OO O OH MY BUDA! - Proud of Buda

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OO O Oh, my Buda! PROUD of Buda! is the name of a co-design project on the Buda-island in Kortrijk. This project by Designregio Kortrijk took place within the framework of the EU project PROUD (People Researchers Organizations Using Design for co-creation and innovation), Interreg IVB, NWE and with financial support from Designregio Kortrijk, the municipality of Kortrijk, the European Interreg IVB project PROUD and the province of West-Flanders. A team of six designers - all working in different fields within the overall design discipline - mapped local problems and created solutions for a particular part of the city, Buda Island, in close collaboration with the stakeholders and especially the inhabitants of Kortrijk.

Apart from this socio-cultural concern, there appeared to be a clash between the highly culturally aware but transitory visitors and the main inhabitants of the island, including the elderly people living in Zorghotel Heilig Hart. Although the different areas are physically close, these two worlds somehow never seemed to meet. This resulted in a confused identity for the island: on the one hand the ‘artistic island’ and on the other, the traditional island where most locals were born in the maternity clinic and where they will pass away in the old people’s home, at opposite ends of the island. The main aim of this co-design project was to infuse the island with ideas from inhabitants and visitors alike, with ways to make the island theirs again, a place to meet, to enjoy and to be creative, as maker or spectator. With this publication, we intend to share the process of co-designing, with a particular focus on the tools we created: in our experience they were of crucial importance in generating communication with the respondents and empowering the participants in the design process.

A few years ago, the island was designated to become an artistic incubation site, with workspaces for artists from different backgrounds and spaces for the general public to meet and interact with the artistic makers. The acquisition of former textile factory Budafabriek by Kortrijk city led to profound investigation about how artists, public and inhabitants of the city could come together in a way that makes sense to all, beyond the usual museum context.


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Co-creatie is een grensoverschrijdende methode waarbij ontwerpers een beroep doen op de eindgebruikers en belanghebbenden om hun ontwerp te realiseren. aan de hand van interactieve workshops prikkelen we de bewoners, de culturele en creatieve spelers, het Woon- en Zorghotel heilig hart, maar ook de bezoekers van het Buda-eiland, om mee te werken aan een realistisch plan van dit unieke Kortrijkse stadsdeel. dat proces helpt de ontwerpers om tot een analyseplan te komen dat door iedereen gedragen is.

oo o oh, m y bu da! c o-c reatieproc es 1 o n d er z o ek

Participation / co-design is the key word of this European project. It involved cooperation between experts from different disciplines, cooperation also with the stakeholders and most of all: involving the public and users, not only in gathering the information, but also in designing the solutions. Participatory projects such as this are messy because they are open, like a broad river drifting in all kinds of directions. The design team didn’t impose artificial embankments but allowed the process to evolve, to generate a very fertile ground for the many ideas that resulted. Some of these are already in the process of implementation, partly by the city, partly by the cultural stakeholders and partly through bottom-up initiatives. Instead of designing ready-made solutions, the design team created tools for participation and changed from being designers to becoming facilitators, encouraging participants to map their concerns as well as their dreams, and handed them the tools to come up with useful solutions.

In een eerste fase verricht het co-creatieteam verkennend onderzoek. dit team van zes ontwerpers is interdisciplinair samengesteld en leidt het verdere verloop van het project in goede banen. het co-creatieteam verkent het Buda-eiland en luistert naar de verschillende stakeholders wat betreft hun ervaring, noden en wensen.




co-creatieteam (ontwerpers)

c h a lle n g e Vertrekkende vanuit de informatie uit het onderzoek, stelt het co-creatieteam een reeks van doelstellingen (mentaal, fysiek en visueel) voorop. het OO O Oh, my Buda!-project wil een aantal concrete voorstellen verwezenlijken: 1. Zorgen voor meer sociale cohesie en comfort en een mentale link creëren tussen de stakeholders, bewoners en bezoekers. 2. Fysieke aspecten en de mobiliteit op het Buda-eiland verbeteren. 3. het Buda-eiland visueel versterken d.m.v. identiteit, wayfinding en signalisatie.





co-creatieteam (ontwerpers)

d eel n em er s Co-creatie is een werkwijze die ontwerpers gebruiken om de eindgebruikers en belanghebbenden te betrekken bij hun ontwerp. het is belangrijk om de verschillende doelgroepen aan te spreken en warm te maken voor de co-creatiesessies.

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4 c o - c r ea t i es es sie s Een co-creatiesessie betrekt de eindgebruiker bij het ontwerpproces door hen informatie, ideeën en voorstellen te laten aanleveren. Voor het OO O Oh, my Buda!-project organiseren we verschillende workshops in functie van de doelstellingen: Budawandeling, Buda Buurttuin, Buda Velo, Buiten rondom het Zorghotel, Eilandraad, Fier op de foto, Lees de weg en Overleie Café. Iedere ontwerper werkt, op basis van haar of zijn competenties, verschillende workshops uit. In iedere workshop bedenken we tools en methodes om de behoeften, wensen en noden van de verschillende doelgroepen te capteren.

