ISSUE 7 / JULY 2017
Ivy Mae
Doc McStuffins
6 7 8 12 16 22 26 36 42 48 52 62
Editor’s Letter What Is Fashion To Me? (Bianca) Celebrating the Success of Deaf Model (Gabriella) Erin-Bullying Story Featured Photographer: Glynis S. A. Carpenter Posh Girly Girls Top 10 Models Cover Story-Laya DeLeon Hayes San Antonio Fashion Show Tiny Dancer: Avaree Neon Kisses Inc How to Become a Model: Ivy Mae
Editor: Damon Ross DDS
Cover Page: Model: Laya DeLeon Hayes
Creative Designer: Anthony Naylor
Photographer: Dave Feiling (@dafeiling)
Graphic Designer: Mandy Hernandez-Hurt
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Web Designer: Mohammed Rasool
Table of Contents Page:
Consulting Editor: Angie Lozano
Models: London, Elyssa, Lorenzo, Kadience, Tyler, Alexandria, Tyler, Ezekiel Photographer: Madison Harrison 10 year old Celebrity Photographer (@photoswithmadison) Location: Inkwell Centre in Tampa, FL
EDITOR’S LETTER Every day we open our eyes in the morning is a BLESSING from GOD! Tomorrow is not promised. You are only given one life. So let's make a difference, have fun, and live it as if it was a “PARTY”! As you can clearly see from our cover model Laya aka “Doc McStuffins,” our theme for this issue is “PARTY.” You can read all about Laya and her journey in life thus far. Dave Feiling definitely captured exactly what we were looking for in this cover with Laya looking beautiful as ever and having a great time with balloons. Throughout this issue you will see lots of energy, bright colors, balloons, ice cream, smiles, and models having fun! This is what life is about. As you flip through the pages of this issue, I hope it not only puts a smile on your face, but it also brings happiness to your day. In the beginning of the magazine you will read what fashion means to Bianca (in her own words), you will get a better understanding of what its like to model while being deaf with Gabriella, and then see some AMAZING pics and get to know our featured photographer Glynis S. A. Carpenter. A little further into the magazine you will get the inside scoop on how to pamper yourself with Posh Girly Girl, see our Top 10 Models, and read a touching story on how Erin was bullied. Towards the end of the magazine you will get to know our featured dancer Avaree, see some of the most exciting clothes in the world sold by Neon Kisses, and then get helpful tips from Ivy Mae on how to become a model. On June 3rd, we had our second stop of the Anti-Bullying Fashion Show Tour in San Antonio. This event was so much fun and 25% of the proceeds went to “STOMP Out Bullying.” We had models fly in from all over the country. There were kid celebrities in attendance such as Lilly K (Dance Moms), Anais & Mirabelle (our hosts), DJ Livia (our official DJ), and Khia and Aiden (our second cover models). In this issue you will see a recap from the show you don’t want to miss! Thank you for taking the time to read our magazine! If you would like to be published in our magazine, either send us a message on Instagram and/or Facebook. You can, also, reach us via our website at For special events and opportunities, continue to follow us on Instagram @kidfashmagazine. Hope you enjoy the magazine, and I look forward to meeting you! 6
N O I H S A F s n A e m
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Fa s h i o n t o m e m e a n s b e i n g u n i q u e . T h e r e a r e so many differennt styles. Some are happy and upbeat while others are mellow. They are all uniique in their own ways. Personallyy, I don't care if it is brand name or not. Fashion is one thhinng, butt looking fashionnablee is another. Fashion is moree than just clothhes. Itt expresses who you are. Faashion makes eveeryyonne feel beautiful.
Model: Biancca Phhotographer: D Roosss Photography Kid Kid Ki dF F Fa ashM Maaga gazziine ne.c .com com/J om m//JJul uly2 y20 01 17 7
GABRIELLA BANDA Written By: Jennifer Pucci Starr
Photographer: Natalia Sun Makeup: Jax Roberson Hair: Hannah Henry Dog: Willow Wardrobe by: The Porcelain Teacup Cake by: T's Sweets
Taking on the modeling industry can be a daunting challenge for any able-bodied young model. Yet, for Gabriella Banda, a stunning, young, talented and deaf model, the challenges were more like obstacles, ones she has overcome with grace and determination. Today, Gabriella shines in all she does, whether it is on a runway, behind a camera or throwing a party. Gabriella was born with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Her parents discovered she was deaf a day after she was born through an Auditory Brain Response Test conducted by the hospital. Ready to tackle this head-on in an effort to give their daughter the best opportunities, at just three months old, Gabriella’s parents enrolled her into the Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children Parent Infant Program (PIP). There, they were given early tools for learning, and she was fitted for her first pair of hearing aids. “It was amazing,” says Mom, Terry. “She was so excited when they turned them on. She could hear our voices and hear a lot of other sounds she had been missing out on.” However excited she was for those early sounds, the hearing aids were not comfortable, and it was not easy for someone so young to understand that they were important for her to continue progressing. “Babies learn so much in their first two years,” says Terry, “and
we wanted Gabby to learn as much as possible to develop her speech. We worked with her as much as we could. Because her speech was delayed we learned some baby signs to help her, and eventually, she was signing and speaking the words together. It was really great to see how she started to grasp both languages.” At the age of three, Gabby was enrolled in an early education program for the deaf within her public school. Her parents felt it necessary to put her into a real-world environment, where she could become more involved with her deaf community. She thrived in her new surroundings, quickly making many friends and beginning to explore other interests. “Early on, her father and I decided that we would let her do anything and everything she wanted. We tried several sports; soccer, tennis, swimming, tumbling and cheer. Gabriella is great at soccer. She played about three seasons, and then Cheer pulled her in a different direction. She is very athletic and outgoing. It comes to her naturally.” When Gabriella was eight years old, she began to show interest in modeling and acting. Looking through old modeling photos of her mother, she told her mother she would like to follow in her footsteps. “We talked about it and agreed that if she could find 9
herself an agent, then we’d help her be an actress and model. She auditioned for Diana Sneckner with Avant Talent Agency, and she signed her! We were all a little surprised because it happened so quickly, but Gabriella has a sparkle, and she shines at everything she does.” And so, the journey began. Modeling came easy for Gabriella, who loves to be in front of the camera. What was not as easy, however, were following some of the photographer and designers’ cues and instructions. She communicates using verbal communication most of the time (she also uses ASL), however, on a noisy photo shoot, there can often be interference. “Gabriella advocates for herself and tells them when necessary that she is deaf and needs them to talk louder and/or slower, so she can understand their instructions,” says Terry. “We’ve been very lucky that the people who have given Gabriella a chance to model have been patient and kind. They want to see her succeed just as much as I do and are very supportive.” One of her pivotal moments came when Gabriella was introduced to Char Franey, Owner and Designer for The Porcelain Teacup. Impressed by Gabriella’s beauty and charm, she hired her to walk in her Dallas Fashion X fashion show, and then another in Houston. In February, The Porcelain Teacup showed their spring line in New York during Fashion Week. “It’s every model’s dream to walk during Fashion Week, so we had an amazing time! She’s been an inspiration to me, and I just about cry every time I see her reach a new milestone,” says Terry. Gabriella has now walked in several fashion shows, and continues to work on fine-tuning her talents as a model and actress. She has attended workshops with Skye Hardwick – Work of Heart Photography, worked with Photographer Tracie Fields, and was especially thrilled to have the opportunity to be photographed by Jennifer Ilene, a Deaf Photographer. Being part of the industry also means being able to attend exciting events and parties. Gabriella loves a good party, especially the atmosphere and energy that surrounds her. Music, which is quite often very loud, loses the clarity for Gabriella, but she loves it just the same. “She is already planning her Quinceanera! It’s still almost four years away,” says Terry. “Gabriella designs her invitations, picks out the perfect outfit and dictates what her hair should be like. I won’t say she is a diva, but she definitely thinks about the details and makes sure we’re all on the same page. She invites everyone – no one is excluded!
