The Delta Chi Quarterly - Winter/Spring 2008

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Quarterly DELTA CHI

Winter/Spring 2008


Reconnecting with History


campusfrom Letter scene the “AA”

We Need Character! Inside The Quarterly Volume 104 Number 4 Winter/Spring 2008

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From The “AA” Campus Scene Cover Story Campus Scene Alumni Keeping in Touch Farewell & Parting

Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50 Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Assistant Editor: Karl Grindel, CEMO ’01 E-mail: Visit our website at Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. 1480 Timber Trail, Hudson, OH 44236 330.963.6181 Fax: 216.383.0080 E-mail: Please Help Delta Chi Save Money! If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times! It has been a long spring for Delta Chi. One lawsuit settled and one very high profile case of “frat boys” gone wild have tried the resolve of me and other leaders of Delta Chi. One Chapter is closed, unable to survive the stigma of the events that led to the lawsuit in the first place. One Chapter is fighting for its very survival and trying to overcome the utter embarrassment its associates and a few members caused their Chapter, their Greek system and the Fraternity movement as a whole. Where does it end? This is a simple question that I believe has a simple answer. It ends with the one brother with character, willing to stand up and say, “ENOUGH!” Had someone done that at New Mexico State, Delta Chi would not have faced an arbitrator in March. Had someone done that at Colorado, two motel rooms would not have been trashed. Fox News would not have broadcast the story for the world to see, and the IFC would not have expelled the Chapter from its membership. Just for your information, Delta Chi as an international organization is holding the individual members involved with the Colorado situation accountable for their actions. The nine associate members who were arrested in Estes Park have been removed - disassociated from Delta Chi. The brother who took them up there and allegedly furnished them alcohol is facing expulsion. The Chapter is on corrective action and under conservatorship. While all of this has been going on, we have enjoyed celebrations with charterings at The University of Florida, Washburn University and Hofstra University. Indeed, it was the best of times; it was the worst of times. At each of these charterings, we have challenged the men to be clear in their mission for their chapters going forward. Those missions must include character!

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Each month at my place of work, we highlight the Spirit of Service that is prevalent at our institution. This month, it included a commentary by Michael Josephson of the Josephson Institute of Ethics. I paraphrase it here: Abraham Lincoln explained character as follows. “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Your reputation is what people think of you. Your character is what you actually are. In a world preoccupied with image, it’s easy to worry too much about our reputation and too little about our character. Building a reputation is largely a public relations project; building character requires us to focus on our values and actions. Noble rhetoric and good intentions aren’t enough. Delta Chi, by holding individual members accountable for wrongdoing and maintaining the integrity of the Chapter, is worrying about the character of its members. A University or an IFC that, after collecting the facts, simply says “close the chapter down” is worried about reputation. I prefer the former. As an organization our mission, among other things, is to develop character. The sooner ALL of our members, undergraduate and alumni alike, can affirm pursuit of that mission, the better off we will be. If a member is not interested in character, I am sure there are other organizations much better suited for his membership. In the Bond,

Steven P. Bossart, “AA” Kent State ’90

campus scene ALABAMA

events included Delta Chi’s “We Want Your Pants” clothing drive, in which used clothing was collected and donated to charities. The brothers also hosted a blood drive donation every month where brothers donated blood at the Canadian Blood Services Center. We hope to see even greater chapter and alumni participation in the future.

Appalachian State Alabama homecoming float display.

The Chapter, along with some individuals, received numerous awards as well. Shayne Woodard was crowned Greek Man of the Year, and Logan Hinton was recognized as Best New Member of the Year. In November, we held our third annual Turkey Fry with Zeta Tau Alpha. The brothers spent the whole morning and afternoon frying a few turkeys and bonding with the associate members, while the ZTA associate members prepared the side dishes and desserts. It was a great Thanksgiving dinner, and everyone had a good time.

The fall semester was marked by new opportunities for our growing Chapter. We are happy to report great progress with recruitment and the initiation of sixteen new members in November. Even with this large group of new members, we were still able to maintain the closeness and camaraderie that we enjoy and value so much. Another phase of chapter house renovation has been completed with the remodeling of two of the downstairs bathrooms. The result is a dramatic improvement over previous facilities. The renovations will continue, funds permitting, with the improvement of the remaining bathrooms. The Chapter once again participated in many university programs. We paired with Pi Beta Phi for this year’s homecoming activities and participated in a number of events, including the construction of a parade float and a huge themed display in front of their sorority house. We are very proud to announce our contribution of over 500 food items to the annual Beat Auburn, Beat Hunger food drive. We helped drive Alabama to a victory when the school was able to donate more food than our cross-state rival.


Alberta members gather for a photo.

The key to success for the Chapter has been active members and alumni working together for one purpose. In particular, we have seen a few alumni who keep up their participation in the functions and activities of the Chapter. This year’s Alumni Reunion was hosted at the chapter house and was another great success. Not only did alumni reconnect with each other, they were also able to connect with the undergraduate members and new initiates. The active alumni in the chapter include Bennett Polack, Jason Gladue and Paul Welke, who all find time in their schedules to participate in Chapter activities. The guidance and advice that these alumni provide is an invaluable asset to the chapter’s operation. Our brothers have also been active participants in many philanthropic activities. This year we placed seventh in Delta Gamma’s annual charity event “Anchor Splash.” Other philanthropy

Members gather for the Greek Cookout.

The Chapter would like to congratulate the new member class of fall 2007. These men represented high academic achievement throughout the semester, they helped the Chapter raise a large donation for The V Foundation, and two of the new brothers recently served a tour of duty in Iraq. The Chapter also worked the concession stands during home football games as the team progressed to the championships.

ARIZONA VALLEY ALUMNI The Alumni Chapter proudly introduces the Kids Come 1st Foundation, an Arizona Valley Alumni Chapter sponsored non-profit kids camp at the Trout Haven Resort in Deadwood, South Dakota: Believing that our Alumni Chapter can do more as a whole, we plan to change lives, one kid at a time. Kids from active-duty and killed-in-action military families, cancer and burn unit victims, and obese and foster children all have the opportunity to attend free summer camp. Activities include horseback riding, canoeing, ATV riding, fishing, hiking and traditional camping experiences, as well as original uniquely themed experiences at the 14+-acre camp resort in heart of the Black Hills. Inspired educational trips include Mount Rushmore National Park, the Crazy Horse mega sculpture, and Brother Kevin Costner’s TatankaThe Story of the Bison museum park. Undergraduate brothers work hand-in-hand with alumni on fundraising, camp programming and foundation development. We offer an educational opportunity and scholarships to undergraduates who want to volunteer as camp counselors and leaders. Every chapter hosting a fundraiser to sponsor a camp kid will be provided a public relations press release and “how-to” packet for local newspapers and campus newspapers promoting its philanthropy events. We also welcome individual 501(c)3 taxdeductible alumni and corporate sponsorships and contributions.

Brothers and associate members after a chapter meeting.

We closed the fall semester with a solid associate member class, doubling our numbers. We now feel more than ever that we have the confidence and tools to continue to grow and strengthen the Greek community at Augusta State. Our newly reestablished ABT has played an integral role in our success, and the Chapter is grateful for all of its help and support.


The new pool table donated to the Chapter.

We hosted several successful events during the fall semester. Our first event was a Homecoming tailgate versus Western Kentucky. The tailgate allowed the members to socialize with alumni and the lovely ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma. It was a great success with high attendance and was a ton of fun. We also hosted a new philanthropy this semester called “3-on-3 for Jimmy V.” The 3-on-3-basketball tournament raised almost three hundred dollars for The V Foundation, with 18 teams consisting of people from both the Greek community and non-Greek students. In addition, we hosted a semi-formal event in Windsor, Ontario, where over 50 people attended. The brotherhood was as close as ever as the graduating seniors celebrated their last semiformal event as undergraduates.



The Chapter had an exceptional year in 2007. To say that we stood out would certainly be an understatement. During Greek Week, we cleaned house, winning the canned food drive and nearly every event in the Greek Games.

This semester was very productive for the Chapter. We held many philanthropies, fundraisers, and PR events that were very successful. We started the semester with a golf outing and Continued on p.6

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 3

campus cover story scene

Florida Chapter Re-Charters By Zack Smith ’10, Florida Chapter “E”

After a lengthy absence from the Greek community, the Florida Chapter officially returned to The University of Florida campus as a chartered chapter on February 16, 2008. Steve Bossart, “AA”; John Mica ’67, United States Congressman; and University of Florida President Bernie Machen all attended this important milestone in the Chapter’s history.

“ Watching each alumnus pass the torch to his brother at the next table taught the undergraduate brothers a valuable lesson; the life-long commitment that our brothers made to Delta Chi over the last two years will endure well beyond graduation.”

