The Delta Chi Quartelry - Winter/Spring 2002

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Delta Chi Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

Plan Now To Attend Delta Chi’s Convention In Orlando, Florida!

The Delta Chi Fraternity 53rd International Convention Registration Form HILTON AT THE WALT DISNEY WORLD RESOR T - ORLANDO ,F LORIDA - J ULY 31 - AUGUST 4, 2002 Please Print Clearly Name: Summer Address: Daytime Phone: Email Address: Please check one Early Registration Late Registration

First Name for Nametag: Evening Phone: Chapter & Grad. Year:

❑ $300 prior to May 15, 2002 ❑ $315 after May 15, 2002

Payment ❑ Check (Payable to The Delta Chi Fraternity) ❑ Credit Card: Visa: Mastercard:

Cancellation Policy: Any registration cancelled between May 15, 2002 and July 15, 2002 will be assessed a $25 service charge. No refunds will be made if registration is cancelled after July 15, 2002. Please note that Convention Registrations are transferable. * Undergraduates: Official delegate and alternate credential forms have been mailed directly to your chapter/colony. Please return to: Delta Chi Headquarters, P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, Iowa 52244-1817

Join Us at the 2002 Delta Chi International Convention! July 31 - August 4 The Delta Chi Fraternity is excited to announce that this coming summer will bring our 53rd Biennial Convention. The Convention will take place from July 31 to August 4 and will be held in Orlando, Florida, at the Hilton at the WALT DISNEY WORLD Resort. As an “official” hotel of Walt Disney World, this world famous resort is located in the middle of all the action. The MAGIC KINGDOM Park, Epcot Center, and Disney MGM Studios are all within walking distance. Also nearby are Pleasure Island, the Disney Village Marketplace and Planet Hollywood. If you are a golfer, you can test your game in the Kimball Open. This year’s Open will be a four-man scramble of convention guests, Delta Chi undergraduate and alumni members. The tournament will be held at one of the five nearby Walt Disney World PGA championship courses. Besides taking advantage of local attractions, Delta Chi Conventions are also an opportunity for undergraduates and alumni members to interact with brothers from all across the United States and Canada. Registration: All undergraduates attending the Convention, whether they are voting delegates or participants, shall pay a fee of $300 per undergraduate due May 15, 2002 ($315 after that date). Your chapter’s 2001 and 2002 Chapter Assessments 2 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

each included the cost of one registration. If both of these have been paid, your chapter has already paid the registration fee of two delegates (a savings of $600). However if registering after May 15, these attendees will be responsible for the late fee of $15. Undergraduate registration should be done through your chapter/colony. These forms have already been sent to your chapter/colony. Alumni registration is also $300 due May 15, 2002 ($315 after that date). Registration forms have been sent to alumni advisors and volunteers and are also available on the Delta Chi website,, under “Conferences”. Spouse/Guest registration forms are also available on the website. Full registration will be $200. Banquet only is $75. Send checks payable to The Delta Chi Fraternity to the International Headquarters with registration forms. The registration fee covers: welcome reception, convention favor, four meals (including the black tie optional reception and banquet on Saturday), convention materials, cost of convention, convention photograph, speakers’ costs, and a wide assortment of activities. Registration for spouses and guests will cover meals, convention favors, convention photograph, and Spouses’s Program activities on Thursday, August 1.

Call to the 53nd International Convention To the Men of The Delta Chi Fraternity: alumni members, In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused

student members and associate members of the undergraduate the seal of The Delta Chi Fraternity to be affixed. chapters and colonies. one at the city of Iowa City, the sixth day of February, s the forty-seventh “AA”, pursuant to the Constitution of in the year Two Thousand Two and in the one hundred and The Delta Chi Fraternity, I do hereby proclaim that the twelfth year since the founding of The Delta Chi Fraternity. Fifty-third International Convention will convene at the Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort, in the city of By the “AA” Orlando, in the state of Florida at eight-thirty in the morning, Thursday, the first day of August, Two Thousand Two. Said William A.J. Williams Convention shall continue through scheduled adjournment Gannon ’83 on the fourth day of August. Attested by the "CC"



The Board of Regents is hereby called into session starting

at nine o'clock in the morning, Tuesday, the thirtieth day of July, Two Thousand Two at the same location.