5 t r a n s c r i pt i e alle informatie van de bewoners en de bezoekers, verzameld tijdens de co-creatiesessies, schrijven we uit en inventariseren we. daarna ordenen we die bekomen informatie volgens vooraf bepaalde thema’s en doelstellingen (mentaal, fysiek en visueel). Ten slotte vormen we hieruit de eerste conclusie.





eindgebruikers (experts)


co-creatieteam (ontwerpers)

7 o n t w er pv o o r s t el

a n a l y s e & sy n t h e se

het finale ontwerpvoorstel voor het Buda-eiland vormt de synthese van het OO O Oh, my Buda! co-creatieproject. het communiceert in woord en beeld de concrete plannen voor het stadsdeel Buda-eiland. het ontwerpvoorstel communiceren we naar belanghebbenden en betrokken partijen voor verdere opvolging en uitvoering. het nieuwe, maar realistische plan voor Buda moet in de toekomst een voedingsbodem zijn waarop we kunnen verder bouwen!

In een verdere fase analyseert het co-creatieteam de informatie van de eindgebruikers en belanghebbenden en de bijhorende conclusies uit de verschillende voorstellen en ideeën puren we een synthese. die vertalen we naar een concreet ontwerpvoorstel met een eerste aanzet tot visualisatie.

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co-creatieteam (ontwerpers)


3. THE DESIGN TEAM, OR THE IMPORTANCE OF AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH Our team consisted of: - a very resourceful social designer: Cindy van den Bremen and her assistant Coco Broeken (CvdBremen); - an experienced facilitator and co-design toolmaker: Lotte van Wulfften Palthe (Studio lvwp); - a graphic designer with experience in several social design projects: Annelies Vaneycken and her assistant Marie Gr茅goire (Trans-ID); - an architect who had been project manager of the Budafabriek: Aline Neirynck (51N4E); - a product designer: Pieter Michiels (Designregio Kortrijk) who runs BUDA::lab on Buda island; - dr. Hilde Bouchez, professor of design theory @Kask, KULeuven and Design Academy Eindhoven. The team were supported by Naomi Solomaniuck of Designregio Kortrijk and Fanny Galle, project manager of PROUD (DRK).




The obvious institutional players on the island are Zorghotel Heilig Hart, Budafabriek, Buda Kunstencentrum, Designregio Kortrijk, Broelmuseum, Leiedal, Howest, Veld, the city of Kortrijk and the local retailers. It soon appeared that some had never actually met the others before this project. Throughout the co-design process, many more stakeholders became apparent, some soon playing a decisive role, such as the local gardeners of Leielekkerland, or the local pub landlord.




During two days in January 2013, we launched the process with a presentation of the main stakeholders, explaining their activities on the island and looking into their needs and problems. It was the first time that some of these stakeholders had met. Interesting ideas for cooperation immediately resulted from this first informal meeting. Under the guidance of dr. Leon Cruickshank, University Lancaster and PROUD partner, a co-design session was organised to analyse and prioritise the range of problems confronting the team. During this session, we employed a toolkit specially designed by our Lancaster partners for PROUD. This proved extremely helpful in reducing the chaotic preliminary context into a workable programme with precise focus. We concluded the two days with a concrete planning for several co-design sessions, each led by a different designer of the team. During the following weeks, we soon felt that some of the generated ideas were not quite strong enough to warrant continued work, and using Skype, email and as well as smaller group meetings with the design manager, the programme continued to develop. An initial conclusion was that the project should look into three major areas, all concerned with bridging gaps: - attitudes: the temples of high-culture vs. the ordinary citizens of Kortrijk, i.e. promoting social cohesion; - physical gaps: the accessibility, mobility and the feeling of safety on the island; - visual gaps: the problem of getting around the island to be tackled through better signage; the need for a clear visual identity for the island.





This tool was developed as a way to communicate with passers-by. One of the main problems encountered in such co-design projects is finding enthusiastic participants. The mobile photo booth was designed to create a physical as well as psychological space for communication. The booth contained a table and chairs, a mobile printer, a tripod and camera, and three large pictures forming different backgrounds against which passers-by could be photographed. Cabinets provided colour pens, colour paper, questionnaires and leaflets, and of course the PROUD banner! Any designer using the photomobile had everything at hand to create an ambience to welcome anyone showing an interest. A selection of herbs growing in a container in the photo mobile often proved a good communication opener, such as when the town councillor in charge of culture happened to pass by at one of the photomobile sessions. All participants in the challenge received a free picture of themselves or their family as a memento. Annelies Vaneycken, the graphic designer in our team, also used the photomobile to conduct in-depth interviews with various participants. She used the photographic backgrounds as a trigger for storytelling. The participants were asked to choose one of the pictures and the interview then proceeded from this choice. The mobile tool itself was co-designed by Annelies Vaneycken, Lotte van Wulfften Palthe, Cindy Van Den Bremen and Hilde Bouchez.



