênes arena project also received funding from the heating three or more buildings,” stated Perron. “The arena now cost $1.3 million, with the province Green Municipal Fund. operates in an environmentally kicking in $430,000 through the Building Manitoba Fund. The project friendly manner.”

Lorette Chiropractor Jailed for Tax Evasion By Marianne Curtis A chiropractor from Lorette has been sentenced to six months in jail and fined $162,513 after being found guilty of tax evasion in a Manitoba court. Fifty-three year old Rosalie Chobatar is the first Manitoban in recent history to receive jail time for not paying taxes. Prior to sentencing the court heard that Chobatar, who operated the Lorette Chiropractic Centre, was reporting nil income. “It came to the attention of the CRA that she was reporting nil income on the tax returns that were filed during the years 2002 to 2007 and that she had signed those tax returns and included the phrase, “to the best of my knowledge without understanding,” stated Kevin Lloyd, with Canada Revenue

Agency(CRA). “The CRA investigation determined that her actual income for that period was $802,280 and that the Federal income tax being evaded totaled $162,513.” It has been years since a Manitoban has received jail time for not paying their taxes but this case has been unique from the start. The court heard how Chobatar had links to anti-tax crusaders claiming they don’t have to pay income tax or recognize the authority of the courts. What she took exception to was her name and identity and having to pay income tax, explained provincial court Judge Lynn Stannard. “It does not reflect me. My name is not me,” Stannard quoted Chobotar from the trial back in October before the defendant announced she was absconding. At her sentencing on February 28,

she failed to accept the judge’s decision and authority as she was being taken into custody. “With all due respect, I do not accept this offer,” Chobotar told the judge before being taken into custody. “This offer is not accepted.” The CRA is concerned that individuals who mistakenly confuse opinions with facts may expose themselves to serious financial and legal problems if they fail to comply with the Income Tax Act and other tax laws. “There are people who promote the idea that individuals can choose to not comply with the Income Tax Act,” added Lloyd. “This information is not correct.” For more information please see the CRA’s “Debunking Tax Myths” web page, at cra.gc.ca/myths.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

March 2012


Steinbach Storm Watchers Needed By Marianne Curtis The City of Steinbach is looking toward summer by putting out a call for volunteers interested in participating in the community’s storm watcher program. The City’s Storm Ready Team is looking for six volunteers to act as weather spotters for the coming storm season. As spotters, volunteers become the community’s eye on the sky for severe weather such as tornados. Spotters must be residents of Steinbach or live within a 10-km radius of the city. Each team consists of four members and is “on call” for one week per month during the months of May thru September. Volunteers are provided training by Environment Canada as well as guidelines on how to report a sighting. When they are needed volunteers are notified and asked to watch the sky for signs of severe weather developing. They then contact the Emergency Operations Team and Environment Canada to report it. Spotters also play a significant role should a tornado touch down by conducting a preliminary evaluation and report it so that a plan of action can be made and the public informed. The city council decided three years ago they would rely on local residents who remain vigilant during potential emergency storm situations. In the first year sixteen people stepped forward and as a result the City of Steinbach was recognized as the first community in Canada to meet the requirements of the U.S. Weather Service’s StormReady Program. Denis Vassart, Steinbach’s Emergency Planning Coordinator, explained During the first year of Steinbach’s StormReady program volunteer weather spotters were able to keep tabs on a July storm which the process. “I believe that having a StormReady plan in place will greatly enhance the leveled dozens of trees at the Friedensfeld Hall, three miles south of the community. City of Steinbach’s Emergency Preparedness and help us mitigate the severity of severe weather,” said Vassart. “We cannot control the weather, Anyone interested in volunteering can call the City of Steinbach’s Emergency Planning Coordinator, Denis but we can help our community be better prepared by providing information Vassart, at 392-5996 or dvassart@steinbach.ca. Training is provided. on what to do during a severe weather event.”

Bethesda March Book Sale Slated By Marianne Curtis The women from the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary are once again looking for the public’s help in making their annual spring book sale another success. Over the past several weeks, the ladies from the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary have collected thousands of books and other reading materials for resale at the upcoming event scheduled to take place from March 21 to 24 at the Clearspring Centre in Steinbach. Money raised during the resulting four-day book sale is already earmarked for a special purchase for

the Bethesda Hospital in Steinbach. Funds raised during the sale will go toward the purchase of a resuscitation unit that will be used in Bethesda Hospital’s recovery unit. The resuscitation unit is expected to cost about $40,000. Verna Thiessen, from the Bethesda Auxiliary, explained the purpose of the machine. “The recovery room will no longer have to share this important piece of equipment with the emergency room,” Thiessen explains. “Not only do we benefit from an improved facility but we also know that literacy improves the health of individuals by enabling them to find better jobs and

programs. improve quality of life.” Volunteers are also still required To ensure the continued success of the sale, donations of books, and anyone wishing to help with the records, tapes, magazines, puzzles, and games will be gratefully accepted until the week of the sale. The only reading materials not accepted are old encyclopedias, weekly magazines, videos, DVDs or Readers Digests Condensed books. Donations of reading material can be brought to the Clearspring Centre on Tuesday and Thursdays between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm. The drop-off location is in the mall, in the former SAAN Store’s location. There is also a drop off bin outside Sobey’s, also located in the mall. Over the years, the Bethesda Hospital Auxiliary has hosted several successful sales which have raised nearly $200,000 for medical equipment deemed necessary for patient comfort or safety but not funded through Manitoba Health

Let it Snow It’s snowing, it’s snowing! Yippee!! The more snow the better! Come on down, Mr. Snowflake… stay awhile. Can it be? What has happened to me? For the most part I’ve only wanted more snow when I was much younger and the snow held a type of magic for me. After all, you could build forts with it, snowballs and snowmen (if the snow was sticky enough) and make snow angels until you were blue in the face. For the first few years of our marriage my wife and I used big snow scoops to push the snow off the driveway. Unfortunately, when your driveway is over 300 feet long this can take a very long time. Nothing is quite as disheartening as when you finish clearing the driveway manually only to wake up the next morning to find that more snow has dumped back down and all your work was for naught. In time we managed to purchase an old snow blower and when it worked it was very helpful. Sadly, it was too small for the work we needed it to do and it spent more time not working mechanically, than it did working. Back to the snow scoops went I. This year…this winter is different. This winter we bought a brand new, more powerful snow blower. With an electric start, I no longer have to worry about pulling my shoulder out of its socket, something I nearly did when our little snow blower refused to start. This new snow blower even has heated hand grips, a nice little feature. A funny thing happened after we bought the new snow blower. It didn’t snow. Sure, I took it out within days of getting it home but that was more to play around with it in the few inches of snow that we did have. As we all know, this winter has been very shy on snow and for a person itching to snow-blow it has been a trial of patience, but at long last the snow is here! So, I say again, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! I will have a nice, wide, cleared driveway that I can drive down without getting stuck on. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