Michael V. Woolbright Long Beach ’86

three days and still get the convention rates, so make a vacation of it. Special convention rates per night are: $125.00 Singles/Doubles $165.00 Alcoves $185.00 Towers $459.00 Suites

Convention Program (Tentative) Wednesday, July 31 PM Registration PM Welcome Reception Thursday, August 1 AM General Session #1 PM Special Session #1 PM Foundation Luncheon

PM General Session #2, Elections PM Ritual Exemplification Friday, August 2 AM Golf Tournament AM Leadership College AM Special Session #2 PM “Meet Your Regent” Saturday, August 3 AM Leadership College AM Special Session #3 PM Etiquette Luncheon PM Special Session #4 PM Leadership College PM Reception PM Banquet Sunday, August 4 AM Awards Brunch AM Closing

Inside the Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

Volume 98 Number 3

Hotel Reservations For hotel reservations call: the Hilton at Walt Disney World Resort at (800) 7824414. In order to assure room reservations, all requests should be made by June 29. Identify that you are with Delta Chi Fraternity in order to receive the discounted rate. A special note: You can arrive three days early or stay over

2 2 4 6

Convention Registration Call To Convention James H. Webb, S. Cal. ’67 Campus Scene

DELTA CHI QUARTERLY (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly at Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity. Editorial and Business Office at P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church St., Iowa City, Iowa 52244. Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices. Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton, MO. One-year subscription $10.

14 15 15 16

Bookend Advertisment Keeping in Touch Farewell & Parting Directory

ADDRESS CHANGES: Send all notices of address changes to Delta Chi International Headquarters, P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817. Phone: (319) 337-4811; FAX: (319) 337-5529; e-mail: Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69. Please visit our website at!

∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 3

Profile of a Delta Chi

By Aaron A. Otto, Kansas State ’98

Marine Officer, Secretary of the Navy and Noted Author I E W

f you were to walk down the fourth deck of the Pentagon you would come to an ornate hallway that is home to the Chief of Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine Corps and Secretary of the Navy. The passageway is lined with models of ships and submarines and pictures of men who served as Secretary of the Navy such as Presidents Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Senator John Warner, Senator John Chaffee, and Texas Governor John Connelly. Then suddenly you would come across a portrait of James Webb, a man noticeably younger than the others whose protraits grace these walls. ew people of Webb’s age have had such an incredible breadth and depth of experiences. Not only is Webb a highly decorated Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran, a former Secretary of the Navy, and a successful author; he is also a Brother in the Bond of a Lifetime - a Delta Chi. ebb attended the University of Southern California, where he joined Delta Chi. Following his time in California, he joined the United States Marine Corps and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, along with his boxing buddy, Colonel Oliver North and fellow midshipman and future senator, John S. McCain. ebb is still in contact with many of his USC brothers. “My roommate Oleg Jankovic, who went on to serve in the Navy, worked with me my entire time in the Pentagon as an expert in international




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affairs, and remains one of my closest friends, “ Webb said. ven after leaving USC for the Naval Academy, Webb still ran into his Delta Chi brothers. “When I came home for Christmas leave during my plebe year at the Naval Academy, all I knew was that I would be landing on a military “hop” in San Diego, and then taking a bus to Los Angeles, where I thought I might take another bus up to Lompoc, where my dad was stationed at nearby Vandenberg Air

Other Honors and Achievements • His PBS coverage of the U.S. Marines in Beirut earned him an Emmy Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences • He served in the U.S. Congress as counsel to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs from l977 to l98l • He was the first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs from l984 to l987 •Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Medal • Medal of Honor Society's Patriot Award • American Legion National Commander's Public Service Award • Marine Corps League's Military Order of the Iron Mike Award • John Russell Leadership Award • Robert L. Denig Distinguished Service Award

Force Base. I didn’t even know for sure what time the C-130 would be landing in San Diego. When I reached the bus station in Los Angeles around midnight, two of my fraternity brothers – Oleg Jakovic and Bit Winkler – were sitting in the bus terminal, waiting for me. We went to the house and hung out for a while, and then Bit

