Why I Should Apply SPF Every Day? Advantages of Gel Based Sunscreen:

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Why I Should Apply SPF Every Day? Advantages of Gel Based Sunscreen:

How Gel Based Sunscreen protects us from sunburn, and decreases the risk of developing skin cancer, prevents wrinkles appearing early, and immediately works upon application? It's the best-kept beauty tip that's no secret. We all recognize the importance of SPF while we're enjoying a day at the beaches. But if you're looking for your skin to remain beautiful and healthy for the long-distance, you should apply sunscreen gel regularly. Here are some reasons:

Why do I need SPF? What are the benefits Of Gel Based Sunscreen?

Reduce Your Risk Of Skin Cancer 

Sunscreen is a skin protector and lowers the chance of developing skin cancers and pre-cancers of the skin. Sunscreen helps protect your skin and decreases the chance of developing skin cancers and skin pre-cancers.

Applying SPF and other sun protection practices such as wearing dark clothes and sunglasses - helps reduce the damaging consequences of sun exposure. Sunscreen with SPF 15 lowers the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma by 40% and reduces your chance of developing melanoma by 50%. 

Protect Against Sunburn

Do you realize that sunlight is composed of two kinds of harmful rays, UVA and UVB radiations? UVA Rays (also utilized to lighten the skin in

tanning booths) are most often associated with long-term skin damage like wrinkle formation and are connected to some skin cancers. But, UVB rays are responsible for sunburns and are believed to be responsible for most skin cancers. Sunburns are not only painful, but they also carry directly linked to deadly kinds of cancer. According to Healthline: "Even a single sunburn can raise a person's likelihood of getting skin cancer. It is because when the skin absorbs the ultraviolet radiation of sunlight and damages the genetic material of the skin's cells." Fortunately, Gel Based Sunscreen protects the skin from UV radiation by absorption reflection, scattering, or reflecting sunlight. Avoid Inflammation & Redness

Spending too much time in the sun can cause sunburn, extreme reddening of the skin, and inflammation. The sun's UV rays can damage the skin, making it red as the body sends more blood flow to the affected region to repair the damage.

Helps Prevent the Early Onset Of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The most efficient preventative formulation is Sunscreen Gel when you start developing wrinkles, fine lines, and crow's feet. Excessive exposure to UVA radiation prematurely age your skin and causes collagen loss and loss of skin

elasticity. Around 90 percent of visible signs of aging are due to suninduced damage. By incorporating SPF into your routine regimen, you'll be warding off the signs of aging with minimal effort. 

Avoid Blotchy Skin & Hyperpigmentation

Inequal skin coloration (or hyperpigmentation) refers to the skin's parts getting darker or discolored. It may be inherited but can also be caused by exposure to sunlight. Skin spots that are dark or blotchy could appear on hands, the face, and other body parts exposed to sunlight. The positive news? There's an easy method to avoid dark spots (as well as sunburns, wrinkles, sunburn, and skin cancer), and the answer is to apply Sunscreen Gel every day, rain or shine, not only during summer.

5 Surprising Events When SPF is required 


If you spend the majority of your day inside, UVA light can still penetrate your windows. If you're in a space with sunlight shining through the windows and you're getting the same amount of UVA light as you would outside. At High Altitudes

UVB radiations can cause sun damage and sunburn even when taking a ski trip instead of a vacation at the beach. Snow can reflect the majority of the sun's harmful rays. So, when you're out skiing, apply Sunscreen to exposed areas of your face to guard against increased exposure to UV due to reflection. During Winter

The Ozone layer is a layer in the air that absorbs the sun's radiation. In winter, the ozone layer gets thinner, which means you're less protected from the sun's radiation. Suggests applying SPF all over your body before getting dressed. At the minimum, they suggest applying Sunscreen to difficult-to-remember areas such as your ear, neck, or scalp. On Cloudy Days

The Skin Cancer Foundation also states that as much as 80 percent of UVradiation from the sun reaches Earth even in cloudy. However, any outdoor activity during an overcast day could cause skin damage. 

By Light Clothing

It is common sense to assume that all clothing shields us from sun damage. However, certain lightweight fabrics such as crepe, silk, or cotton are more likely to pass sunlight. Additionally, the lighter the shade of the clothing, the more likely sunlight will strike the skin. For instance, white cotton t-shirts are only protected by the equivalent of SPF 5. For better protection, opt for dark-collared, thick clothes. Synthetic and semisynthetic fibres like rayon and polyester and thick, tightly-woven fabrics such as denim, wool, or corduroy offer the best protection.

What is SPF the Best for Daily Use?

When selecting a sunscreen, be sure to look for a "broad range." It indicates that the formula is protected from the effects of both UVA and UVB radiation. Also, look for whether the Sunscreen has sun protection (SPF) number, which measures the effectiveness of Sunscreen in blocking UV radiation.

The range of four exclusive SPFs that are all mineral-based is specially designed for the neck and face. Each formula is completely free of silicones and packed with organic, natural active ingredients and botanicals to give targeted benefits to the skin as well as helping to protect your skin from sun- related damage throughout the day.

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