Reclaiming the Florida Chapter’s prestigious charter was a culmination of all the chartering members’ efforts over the past two years in making sure that the Colony would successfully complete all the guidelines given to us by Delta Chi. Crossing the threshold from colony to chapter was a time for celebration, as well as a chance to reflect on the arduous journey all the members took to reach this point. The Chapter is indebted to its resilient alumni, who through thick and thin unselfishly contributed their resources and time to secure the Chapter’s speedy return. Whether it was overseeing the renovation of the house during the summer of 2007 or congregating at ABT meetings to discuss financial issues pertinent to the Colony’s well-being, the alumni were and are the foundation of what makes the Florida Chapter so special. The Chartering Banquet struck a chord within the Chapter’s brotherhood. For the first time, the past and present were united, an opportunity that all present treasured from the moment the event started to the moment when goodbyes were said. During the banquet, each alumnus introduced himself, his hometown, and the length of his membership in the Fraternity. Watching each alumnus pass the torch to his brother at the next table taught the 4 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008

undergraduate brothers a valuable lesson; the life-long commitment that our brothers made to Delta Chi over the last two years will endure well beyond graduation. As active brothers, the members understand that the undergraduate experience cannot last forever. However, as members enter the working world and start challenging careers, they know they can always reminisce about the great memories shared together during their years in college. Witnessing such enthusiasm from the alumni brought a newfound sense of fraternalism that the Colony had not experienced before. The Chartering Banquet, therefore, became the necessary morale booster for our newly established Chapter. Furthermore, to recognize the academic achievements made within the Chapter, Congressman John Mica issued two scholarships at the chartering banquet for brothers who have excelled in the area of academics. The basis of these scholarships and the message were quite clear: the acquisition of a sound education provides the fundamental stepping stone towards success in the real world. The Florida Chapter would like to thank Congressman Mica for reinforcing these very principles and passing the pursuit of knowledge to the Chapter’s brothers. Furthermore, Congressman Mica gave a profound speech to brothers and alumni after announcing the winners of the scholarships. Congressman Mica recollected his relationships with alumni during his time as an

cover story

undergraduate brother and told those in attendance about his experiences regarding the initial construction of the current house on Fraternity Row. But even more importantly, Congressman Mica emphasized the importance of campus involvement in ensuring the growth of the Chapter for today and tomorrow. As a chartered Chapter, the members now harness the tools necessary to restore growth in student government as well as to continue philanthropic activities both on and off-campus. The Chapter would like to thank former Director of Expansion and Colony Operations Rusty Williams Georgia Southern ’05, who coordinated the recruitment of the spring 2006 founding fathers. Intuitive, confident, and focused, Rusty used his vast knowledge of the inner workings of the Fraternity to influence the way the Chapter conducts operations, even to this day. Undeterred by the challenge of bringing the Chapter back to Florida, Rusty empowered a group of individuals from different cultural and economic backgrounds to bond together as brothers. Through the Fraternity’s new member program, the founding fathers understood that the road to prosperity was at their fingertips. We are grateful that Rusty provided the Florida Chapter with its newest generation, a decision that all founding fathers and charter members will cherish. Last but not least, another well-deserved thank you goes to Russ Driscoll ’57, who assumed the responsibility of overseeing the house renovation project and its complex financial issues. From the start, Russ tediously laid out a step-by-step plan to ensure all of the basic necessities were brought to the Colony in a timely fashion. His love for Delta Chi, like his laughter, was contagious and positively influenced the members’ attitudes during the high and low points. As Russ said during alumni day,

“What is a fraternity without the house?” We could not agree with him more. Russ always emphasized the importance of the house in relation to the success of the Chapter. Today, the house on Fraternity Row has provided the brotherhood with a crucial meeting place where, as one collective body, the members can bond and have a place they can call their own. From the chartering banquet we learned that there is nothing more important than preserving the sanctity of brotherhood and promoting the very leadership traits that made the Florida Chapter great in past years. There is something to be said about persistence and never giving up.

Florida Statistics Founded: 1926 Re-Colonized: Spring 2006 Current Members: 61 Total Initiates: 1,724 Prominent Alumni B.K. Roberts ’28 Former Supreme Court Justice, FL Dr. F. Kenneth Brasted ’35 First President of The University of Dallas; Past DC Exec. Director Jack S. Clark ’37 NCAA Baseball Player Dr. Stephen Spurr ’38 Former President of The University of Texas at Austin Craig E. Craig ’56 All-American Swimmer (Diving) Dan Miller ’64 Former U.S. Representative, FL John Mica ’67 U.S. Representative, FL Douglas Drake ’86 TV Colorist for Warner Brothers Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 5

campus scene banquet dinner for our alumni, had a raffle for a 52-inch plasma screen TV for Homecoming, sold hot dogs during a home football game to raise money for The V Foundation, handed out study packets during exam week, and held our first annual Thanksgiving Day dinner for the campus and the community. We initiated nine new members, making the Chapter the third largest fraternity on campus. The new members also raised $200 for The V Foundation through a variety of events.


The first five “A”s of the Chapter were together for Homecoming. Left to right: John Stamey (“BB”), Steve Gallo (Founding “A”, 2004), Nick Marona (2005), Adam Schmidt (2006), John David May (Spring 2007), Daniel Jolles (Fall 2007).

Fall 2007 was a big semester for the Chapter. The campus had its largest numbers in recruitment ever, and 14 brothers of the Eta class were initiated. We won a number of Homecoming awards including Best Float and Best Overall Spirit. A special thanks goes out to the ladies of Sigma Sigma Sigma for making Homecoming one of the best ever. Also the Chapter has been heavily involved in IFC this year. “A” Dan Jolles ’10, held the position of Recruitment Chair, and Scott Wolfery ’10, and Michael Smith ’10, were elected to the executive board for IFC.

COLORADO Eighteen associate members joined the Chapter in the fall, and we were second on campus for recruitment. This associate member class then placed fourth in the Buff Bowl, a flag football tournament for all new members of all fraternities. The associate members played their hearts out and lost to the team that won the tournament.


We also had our second annual alumni event, where over 40 alumni came to meet and greet the chapter at Rentschler Field for the UConn vs. Akron football game. We have taken an active role in Greek Life, and one of our brothers was recently selected to serve as the Vice-President of Public Relations on the IFC.

DENISON This year we had many exciting events planned both to tighten the bond of brotherhood as well as support our philanthropies. In September we held our annual Delta Chi Pig Roast, not only as an event for the Chapter but also as an open invitation to all students to get to know us better. Four brothers attended the annual Founders’ Day dinner in Columbus, sponsored by the Columbus Alumni Chapter. On October 13th, we also participated in Delta Gamma’s annual Anchor Splash philanthropy event in which the Chapter placed third.


Dale Espich ’51 presented with Meritorious Award by Leadership Consultant Zach Hauser.

This fall semester went by quickly for the Chapter. The Chapter worked at full steam to bring the best men at DePauw into the Chapter. Around campus the members proved they were the best dancers when the Chapter took the title of Greek God during our Greek Week competitions. The winning selection was a rousing pop performance by Charlie Jewett, a la Britney Spears, along with Adam Gilbert, Sam Rund, Louis Pagano, Danny Smith, and Brett Nakano dancing backup. The performance, while a bit irreverent, was a riotous crowd-pleaser that had the audience thrilled. This is the second straight year the Chapter took the Greek God title. At Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash philanthropy, we competed and won for the third year straight. The brothers scoured campus for their anchors, raised money and finally competed in a synchronized swimming act against all of the other chapters on campus. The proceeds went to aid those with blindness and other ophthalmological concerns.

Alumni and undergraduates gather for its first alumni brunch.

The Chapter is on a continued rise to be one of the largest and most influential chapters at UCONN. With the initiation of 16 new members, our Chapter now has over 50 active brothers. In our first “Delta Chi Cook-Off” philanthropy event, we raised over $500 for a scholarship fund for a sister of the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority who passed away last year. 6 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008

President’s Cup as the best male fraternity on campus, along with the All-Sports Trophy by winning soccer, hockey, volleyball, and basketball. Additionally, we took first place in Greek Week and Greek Sing, extending our streaks in both of them respectively to four straight years. Our Chapter received best show and first place in Carnival as well. Our collective GPA was highest among fraternities and well above the all-men’s average.

The Chapter after receiving the 2006-2007 President’s Cup from Steve Bossart, “AA”.

The ultimate culmination came though, when our former “BB”, Tom Horowitz, and “AA” Steve Bossart surprised us at our chapter meeting, presenting us with the Fraternity’s President’s Cup. We were very honored to receive such an award and humbled by being presented the award by the “AA” and “DD”. Our Chapter has been hard at work to achieve and exceed what we have already accomplished. Larry Joseph, “A”, has been doing a great job keeping the officers focused and the Chapter motivated to maintain our high level of success. We initiated five men during the fall semester, and these new members will allow our Chapter to thrive in the future as current brothers graduate. “Can the Van,” our annual philanthropic event, was a great success once again this year, as we stocked the shelves of the Brashear Association, a local food shelter in Pittsburgh.

EAST STROUDSBURG The Colony is continuously coming up with innovative solutions to better our community. With the assistance of local police, a successful “Safe Walk” for young trick or treaters was conducted around campus Halloween night. Guardians of children were very appreciative of the support and enthusiasm displayed with the children throughout the night. Following the walk, the first annual “Rake Fest” was performed for senior citizens throughout the community. Brothers improved the landscape of apartment complexes, houses, and even streets for those who could not do it themselves.


Special recognition has been granted to an alumnus, Dale Espich ’51. He received the Delta Chi Meritorious Service Award in October for his efforts and service to the Fraternity. Brother Espich serves as the President of our Alumni Board of Trustees.

DUQUESNE The Chapter had its strongest year to date and is looking to carry on the same tradition in 2008. This past year we received the University’s

Beta Class Associate Member Ceremony.

campus scene It was a very busy fall for the Colony. We had a new member class of three men. Our Colony held its second annual Halloween community service project, where members went door-todoor and collected canned food for the Second Harvest Food Bank. It was a huge success; we donated over three hundred pounds of canned food and dry goods. We also have established a fast growing reputation on campus for being an outstanding group and having the highest GPA. We have had a lot more social functions with sororities, including our annual holiday exchange with the women of Alpha Omicron Pi. We are working hard toward our goal for the year, receiving our charter. We would like to give a warm welcome to the new Greek Advisor, James Waggoner, who is an alumnus from the Washington State Chapter and has proven to be an invaluable resource to us the past few months.

The members were ready this fall with new ideas for representing the Chapter. Most importantly, our four values have been held high and have been elevated more than they ever have been before. The Chapter hosted a very memorable event in the fall, a Thanksgiving Brotherhood; we were all very thankful for each other’s support and the second family we have found here with Delta Chi.