Record Building in St-Pierre-Jolys

book sale is invited to contact Verna Thiessen at 326-3028 for more information. The Village of St-Pierre-Jolys is reporting a record year when it comes to building permits, according to Mayor Denis Fillion. “2011 has been an exceptional year for the village with a record number of 46 Building Permits being taken out for a total estimated value of $ 4.105 million,” stated Fillion. One of the biggest projects in the community was the construction of Maple Creek Condominiums.


March 2012

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

‘You’ Opened for Art Lovers 2011-2012 Concert Series Our last concert of the 2011-12 concert series is coming up on Friday, March 16. The musical breeze of Trio Bembe will be blowing into town for a sensational evening of Latin Jazz music at the SRSS Theatre, 7:30 pm. Music Student Special: purchase tickets before March 8 and pay only $6 for an evening of professional, live entertainment with Trio Bembe. Call now for tickets.

The Steinbach Art Gallery is hosting the exhibit ‘You’ by artist Ariana Fast until March 23 at the Hall Gallery, 304 Second Street in Steinbach. Ariana is a self-taught artist born and raised in Steinbach. She has always had an interest in visual arts, which she discovered mainly through various school projects. When she was 17 she began to create artwork intentionally and purposefully. She has been disciplined in the last three years to develop her technique and also a distinctive style. Working with a combination of tools from drywall putty knives and palette knives to paint brushes she has discovered a fascination with the creation of facial expression. Ariana entered a painting in the nationwide youth art contest last

year, hosted by the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. Her piece was chosen as one of the top 12 finalists where it was displayed in the National Gallery this last summer.

She also entered a piece in the 13th Annual Southeast Open Judged Art Exhibit (2011) in which she placed first in the medium of acrylic.

Corporate Campaign Steinbach Arts Council would like to thank our valued corporate donors, sponsors and patrons for their support of the arts. Contributions from businesses and individuals encourage programs that promote dance, music, visual arts, theatre and events. Call now if you would like to join the 2011-12 ‘Creative Community’ Corporate Campaign and take advantage of the extensive promotional benefits at our active facility. We welcome you to walk with us to create a creative community.

Southeast Open Judged Art Exhibit

Celebrate the Arts in Diamonds and Denim

Our 2012 Fundraising Gala will be held on Friday, April 27 at Friedensfeld Community Centre. Reserve your Don’t miss the Southeast Open Judged Art Exhibit. It’s our 14th annual table now to take advantage of our early bird prices. Come in your glitz and glimmer, or your finest denim, or exhibit showcasing local work from a wide variety of artists from kids to adults. Come vote for your favorite piece. Join us on April 2nd for the both! opening for the juvenile category, and April 3rd for the adult opening. Both openings are at 7 pm at Steinbach Arts Council. While you’re here, also view other galleries of fine art that are a part of S.A.C.’s Buy or Lease Art Program. The Buy or Lease program encourages the acquisition (or leasing) of art by local artist. Local homes and businesses can benefit from the accessibility and affordability of paintings, pottery and photographs. For a limited time, lease some artwork for three months FREE. Some of the locations to see this art in the southeast include Dodge By Marianne Curtis services, such as housekeeping and suites have been designed to be Fiat, Steinbach Credit Union, Steinbach City Hall, Harvest Insurance and recreational programming, is fully accessible for seniors. Village Green Restaurant. Home owners, this is a great way to change Steinbach and area seniors have available to tenants. As well, up to The project was made possible things up, add a new look in your home, or brighten up a room. another affordable housing option ten units will receive rent with funding through three levels of in the community after the newly supplements. government. The City of Steinbach completed Bridgepark Manor The new three-storey building is kicked in $1,400 per unit and recently opened. designed to meet Manitoba Hydro additional funding for the project Two great classes for ages 16 and up! Learn the fundamentals of drawing On February 10 the City of Power Smart Design standards, was provided through Canada’s with Drawing Dynamics instructed by Jack Tate. The class runs for eight Steinbach, along with officials from including enhanced energy efficient Economic Action Plan and weeks on Thursday nights, starting March 15. Or learn about aperture, three levels of government, was on standards for insulation, windows, Manitoba’s Long-Term Housing exposure and photo editing in Digital Photography. Collin Thiessen will hand to celebrate the official opening lighting and electrical systems. All Strategy HOMEWorks! be instructing six evening sessions starting Wednesday, March 21. of the 52-unit apartment project. The project was made possible with an excess of $3.06 million in joint Southeast Artists’ Group—meets informally to paint and connect with funding by the provincial and federal other artists every Tuesday morning. Unique opportunities to showcase governments. your artwork and be the first to know about upcoming events. “Our government is dedicated to Photo Club with Kyle McIntosh—meets monthly with other giving a hand-up to those in need. photographers the first Monday of every month – The April 2nd meeting That’s why we are proud to have is open to the public. Featuring special guest Tara Becker Miller (see her invested in this housing project in biography and images of her work at Steinbach,” said Provencher MP Vic 100acrewoodsphotography.500px.com). Toews at the opening. “The new units are safe and affordable and Residents in the southeast will have an opportunity to participate in a help to enhance the lives of seniors project expected to gather information on how the province can improve who call them home.” prevention efforts and services for people affected by domestic violence. Dawson Trail MLA Ron Lemieux At the beginning of March the province announced a series of ten If you love working with children and enjoy creativity, call us about opportunities to teach at our Summer Arts Day Camps. We are looking for was also on hand for the opening. consultation meetings to be held throughout the province over the next “This development is an example two months, including one slated for Steinbach. This meeting is scheduled two assistant directors for ages 5-12. With apt studio space available, as well as props and supplies from all our creative classes – and a successful of governments and community to take place March 19 starting at 5:30 at the Steinbach 55 Plus Centre. coming together to create quality, The information gathered at these meetings will be used to form a new camp history – it’s going to be a fun summer! affordable housing that will not only comprehensive domestic-violence strategy for Manitoba called Safer have a meaningful impact on the lives Today, Stronger Tomorrow. of seniors but also play a key role in The public is invited to attend the meeting, which will focus on five making a great community even specific themes. They include services and support for victims of domestic We are looking for artists to exhibit for the 2012-13 season in the hall better,” Lemieux added. violence and their families; interventions for abusers; increased gallery at Steinbach Arts Council. Exhibits run from September to June Bridgepark Manor consists of 15 coordination of services and support; awareness and prevention, and and are up for approximately one month. Applications are available online two-bedroom units and 37 one- training for service providers. or at the S.A.C. office. bedroom suites that promote To register to attend call Manitoba Status of Women at 204-945-6281 or independent living and provide fully 1-800-263-0234 (toll-free). Manitobans can also share their views by accessible apartments for mobility- completing an online survey at app.fluidsurveys.com/surveys/immigrationimpaired residents. Rent for the one- surveys/dvpc or by writing to Manitoba Status of Women at 401 - 409 Perform at KR Barkman Park on Main Street and expand your fan base. and two-bedroom units is set at the York Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P8. current median market rent for the The Safer Today, Stronger Tomorrow public consultation paper is Dates are flexible. Download applications online. Due March 31. Steinbach area and additional available online at gov.mb.ca/msw/pdf_files/2012-02moving_on.pdf.