She is a great hostess and loves giving more than she enjoys receiving!” For her last birthday party, she designed it specifically for her deaf friends to attend and planned an evening that they would all truly appreciate, including dinner followed by a carriage ride around Downtown San Antonio. Gabriella and her family are also very big supporters of the currently reigning Miss San Antonio, Emma Faye Rudkin, who is also deaf. She and Gabriella have become friends, and together Emma and Gabriella participated in the Good Vibrations Music Festival. The festival is a completely deaf accessible music event. Gabriella and other deaf and hard of hearing attendees got to wear a SUBPAC - which is a backpack that transmits vibrations made by music allowing users to feel the music on their body. The dance floor is illuminated lighting up to the beat of the music, and jumbo screens ran captions, so that the lyrics could be read. The festival was also a benefit for Aid the Silent, Emma’s non-profit that serves to help deaf and hard of hearing children in Texas and all over. “They helped Gabby get a new pair of hearing aids in 2015,” says Terry. “She was so thrilled! The hearing aids she was given connect to her iPhone, so she’s able to hear music transmitted directly to her hearing aids via a Bluetooth connection, which allows music to be heard with much more clarity.” “Emma Faye is amazing,” says Gabriella. “She is a cool deaf person, and I want
to be like her when I grow up. One day, I want to run for Miss Texas, too, and help other deaf children make their dreams come true.” Gabriella has drawn so much strength from Emma and other celebrities that have faced their challenges head-on. “My dream is to meet Nyle Dimarco,” says Gabriella, of the recent winner of “America’s Next Top Model,” who is also deaf. “He is my inspiration! I watched every episode and stayed up late, so I could watch him win!” :KDW GRHV *DEULHOOD KRSH WR¬DFFRPSOLVK LQ KHU¬IXWXUH" “I want to be an actress, a chef, a baker, a doctor, a lawyer – I want to be everything. I always say ‘Dream Big!’ I want to be an inspiration to all deaf kids. I want all kids to follow their dreams!” says Gabriella. “I think my daughter is beautiful and unique. She was born to stand out,” says Terry. “Every parent wants their child to be successful – little did I know that Gabby was going to self-proclaim her success. Everything she has set out to do, she has done. She has big dreams, and I really think she will accomplish them all.” On one final note from Gabriella, she gives words of encouragement to not only her deaf friends, but for everyone, “We are perfect the way we are because that’s how GOD made us.” Follow Gabriella online through Instagram @gabriellabanda or on Facebook 11
Bullying Wr i t t e n B
Photographer: N. Lalor Photography
“Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.â€? Whoever came up with that phrase definitely did not know what they were talking about. Words can be very hurtful or very healing. Other old sayings that trivialize the importance of words are “A picture is worth a thousand words" and "Actions speak louder than words." The truth is, sometimes words can make or break a relationship, any relationship really not just romantic ones. Words can be the difference between friends, family, and even co-workers having a great relationship or feeling jaded. Words have the power to change your life. If you’re saying negative things to yourself and to others, you’re speaking them into existence. You can speak life, or you can speak death. Unfortunately, many people use their words to hurt others, and those emotional scars can last a lifetime. Erin is a ten-year-old model and actress who knows this all too well. She was the victim of a bully’s hateful words. She has never been a sporty girl, preferring to be on stage, instead. She started playing the harp when she was five years old, and has also been doing theater for five years. One thing that not many people know about her is that she sings all of the time - before she goes to bed, on the car ride to school, and at so many RWKHU SODFHV 6KH DEVROXWHO\ ORYHV VLQJLQJ ÂŹ6KH VD\V ´, love being in musicals and performing. I am also a singer, so it all sort of blends together in this profesVLRQ ÂŹ , ORYH PRGHOLQJ DQG DFWLQJ EHFDXVH WKDW V ZKDW , P JRRG DW Âľ (ULQ WULHG HYHU\ VSRUW DQG GLGQ W WDNH WR WKHP ÂŹ2QFH KHU 0RP SXW KHU LQ WKHDWHU WKH\ NQHZ WKDW was where she belonged.
