The Delta Chi Quarterly - Spring 2012

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Quarterly Spring 2012

Reince Priebus Republican National Committee Chairman

Honor • Service • Fraternity, Pg. 3

Cornerstone Goes Electronic, Pg. 6

Making History, Pg. 7

Letter from the “AA”

Inside The Quarterly Volume 109 Number 1 Spring 2012

2 3 4-5 6 6 7 8-18 19 20

ITB Message NIC Gold Medal Reince Priebus “A”s’ Academy Challenge Cornerstone eBook Delta Chi History Book Campus Scene Keeping in Touch Farewell & Parting

Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50 Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Assistant Editor: Mick Dean, TSU ’08 E-mail: Website: Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. E-mail: Please Help Delta Chi Save Money! If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs. Privacy Policy Please visit to view Delta Chi’s privacy policy, which contains various “opt-out” opportunities for our members. This paper is FSC certified at the mill and is 10% post-consumer waste. Forestry Stewardship Council is a nonprofit organization based in Bonn, Germany that sets global standards for responsible forestry.

2 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

Delta Chi Needs “Citizens” I remember the fall season of 2000 so vividly. Football was a distant thought when it came to politics. Our governor was running for the President of the United States against the sitting Vice-President. The campus was hotly divided between liberals and conservatives – everywhere you went you saw the fourletter last name of a presidential candidate that sparked debate and discussion. Our chapter was the same. In a predominantly red state, the city of Austin, however, has always been rather diverse in political thought, and our chapter was no different. I remember attending rallies and arguing with my brothers over who would make a better president. On November 7, 2000 our house was the political headquarters of the chapter. We rushed from the polls to the house and stayed up all night watching the pendulum of announcements and recalls on the outcome of the race. How can we ever forget that election – the one that continued months after the polls closed with no decisive victor? It was a special time for me as a developing adult. As the son of immigrants, politics was never a discussion point at home, and it was the 2000 election and the interaction I had with my brothers that made me realize how politics could shape our lives and how important it was to exercise my rights and privileges as a citizen. As U.S. and Canadian citizens, we live in countries where we can openly agree or disagree with a political figure or concept and cast our votes accordingly, yet so many citizens rarely take advantage of this opportunity. Unfortunately, many individuals disguise their lack of desire to learn the issues or their belief that their voice will not alter the outcome with their “right” not to vote. I hope this is not the case with fraternity men. Fraternity is instrumental in the development of successful citizens because involvement, communication, and a sense of responsibility are important aspects of our education. We learn that “pinning,” “initiation,” and “alumnus status” are just as important as the journey of preparation before and after those events. In the same way, “voting” is meaningless without discussion and education before

and after as well. Those beneficial debates and conversations between brothers make them better citizens and, as a result, better men. It might seem trivial to think that an argument between brothers about a candidate or ideology could impact their lives, but that spark of passion to make a choice and defend it will net positive results in whatever they decide to do. I find it ironic that Delta Chi itself can trace its origins to the result of an election and the desire to make a difference. Citizenship is not limited to federal, state, or county issues but extends to our obligations as a part of any society. We must strive to be the agent of change rather than its victim. Whether you are an undergrad who decides to get involved in student politics or an alumnus who decides to attend a neighborhood homeowners meeting, you have a duty as a citizen to exercise your right to learn and to choose how to make your community better. I believe that fraternity men have an advantage over other men because of our desire to remain involved in something larger than ourselves. In our chapter meetings, RLCs, and Conventions, we provide our members the opportunity to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens and educate themselves on the issues and/or candidates and cast their votes accordingly. We are a social fraternity not because of parties, but because we prepare our men for life in society, and our men are better citizens, fathers, husbands, and brothers because of it. This will be my final article as your “AA”, and it has been a privilege and an honor to represent and lead our beloved Delta Chi. I would like to end this article in the same manner in which I have ended all of my articles – with a challenge. Citizenship takes effort, and we need to start somewhere. This November, I am challenging our alumni and undergraduates to not only learn the issues and candidates but to cast their votes as well. There is no right or wrong way to vote so long as your vote is an educated one. As always, I want to hear from you so please email me at In the bond,

R.C. Damle, “AA” Texas ’01 51st “AA” Life Loyal Member

NIC Gold Member

Ray Galbreth Honored with NIC Gold Medal From As one of the oldest traditions in the interfraternal world, the presentation of the Gold Medal dates back nearly 70 years. The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) is pleased to announce the presentation of the Gold Medal at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The Gold Medal is presented for lifelong service to the interfraternal community and is the highest honor that the NIC can bestow. The 2012 medalists include Raymond Galbreth, Delta Chi and David Westol, Theta Chi.

Founded in 1909, the North-American Interfraternity Conference is the trade association representing 75 international and national men’s fraternities. Through advocacy, collaboration, and education the NIC works to ensure that fraternities can operate in an environment conducive to their success.

A member of Delta Chi Fraternity, Galbreth has served his fraternity as executive director for over 30 years. A steadfast advocate of the fraternal movement, he is the recipient of numerous awards from his own fraternity as well as interfraternal service awards from the fraternal community. He is a past president of the Fraternity Executives Association (FEA), vice president of FIPG, and has chaired numerous FEA committees. NIC President and CEO Pete Smithhisler stated, “These men have dedicated their careers to advancing fraternity and many professionals in the field are grateful to have received their mentoring and coaching. For decades, these men have worked tirelessly to make the fraternity experience relevant and impactful.”

Marshall brothers ride to Iowa City. Four Marshall Chapter seniors rode their bicycles from Huntington, WV to Iowa City, IA while raising money for The V Foundation. Read about their trip on page 15.

Correction notice The previous Quarterly was incorrectly numbered Vol. 109, Number 3. That issue is actually Vol. 108, Numbers 3 & 4. Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 3

Reince Priebus

Reince Priebus Leads the Republican National Committee Written by Aaron Otto, Kansas State ’98

For the second time in the past three decades, a Delta Chi is head of one of America’s political parties. Reince Priebus, Whitewater ’94, was elected chairman of the Republican National Committee in early 2011 and is helping prepare the party to advance its agenda in the fall 2012 elections. Priebus joins Ambassador Charles Manatt, Iowa State ’58, who was the first Delta Chi to chair an American political party as chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 19811984. Manatt was also a banker, ambassador and past Delta Chi of the Year. Priebus was born on March 18, 1972. Raised in Kenosha, Wisconsin, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree from The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where he also joined Delta Chi. Priebus also served a term as student body president before graduating cum laude in 1994. While in his last year at Whitewater and following his graduation, Priebus worked as a legislative assistant for members of both the Wisconsin State House and State Senate. He also worked for the State Assembly Education Committee. Priebus next attended The University of Miami School of Law, earning a Juris Doctor (JD) cum laude in 1998. While in law school, he clerked for the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the United States District Court, and 4 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Also while at Miami, he was elected President of the Student Bar Association and was a member of the Miami Business Law Review. Priebus is a partner at Best & Friedrich LLP Litigation Practice Group, Co-Chair of the Construction Group and Government and Public Policy Group. He has represented privately and publicly held businesses, financial institutions, and governmental and quasi-governmental entities. Priebus worked his way up through the ranks of the Republican Party of Wisconsin as First Congressional District Chairman, State Party Treasurer, and First Vice Chair. In 2007 the Wisconsin Republican Committee elected Priebus as Chair, making him the youngest chair in State history. In 2008 Milwaukee’s Business Journal named him one of Milwaukee’s “40 Under 40,” and Super Lawyers in Wisconsin named him a “Rising Star.” In 2009 he was appointed as general counsel of the Republican National Committee (RNC). He worked for the election of Senator

Reince Priebus

Former Delta Chi National Committee Chairmen George B. Cortelyou, Georgetown ’95 Ron Johnson (R-WI) and reelection of Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) in 2010. In last 2010 he resigned as general counsel of the RNC in order to launch a bid to be elected its 65th chairman. On January 14, 2011, Priebus was elected chairman over the incumbent chairman, Michael Steele, and several other candidates. During his first 15 months in the position, he has successfully led the RNC to raise over $100 million dollars to support its campaign operations and candidates in the 2012 elections. Reince married his high school girlfriend, Sally, whom he met at an Illinois church when he was 18 and she was 16. They were married in 1999. Until his election as RNC chairman, Priebus chose to raise his family in his hometown of Kenosha with Sally, his son, Jack, and daughter, Grace Avalyn. According to past interviews, Priebus enjoys fishing and supporting the Green Bay Packers. When asked who his heroes are, he replies Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln.

• Republican National Committee Chairman, 1904 – 1907 • 1st United States Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 1903 – 1904 • 42nd United States Postmaster General, 1905 – 1907 • 44th United States Secretary of the Treasury, 1907 – 1909

Did you know? Cortelyou was one of the men who caught President McKinley after he was shot twice in 1901.

Charles T. Manatt, Iowa State ’58 • Democratic National Committee Chairman, 1981 – 1985 • Chairman for Illinois Sen. Paul Simon’s Presidential Campaign, 1987 • United States Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1999 – 2001 • Co-Chairman for the Clinton/Gore Presidential Campaign, 1992

Did you know? Manatt founded a law firm in Los Angeles that now records over $242 million in business annually through clients such as Coca-Cola, Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Eagles, Hilton Hotels Corporation, AT&T, and Time Warner.

Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Washington ’34 • Democratic National Committee Chairman, 1960 – 1961 • United States Senator, Washington, 1953 – 1983 • United States House of Rep., Washington, 2nd District, 1941 – 1953

Did you know? Jackson ran for President of the United States twice, in 1972 and 1976, but failed to capture the Democratic Party’s nomination either year. Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 5

Join Brother Michels’ “A”s’ Academy Challenge Today! Time is of the Essence! For every dollar raised, Brother Steve Michels will match it up to $70,000. Our goal is $140,000!

Why should you donate to support the “A”s’ Academy? • The “A” from your chapter learns to run it like a business, which is critical to ensure that it is here to stay for years to come. • Your donation will assist in sending approximately 120 “A”s to the 2013 Academy. • Attendees have no out-of-pocket expenses, including lodging, meals, full travel reimbursement and registration fees. • Your contribution is 100% tax deductible. • Your financial gift will have double the impact!

Donations can be made online at or by mail: The Delta Chi Educational Foundation, 314 Church Street, P.O. Box 2113, Iowa City, IA 5 2244-2113

Take your Cornerstone on the go for only $9.99!

Your purchase helps to support Delta Chi’s programming, events, resources, and publications such as the Quarterly! Available today in any of these eBook stores:

6 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

delta chi history book

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 7

CAMPUS SCENE Abracadabra


Shaunt Attarian ’12 “E”

Ben Dixon ’13 “E”

Our brothers have continued to be leaders on campus and in the classroom, earning one of the highest GPAs among Greek organizations yet again. We’ve also continued our streak of having at least one brother in the Associated Students of The University of California when Rafi Lurie ’15 became a Senator for the ASUC. In April, we hosted our Delta Chi World Cup, a soccer tournament to raise funds for The V Foundation.