Affordable Power Smart Units Open in Steinbach

Starting this Month

Fine Arts Clubs are unique

What are you doing this summer?

Artists Wanted

Musicians wanted for Summer Concerts

Public Invited to Help Combat Domestic Violence

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

March 2012


why many of my clients have income and based on family sought my professional tax service situations (spouse with low and have referred others. Too income, and other dependents). often your taxes are getting There is also the Refundable completed by other tax preparers Medical Expense Supplement: also for low employment income or “family or friends” that don’t filers with high medical expenses. know about these credits or don’t ask you about them. I have sometimes suggested to Every year I get dozens of new those with high medical expenses clients and when I review their to get a part time job, or create past tax returns, I often find The reason you have a large tax self employment income (at least something that was missed and I $3200) so they can get this refund is because of credits get them back some money from claimed (children, spouse, medical, refundable credit (up to $1089). The Province of Manitoba since past tax returns. donations, tuition) or deductions As an example, getting the 2009 has offered the Manitoba made (RRSP, child care expenses, Primary Caregiver Tax Credit. This Disability Tax Credit and having Completing your tax return is really a tax reconciliation. You have taxes union dues, spousal support has been a popular one with many taxes adjusted up to ten years withheld on your employment income, pension income, RRSP payments made). back often puts lots of money in withdrawals and RRIF and annuity payments. Most individuals with Why do you have taxes owing? of my clients qualifying if they people’s pockets! I’m happy to provide care for another person. one T4 (employment income) without any other deductions or credits Often because of more than one help people get tax refunds they Generally if the person requiring normally have the right of amount of tax withheld and the reconciliation T4 (many employers) or many deserve! ends with a small refund or small amount owing. sources of income with no or little care is using home care or would Sometimes I’m helping them have if they didn’t receive care in tax withheld (pension, CPP, OAS, the community, the caregiver gets apply for the Guaranteed Income retirement income fund a refundable credit up to $1275 per Supplement to provide additional withdrawals, spousal support year. This is a financial recognition income. One recent couple income, employment insurance by the provincial government that received retroactive pay of over income). $8000! you are saving them money by There are two kinds of tax I’m in the business of asking caring for a parent, sibling, child or credits: non-refundable and questions. I’m a financial advisor. neighbour. You are reducing their refundable. homecare expenses! I’m trained to ask questions! I want to make sure you are paying The Manitoba Tuition Fee Income Tax Rebate has been the least taxes possible or getting the biggest refund possible. available to anyone who Remember the 2011 tax deadline Non-Refundable Tax Credits are graduated (inside or outside for those who owe is April 30. For Manitoba) after December 2006 the most popular ones: medical, and has Manitoba taxes payable. the self employed the deadline is spousal amount, disability, June 15. If you are getting a Generally you will be able to claim donations, fitness (remember the up to 60% of your tuition paid. refund, you have three years to new Manitoba Fitness Credit for file! But most people expecting a young people age 16 to 24; annual This rebate was created to encourage students graduating to refund are the first ones in my costs of up to $500 are claimable; office in February and March. stay and work in Manitoba. save up to $54). All these credits and rebates are Non-Refundable Tax Credits reduce your taxes payable down to zero, but do not give you any more Anni Markmann is a financial advisor and tax professional working, living, and volunteering in our community. Contact her at 422-6631 than that. I sometimes have to or annimarkmann@mymts.net or the new location at 36 Dawson Road disappoint mostly seniors that in Ste. Anne. have lots of medical expenses incurred, but I cannot use them on their tax returns because they have no federal or provincial taxes payable. There are only a few refundable tax credits that will actually give you money back even if you have no taxes payable. There is the Working Income Tax Benefit for individuals with low employment

Tax Refunds and Taxes Owing

What’s the difference?


More Than Just News!

March 2012

Winter Festival Enjoyed by All in St. Malo

Provencher MP Vic Toews has a little fun trying his arm in the soup can toss.

By Marianne Curtis

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Lorette Residents at Risk of Losing Their Home By Marianne Curtis More than a dozen families living in a trailer park located in Lorette are hoping the RM of Tache will step in and prevent a numbered company from driving them out of their homes. At a recent RM of Tache council meeting nearly a dozen residents spoke out against a proposal by the Tacium Vincent Orlikow law firm who owns the 2.7 hectare trailer park in Lorette. The company put forward a proposal that if approved would see the trailer park subdivided into a condominium development with 25 separate units with two common areas. Paul Grossman spoke against the project at a public hearing on February 15. If approved, all the residents in the Lorette Trailer park would have to lift up their trailers and move them along with the infrastructure connections to fit within the new lot boundaries. They would then have the option of purchasing the lot, but details on costs and fees have yet to be disclosed. “This would cost us thousands of dollars and we don’t even know how much the condo fees will be,” Grossman continued. “This project would require everyone to move their trailers and if we have to move them they become worthless,” Grossman told council. “This proposal does not give people a place to live. It is a way to make money.” He also noted that there was a group in the park that would love to own their own land on which the trailers sit and suggested that the owners look at that instead of forcing everyone to move. David Vincent, one of the partners in the proposal, explained his group put a proposal before council several years ago that would have allowed the company to subdivide the park but left homes sitting in current locations. “We put a proposal forward three years ago but this council turned it down; we applied for variances for each lot but council rejected them due to the sizes,” explained Vincent. “Council said the lots were not big enough but residents were already living on those lots; if council approved the variances then we would go back to that plan.” Several other residents spoke out against the project before the RM of Tache closed the hearing. Council decided to delay making a decision until they look into the proposal further and give the applicants a chance to amend their application. The matter will be brought back to the table at the March 15 meeting.