Photographer: Sarifka Photography
Erin’s biggest role model is her mother. “She inspires me because she is such a great person, and that makes me want to be one, too. She is kind to others and teaches us to be that way. She also cares for her mom who VXIIHUHG D VWURNH DQG KDV GHPHQWLD ,W LVQ W DQ HDV\ WKLQJ WR GR 6KH HQFRXUDJHV PH WR EH WKH EHVW , FDQ EH ¾(ULQ LV DOVR LQVSLUHG E\ RWKHU SHRSOH V NLQGQHVV 6KH WULHV every day to be nice to others. Erin is also a great student and has continued to stay in Honors classes, while juggling acting, modeling and music. She also enjoys spending time with her brother DQG SOD\V WKH KDUS IRU VLFN SHRSOH LQ KHU IUHH WLPH ÂŹ+HU favorite ice cream is chocolate. In fact, she believes that ice cream makes everything better! Erin’s goals are to continue to stay on the Honor Roll in school, as well as continue modeling, and one day to be on the Disney channel. She says, “The hardest part of acting and PRGHOLQJ LV ZKHQ \RX GRQ W JHW WKH MRE \RX DXGLWLRQHG IRU ,W V DOO SDUW RI WKH EXVLQHVV WKRXJK Âľ Photographer: Sarifka Photography
While Erin wasn’t physically harmed by the bullies, the effects of their words still leave lifelong scars. Recently reported in The Huffington Post, a research study conducted by the American Psychological Association shows that emotional abuse has significant long-term damage, which can equal, and sometimes, even exceed the far-reaching consequences of physical abuse. It’s so hard to detect because the effects are not usually visible. According to the journalist, Douglas LaBier, “The report pointed out that children who have been psychologically abused suffered from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, symptoms of post-traumatic stress, suicidality at the same rate, and in some cases, at a greater rate than children who were physically or sexually abused. Psychological abuse was most strongly associated with depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, attachment problems and substance abuse.”
Photographer: Liz Linett Even though Erin enjoys hiking with her family, riding her bike, and playing tennis, she’s not a skilled athlete. In gym class, her “friends” started teasing her about her lack of skill, and it made her feel even worse. She was devastated because her friends were mocking her and telling her she was bad at sports. Erin says, “I knew I wasn't great at sports, but to hear those words from my friend broke my heart. Even though I don't play sports, I still try my best at them. I thought that my friends would encourage me, not make fun of me. I didn't say anything, and then I tried avoiding gym, altogether. I would go to the nurse, so I wouldn't have to play sports and be made fun of. It was a horrible time for me. My mom and I talked about it. She reminded me that everyone is different. Some kids are great at sports, and others, like me, performed well on stage. That made me feel better. I realized that my real friends would never say things like that. It would have been so much nicer if they offered to help me learn the game better.”
Erin believes that bullying can be prevented if people are nice and look for the good in people, not the bad. In her situation, she believes the bullying didn't have to happen. They could have just been nice. Instead of making fun of her and pointing out her flaws, they could have encouraged her to try harder or helped her JHW EHWWHU DW LW ¬ 6KH DGGV WKDW DQ\RQH EHLQJ EXOOLHG should “Tell someone about it - like a teacher, a parent, sho an adult, or anyone that you think can help with the sit situation. I think that you should stick up for yourself RU RU KDYH SHRSOH GR LW ZLWK \RX ¬ 7KH SHRSOH ZKR DUH do doing the bullying should just stop! You shouldn't pick on someone if they are different. Bullying is a bad thi thing to do. It upsets people and changes them. I wish everyone could follow The Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you would like to be treated.’ Life would be so much better for everyone.” Thoughts become things, and we can all make a difference by fulfilling Erin’s wish. Thoughts become words. Words become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become character. Character becomes destiny. With that in mind, why not change the world by changing our thoughts? Like Erin pointed out, when we start looking for the positives in others who may be different from us, instead of the negatives, we will find more positivity. Thinking nice things about them leads to saying nice things. Saying nice things leads to taking action and actually being nice to them, which becomes a habit, and of course, that becomes our character and destiny. We can stop the cycle of emotional abuse caused by bullies and the lifetime effects one step at a time.
LIFE IS BET TER IN COLOR let us take care of all your printing needs M AGA Z I N E S C ATA L O G S P O ST C A R D S C A L EN DA R S & BRO CH U R E S
4954 Space Center Dr., San Antonio, T X 78218 210.804.0390
Featured Photographer
Written by: Michelle Elizabeth Abdullai, Jack, Madeline
Avery, Alexa
This month’s featured photographer is someone whose work can only be described as magical, mystical, edgy, bold, and original. Her photos can whisk you away and transport you to another place and time. These enchanting photos have a fairytale-like quality, and yet, capture the simplicity of beauty.
kick-starting Carpenter’s photography career. Even though she feels blessed to be one of the lucky few who never had to be an apprentice to a master photographer, she believes the experience would have taught her the business much faster than teaching herself and learning from her own mistakes.
Glynis Carpenter has always been interested in art and fashion; however, photography wasn’t something she planned on doing. Her career path magically unfolded through a serendipitous sequence of events. She grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and while in college majored in literature with a focus on the medieval era. She took one photography course while studying abroad in Italy, where she learned how to develop black-and-white film. At the time, she didn’t consider it a career-building experience, but just enjoyed taking pictures of the beautiful Italian street scenes. After college, she photographed a model in her hometown who ended up becoming a top model in New York,
KidFash Magazine recently had the opportunity to chat with this creative genius and pick her brain on a few topics. Even though Glynis Carpenter enjoys doing Portrait Photography, she truly loves the entire photography process from planning, casting, and shooting to editing, retouching, and seeing the finished product come together. For her, each photoshoot is a labor of love. “As I’ve had my kids, I’ve discovered how much I really love Kids’ Fashion. I love that there are more and more places for such great artistic expression in this area, now more than ever.” 17
Carpenter has photographed many celebrities, including A$AP Rocky, Ricardo Hurtado, Bella Thorne, Gabourey Sidibe, Martina McBride, and Hasan Minhaj. One of her favorite celebrities to work with so far was Lana Del Rey. She says, “I loved my Lana Del Rey shoot. It was so graphic, like comic book art. She had a good sense of herself and her style.” She likes working with anyone with a kind attitude and an excitement about collaborating. Working with anyone who is full of themselves or negative is her worst nightmare. The most fun photoshoot she’s done was for Vice Magazine. They did a Glitter Bomb, which was a longtime dream come true for Carpenter. They made a “kill zone” with giant tarps, then literally shot glitter out of cannons at models who were willing.
Rainey Everett
In her free time, Carpenter enjoys gardening, planning and shooting personal projects, and simply living the farm life in northern New York with her husband and two young children. She says, “I love the ideals of modern homesteading, so we have a vegetable garden and chickens. I love to be out there, digging in the dirt whenever I can find the time.” She hopes to raise her kids to be generous and kind with a sense of honor and good work ethic. Not a Party Girl, she prefers small gatherings. Her ideal party would be a catered dinner party in her backyard with close friends and family, an amazing chef, in the summer with a beautifully decorated long table, great music and lots of wine. What most people don’t know about Glynis Carpenter is that she’s really good at balancing things on her head. “Glasses of wine are my specialty, and I can walk all around and sit on the ground and get back up without spilling.” Carpenter admits that what inspires her is the whole creative process. “Color, Art, Music, Books, other cool photography work, Fashion.” Her favorite fashion photographer is Erik Madigan Heck, and her biggest role model is Jesus. “I didn’t grow up a Christian, or really anything at all. I found my faith as an adult, and it’s very important to me… Love is for everyone.”