We welcomed over 240 brothers, Retiring “AA” Tom Horowitz, and “DD” Miles Washburn to Auburn, AL for this year’s RLC. During the weekend, an award was created and named after one of our alumni, Michael Carroll ’71, for his devotion to Delta Chi.

Alabama Zac Cochran ’14 “E” Our chapter has grown immensely this year, due to an increase in our active member retention rate and our spring recruitment efforts. Our grades are consistently improving as well. In fact, Mark Husted ’12 achieved the highest GPA among graduating seniors. This spring, many brothers participated in tornado relief efforts every Sunday and also attended “A Day of Service,” an event held around the anniversary of last year’s tornadoes. Each Friday, brothers taught underprivileged children how to read. Our annual Indian Party also raised $2,400 for The V Foundation. We’ve also begun plans for an expansion and renovation project in our house.


Andrew Buchholz ’13 “E” We welcomed four men as associate members this spring. We participated in two service projects, made great strides with our philanthropic efforts, and have maintained the highest GPA among Greek organizations on campus. Also, our “White Carnation” formal was a great success.

Behrend Derek Krzysiak ’14 “E” During the spring 2012 semester, we worked diligently to make our chapter the best it can possibly be. Brothers have been working both day and night on our service initiatives, our scholarship program, and our relationships within the Behrend community.

Alberta Bryan Tran ’14 “E” We welcomed nine men into our brotherhood, including three alumni initiates and one associate member. For the second year in a row, we won the annual songfest competition. We met our goal of raising $1,200 for The V Foundation and then focused our attention toward some local charities as well. We were able to gather over 50 bags of clothing and 350 pounds of food for the shelter and food bank.

American Eric Langer ’13 “E” While we celebrated achievements such as welcoming eleven men into our brotherhood and continuing our strong academic trend, we all paused when, on March 2, 2012, Shawn Streiff ’04 was struck by a truck while cycling in Washington, D.C. Together our brothers, friends, and alumni came to his aid, raising over $5,000 in the 72 hours following the accident. The funds have helped with Shawn’s recovery process, which is going well. On April 20, 2012, we hosted our first ever Earth Ball Games to raise funds for The V Foundation.

Appalachian State Justin Kirschenblatt ’14 “E” This spring marked the 25th anniversary of our chartering. We celebrated this milestone with a banquet on April 28, 2012. The event was a great success, with many stories both new and old traded throughout the night. Our annual Big Bounce event raised over $1,300 for The V Foundation. We also received seven out of a possible ten awards that fraternities on our campus may be given.

Arizona Caleb Mendoza ’12 “E” We held our annual Fathers’ Weekend and went go-kart racing in the Tucson Valley. Our brothers brought home first place and raised over $4,800 for Service for Sight during Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash. We’re also planning on honoring Anthony Andrighetto by adding a Sport Court to our courtyard in the fall.

We’ve participated in various philanthropic events this spring. We raised over $400 for Penn Brothers after a dodge ball recruitment event State’s THON. Eric Peirce participated in the “Mr. and Miss Penn State Behrend” Pageant. His participation brought home first place and also helped the women of Alpha Sigma Tau raise money for the Pine Mountain Settlement School in Kentucky. We hosted a raffle and week-long dinner event at Ponderosa to raise funds for the V Foundation. Lastly, we planned an evening ball at a local retirement home with the women of Gamma Sigma Sigma. Our new members were recently recognized for earning the highest GPA among new member classes, and our brothers earned the highest GPA among fraternities during the entire 2011-2012 school year. We’re still renovating our scholarship program to ensure that our grades continue to improve. We’re also working on developing a scholarship for incoming freshmen. Going beyond just “public relations,” we worked hard to build relationships, with brothers working in various ways to meet our goal. Members joined organizations including the Lion Ambassadors, Student Government Association, College Democrats, Multi-Cultural Council, and many others. We also hosted an Easter egg coloring between classes on campus. Our brothers have also welcomed Triangle to our Greek community, offering their members help whenever needed as they build their organization. Our spring semester was truly a major milestone in our chapter’s history. With new leadership and continued focus on our public image, our eyes are set to the future and growing our chapter.

Arizona State John Greenspon ’13 “E” Our soccer and basketball intramural teams were a force to be reckoned with this spring. We also hosted a wide range of events, including a pancake social that benefited the V Foundation, a “Nautical by Nature” date night, and our spring formal in Las Vegas, NV.

Brothers pose for a picture at Relay for Life during Greek Week

8 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

Binghamton Jason Gul ’12 “A”

We’re proud of this spring’s philanthropic efforts. We sponsored the Purim Carnival and “Lazers Against Cancer” concert, and we planned our most successful “Miss Aphrodite” event yet. “Miss Aphrodite” is our annual pageant where sorority women compete in various events, including talent, formal wear, toga, and Q&A. Our 8th annual pageant raised more than $2,000 for the V Foundation and Autism Speaks. We’re looking forward to breaking this record next year!

Contestants during “Miss Aphrodite”

CAMPUS SCENE Bowling Green

Case Western Reserve Colony

This spring, we celebrated our ten-year chartering anniversary. Over 125 alumni, students, and guests attended our celebration banquet the week prior at the Stone Ridge Country Club. During our banquet, we raised over $1,300 for the V Foundation through a raffle, our most successful event in the past two years. In total, we’re excited to have surpassed our fundraising goal of $1,500 for the V Foundation.

We welcomed 11 men as associate members this spring, the largest new member class of any fraternity on campus. We participated in 30 community service and philanthropy events and had over 90% of our members involved in at least one other campus organization. We placed in a few events during Greek Week and also received four awards at our RLC. We’re also excited to have been approved to receive our charter, and we’re planning our banquet for November 10, 2012.

Jeffrey Williams ’13 “E”

Christian Wargo ’13 “E”

Brothers and guests during our chartering anniversary banquet


Joe Castrogiovanni ’14 “E” We began the spring by initiating six men as brothers. On Earth Day, we partnered with our police department for a cleanup on a local highway. We brought home second place during Greek Week, raising several hundred dollars for the Make-A-Wish Foundation during the coin wars event. Daniel Waugh ’12 was named “Greek Man of the Year,” and William Bryce ’15 was named “New Member of the Year” at our annual Greek Awards Banquet. We also received the award for the highest chapter GPA and best philanthropy during the 2011-2012 school year.

California Univ-PA Kevin Emery “BB”

Of our eight associate members, seven men are enrolled in the University’s Honors Program. These men brought significant growth and enthusiasm to our membership. For the first time, brothers brought home first place in the annual Greek Week competition, winning multiple events including hockey, trivia, and billiards. Brothers earned over a 3.00 GPA this spring while also participating in many events, including Relay for Life, “Pie-A-Chi”, and events at our local food bank. Our brothers’ diverse efforts contributed to our goal of winning the 2012 President’s Award.

Brothers stop for a picture at the 2012 Region VI RLC

Central Michigan Alexander Coulter ’13 “E”

This spring, we welcomed brothers from across Region VI to Mount Pleasant, MI for the RLC. We also hosted a risk management presentation for our entire Greek community.

Central Missouri Ben Svatos ’13 “E”

During Greek Week, we brought home first place in “Scene It,” second place in the cupcake eating competition, second in tug-of-war, third in “Bill Battle,” and third in chariot building. Ryan Stiefermann ’12 was also recognized as the “Greek Man of the Year.”

Cal Poly

Charlotte Colony

G. Trent Mendonca ’13 “E”

Jeremy Bethea ’14 “E”

This year, we brought home first place during Kappa Alpha Theta’s “Castles for CASA” philanthropy. We also won first place in the beach volleyball event during Greek Week. We held our formal at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, NV this spring. Besides many brothers going to see Avicii live while in Las Vegas, we also ran into many Delta Chi alumni during the weekend. It made us feel like there’s always a Delta Chi brother right around the corner, no matter where you are!

We’ve been working hard to assimilate ourselves among other Greeks on campus, and we’ve been successful at making a name for ourselves so far. We’re actively planning for fall recruitment and are excited with what next fall will bring!

Cincinnati Colony Frank Ferguson ’12 “E”

We initiated four men at the beginning of the spring quarter. Our members won the Greek dodge ball tournament and also participated in all events during Greek Week. We participated in Relay for Life on campus and held a brotherhood camp out over Memorial Day weekend.


Kyle Vassallo ’13 “E” As our manpower continues to grow, we’re focusing attention on school activities and community service. Matt Reiss ’13 currently serves as IFC Vice-President and also planned our formal at Jekyll Island. We brought home second place during Greek Week and also partnered with the women of Chi Omega for Relay for Life. Our second annual “Ace of Cakes” was held in conjunction with Delta Zeta’s annual skeet shoot and was very successful.

Coastal Carolina Roman Elliott ’15 “E”

This spring, we welcomed nineteen men as brothers from our Omicron class. Nicholas Baldino ’14 currently serves as SGA Vice President. We raised over $1,350 for the V Foundation during our annual “Jimmy V Week.” We also raised $1,183 for Relay for Life. Our brothers brought home first place during Greek Week, our fourth victory in the last five years. Our victory was in part due to our win with Alpha Xi Delta at “Mock Rock.” Our intramural basketball team won the Greek League championship, and our soccer and softball teams both made it to the semi-finals.

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 9

CAMPUS SCENE Denison Colin Baker ’12 “E” We welcomed seven men as new initiates but also said goodbye to fourteen graduates this spring. Brothers brought home intramural championships in both soccer and floor hockey. Madden Titus ’12 and Drew Stormo ’15 were part of Denison’s NCAC Champion Lacrosse team. George Bodenheimer ’12 received our “Brother of the Year” award.

Duquesne Steve Chapman ’13 “A” This summer, Brendan McGinnis ’14, Zachary Zeigler ’13, and Steve Chapman ’13 took accelerated business classes in Budapest, Hungary while exploring Budapest, Vienna, and Prague.

Brothers and 19-man Omicron class pose for a photo

Cornell Justin Day ’14 “E” We welcomed twenty associate members and hosted and participated in several events. From our own events we raised a total of $1,500. However, we raised a grand total of $10,000 through a wide range of events in which our chapter participated. All proceeds will be donated to the V Foundation. We also welcomed over 50 friends and family to The Knoll for our Parents’ Weekend dinner.

Corpus Christi Kenny Chou ’13 “E” On April 7, 2012, we held our annual “Don’t Drop the Ball” event, raising $3,687 for the V Foundation. Later that month, brothers also participated in Relay for Life and E.D.G.E.’s “Big Event.” Our tradition, “Braveheart,” continued this spring with the Buff team winning 3-0, breaking the Red team’s two-year winning streak. We also welcomed two outstanding men into our brotherhood as alumni initiates: Santiago Garza and Jason DuBoise. Garza is a Senior Sales Representative at Hertz, where, in 2010, he received the President’s Circle Award for his outstanding sales performance. DuBoise currently serves as our Academic Advisor and works as the Assistant Director for the Center for Academic Student Achievement on campus. We’re excited and proud to have such extraordinary men among our ranks.

Brothers bring brotherhood to Budapest, Hungary

East Carolina Jonathan Colbert ’13 “E” We teamed up with the Friends of Pitt County Animal Shelter to host our third annual “AdoptA-Thon,” where we set up a booth during the “Barefoot on the Mall” concert to try to find homes for dogs. This year, we managed to find homes for two dogs. We’re looking forward to continuing this event next year!

