Ashton Way Car Park
March 29, 2025 | 12-4:30PM
Free for under 16s

Ashton Way Car Park
March 29, 2025 | 12-4:30PM
Free for under 16s
uncil’s 3rd Annual for a lovely ocal residents This categories, including es, Arts & s an extensive line-up express themselves
Cookery, Under 18 asses to the Arts &
ng to appreciate the e We also have lots in store for free family-friendly activities on the day including face painting, a Pet Corner, an Easter Bonnet competition and a series of talks from local experts.
We look forward to seeing familiar faces and welcoming newcomers to the Show Don't miss out on what promises to be an inspiring and enjoyable event for the whole family!
Friday 28th March
5pm to 7pm
Exhibit drop-off the night before
Saturday 29th March
8am to 10am Exhibit drop-off and Show set-up
10am to 11:45am Judging
12pm Show opens to public
2pm Prize money can be collected from front desk
4pm Presentation of trophies
4:30pm Show closes and exhibitors can take entries
1) All exhibits must be submitted via an entry form.
2) Entry Forms and appropriate fees to be submitted to Keynsham Town Council office (15-17 Temple Street) by 5pm on Wednesday 26th March 2025.
3) All Horticultural exhibits must have been grown or owned by the exhibitor for 8 weeks leading up to the Show
4) Exhibits in non-Horticultural classes must be the exhibitor's own work and cannot have been entered into a previous Keynsham Spring Show.
5) Exhibits to be taken and displayed in the Scout Headquarters on Friday 28th March from 5pm - 7pm or the day of the Show from 8am to 10am ready for judging (Ashton Way, Keynsham BS31 2UF)
6) Judges' say is final
7) Any judging queries to be reported to Show Organiser before 2pm on day of Show
8) Exhibits must stay displayed until 4:30pm and collected no later than 5:30pm.
9) Keynsham Town Council cannot take any responsibility for any loss or damage to exhibits. They have the right to move exhibits to assist with displays.
10) Entering and placing your exhibits is regarded as acceptance of the above regulations
11) Officers or Councillors of Keynsham Town Council are not permitted to enter any classes
12) A person may only enter a maximum of two exhibits per class, but will only receive one prize.
13) Entry Fees are 25p per exhibit.
14) Points Awarded 1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point
15) Prize money is 1st = £1, 2nd = 75p, 3rd = 50p
Entry forms must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 26th March
Entry forms can be handed into the Keynsham Town Council Office (15-17 Temple Street, BS31 1HF) or completed online www.keynsham-tc.gov.uk
Points awarded:
1st = 3 points
2nd = 2 points
3rd = 1 point
Prize Money:
1st = £1
2nd = 75p
3rd = 50p
Trophies to be won
Our trophy selection keeps growing with several trophies now available to win! Don’t forget the more classes you enter within a Section the better your chance of winning that trophy for the year!
Most Points in Daffodil Sections (Class 1-12), sponsored by Keynsham in Bloom
Most Points in All Other Horticulture (Class 13-28), sponsored by Wild About Flowers
Best in Show, All Horticulture
Most Points in Cookery Section, sponsored by Savour Kitchen & Farm Shop
Most Points in Under 18 Cookery Section, sponsored by Muse Dental
BestinShowinHoney,PreservesandChutneySection,sponsoredbyHeavenlyHedgerows BestinShow,AllHandicraft,sponsoredbyArt&PotteryStudio@TheChocolateQuarter
Best in Show, All Arts, sponsored by ArtSpace
Most Points in Photography Section, sponsored by Keynsham Photographic Society
Most Points in Under 18s Photography Section, sponsored by TimeOut Youth Service
Most Points in Under 5 years Children Classes, sponsored by Snapdragons Nursery
Most Points in Under Under 7 years Children’s Classes, sponsored by TrueSpeed
Most Points in Under 11 years Children’s Classes, sponsored by Caitlin Marie Nails
Most Points in Under 16 years Children’s Classes, sponsored by Wellsway School
Group Entry, sponsored by MG Estate Agents
ReadtheRules. Readtherulescarefullyforyourenteredc checkforsizerestrictions,numberofbulbsorspecificdisp
PickFlowersontheDay.Ifyouareenteringacutflowerc morningoftheShowwhentheflowerisatitsfreshest Rem lookingforthebestqualityflowers
CheckforUnwantedVisitors. Makesureyourflowersandexhibitsarefreefromflies orbugs,gentlyshakethemoruseasoftpaintbrushtoremovethemandanyexcess pollen.