“Love is for everyone” -Carpenter
James David, Jase 19
Mela, Soren The hardest part of her job is learning to appreciate the moment. Carpenter says, “It’s tempting to always be looking to the next accomplishment on the horizon, LQVWHDG RI VD\LQJ Âś:RZ LW¡V VR FRRO ,¡P JHWWLQJ WR GRÂŹ WKLVÂŹ VKRRW ULJKW QRZ ¡ 7KH ELJJHVW FKDOOHQJH LQ KHU early career was choosing one particular voice or style and sticking with it. She encourages other aspiring photographers to find their own unique voice. The other big obstacle for her was selecting her own photos. She believes most photographers have trouble with the same issue. In fact, she tried to fight it for several years, but then recognized that she needed help. So, she found others who are close to her to select the final five to ten images per look. “I encourage all photographers to find someone they really respect artistically to do this for them, who can cut through the cheese.â€? Carpenter recommends contacting people all the time - new ones you hope to work with in the future, as well as those you’ve worked with previously. She says,
“People are busy, and even if you’re the best photographer, if you don’t put your work in people’s faces, you won’t get hired. Email new work, at least, every three months. Come up with and execute personal projects that matter to you. They don’t have to be world-changing, but they have to be well done.â€? She believes that today’s youth can make a difference in the world by identifying and ignoring negative role models in the media, as well as caring about being SRVLWLYH UROH PRGHOV ´%H EUDYH HQRXJK WR EH \RXUVHOI Learn that the most important thing you can do is use \RXU WDOHQWV IRU JRRG %H QLFH HYHQ ZKHQ LW¡V KDUG Don’t feel entitled to an easy life or fast success. Don’t bail because things aren’t working out the way you envisioned.â€? That’s sound business advice from a great photographer. You can see more of Carpenter’s amazing work at
Abdullai, Jack
Written By: y Michelle Elizabeth
Ap As pe en, n, Cas assid siidy, dyy, Ari d r ie e,, Viv iviana ivi ian ia naa
Girls just wanna have fun! And what’s more fun than having your best gal pals over for some pampering and makeovers? Put on your favorite pajamas and slippers, turn on some good music, and try out the latest and greatest in home spa treatments from Posh Girly Girls! You’re guaranteed to have a relaxing and fun party with memories that last a lifetime. Posh Girly Girls is the brainchild of Alexandria Lindo. She started the business creating a luxurious spa product line because her daughter is such a girly girl, and she was always looking for fun things to do with her. Alexandria has a five-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. Alexandria says, “My daughter loves going WR WKH VSD WR JHW KHU QDLOV GRQH ÂŹ , VWDUWHG ORRNLQJ DW mommy-and-me things to do at home and came up ZLWK WKH LGHD WR PDNH KDQGPDGH VSD SURGXFWV ÂŹ :LWK this, not only was it for mommy and daughter, but it FRXOG EH IRU SOD\ GDWHV VOHHSRYHUV DQG SDUWLHV DV ZHOO ÂŹ She’s on cloud nine when she has her own spa products! So Posh Girly Girls was the perfect idea.â€? Posh Girly Girls caters to all girls - even sporty girls and gamer girls. “Every girl wants to feel good. :KHWKHU WKH\ QHHG RXU foot scrubs to relax their feet
after a sport competition, or she’s just girly and likes to EH SDPSHUHG :H KDYH D OLWWOH ELW RI HYHU\WKLQJ IRU every girl!â€? Some of the most popular items are the Posh Girly Girls Signature Foot Scrub, Pamper Her Confidence robes and eye masks, shimmer lotion, and plush spa headbands. Their products can be purchased online at Their mobile spa will be launching July 15th. Bring Posh, over the top spa parties to your home or venue. The most fun part of the job is the process of creating products, seeing the excitement on her daughter’s face when they are testing the products, and then seeing the products go into production. Posh Girly Girls takes their time with their products. They want a POSH experience for every girl! To this creative new company, reaching girls all over the world is “The best thing EVER!â€? Alexandria has always loved showing off her artistic WDOHQWV WR PDNH RWKHUV KDSS\ 6KH VD\V ´$V D FKLOG , ZDQWHG WR EH D IDVKLRQ GHVLJQHU RU DUFKLWHFW , ORYHG WR GUDZÂŤ (YHU\ &KULVWPDV , ZRXOG JR DURXQG WKH KRXVH DQG ZUDS LWHPV WR VKRZ P\ IDPLO\ KRZ SUHWW\ , wrapped it.â€? 23
Spa Products: @poshgirlygirls Photographer: @judahavenue Makeup Artist: @faceaffairs Balloon Arch: @thecarouselfactory Event Design and Custom Chair Cover: @al.stylist Balloons: @bashesdc
Zoey, Zoey, Madison, Kaylee, Sofia Zo Zoey Zo
Destiny, Vivian, Viviana
Kolb Ko lb bi, Ava va,, Erri rin, n, Sky kyee-An Anne ne e
The focus of Posh Girly Girls is to embody everything JLUO\ DQG WR ´3DPSHU KHU FRQILGHQFH ¾ 3RVK *LUO\ *LUOV is about building confidence in little girls. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As parents, we want our children to grow up healthy, not only SK\VLFDOO\ EXW PHQWDOO\ DV ZHOO ÂŹ ,W LV LPSRUWDQW IRU little girls to be self-confident, and have high self-esteem. No matter what kind of girl you are, a spa night with friends is a great opportunity to refresh and boost your self-confidence. While trying out all the amazing products from Posh Girly Girls during your spa party, here are some fun confidence boosting activities: Write a love letter to yourself. Tell yourself how beautiful, special, talented, and wonderful you are. Go into detail about all the qualities that make you unique. This way, when you are feeling blue, you can look back and remember every good thing about you. Alexandria shared three of her best qualities with us - Detail orientHG &RQILGHQW DQG ,QWHOOLJHQW Another great activity to try at your spa party is creating Vision Boards. A vision board is something that you make to keep yourself focused on your hopes and GUHDPV ,W UHPLQGV \RX RI ZKDW LV LPSRUWDQW WR \RX DQG motivates you. The best part is that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique to your own interests and goals, so every girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s board is different. To create a vision board simply decorate a poster board with pictures and phrases that motivate you. You can flip through magazines and cut out pictures and words, or even print some out from your computer. Glue them onto the board and decorate it however you OLNH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR PDUNHUV SDLQW FRQVWUXFWLRQ SDSHU DQG JOLWWHU WU\ XVLQJ VRPHWKLQJ WRWDOO\ FUHDWLYH 6WLFNers, nail polish, wrapping paper, flowers or leaves, aluminum foil, tissue paper, or even fabric. This is all about you, so make it your own, and be your own kind RI EHDXWLIXO Another confidence boosting activity to try is listing each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good qualities. Each girl takes a piece of paper and puts her own name at the top, then passes it to the person on her left. That person writes one positive thing about the girl whose name is on it, and then passes it to her left. The cycle continues until each girl has written something positive on every girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paper. ,W¡V RND\ LI \RX MXVW PHW WKH RWKHU SHUVRQ <RX FDQ VD\ something as simple as, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You have a beautiful smile,â&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;You were very kind when we met.â&#x20AC;? Posh Girly Girls says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girls can help each other build self-confidence by complimenting and praising each other, giving encouraging words, helping each other out, and giving each other someone they can confide in.â&#x20AC;?