Fall 2007 Associate Member Ceremony at the newly remodeled house, with 33 associate members present.

Sixteen months after our Founding Fathers were pinned, we successfully moved back into our house at 6 Fraternity Row. It was a tough semester getting back on our feet, but we are now reaping the benefits of the six months of hard work. The renovation project raised nearly $80,000, and this was a crucial part of us moving back in. Many thanks go to the Fraternity staff and our alumni for the continued support. Our Gamma class was initiated with 26 strong, nearly doubling our active membership to 54.


Brothers during their Thanksgiving brotherhood event.

Friendship, Character, Justice, and Education is what we strive to express through our strong brotherhood events and successful philanthropies.



The Alpha Associate Member class at the Founders’ Day dinner.

EMBRY-RIDDLE The fall semester is a special time, when new students come to college looking for a way to make memories as they learn and grow throughout the years. Our Chapter worked hard to show everyone that we are worth the effort to join. We are proud of our hard work, and it paid off greatly; we pinned twenty new associate members

done more than his fair share for the Chapter. We hope that his efforts will change someone’s life and help the research continue.

Jacob Cline on the Chapter’s third place Homecoming float.

We just recently won the IFC’s best Alumni Relations and Parent Programs. This was the icing on the cake for a wonderful semester in the field of alumni relations. Due to the efforts of our advisors, we had over thirty alumni make the trip back to Statesboro, many of whom had not been back since they graduated, some over twenty years ago. This is by far the largest alumni showing in the recent history of the Chapter. Gil Werntz ’85, and Rusty Williams ’05, both received Delta Chi’s Meritorious Service Award, and Brother Werntz won the Greek Life Outstanding Advisor Award. Outstanding alumni support wasn’t the only great thing to happen during Homecoming this year; we also won the Homecoming festivities! This marks the first time in over 15 years that a Greek organization has won. With the hard work of Bryce Hammond, we placed second in the step show, third of 78 in the parade and first overall on campus. To top the semester off, we made it into the playoffs in all the sports we participated in and initiated eight men into the Chapter.

GANNON On July 11, 2007, Kevin Caffrey made a trip down the Eastern United States Coast, a trip very few people can say that they have made. He made the decision to ride his bicycle from Erie, PA to the southernmost tip of Key West, FL early in the semester of 2006. He did this to help raise money for The V Foundation and to prove to himself that he could perform such a great task. We sold many Jimmy V wristbands and T-Shirts to raise the money, and Kevin also put together a slide show about his trip. Before we knew it, we had raised more money than we originally planned. It took Kevin around one month to reach his destination in Key West. There were many brothers and other individuals who participated in the departure at Presquile Island in Erie. Kevin is a very extraordinary brother who has

Our first full semester has been quite an adventure. There have been a lot of ups and downs, but these have only served to bring our brothers closer together, bolstering our resolve and building a better brotherhood. There have been many highlights from our first semester: our first fall rush was a success. We recruited twelve new associate members. Brothers volunteered on campus, handing out flyers and raising awareness about women’s violence and how to stop it. Softball has been a big success for us too. We made a solid run to the playoffs but lost in a heartbreaker with a perennial powerhouse fraternity. Our first annual Founders’ Day dinner featured delicious food, parents, alumni, and sharply dressed brothers. The associate members presented the Colony with beautiful wooden letters about five feet high and four feet across. Every day we are trying to make Delta Chi the best fraternity on campus.


Recently initiated brothers, fall 2007.

Fall was an exciting and busy semester for the Chapter. We had a successful recruitment, netting a total of 21 new associate members. This class has shown itself to be a great group of men, and the Chapter looks forward to what they will do in the future. Following recruitment we initiated eight new brothers from the fall semester, including an alumnus initiate, into the bond. All were very excited to make the transition. In addition, the Chapter was honored with the task of initiating the Founding Fathers of the Kennesaw State Colony. This was truly an awesome experience, and the Chapter was grateful to be included. In other news, we put up a great effort in Homecoming this year, placing a very close Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 7

campus scene second. Even though we did not win, the Chapter’s general consensus is that what we got out of the competition far exceeded any trophy we could have won. We have also had a great social atmosphere this semester, having three band parties and numerous other events. A thanks goes out to Social Chairs Kevin Mann and Zach Tribble. Brotherhood Chair Rusty Kohler has also been doing an outstanding job, ensuring that our brotherhood retreat went off without a hitch and keeping the Chapter well fed at every home football game’s tailgate.

passport around the world theme. Representing the country of Italy, we tied for first place in best overall float. We initiated three new brothers for our Epsilon class.


the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority taking home the trophy and the event raising $600. Finally, as a winter tradition, we held our Winter Formal dance. The Chapter rented a local dance club where all of us dressed up in our formal attire and brought dates to dance the night away.


Finally, thanks to last year’s Chapter donation, our House Corporation’s hard work, and Gay Construction, we have a fully finished basement that will soon have the capability to operate a chapter-wide meal plan. This space has already been well used and appreciated.


Brothers gather after the haunted house event.

Our brotherhood is alive and thriving with many great hopes for the future. Since our last posting we have been focusing on improving the relationship between the Chapter and the community and campus. Recently we conducted our annual Preble Street cleanup by raking leaves and picking up trash. A free haunted house was also held to show our appreciation to the community. We entered the homecoming Olympics and took first place. Other campus activities include the Husky Chess tournament won by David Grabowski, “A”. We are feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment after erasing a debt that hindered our ability for almost a decade. We have made great efforts to fix our finances, and now we have nothing holding us back from being recognized for our efforts. With that said, one can imagine that we all realize what advantages and power brotherhood provides when we all come together for a common goal.

HOFSTRA This past year has been a huge success for us. During the spring of 2007 we participated in the annual Greek Week competition and received second place for our effort. Also that spring we hosted our first ever Rock the Mike, with participation by many musical groups and artists, including John Brown of Vh1, The White Rapper Show. Through the event we were able to raise over $2,500 for The V Foundation. It was also a big time for recruitment, having fourteen associate members initiated into the Colony. Coming into the fall the brothers were proud and eager to raise the bar for their level of success. First up was Homecoming, with a 8 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008

Mayor of Huntsville, Loretta Spencer, (far left) and Chapter members at Lobsterfest.

The fall has been another spectacular semester for the Chapter. We blasted out of the gate with the best fundraiser in years. Working at the Talladega Super Speedway, we were able to raise over $4,000, twice what was expected. Thanks to Brother Buntain for all of your hard work! This year also marked the sixth year of philanthropic work at the St. Thomas Episcopal Church’s Lobsterfest. Lobsterfest is an annual fundraiser for the Church that provides over $20,000 in financial support for mission trips and local homeless shelters by selling cooked lobsters and other food. Always a ton of fun but a lot of work, our members compete every year for the distinction of hardest working Delta Chi, which is presented to the Chapter by the Church for its thanks. This year’s recipient was Michael Fielder, who single-handedly worked over 20 hours for Lobsterfest. Our associate members not only followed in the footsteps of the actives this year, they surprised and surpassed us. They produced an outstanding Squeal Night for all the sororities on campus and, through their bachelor auction, raised over $400. Andre J. Roques received the Meritorious Service Award from the Fraternity, and we would like to thank him for all of the service and hard work he has given the Chapter in the last ten years.

IDAHO As fall semester came to a close, we enjoyed a weeklong Thanksgiving break before returning to classes. Over the break, many of the members enjoyed tailgating at the Boise State vs. Idaho rivalry football game. Upon returning to Moscow, our Chapter enjoyed its annual Christmas party as well as a gift exchange before preparing for finals. All of the members looked forward to returning after winter break, because during the time away, our historical house received a remodel of its formal living room. The remodel consisted of new flooring, furniture, and accessories. We also just recently hosted our fourth annual Bowling for The V Foundation philanthropy. Every sorority on campus was invited to enter a team in the bowling tournament, with all entry fees going to The V Foundation. All nine sororities participated, many forming multiple teams. The event was very successful, with the women of

The chapter house located on campus at 603 S. Fell.

It has been a successful year so far for the Chapter. We finally finished renovating our new chapter house and are very pleased with the way it has turned out. Our active members and alumni who reside in the area completed almost all of the work. Our Chapter continues to be a leader in campus involvement. We currently claim the student body president and the IFC president as members. Our calendar has been, and continues to be, full of events. We recently initiated ten new brothers and look forward to more joining. Our annual Founders’ Day and homecoming Hog Roast were once again successful, as we had over thirty alumni in attendance.

ILLINOIS The Chapter started off on the right foot for the fall of 2007. We came back to school with a newly renovated kitchen. With a new floor and shelving, our chapter house cafeteria looks much better. To go along with our new cafeteria, a house picture project was completed over the summer. Throughout the house we hung up pictures from over the years of the Chapter. Since we had a wonderful head start to the year with the renovations to the house, the members decided to take full advantage of it. Our Recruitment Chair, Bobby Howard, and his committee helped the Chapter recruit one of the biggest pledge classes we have had in years, almost thirty new associate members. To cap that off we had a great Homecoming with numerous classes having their reunions at the house. We honored numerous alumni including Scott Dixon, our “BB”, and Robin Cook, the alumni responsible for the picture project.