Photo by Harry Gerwien

James Webb James H. Webb, Southern California ’67

Winckler drove me all the way home — more than 200 miles. He had breakfast at my house and then drove back. That’s what friendship is all about,” Webb said. hen asked how the fraternity has been beneficial to him, Webb discussed the sense of community that was created by a group of brothers in a large campus setting. “Southern Cal was a very large school — 19,000 students at that time — and the fraternity was a great place to create a smaller community, among people whose company I enjoyed. Every day was spent with my fraternity brothers, and every weekend I usually did things with them as well. The fraternity house was a welcome place to come “home” to after classes. My year at Southern Cal was undeniably the happiest time of my young life, and my fondest memories are of my fraternity brothers and the things we did together,” said Webb. ess than a year out of Annapolis, he was sent to Vietnam where he distinguished himself in combat. For exposing himself to enemy fire while saving a wounded Marine, he was awarded the Bronze Star. A few weeks later he won the Silver Star for repeatedly exposing himself to harm while retrieving casualties and leading a counterattack. Two months after he received his Silver Star, he led an attack on three enemy bunkers and used his own body to shield another Marine from a grenade blast. He then destroyed one bunker with his own grenade. For this, he was awarded the Navy Cross (the highest award bestowed by the Department of the Navy). During one


eight-week period his Marine platoon alone lost 56 men either killed or wounded. He personally received two Purple Hearts with shrapnel lodged in his head, back, kidney, left arm and left leg. ollowing his service in Vietnam, Webb returned to attend Georgetown Law School. Webb was so disappointed with how his fellow classmates looked at the war that he began to write the novel Fields of Fire, which highlights the cultural and class war that took place during Vietnam. It is a powerful best seller about a Marine infantry lieutenant in Vietnam. His unusual story ends with all of the heroes having been killed; however, they were not killed by the Vietcong, but rather by a kid from Harvard who joins the Marines and bumbles his way through the war. The book closes with the Harvard student challenging students at an antiwar demonstration at his alma mater by asking them where they were during the war. Since its publication in the 1970’s, nearly every Marine owns a copy of this book or has read it. Webb has written five best-selling novels: Fields of Fire (l978), considered by many to be the classic novel of the Vietnam war, A Sense of Honor (l981), A Country Such As This (1983), Something To Die For (1991), and The Emperor’s General (1999). n 1987, his life took another turn when President Reagan appointed Webb Secretary of the Navy. As the CEO of the Department of the Navy, Webb was the civilian in charge of a 600-ship fleet with more than 400,000 Sailors and 200,000 Marines. At age 41, Webb was the youngest Navy Secretary since 1797, when the position was created. He was appointed at the end of Reagan’s second administration and is remembered for two major transitional events: he oversaw the beginning of the transition from the large military build-up in the early 1980s to a more lean fighting force and his selection of General Al Gray to be the Commandant of the Marine Corps. hen Webb became Secretary of the Navy, the Marines arguably were the most devastated of all the services. During Vietnam the Marines had suffered more




casualties than they experienced in all of World War II. Jeffrey Record noted in the Navy Journal Proceedings that the early 1970s were a debacle for the Marines. He said, “the Corps’ registered rates of courtmartial, non-judicial punishments, unauthorized absences, and outright desertions were unprecedented in its own history, and in most cases, three to four times those plaguing the U.S. Army.” At the time of his appointment Webb said, “the Marine Corps was really reeling.” fter talking with the top brass in both the Navy and the Marine Corps, he realized that the Marines needed a leader who would refocus the service toward its basic war-fighting mission. This involved modifying the very structure and purpose of the entire Corps, which is worth noting because of its fundamental long-term impact the changes have made for everyone entering the Corps since the late 1980s. ucking most of the Corps’ senior leadership, Webb chose a fifty-eight-year-old former sergeant, Al Gray, to be the next Commandant of the Marine Corps. Gray enlisted in the Marines during Korea and was one of the last commanding officers in the evacuation of Saigon in 1975. As the 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gray was the first enlisted person to serve in the position. During his three years in that position, the Corps’ focus shifted to teaching how to fight, lead and remember. Gray, with early support from Webb, reinvigorated the Marine Corps into a band of brothers who live by the motto “Semper Fidelis” which means always faithful. Also during Gray’s first year 18 out of 67 generals took a retirement. uring Reagan’s last year in office, Webb resigned as Secretary of the Navy



after refusing to agree to a reduction in the Navy’s force structure during congressionally mandated budget cuts. He then focused once again on writing books and public speaking. His most recent book, Lost Soldiers, a mystery novel set in modern day Vietnam was published this past fall by Bantam. ow, three decades after leaving USC and the Naval Academy, Webb looks back on his time as an undergraduate Delta Chi as having better prepared him for the diverse leadership positions he has held. “The year of college I had before going to the Naval Academy, and the fraternity experience itself, broadened my horizons in a way that was helpful both while I was at Navy and later in life as well.” hether as a student at USC in the 1960s, a Marine in Vietnam in the 1970s, Secretary of the Navy in the 1980s or an author in the 1990s, James Webb has always held true to the founding beliefs of our fraternity. He has lived the principles of tradition and character to become a valuable link in the Brotherhood of a Lifetime.




∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 5

CAMPUS SCENE ALBERTA In April 2001, Chris Samuel ran for the position of President in the Students’ Union elections and won. In fact, the majority of our brothers hold positions in student government, from counsel members to undergraduate association presidents. Hayden Gust is currently serving as IFC President. Not only have we excelled as leaders on campus, we have also done well academically, having the highest fraternal GPA on campus. This is due in no small part to the fact that five of our brothers were recently accepted into Medicine! Rush this fall was a success with 13 men and a few more on the horizon. We moved into our third house over the summer, and it’s been great having a new place to call our own.

AMERICAN In the fall, we received “The Most Improved Chapter” from our IFC. Also, we took our biggest fall class since deferred rush was instituted, taking eight associate members. We have nearly 50 brothers and remain the biggest on campus. We had our alumni weekend on October 26th through the 28th with over 40 alumni attending events such as a football game and a brunch. We were also very involved in philanthropy in the fall, going on countless homeless runs.

APPALACHIAN STATE Last fall, we initiated seven men and currently have a class of 20 associates. We have been able to establish a much better relationship with our alumni and, with them becoming more and more involved with the Chapter, we are excited about the future. We are currently in search of a new house, this process was started at our last ABT meeting and we are all excited about the possibility. On the community scene we have been involved in projects with a number of different organizations including the American Red Cross, National Association for the Mentally Ill, 6 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

Habitat for Humanity, Bread of Life soup kitchen and the Mitchell County School system. We logged over 200 hours of community service in the fall. Our ABT has been generous enough to sponsor three scholarships. Last spring, Seth McKinney, Jason Sigmon and Jordan Childs won these awards. We would like to sincerely thank our alumni for not only presenting these scholarships but for their continued support of the chapter as well. In the last year our chapter has grown by leaps and bounds.

BALL STATE Due in large part to the efforts of Dennis Sloan ‘75, our chapter house at 1100 W. Riverside is looking better than ever. He spent countless hours this summer painting and renovating the exterior and interior of the house. The chapter members have been careful to ensure that his efforts and results are appreciated and maintained. For the second consecutive fall, the chapter has been one of the most successful on campus with 20 associates. We hosted a campus wide event, the 4th Annual Hog Roast, one of our many philanthropy events planned for the year. This year’s event raised over $600 to donate to the American Red Cross for the September 11th tragedy. Thank you to all of the alumni who attended the ABT meetings throughout the week of Homecoming in Indianapolis and Muncie. We all enjoyed breakfast at the house, then a trip to the football field to tailgate and watch Ball State defeat Toledo.

CAL POLY Due to IFC and Panhellenic protest, deferred rush was abandoned and we pinned 23 to join our 45 brothers. Quite possibly the most exciting prospect for the chapter would have to be the planning to purchase our current residence. We are planning on raising enough money to buy it this spring. Last year we started going to a local nursing home and played cards with the residents. This year, we have been involved in the Adopt-AHighway program, YMCA coaching and a school wide blood drive.

CENTRAL MICHIGAN The letters of our chapter now hang proudly on a house in the heart of off-campus life. Moving into the new house, many brothers put a lot of hard work and sweat into making an easy move and personalizing things at the new place. This fall’s rush was successful with ten new associates. Rush events brought a list of more than 30 guys interested in rushing; many already stated that next semester is a sure thing. The devastation of the terrorist attacks was felt at CMU and the brothers immediately went into action. The on-

campus support was lead by Delta Chi’s hard work. We raised $2500 in two days, more than one third of the combined efforts of all the rest of the Greek community. The first day of fund raising brought praise from university deans.

CHICO Deferred rush is now in effect, but that did not stop us from recruiting ten men in the fall. We were also involved in the Adopt-A-Block program that had us cleaning the block where our house resides on a regular basis. We have high hopes that this will encourage others to take pride in the city that is the home of our education. For our alumni, please visit www. and follow the directions as to how to update your current information for the chapter.

CLEMSON One of our proudest achievements was winning the Director’s Cup for having the best sports program on campus. We brought the Clemson Greeks together for our first annual “Cancer Classic” flag football tournament. This was to benefit the American Cancer Society and we look forward to expanding next year to raise even more money.

BEHREND We had a busy fall which began with our annual soccer tournament. We also participated in the Adopt-a-Highway program on Interstate 90. We are currently involved in fundraising to purchase a new television and stereo system for the house. Our Halloween party was a blast, with lots of participation and a wide variety of crazy costumes.