Founder- Alexandria Lindo Other than spa treatments, the dynamic company of Posh Girly Girls suggests that girls can develop self-confidence through their parents spending individual quality time with them and using verbal affirmations. This special dedicated time helps with bonding and makes them feel loved. Praising them, complimenting them, rewarding them, and telling them how important and beautiful they are helps develop a strong sense of assurance. 6HOI FRQILGHQFH LV VR LPSRUWDQW IRU \RXQJ JLUOV WR develop because, as they grow, the challenges in life might wear you down. According to the revolutionary Bob Marley, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most beautiful curve on a womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body is her smile.â&#x20AC;? Taking time to pamper yourself while building up and empowering others will definitely make you feel good and you will show off that gorgeous smile. As Posh Girly Girls says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are QHYHU WRR \RXQJ WR IHHO )$%8/286 Âľ 25
Models Party Edition
Gr ace Age: Ag e: 1 10 0 Loca Loca Lo cati tio on n: Ch hillliico cotth he, e, OH P h ot oto o g r a p h e r: r : Ly yd diia Brro ock ck
Id dea ea of a Goo ood Par ood arty ty is: s Gath Ga ther th erin ng allll of my fri riends ends en ds and an nd hea adi dn ng g to a wat ater er or tram tram tr ampo po poli oliine ne par ark! k! k!
Sydney Age: 12 Location: Fort Lauderdale Photographer:
Kaylee Kintz Idea of a Good Party is: Friends and Family gathered around with lots of sweets and laughter!
Ellyana Age: Ag e: 1 Loca Loca Lo cati tion ti tion n: Sa San Antton onio io, TX P h o t o g r a p h e r: r : Ju Just stiin ne Sco cott tt tt
Idea Id dea a of a Go oo od Party arrty a y is: s: Bein Bein Be ing su urrrro roun ro roun nde ded by her er fami fa mily mi ly y and d sin ng giing ng her er ffa avo vori rite e song ongs on gs in ntto a micr mi crop rop pho hone ne witth lot ots of sw s we ee ets ts esp spec pec e ia all l y lol olli olli lipo pops po ps s!
Harbor Age: 6 Location: Dana Point, CA Ph otograph er: Alex Abla
Idea off a Good Party is: Best parties are dance parties! 29
Makaila Faith Age: 6 Age: Loca Lo c ti t on o : Jack Ja ackso s n, so n MS P h o to t o g r ap apher:
Sidn Si dney ey y Con nle ey Idea Idea a of a Goo ood d Par arty ty is: s Lots Lo ts s of can andy dy,, cup dy upca cake ca k s, ke s fun fu n mus usic iic c and nd dan a cing g!
Yomar ley Age: Ag e 6 e: Loca Lo cati tion n: Pa Paterson n, NJ J Photograp her :
Ashs h treena Photos Idea off a Good Party is: To be e with herr friends, danc nce e and n forr everyon ne to enj njoy oy the hems msel elve ves. s. Sh he als lso o lov oves es fir irew ewor orks ks!! 31
Br ookl yn Ag ge: e: 8 Lo oca cati ati tion n: No Nort rthe rt hern he rn n CA P h o to t o g r ap apher:
Te enl nley ey Cla ark Pho hoto togr to grap gr rap aphy hy h y Idea of a Goo Id ood Par ood a ty ty is: A dance ance an e par arty ty y wit ith h a kid d dj,, A L of my fri AL r en ends ds s and n lot os off dan nc ciing n and fun u !
Kate Age: 4 Location: Jacksonville, FL Photographer:
Woodland Photography Idea of a Good Party is: As soon as she sees the FOOD table and hears the music! She loves to dance!
Zuri Age: 4 Location: Carlisle, PA Photographer:
Nadia Callahan Photography Idea of a Good Party is: Dancing along with Minnie at Disney World
Meredith Age: 6 Location: Sulphur Springs, TX Photographer:
Deborah Koch Photography Clothing:
Olive Mae Clothing HMUA :
Polished by Jessica Idea of a Good Party is: Lots of ice cream, sprinkles, and music! 35
LAYA DE LEON HAYES Written by: Madison Harrison Photographer: Dave Feiling
“Time for your checkup” is a phrase that Laya DeLeon Hayes says everytime she goes into the Disney recording studio.
did so well on her first assignment that her coach told her she could be very successful if she continues to work hard.
Like all stories, Laya’s started when she was much younger. Growing up in Texas, Laya enjoyed gymnastics, cheerleading and dance, but nothing meant as much to her as her desire to act. Laya shared with me that her parents always support her in everything she wants to do. As a ten-year-old child, I know how important it is to have the support of your parents and to see your dreams come to life.
When things are meant to be, my mom says that doors will open, and you must be ready to walk through them. Laya is a perfect example of this. She took every assignment seriously and worked hard to prepare herself for the road ahead. When Laya’s dad had the opportunity to transfer his job to California, Laya was ready!