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aal. Om De Buda ! r jouw verh my Buda op zoek naa facebook: oo o oh op volg ons

buda ! Buda-eiland nen, oh myreist op en rond het loca tie te ken oo o Foto mobiel de juiste





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aal. Om De Buda ! r jouw verh my Buda op zoek naa facebook: oo o oh op volg ons

buda ! Buda-eiland nen, oh myreist op en rond het loca tie te ken oo o Foto mobiel de juiste

ctie Broe


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r ! DdAo f BU u ro

, OO O OH ! MY BUDA — Foto: Colle

© Buda-eila

aal. Om De Buda ! r jouw verh my Buda op zoek naa facebook: oo o oh op volg ons


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— Foto: Velt

Eetbaar Kort

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— Foto: Colle

ctie Broe


© Buda-eila

aal. Om De Buda ! r jouw verh my Buda op zoek naa facebook: oo o oh op volg ons


buda ! Buda-eiland nen, oh myreist op en rond het loca tie te ken oo o Foto mobiel de juiste

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r ! DdAo f BU u ro


At the start of the project we designed a small brochure with general information about the project and the programme, as well as a set of postcards. The postcards represented a selection of historical photographs also used in the photomobile (one of our tools) and recent images representing different assets of the island. The leaflet was distributed to all inhabitants of the island and it was available throughout the project during the various co-design sessions, especially when promoting the project with the photomobile. This hands-on tool proved to be a useful and essential communication-tool throughout the project.

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CO-DESIGN SESSIONS a. WALKING THE ISLAND The Island Walks co-design sessions were initiated by Cindy Van Den Bremen and her assistant Coco Broeken. They designed an almost blind map of the island and took respondents for a walk along on their favourite tour, mapping memories, problems and dreams. Their tool proved to be an excellent way to gather witty anecdotes, but also real concerns and valuable solutions. A couple of weeks after the walks, respondents were invited to attend a co-design session in the Budafabriek. Through interactive methods and games, the respondents formulated concrete design-inspired solutions for existing problems, especially for revitalising the identity of the site and improving way-finding and signage on the island.

as was the different use of buildings, including a map of empty buildings. Starting from those maps, broad co-design sessions were organised with groups of residents and stakeholders, who looked into the challenges of the area and often came up with easily feasible solutions.



Architect Aline Neirynck asked architecture students of Sint-Lucas (KULeuven), Gent to research and then draw six new precise maps of the island, which were laser-cut into transparent sheets so they could be superimposed. The maps became excellent working tools for different co-design sessions: one on urban gardening, one with several inhabitants and stakeholders of the island, and finally helped us to arrive at our ideal scenario. There was a map of all the green zones, one of the different materials used for paving, others of day vs. night and sun vs. artificial light situations. There was a map of front and rear facades, revealing new options between buildings. The density of various kinds of traffic was mapped

Members of Velt, a local urban gardening initiative, wanted to become involved in the project and they turned out to become major stakeholders. Two co-design sessions were organised for people with green fingers. These sessions were very lively and very fruitful, especially because most participants understood the need to think bottom-up and came up with hands-on ideas that could be realised immediately. Many of their proposals were taken further in the final ideal scenario developed by the design team, because for the majority of respondents a ‘green identity’ for the island was proposed more often than a ‘high art’ identity suggested by other stakeholders.





d. EXPERIENCE AREA, HEILIG HART Lotte van Wulfften Palthe organised very intensive sessions at the home for the elderly, Zorghotel Heilig Hart. This stakeholder showed much enthusiasm for collaborating and came up with creative social cohesion projects. Our designer created personal toolkits for all participants, which enhanced this diverse and sometimes difficult to reach age group. Through collages, colourful stickers and idea-icons, the inhabitants of Heilig Hart used mood boards and wish charts to express their needs and their dreams for an experience area, right outside the Budafabriek.




A few informal meetings took place in Kortrijk’s most unusual pub, on Buda-island. These were especially useful meeting opportunities for people from different backgrounds working or living on the island. They were more social happenings than organised co-design workshops. But these happenings enthused people to attend other sessions: the session on urban gardening for example resulted from initial discussions in the island Council.