East Stroudsburg Keith Heckel ’12 “E” We’ve worked to raise money for The V Foundation by holding numerous “Pie-A-Chi” events on our campus and at surrounding schools. Our brothers have also received recognition for our community street cleanups this year. We currently boast the top GPA among fraternities on campus and look forward to retaining this distinction.

Eastern Illinois Colony Nicholas Almanza ’15 “E” We welcomed three new members as brothers this spring before saying goodbye to our seniors. Our brothers finished seventh in the intramural sports points race and third in GPA among all fraternities. We finished first during the Unity Stroll during Greek Week. Our first annual “house challenge” saw all brothers compete in friendly games of wiffle ball, dodge ball, tug of war, relay race, trivia night, and a paintball outing. The red and buff teams tied!

Cortland Matthew Simons ’13 “A” We began the spring semester with eight associate members and five brothers recognized with Dean’s List Honors. Brendan Lowe ’13 currently serves as Treasurer of the Student Government Association. Matt Tomasi ’12, current Inter-Greek Council President, organized the community’s first Greek Week since 2005. We brought home first place in the volleyball tournament and Greek relays during the week. We also participated in several service activities, including the “Chill-A-Bration” festival, where we made balloon animals for children. Our brothers organized a dunk tank to raise money for the Cortland Youth Bureau and also participated in Relay for Life. Both students and alumni embarked on a unique fundraiser, a weight-loss campaign, to raise over $500 for the V Foundation. This spring was also the fifth anniversary of our chartering, which we celebrated at a banquet in Syracuse, NY.

Davis Justin Powell ’12 “E” During UC-Davis’ 98th annual “Picnic Day,” we hosted a pancake breakfast to raise money for The V Foundation. The event was well attended by brothers, alumni, students, Davis residents, and brothers’ family members. We hope to make this our annual contribution to “Picnic Day.” Many brothers also participated in Relay for Life. During Greek Week, we helped to raise money and collect supplies for Cal Aggie Camp, a camp for local underprivileged children.

10 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

Brothers gather for photo before the end of the semester

Eastern Washington Chris Lulay ’14 “E” The Eastern Washington Colony received its charter on April 14, 2012. Read more about Eastern Washington’s Chartering Banquet in the upcoming Summer ’12 issue of the Quarterly.



Gregory Smith ’15 “E”

Scott Carlson ’12 “E”

Last summer, Brandin Delano ’12 was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia, a form of anemia that affects the production of new red blood cells. To help Brandin and others who have this condition, our brothers hosted a bone marrow drive to help find donors for the national registry. The Florida Blood Center considered 15 new donors for the event to be a success. We had a total of 55 people sign up for the opportunity to assist with saving someone’s life!

We welcomed 25 men as associate members this spring. During Greek Week, we partnered with Zeta Tau Alpha and captured the spirit banner. Overall, CSU-Fullerton’s Greek Week raised over $60,000 for charity. Our chapter hosted a bachelor auction, offering the audience opportunities to bid on various date packages offered by our members. Over 100 women attended and helped us raise a significant amount of money for The V Foundation. That same week, brothers also raised $250 for Relay for Life. We’ve also worked hard to maintain our top GPA among all fraternities. Brothers established study groups that met frequently in the library, and we transformed the common area in our house into a large study space in preparation for finals.

On March 24, 2012, brothers, associate members, and alumni celebrated our 40th anniversary with a dinner and social gathering. We also held a ground-breaking ceremony that weekend for our future, on-campus chapter house. Dr. John Johnson, President of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Congressman John Mica, Florida ’67, attended the ceremony. We’re looking forward to 40 more years of brotherhood and all that our new house will eventually allow us to do!

Gannon Brothers, including Congressman John Mica, break ground for the new house.

Florida John Rausch ’13 “E” Fourteen brothers attended the RLC this spring, and we’ve been selected to host Region VIII’s 2013 RLC. Our annual “Earthball” philanthropy event was a huge success, with each sorority entering a team this year. The event raised over $4,500 for The V Foundation. We participated in “Project Makeover,” partnering with the women of Chi Omega to renovate a local elementary school. Some brothers worked with UF’s “Gift of Life” bone marrow drive to register students in the bone marrow database, while 26 brothers participated in the Greek Blood Drive. As a chapter, we also recently adopted a highway just off campus. We’re also proud to announce that Young-Ki Chang ’06 was recently inducted into The University of Florida Hall of Fame. Go Gators!

Tyler Protiva ’1 5 “E” We welcomed nine men as new brothers to our chapter this spring. Our annual volleyball tournament raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation. We brought home second place during Greek Week. Currently, Delta Chi brothers hold four of eight possible seats on the IFC Executive Board.

George Mason Lake Smith ’12 “E”

We welcomed four men as brothers this spring. We hosted a mixer with the women of Zeta Tau Alpha for Valentine’s Day, where we crafted cards for area heart patients and socialized. We also held our annual lake trip and banquet in Lake Anna, Virginia, where brothers bonded and appreciated all of our graduating seniors.

Georgia Southern Witt Cunningham ’14 “E”

Aron Randall ’12 currently serves as the Area II Vice President for the Southeastern Interfraternity Council (SEIFC). Aron’s responsibilities cover the states of Georgia and Florida. The SEIFC is a voluntary association of fraternity governing councils in the Southeastern United States. It is one of the four regional associations throughout North America designed to bring together institutions and individuals with a commitment to fraternity life on college and university campuses. There are currently 100 fraternity governing councils holding membership in the SEIFC, including a wide variety of colleges and universities with student populations ranging from 3,000 to over 30,000. Being elected to this position is a great honor for Aron, Georgia Southern University, The Georgia Southern Chapter, and for Delta Chi.

Georgia Tech Brothers and dates gather for a photo during formal

Florida State Colony Benjamin Keown ’13 “E” This spring, we initiated four men and held our second annual “Earthball” event to raise money for The V Foundation. Brothers chose to support a little league baseball team as our ongoing service project. We also hosted a very successful Alumni and Parents Weekend, with a number of brothers’ families making the trip. Our current “A” was also elected the overall director for Dance Marathon.

Fredonia Greg Minchak ’13 “E” We participated in “Playing for Prevention,” an event that allowed student groups to set up game booths and help spread awareness about suicide prevention. We also participated in “Operation Breakfast Rescue,” where we organized boxes of breakfast food that were later given to a local food shelter. We hosted a car bash fundraiser on campus and raised $100. Finally, we brought home second place during Greek Week.

Daniel Manning ’12 “E” Our largest social event, Reggae Weekend, was a great success. After months of training, we also celebrated a third place finish in the Greek community’s annual tug-of-war competition. Lastly, all but one of our 25 graduating seniors participated in Delta Chi’s Alumni Ceremony prior to graduation.

Gorham State

Brennan Parker ’13 “E” We’ve worked to improve our relationships in Gorham this spring. In February, we participated in our second annual “Freezin’ for a Reason” polar plunge. The event benefited Camp Sunshine, which provides support for children with life-threatening diseases. We also worked with a local church to set up an Easter egg hunt for nearly 600 people from nearby communities.


Ronald German ’13 “A” We welcomed fourteen motivated and enthusiastic men as brothers this spring. Since receiving our charter, this spring was the first time we’ve been able to hold our own initiation

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 11

CAMPUS SCENE ceremony. We were honored to have our Regent, Dave Weber, witness our hard work. Our philanthropy committee has begun working with the Greek Philanthropy Union, a group that connects all philanthropy chairs across Greek organizations in order to collaborate on philanthropy events in the most efficient way possible. Our annual basketball tournament raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation.

Hobart Christopher Edwards ’13 We welcomed five associate members into our brotherhood this spring. Many brothers participated in Relay for Life, following up on last year’s record-breaking fundraising effort. We fielded teams for intramural floor hockey, softball, volleyball, and basketball. Christopher Edwards ’13 also received the “Outstanding ‘A’” Award at the RLC this spring.

Hofstra Matt Mangano ’13 “E” This spring, we hosted our fourth annual Powder Puff football tournament to raise money for The V Foundation. We brought home second place in Greek Week and also participated in the Polar Plunge of Northern Hempstead, which benefited the Special Olympics of New York.

Huntsville Alexander Capps ’12 “E” We began our spring semester with a brotherhood retreat to set goals and plan for the semester. In February, we raised $1,500 for The V Foundation from brothers working concessions at Tennessee Titan games. We brought home a first place sweep in Greek Week, winning Bluetube, Greek Olympics, and Out-Eat the Greeks. We’ve continued our involvement with St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church by serving food at its Bistro St. Stephen’s fundraiser. We’re also actively planning for our 35th anniversary Founders’ Day Formal, to be held on October 13, 2012. If you’d like more information about the event, please contact

Kansas State Colony Eric Haun ’14 “E” On April 21st, the Kansas State Colony hosted our second annual Scholarship Dinner. Held in the beautiful Tadtman Board Room located in the Alumni Center, brothers gathered, along with 11 finalists, to award two scholarships to up-and-coming high school seniors who will be attending K-State next fall. The two scholarships awarded were the James Komatz and the Dr. Alan Brightman scholarships. James Komatz was a member of the Kansas State Chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity since the fall of 1994. He was initiated on February 10, 1995 and was an active member of the Fraternity. After a yearlong battle with cancer, Jim passed away on July 15, 1998. The purpose of this scholarship is to perpetuate the memory of James Komatz on the campus of Kansas State University and to provide educational opportunities and assistance for outstanding incoming students who possess exemplary attributes in scholarship, fellowship and character.

Idaho The Idaho Chapter’s charter was suspended on May 14, 2012 after the Chapter was placed on Level 5 Corrective Action due to multiple violations of the Fraternity’s risk management policy. Please contact Justin Sherman ( with any questions.


Matt Neufeld ’14 “E” This spring we hosted our mothers for a Moms’ Weekend. We gave tours of the house and treated our mothers to a brunch prepared by our house chef. We then held a gift basket auction. Our mothers greatly enjoyed each others’ company and experiencing a day in the life of a Delta Chi.

Illinois State

Michael Reid ’14 “E” We welcomed seven new men as brothers this spring. Each week, our brothers helped run a bingo night at Evergreen Place Assisted Living. Some brothers also participated in College Mentors for Kids, a local tutoring program. At our first annual Buffalo Wild Wings Wing Eating Contest, we raised almost $1,000 for The V Foundation. On March 31, 2012, we hosted a Parents’ Day, where our families enjoyed food, activities, and prizes. At the University’s awards night, we received recognition for the best scholarship and community service programs. Sean Palmer ’12 also received the “Most Outstanding Greek Senior” Award. We’re actively preparing for our Alumni Golf Outing, which is planned for August 11, 2012.


Benjamin Reifsnyder ’13 “E” With the help of Miss Peru 2011, we planned our first annual Miss Greek IU Pageant to benefit The V Foundation. We raised a total of $12,500 for The V Foundation and another $1,100 across 17 other philanthropic organizations. We’re proud of the hard work that went into the event, and we’re looking forward to hosting the event again next year. Our Little 500 team began the race in 25th place and, ultimately, finished 21st overall.