Speaking of supportive parents, when Laya asked them to sign her up for acting lessons, they found the best acting coach that they could. Laya took lessons for several months before meeting with an agent and getting signed by an agency. Her first acting job was for a place that most kids love, Chuck E. Cheese. She
Before Laya moved to Los Angeles, she enjoyed taking singing lessons. One day, she was invited to a workshop where she sang for a member of the play “Wicked.” The lady was really impressed with Laya’s talent, and when her singing coach mentioned that she was relocating to LA, the lady recommended that Laya meet her manager. Fast forward a few months, Laya couldn’t believe that she was signed on the spot at that meeting! 37
I met Laya last year in Hollywood while I was out there working for the Steve Harvey Show, as they were helping to promote Tyler Perry’s recent movie. After spending most of the day at Mr. Perry’s house filming the show, and then spending the evening interviewing, photographing and taking selfies on the red carpet with Mr. Perry, Oprah Winfrey, and the cast of the movie, I went back to my hotel. I was so tired, and all I wanted to do was sleep. Laya’s parents were nice enough to agree to come by after I finished working, so we could meet. It was her spunky personality and her energy that made me forget how tired I was. I really enjoyed meeting her and getting to know her family. Every kid loves Disney, and every kid dreams about being on the Disney Channel. Laya is no different. She recalls seeing a Disney commercial about following your dreams and taking risks, and she was inspired by the message. It was that inspiration that led Laya to audition for and land the voice-over role of Disney’s Doc McStuffins. Being the VOICE of Doc is very important to Laya. She represents a character that is caring and loving towards kids, families, and toys. Laya says Doc is a great role model, and you can always learn something positive from her. From this role, Laya has learned to appreciate the voice-over process, and it has helped her to improve as an actress. Moving to Los Angeles really proved to be a good thing for Laya and her family. Even though she is working, she still must be sure to keep up with her school work. She balances her time by having a set schedule with school, so that she can have the flexibility to have fun with her friends. Laya says her parents do a good job with making sure she gets the experience of being a child and balancing the responsibilities of her career. She meets friends on set, and most of them have the same types of schedules, so they’re able to coordinate fun times to hang out. Laya loves living in California, and she loves that she is living out her dream of being an actress. She enjoys the entire process of working on her craft, auditioning, booking jobs and being on set. Laya says, “It’s that phone call you get telling you you’re booked for a project!” For her, that’s when the excitement kicks in because it’s time for her to work.
Get to know Laya! Here are ten questions I asked Laya, and her answers:
If you had one super power, what would it be, and why?
Other than your parents, who do you consider to be a good role model, and why?
If I had one super power, I would love to fly through Los Angeles, so I could avoid all the traffic on the roads. When it takes 45 minutes to go 10 miles, it gets frustrating, and I am not even driving. If I could fly to all my auditions and commitments, it would be the best thing, ever.
I consider Beyoncé as a good role model because she’s powerful and hardworking. She has a great work ethic. She’s classy, beautiful, and she loves her family and her fans. She truly inspires me.
If you could change one rule in your house, what would that be? If I could change one rule in my house, it would be to not turn off the TV at night, because I like listening to the TV when I’m going to sleep.
If you could be best friends with anyone in the world, who would you pick, and why? If I could be best friends with anyone in the world, it would be Phillipa Soo because I would love to sing and harmonize with her all the time! I met her, and I think we would have fun hanging out with each other. 40
When you need advice or encouragement, who do you talk to? When I need advice or encouragement, I talk to my parents. They always know just what to say, no matter what’s going on.
What kind of advice would you give to a friend who is being bullied? I would tell a friend who’s being bullied to not worry about what other people say to you, and don’t try to change yourself to fit in. I would tell them to just be yourself and talk to someone who can help.
What is a “Day in the Life of Laya” like? A “Day in the Life of Laya” is very busy. I have school every day, auditions to prepare for, Doc McStuffins recording sessions, and other commitments.
When Laya is not doing checkups and curing stuffed animals, she likes to sing, watch movies, and hang out with friends. As Doc McStuffins would say when she’s done, “The Doc is out!”
What is next for you? I have several projects that I’m working on that haven’t been announced yet: Three TV projects and three voice-over projects.
What is one object that you own that matters more to you than anything else? The one object that I own that matters more to me than anything else is my Hamilton Playbill with autographs from the cast.
What is the best thing about being you? That’s an interesting question. I think the best thing about being me is that there’s nobody else like me, and I like being me. My parents tell me all the time, “Be who you are, and never change for anyone. Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd.”
I hope you enjoyed learning about my amazingly talented friend. Be sure to follow her on Facebook & Instagram: @LayaDeLeonHayes Twitter: @LayaHayes. written by Madison Harrison, 10-year-old celebrity photographer. @photoswithmadison
“Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd” -Laya 41
ANTI-BULLYING FASHION SHOW JUNE 3, 2017 Thank You to everyone who participated! Written by: Sandra Current
Anais & Mirabelle
We landed at the Phoenician Ballroom in San Antonio for this stop of the Anti-Bullying Tour, and what a show it was! Everyone showed up, showed out, and came adorned in their finest. There was even a live DJ, who, let’s just say, rocked the house! If you made it out to this fashion show, you witnessed some of the amazing treats we had in store that day. If not, where were you?! Don’t worry, we’ll fill you in on all the details! The night began with an exquisite dance performance from a KidFash fav! Lilly K. from Lifetime’s “Dance Moms” hit the stage and captivated the audience with her graceful dance moves. Following Lilly’s performance, our lovely hosts of the night, Anais and Mirabelle Lee, stepped on the runway looking fabulous in
Loren Franco Designs and got the show rolling. You may know these two from the movie Blood Ties, the Ellen Show, Blacklist, and countless other appearances and ads. The girls worked the stage the entire evening and showed San Antonio their sweet, beautiful, and bubbly personalities as they welcomed the models and designers to the stage. The models that evening looked fierce! From tot to teen, each one walked the runway with poise and posed to perfection. Our awesome cover models, Khia Lopez and Aiden Garcia, even joined us to strut their stuff down the runway in several different fabulous designs. To top things off, DJ Livia, a nine-year-old signed to Floyd Mayweather’s “The Money Team,” was up on stage giving us the latest and greatest hits. If 43
you haven’t seen her in action, you’re missing out! This girl has an incredible ear for good music and mixing skills like no other. DJ Livia kept the party going all night and gave the models a soundtrack that completely complemented their look. We can’t forget to mention the designs that evening! So many amazing designers came out and wowed everyone with attire that would make any kid feel special. We saw remarkable threads from New Jersey, Detroit, and almost every major city in Texas grace the runway. Not only were these pieces comfy-looking, but confidence-boosting, as well! Truly some of the most amazing children and teen lines out there.