In BudaLab, a co-design session was organised to build a transport bicycle for the elderly inhabitants of Zorghotel Heilig Hart, as part of a larger bike event. Previous co-design sessions had learned that there was a need for a bicycle to ferry the residents around, but in such a way that communication between rider and passenger would be optimised.

f. FIXPERTS A group of Interior Design students from LUCA, Gent developed a Fixpert project as part of the co-design sessions with Zorghotel Heilig Hart. The students spent several days with some of the inhabitants of the home, beginning to understand some of their needs and attempting to fix them with the aid of BUDA::lab. This project led to a better collaboration between the home and BUDA::lab: right now, people of both organisations are exploring further synergies. The project was run according to the international Fixpert agreement, and is featured on the official Fixpert website. see movie: https://vimeo.com/71916481






“Try again, fail again, fail better” is an inspirational quote by the Irish writer Samuel Beckett. After two months of intensive action and more than 10 co-design sessions, we believe more people are now proud of Buda than not. This is only subjective guesswork, of course. One observation is obvious, however: even using the co-design process, we could not reach all elements of the community. There remains a silent majority who don’t feel sufficiently empowered to participate. At a recent ASRO architecture and urban planning conference at KULeuven, the question was raised: how participative are trans-disciplinary co-design projects? Isn’t co-design just old wine in new bottles? Isn’t it a refurbished invention by a design profession in crisis? We learned from our co-design sessions that it is extremely difficult to find people willing to truly participate in and throughout the process. Most people questioned in the street were happy to share their thoughts on Buda, many readily mentioned various problems and some even came up with great ideas. But very few were willing to consider active participation in a co-design workshop. We designed the photomobile as a tool for communication and participation: a beautifully made handcart containing different cabinets for the co-design tools, table and chairs, and a set of huge historic images serving as a background for photo shoots. The photomobile turned out to be a wonderful icebreaker and encouraged people to reflect on our questions. During every photomobile outing, there were always also a number of people who weren’t willing to talk to us, we believe mainly from social discomfort and fear. A social group exists which remains utterly silent, and it is without a doubt the weakest group in the social network of the community.

to find people willing to attend an evening or afternoon session to reflect and design. The co-design sessions attracting a very specific group of people, such as the urban gardening session, were easy to fill with enthusiasts because people came to work specifically within their personal interests. Other workshops without such a defined theme found it more difficult to persuade people to participate. Moreover, participants who decided to collaborate were mainly highly educated and often came to represent their private concerns. Throughout the whole co-design process one of our main concerns was not to create false hope. Many people added their voice, but how many of these ideas would actually be realised? Not only because of financial limitations or political strategies, but mainly because of conflicting issues. Throughout the process, we never ceased to ask the question: how can we take account of all the different, often contradictory ideas of all the people we have heard, to arrive at the ideal solution?


Apart from the introductory photomobile moments, we organised about 10 different co-design sessions. Most of the sessions required great effort




We started this challenge during two days together with the whole team, and we closed it with a similar, intensive two-day workshop. The closure was only a temporary one, however: so many people had been involved, and still are. Ideas about Buda island are still developing and others are getting further detailed into realistic projects.

amongst the group. Many of the ideas overlapped and common ground led to an overall scenario including all the promising initiatives. We developed a layered map exploring the identity issues, and another suggesting coherent solutions for way-finding and social cohesion.

The first day was reserved for all team members to present their methodology and results. We had narrowed down all the wishes and ideas of respondents into manageable Xcel lists, which were shared

We prepared a text and a presentation which was delivered to the members of the city council. The complete process and outcomes were the subject of an exhibition during Week van het Ontwerpen (June 2013) and Maakbar (October-December 2013).



A new identity: Communication, Identity and Signage. The many co-design sessions held during these months led to awareness about problems, needs, wishes and requirements, resulting in ideas and concrete proposals. These were translated into concrete plans, including an initial approach towards visualisation. Attention mainly went to proposals related to psychological aspects (incl. safety and experience of the space), physical aspects (incl. accessibility and functionality), and visual aspects (incl. communication, identity and way finding). According to these various themes and subjects, we summarise here what we consider to be necessary for Buda to realise its full potential.

INFO POINT All access routes to feature a recognisable information point. People will be consciously aware that they are entering the neighbourhood, and the information points also serve as (visual) signposts to the important (physical) locations on the island.

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INFO KIOSK In the middle of the island, in the Green Heart of Buda (see further), an info kiosk will feature extensive information about the Hidden Green route (see further), various recreational options, as well as the main features and locations. FAÇADE SIGNS

Buda needs a coordinated public identity. A special website already exists dedicated to Buda-Eiland which also includes a logo, but this is not clearly signposted or communicated. If Buda wishes to put itself increasingly on the map and attract a wider audience, it will need to make some more noise about it. A major and often-heard problem on the island is how to find it. It seems problematic for people to find their way to the neighbourhood, and once there, they seem to be unsure of where to go or where to park. There is a great need and an apparent requirement for clearly visible signage as well as information about what is available on the Buda-Eiland site. Such signage can also contribute to the identity of the neighbourhood, which is so far missing. In order to improve the dissemination of information on and about the island, Kortrijk municipality plans the implantation of a digital information point. It is our opinion that more is required than just one information point. There are a number of access routes into Buda, which means that one point is not enough. We think a combination of solutions is the best approach to help visitors find their way to and on Buda.