INDIANA The journey for re-establishing the Indiana Chapter began in September. With our supportive alumni and strong history at IU, 41 men were initiated as Founding Fathers. The Colony was warmly welcomed back to the Greek system and held numerous socials with various sororities. We also paired with Alpha Epsilon Pi and Kappa Delta for the annual “Safe Halloween.” In order to

campus scene promote a safe Halloween alternative, we helped paint drawings on children’s faces and passed out candy. The reactions from the grateful parents and the kids were extremely positive. The future for our Colony looks bright, as we are shooting to be one of the fastest colonies to ever charter. We would like to thank all of our supportive alumni, especially Dick McKaig, Ball State ’66, who has hosted various events despite his busy schedule. Finally, we would like to thank the Fraternity staff members, Rusty Williams and Peter Lane, and the ABT for being extremely helpful in re-establishing our Colony.

which raised thousands of dollars for The V Foundation. Events included a powder-puff football game, moon bounce, selling shirts and bracelets, and a 5k run. Last year we were proud to have Brandon Eickel become the first member elected Student Government Association President, and now Lee Brooks will replace him as the highest student officer. The Chapter received many awards from the Fraternity last summer, and the awards represent the Chapter’s overall commitment toward the goal of winning a President’s Cup.

margin of victory in Homecoming Week on our way to our first Homecoming victory. With the combined efforts of the Farmhouse Fraternity and the Pi Beta Phi Sorority, we placed in every single event, taking first in half of them, including float, yard art, and Wildcat Request Live.

The Chapter participating in Wildcat Request Live (WRL), a K-State favorite.

KENT STATE The Chapter, now at 50 brothers, after receiving the Fraternity’s Most improved Chapter award. The Colony’s first Associate Member Ceremony hosted by the ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi.

IOWA It has been a thrilling fall semester for our Chapter. We had a fantastic semester, recruiting sixteen associate members. This was one of the Chapter’s most successful recruitment semesters in years. The Chapter has also continued to improve its relationship with alumni, many of whom stopped by the chapter house after home football games to meet the undergraduates and tour the house. We have established an “Alumni Mentoring Program,” which matches students with alumni. The mentoring program was formed to provide undergraduates with information on career options and to build an even stronger relationship between the undergraduates and alumni. An alumni newsletter, the Hawk Chi, was mailed to over 1,000 alumni in August. Alumni response to the newsletter has been very positive. An effort to communicate with members’ parents has also improved as a parent newsletter called The Parents’ Times was sent to members’ homes in September. Also, a parent open house was held after the Michigan State football game on family weekend in October. The Chapter was awarded second place among fraternities and sororities in the annual homecoming “ Iowa Shout” competition, and we were once again represented in the Homecoming parade.

JACKSONVILLE STATE The Chapter won Homecoming in the fall; we finished first in the float and second in the banner competition. We also initiated six new members. We are doing well on grades and finances.

JAMES MADISON We continue to grow in quality and quantity; in the fall we had another associate member class of more than ten men. The Chapter now hopes to reach a membership of over 60 brothers. We held our Second Annual Delta Chi Classic,

JOHNSTOWN We have had an exciting and busy fall semester. We initiated 17 new brothers, and they have already made a positive impact. We continue to do big things on campus as we had two brothers on homecoming court, a brother receiving the highest total votes in the election for Student Government board, a few brothers obtained positions on the IFC, and many others filled leadership positions all over campus. Many of our alumni came back for Homecoming weekend, and the brothers were happy to see everyone again.

KANSAS The conclusion of the 2007 year marks the end of a great semester for the Chapter. It marked the first semester that the newly renovated Chapter room was used. The Chapter room includes a new tile floor, new trophy case and a brand new entertainment system. This provides a great location for Chapter and brotherhood events. Also the Chapter has provided great services for the local community. The fall semester started with the Chapter placing second in the Homecoming blood drive. Later in the semester the Chapter provided lunch for the Greensburg High School Band. The Chapter’s major philanthropy took place in November with over $1,000 being raised for a local soup kitchen. Also the Chapter raised over $2,500 for The V Foundation. Over the holiday season we paired with Gamma Phi Beta and provided a little holiday joy for the less fortunate. The Chapters provided gifts and a chance for the local Boys and Girls Clubs to meet Santa.

KANSAS STATE It is an exciting time to be in the Chapter. After a successful officer transition, we observed the previous semester’s accomplishments, such as a record setting philanthropy event, our annual Earthball tournament, which raised over $2,000 to split between the Manhattan Public Library and the National Leukemia Foundation. We then followed that up with a University record for

On October 6th we welcomed “AA” Steve Bossart, alumni, family and friends to our annual Homecoming Pig Roast. Although the football team lost the game, all had fun. This fall we initiated nine men.


The Alpha Phi Sorority joins the Chapter at a volleyball cookout.

This fall term has been one of the strongest recruitment terms in the history of the Chapter. In the past the hardest obstacle to overcome was getting people to come to the chapter house. The recruitment success this term was not due to big, flashy, or expensive events but to simple Friday movie nights. These movie nights provided a laid-back and relaxed environment for the potential members to see the house and get to know some of the brothers. In sports, the Chapter took home an intramural championship in doubles tennis after fielding two teams in the tournament. Paul Elder and Jeff Golden defeated the team of fellow members, Scott Thach and David Keyser, in the Semifinals. Elder and Golden went on to win the championship. The tradition of serenading sororities on campus was continued with the sorority Alpha Phi. After singing, everyone enjoyed a wonderful dinner that was cooked by some of the brothers. The Chapter also hosted a volleyball cookout event with Alpha Phi. Brothers enjoyed giving back to the community by participating in philanthropy events as well. At the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, we helped the needy by sorting food. The Chapter also helped runners with energy food during the annual Crim 10 mile and 5k races. Brothers Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 9

campus scene We took the campus President’s Cup and first place in intramurals for the 2006-2007 school year. We moved into our new house, which in itself is a huge improvement. We bought a projector for the main room and a pool table for the trophy room. Also, we enhanced the study room by creating a clean environment for study sessions.

handed out Krispy Kreme doughnuts to the participants. We were greeted with warm smiles and health conscious scowls as people passed in front of the chapter house.


MIAMI Chapter members gather for photo.

Brothers helping out a nearby family before the Thanksgiving holiday.

The spring 2007 semester proved to be very successful for the Chapter. Our Gamma Lambda pledge class was initiated and has already made great contributions. We finished the semester by capturing the Greek Sing championship with the lovely ladies of Gamma Phi Beta. Gamma Phi Beta honored our Chapter “A”, Derek Franklin, as their “Crescent Man.” Derek has also just been re-elected into his second term as “A”. Michael J. Trinidad was also able to capture an individual honor by becoming Delta Gamma’s “Anchor Clanker.” We began planning for the fall by conducting a chapter retreat. This retreat took place three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester, and the majority of our Chapter was able to attend. Our early planning made it possible to recruit a more than exceptional Gamma Mu pledge class. These young men have made a great addition to the Chapter. The associate members have already made their presence felt by providing a full Thanksgiving feast to a needy family in Long Beach. The semester continued with the annual Founders’ Day Dinner, hosted by the Los Angeles Area Alumni Chapter. This dinner was a great opportunity for not only our associate members but also our active members to get to know alumni from various chapters across the nation. Alumni relations was a big focus for the Chapter during the fall. Our Brotherhood Night is an event we put together every semester to give our associate members a chance to meet alumni. The success of Brotherhood Night gave our Chapter and alumni much anticipation for our first annual Alumni and Dad Poker Tournament. The event was immediately followed by our traditional Broomball game that featured the active Chapter competing against the alumni.

LSU It has been an exciting fall for the Chapter. It was the first semester in our new house on Fraternity Lane, and it has definitely been one to remember. We have invested a great deal of time and money in the house, and our Chapter has been excited about the results. We spent a great deal of time on our patio area, improving our tailgates for the football season. We also installed several more routers, making the entire house accessible via wireless internet. 10 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008

This fall we initiated our largest associate member class since our return to campus. We are proud to welcome nine new members into our Chapter. We had the largest turnout for Founders’ Day to date, and we hope that we will see even larger turnouts in coming years. Events such as “Halloween Shots” and our semiformal “Mystery Ball” dotted our social calendar, keeping the tradition of these annual parties as the highlight of the social year. Along with our homecoming partners, we won the trophy for most outstanding homecoming decorations. We feel this has been one of our most successful semesters on campus and that our Chapter has grown and will continue to grow in the future. We look forward to many years of great friends and great memories in our new home on Fraternity Lane.

MANKATO This past year we completed many service hours, had great exchanges, and enjoyed fun times with our alumni. Part of this was our annual Founders’ Day banquet, where we played paintball early that morning. Our new members have already proven themselves to be great assets to the Chapter.


A few brothers getting together and looking their best for an impromptu picture.

We are very excited for our new associate members who joined in the spring. The past few years we have consistently brought in classes of around 25 members.

MICHIGAN STATE Since the beginning of the fall semester we have been making a lot of improvements. We started out the fall by replacing the sod on our front lawn. Shortly after that we changed the salon into a movie theater. It has a big screen TV, a surround sound system, and three rows of seating with the back two rows elevated. Just recently, we started repainting all of the walls on the first and second floors, and we should have the third floor finished in the near future. Earlier in the fall we participated in the fraternity football and soccer leagues. We made it to the playoffs in both sports but ended up losing in the first round for soccer and the semi-finals of football. We are not losing very many people next year, so hopefully we can do even better. Our alumni tailgate took place on October 12, when the Spartans took on the Indiana Hoosiers. We would like to thank all of the alumni who attended this event, and we hope to see a great turnout again next year.

Brothers on the Homecoming float.

Our big event of the fall was Homecoming in October. We made a float with Delta Zeta, and all of our parents came in for the occasion. Currently we are tutoring the children at Guyandotte Elementary School every Monday through Thursday as our community service project, and each brother enjoys putting in the hours. Thomas Johnson was recently elected as the Vice-President of Recruitment for the IFC. We have also been raising money for The V Foundation by selling bracelets on campus. Eight brothers earned a 3.0 GPA or higher for the spring 2007 semester. Our ABT has been doing an excellent job keeping everyone focused on the chartering application. The ABT’s advice and guidance have helped us tremendously with any issues that have come up.