Josh Engel ’14 “E” We welcomed four new members this spring through informal recruitment efforts, bringing our total for the year to 26 new members. Three brothers participated in Dance Marathon and raised a combined $1,800 for children’s cancer research. Six brothers raised over $600 for the Special Olympics through their participation in Polar Plunge. As a chapter, we surpassed our goal of $1,000 for The V Foundation through our raffle and silent auction during Parents’ Weekend. Our intramural baseball team made it to the playoffs, and we placed third in the Greek Week relay. We’re also actively preparing for our centennial celebration this fall.

Jacksonville State Chris Brown ’14 “E”

We recently achieved our long-standing goal of paying off and owning our house. Along with this, we hosted our eighth annual Easter egg hunt, and brothers continued our tradition of sponsoring our little league team, the Delta Chi Little Reds.

James Madison Dan Kator ’13 “E”

This spring, we held a pig roast, shrimp boil & clam bake, hosted several band parties, and attended the Foxfield Races in Charlottesville, VA. We celebrated the 10th anniversary of our chartering at our formal in Baltimore, MD. We brought home second place in Greek Week again this year as well. We hosted a Dippin’ Dots sale in our front yard to raise money for The V Foundation. Also, several brothers volunteer their time with the local Boys and Girls Club.

Dr. Brightman was “A” at the Kansas Chapter and later served as “BB” at a number of chapters before he served as “BB” for the Kansas State Chapter from 1992 – 2002. The purpose of this scholarship is to honor the service of Dr. Brightman to his fraternity and to provide educational opportunities and assistance for outstanding incoming students who possess exemplary attributes in scholarship, fellowship and character. In addition to handing out two fantastic scholarships, we were also very pleased to have Bill Meredith, the Associate Dean of the School of Human Ecology, present to give a speech on opportunities and living out your personal dreams. In addition to Dr. Meredith, our current Alumni Advisor and President-Elect of the National Kansas State Alumni Association, Aaron “Ottomatic” Otto, gave closing words and praise to the finalists who were in attendance. This function was a great brotherhood event and a fantastic evening for recruitment. We made a very positive impression on parents and finalists alike and look forward to continuing this tradition in the years to come. Brothers spend time volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club

12 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012


Long Beach

Brice Overdorff ’14 “E”

John Marino ’12 “E”

We began the spring with nearly 50% of brothers making the Dean’s List, which significantly contributed to our chapter achieving the highest GPA among fraternities. We welcomed two new men as brothers before saying goodbye to two graduating seniors. During the semester, we hosted our first “Pie Delta Chi” event, and many brothers participated in the Polar Plunge, which benefited the Special Olympics. We were also invited to visit our alumni, Senator John Wozniak ’78 and Senator John Rafferty ’75, at the State Capitol building for a full private tour. We brought home second place in Greek Week, and Kevin McDonald ’13 received the “Mr. UPJ” award.

This spring, we welcomed fourteen new members into the bond. Through our annual “Cupcake Showdown,” we have been able to contribute $1,500 to The V Foundation. Individuals from our own chapter, sororities, and other campus organizations submitted delicious cupcakes that were judged on appearance, creativity, and taste. After the competition, the cupcakes were sold to students and faculty on campus. We brought home third place during Greek Week with the help of Delta Delta Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, and Delta Lambda Phi.

Kansas Josh Rothschild ’14 “E” We held our first annual alumni watch party, where we hosted a dinner for all alumni who could attend. We then watched the Jayhawks take on the Texas Longhorns basketball team. We also teamed up with Sigma Phi Epsilon to launch the first annual “Memorial Week,” where we sold hot dogs around campus each day to raise money for the Lawrence Memorial Hospital Emergency Room. We wrapped up the week with a concert featuring Yonas before announcing we’d raised over $1,000.

Kennesaw State Henry Phillips ’14 “E” After initiating nine men on April 14, 2012, we’ve doubled our chapter size, from around 25 men to now over 50, all while maintaining the highest GPA among fraternities. We celebrated the second anniversary of our chartering on April 15, 2012 by holding the Alumni Ceremony for 11 brothers and visiting Kennesaw’s Campus Green. Henry Phillips ’14 currently serves as IFC President, and J.J. Atherton ’14 serves as the Vice President of Public Relations. Chase Duvall ’13 and Drew Hundertmark ’14 also hold two seats in the SGA.

Kettering-A Nathan Irish ’13 “E” During our winter term, we focused on improving our philanthropic efforts. We won Alpha Sigma Alpha’s links competition, raising nearly $1,800 for The V Foundation. We also raised money while tutoring Flint K-12 students in math and science. Our second annual “Pi a D Chi,” held on March 14, was a great success. In total, our members contributed over 150 service hours this term.

Kettering-B Douglas Dinwiddie ’13 “E” We welcomed seven men as associate members this spring and hosted a very successful mixer with the women of Alpha Sigma Alpha. We’re confident that we’re on track with our goals, after holding one of our best retreats in years, and we’re looking forward to seeing what our future will hold.

LSU Jared Mathews ’14 “E” We’re back on campus and excited for our future growth potential. This spring, we hosted an exchange with Kappa Delta. Our annual alumni crawfish boil was another huge success. Lastly, we finished third in the Spartan Challenge, an event organized by Semper Fi.

Lake Forest Fendey Jean-Baptiste ’14 “E” We welcomed ten men as associate members this spring. Our annual date auction was a big hit on campus. Both male and female students were auctioned off to the highest bidder during the event. Through this event and others, we surpassed our two-year contribution goal of $2,000 for The V Foundation.

Lehigh Matthew Mitchell ’13 “E” This spring, we’ve worked to strengthen our public and alumni relations. Our new website (see back cover) has been instrumental in coordinating and communicating with alumni. Brothers participated in a local Saturday morning cleanup and also participated in Relay for Life. We also had a record turnout for our annual spring trip to McSorley’s Old Ale House. We’re proud to welcome Chris Mueller as our chapter’s first alumnus initiate.

Livingston Allen Pilkington ’14 “E” In only our second semester as a chapter on campus, we received the Homer Award. This award is given to the best and most involved Greek organization on campus.

Active and associate members pause to capture their victory at Delta Zeta’s “Turtle Tug” tug-of-war philanthropy.

Louisiana Tech

Christopher Berry ’14 “E” During Greek Week, we brought home third place and finished first in a number of events throughout the week. Our brothers completed over 300 community service hours and raised close to $1,500 for The V Foundation through multiple events.


Jacob Moe ’14 “A” This spring, we recruited and initiated eight new members, bringing our manpower to its largest number in recent years. We also enjoyed reconnecting with our alumni during our spring golf outing.


Ryan Clancy ’13 “A” We welcomed ten men into our brotherhood this spring. Our brothers also teamed up with Alpha Chi Omega to co-host a wheelchair basketball tournament that raised money for The V Foundation and domestic violence awareness.


Maxwell Eichner ’14 “E” We held our alumni picnic on April 21, 2012. The event began with our fourth annual “Friends of Ben” golf tournament, which benefited a foundation in the name of our late brother Ben Petty. Afterwards, brothers and alumni returned to the house for a luncheon. The event was a huge success, and we’re looking forward to celebrating our 25th anniversary later this year!

Massachusetts Colony Stephen Zipp ’12 “E”

This spring, we welcomed four men as associate members, which helped us increase our participation in every aspect of fraternity. Our alumni & family BBQ was a success, with nearly 60 family members and alumni showing up.


David Ogborn ’13 “E” We held our Kimball Classic golf outing for our alumni this spring. Alumni and brothers went to a local golf course and then the house for a delicious meal and raffle. The event was a success, with more alumni attending than in many previous years. We’re looking forward to seeing more alumni back this fall for Homecoming.


Cory Fortunato ’13 “E” We began a philanthropy event that we hope will continue annually, our March Madness bracket challenge. We offered Michigan basketball apparel as the main prize, and we raised over $700 for The V Foundation. We also worked to increase member accountability, which has led to an overall increase in participation. Finally, we implemented several subcommittees to improve efficiency, and we look forward to implementing several more over the summer and during the fall semester.

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Marshall “Imagine a World Without Cancer” Seth Rabatin ’11 “E”

Brothers from the Delta Chi Fraternity have a history of going to great lengths to raise money for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Continuing with this tradition, a group of four bikers, called “The Six18 Boys”, biked from the Marshall Chapter in West Virginia all the way to raise more money for the Foundation one last time before graduation. Scott Hamlin, Seth Rabatin, Cameron Mallory, and Anthony Severino covered 618 miles in just eight days. Over the course of their journey the guys asked for donations from people they met. All told, they raised over $1,500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research!

Michigan State Brendan Hanley ’13 “E” We’ve seen an increase in the strength of our alumni relations through events like our annual alumni golf outing, held this year on April 21, 2012 at the Eagle Eye Golf Club. Over 100 brothers and alumni participated in the event, and we’re hoping to grow this number in the years to come. While many brothers will be busy with classes and internships this summer, we’re eagerly looking forward to next fall!

The main theme for the journey was challenging people they met to “imagine a world without cancer.” They posed this question they met along the way and the responses they got were nothing short of touching. Some people said they would have had more time with loved ones; some said they themselves would have experienced less pain in their life. These amazing stories remind us of why we contribute so much time and money to this great cause. We can all easily imagine a world without cancer, and these outstanding men helped us move a little closer toward that reality. If you want to learn more about their journey, follow “Six18” on Facebook.

Alumni during annual golf outing

Minnesota Joe Jackson ’13 “E” During the semester of our 120th anniversary, we hosted Region IV’s RLC and welcomed nearly 250 brothers to Minneapolis. During the RLC, our four associate members and their big brothers helped to unveil the Big Brother Ceremony to other chapters. Members currently hold two student organization presidencies, the Vice President of IFC, and two seats on our campus’ judicial board. We won Alpha Gamma Delta’s Beach Boy competition and added a broom ball championship to our trophy case. We’re working hard on summer recruitment and planning our fall 5k philanthropy.

Mississippi State Colony Frank Chandler, “E” As a newly formed colony at Mississippi State, we have been working tremendously hard to acquire new members that possess the same drive and live by the same expectations that those of us within the fraternity possess. Though we were unable to participate in spring formal rush this semester, we will be participating in all formal rush events in the future. For this year’s summer campaign we will be hosting two recruitment ventures, one at a golf club near the state capital, and the other in a beach house on an island just off the coast in the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, we have purchased an on-campus house that we will be moving into the fall of 2013. As we look forward to our expansion here at Mississippi State, we would like to thank our alumni base for giving us all the tools and opportunities needed to succeed.