FlowerArrangingLikeaPro.Floralfoamisagreatwaytokeepyourflowersinplace andwhenwethelpskeepyourarrangementfresh Useawideneckvasethatisan appropriatesizeforthenumberofflowers
AimforPerfection.Avoidusinganyflowersthathavedamagedpetalsorleaves,or anymarkedvegetableswherepossible
FreshBakes.PlantobakeyourcreationasclosetotheShowdateaspossiblefor freshness.Whenexhibitingmultipleitems(eg scones)thejudgewillbe lookingfor similarsizeandshape.Thejudgemaytasteyourbakingso itwillneedtobetastyas wellaslookgood
It’sForFun! Finally,pleaserememberthatitisthetakingpartthatcounts!Ifyoudon't win,havealookatyourcompetitorsandseehowyoucanbeatthemnextyear!
Pick on the day if possible so the flower is at its freshest
Although not judged, try and use a plain vase so it doesn’t detract from the flower(s)
The petals are to be good quality, free from damage
The head of the daffodil should be at a 90 degree angle (except for specialist varieties)
The top middle petal should be straight and central
The trumpet must be clear of insects or pollen
A good tip is to use a paint brush to remove any debris
Stem should be straight with minimal twisting
Arrangement of Spring flowers, one or more variety, maximum (50cm in any direction)
shrubs, maximum 50cm in any direction
175g (6oz) Caster sugar
175g (6oz) Self-raising flour
50 A Jar of Soft Fruit Jam, flavour specified on la
51 A Jar of Stoned Fruit Jam, flavour specified on label
52 A Jar of Thick Cut Marmalade
53 A Jar of Thin Cut Marmalade
54 A Jar of Soft Set Honey
55 A Jar of Runny Honey
56 A Jar of Hard Set Honey
57 A Jar of Chutney, flavour specified on label
58 A Jar of Lemon Curd
Preserves to be in a clean, clear jar
Use a screw top or wax disc with cellophane top Label on the front, which names the preserve and date of making No trade names on jars, lids or covers
For the first time, the Spring Show will play host to an inspiring series of talks. Local community experts will share their wealth of knowledge and passion across diverse topics including indoor house plants, pottery and photography Our hope is that these engaging 30-minute sessions will spark your curiosity and inspire attendees to take up a new hobby or learn a little bit more about a topic of interest.
No sign-up is required Just drop by on the day to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from some of the community’s best and connect with fellow community members.