The community of St. Malo opened its doors for four days in February when the Friends of the Park committee hosted the fourth annual Festival of Friends. Taking place in the St. Malo Provincial Park, the four-day event kicked off February 17 and ran until February 20. The annual festival drew hundreds of participants to St. Malo for a spectacular celebration of culture, cuisine and traditions. Weekend events included an outdoor movie, fireworks, powwow, ice races, pea soup contest, ice fishing, skating, snow maze, snowshoeing, horse drawn hayrides and much more. There was also tons of live entertainment all weekend including performances by the Asham Stompers, La Bandaline, the Kussif Class Rock Band, Michael Audette, the Remillard Family and Rebondir. There was even a By Marianne Curtis special kids’ show featuring Marie Josee Clement. In addition, Provencher MP Vic Toews was on hand to announce federal funding for the Friends of St. Malo On February 23, South Eastman Health officially opened the doors to a Provincial Park, which is used during the Festival of Friends. new Crisis Stabilization Unit in Steinbach. “Celebrations like the Festival of Friends provide an opportunity to celebrate the history and culture we share According to Deb Taillerfer, from South Eastman Health, the new facility as Canadians,” stated Toews. “The family-friendly environment encourages friends and neighbours to participate will be a community environment with a series of services located in activities that not only celebrate our national identity but support the local economy.” conveniently under one roof. The St. Malo Festival of Friends “Services at 450 Main will be a great addition to the currently available was established in 2008 and is mental health and well being services in the South Eastman region,” dedicated to celebrating and Taillerfer explained. “It will be a short-term stay community based setting highlighting the Francophone and for up to 8 adults. It will provide an environment where people can Métis culture of the region. The restore balance in their lives and reconnect to their communities.” festival takes place at the Parc The opening is in response to community support for an expanded Provincial de St-Malo and includes range of mental health services for all southeast citizens, located closer winter activities as well as to home. demonstrations of the local historical The facility, which is located at 450 Main Street in Steinbach, is staffed Francophone and Métis heritage. with nurses, social workers and occupational therapists twenty-four hours a day. People needing assistance can voluntarily check into the facility. They are assessed, discussions are held and options are Sticking to traditions, this campsite was one presented to the individual. When the doors open there will be eight of the many things visitors could see while available beds which are expected to allow a recovery period of a couple participating in this year’s Festival of of days as a client needs. Friends. Persons experiencing an emotional/life crisis, such as relationship difficulties, overwhelming stress, a significant loss, increased sadness, or hopelessness will be provided professional supports such as: focused counseling sessions with 24/7 services available; group sessions (educational, skill-based, treatment support); links to other relevant health and services; and follow-up upon return to their home in the community. South Eastman Health’s Community Mental Health Program has been offering a range of crisis response services since 1995. Services at 450 At 8:30 am on February 16 the St. Main will add supports which are responsive, flexible and tailored to Pierre-Jolys RCMP were dispatched to individual needs. the scene of a two vehicle collision involving a school bus on Highway Last August, the Village of St210, about one mile east of St. Adolphe. Pierre-Jolys implemented a new Investigators at the scene advise parking bylaw which bans parking that a school bus was stopped with its of vehicles over 4,500 kgs including lights flashing and stop sign activated RV’s or semi-trailers of any size on when it was struck from behind by a all streets within the community. The passenger sedan with a lone occupant. community-wide ban is in effect from There were six children reported to be The Village of St-Pierre-Jolys is 7 pm to 7 am seven days a week, the on the bus at the time, and two were issuing a reminder to residents that only exception being is if a semiabout to board the bus. The driver of the town has a community-wide truck is loading or unloading. the car has been charged under the Vehicles found parked in the no parking bylaw and the St-PierreHighway Traffic Act. No injuries were Jolys RCMP is now actively parking zones will be subjected to reported. fines and other costs. enforcing it.

Crisis Stabilization Unit Opens in Steinbach

School Bus Struck

RCMP Enforce Parking Bylaw

Dawson Trail Dispatch

“Active” Transportation on Agenda for St. Malo By Marianne Curtis

More Than Just News!

March 2012


Peters Pins Banner After a weekend of high school curling action the Cole Peters rink from Steinbach Christian High took home the Provincial High School Boys’ Curling Championship. At a tournament that took place February 9 to 11, Peters along with third Peter Brandt, second Dylan Konrad and lead Mark Brandt, edged out the Matt Dunstone rink from Linden Christian High. The final score was 5-4 in the “AB” final on the Saturday night at the Swan Lake Curling Club. Peters, who lost 7-6 in an extra end to Dunstone in the “A” final on Friday night, beat last year’s provincial champion 5-1 in the “B” final on Saturday afternoon.