We also took our 12th annual trip to West Virginia, where everyone had a great time. This year the rafting was just about the best it could be, because the water level was a foot short of being too high to legally raft on. We had a successful recruitment this fall, and seven associate members joined.

MINNESOTA We added another seven men to the Chapter this fall. With a larger class last spring as well, we are expanding rapidly. We were proud to receive first place in the Housefront/Float category during Homecoming with our depiction of Bob Dylan. We had a very successful joint alumni barbeque this summer in partnership with the Mankato Chapter. This was just one of many steps in our ever-growing alumni relations program.

campus scene This fall we had a very successful homecoming with the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, in which we placed first in the float-building contest, second in dodgeball, and second in the overall standings. We recently added five solid new members to the Chapter and are looking forward to their contributions. In November we placed second in intramural football. Before the fall started we landscaped the front of the house and made it a strong example of what fraternity houses should look like. Also in November we had our Fall Formal in Winter Park and had a large turnout. The Chapter’s “Bob Dylan” decoration for Homecoming 2007.

NEW HAVEN We are proud to announce that we have had another successful semester, after the Chapter received numerous awards at the 2007 Delta Chi Leadership College. We began the semester with a “super sized” chapter-wide recruitment effort. After many hours and much hard work, the brothers saw some of the best recruitment numbers in recent years. As the semester progressed, the Chapter hosted its annual Red Cross blood drive, which was one of the best yet as the members were able to far exceed the Red Cross’ requests. Our annual White Carnation was a big hit as well, as we saw a larger turnout than usual, thanks in part to the publishing of our summer newsletter.


football game where we beat the Huskies. Many brothers have spent time helping the community volunteering at the Boys and Girls Clubs, while other brothers have been spending time at a soup kitchen in Corvallis.


OHIO STATE Fall quarter was a busy, rewarding and productive quarter for the Colony. At all home football games we parked vehicles, earning money for the Buckeye Account of The Delta Chi Educational Foundation and the funding of the Colony’s annual John W. Bricker Sorority Woman of the Year program. Homecoming week brought the brothers of the Colony out in full force, from two musically gifted members belting out Bruce Springsteen’s “Thunder Road” during the Greek Sing competition to social gatherings with our Greek partners. The Colony and its two partners placed third overall out of all sorority-fraternity pairings. On October 20th the Colony members hosted a cookout at the chapter house. With attendance of nearly fifty alumni (including some members from the 1940s!), family members, and guests we were reminded again that Delta Chi is a lifelong organization. The Colony has also been busy developing relations within the Greek Community. In conjunction with the IFC, we hosted the “perfect party.” Greek organizations sent officers and risk management representatives to the house to experience a party hosted in accordance with all the IFC rules. On another occasion, we hosted a concert by indie band “We The Living” that was attended by many people.


Inter-Chapter rivalry football game.

We hosted the Chapter’s first golf outing at the beginning of September. Brother Evan Hickey organized the event, which was a fundraiser for the Chapter. The outing was a two-man scramble and 18 holes on the best course at the University. Congratulations to Brothers Mike Oakleaf and Reston Rawlings for winning the grand prize, individual crested blazers. The new associate members were pinned during a Chapter dinner in the fall. “A” Gerald Sims and board members Bill Humphrey, Paul Obear and Bob Hendershot spoke at the dinner welcoming the new class. The Chapter thanks all the alumni who attended Homecoming this year. It was the Chapter’s 80th anniversary, and we had great attendance. We had 40 alumni and 12 guests attend. Sims was also able to arrange for three-star USAF General Jack Hudson to come over for formal dinner during Old Masters. The formal dinner was followed by a presentation from the General, mainly about unmanned aircraft and their uses in the future.


The 2007 intramural flag football team.

The fall semester saw the Colony successfully recruit ten associate members. With the help of these new members we were able to put forth a very positive presence on campus. During the week of Homecoming we placed first in the men’s piñata competition, second place in the best set up for the haunted house, and second place in the overall men’s spirit competition. The Colony also held a number of social events this semester, including a mixer with Alpha Delta Pi, “Cabin Fever Dance Party.”


The Homecoming float with Alpha Omicron Pi.

Chapter brothers gather for a picture. Brothers assemble in front of their house on a fall Monday night.

Our Chapter had another successful summer recruiting and bringing our overall membership to 32. We have implemented a new Associate Member program, which is eight weeks long and teaches new members about the Fraternity and its values through guest speakers and interactive activities. We had a successful intramural program, making it to the playoffs in bowling and football for the third year in a row. We also had a good showing in the Delta Gamma Anchor Splash philanthropy. Our Dads’ Weekend event featured a poker tournament and BBQ with the ladies of Kappa Delta and their dads, before going to the

Our Chapter had a very successful fall. We have participated in intramural football and soccer, had a great time with our parents at the annual Parents’ Weekend, and enjoyed seeing alumni on Founders’ Day weekend.

RUTGERS The fall semester was one of the most productive and successful that the Chapter has seen. We saw early success in recruitment, offering bids to 16 men. This associate member class was the largest among all fraternities and will represent the biggest class ever to be initiated into the Chapter. Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 11

campus scene socially. We placed second in Alpha Delta Pi’s annual “Cheer Toss and Tumble,” third in Delta Delta Delta’s “Bulls at Bat,” and participated in numerous other philanthropies as well as USF’s annual Greek Week. The Chapter held its annual “Red and Buff Bowl” alumni vs. active football game and saw a very impressive turnout of local alumni. It was a great success, and everyone had a good time.

capture the flag with the Sigma Kappa Sorority. We also held a semi-formal.

The Chapter after Upsilon Class initiation.

The Chapter’s first “Pie a Delta Chi” philanthropy event to raise money for The V Foundation.


Members of the Chapter and members of Alpha Chi Omega at the “Dodge This!” charity dodge ball tournament benefiting The V Foundation.

Since The V Foundation was announced as the Fraternity’s International Philanthropy, the Chapter has made a strong commitment to helping the great cause. The fall semester is proof that this commitment still holds true. In November, we teamed up with Alpha Chi Omega Sorority to host “Dodge This,” a charity dodgeball tournament with a portion of the proceeds going to The V Foundation. This event was highly successful and garnered a tremendous amount of support from not only the Greek community, but the Rutgers community as well. In addition, the Chapter won the right to host a university-wide meal swipe program. For one month, students going to the dining hall were given the option of donating one of their meal swipes to a chosen philanthropy. Ten other organizations lobbied to have their philanthropy projects chosen, but our Chapter eventually won. For the entire month of November, money from every donated meal swipe was given directly to The V foundation in Delta Chi’s name. As a result of this program, the Chapter has raised over $8,000.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The Chapter completed the fall semester with the initiation of 16 new members, bringing the total number of men initiated since our founding 98 years ago to over 1,325; we continue to maintain a Chapter size above 60. The Chapter leadership and the ABT are already starting the planning for the 100th anniversary gala in 2010. The annual Founders’ Day dinner held by the Chapter, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Area Alumni Chapter, brought over 50 alumni together to celebrate our founding. A similar number also joined the Chapter at the annual Homecoming festivities.

We have had a number of brothers elected to positions in both the Student Government and IFC. Most importantly, this semester marked the unveiling of our first inaugural spring philanthropy, “Legends of the Inner Temple.” All participants had a great time, and the Chapter raised over $2,800 for The V Foundation.

Southeast Missouri This semester we have accomplished many things. The size of our Chapter has increased thirty percent, and we are now proud to say that we are contending in intramurals and other programs on campus. After winning the Greek championship in volleyball and placing in Greek week, we are on the right track. With the theme of Memphis, we had a blast at Homecoming this fall with the women of Gamma Phi Beta and the men of Theta Xi. Many alumni helped us celebrate, and we had a good time. Our Moms’ Weekend was a first-rate time. We treated our mothers to a formal dinner, and the next day we barbecued and listened to brothers play guitar and sing.


During the fall the chapter won Alpha Chi Omega’s “All-American” football tournament and Delta Delta Delta’s “Kick it for Cancer” charity kickball tournament. Academically, the Chapter again kept its overall grade point average above a 3.0 for both the spring and fall 2007 semesters. Major renovations of the kitchen took place during the fall with the replacement of the refrigerator, freezer and dishwasher system being accomplished along with new couches being purchased for the living room.

SOUTH FLORIDA The Chapter had a very successful spring 2007 semester. We initiated nine new members and have continued to improve both academically and 12 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008

Chapter members gather after Greek Sing.

The fall semester passed very quickly. The Chapter has become extremely close and currently has over thirty members. We began the semester with the best recruitment we have ever had. We met over 100 potential rushees and chose the best sixteen to participate in our Associate Member program. All sixteen associate members finished the program and were initiated. We also acquired an Adopt-ASpot this semester. With that and several other opportunities, we were able to register over 250 community service hours for the Chapter. As for socials, we held a movie night and played

The Chapter held its first annual “Pie a Delta Chi” philanthropy event in the fall. The event took place next to Rudder Fountain three hours prior to kickoff of the Texas A&M versus Kansas football game. As the tall display of red and buff towered over the plaza, Aggie fans of all ages came out to support the cause by throwing whipped cream pies in the faces of the Chapter members. In the three short hours, we were able to raise over $600 for The V Foundation.


The Chapter’s Homecoming float.

The semester was busy but very successful. We participated in numerous community service events. The Chapter continues to take pride in cleaning a highway just outside Lubbock that we adopted. Also, we helped the Junior League of Lubbock, a women’s organization, by moving boxes full of Christmas goodies. Habitat for Humanity was our other big community service event at which we helped to paint houses. We also came off of our best Homecoming week with Kappa Alpha Theta. Our “Lion King” float won the best float competition.