12:30pm Tips & Tricks on How to Decorate a Show Stopping Cake, Laura’s Kitchen Cakery
1:30pm Smartphone Photography, Adrian Wyatt, Keynsham Snap & Stroll
2:30pm How to Care for Orchids and Sub-tropical Plants, Kelvin Bush, Keynsham Town Council
3:30pm My Practice: Ceramics and Lustre, Allen Richards, Keynsham Town Council
59 A Handmade Toy or Doll in any Soft Medium 60 A Handmade Item of Clothing
61 Any other Knitted Item, not covered in class 59 and 60
62 A Crocheted Item, not covered in class 59 and 60
63 A Sewn Item, not covered in class 59 and 60
An Item made out of Lace, (maximum size 45 cm in any direction)
65 An Article Worked in Cross Stitch
66 An Embroidered Item
An Example of Patchwork or Quilting
68 An Example of Papercraft
An Item made from Glass
An Item made from Wood (maximum size 45cm in any direction)
71 A Pottery Item
72 A Piece of Handmade Jewellery, any medium
Come explore the variety of local stallholders at the Spring Show! Discover unique handcrafted goods, fresh produce, and one-of-a-kind items all from local talented artisans and makers Local charities will also be there with a traditional tombola and “guess the name of the bee!” all fundraising for amazing local causes These charities are unlikely to have card machines so please bring cash on the day
Come support the Cotswold Cubs, 1st Keynsham Scouts who will be taking over the Scout Headquarters’ kitchen to serve teas, coffee and cakes All proceeds raised will go towards their Bee Project
Class Number Class Description
73 An Original Watercolour
74 An Original Still Life, any medium
75 An Original Drawing in pen and/or pencil
76 An Original Local View, any medium
77 An Original Painting, any medium “Nature or Animals”
78 A Portrait, any medium except photography
All must be within a max size of 42cm x 42cm, including frame
Maximum 2 entries per class per person and not previously entered
No photography, please - see separate Photography Section
79 A Colour Print of an Animal or Bird
80 A Colour Print of a Portrait of an Adult or Child
81 A Colour Print of a Flower or Flowers
82 A Keynsham View (colour or monochrome)
83 A Sporting Action (colour or monochrome)
84 A Night Time Scene (colour or monochrome)
85 Celebration (colour or monochrome)
86 Theme: One of the Four Seasons (colour or monochrome)
87 Theme: ‘Wheels’ (colour or monochrome)
Children’s Classes:
“My Treasures from Nature” exhibited in a container no larger than A4
An A4 picture using stickers
Create an insect or animal out of recyclable materials max size 50cm in any direction
Decorate 4 cupcakes, to be judged on presentation alone (displayed on a plate and covered with a clear bag)
Children’s Classes: 16 years and under
Design and make a Mother’s Day card, by hand or using design software
107 A Piece of Handmade Jewellery
108 Something made out of wood
A4 drawing or painting of a Spring scene (any medium other than photography or digital)
Group Entry - New for 2025
Anything goes! You’ve made it, let’s see it! Maximum size 40cm in any direction Class Number Class Description
Create, construct and decorate a home for local wildlife, no bigger than 1m in any direction (see page 18)
We listened to community feedback and have included a brand new Group Entry class. The Group Entry is a little different than the individual classes in that there is no entry fee or monetary prize to be won. There is however a trophy on the line to be won, kindly sponsored by MG Estate Agents
Think creatively as you design, build and decorate a home for local wild We encourage you to use recyclable materials a much as possible, as n store-bought kits are allowed. Using your ingenuity, creativity and imagination your group needs to work together to build a bird box, he home, beaver or otter den, bat box, bird bath, insect house, bee hotel... the list could go on After the Show, we may ask the groups if we can use their builds in and around Keynsham, so we do ask that the structures are relevant for local wildlife (no panda enclosures here please!)
Alongside your wildlife home we would ask that you include a 150-200 word description of what type of structure your group have created, what animal can benefit from it and it’s potential eco benefit to Keynsham.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Free Face Painting is available for children over 3 years old, available 12pm - 4:30pm A sign-up system will be in place on the day so you can book your slot in advance and go enjoy the Show
You can find the face painters in the Main Hall
Visit our Pet Corner from 12-4pm during the Spring Show to meet and cuddle rabbits, guinea pigs, baby chicks and more!
You can find Creature Cuddles outside through the rear door from the Main Hall Scout Headquarters
Show off your creative side and bring along your Easter Bonnet creation! Our judge will be roaming the Show on the day on the look out for the best bonnets! Be in for a chance to win a luxury Easter Egg
Entry forms must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 26th March
Entry Forms to be handed into the Keynsham Town Council Office (15-17 Temple Street, BS31 1HF) or completed online For more information please contact us: Email: deputytownclerk@keynsham-tcgovuk Phone: 0117 9868683 for the online entry form