Missouri Jim Grundy ’13 “E” We held our annual philanthropy, “Mad Hoops,” which combines a five-day camp-out on Lowry Mall with a sorority-wide basketball tournament. From participation donations and two BBQs, we raised more than $4,500 for the V Foundation, $1,300 more than last year. We brought home fourth place during Greek Week with the help of Alpha Delta Pi and Delta Upsilon. During the week, we received first place honors in public relations, fifth place in special events, fourth place in community service, and won “Best Vocals” and “Best Backdrop” at the Fling competition. We held our White Carnation Formal in Memphis, TN on Beale Street. We continue to pride ourselves on our campus involvement. We have new members involved with Mizzou Outreach, Missouri Students Association, Tour Team, KCOU 88.1 FM, Mizzou Unity Coalition, and the Alumni Association Student Board. Skylar Morris ’14 and Josh Fulton ’12 will serve as Summer Welcome Leaders. Ethan Colbert ’14 currently serves on the Homecoming Steering Committee. This fall, we’re looking forward to having an official house right next to campus for the first time since 2007, complete with common rooms, dining options, and study areas for our members. 14 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

CAMPUS SCENE Missouri State

Northern Colorado

Ricky Kruszynski ’13 “E”

Stephen Love ’15 “E”

Our brothers participated in several community service events, ranging from cleaning local streets to Relay for Life. We also hosted a “Heels and Hardhats” philanthropy relay event, with all proceeds being split between The V Foundation and an organization for domestic abuse awareness. Finally, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of our re-colonization at our White Carnation Formal.

We planned and executed a successful “Jimmy V Week” this year. We’d like to take a moment to thank our alumni and parents who’ve been so involved over the years. Finally, we want to wish the best to all our graduating seniors.

Northern Illinois Peter Ruef ’13 “E”

Montclair Kyle Pukenas “E” We’ve been actively involved in many events, including fundraising walks, volunteer work at animal shelters, and co-sponsorships with sororities. We’re looking forward to more events next fall, including some events to raise money for The V Foundation.

This spring, we hosted our first ever philanthropy event as a chapter. From April 23 to April 27, 2012, we manned two tables on campus for penny voting, t-shirt and bracelet sales, and donation collections. On April 28, 2012, we held our first annual Earth Ball tournament, with five sororities competing. We raised over $1,100 for The V Foundation. We’re thankful for all the work by Justin Larsen ’12 and Eric Evans ’13 in preparation for the event. We’re also excited to announce that, from the work of Kyle Aragon ’12, Kazimier Chevas ’12, and Jake Kargol ’12, we have gained full recognition with the IFC.

Northwestern Mark McLoughlin ’13 “E” We’ve nearly doubled our manpower through recruiting 26 men over the past two quarters. Many of our newest members are already involved in leadership roles in the chapter. We partnered with Chi Omega for our “Gone Greek Night,” where we serenaded sororities with “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. Our annual brotherhood trip to Windsor, Canada was a blast. We finished second in fundraising during Dance Marathon. We also held our first annual alumni golf outing at the Wilmette golf course.

New Haven Anthony Dos Santos ’12 “E” We welcomed eight new members this spring and held a number of events. On February 5, 2012, we hosted a blood drive that netted over 40 pints of blood. Our third annual Pudding Tug-of-war raised over $500 for The V Foundation. On April 14, 2012, we held our annual Alumni vs. Active softball game, in which over forty alumni attended and participated.

North Alabama Dusty Harrison ’15 “E” This spring, we held our annual “Legends on Campus” three-day event, which included an artistic day, athletic day, and a foam party. The artistic day included a competition between sororities, where they painted a themed design on each house’s front porch. The athletic day consisted of three competitive events: an underwater treasure hunt, Earth Ball, and a dodge ball tournament. The third day concluded the event with a foam party. We also brought home third place in a Step-Sing competition, where, over three months, we choreographed dance moves and scripted lyrics to many popular songs to create a ten-minute show based on the Wizard of Oz. The event raised money for United Way. We also participated in a walk-a-mile to raise awareness about sexual assault prevention and hosted a campus-wide snow party, which allowed students to enjoy snow in Alabama.

Northern Arizona James Waldrep ’10 “E” We welcomed four new men as brothers this spring. We brought home first place during Greek Week and Greek Field Day for the second year in a row. We organized street cleanups and volunteer work through food banks and local organizations in Flagstaff.

Our rush week broomball game

Northwest Missouri Kyle King ’15 “E” We recruited and initiated three men this spring. We participated in Greek Week, and our three bowling teams brought home first, second, and third places. We’re preparing for some renovations to our house, including the addition of a privacy fence on the back porch.

Ohio State Brian Brown ’13 “E” After initiating eight men last quarter, we also initiated eight men this spring. We hosted a blood drive again this quarter, contributing forty hours of service and 30 donors. Members also volunteered for “Shred-It Day” in Columbus. In addition to raising $522 for The V Foundation this quarter, we participated in Delta Gamma’s “Anchor Slam,” Alpha Epsilon Phi’s “Phi Trotters,” and Delta Zeta’s “Man of the Year” contest. Our alumni weekend, held April 21-22, 2012, included a cookout with corn hole and a Sunday brunch and golf outing. We also held socials with Delta Omega Kappa, Alpha Gamma Delta, and Alpha Xi Delta. We’re grateful for the twenty scholarships brothers received from our Alumni Association.

Oklahoma Anthony Rustad ’14 “E” We’ve worked to increase our engagement and involvement this spring through our participation in intramural sports and holding our “Cup Cakes for a Cause” philanthropy event. We’ve also worked to improve our sense of brotherhood by holding more brotherhood events and a retreat. On April 20, 2012, we held our chartering banquet.

Oregon State Dustin Stilwell ’14 “E”

Our chapter house during a rare Arizona snow storm

We brought home third place in Kappa Delta’s Mock Rock and raised $250 to donate to Alpha Phi’s “Outlast” philanthropy. We raised over $300 for The V Foundation by hosting a house dance. We participated in Sing with Kappa Delta, and, after our second audition, we were in second place overall and first in enthusiasm.

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Rhode Island

Alex Stoller ’14 “E”

Brien Barker ’14 “E”

We teamed up with Kappa Kappa Gamma for THON this year to finish in the top ten among Greek organizations with over $120,000 in donations for the Four Diamonds fund, which supports families whose children are battling pediatric cancer. Our efforts came from all brothers, as we organized many camping trips over four weekends during the year to raise money. We also had the opportunity to meet our THON child. Erica is six years old and suffering from pediatric cancer. We also raised $220 for The V Foundation through a volleyball tournament we hosted in April.

We welcomed nine men into our brotherhood and have been actively planning for our first alumni reunion to be held in June. Our new email and Facebook communication system has been instrumental in assisting us in reaching out to our alumni brothers.

Pittsburgh Mark Zielinski ’15 “E” This semester, we saw 30 men sign bids and join our brotherhood. Oren Lawit ’14 worked to develop our associate member program to include guest speakers each week. We held a golf tournament to benefit the V Foundation and also held several open mic nights. Topher Hoffman ’13 won Delta Phi Epsilon’s “Deepher Dude,” while Greg Brewer ’14, Brandon Benjamin ’15, and Anthony Smith ’15 won Oren Lawitt, AMC, Mitchell Stein, JAMC, Sigma Alpha Mu’s “Brain Buster” and our Rho Class trivia competition. We also met our pledges of $1,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and $2,000 for the V Foundation. At our University’s Cathedral Awards, we received the “Best External Relations” and “Best Academics” awards. Kevin Cogan ’12 received recognition as “Best President,” and Oren Lawit ’14 received “Best New Member Educator.” We also won our sixth straight Cathedral Cup.


Riverside Colony Phil Truong ’13 “E” Stephen Carico ’15 and Michael Rocha ’13 spearheaded our first philanthropy, Delta Chi’s Cupcake Wars, which was held on March 7, 2012. Members from six sororities designed and baked cupcakes to sell to students on campus. The winner was decided based on cupcake design, taste, and money raised. With over 900 cupcakes sold, our event raised $1,084.19, with 50% of the proceeds donated to the V Foundation. The remainder of the proceeds were split between the top three finishers’ philanthropies. Cupcakes were judged by Faculty Advisor Marcela Ramirez; Ethan Johnstone, Alumnus Initiate; and Sean Knorzer ’13.


John Kraft ’14 “E”

Nicholas Perrone ’13 “E”

After hosting Region V’s RLC, we focused on our annual spring dodge ball tournament, which raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation. We won Delta Delta Delta’s “Trikes for Tykes” race, and our intramural sports teams brought home two championships in dodge ball and placed second in badminton, volleyball, and soccer. Members are currently involved in IFC, Mortar Board, Old Masters, ROTC, Dance Marathon, and more. After initiating twelve men this spring, we’re looking forward to having our house at full capacity (82) this fall.

We welcomed a total of fifteen new members this year, raised $4,949 for the Embrace the Kids Foundation, and contributed almost 500 hours in community service. We’re looking to continue our growth in these areas this fall.

Sacramento Colony Joshua Fakhri ’12 “E” One of our newly initiated members is our Colony’s first legacy member. We held our second annual Alumni Crab Feed, which raised almost $2,000. During Greek Week, we brought home third place overall.

Southeast Missouri Benjamin Merriman ’13 “E” We held a dodge ball double-elimination tournament to benefit The V Foundation, where the women of Gamma Phi Beta took first place. We traveled to St. Louis, MO for our formal and also initiated three new members this semester. During our Dads’ Weekend, we initiated six brothers’ fathers. In June, we celebrated our 35th anniversary during an alumni float trip.

South Dakota State Benjamin Sesso ’14 “E” We initiated ten men into our brotherhood this semester and also celebrated our chapter’s tenth anniversary. We’ve raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation through a valet parking service at various campus events. Jameson Berreth ’13 currently serves as the Students’ Association President, and Chance Wachholtz ’16 serves as IFC Vice President. Brothers outside the house

Radford Aaron Lovern ’13 “E” We raised $1,000 for cystic fibrosis research during our “Miss Radford” pageant. In an effort to raise money for The V Foundation, we held an event called “Take A Shot For Jimmy V” in order to tell people about the Foundation. Patrick Manges ’12 received the Outstanding Student Award with a 3.6 GPA and involvement in ROTC and IFC.

16 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

South Florida Joey Jaime ’12 “E” Brothers participated in Sigma Lambda Beta’s “Hoops for Hunger,” placed second in Delta Delta Delta’s “Bulls at Bat,” placed fourth in Kappa Delta’s Shamrock golf tournament, and placed third in Zeta Tau Alpha’s “Step For A Cure.” Our third annual “Lady of the Leges” raised over $9,000 for The V Foundation. We brought home first place during Greek Week, making our chapter the first to win both Homecoming and Greek Week in the same year. Brian Goff ’13 and George Papadeas ’13 currently serve as Student Body President and Vice-President, respectively.

CAMPUS SCENE Southern California


David Aguilar ’14 “E”

Christian Perez ’13 “E”

We won a foosball table through our participation in Alpha Delta Pi’s philanthropy. This table, along with couches, a new television, and a billiards table donated by Jack Powell ’71 has created a new lounge area in our basement. We held our annual actives vs. alumni spring football game, with the actives winning the game. We were honored to have the opportunity to initiate the Riverside Colony’s Founding Fathers and look forward to bonding with them as they work towards chartering.