TRI-STATE We have had a busy year at the Chapter house as well as being very active in other areas of campus. We have brothers in Student Senate as the Secretary and Vice-President, as well as the Vice-President of IFC. Many brothers are involved with academic clubs and organizations. We have the President and Secretary of the school’s American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the President of the American Medical Student Association. We also have members in the Student Education

campus scene Association, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the American Chemical Society. Many brothers are involved with on-campus honor societies as well. There are brothers in Alpha Chi, a US National Honor Society; as well as Tau Beta Pi, an engineering honors society; and Omega Chi Epsilon, a chemical engineering honors society. Chapter members hold the positions of Vice President, Secretary, and President & Vice President, respectively. Some other extracurricular activities that we are participating in are track, cross-country, and tennis teams, Jazz and Pep Band, Circle K, Habitat for Humanity, and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, with the Chapter’s Chaplain trying to start an on-campus Greek Intervarsity. Several brothers made a trip down to Indiana University to help initiate the Founding Fathers of the Indiana Colony. The brothers who attended felt that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and were very honored to have taken part.

TROY STATE This fall we started two new philanthropic events, Battle of the Bands, which raised $2,000, and OysterFest, which raised over $4,000! We placed in Homecoming for the second year in a row, securing third place, which was highlighted by our first place finish in the float competition. We also won first place in Alpha Delta Pi’s philanthropy event.

only performs his position in the Chapter but takes it to a new level as Erik Stengel did in our founding years.


Brothers celebrating a day of success after Alpha Chi Omega’s philanthropy event “Crack the Bat.”

Chapter members gather for a photo after recruitment.

The fall semester was an extremely productive one for the Chapter. We started it off with a very successful recruitment. Thirteen associate members were initiated into the brotherhood. The main focus of the semester though was renovations to the chapter house. Early in the fall our old deck was torn down and re-built larger and nicer. The brothers and the associate members also joined forces to repaint the floors, walls and ceilings; install a new door and cover an old one up in the game room.


TRUMAN STATE This fall semester was a busy time for the men of the Chapter. For the first time in many years we achieved a GPA of 3.11, which exceeds the all-men’s average for the University. We began the semester with the pinning of 13 new associate members, the initiation of three fathers and widespread campus involvement. Members now serve as presidents of five major campus organizations: IFC, Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Chi Sigma, Rotaract and College Democrats. We also have members on numerous other campus executive boards including the Speaker of the Student Senate, Vice-President of Alpha Kappa Psi and the Publicity Chair for the Homecoming Committee. The Chapter is proud to announce a first place finish in Homecoming including first place finishes in philanthropy, the banner contest and the “improv” competition.

UNLV With hard work from our Recruitment Chair and the Associate Member Counselor, we started the fall semester with an associate member class of 17. With the help of these associate members, as well as the rest of the Chapter, we won Homecoming. This is the fourth Homecoming victory in the last five years for the Chapter. We were also victorious in the philanthropy event held by Alpha Delta Pi. Of all the fraternities we raised the most money for the Ronald McDonald House charity. The Chapter held a memorial service for Erik Stengel, a Founding Father of the Chapter, who passed away after five years of fighting Hodgkins disease. In his honor the members have created a new award called the Erik Stengel Award for innovation. This award will be given to the brother who not


The Colony celebrates after initiating ten members in the fall.

The Colony moved into an official house for the first time and became the largest fraternity on campus this fall. The fall also saw the Colony’s ten associate members plan a Butterball Turkey Rugby game, which combined the rules of flag football and rugby and was played with a frozen turkey rather than a ball. The event was a big hit on campus and drew media coverage from the school paper and a local television station. The associate members and active members faced off in a tightly contested game, until the bird broke free from its plastic wrap and flopped innocently onto the grass. The Colony members continue to hold several leadership positions throughout the school’s student organizations. Seven members serve on Student Government, three are directors on the Campus Activity Board, three are staff writers for the Washburn Review and one is the newly crowned Mr. Bod, a title given annually to the student with the most school spirit. Our members have taken the value of “leadership” to heart. Additionally, the Colony has three members on the executive boards of IFC and Greek Council, proving that we have become a force on campus.

With the help of our outstanding alumni and House Corporation, and fueled by our upcoming centennial celebration, our chapter house has received its best facelift in many years. This included entirely new wood floors for our second and third levels as well as new linoleum floors for our basement. In addition, we received a great touch-up of our exterior paint job and new bathroom stalls, counters, and fixtures. All of this improvement has inspired many brothers to take the initiative to continue improving the house by repainting all of the hallways and making a record number of individual room improvements in lighting, painting, and flooring. The improvement in infrastructure has led to an increase in morale and pride for the house. We recently made the finals of the Zeta Tau Alpha Crown Cup Soccer tournament and claimed a spot in the quarterfinals in the University’s intramural football league. We also had an incredible turnout for our Founders’ Day dinner. A great number of alumni ranging in class years from the 1950s to our most recent alumni attended. Yet the big surprise was a large return of support from many younger alumni who have shown renewed dedication and interest in the Chapter.

WILLIAM AND MARY The Chapter has made a number of important accomplishments this semester. The most notable of these was the attainment of five new members, the largest pledge class in the Chapter’s history, which nearly doubled our size. These five new brothers were initiated in November and have already started to contribute to the performance of the Chapter, whether by serving on the executive board or by playing on the intramural teams. Another notable accomplishment for the year was the acquiring of a chapter house located three blocks from Colonial Williamsburg and no more than a five-minute walk to campus. The house has been the center for most events, including an alumni reunion held on Homecoming weekend, which was attended by the majority of the Chapter’s forty alumni. A central location for the Chapter has certainly served to attract new members this semester and will continue to do so in the future. Thanks to the alumni who have aided us in recruitment and other activities this year and to the new members who continue to make remarkable contributions to the Chapter.

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 13

campus scene alumni Nate Smith ’01, Embry-Riddle

Jeremy Witte ’02, Tarleton

Nate Smith ended his tour at Aviano Air Force Base after three years of flying and living in Italy as a member of the 510th Fighter Squadron (The Buzzards). While there, he was deployed to Iraq twice and spent a total of over nine months supporting the troops on the ground by providing Close Air Support for Operation Iraqi Freedom. When not in Iraq, he was in many other European and Middle Eastern countries training with United States allies. Brother Smith can’t even begin to describe what it is like being a fighter pilot but can only say that his work week was an average of 60+ hours of flying, preparation, studying, and of course any additional duties. In his three-year span he was able to upgrade to Instructor Pilot, 4 ship NVG Flight Lead, and serve in Iraq. He is now stationed at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas and in training to be a T-38C IP in the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) program. ENJJPT is a NATO pilot training program for most member countries to train future fighter pilots for the alliance.

Jeremy Witte is pictured here on a recent operation in the Jazeerah Desert. He is currently serving as a Battle Captain in an Infantry Battalion. Brother Witte synchronizes the current operations cell of the battalion in order to provide support for the rifle companies. In doing so he manages the attack aviation, close air support, unmanned reconnaissance assets, route clearance teams, and other enablers as they support operations in battle.

14 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008

Brother Witte joined the Tarleton Chapter in the fall of 1998. He remembers making great friends through the Chapter and being a part of a great organization. He is grateful for the support he has received from his fellow brothers.

keeping in touch Kansas

Southeast Missouri

Patrick Underwood ’08, married to Makenna Vaughn on October 21, 2007.

August “Gus” Koebbe, Jr. ’78, has been honored by the Southeast Missouri State University’s St. Louis Alumni Association as a recipient of its Southeast Salutes Award for his operation of Gus’ Pretzel Ship (a family owned business), a St. Louis destination since 1920. He maintains a small group of devout employees who twist each pretzel by hand daily. As owner, he expanded the pretzel shop’s retail space, giving customers increased access to view the pretzel making process. Kevin Montgomery ’78, has been honored by the Southeast Missouri State University’s St. Louis Alumni Association as a recipient of its Southeast Salutes Award for his participation as Boeing’s liaison with the Harrison College of Business St. Louis Interview Days and securing thousands of dollars in scholarship money for undergraduate students majoring in management information systems and computer science. He also has played significant roles in acquiring equipment grants for the School of

Kansas State Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris Donaldson ’00, a son, Ian Charles, on November 7, 2007.

Kent State Born to Brother and Mrs. John Doan ’98, a daughter, Alyson Claire, on January 17, 2008.

New Haven Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Severs ’99, a daughter, Taylor Faith, on November 20, 2007.

New Mexico State Daniel Holman ’05, married to Crystina Hernandez on November 16, 2007.

Northwestern Bill Chapin ’01, has been hired as the entertainment reporter at the Jackson Citizen Patriot in Jackson, Michigan.

Polytechnic Studies, which provide an extra margin of excellence to the school’s outstanding programs.

Southern California Jonathan Roderick ’00, married to Erin Scofield on November 17, 2007. Justin Bell ’01, married to Natalie Page on June 2, 2007. Born to Brother and Mrs. Jonathan Warr ’02, a son, Vincent Eric, on December 10, 2007. Army Captain Warr is serving his third tour of duty in Iraq.

Southern Illinois Born to Brother and Mrs. Michael Siegel ’91, a son, Phillip Kian, on December 20, 2007.

South Dakota State Al Cousineau, ’90 was recently named Director of Coaching for the Newport News FC Travel Soccer Club. Under his leadership the club has tripled in size in his first three years and won over 50 tournament and league championships. Kristofor Bahr ’05, married to Anne Heiser on September 29, 2007.

Texas A & M Born to Brother and Mrs. Rod Arnold ’88, a son, Spencer Rearden, on January 12, 2008.

Texas State Born to Brother and Mrs. Abiel Medina ’02, a daughter, Kameli Reese, on August 29, 2007.