Among the many complaints about Buda-Eiland, one is definitely the lack of clarity in signposting, but also the invisibility of the various feature locations. What is there to find behind the walls of the Budafabriek, what happens there, for whom and when? Simple façade signs will be able to better communicate what happens at Buda. BUDA FESTIVITIES


One of the ways to improve the identity of the Eiland is the organisation of Buda festivities. The creation of the Green Heart of Buda offers a space for organising such festivities and events. This already happens annually in a small way on Buda-beach. Holden these festivities can strengthen the community feeling by allowing residents to take the initiative themselves and only acting as facilitator for events such as bring&buy sales, arts & crafts markets etc. THE HEART OF BUDA During the nineteen eighties, the so-called Mirakelstraatje (the Kapucijnenstraat) was ‘the place to be’, mainly because of the cinema there. Cafés and restaurants flourished and the street used to be crowded with young people on weekends. Relocating the cinema to the edge of the town removed this vital nightlife. The cafés and restaurants that remain attract few customers and no longer correspond to the wishes of visitors or residents on Buda-Eiland. The younger generation no longer identifies with the existing commerce on the site.


A number of co-design sessions have shown a clear need for a space where young as well as older people can come together in a relaxed atmosphere. The peaceful quiet, which permeates Buda-Eiland is much appreciated. Seniors from the Heilig Hart institution indicate they find it difficult to walk across the island (no green zone in the immediate neighbourhood of Heilig Hart, the derelict state of the streets, too many cars), even if this is an accepted need. The Green Heart is planned just a stone’s throw away from Heilig Hart. The Green Heart The whole area from the Dam on the north side to the grassy square in front of Buda-Toren, together with part of the Kapucijnenstreet on the south side, can form the Green Heart of Buda. East-west limits are the Heilig Hart Institution (and the future Heilig Hart allotment, now still occupied by a temporary construction) and the Museum garden. This green area not only determines the identity of the area but also makes connections between the institutions present and between the generations. This will be a part of the visible and beating heart of the site, where people can come together to relax and where visitors can find information (see Info kiosk). Water feature Often during the co-design sessions, a wish was expressed for a closer link between the island and the water. This would strengthen the feeling of being on an island. One of the ideas was an (interactive) water feature in the heart of Buda. Such a feature is of interest to both young and old: you can play in and around it, of you can just watch. It doesn’t disturb the peace and it fits well within the Green Heart of Buda. Petanque lane We would like to offer leisure activities for old and young, including opportunities for physical exercise. Petanque lanes are popular with young and old. This also ought to include seating for people who want to watch the play.


Allotment behind Heilig Hart The area behind Heilig Hart will become available: it is now occupied by a temporary construction and previously a childcare facility. We want to integrate this large area into the Green Heart of Buda. This area should have a quiet character, since it is fronted mainly by bedrooms. We want to situate a second location for the allotment here with a (heated) box and coffee bar. Seniors will be able to garden here together with volunteers, visitors and youngsters. Providing raised growing boxes makes gardening easier for seniors. These boxes can also be covered for winter. Walking/moving route A walking itinerary through the area, bordering on Heilig Hart and including the Green Heart of Buda, makes the island more accessible and improves its identity and public presence. One of the concrete proposals was an itinerary for seniors with simple exercises, with or without an accompanying physiotherapist. Bike taxi stop A duo-bike was developed during one of the co-design sessions in cooperation with Heilig Hart. It was enthusiastically received and further development is taking place together with the users. One of the wishes is for a bike taxi to travel from the Buda-Eiland to the town and back. This would involve two specific stops: one on the Grote Markt (central town square) and one on Buda-Eiland. The latter stop should be located fairly close to the Heilig Hart institution, preferably on the Dam near the car-free zone. Seating A major complaint is the fact that there is not sufficient provision of seating on the island. It’s not only visitors and residents who want to be able to sit in peace, enjoying the nice view across the water, but also workers who would prefer to take their lunch break outside. Seating provision might be part of the signage initiatives, in the shape of a specially-designed street furniture item.

Café square At present, the small grass-covered square in front of the ‘Paardenstallen’ near the Broel-Museum is not used in the most advantageous way. It would be possible to create a magnificent terrace here involving – for instance – the operator of the Irish Pub around the corner. His terrace is now located in front of the pub, but it would be easy to relocate or expand it to include the little square with cosy seating in the shade under the trees. This green terrace could be integrated within the broader plan of the Green Heart of Buda. Perhaps, as is the case in Paris, such street furniture might be provided even without involving a pub or café operator. Relocation of the Broel-Museum entrance & use of the Orangery interior garden The co-design promenade walk showed clearly how the existing museum entrance is not clearly visible or indeed recognisable as a museum. The front presents a monumental view, which allows very little intervention. We would like to see the entrance of the Broel-Museum moved to the ‘Paardenstallen’ (it appears this is also a wish expressed during a special co-design session in 2012 on the initiative of the museum itself). The west side near the Paardenstallen allows for a grand gesture, which might emphasise the entrance. Public access could be provided during the day to the magnificent interior garden of the museum (see Secret Gardens itinerary). Opening up de museum garden would mean that the authentic Orangery on the interior courtyard could be used as a café and/or restaurant and thus provide extra revenue. We suggest re-opening the bricked-up windows in the wall alongside the Orangery in order to emphasise the beauty of the building and as an invitation to come and have a look at the attractive interior courtyard. The fence at the Burgemeester Tayaertstraat on the east side of the museum, the access gates between the Buda-Tower and Paardenstallen, and between the Paardenstallen and the museum, could be opened during the day to attract people and provide better access to catering in the Orangery. The co-design sessions show that people feel relatively safe on the island, but that a few ‘darker’ areas remain where people feel less at ease. The