We’ve worked to greatly improve our image this spring by assisting other organizations with their events and also being more involved with University traditions. Some brothers have helped by giving tours to potential incoming students. We’re looking forward to continuing our efforts in this area in the future.

Southern Illinois

We participated in intramural basketball and softball with Forever Texas, a spirit group on campus, and we placed third and second, respectively. We’re actively planning for a campuswide basketball tournament this fall to raise money for The V Foundation.

Jeremy Packer ’15 “E” We welcomed eight men as associate members this spring, and we’ve made great efforts to improve our philanthropic contributions. Between our date auction and Kimball Classic, a golf scramble, we were able to donate $1,000 to The V Foundation. Our intramural basketball team made it to the playoffs this spring. We also received the University’s Gold Award for University Involvement & Relations and Chapter Advisory Council. We received the Silver Award for Risk Management and the Bronze Award for Recruitment & Development, Community Involvement & Relations, and Chapter Operations.


Stephen Anderson ’15 “E”

Texas Tech

Phillip Weesner ’12 “E” We began our semester with our annual ski trip, this year to Winter Park, CO. We accomplished our goal to get out of debt, participated in numerous philanthropy events, attended Region III’s RLC, and went on our annual brotherhood trip to Buffalo Springs Lake.

Brothers during our annual brotherhood trip


Robert Mauck ’13 “E”

Spring Hill Colony Cory Cianciola ’13 “E” Our second annual Earth Ball tournament, which raised money for The V Foundation through participation and local donations, saw twelve teams compete. For the first time, other fraternities on campus entered a team into the event, with the winner earning a chance to take on the Delta Chis. We currently have brothers serving as President and Vice President of IFC, several brothers in Order of Omega, and another brother serving as Vice President of the Honor Society. Our brothers also brought home the spirit award at Phi Mu’s “Kickball for Kids” tournament.

This spring, we initiated 11 undergraduate men and three alumni members who had distinguished themselves in both their respective fields of employment and their dedication to our chapter. We hosted our second annual Chicken Dinner, where we served over 150 chicken dinners and raised over $700 for The V Foundation.

Troy State

Klint Rhodes ’12 “E” We hosted our annual Luau philanthropy in March, where we had live bands, a coin fundraiser, and field games. All proceeds from the event were donated to The V Foundation. David Dove ’13 currently serves as President of the IFC, and Alan Ray ’14 was selected to join the Mortarboard National Honor Society. At Region VIII’s RLC, we brought home the Regent’s Cup, a reward for our members’ hard work and dedication over the past year.

Brothers face off against Tau Kappa Epsilon during our Earth Ball event

Stephen F. Austin Brian Koeppen ’13 “E” At our 10th annual golf tournament, we raised $2,000 for The V Foundation.

Syracuse Christopher Pokornowski ’12 “E” On March 24, 2012, we held our 5th annual “D-Chi Cup,” our broom ball tournament to benefit The V Foundation. Many brothers participated and raised over $500 for Relay for Life. This spring marked our final semester in our current house. We’re looking forward to all the great memories that we’ll be able to make in our new house next year.

Members of our Executive Board pose with the Regent’s Cup for The Tropolitan

Truman State Andrew Glen ’15 “E”

Our “B”, Michael Edstrohm ’14, has been working with our committee chairmen to achieve as much as they can this spring. Aldon Brink ’13, Greek Relations Chairman, created a calendar featuring pictures of Delta Chi brothers for the sororities on campus. Philanthropy Chairman Andrew Ogle ’14, with help from Aldon Brink ’13, organized volunteer efforts for a local church. We held a “Cookout for a Cure” and raised over $350 for The V Foundation in two days. Ian Schamburg ’12 represented Delta Chi on Greek Week Court, while Taylor Mason ’13 competed in Delta Zeta’s “Big Man on Campus.” Mason also received the “Greek

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 17

CAMPUS SCENE of the Month” from our campus Greek Life Office. Our intramural 3-on-3 basketball team also reached the finals. In April, we welcomed over twenty alumni back to Kirksville for a weekend of events, including golfing and a BBQ.


Tom Devenny ’15 “E” Our fifth annual benefit concert for The V Foundation was a huge success, with much thanks to Sigma Beta Rho for their help. Alexander Clark ’15 currently serves as Inter-Greek Council Vice President, and Ryan Burkhardt ’17 placed third in the University’s “Mr. and Mrs. Greek” competition.


Jarrod Baskin ’12 “E” In February, we held our annual softball tournament to honor Joshua Dykes, a brother who was involved in a fatal car accident in 2010. This year’s tournament was a great success, with many teams from Georgia and Florida competing. Our Parents’ Weekend in March allowed us to show our parents the opportunities that Delta Chi affords to us. In April, we teamed up with Chi Omega and Sigma Chi to participate in Relay for Life. The most memorable part of our spring semester though, was Greek Week. We brought home second place overall, won Greek Week MVP, and Codee Burton ’12 was named Greek Week King. At Greek Assembly, we received the Most Improved GPA Award and placed second for the Campus Cup Award.

Virginia Commonwealth

Washington State Drew Morgan Faculty “BB”

The Chapter finished the semester with plans for a strong summer recruitment effort, in order to bring more brothers into the fold. Midway through the spring, the Chapter elected a new “BB”, who is excited about working with the group as it moves forward.

West Chester Scott Grogg ’13 “E”

We welcomed nine men into our brotherhood this spring. Our annual “Quarters on the Quad” philanthropy raised almost $150 for The V Foundation. Through two additional bake sales, we raised another $150. In April, we raised over $1,300 through our participation in Relay for Life. We also invited alumni back for a day of brotherhood on April 14, 2012. During Greek Week, Juan Puppo ’14 won the “Greek God” event.

West Virginia Tech Michael Gibson ’12 “A”

Our campus is currently under renovation so that the fall of 2012 will be more pleasing and inviting to students.

West Georgia Daniel Noll ’12 “E”

This spring, we brought home second place during Greek Week and earned the second highest GPA among fraternities.

Andre Reveille ’14 “E”

We initiated seven men into our brotherhood this spring and participated in a number of events. We teamed up with Zeta Tau Alpha to host a simulated Senior Prom at Spring Harbor Assisted Living. We planned a night of music, food, drinks, and dancing, and we even named a Prom King and Queen. We look forward to planning a similar event again next year. Our third annual Jimmy V 3-on-3 basketball tournament had 22 team participate and a number of others donate money for The V Foundation. Teams donated $30 to participate, and the winning team received $60 in Visa gift cards. We were named Greek Intramural Champions after we brought home first place in outdoor soccer, dodge ball, kick ball, indoor soccer, and basketball.


Andrew Johnson ’14 “E” We were selected to host Region V’s 2013 RLC, and we’ve already begun planning for it. This spring, we also participated in a number of community service events.

William & Mary Daniel Velez ’13 “E”

We’re excited to announce that we have been selected to move into a house that the University will build on Greek Row. We were one of six fraternities selected, and we’ve already chosen our housing plot and house design. We’re very excited with how this development will help improve our presence and permanence on campus!


Cole Barney ’14 “E” We welcomed seven new members into our brotherhood, and they assisted us in bringing home the gold during Delta Zeta’s annual “Turtle Tug.” We hosted our formal at the Wilmington Convention Hall, where we celebrated the first anniversary of receiving our charter. We’re also actively preparing for our annual Kelp Klassic, a competition for UNCW’s best surfers.

Western Michigan Jake Williams ’14 “E”

Brothers grab a photo on the court


Rizki Aljupri ’12 “E” We began our spring semester with a chapter retreat, where members set goals for the upcoming semester and year. In February, eight brothers attended Region IV’s RLC and brought home an award for Outstanding Chapter Management. In March, we placed first, with a total donation of $500, in “Bowl For Kids Sake,” an event benefiting Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Topeka. In April, we hosted an alumni BBQ, volunteered at a local community food network, and hosted two philanthropy events on campus. Our balloon fight and 5k run/ walk collectively helped us raise $300 for The V Foundation.


Joe Mernaugh ’14 “E” Our house had several improvements this spring, including fixed speakers in the backyard, new backyard furniture donated by our parents’ club, re-tiled showers, and new paint in the hallways. We now also have white carnations planted in front of our house. We hosted brothers from around Region I for the RLC, and it was a successful weekend. Our “Dollars for Scholars” program is still going strong, rewarding brothers with excellent GPAs each term. Our entire chapter cheered in the stands as our intramural basketball team won the championship. With many brothers excited about Relay for Life, we actually formed two separate teams for the walk. Finally, we held our Sun Splash philanthropy at the end of the term. This event consists of a day of poolside competitions, a dance competition, tank top sale, and a raffle of UW sports memorabilia. Instead of our traditional volleyball tournament, Earth Ball is coming to UW!

18 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012

We had a great turnout for our alumni golf outing at Thorneapple Creek in April, despite the rainout. We teamed up with Sigma Pi and Alpha Phi for Greek Week, and we also raised $185 for The V Foundation through two fundraisers at a Mongolian BBQ and at Applebee’s restaurants. Several brothers also visited Mark Schramka, Northwestern Alumnus, to receive haircuts at his old-fashioned barbershop. Mark donated $300 to The V Foundation from the haircut fundraiser.


Khalid Dafalla ’14 “E” This spring, we welcomed brothers from the Cincinnati Colony and Kettering Chapter to celebrate our 41st anniversary. We raised nearly $300 for The V Foundation from our snowball fundraising event. We also held poker and philosophy nights with other Greeks, participated in intramural flag football and hockey, and made new letters for the back of our house.

keeping in ToucH Appalachian State

Kent State


Born to Brother and Mrs. Christian Guest, a son, Truett Hanks, on May 18, 2012. California University-PA Born to Brother and Mrs. Steven Meredith ’95, a daughter, Kali Grace, on March 30, 2012.

Steve Bossart, ’90 has been has been awarded the Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) designation by CFRE International.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Shaun Rothkugel ’04, a daughter, Kaylee, on March 10, 2012.

Long Beach

Born to Brother and Mrs. Benjamin Kleinjan ’06, a daughter, Cora Maxine, on February 3rd, 2012.

Cal Poly Born to Brother and Mrs. Matthew Weal ’94, a son, Luke Aiden, on April 11, 2012.

Chico Brother Dean Johnsen ’90 married to Judy Greer on December 18, 2012. Troy Johnson ’95 selected to host “Crave” on the Food Network.

Coastal Carolina Born to Brother and Mrs. Stephen Gallo ’04, a son, John Howard, on March 11, 2012.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Javier Enriquez ’03, a son, Logan, May 2, 2012 Born to Brother and Mrs. Darrell Stempke ’03, a son, Elijah, on September 8, 2008. Born to Brother and Mrs. Darrell Stempke ’03, a son, Jackson, on September 20, 2010.

Louisiana Tech Born to Brother and Mrs. Dax Menge ’01, a daughter, Charlotte, Ayla, on January 29, 2012.

South Florida


Born to Brother and Mrs. Joseph Strecker ’07, a daughter, Autumn Belle, on August 24, 2011.



Born to Brother and Mrs. Vincent DiCamillo ’95, a son, Aaron Peter, on December 31, 2011. Born to Brother and Mrs. Thomas Harrington ’04, a son, Liam Christopher, on April 25, 2012.