Western Michigan Greg Busch ’91, was recently named to the Sports Business Journal’s 2008 class of 40 under 40 list for his work with GMR Marketing. Born to Brother and Mrs. Ken Taylor ’02, a son, Bryant Arthur, on January 10, 2008.

Wisconsin Born to Brother and Mrs. Alan Udell ’91, a daughter, Jessica Rose, on January 8, 2008. Let us know what’s new by “Keeping in Touch” Mail your information to: The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters c/o: Keeping in Touch, PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 or e-mail:

farewell & parting These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them Brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. ALABAMA

Noah Langdale LLD ’41, February 23, 2008. Brother Langdale was the President of Georgia State University for 31 years. In 1957 he became President of the University and promptly took it from a two-building college to one of the top educational institutions in America. Under Brother Langdale’s leadership, Georgia State College became Georgia State University with a thriving campus and 30,000 plus students. Joseph A. Ashworth ’47, June 2, 2007 Bill Cowan Cate ’60, February 8, 2008 William R. Rutledge ’79, September 3, 2006


Francis H. Kayser ’40, August 11, 2006 Alvin A. Floss ’54, September 7, 2007


Carl R. Brehmer ’60, February 24, 2008


Robert E. Stricklin ’71, August 4, 2007


Silas T. Wild ’29, November 17, 2007


Kenneth Kleinschmidt ’50, November 2, 2007


Don L. Cochran Alumnus, February 12, 2008


James D. McCauley ’41, February 29, 2008






Forbes H. Ryder ’52, January 3, 2007 Jack Himes Muse ’55, November 11, 2007 Frederick R. Brandt ’60, December 12, 2007



David D. Smith ’70, October 6, 2007 Allan W. Bacheller ’34, November 17, 2007 Willard M. Huff ’61, December 3, 2006 Steven Lee Dixon ’69, December 3, 2007 Robert V. Shuff ’70, February 24, 2007


Richard A. Coleman ’49, September 28, 2006


George E. Davidson ’49, January 12, 2008


John B. LeClaire ’31, November 3, 2006 Otto Schnellbacher ’45, March 10, 2008. Brother Schnellbacher was a two-sport star at The University of Kansas; co-captain of the football team and the captain of the basketball team, a four-time all-conference selection in basketball and KU’s first All-American in football. He was considered to have been one of the greatest athletes in the history of the University of Kansas. Brother Schnellbacher was a member of the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, the University of Kansas Hall of Fame and the football Ring of Honor inside Memorial Stadium. Robrt G. Coldwell ’74, August 11, 2006


Thomas E. Hinds ’85, December 22, 2007

Robert E. Calvert ’43, March 13, 2006 Lawrence Andermann ’52, November 8, 2006 Sam Marion Spataro ’53, January 3, 2008




Jeffrey H. Horne ’09, January 30, 2008

James D. Eason ’84, September 14, 2007

Liston Gardebled Alumnus, January 18, 2008 Charles W. Ogren ’40, February 6, 2007 Donald John Barr ’57, January 24, 2008

ROLLINS Clark Ross Wilcox ’64, February 13, 2008

Gerald Earl Grimm ’56, July 19, 2007



Eric E. Levinson ’04, December 1, 2007

Terrence W. Kelly ’73



Gordon L. Gailey ’38, July 12, 2007 William Y. Dabney ’44, July 17, 2007

Peter C. Saari ’91, December 17, 2007


Jack Christiansen ’49, November 15, 2007


SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA H. John Schuster ’44, April 17, 2007


Craig E. Slight ’71, February 13, 2008

Darrell J. Holman ’37, February 11, 2008



Paul D. Siebert ’49, October 11, 2007 Robert S. Harsh ’52, December 20, 2007 John A. Fitzgerald ’84, January 13, 2008

Emil A. Offer ’42, January 14, 2008 Layton A. B. Klotz ’53 Christopher M. Parker ’96, October 19, 2007


T. Hillis Eskridge ’42, June 12, 2006 Robert Earl Estep ’43, August 22, 2006 Joseph W. Owens Alumnus, Dec. 20, 2007



Todd A. VanRie ’89, March 9, 2008

Chan Duel ’54, November 27, 2007 Robert W. Lorenzen ’56, October 8, 2007 William P. Jackson ’76, February 2, 2008 Bryan S. Jeffries ’92, January 10, 2007

Jeffrey A. Willis ’90, February 5, 2008

TRUMAN STATE UCLA Francis J. Barker ’40, February 23, 2008 Merwin L. Hutchins ’51, July 3, 2007




Richard C. Kelly ’40, February 22, 2008 Robert A. Stief ’50, November 6, 2007 Richard G. Abel ’61, February 10, 2008

Morris J. Vennewitz ’34, February 8, 2008 Richard W. Mand ’69, October 13, 2007

Delta Chi | Quarterly | Winter/Spring 2008 15

MOVING? Send your mailing label with new address to: The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 Phone 319.337.4811 Fax 319.337.5529

CHAPTERS ABRACADABRA: Univ of Calif - Berkeley - 2721 Channing Way,

Berkeley, CA 94704

ALABAMA: Univ of Alabama - Tuscaloosa - PO Box 11127, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486

ALBERTA: Univ of Alberta - Box 165 SUB, Univ of Alberta,

Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7

AMERICAN: American Univ - 4400 Mass Ave NW, Box 16, Washington, DC 20016

APPALACHIAN STATE: Appalachian St Univ - Box 9084, Boone, NC 28607 ARIZONA: U of Ariz - 1701 E 1st St, Tucson, AZ 85719 ARIZONA STATE: Arizona St Univ - Sun Devil Inv Ctr, PO Box 871301,

Tempe, AZ 85287

AUBURN: Auburn U - 530 Biggio Dr, Auburn, AL 36830 AUGUSTA: Augusta State Univ - 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 BEHREND: Behrend Col - 3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510 BINGHAMTON: Binghamton Univ of SUNY - 5 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13902

BOWLING GREEN: Bowling Green St Univ - 1217 E Wooster, Bowling Green, OH 43403 BRYANT: Bryant Col - Box 3289, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917 CAL POLY: Cal Polytechnic State Univ - 1327 E Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

CALIFORNIA UNIV - PA: California Univ of PA - PO Box 516,

California, PA 15419-0516

CENTRAL MICHIGAN: Central Michigan Univ - 1007 S Main St, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 CENTRAL MISSOURI: Central Missouri State Univ - Unit D,

Fraternity Complex, Warrensburg, MO 64093

JAMES MADISON: James Madison Univ - MSC 3518, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 JOHNSTOWN: Univ of Pittsburgh - Johnstown - Box 0288, UPJ, Johnstown, PA 15907 KANSAS: Univ of Kansas - 1245 W Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044 KANSAS STATE: Kansas St Univ - c/o Greek Affairs Office, 214 KSU Student Union, Manhattan, KS 66506

KENT STATE: Kent St Univ - 312 E Main, Kent, OH 44240 KETTERING A: Kettering Univ - 1700 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504 KETTERING B: Kettering Univ - 1421 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504 LSU: Louisiana State Univ - Office of Greek Affairs, 137 Johnston Hall,

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

LAKE FOREST: Lake Forest College - 555 N Sheridan Rd, Box D1, Lake Forest, IL 60045

LONG BEACH: CSU - Long Beach - 1067 Grand Ave #1 Long Beach, CA 90804 LOUISIANA TECH: LA Tech Univ - 201 Everett St, Ruston, LA 71270 MANKATO: Minnesota State Univ - Mankato - 173 CSU, Mankato, MN 56001 MARQUETTE: Marquette Univ - 845 N 16th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233 MARYLAND: Univ of Maryland - 6 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20742 MIAMI: Miami U - 131 E Withrow, Oxford, OH 45056 MICHIGAN: Univ of Michigan - 1705 Hill St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 MICHIGAN STATE: Michigan St Univ - 101 Woodmere Ave, East Lansing, MI 48823

MINNESOTA: Univ of Minnesota - 1601 University Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 MISSISSIPPI STATE: Mississippi State Univ - Drawer GK, Mississippi State, MS 39762 MISSOURI: Univ of Missouri - PO Box 341, Columbia, MO 65201 MISSOURI STATE: Missouri St Univ, 1116 E Elm St, Springfield, MO 65806 MONTCLAIR: Montclair State Univ - Stu Ctr Box 103 SGA Off,

POSTMASTER - If undeliverable send notice on Form 3579 to The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817 Iowa City, IA 52244-1817

New Address (Please Print) __ Home __ Work Name _ _____________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _________________ Zip___________________ E-mail______________________________________

VALDOSTA: Valdosta State Col - PO Box 1112, Valdosta, GA 31603 VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH: VA Commonwealth Univ - c/o Omer Bokhari,

3201 Copper Mill Trace #A, Richmond, VA 23294

VIRGINIA TECH: Virginia Polytech Inst and State Univ - 560 Cinnabar Rd, Christiansburg, VA 20473

WASHINGTON: Univ of WA - 1819 NE 47th St, Seattle, WA 98105 WASHINGTON STATE: Washington State Univ - 800 NE Monroe St,

Pullman, WA 99163

WEST GEORGIA: St Univ of West Georgia - 228 Mandeville Ave, Carrollton, GA 30117 WEST VIRGINIA TECH: West Virginia Inst of Tech - 621 First Ave, Montgomery, WV 25136 WESTERN MICHIGAN: Western Michigan Univ - 1402 Fraternity Village Dr,

Kalamazoo, MI 49006

WILLIAM & MARY: College of William & Mary - c/o Jonathan DeLong, CSU 2461, PO Box 8793, Williamsburg, VA 23186 WINDSOR: Univ of Windsor - 408 Indian Rd, Windsor, ON, Canada N9C2M4