The RM of De Salaberry’s economic development office has formed a partnership with several groups that could see some major improvements to transportation in the community when it includes physical activity. The Economic Development Office of the RM of De Salaberry has formed a partnership with the LUD of St. Malo, the St. Malo Chamber of Commerce and several regional groups such as the Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba and Active Living Coalition of Older Adults. The plan is to work together to develop an Active Transportation Plan for the town of St. Malo. According to economic development officer Lesley Gaudry, having the infrastructure in place to support active transportation will involve multistakeholder planning, perseverance, and patience. “This plan will make recommendations to encourage and support active transportation that is age friendly, kid friendly, and bike friendly,” explained Cole Peters, Peter Brandt, Dylan Konrad, Mark Brandt and Joseph Grauer, along with Gaudry. “The development of an active transportation plan starts with Coach Wilf Peters, show off their championship banner. mapping the existing active transportation infrastructure network and looking at the problem areas and intersections.” This process was completed and presented at a community consultation meeting back in August, Gaudry noted. “Key representatives from the local community, including a representative from the Crow Wing Trail Association, were present,” Gaudry added. “This meeting provided an opportunity to survey individuals and their common transportation habits.” The group hopes that by integrating short term improvements with a long term plan, the St. Malo town site and the Crow Wing Trail can be an example for its residents, seasonal residents, and visitors. Work has already begun on the next step, which is putting together the By Marianne Curtis necessary paperwork to apply for the funding needed to bring these concepts into reality with the creation of an engineered plan and Class B A group of volunteers who brought the Wild Pink Yonder Ride for Breast Cancer to Manitoba this past year for Design drawings. the first time has changed their focus for the upcoming riding season from research to helping patients personally. Pam Glover, from Ste. Anne, has been instrumental in bringing the fundraising trail ride from Alberta to Manitoba soil. In September 2011 Glover, along with several other individuals, took to the trails for three weeks visiting various communities on horseback while raising money for breast cancer research. “For the last three years I have dedicated 75 percent of my time to working to raise funds for breast cancer research,” explained Glover. “This year I have worked with many people to form a new group called Helping Hooves.” Helping Hooves is an evolution of an idea that came from a discussion with a group called Helping Hands. Helping Hands provides monetary assistance to women and men in Manitoba who are experiencing financial A well known and prestigious golf course near Steinbach is allegedly difficulties while undergoing treatment and follow up for breast cancer. Examples of expenses covered include behind more than $1 million on lease payments on equipment and their uninsured medications and treatments, transportation, room and board, child-care, wigs, lymphedema garments financier is looking for payment. and treatments. Helping Hooves will help fund these items by hosting horse friendly events that will bring out Wells Fargo Financial Corp. has filed a statement of claim against a people in all walks of life. number of companies behind Quarry Oaks seeking a total of $1.2 million. “This year we are not doing the three week long trail ride,” Glover continued. “We want to keep it simple and According to the statement of claim no payment has been made since the get our footing in the province, gearing up to a big ride for the summer of 2013. Plans are already in the works for summer of 2010. that ride.” Robin Henderson, the longtime golf pro and general manager at Quarry Helping Hooves will host a number of smaller fundraising events such as tack sales, flea markets, horse Oaks, said negotiations are taking place behind the scenes to get the shows, trail rides, and barbeques. Some events have already been booked while others are still in the planning matter resolved. He added that a Toronto finance company has acquired stages. the Quarry Oaks mortgage and has made a commitment to Quarry Oaks. “It will be an action packed summer for sure,” Glover noted. “They have appraised the property and they want to stick by and try to If anyone has ideas for fundraising in their area or would like to invite the group to their event, contact Pam increase the value of the business by purchasing the equipment,” Glover at 204-422-8076 or email her at HelpingHooves1@hotmail.com. Henderson said. The statement of claim itemizes a list three pages long of leased equipment for which lease payments have been missed. The equipment includes more than 100 electric golf carts, several John Deere tractors and mowers and other greens-keeping equipment.

Helping Hooves Group to Focus on People

Quarry Oaks Behind on Lease Payments

De Salaberry Reduces Emissions and Creates Jobs The RM of De Salaberry is seeing some positive impacts after initiating a Community Led Emissions Reduction Program called “Greening the Community” throughout the municipality. According to council the municipality has shown a decrease in its GHG emissions from 2003-2011 with a reduction of 9.1 percent (3,289.6 tonnes) in the community and a reduction of 8.7 percent (48.4 tonnes) for municipal operations. These reductions are based on projects in the transportation, waste management, and energy sector. The municipality has received and spent over $124,000 of grant monies to help establish several community green initiatives. This includes establishing a Green Local Action Plan and Comprehensive Green Local Action Plan to prioritize and develop additional green economy projects into the future including the Active Transportation Planning Initiative and the Manitoba Compo-Stages Services Cooperative. A total of four fully funded research reports to help assess the feasibility of green economy projects in the RM of De Salaberry have also taken place. The reports include a Manitoba Hydro Study for Biomass, a green audit for the St. Malo Arena, an electronic zamboni feasibility study for the St. Malo Arena and an energy audit for the RM of De Salaberry main office. Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck and Pam Glover along with one on the stars of last summer’s ride, Deacon, flank Nicola Starin of Cancer Care The programs have also created six full-time jobs and two part-time jobs Manitoba Foundation as they present her with a cheque of $35,000. Photo by Gary Vien throughout various stages of the project.


March 2012

Challenging an Attitude (John 3: 2-5. 2) He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him.” 3) In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. 4) “How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!” 5) Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. (NIV1984) Many people find it somewhat difficult to put their trust in Christ; I know I did many years ago. However, when I think back to the days before I had accepted Jesus Christ my thinking was not much different from this man called Nicodemus. There was a tug-of-war going on in my heart, and there was a tug-of-war going on in Nicodemus’ heart. Part of him wanted to trust in Jesus, but his religious teaching demanded not to believe what Jesus was teaching. Nicodemus was at the top of his profession, he was a teacher of religion. If he could have earned entry into heaven because of his reputation, he would have been ushered into the very presence of God himself. Jesus, on the other hand, tries to tell Nicodemus that just because he is a religious teacher does not open the door to heaven because, He said, “It is a very personal spiritual matter, you must be born again.” Nicodemus had no idea what Jesus was talking about. He could not understand how he, a righteous man, would not be welcomed into heaven. In the gospel of John 3:2-5 we find that Nicodemus came to see Jesus during the night. There were probably several good reasons for that. Perhaps it was a sign of suspicion. He may not have wanted to commit himself by coming to Jesus when others could see him. However, I must not condemn him for that, after all, with his background it was a miracle of grace that he overcame his narrow-mindedness about Jesus’ followers, and the life of these followers to approach Christ at all. Yes! That was a miracle. But give this a thought; perhaps he wanted an absolute private kind of meeting where nothing would interfere with such a close encounter with Christ. It is not difficult to understand why Nicodemus was somewhat confused. Neither is it difficult for us to recognize that within his heart and life there was this longing that only Christ could satisfy. We can say this because many of us have experienced that kind of longing ourselves. So Nicodemus meets Jesus and Jesus engages him in a conversation that would change his life. This is what Nicodemus says to Jesus in verse 2, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the incredible signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus answers him in a way that is, to a certain extent, hard for him to understand. Verse 3, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again,” That answer totally confused Nicodemus because look what he says in verse 4, “How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely no one can enter a second time into their mother’s womb and repeat the birth process all over again!” In verse 5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” At this point Nicodemus had a battle waging within his heart that only the Holy Spirit could win for him. His mind is confused when he asked Jesus how anyone could enter again into his mother’s womb and be born a second time when he is already an old man? Nicodemus had reached a point in his conversation with Jesus where many of us have been and where, perhaps, some of us are at this very moment. It was not the desirability of the New Birth that Nicodemus was questioning; he understood his problem all right. The problem of the person who wants to be changed, but cannot change themselves. For this change to take place we must ask Jesus Christ to come into our lives. The shortest prayer I ever said was, “Lord, heal my sin sick heart.” And He did. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that fulfills my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name. Amen.”