East Stroudsburg Brother Justin Ronnow ’09 married to Jessica Kotsak on February 17, 2012. Brother Andrew Towers ’09 married to Molly Bartha on October 1, 2011.

Southeast Missouri Tony Selvaggio ’10 has been asked to participate in the 2012 U.S./China Inclusive Sports & Recreation for Youth with Disabilities Professional Exchange Program.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Michael Battle ’92, a daughter, Ainsley Glynn, on November 18, 2009. Born to Brother and Mrs. Daniel Henry ’04, a daughter, Kendall Elise, on February 23, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Robert Edwards ’04, a son, Landon Paul, on May 6, 2012.


South Dakota State

Commander Jay Bottelson ’85 has retired from the US Navy. Born to Brother and Mrs. Eric Williamson ’98, a daughter, Piper Amanda Ann, on May 7, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Hedlund ’01, twins, a daughter, Vivian Jane, and a son, Andrew John, on June 5, 2012.

Mississippi State

Georgia Southern

Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Harris ’07, a son, Jacob Brian, on May 14, 2012.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Thomas Renfrow ’10, a son, Lucas Flynn, on January 21, 2012.

Missouri State

Sammy Kalmowicz ’02 married to Rivka Morales on December 11, 2011. Born to Brother and Mrs. Jason Littlejohn ’02, a son, Bryce Ayden, on December 29, 2011. Steve Giddens ’04 married to Amanda Vankirk on December 16, 2011. Born to Brother and Mrs. Joseph Cuervo ’09, a son, Landon Joseph, on April 26, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Eddy Varela III ’09, a son, Eddy IV, on June 6, 2012. Tim Webber ’09 married to Lauren Taylor on February 25, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Josstin Gogue ’11, a son, Blaze Xavier, on May 27, 2011.

Southern California Born to Brother and Mrs. Joel Morgan ’00, a son, James Ryan, on March 8, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Tim Nollan ’00, a daughter, Emma Jane, on May 3, 2012. Brother James Hodgson ’03 married to Stephanie Roberts on April 1, 2012.

Stephen F. Austin


Brother Eric Krause ’08 married to Kelly O’Hagan on April 21, 2012.

Brother Victor Rocha ’06 married to Suzanne Mattix on March 10, 2012.

New Haven

Born to Brother and Mrs. John Martin ’05, twin daughters, Amelia Shea and Sunny Grace, on March 22, 2012.


Born to Brother and Mrs. Ian House ’02, a son, Braeden, on May 22, 2012.


Born to Brother and Mrs. Doug Galbreth, ’04, a girl, Hayden Elizabeth, March 8, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Patrick Wood ’09, a son, Lennon, April 15, 2012.

Pittsburgh Born to Brother and Mrs. Joseph Gualtieri ’09, a daughter, Giovanna Rose, on May 9, 2012.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Jason Rodriguez ’02, a son, Ramon Lee, on May 4, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Josh Havens ’04, a daughter, Reese Harper, on March 6, 2012.

Texas Tech

Born to Brother and Mrs. Kenny Sooter ’04, a girl, Madison Grace, on January 23, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. James Embrey ’15, a son, Jered Richard, on April 24, 2012.

Tri State

Brother David Rogers ’11 married to Lynann Waber on April 21, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Matthew Smith ’11, a Son, Ethan Thomas, on May 16, 2012. Brother Keith Ripplinger ’12 married to Lyndzay Hendershott on April 9, 2012.

Troy State

Brother Derek Grissett ’06 married to Mary Peyton Gilbert on April 14, 2012. Brother Andrew Gibson ’12 married to Jessica Bryant on January 7, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Jeffery Knight ’04, a son, Easton, on December 2, 2011.


Brother James DeTrolio ’09 married to Toni Mangione on May 25, 2012.

Virginia Commonwealth

Born to Brother and Mrs. Lee Wilburn ’00, a son, Bennett Montgomery, on November 21, 2011. Born to Brother and Mrs. Jake Glover ’01, a daughter, Carrigan Louise, on November 20, 2011. Born to Brother and Mrs. Aaron Gilbert ’02, a son, Aaron Jr. “AJ”, on March 12, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Eric VanBramer ’05, a daughter, Bella Haven, on January 18, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris Kovach ’07, a daughter, Elizabeth Michelle, on March 14, 2012.

Western Michigan

Todd Sanford ’83, registered principal at the independent Sanford Financial Services Inc. and financial advisor with Raymond James Financial Services in Portage, MI, was named to Barron’s list of “The Top 1,000 Advisors” in the country. He ranked 16th overall in the State of Michigan.


Jovan Djokovic ’95 promoted to Regional Corporate Chef of the Midwest for US Foods.

farewell & parting These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. Alabama

Georgia Southern




Gorham State


Southern California



George Rudd ’50 March 17, 2012 Walter Dean Hammond Graduate February 27, 2012


James Silliman ’55 April 12, 2012 Robert Heineman ’56 April 15, 2012 Michael McGinn ’66 January 6, 2008


Thomas Burney ’40 January 16, 2011 Bill Clem ’50 November 30, 2011 John Hoadley ’50 October 3, 2011 Daniel Helt ’68 February 17, 2012 Tommy Collins ’70 October 4, 2011

East Stoudsburg

Anthony Mansfield ’08 March 29, 2009


James Fisher ’52 March 3, 2012 Larry Ottis ’86 May 2, 2012


Matthew Bruns Alumnus October 30, 2007

John Purvis ’05 March 29, 2012

Brian Carey ’82 December 6, 2011

Fred Schwaner ’75 July 7, 2011 William Woodcock ’77 September 20, 2010 Paul Caret ’79 September 13, 2010 Andy Girardin ’86 April 1, 2010

William Ittner ’56 August 20, 2011


Missouri State



Robert Cartagena ’62 March 13, 2012

Terry Duncan ’85 April 6, 2012

Iowa State

Ohio State

Justin Sims ’09 May 22, 2012

David Hobde February 6, 2010

Jacksonville State

James Pitts ’92 April 18, 2012


John Trantham ’51 October 11, 2011 Nate bihlmaier ’03 May 22, 2012


Ronnie Adams ’74 March 20, 2012 Asa Green Alumnus March 26, 2012

Keith Wahlgren ’70 September 21, 2011 Christopher Lifgren ’99 April 19, 2012 Nathaniel Deniz ’09 September 20, 2011

George Herms ’42 November 14, 2011 Richard Ward ’47 June 21, 2012 Guilford Kater Jr. ’51 May 13, 2011 Howard Nollenberger ’52 April 10, 2011 Albert Schafer ’58 May 10, 2011


John Caperton ’49 April 23, 2012. Progress Cordoba ’50 June 3, 2012 Brian Simpson ’54 January 17, 2012


Roger Williams ’48 December 4, 2010


Harrison McNease ’72 June 22, 2012 Stephen Dorsey ’81 August, 18 2010 Steven Davidson ’84 November 17, 2011


James Dunford ’33 January 18, 2011 George Schindler ’43 April 13, 2010 James Trucano ’46 January 4, 2011 Frederick Ober ’47 May 30, 2010 Norman Fitz ’58 March 23, 2011

Glenn Okerson ’35 May 29, 2010 Ona Merritt ’39 June 26, 2011 Glenn Watson ’39 December 26, 2011 James Strode Jr. ’45 January 25, 2011 John Martin Alumnus July 15, 2010

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring 2012 19

__ Work

Address_____________________________________ City_________________________________________ State _________________ Zip___________________ E-mail_______________________________________ MOVING? Send your mailing label with new address to: The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 Phone (319) 337-4811 Fax (319) 337-5529

CHAPTERS (113) ABRACADABRA: Univ of Calif - Berkeley - 2721 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704

ALABAMA: Univ of Alabama - Tuscaloosa - PO Box 11127, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 ALBERTA: Univ of Alberta - 11317 Univ Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 1Y8 AMERICAN: American Univ - 4400 Mass Ave NW, Box 16, Washington, DC 20016 APPALACHIAN STATE: Appalachian St Univ - Box 9084, Boone, NC 28607 ARIZONA: Univ of Ariz - 1701 E 1st St, Tucson, AZ 85719 ARIZONA STATE: Arizona St Univ - Sun Devil Inv Ctr, PO Box 871301, Tempe, AZ 85287

AUBURN: Auburn Univ - 530 Biggio Dr, Auburn, AL 36830 AUGUSTA: Augusta State Univ - 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 BEHREND: Behrend College - 3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510 BINGHAMTON: Binghamton Univ of SUNY - 5 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905 BOWLING GREEN: Bowling Green St Univ - 1217 E Wooster, Bowling Green, OH 43403

BRYANT: Bryant College - Box 3289, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917 CAL POLY: Cal Polytechnic State Univ - 1991 Hays St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 CALIFORNIA UNIV - PA: California Univ of PA - 317 Green St, California, PA 15419 CENTRAL MICHIGAN: Central Michigan Univ - 1007 S Main St, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858

CENTRAL MISSOURI: Univ of Central Missouri - Unit D, Fraternity Complex,

Warrensburg, MO 64093

KENNESAW: Kennesaw State Univ - 1000 Chastain Rd NW #0501,

WASHINGTON STATE: Washington State Univ - 800 NE Monroe St,

KETTERING A: Kettering Univ - 1700 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504 KETTERING B: Kettering Univ - 1421 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504 LSU: Louisiana State Univ - LSU Student Union Rm 472, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 LAKE FOREST: Lake Forest College - 555 N Sheridan Rd, Box D1,

WEST CHESTER: West Chester Univ - 218 Sykes Stu Union, 100 W Rosedale Ave,

Bldg 5, Rm 253, Kennesaw, GA 30144

Montgomery, WV 25136

Livingston, AL 35470

LONG BEACH: CSU - Long Beach - 1067 Grand Ave #1, Long Beach, CA 90804 LOUISIANA TECH: LA Tech Univ - 201 Everett St, Ruston, LA 71270 MANKATO: Minnesota State Univ-Mankato - 173 CSU, Mankato, MN 56001 MARQUETTE: Marquette Univ - 845 N 16th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233 MARSHALL: Marshall Univ - 1440 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701 MARYLAND: Univ of Maryland - 6 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20742 MIAMI: Miami Univ - PO Box 6126, Oxford, OH 45056 MICHIGAN: Univ of Michigan - 1705 Hill St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 MICHIGAN STATE: Michigan St Univ - 101 Woodmere Ave, East Lansing, MI 48823 MINNESOTA: Univ of Minnesota - 1601 University Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 MISSISSIPPI STATE: Mississippi State Univ - Drawer GK, Mississippi State, MS 39762

NEW HAVEN: Univ of New Haven - PO Box 8937, New Haven, CT 06532 NORTH ALABAMA: Univ of N Alabama - 1 Harrison Plaza, UNA Box 5383,

Cortland, NY 13045

Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Florence, AL 35632

NORTHERN ARIZONA: Northern Arizona Univ - 318 S Humphreys, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