COLONIES CINCINNATI: Univ of Cincinnati - Stratford Hgts, 2634 Stratford Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220 CORPUS CHRISTI: TX A&M Univ - Corpus Christi - Univ Ctr & Student Act, 6300 Ocean Dr, Uit 5783, Corpus Christi, TX 78412-5783

DAVIS: Univ of California - Davis - PO Box 72432, Davis,CA 95617 EAST STROUDSBURG: East Stroudsburg Univ - Greek Life,

200 Prospect St, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

EASTERN WASHINGTON: Eastern Washington Univ - Student Life Office, 320 Peance Union Bldg, Cheney, WA 99004-2463

FLORIDA: Univ of Florida - 6 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 GEORGE MASON: George Mason Univ - 4400 Univ Dr, MS 2D6,

CHICO: California State Univ - Chico - 731 W, 5th St, Chico, CA 95928 CLEMSON: Clemson Univ - 10174 Univ Station, Clemson, SC 29632 COASTAL CAROLINA: Coastal Carolina Univ - PO Box 261954,

Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Bloomington, IN 47405

COLORADO: Univ of Colorado - 1135 11th St, Boulder,CO 80302 COLORADO STATE: Colorado St Univ - 321 W Myrtle St,

MONTEVALLO: Univ of Montevallo - Drawer AC, Montevallo, Al 35115 NEW HAVEN: Univ of New Haven - PO Box 8937, New Haven, CT 06532 NORTHERN ARIZONA: Northern Arizona Univ - 318 S Humphreys,

KENNESAW: Kennesaw State Univ - 1000 Chastain Rd #0501, Stu Ctr

CONNECTICUT: Univ of Conn - PO Box 806, Storrs, CT 06268 CORNELL: Cornell Univ - 102 The Knoll, Ithaca, NY 14850 CORTLAND: State Univ College - Cortland, c/o Mike Zitelli, 15 1/2 Owego St,

NORTHERN COLORADO: Univ of Nothern Colorado - 1803 10th Ave,

Florence, AL 35632

Greeley, CO 80631

DENISON: Denison Univ - PO Box 0594, Granville, OH 43023 DEPAUW: DePauw Univ - 912 S Locust St, Greencastle, IN 46135 DUQUESNE: Duquesne University - 600 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15282 EAST CAROLINA: East Carolina Univ - 109 Mendenhall Student Center,

NORTHWESTERN: Northwestern Univ - 619 Colfax Ave, Evanston, IL 60201 OREGON STATE: Oregon State Univ - 203 NW 13th St, Corvallis, OR 97330 OSHKOSH: Univ of WI at Oshkosh - 911 Wisconsin St, Oshkosh, WI 54901 PENN STATE: Penn State Univ - 424 E Fairmount Ave,

EMBRY-RIDDLE: Embry-Riddle Aeron Univ-PO Box 950,

PITTSBURGH: Univ of Pittsburgh - 255 N Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 PURDUE: Purdue Univ - 501 Russell St, West Lafayette, IN 47906 RADFORD: Radford University - 600 Second Ave, Radford, VA 24141 RHODE ISLAND: Univ of Rhode Island-34 Lwr Clg Rd, Kingston, RI 02881 ROWAN: Rowan Univ - 13 E Eben St, Glassboro, NJ 08049 RUTGERS: Rutgers Univ - 49 Mine St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE: South Dakota St Univ - 213 W Hwy 14 Bypass,

100 Spadoni Prk Cir, Conway, SC 29528-6054

Ft Collins, CO 80521

Cortland, NY 13045

Greenville, NC 27858

Daytona Beach, FL 32115

FERRIS STATE: Ferris State Univ - 805 Campus Dr, Rankin Ctr Rm 233, Box 155, Big Rapids, MI 49307-2226 FREDONIA: SUNY - Fredonia - SA Office Stu Ctr - SUNY, Fredonia, NY 14063 FROSTBURG: Frostburg St Univ - Box 213 Lane Ctr, FSU

Frostburg, MD 21532

FULLERTON: California State Univ - Fullerton - 2100 Associated Rd, Fullerton, CA 92631

Flagstaff, AZ 86001

NORTHWEST MISSOURI: NW Missouri State Univ - 219 W Second St, Maryville, MO 64468

State College, PA 16801-5714

Brookings, SD 57006

GANNON: Gannon University - 507 Myrtle St, Erie, PA 16502 GEORGIA: Univ of Georgia - Grk Life Office - 216 Memorial Hall,

SOUTH FLORIDA: South Florida Univ - 4067 Greek Vlg, Tampa, FL 33620 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI: Southeast Missouri State Univ - 1000 Towers Cir,

GEORGIA SOUTHERN: Georgia Southern University - 1510A Mike

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Univ of Southern California - 920 W 28th St,

U of Georgia, Athens, GA 30606 Anne Dr, Statesboro, GA 30458

GEORGIA TECH: Georgia Institute of Tech - 170 Fifth Street NW,

Atlanta, GA 30313-2512

MS0040, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Los Angeles, CA 90007

SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Southern Illinois Univ - 606 W College,

Carbondale, IL 62901

GORHAM STATE: Univ of Southern Maine - 23 Preble St,

STEPHEN F AUSTIN: Stephen F Austin Univ - Stu Act Box 13021 SFA, Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3021

HAYWARD: California St Univ - Hayward - 1491 Roosevelt Ave,

SYRACUSE: Syracuse Univ - 303 University Pl, 228E Schine Ctr,

HOBART: Hobart College - 574 S Main, Geneva, NY 14456 HOFSTRA: Hosfstra University - 260 Stu Ctr, 200 Hofstra University,

TARLETON: Tarleton State Univ - Box T-1557, Tarleton Station, TX 76402 TEXAS: U of Texas - 910 Poplar, Austin,TX 78705 TEXAS A&M: Texas A&M Univ - 11490 Walnut Rd, College Sta, TX 77845 TEXAS STATE: Texas State Univ - PO Box 1309, San Marcos, TX 78667 TEXAS TECH: Texas Tech Univ - 8 Greek Circle, Lubbock, TX 79416 TRI-STATE: Tri-State U - 112 S Darling, Angola, IN 46703 TROY STATE: Troy Univ - 408 Pell Ave, Troy, AL 36081 TRUMAN STATE: Truman State Univ - 904 S First St,

Gorham, ME 04038

Hayward, CA 94544

Hempstead, NY 11549-2000

HUNTSVILLE: Univ of AL - Huntsville - 510 Fraternity & Sorority Row, Huntsville, AL 35805

IDAHO: Univ of Idaho - PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID 83843 ILLINOIS: Univ of IL - 1111 S First St, Champaign, IL 61820 ILLINOIS STATE: llinois State Univ - 602 South Fell, Normal, IL 61761 IOWA: Univ of Iowa - 308 Ridgeland, Iowa City, IA 52246 JACKSONVILLE STATE: Jacksonville State Univ - PO Box 3062 JSU

Jacksonville, AL 36265

Syracuse, NY 13244

Kirksville, MO 63501

UNLV: Univ of Nevada - Las Vegas - UNLV Box 452008, 4505 Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89154-2008

Fairfax, VA 22030

INDIANA: Indiana Univ - Indiana Memorial Union, Rm 371, Bldg #5, Rm 274, Bx 170, Kennesaw, GA 30144

MARSHALL: Marshall Univ - 1440 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25755 NORTH ALABAMA: Univ of N Alabama - 1 Harrison Plaza, UNA Box 5383, OHIO STATE: The Ohio State Univ - 191 E 15th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201 OKLAHOMA: Univ of Oklahoma - PO Box 2722, Norman, OK 73070 USIP: Univ of Sciences in Philadelphia, Whitecar Hall Stu Actv Off,

600 S 43rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

WASHBURN: Washburn Univ of Topeka - Off Stdnt Act, 1700 SW College Ave, Topeka, KS 66621 WESTERN CAROLINA: Western Carolina Univ, 319 AK Hinds Univ Ctr, Cullowhee, NC 28723

WILIMINGTON: Univ of N Carolina - Wilmington - Student Act Off, 601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403

ALUMNI CHAPTERS ARIZONA VALLEY: Pres Todd Nyberg-Mastrorilli, RAD ’97, BLUEGRASS: Pres Stephen Meyer, Jr, Louisville ’92, BOSTON AREA: Pres Stephen Bianchi, NE ’79, CAPE FEAR AREA: Pres Miles Washburn, Mass ’87, CAPITAL AREA: Pres Michael Magri, John ’84, CHARLOTTE AREA: Pres Jonathan Malone, Calif U-PA ’98, COLUMBUS: Pres Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70, DALLAS/FORT WORTH: Pres John Battaglia, TX ’94,

EASTERN IOWA: Pres Karl Grindel, Cent MO ’01, GREAT LAKES: Pres Robert Little, Bow Gr ‘03, GREATER WISCONSIN AREA: Pres Alan Udell, WISC ’91, ILLINOIS: Pres Ray Mathews, IL ’76, KANSAS CITY AREA: Pres John Hess, Creighton ’75, LOS ANGELES: Pres Ernest Bain, SoCal ’55, NEW HAVEN AREA: Pres Robert Morey, New Haven ’00, NORTHEAST OHIO AREA: Pres Steve Bossart, Kent St ’90, SACRAMENTO AREA: Pres John Shelby, Sac ’86, SOUTH FLORIDA: Pres Michael Agnello, Mich St ’81, TAMPA BAY AREA: Pres Michael Shelton, FL ’98, TENNESSEE VALLEY: Pres T Michael Burleson, Hunts ’05, THREE RIVERS: Pres Tom Horowitz, Mich St ’87, TORONTO: Pres Elliott Chun, W Ontario ’03, TWIN CITIES AREA: Pres Matthew Johnson, Minn ’01,

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