The VHPA Aviator May/June 2014

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OKLAHOMA CHAPTER - PROVISIONAL This is your personal invitation to attend the initial meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the VHPA! It’s great to be part of a national organization that promotes the camaraderie between those who flew during that time in the past. However, a national convention of the VHPA occurs only once a year. Now you have the opportunity to participate with your brothers on a monthly basis right here in your local area. We will meet for two hours on the third Saturday of each month. The initial meeting was held on Saturday, April 19 at American Legion Post 13 in Oklahoma City. There we planned to decide on the name of our chapter, the monthly meeting time and location, legal requirements, election of officers, suggestions for projects, and other topics that may arise during open discussion. Please contact me for details on our May 17th meeting; it will be another great opportunity to meet others who shared our love of flying helicopters. If you have any questions, please contact me. John Gaines HAWAII CHAPTER - PROVISIONAL Aloha! We here in Hawaii have never applied for, or acted as having a full "VHPA Chapter status", yet there are many helicopter enthusiast located here in Hawaii. A lot of these folks are still engaged in aviation & participating in national events along with current active duty military leaders assigned to the Pacific region. While that just might not be what national prefers, we still enjoy getting together for a drink & stories, and we will continue to do so. Feel free to list me as one of the Hawaii contacts for those that might like to join in. In late March we all went to the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor; call me (808.754.6871) for details on our next get together. Ken DeHoff FORT WOLTERS CHAPTER The June chapter meeting will be held at the National Vietnam War Museum site just outside Mineral Wells, Texas, on Saturday, June 7th, 2014. The main event, which begins at 10:00 AM, is the ceremony to update the names on the Memorial Wall. The chapter meeting will be held immediately after the ceremony. Meals for members will be catered and the cost is $20 per person. Everyone is invited to attend the ceremony. Since it is Texas in June, dress accordingly, and bringing the adult beverages of your choice will be your responsibility (BYOB). Details also available on the museum site at: Adam Steczko, President UPPER MIDWEST CHAPTER The Upper Midwest Chapter met for our bi-monthly meeting and lunch at the Historic Fort Snelling Officers Club on 21 March. We had lunch first followed by Bert Leach, President, kicking off our meeting with our guest speaker - Kent Smith, Squadron Leader of the Eagle Valley Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF). Kent gave a very nice presentation of his organization’s recent history, goals and their efforts to procure a flyable Huey that can be used at gatherings to tell the story of the helicopter’s Vietnam War contributions. The Upper Midwest Chapter will address the needs and requests for support of the CAF Huey project at our next business meeting. Russ Jowers gave a short update on our Speaker's Bureau Project and the Gold Star Breakfast to be held at the national reunion in July. Our Associate Member, Julie Kink, (excused absence) is the host of the breakfast. Jim Bankston gave the Treasurer's Report. Our next meeting is set for Wednesday, May 21st where we will have a dinner meeting with spouses or significant others. The site for this dinner is not yet selected. Potential members should contact Bert Leach at 952-593-0821 and anyone interested in attending the next meeting should contact Russ Jowers at 612-7702891 or Bert Leach, President - submitted by Russ Jowers

MICHIGAN CHAPTER The Michigan Chapter's most recent meeting was held May 3rd at the Log Jam Restaurant in Grand Ledge. Grand Ledge is home to the Michigan Army National Guard's Army Aviation Support Facility which features a memorial display of both a UH-1 Huey and an AH-1 Cobra. This chapter meeting's purpose was to continue the bonding of VHPA members. Members were encouraged to bring Vietnam memorabilia, photos, souvenirs, and war stories (fiction, non-fiction, or outright lies - who's going to know?) The limited agenda included planning to participate at a Moving Wall display in Hamburg, MI on August 28-30. Attractions there will include a Huey and Bob Hope USO Show recreation. A chapter meeting will be incorporated as well. Rich Deer, President OLD DOMINION CHAPTER The Old Dominion Chapter of VHPA met on March 1, 2014, at the Legend Brewing Company. Seventeen members were present, including new member Tom Spence. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Don Agren.

Old Business: President Don Agren reminded us of the VHPA reunion to be held in Louisville. He also solicited suggestions for guest speakers who might address future meetings. We discussed possible uses of our funds for a scholarship or veterans’ support activity. Jim Holden reported a current balance of $1,882.67. He will get further information on the AAAA Heritage matching fund program for consideration at a future meeting. New Business: We will visit the Vietnam War Foundation and Museum in Ruckersville on April 5 in lieu of the regular meeting. Those attending will meet at the Blue Ridge Café in Ruckersville at 11:30 for lunch and a brief meeting before the museum visit. We were advised of a helicopter fly-in at the Williamsburg Airport on June 7 and of a “Bluegrass Fly-in” on June 28 at the Middle Peninsula Airport. Don Agren described a Memorial Day event to be held at Cosby High School in Chesterfield County on May 19 at 0800. He encouraged us to attend and asked that we RSVP to him by May 1 so that arrangements could be made for us as a group. Ken Paulson shared pictures of two restored Huey’s (a Mike model and a Hotel model) he saw recently in Cuzco, Peru. Bill Ryan reported that he will continue to attract new members. Other: Anyone having a recommendation for a speaker or presentation at the May meeting is requested to advise Don Agren as soon as possible. Our next meeting will be at 1130 on April 5, at the Blue Ridge Café in Ruckersville. We also have plans for a couple of outings before taking some time off for the summer. A trip to the Charlottesville area and a visit to a museum of Vietnam era military equipment is in store for the April event. Also planned is a trip to the Flying Circus (great for families and grandchildren) for the show and picnic. Don Agren, President Submitted by Hugh Adams, Secretary GEORGIA CHAPTER The Georgia Chapter continues to hold a Saturday morning breakfast meeting every other month. We furnish speakers to high schools and colleges, Boy Scout Troops, other youth organizations, and civic groups who want to learn more about the Vietnam War, from those who participated in it. Newnan High School teaches a course on the Vietnam War, and the Georgia Chapter provides our assistance to them whenever possible, like their Student-Vet Connect activities each semester. The current slate of Chapter Officers agreed back in November to extend their tour of duty for one more year. With no objection from the floor, the offer was accepted. I will remain as President, with Dick Butler as Vice-President, and Gary Earls as Secretary-Treasurer. Our January guest speaker was LTC (ret.) Rick Lester, who spoke on his experiences as a pilot with the 48th AHC in 70-71. He talked about their movement way up north to a plot of mud in a place called Dong Ha. Rick was the most experienced gun platoon pilot and SIP at the time, and he was part of the advance party, to make preparations and coordinate support for the rest of the unit to

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