DAVIS: Univ of California - Davis-320 Parkway Cir, Davis,CA 95616 DENISON: Denison Univ - 8992 Slayter Union , Granville, OH 43023 DUQUESNE: Duquesne Univ - 600 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15282 EAST CAROLINA: East Carolina Univ - 109 Mendenhall Student

NORTHERN COLORADO: Univ of Nothern Colorado - 1803 10th Ave,

EASTERN WASHINGTON: Eastern Washington Univ - Student Life Office,

NORTHWESTERN: Northwestern Univ - 619 Colfax Ave, Evanston, IL 60201 OHIO STATE: The Ohio State Univ - 191 E 15th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201 OKLAHOMA: Univ of Oklahoma - PO Box 2722, Norman, OK 73070 OREGON STATE: Oregon State Univ - 203 NW 13th St, Corvallis, OR 97330 PENN STATE: Penn State Univ - 424 E Fairmount Ave,

Center,Greenville, NC 27858

320 Pence Union Bldg, Cheney, WA 99004-2463

EAST STROUDSBURG: East Stroudsburg Univ - Greek Life, 200 Prospect St, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 EMBRY-RIDDLE: Embry-Riddle Aeron Univ - PO Box 950, Daytona Beach, FL 32115 FLORIDA: Univ of Florida - 6 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 FREDONIA: SUNY - Fredonia - SA Office Stu Ctr - SUNY, Fredonia, NY 14063 FULLERTON: California State Univ - Fullerton - 2100 Associated Rd, Fullerton, CA 92831

GANNON: Gannon University - 231 West 3rd St, Erie, PA 16507 GEORGE MASON: George Mason Univ - 4400 Univ Dr, MS 2D6, Fairfax, VA 22030-4422

Greeley, CO 80631

NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Northern Illinois Univ - 908 Greenbriar, DeKalb, IL 60115 NORTHWEST MISSOURI: NW Missouri State Univ - 219 W Second St, Maryville, MO 64468

State College, PA 16801-5714

PITTSBURGH: Univ of Pittsburgh - 255 N Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 PURDUE: Purdue Univ - 501 Russell St, West Lafayette, IN 47906 RADFORD: Radford University - 1106 Fairfax, Radford, VA 24141 RHODE ISLAND: Univ of Rhode Island - 34 Lwr Clg Rd, Kingston, RI 02881 RUTGERS: Rutgers Univ - 139 Somerset St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE: South Dakota St Univ - 213 W Hwy 14 Bypass,

GEORGIA SOUTHERN: Georgia Southern Univ - 1510A Mike Anne Dr,

Brookings, SD 57006

GEORGIA TECH: Georgia Institute of Tech - 170 Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30313-2512

1000 Tower Circle, G Bldg, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Statesboro, GA 30458

SOUTH FLORIDA: South Florida Univ - 4067 Greek Vlg, Tampa, FL 33620 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI: Southeast Missouri State Univ -

GORHAM STATE: Univ of Southern Maine - 23 Preble St,

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Univ of Southern California - 920 W 28th St,

HAMILTON: Hamilton College - c/o Samuel Nidenberg “A”,

SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Southern Illinois Univ - 610 S Univ Ave,

HAYWARD: California St Univ - Hayward - Rachel Greathouse, 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, CA 94542

STEPHEN F AUSTIN: Stephen F Austin Univ - Stu Act Box 13021 SFA, Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3021

HOBART: Hobart College - 574 S Main, Geneva, NY 14456 HOFSTRA: Hofstra Univ - 260 Stu Ctr, 200 Hofstra University,

SYRACUSE: Syracuse Univ - 303 University Pl, 228E Schine Ctr, Syracuse, NY 13244

Gorham, ME 04038

198 College Hill Rd, Box 150, Clinton, NY 13323

Hempstead, NY 11549-2000

HUNTSVILLE: Univ of AL - Huntsville - 510 Fraternity & Sorority Row,

Huntsville, AL 35805

IDAHO: Univ of Idaho - PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID 83843 ILLINOIS: Univ of IL - 1111 S First St, Champaign, IL 61820 ILLINOIS STATE: lllinois State Univ - 400 West Willow, Normal, IL 61761

INDIANA: Indiana Univ - 720 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 IOWA: Univ of Iowa - 308 Ridgeland, Iowa City, IA 52246 JACKSONVILLE STATE: Jacksonville State Univ - PO Box 3062 JSU,

Los Angeles, CA 90007

Carbondale, IL 62901

TARLETON: Tarleton State Univ - 1333 W Washington St, Tarleton Station, TX 76401

TEXAS: Univ of Texas - 910 Poplar, Austin,TX 78705 TEXAS TECH: Texas Tech Univ - 8 Greek Circle, Lubbock, TX 79416

TRI-STATE: Trine Univ - 311 S Darling, Angola, IN 46703 TROY STATE: Troy Univ - Troy Box 822083, Troy, AL 36082 TRUMAN STATE: Truman State Univ - 904 S First St, Kirksville, MO 63501 USP: Univ of Sciences in Philadelphia, Whitecar Hall Stu Actv Off, 600 S 42nd St,

Philadelphia, PA 19104

JAMES MADISON: James Madison Univ - 485 S Mason St,

VALDOSTA: Valdosta State College - PO Box 1112, Valdosta, GA 31603 VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH: VA Commonwealth Univ - 1235 W Cary St,

JOHNSTOWN: Univ of Pittsburgh - Johnstown - Box 1439, UPJ,

WASHBURN: Washburn Univ of Topeka - Off Stdnt Act, 1700 SW College Ave,

Jacksonville, AL 36265

Harrisonburg, VA 22801

WEST GEORGIA: St Univ of West Georgia - PO Box 10008, Carrollton, GA 30118 WEST VIRGINIA TECH: West Virginia Inst of Tech - 621 First Ave, WESTERN MICHIGAN: Western Michigan Univ - 1327 Fraternity Village Dr,

CORNELL: Cornell Univ - 102 The Knoll, Ithaca, NY 14850 CORPUS CHRISTI: TX A&M Univ - Corpus Christi - Univ Ctr & Stu Act, CORTLAND: State Univ College - Cortland, 70 Tompkins St,

West Chester, PA 19383

LEHIGH: Lehigh Univ - 227-229 Warren Sq, Bethleham, PA 18015 LIVINGSTON: Univ of West Alabama - UWA Box 4100,

CLEMSON: Clemson Univ - 10174 Univ Station, Clemson, SC 29632 COASTAL CAROLINA: Coastal Carolina Univ - 9003 Gatewick Ct,

6300 Ocean Dr, Unit 5783, Corpus Christi, TX 78412

Pullman, WA 99163

Lake Forest, IL 60045

MISSOURI: Univ of Missouri - PO Box 341, Columbia, MO 65205 MISSOURI STATE: Missouri St Univ, 1116 E Elm St, Springfield, MO 65806 MONTCLAIR: Montclair State Univ - Stu Ctr Box 103 SGA Off,

Myrtle Beach, FL 29579

POSTMASTER - If undeliverable send notice on Form 3579 to The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817 Iowa City, IA 52244-1817

New Address (Please Print) __ Home


Richmond, VA 23220

Johnstown, PA 15907

Topeka, KS 66621

KANSAS: Univ of Kansas - 1245 W Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044

WASHINGTON: Univ of WA - 1819 NE 47th St, Seattle, WA 98105

Kalamazoo, MI 49006

WHITEWATER: Univ of WI-Whitewater - 707 West Main St, Whitewater, WI 53190-1893

WILLIAM & MARY: College of William & Mary - c/o Tyler Carwell, CSU 0772, 110 Univ Ctr, Williamsburg, VA 23186

WILIMINGTON: Univ of N Carolina - Wilmington - Student Act Off, 601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403 WINDSOR: Univ of Windsor - 354 Mill St, Windsor, ON, Canada N9C 2R4

COLONIES (11) CASE WESTERN RESERVE: Case Western Res Univ - Greek Life 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106

CHARLOTTE: Univ of North Carolina-Charlotte - Off of Greek Life,

9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223

CINCINNATI: Univ of Cincinnati - 2811 Swiss Chalet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220-2405

EASTERN ILLINOIS: Eastern Illinois Univ - Greek Life Office, 600 Lincoln Ave, Charlestone, IL 61920

FLORIDA STATE: Florida State Univ - Univ Ctr A4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306 KANSAS STATE: Kansas State Univ, 214 Kansas State Student Union,

Manhattan, KS 66506

MASSACHUSETTS: Univ of Massachusetts - Box FS, 314, SU Bldg, 41 Campus Ctr Way, Amherst, MA 01003-9245

MISSISSIPPI STATE: Mississippi State Univ - PO Box GX, Mississippi State, MS 39762

SACRAMENTO: Calif State Univ - 6000 J Street, Univ Union 3rd FL, Sacramento, CA 95819 SPRING HILL: Spring Hill College - 4000 Dauphin St, Mobile, AL 36608

ALUMNI CHAPTERS (30) ARIZONA VALLEY: “A” Todd Nyberg-Mastrorilli, RAD ’97, AUGUSTA AREA: “A” Eric Michenfelder, Augusta ’08, AUSTIN: “A” Jeff Jones, Texas ’02, BLUEGRASS: “A” Stephen Meyer, Jr, Louisville ’92, CAPE FEAR AREA: “A” Doug Chananie, ECU ’07, CAPITAL AREA: “A” Vincent DiCamillo, DUQ ’95, CENTRAL FLORIDA: “A” John Pare’, FL ’91, CHARLOTTE AREA: “A” Jonathan Malone, Calif U-PA ’98,

COLUMBUS: “A” Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70, CONNECTICUT AREA: “A” Bruce Lindstrom, CT ’82,

DALLAS/FORT WORTH: “A” Michael Baird, Texas A&M ’04,

GREAT LAKES: “A” Mark Schramka, NW Alumnus, GREATER WISCONSIN AREA: “A” Alan Udell, WISC ’91, ILLINOIS: “A” Ray Mathews, IL ’76, KANSAS CITY AREA: Interim “A” Aaron Otto, Kansas State ’98,

LOS ANGELES: “A” Chuck Wade, LB ’70, MIAMI AREA: “A” Joaquin Bello, FL Int ’95, MYRTLE BEACH: “A” Michael Smith, Coastal Carolina ’11, NEW HAVEN: “A” Robert Morey, New Haven ’00, NEW ORLEANS: “A” Brandon Sullivan, LSU ’07, NORTHEAST OHIO AREA: “A” Steve Bossart, Kent St ’90, RIO GRANDE AREA: “A” Andrew Haggerty, NM State ’03,

SACRAMENTO AREA: “A” John Shelby, Sac ’86, jshelby@surewestnet SEATTLE: “A” Robert LaBouy, WA ’66, SHREVEPORT: “A” Jacob Doyle, LATech ’04 SOUTH FLORIDA: “A” Michael Agnello, Mich St ’81, TAMPA BAY AREA: “A” Michael Shelton, FL ’98, TENNESSEE VALLEY: “A” James Johnson, HUNTS ’05, THREE RIVERS: “A” Tom Horowitz, Mich St ’87, TROY AREA: “A” Mark Kelly, Troy St ’76, TWIN CITIES AREA: “A” Matthew Johnson, Minn ’01,

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