Former RM of Ste. Anne Councillor Remembered On January 26 former RM of Ste. Anne councillor Oram Proulx passed away surrounded by his family at the age of 81, after a brief illness. Proulx sat as councillor for the RM of Ste. Anne for 29 years. According to his family, Oram took his role as Ward 4 councillor very seriously. People continued to come to him for consultations about issues they were having because he knew Ward 4 like the back of his hand and was very honest. They trusted him and his opinions, they recalled. When he was not working for the municipality, Proulx was the chief engineer at International Labs for 45 years. He and his wife Verna also built the restaurant Vern’s Snack Shack, grocery store, gas bar and pool hall.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

March 2012


Providence Freezes Tuition To make a Christ-Centered university educational experience more accessible to students, Providence University College administration has made a number of decisions effective in fall 2012. Unlike many universities, for the academic year 2012/13 undergraduate tuition and fees at Providence University College will be frozen at the 2011/12 rate. Bob Wiebe, Vice President for Educational Marketing says, “Our hope is that this undergraduate tuition freeze will allow more students to consider Providence to be a viable alternative as they consider university education.” In addition, three new financial initiatives have been established. Tuition Bursaries will be given to all new students who qualify based on their high school GPA. Tuition Bursaries will be given to all returning students who qualify based on their annual GPA. Residence Bursaries will be offered to all qualified returning students who live in a Providence residence hall. “We understand that many university bound students want a Christ-centered education, but it is beyond their economic reach,” said David Johnson, Provost. “We want to increase the accessibility of a values-laden higher education for these students. Part of our goal is also to create a more vibrant campus community, so we have determined to give residence bursaries to all returning full-time students.” These rebates put residence at Providence well below rental market prices. Most experts agree that the long-term value of a university education is worth the price paid in time and money. But given the volatility of the present economic situation, some people are nervous about making such an investment in their future. Private post-secondary education is always more costly than a comparable public education. Dr Johnson notes, “At Providence we believe the small class sizes, the personal contact with professors, and the nurturing campus community are worth the extra cost. So through the tuition freeze and the three initiatives we are making the

Providence experience a possibility for more students.” The uniqueness of a Providence education lies in the fact that all courses are taught with various Christian worldviews in mind. “As a multi-denominational school, the faculty represents a number of Christian worldviews. Each faculty member respects the view of the others. Students receive a broadly Christian education but are free to understand things from their own perspective.”

New Double Major at Providence Providence University College, working in cooperation with the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba, now offers a new four-year double major in business and agriculture that helps bridge urban/rural divide. This new initiative enables students wanting to make a career in agriculture and business to take courses both at Providence University College in Otterburne, and at the Agricultural and Food Sciences Faculty on the University of Manitoba campus in Winnipeg. “This degree will prepare students for at least two career streams,” said Bruce Duggan, Associate Professor of Management and Director of the Buller Centre for Business at Providence. “We expect that some graduates will pursue administrative careers in agribusinesses, while others will focus on succeeding in family farm operations.” “This is an excellent fit for us at Providence,” says Dr. Gus Konkel, President of Providence. “It gives us another option for meeting the needs and interests of a rural constituency. We also know that there are many urban students who are interested in agriculture and agribusiness, and this program will enable them to turn that interest into a career. It’s also exciting to be building a partnership with one of one of North America’s leading agricultural faculties at the University of Manitoba.” The first Providence student participating in this new initiative is Jordan Siemens, a young farmer and entrepreneur from Horndean. “This degree is helping me develop the skills and knowledge I need, to return to our family farm and help ensure its continuing success over the coming decades,” said Siemens. Jordan Siemens was an Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship (ACE) Canada Student Entrepreneur Regional Champion last year. “Jordan is our ‘test pilot’ in this initiative,” says Professor Duggan. “Applications are being accepted now, with the first regular intake of students slated for Fall 2012. Our intention is to keep the numbers small, so we can continue to provide the individual attention that is the hallmark of Providence’s programs.”

Second Annual “Out of the Blue” Commences By Marianne Curtis On February 15 the South Eastman Regional Suicide Prevention Committee kicked off the second annual Out of the Blue Campaign which is specifically designed to address suicide prevention throughout the region. The “Out of the Blue” campaign can make a difference for people affected by mental illness. The campaign targets high school students, businesses, individuals and community groups throughout the southeast. The objective of the program is to get people talking about mental health, mental illness and suicide prevention by initiating or getting involved in “Blue Awareness Activities”. The campaign encourages activities that could promote accurate mental health information, encourage help seeking behaviour with open, direct and honest talk about suicide, and spread hope for recovery. The goal is to reach approximately 1,000 high school students, their families and the members of their communities. Last year many communities joined the awareness program with inventive ideas. For example, St. Pierre’s Community in Bloom encouraged people to plant blue flowers in all public spaces. This year five schools and the RM’s of Ritchot, Franklin, Tache and Hanover are all participating in the campaign. Members of the committee include youth; people affected by or concerned about suicide, community agencies, public health and mental health organizations, and faith-based organizations, and is chaired by the South Eastman Health Mental Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Coordinator. South Eastman Health also encourages last year’s participating groups, businesses and individuals of La Broquerie, Ste-Anne, St-Pierre, Vita and Steinbach to join and continue to raise a new voice for mental health in 2012.