corner at the Tayaertstraat should be better lit, since both residents and visitors experience it as an unsafe spot. Play areas Seniors residing in Heilig Hart regret that visiting grandchildren do not want to stay long because there is nothing to do for them. One of the participants suggested opening the childcare facility during the weekends, allowing parents and grandparents to spend active quality time with their (grand)children. In the nearby Green Heart of Buda where seniors also like to spend time, a tree hut might be an unexpected but outstanding plaything for older children, contributing to the community feeling. BUDA STREET The Buda Street suffers much and does not come into its own. We could mention a number of reasons for this situation, such as the ongoing works on the bridge to Overleie, a situation, which has lasted for years. The result is empty properties and a limited shopping offer. Rent prices are high and put off potential entrepreneurs. At the same time, there is a unique opportunity to put in place a bridge between the centre and the Overleie neighbourhood. This axis from the Grote Markt via Buda Street to the Overleie square should be given a better deal. Unique shopping street Conversations with entrepreneurs have shown a wish to install specialist retail shops respecting the unique character of Buda Street. This connects with the specialist shops that are already present, such as the cigars & whisky retailer, Oxfam, a shop for wooden children’s toys and a festive clothing business. The Café De Dingen has its own unique character and fits in well with the image of the street. A few investors such as Café Costume, for instance, have already understood the potential involved. The Municipality could reinforce this intention by developing a special management process; selectively searching for and identifying potential entrepreneurs conform to the plan. Buda would be able to set itself apart and put itself on the map, so that the street is experienced as a whole and becomes an attraction pole for the area as well as the whole town.


BUDA BEACH The Buda Beach is very popular with residents as well as visitors to the island. There is plenty of space for recreation, but the kiosk is only open during the summer in nice weather, and there could be more entertainment opportunities for children. Children’s playing equipment Concrete proposals raised during the co-design sessions consisted of simple additions for children: a swing near the bridge, and a slide on the little raised plateau by the steps. Picnic tables & BBQs Picnic tables and permanent barbecue settings encourage use of the location. Especially young people and students are looking for such spaces in town. Winter beach Buda beach ought to be attractive not just in summer, but throughout the year: a modern piece of greenery in the town where the living is good. The kiosk might offer a special winter menu, such as mulled wine, bacon rolls and Belgian waffles. The wintry atmosphere could be improved with fire baskets and an ice skating rink for use by young and old alike. WATER-BASED LEISURE ON THE SOUTHERLY LEIE RIVER A more active use of the water surrounding the Buda-Eiland was much mentioned during the co-design sessions. This could emphasise the island character of Buda and the fact that it is more than a creative arts location. The lowering of the river walls, which is planned for the near future will offer opportunities for recreation on and around the water. Water-based recreation Shipping activities make the north side of the Leie incompatible with recreation. The whole of the south side, however, with mooring for (house) boats, can easily be used for leisure. Within a few years, the lower Leie sidewalls will offer easier


access to the water. It would also offer opportunities for hiring pedalos and water balls (large transparent plastic balls to stand inside and walk on water). Buoys placed on the western and eastern points of the island delineating the leisure areas would be required to ensure the safety of the public. Water taxi An environment-friendly water taxi service could take people from Buda-Eiland far beyond the confines of the town, including to the Flax Museum to be built alongside the Leie or to neighbouring towns and villages. MOBILITY PLANNING Opinions are mixed regarding the presence of so many cars on the island, in terms of traffic as well as parking. Visitors find the cars a visual intrusion (it looks ugly), and consider the traffic an intrusion into the peaceful character of the island. Cars travel too fast across the IJzerkaai, which inhibits a feeling of safety, and there is a tangle of small one-way streets. The Broeltorens Parking on the eastern side is also too large in proportion to the area of the island. There has been much talk already about a possible replacement for this extensive Broeltorens Parking. An underground parking is problematic because digging would be difficult with all the water surrounding the island. However, the plan for the new construction of Heilig Hart (west of the Budafabriek) already includes an underground parking garage. This might offer more spaces than just those for visitors to Heilig Hart and the people employed there. Many people now park their cars at the Broeltorens Parking because they work or shop in the centre of Kortrijk. There is an obvious need for parking, not only for the residents but also for visitors to businesses, institutions, cafés and restaurants on Buda-Eiland and in Kortrijk centre. Business people mention the importance of access by car of the Buda Street, for instance, and therefore also of parking facilities in order to keep their customers happy. Car-free zone