The San Antonio Anti-Bullying Fashion Show was one to remember! So much fun and so many wonderful moments. Treats, balloon animals, photos, and mingling closed out the night, but there are enough photos and videos to keep the memories alive. The KidFash team and everyone that teamed up for this event worked really hard to put on a great show for the city of San Antonio. We hope everyone that made it out enjoyed it. Stay tuned for our future events, and we’ll see you on the next stop!
Special Thanks From KidFash Magazine -HostAnais & Mirabelle
-Hair & Makeup ArtistApril Gummelt Kayliana Ferrell Amanda McManus Anna Brown Cassie Marie
Marie Molchak Nik T Woodson Ebony Everette Alta Moda Salon
-Video & PhotographersJamison Antwuan Rosswood Photography Eva Rivera-Ferrell Shea Anne Photography
Justine Scott Ternell Washington Al Zavala @9Logic
-DesignersFrilly Frocks Moda Bebe Pin2gether Young Socialites Loren Franco
Belle Threads Monbebe Lagos Kalliope Kids Sole Sister Sneakers T.O. Collection
-DJDJ Livia
-SponsorsXsellence Realty Stone Oak & Dominion Pediatric Dentistry Jugo Juicery Sound FX Events
-KidFash Fashion Show TeamDamon Ross Daffne Sobrino Zuani Erika Carey Melissa Benson
Datrion Mitchell Raphael Madison II Sandra Current Danica Craft
Elite Endodontics Tooth Transitions HPCrx-Pharmacy
-VolunteersMesha Bell Cassie Bell Dorothy Benson Brandon Erpelting Sariel Gonzalez Mackenzie Flynn Joshua Lau $OH[DQGULD 0D\Ć&#x201C;HOG Raymond Marin
Marcus McCormick Daniel Ojeda Debra Prude Brenna Robinson Deidre Smith Stephanie Ysaguirre Dezare Cedillo Tim Cedillo Paola Ledesma-Seijo Jordan McDonald
Photography & Styling: Olesja Mueller Grooming: Revital Sarkhovitch Models: Mia & Nico Cordova Thank you to for the wardrobe assistance. Bang Bang Sugar Flamingo Dress Flamingo Shoes by Target
IKKS Optique Blouse Bobo Choses Slide Terry Waistband Romper Red Sandals by Target
Mini Rodini Unicorn Star Wing Swimsuit Joyfolie Sandals
Molo Hazy Blue Blouse Bang Bang Sunshine Dot Dress Flamingo Shoes by Target
on Mia: Wolf & Rita Yellow Mains Hat Bakker Yellow Tie Dye Dress Worn as Top Omamimini Vintage Blue Balloon Skirt Flamingo Shoes by Target on Nico: Bardot Junior Seersucker Blazer Boys & Arrows White Butterfly Print Shirt Shorts & Boat Shoes Model's Own
Written by: Amanda McManus Photographer: Sharkcookie Photography
“Blue jean baby, L.A. lady...Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand...And now, she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand” Such eloquent, fluidic and beautifully moving words! Words that are not only catchy, but easily dance through one’s mind after hearing this iconic Elton John melody. These few lines of “Tiny Dancer” also perfectly emote the passion of young Avaree Jade. A lithe, youthful soul known on Instagram as @avareebaby. She is poetry and happiness in motion, a visual feast of bright, hot pink and canary yellow colors floating across a radiantly light-infused photo that at once captures your attention, while also leaving you curious. How can you not want more of this bubbly persona and gifted dancer? Say “Hello” to Avaree Jade Harris. This young Millennial was born in Stillwater, Minnesota. There, she had a rather large home that houses its own dance room, and in her bedroom, a personal stage where she first began dancing and practicing for pageants. Her best homegrown memories were having friends over to perform with an assortment of costumes and choreo-
graph favorite songs. If she were not creating bonds with friends, then dance competitions with her tight-knit group of sisters was the next best thing. Avaree, 13, is the youngest of five female siblings. Dance has been the coolest common ground for her family and has provided immense joy while setting the foundation for her success today. Currently, her career comprises not only dancing, but modeling, acting and designing, as well. Dancing was a no-brainer. If you were born into the Harris family, you were born and groomed into a dancer. What is unique and not typical, though, is having her own clothing line and business since the age of 11, motivated by her mom’s advice, “If you do what you love and are passionate about it, then you will be successful!” Dance and dancewear is definitely the number one passion for Avaree. What began as difficulty in finding dancewear styles she liked and feeling comfortable to move in, morphed into designing and producing her own dancewear. When describing her personal fashion style, she says it’s about comfort while mixing classic pieces with current trends, all in pretty colors. 55
Avaree’s parents help with a large part of her business. Managing behind-the-scene photo-shoots and social media (with Avaree’s help, of course) is Mom, while Dad captures all the beautiful imagery to promote their business. Most people know that already, though. You do, at least, if you are a dancer because her dad IS “Sharkcookie”! He was already using the name for his dance photography. Everyone loved it, the name was recognizable in the industry, and so a decision to expand it further with Sharkcookie Dancewear was a very easy step. Following Avaree and her mom on a typical day requires endurance. The whirlwind of activities includes: waking up, making fresh fruit smoothies, driving to production to oversee cutting and sewing; picking up truckloads of fabric; meeting with pattern makers to discuss new ideas, and then, finally, visiting the factory where all the tags are made and helping to pack or ship orders. The family unit works trade shows together, as well as traveling the world, meeting and networking with so many new people, and of course, promoting Sharkcookie Dancewear.
motivation. A piece of advice she readily offers other young entrepreneurs….”CONVINCE your parents!” She further explains, “Never do something just because everyone else is doing it or because someone else wants you to do it. You have to want it yourself……THEN, you convince your parents!”