March 2012

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Lorette Scorpions Win Championship In their third season back in the Winnipeg High School Hockey League, the Lorette Scorpions have won the Winnipeg High School Hockey B-division championship on March 4. Riley Nagy, a Grade 12 forward, scored the winning goal with five minutes left in the third period to lift the Scorpions to a 3-2 victory over the defending champion Shaftesbury Titans on Sunday at the MTS Iceplex. Lorette won the bestof-three series 2-0 after posting a 3-2 shootout win on Saturday. Nagy, Kevin Holden and team captain Jesse Fraser were members of the team under head coach Laird Laluk when the Scorpions started up again three years ago after a lengthy absence from the WHSHL. “This is just unbelievable; it means so much to us. I really thought it would take another two years after I was gone before we’d win the cup. I’m so happy I got to be a part of it,” said Nagy. “Everyone on this team made a huge commitment to the program; we’re on the ice at 7 a.m. three days a week for practice and two games a week. Our coaches have had such a good influence on us and our grit — that’s what made the difference for us this year.” Frazer was also named the Winnipeg High School B-division tournament most valuable player. Fresh off their first win since the reintroduction of high school hockey at Lorette Collegiate, the Scorpions won the Winnipeg High School Hockey B-division championship. The Lorette Scorpions made it to the playoffs in its first year and to the final four last year.

RM of Hanover Shows Off Completed Projects By Marianne Curtis In the middle of February the RM of Hanover council had an opportunity to show off a trio of recently completed infrastructure projects located in three separate communities in the municipality. On February 18, RM of Hanover Reeve Stan Toews and members of the council spent a day visiting three new water and wastewater projects located in Grunthal, Kleefeld and New Bothwell. They were joined by Provencher MP Vic Toews. “I was pleased to visit three new infrastructure projects that have benefited from that funding in my riding of Provencher,” stated Toews. Back in October, Toews informed the RM of Hanover that they had been approved for $5.7 million in low cost loans for the projects. Funding for the projects was approved under the Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program.

RM of Hanover council and Provencher MP at the new lift station in New Bothwell.

MP Vic Toews, RM Hanover Reeve Stan Toews and members of the RM of Hanover Council check out the new pumps in Kleefeld’s new water treatment plant.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

March 2012


Suspicious Driver Investigated

Population Boom in Southeast By Marianne Curtis At the beginning of February Census Canada released the latest numbers based on last spring’s census survey and local politicians are pleased with the overall results. Provencher MP Vic Toews was pleased with the numbers that show that his riding has registered a strong growth trend. “The new Census numbers show continued strong growth in many areas of Provencher over the past five years,” stated Toews. Provencher leads the way in Manitoba with a growth rate of more than 12 percent. “I’m pleased to see the strong growth here in Provencher, and indeed in many areas of the province,” said Toews. “Immigration, which has always been a sustaining feature of Canada’s history and continues to play an important role in building our country, has played a large role in this growth.” Throughout the southeast there has been significant growth but the biggest change was in the RM of La


RM of La Broquerie RM of Hanover RM of Tache RM of Ritchot RM of Ste. Anne RM of De Salaberry RM of Reynolds RM of Stuartburn RM of Piney Niverville St. Pierre Steinbach Ste. Anne

Census Chart 2011

5,198 14,026 10,284 5,478 4,686 3,450 1,285 1,535 1,720 3,540 1,099 13,524 1,626

Broquerie which saw a 42 percent increase in population. The RM of Hanover was the next on the list with a less significant 18.2 percent increase. “Although it was higher than expected,” stated Reeve Stan Toews. “We always plan on somewhere around ten percent,” said Toews. Toews was part of a push by the local mayors and reeves to fill out their census papers because it pays out in tax dollars returned to a community. Locally, the City of Steinbach


3,659 11,871 9,043 5,051 4,509 3,349 1,410 1,629 1,755 2,464 839 11,066 1,534

Population 42.1% 18.2% 13.2% 8.5% 3.9% 3.0% -8.9% -5.8% -2.0% 43.7% 31.0% 22.2% 6.0%


came in third in overall growth over the four-year period. However, with a 22 percent population increase it becomes the third largest city in Manitoba. The Town of Niverville saw the most growth last year with a 43.7 percent increase in population making it the fastest growing town in all of Manitoba. While the majority of municipalities saw some growth, three municipalities had a decrease in population. The RM’s of Reynolds, Stuartburn and Piney saw decreases ranging from -8.9 percent to -2 percent respectively.

On January 31 at about 4:30 pm the Steinbach RCMP was dispatched to a complaint of a suspicious vehicle in Blumenort. Two girls, age three and five, advised they were approached by a male in a vehicle while they were outside near their residence. The man allegedly asked the girls if they wanted a ride. The girls immediately ran home and the man drove away without any physical contact with the girls. The man is described as Caucasian with black hair and driving a light colored or white car. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452.

La Broquerie Wants Gravel Inventory Reviewed The RM of La Broquerie has requested the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) to encourage the province to update their provincial gravel inventory. According to council, the issue of gravel deposits always comes up on subdivision applications. On each application Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines provides comments regarding the availability, quality and quantity of gravel deposits on land being developed. While the process is not an issue, it is noted that the Department refers to a review on the properties conducted back in 1994, based on maps completed in 1976. “The information is often outdated,” stated council’s letter to the AMM. “Developers have had to provide their own studies and reports in order to verify the quality, quantity and availability of gravel of certain parcels of land, which has proven costly and time consuming.” The RM of La Broquerie has requested that the AMM assist municipalities in having the Province of Manitoba update their Gravel Inventory Report in order to assist all municipalities in Manitoba with a better development reporting system.


March 2012

Seine River Trustees Praise Students and Staff The Seine River School Division board of trustees recently recognized several students and staff with recent awards. Three students received “Yes I can” Awards including Mathieu Dedieu, Dawson Trail School (academics), Jonathan Laporte, Richer School (academics) and Marshall Fehr, Arborgate School (self-advocacy). The Dawson Trail School Resource Team will receive certificates of recognition. This includes staff members Kelly Baker, Daniele Emard-Ferre, Laird Laluk, and Janet Walker. The board of trustees also named Teresa Yestrau, from Arborgate School, as Teacher of the Year. Wanda Houser, a Seine River School Division bus driver, is also being recognized.

Steinbach’s 10th Annual Winter Carnival The 10th annual Steinbach Winter Carnival which took place February 4 was a success this year. Organizers say that fabulous weather encouraged a great turnout of about 300 people who showed up to enjoy the gem that is the Community Garden skating rink, along with sleigh rides and general family fun. Activities included horse drawn sleigh rides, free public skating, shinny, free public indoor skating, snowshoeing, fire to warm up, ice sculptures and snowboarding. The Winter Carnival is put on by the City of Steinbach for both Steinbach residents and residents of the surrounding area. The city is already looking forward to next year and is looking for suggestions on how to improve the Annual Winter Carnival. Residents can email jpeters@steinbach.ca to voice an opinion.