da-Eiland obvious and visible, it is important to move the cars (traffic as well as parking) to the edges of the island. Residents would still be able to reach their homes, but through traffic would be directed via a new traffic stream, comparable to a city ring road. This means that the green areas and not cars or parking would define the character of the heart of Buda. It would make the crossroads in front of Heilig Hart car-free (near IJzerkaai & Dam), and therefore a safe and calm environment for seniors who proceed towards the Green Heart areas. At the same time, the previous crossroads acquire the function of a square, benefiting the creative attraction element of Budafabriek, and encouraging a comfortable mobility for residents and visitors. Broeltorens Parking We propose to make the Broeltorens Parking part of the Hidden Green route (see further). The Broeltorens Parking would acquire the function of a transit zone for residents (new traffic stream). The site offers the necessary space to also keep sufficient parking places even after restructuring is completed. Visible bike lane Residents complain that the traffic on IJzerkaai moves (too) fast, and that there is no clear distinction between the pedestrian footpath and the bike lane. This is easily solved by giving the bicycle path a different colour and painting bike symbols on the surface. It would add to a feeling of safety, comfortable mobility and be part of the full signage/identity plan. THE HIDDEN GREEN ZONES There are a number of hidden gardens on Buda, which we would like to make semi-public and accessible to a larger public. To this end, we introduce a special green route featuring subtle signs leading people along these Hidden Gardens of Buda-Eiland. The route would contribute to the identity of the island, which wants to be and can be more than an arty location. The volunteers of the allotment aim to make Buda-Eiland an ‘edible island’!

This is a list of hidden gardens that might be included: · Neighbourhood garden · Convent garden · Budafabriek emergency staircase · Budafabriek roof garden · Villa garden · Budafabriek interior square · Centrum garden · Vertical garden · Dam garden · Gallery garden · Grass square Budatoren · Orangery garden · Broeltorens Parking garden · Buda Beach Map of the green walk (kaart secret garden wandeling.pdf) – ook mooi boek gemaakt van hoe de green wandeling eruit kan zien (zie ook pdf in mapje) EMPTY PROPERTIES There are a number of empty properties on Buda. Many young people would like to live on Buda-Eiland, but prices are high and out of reach for starters. Attracting young people and students to the island however, is exactly what would benefit the atmosphere and public awareness of the island (The rise of the creative class): this already happens to some extent because of the presence of Buda::lab. Short-term In the short term, there are a number of solutions that might help the empty property problem, such as pop-up events (temporary retail or other activities), shops or workshops. Artists and creative people might use these to present their work to the public, to sell unique objects, introduce small clothing collections, etc. Long-term In the long term, a younger generation should be able to find affordable housing on the island, such as studios or student housing. Quality retail shops is the solution we propose in the long term for Buda Street (see Unique shopping street).

In order to make the peaceful atmosphere on Bu-


Existing green zones Closed gardens New green Edited photo: proposal new gardens





serres gekoppeld aan volkstuintjes







openen van kloostertuin voor publiek











visuele verbinding d.m.v. groen




Daktuin Budafabriek






groene toegang naar daktuin budafabriek



Daktuin Budafabriek




daktuin budafabriek

groene toegang naar daktuin budafabriek Noodtrap


22 Beeldentuin



verhard plein achterinkom heilig hart








verticale tuinen in centrum van buda-eiland


28 Centrumtuin




Verbinding naar museumtuin


32 Broelparking tuin

Grasplein Budatoren




dam wordt autoluwe groene zone Orangerie tuin

30 Damtuin

Broelparking tuin


parking groene doorgang



During the Week van het Ontwerpen (June 2013) and Maakbar (October – December 2013) the complete process of “OO O Oh, my Buda! Proud of Buda!” was presented as an ongoing trajectory, with an invitation for visitors to continue sharing their thoughts and dreams.




A number of senior civil servants from different areas of responsibility of the city council were invited for a co-design session. The team presented the outcomes of the project and explored concrete and feasible realisations with the city staff. The enthusiasm of everyone present was somewhat overwhelming. Where most of them had expected a ‘design’ solution, thought of by ‘designers’, the team arrived with some outlandish but also many down to earth and practical ideas originating from their co-citizens. Even the wildest ideas made sense to them and inspired new and feasible projects in the short and long term.