Avaree never compares herself to others, but she does use their achievements to inspire and push her own boundaries. She, in turn, hopes she provides the same
Visit Avaree on: Facebook: Avaree Jade Instagram: @avareebaby and @sharkcookiedanceshop Email:
She loves a never-ending beach party, hanging out with her closest friends, swimming, lying on the beach and digging into great foods like refreshing fruit right there on the sand. To kick it up a notch higher, she suggests further indulging in tasty junk, like chips, pop, cupcakes, while roasting hotdogs, roasting marshmallows and chocolatey-gooey smores through a glorious, fiery sunset. Finally, enjoy a grand evening with a warm and bright bonfire. Then, do it ALL over again tomorrow! That’s Avaree Jade’s imparting advice to the world. Such sage wisdom bottled in a small, but mighty package of a young girl with an infectious personality! Yes, this tiny dancer IS gifted. She just gets “IT”….LIFE that is, and her business just works! 57
Danica, Yamilah
Current a r d n a S : y Written B pher: Photogra arpenter .A. C Glynis S
Danica, Sasha, Aiden, Ty
Aaron We’ve seen lots of fashion lines for kids, but we haven’t seen one quite like Neon Kisses, Inc. This fabulous line of teen and children’s attire bursts with the best and brightest colors out there. The lively colors matched with the fun-filled prints and patterns make this gear a perfect match for any kid. I mean, what’s the world without a splash of color to liven it up?! Neon Kisses is much more than a flashy line of clothing for kids to throw on when they’re feeling daring. It is a family of designers dedicated to providing quality clothes that empower today’s youth and generations to come. Neon Kisses truly stands for a cause just as beautiful as the clothes they so carefully craft! While we all know fashion is one of the best ways to show off your creativity and make a statement, what about how it makes you feel? Neon Kisses figured out that armoring children with something bold, bright, and fun would make kids feel just that. Plus, they
Aiden that armoring children with something bold, bright, and fun would make kids feel just that. Plus, they loved the idea of creating empowering pieces. The designers describe their clothes as “show stoppers” and “attention grabbers,” and that’s exactly what their clothing does. In fact, their mission is to bring out children’s personality, attitude, or alter ego with these show-stopping, attention-grabbing clothes, and help them showcase their swag through the way they walk, talk, and move. With original designs, some never having been seen before, it’s easy to understand how their line could foster and even boost a child’s confidence. There’s truly nothing quite like having a piece that speaks to you and accentuates your own personal style! If something happens to already be on the market, they put the unique Neon Kisses twist to it to make it extra special. How awesome is that!!! 59
Abbey, Sasha, Danica How’d they get their start? Well, the creators of Neon Kisses always dreamed of having their own fashion company, and being located in the Mecca of style, New York City, served as a perfect location to get their clothing line off the ground. They already had an eye for fashion and styled their children in vibrant attire, so bringing their extraordinary idea to the mainstream was a no-brainer. The name “Neon Kisses,” itself, was inspired by their style and lively persona. Once they established the company in 2011, they were well on their way to bringing their dream to life. Not without hard work, of course! By 2013, Neon Kisses launched their first collection, and the rest is history. Now, they have clientele across the country and are working towards getting into department stores in every major city around the world. Make no mistake, Neon Kisses has major plans in the near future, but fame doesn’t drive their desire to
become a nationally known brand. They are far more driven by catering to their customers in their special moments and providing quality long-lasting products. They even prefer that their brand ambassadors and models be customers. “Neon kisses should be who they are at their core,” says one designer, and that’s honestly what they look for when selecting models. A genuine interest in any brand or company is evident by the support you show them. Check out Neon Kisses, and see if it fits your style! Check them out and contact them at: Neon Kisses, Inc. Tel: (631) 623-7337 Instagram: @neonkissesinc Facebook: Neon Kisses, Inc. Twitter: @neonkissesinc Hair & Makeup Artists: LaChanda Gatson, Patrycja Cichon, Cyn Walker
Aaron, Abbey, Andrew, Danica, Sasha, Yamilah
How to Become Written By: Jennifer Pucci Starr Photographer: Don Sparks Photography
Little girls have big dreams, and every so often, they make those dreams into reality. That was the case with young Aussie stunner, Ivy Mae (@IvyMaeMae). At the age of six, Ivy Mae saw her first runway show and instantly made it her mission to make it on the runway. With Mom finally on board, Ivy Mae made her runway dream into a reality and beyond! Today, Ivy Mae has modeled, both, on the runway and in print for major publications and brands around the globe. She shares a little bit about her path to success here. ¬ It is a FAMILY commitment: The first step for Ivy Mae was the approval and partnership with her mother. If your little one wants to model and has what it takes, it is important to understand that they can’t do it alone. Whether it is Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle or Cousin, your model will need someone close to them to be their support system. As with any young person working in the grown-up world, they will need a trusted adult to look out for their best interest. This person will evaluate the situations they are being placed in and be a companion throughout the many hours of castings, photo shoots and interviews. For Ivy Mae’s mother, Nicole, she had a very busy career that required much of her time, but as she saw the sparkle and ambition in her little girl’s eyes, she knew this was worth her time. “Getting to and from jobs or castings can take some time, you also have to be flexible enough to be able to travel at short notice. Sometimes, you only get called on the day of or the day before,” VD\V 1LFROH ¬ ¬ Agency + Social Media = Success: For Ivy Mae, finding the right agent was the first step to success. Ivy Mae and Nicole researched the best agencies available for her age group. Once deciding on one, she entered a model search contest and won a two-year contract with the group. The agency allows more connections to available brands and opportunities; however, Mom makes sure to keep Ivy Mae in the greatest public forum, the social media world. “Public image is very important, and more work is coming through social media than ever before,” says Nicole. On Instagram, Nicole will post three to four times per week for Ivy Mae and uses the “Story” feature daily. Yet, she also warns against potential social stalkers and never allows Ivy Mae to mention her location when she is live, nor do they accept direct messages from people they do not know.
Be age appropriate: “Let your natural beauty shine,” says Nicole. Your model has the rest of their life to look older. Take advantage of that youthful, innocent beauty while still allowing them to be children. “Some brands try to make younger girls look more mature, and some models and their parents think that more makeup means more beautiful,” says Nicole. “Every little girl has dressed up in her mother’s clothes and enjoys putting on her makeup, but too much makeup or makeup that is too dark on children can make most people uncomfortable. Unless making an artistic statement, makeup should be kept clean and natural.”
Ivy Mae has big dreams ahead of her, as she hopes to one day have models work for her showcasing her own fashion designs. Modeling will, however, always be her first love, and we look forward to watching this little beauty continue to shine as she inspires other young models to pursue their dreams. Big things can happen!
“Let your natural beauty shine” -Nicole
w w w. i z z y @poshgirlygirls