Skin Care Advice Before Turning 40s According to Dermatologist

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If you follow the special rules of care and include certain ingredients in the beauty regimen at the age of 20-30, it will be possible to develop elastic, radiant, and healthy skin at the age of 40.

In This Article      

Start using Vitamin C Serum for Face Exfoliate 2-3 times a week Use sunscreen Start combining moisturizers Include retinol in your care regimen Take care of your skin in the morning and evening

Dermatologist will say it's never too late to start taking care of your skin. That is generally true, but the sooner you develop your care regimen, the better. "As a rule, prevention is more effective than eliminating the consequences." It would help if you started using brightening and anti-aging products even before developing deep wrinkles or age spots. Changes ─ a decrease in collagen levels, hyperpigmentation ─ begin at the age of twenty and progress slowly but surely. Most often, up to thirty, we happily do not notice anything, but then we grab our heads and start trying everything in a row, but it is always more difficult to eliminate what happened. "

At the same time, today, there are so many tips for skincare that it is not easy to single out the most important ones (not to mention the fact that the antiaging services we come to clinics and salons for can be lengthy and expensive). When drawing up a beauty plan between the ages of 20 and 30, you need to choose only what you like and suit and what is affordable. What are the most important products, ingredients, and skincare habits?

Start using Best Vitamin C Serum for Face

Vitamin C Serum for Face is one of the most important skincare products to start using between 20 and 30. It helps prevent the appearance of dark spots, increases collagen production, and has antioxidant properties and protection against ultraviolet radiation. Apply vitamin C before moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning, so you never know what dull, tired skin is.

Exfoliate 2-3 times a week Over time, the skin thickens, becomes gray and lifeless, and the pores, on the contrary, are more distinguished. Why is this happening? The fact is that dead cells do not exfoliate at the rate we need. Moreover, they constantly accumulate on the surface of the skin. Because of this, the fabrics look rough and even a little "stale". In addition, dead cells retain excess pigment, so skin tone can look uneven and even discolor. Incorporating exfoliation (both chemical and physical) into your beauty treatment helps solve the problem of exfoliation of dead skin particles and maintain a healthy facial glow.

Regular exfoliation also helps other skincare products (such as Vitamin C Serum for Face) penetrate deeper without wasting energy to break through "cell deposits." Click to read here: Why Is Vitamin C Good for Your Skin?

Use sunscreen

Dermatologists do not get tired of repeating: since you decide to include only one anti-aging product in your daily routine, let it be sunscreen. The secret to the success of SPF is constancy: it should be applied every day to all open areas of the body, including the face, arms, forearms, neck (front, side, back). Many people are afraid to use sunscreen daily because most formulas are dense in texture, which sometimes threatens rashes. But modern science has gone so far that light-textured sunscreens work just as effectively as traditional heavyweights.

Start combining moisturizers

It means that you should always maintain the right level of tissue moisture. There are some effective moisturizing ingredients that dermatologists recommend: for example, moisture-retaining lipids that mimic real ones and perfectly retain moisture, leaving the skin soft and silky, or sodium hyaluronate, derived from hyaluronic acid. The second is great for moisturizing dry skin showing signs of aging, reducing wrinkles, and doing wonders, especially around the eyes.

Include retinol in your care regimen Just as Best Vitamin C Serum has to take place in your morning routine, retinol has to fit into your nightly routine. Dermatologists agree that 20 years is a good time to start using high-quality retinol at night. Vitamin A derivative has a prophylactic effect against wrinkles and increases collagen production. Retinol is a bit of a fastidious ingredient, so it's important to choose a product that contains it in an opaque and well-closed container (and avoid sunlight).

Because retinol can be irritating, use it once or twice a week before moving on to daily use.

Take care of your skin in the morning and evening It is not enough to brush your teeth once a day and it is not enough to care for your skin only in the morning or evening. During the day, facial care is aimed at protection, and at night all power is restored. Different purposes, different means, and results can only be achieved by combining both stages.

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