The first point to stress is that there is a clear intention to develop the ‘heart’ of Buda. Another clear intention is to develop the green walk all the way through the island of which the ‘heart’ is a part. Among the proposals from the co-creation sessions which were adopted and will be implemented are the design of a roof garden at the Budafabriek, the development of a green yard at the H. Hart home and of two grassed open squares (‘secret gardens’) at the Buda tower. A further idea is the construction of an attractive link between the secret gardens and Buda Beach. The implementation of these proposals happens in a co-working context with all the partners of Buda island: the city of Kortrijk, rvt H. Hart, Buda Arts Center and AGB Parko. Timing of the implementation is dependent on the works of lowering of the quays, which will start in 2016. The approach involving the quays offers the best opportunity to redesign the island and make it a more livable and lively part of the city. This rhymes perfectly with the ideas and proposals which resulted from the co-creation sessions. One idea to be implemented earlier in 2015 is signage on the island. This was a comment which was raised on several occasions during the co-creation sessions. The Buda island wants a specific identity and a clear link between the several main buildings on the island. As a response to these comments, the island now receives its own colour (green = secret gardens) and signature (the Buda island = is still used). In conclusion, the ‘Oh my Buda’ project was extremely inspiring and challenging. It will be implemented in a phased plan spread over a number of years to take advantage of different other planning works in the pipeline. One thing is certain: the project will have made a considerable contribution to the overall quality of the island site.



The fear of letting go was probably the most difficult challenge of this co-design method. The process of designing in an interdisciplinary context, across national borders and in collaboration with the public, took many of us into new territory, which proved extremely fruitful.


Working within very tight deadlines (4 months) led to a quite irrepressible momentum, which raised awareness and strongly empowered inhabitants and stakeholders alike. A new dynamic was born; new connections and synergies saw the light. These invisible dynamics are not even a part of this report. The co-design project resulted in much more than just the quantifiable ideas and solutions we came up with. It fertilised the island soil with hopes and dreams. Above all, it allowed the people of Kortrijk to take new ownership of this small part of their city. It empowered them to be part of a creative community which can make a difference!

o o o o h, my buda! v o o r s t e l v o o r C o m m u n iCat ie, ident it eit & S ignaliS at ie


Eva komt toe of bevindt zich op het eiland. Ze is op zoek naar een specifieke locatie én wil de belangrijke troeven van het eiland ontdekken.


De infokiosk bevindt zich in het Groene Hart van Buda, midden op het eiland.


Eva heeft nood aan een stratenplan van het eiland met indicatie van de belangrijke locaties en wil meer informatie over de troeven van het eiland.

We want to thank everyone who participated in this wild challenge!

wie hoe

Tom komt toe op het eiland en is op zoek naar een specifieke locatie.

In het Groene Hart van Buda, wordt een infokiosk geplaatst waar uitvoerige informatie te vinden is (een stratenplan met de belangrijkste locaties, de ‘Secret Gardens’ route, de verschillende troeven, ...


D.m.v. herkenbare infopunten die dienen als wegwijzer naar de belangrijke locaties op het eiland.


Tom heeft nood aan een stratenplan van het eiland met indicatie van de belangrijke locaties (cultuur: Broelmuseum, Budafabriek, Tacktoren en de Budascoop; de groenzones & ‘Secret Garden’; parkingzones; zorg en medisch (Heilig Hart en AZ groeninge campus Reepkaai).


Aan de toegangspoorten van het eiland (bruggen, Broeltorensparking, ...) en in het Groene Hart van Buda.


Op belangrijke knooppunten in Kortrijk.


Bart komt aan op het station van Kortrijk en zoekt de weg naar het eiland. hoe wat wie

waar Aan de gevel van elk “belangrijk”

Ann bevindt zich op het eiland en wil weten wat er achter de muren van een belangrijk gebouw gebeurd.


Ann heeft nood aan informatie over (de organisatie achter) een bepaald gebouw. wie


Louis komt toe op het eiland en wil de belangrijke troeven van het eiland ontdekken.


Louis heeft nood om het eiland te ervaren. Om de sfeer van het eiland op te snuiven via een aangelegde route.


De subtiele markering bevindt zich langsheen de route.

D.m.v. richtingaanwijzers op belangrijke knooppunten in Kortrijk.

Bart heeft nood aan aanwijzingen om naar het eiland te wandelen.

gebouw.(o.a. Broelmuseum, Budafabriek, Tacktoren, Budascoop, Klooster O.L.Vrouw Hospitaal, Villa De Smedt, Broeltorens, Budabeach, Skatepark, Buurttuin, Groen hart, ...)


D.m.v. gevelborden met de naam en functie van het gebouw. Een QR-code linkt de website van het gebouw voor extra, veranderlijke informatie (o.a. huidige activiteiten, openingsuren, ...)


Een speciale groene route leid je langs belangrijkste troeven via verborgen tuinen van het Buda eiland. Deze route draagt tevens bij aan de identiteit van het eiland dat meer wil en kan zijn dan een kunsteneiland.


EDITOR Hilde Bouchez (Design Manager PROUD - Designregio Kortrijk) Fanny Galle (Project Manager PROUD - Designregio Kortrijk) Marianne De Meyere (Projectmanager - Stad Kortrijk) LAY-OUT Lien Vanden Broecke (Happy Design) PHOTO Naomi Solomaniuck (Designregio Kortrijk) SUB-PARTNER PROUD Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Buda (AGB)

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