A Guide For New Residents - Glebe House

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A Guide for New


Where are we?

Before you arrive

Glebe House is a big house a few miles from the City of Cambridge.

Staff will visit you to talk about the work we do and what goes on in the Community. We will also need to get your agreement that you’d like to come and visit us.

A huge benefit for you is that although we are in the Country and have lots of space, we are still close enough to shops, cinemas and other activities.

When you arrive Usually you will come for a day visit to see if you like the place and this will give you a chance to get to know us. The next step is you will return for a 5 week Assessment. You can join in with what we do and this will help you to decide if Glebe House is the right place for you. It also gives us the opportunity to think about how we can help you.

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When you are on Assessment, you will have a ‘Link Worker’, who is a member of Staff and a Senior Resident will be introduced to you who will explain all the Boundaries, the Programme and routines. You will also be given a welcome pack to help you understand what goes on. There is always someone around to ask questions if you are not sure about anything.

What is there at Glebe House? Each Resident has his own room with his own key. We have two lounges and our own Youth Club.

What is the Programme? All the Young People at Glebe House will have done things in their past that have worried them and have worried other people.

We also have workshops for cars, woodwork and art. We have dual-controlled car which we use on our own car driving track. In the grounds we have allotments, a pond with fish, an allweather sports court, a football pitch, a theatre and beautiful gardens.

They will all have had issues with their sexual boundaries and want to understand how they got into difficulty and what they can do to change.

We have set up a project which we call ‘Turn the Other Chic’ or TTOC. We are given furniture from a local homeless Charity and we ‘shabby chic’ it and then sell it so that we are able to put money back into this project.

The Programme includes lots of space and opportunity to help people understand their past and how they can get on better with people in the future. So, as well as helping you with other areas of your life, such as education and skills training, you will need to be prepared to spend time working on your problems and changing your behaviour. .

This is an example of how the Community, Staff and Residents work together.

“There are Community meetings each day which was not something I had experienced before. You get to talk through issues and really think about things with everyone by your side.” November 2017


What are Boundaries? Community Being at Glebe House means living as part of a Community. That can sometimes be a challenge. We use the principles of Community Cornerstones and Boundaries to help us work out how to live safely together. Boundaries Boundaries, unlike rules, are flexible rather than fixed. The Community Meeting sets the Boundaries that help us all live safely together. If Boundaries are broken, then the Community Meeting tries to understand why and think about what we do to make things better. Solving these dayto-day problems helps solve the bigger problems we all have. Areas covered include bedtimes, attending meetings etc. We also have boundaries regarding the way we treat and respect one another, particularly that we should not verbally or physically mistreat other members of the Community. If an individual breaks one of these Boundaries, we talk as a Community about how they are going to put this right. The Boundaries will be explained during your Assessment.

What are the Staff like?


November 2017

We have a large team of staff at Glebe House. We come from all walks of life and all parts of the Country and indeed the World. Our backgrounds include teaching, social work, youth work and therapy. We also have qualified trade instructors, sports instructors and motor mechanics. You will have a Keyworker and a Clinical worker supporting you throughout your time with us.

“Last year, I went on the Glebe House holiday to Cornwall. We went surfing at the beach, went out for meals and had BBQs. I liked going away with the Staff and Lads. I’m looking forward to going again this year.”

“Car driving practice on our driving track here is good. We can learn about driving theory in Education. Some lads have lessons and go on to take their driving tests.”

“I really like music. I listen to music a lot in my room and at the moment, I’m learning to play the guitar. I like jamming with the Staff. They play a lot of instruments.”

“I arrived during ‘It’s a Knockout’! Staff and Lads were all in fancy dress and competing to be the best team. I thought, this is just the place for me!”

“I work in the motor vehicle workshop doing different tasks. We get a qualification and know more about how to maintain a car safely.”

“In art we do many different things including painting, graffiti, drawing our own things, as well as learning about different artists. We also make props and scenery for the Panto and Bonfire Night celebrations.”

What the Residents have to say about Glebe House

“On Wednesdays, the Lads get to train with a football coach. We often have a kick around in the evenings or at weekends as well.”

“In the evenings at Glebe House, we play football, Monopoly, pool, card games and Xbox with the Lads and Staff. We also go to the cinema, theatre and concerts sometimes.”

November 2017


The road to


Transition to the future As you get nearer to leaving Glebe House, we will begin to increase your independence activities. You may get the opportunity to spend a week away from Glebe House with some Staff and Residents and during this time you will be able to practice some of the skills you have learned. For example, you will attend a mock interview and go the Job Centre to research job opportunities. You will receive a weekly

allowance so that you can budget for food, bills and leisure activities during your week away. Some Residents may either move into one of our bedsits within the main house or to the bungalow which is on site a few steps away from the Main House. Again, this is an opportunity to be more independent but still have the support from Staff and other Residents if you need help.

YES! Living in bungalow on site In bedsit doing most meals In bedsit doing some meals Doing your own laundry All breakfasts & suppers


Cleaning your own room

Some breakfasts or suppers Help with doing your own laundry

Dirty clothes to laundry, clean clothes away

Cleaning room with help Making your own bed

When you leave We will either set up a ‘Circle of Support’ for you in the area you are moving on to, or we will provide you with 18 months Outreach support. This means that there will still be support for you once you leave if you find yourself struggling or needing help or if you just want to share your successes with us. Ex-Residents often come back to join us for our Bonfire celebrations or other events that we put on or just keep in touch with us to let us know how they are doing.

T: 01799 584359 F: 01799 584098 referrals@glebehouse.org.uk www.glebehouse.org.uk Glebe House Friends Therapeutic Community Trust Church Road Shudy Camps Cambridge CB21 4QH A Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales Registered Office as above Company No. 6525659 Registered Charity No. 1124673

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