Municipalities Strike Fire Deal Residents in the RM of Ste. Anne have been successful in their demand to get a fire agreement between their municipality and the RM of La Broquerie. RM of Ste. Anne Reeve Art Bergmann said that an agreement has been made with the RM of La Broquerie. “We were able to sit down with La Broquerie representatives and we have an agreement with them for fire protection for the next couple of years,” stated Bergmann. “It’s a yearly fee for protection in the area they traditionally covered.” On December 15 the RM of Ste. Anne decided that they would not renew the contract with the RM of La Broquerie due to costs. Historically, the RM of La Broquerie responds to calls in certain areas of the RM of Ste. Anne and only bills the municipality on a “per call” basis. Under the proposed agreement, the RM of Ste. Anne did not agree to pay to the RM of La Broquerie an additional flat fee per year. The RM of Ste. Anne canceled the contract instead. Outraged residents forced the two municipalities back to the table. Under the new agreement the RM of Ste. Anne will pay $7,500 a year plus per call rates to respond in this area until the end of 2013.

Hospital Fund Launches New Website The Ste-Anne Hospital Fund Inc. has launched a new dynamic and user friendly site called steannehospitalfund.ca. The new website offers a more modern presentation with a content management system that makes it easier to regularly update, add new images or photos and present more lively content. The new website is organized in three main sections. First is ‘About us’ with information on the mission, history and the composition of the Fund’s board and committees. Events, includes the four annual fund raising events, the upcoming Online Auction, a Golf tournament, Fitness Challenge and the Lobsterfest. Donations, allows the internet visitor to donate online or to print a donation form to mail with a contribution to the Fund. Also featured is a photo gallery and a news section giving visitors an update on the activities of the Fund.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Library Nights in Ste. Geneviève To increase awareness of and to promote participation in the twice-amonth ‘Library Night’ at the Ste. Geneviève Community Club in Ste. Geneviève, board members of Bibliothèque Taché Library located in Lorette decided to make the February 14th visit special. Colourful signs advertising ‘Library Night’ were placed in two prominent locations in the community to inform residents of the event. The Bibliothèque Taché Library visits the Ste. Geneviève Community Club on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month bringing a large selection of books in both French and English, for children and adults. The library has over 19,000 books including audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, large print books and magazines plus they can get an interlibrary loan from any library in Manitoba. Special requests can be made to the librarian, Brandi Schmitz, or on-line at bibliotachelibrary.com or in person.

Several children enjoyed ‘storytime’ featuring ‘Valentine’s Day’ stories read by Diane Heather at the February 14th Ste. Geneviève ‘Library Night’

Copper Wire Theft Investigated On the night of January 20, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP received a report of a Break and Enter at the Nelson River gravel pits in the RM of Hanover. Investigation indicates the suspects cut the locks on the gates to gain entry. Oil pails and copper wire were stolen from the site with an estimated value of $13,200. Anyone with information regarding this theft is asked to contact the St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP at 204433-7908 or your local police agency. You can also call Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or SUBMIT a secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com or text TIPMAN plus your message to CRIMES (274637).

Community Hall Targeted At approximately 10:00 am on February 18 the Steinbach RCMP responded to a Break and Enter at the Friedensfeld Community Hall Clubhouse. Police believe as many as three suspects gained entry to the building sometime between 9 am on February 17 and 9 am, February 18. Once inside the suspects caused damage to the interior walls, counters and appliances. Missing is a set of billiard balls, triangle and pool cues. Anyone with any information regarding this matter is asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at 3261234 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477 (TIPS) or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

1st Choice Convenience Store Robbery Theft at Construction Site On February 27 the Steinbach RCMP received a report of a break, enter and theft that occurred between Saturday evening, February 25, and Monday morning, February 27. The offence took place at a job site three miles east of Blumenort on Road 31 East. Suspect(s) cut the lock of an enclosed trailer and also broke into the building under construction and stole a variety of carpentry tools. A Dewalt 4300 gas generator and an unknown amount of building supplies were also taken. There is no estimate for the loss at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at 3264452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477 (TIPS) or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Landmark Elementary to Add Greenhouse Landmark Elementary is one of 20 schools across Manitoba that will receive a $1,000 grant to help fund hands-on projects that help students develop knowledge and experience about citizenship. The funding will help the students at Landmark Elementary’s project titled “Grow to Give” by expanding upon their recycling/composting initiative from the previous year to build a greenhouse at their school. Each class will learn how to grow and take care of plants. Local seniors and students from Landmark Collegiate will be invited to teach the students about plants and proper gardening techniques. During the summer students will care for their plants by transplanting them in their home gardens. The plants will be harvested in the fall and sold within the community. All proceeds will be given to support one local and one global charity.

Objections Over Garbage Plan The RM of De Salaberry is working on a new garbage contract for St. Malo and Otterburne, but the plan is getting so much opposition that it is going to the municipal board. Reeve Ron Musick explains that the new deal affects both the price for garbage collection and the boundaries for service. “There is service in and around Otterburne but we are expanding it outward to some outlying roads,” stated Musick. “The bylaw went to first reading and now it is going to the municipal board for their consideration. There were a few people that did not support the plan.” Under the new contract the cost for garbage pick would increase more than 40% from $85 a year to $120. The RM of De Salaberry is also proposing to increase tipping fees for using the municipal landfill.

More Than Just News! On the 17th of February at approximately 11 pm an unknown male entered the front door of 1st Choice Convenience located at 476 Main Street in Steinbach. The male immediately demanded the employees “put the money in a bag.” The employees complied with the demand and turned over an undisclosed amount of money to the suspect before he proceeded to flee the store. The employees were not harmed or injured in the robbery. The suspect is described as wearing designer blue jeans with white distress marks on the legs, running shoes, a large two tone black and grey jacket with a hood pulled over his head and large sunglasses. The suspect is described as a Caucasian male, 5’7" - 5’8" in height with a slim build, and appeared to be in his late 30’s to early 40’s. The suspect may have fled the scene in a 4 door automobile that is champagne/gold in color with a spoiler on the rear of the vehicle. The suspect may have been parked outside of 1st Choice Convenience several minutes prior to the robbery. Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating the suspect(s) responsible for this robbery. If you have any information you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at 326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

March 2012



March 2012

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

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