The Colorado State Founding Fathers at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado.

The overall IFC rush numbers were down, but we managed to bring in 13 men for our Alpha Alpha class, which was one of the largest on campus. Our brothers took first place in the Gamma Sigma Sigma’s annual “Karaoke for Cancer” tournament, and made an admirable showing in Delta Gamma’s “Anchor Splash”.

COLORADO STATE COLONY The Delta Chi Fraternity has officially come to Fort Collins, Colorado!!! Through the diligent recruiting efforts of Leadership Consultant Jeff McAdoo, we had our original founding fathers pinned on September 9, 2001. On September 27 th, Jeff McAdoo and “BB” Chad Hendricks, took our newly formed colony to the historic Stanley Hotel in Estes Park where Delta Chi first abolished Hell Week in 1929. During this bonding experience, we were informed of the expectations and the great tradition bestowed upon us as a new colony of the Delta Chi Fraternity. The 17 founding fathers at the Colorado State Colony were initiated on September 28th with a special thanks to our brothers at the Northern Colorado Chapter and the Wyoming Chapter for performing the ritual and initiating us as official members of Delta Chi. We are currently working very hard towards strengthening our colony into a chapter through the dedication and leadership of Chad Hendricks and “A” Tim Ulrich. We are looking forward to a strong spring rush and a prestigious future as your Delta Chi brothers.

CONNECTICUT Fall rush presented us with fifteen new associates. The brothers have gotten really close and have worked hard as a team to create success through the chapter and fraternal events. We had a great showing at the Anchor Slam held by our neighboring sorority, Delta Gamma. This is a philanthropy event with lots of competitive and fun-filled fund raising events. We held the runner up position in the basketball tournament and first place in

Duquesne brothers and the Ladies of Alpha Gamma Delta show off their awards from Carnival Night.

fraternity spirit. Rocky Silvestri, “C”, took the trophy for best eyes and Frank Gallo, the risk manager, won the Anchorman trophy. In the Homecoming competition, Brian Brown, did an excellent job in his running for Homecoming King. Our float came in second in the parade, and this was just after we took the first place t ro p h y i n t h e L i p S y n c competition. We took third place overall.

DENISON COLONY Last fall we won Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash, made a $1000 scholarship available to freshmen males, and hosted our first alumni event at Homecoming. In winning Anchor Splash, we won a number of events i n c l u d i n g a t h re e - l e g g e d re l a y r a c e , a v a r i e t y o f s w i m m i n g re l a y s a n d t h e m a i n e v e n t s y n c h ro n i z e d swimming. Also, over $600 of chapter funds was donated to the service for sight charity through purchasing Anchor Splash shirts for everyone in the house. Our GPA was above the all men’s GPA, making us one of only two fraternities to achieve that. We are aggressively pursuing an academic advisor which is the final piece we need to apply for our charter.

DUQUESNE Last spring, we paired with the Alpha Gamma Deltas to compete in the annual Carnival event at Duquesne. Once again,

we came up big with our show entitled Stagefright, winning awards for Best Script, Best Costumes, Best Scenery, Best Actor (Jacob Becker, ‘03), Best Supporting Actor (Jeff Bucci, ‘03), Best Female Vocals, People’s Choice Award, and First Place Show. At the Greek Awards Ceremony at the end of the semester, we won awards for Highest Grade Point Average on Campus, Best Risk Management, Best New Member Education Program, Chapter President of the Year (Craig Tumas, ‘01), and most importantly, the President’s Cup, which is awarded to the best fraternity on campus.

EAST CAROLINA After returning to active status to start the fall, we pledged ten new men. During Homecoming weekend held over October 19-21, we celebrated our tenth anniversary with a weekend of activities. On Friday we had a “meet and greet” the current members, where alumni had a chance to meet brothers, both new and old. On Saturday we had an old fashioned pig pickin’ with alumni and families. A thanks goes to all the alumni who showed their love for Delta Chi and returned to share stories and wisdom. Currently we are in 2 nd place for the Chancellor ’s Cup, which is awarded to the fraternity with the best overall intramurals program. We p l a c e d t h i r d i n f l a g football, third in volleyball a n d a re c u r re n t l y i n f i r s t place for whiffleball.

EASTERN ILLINOIS We had a successful spring and fall 2001. Last spring the big and little men of Delta Chi were busy training for Tugs. In the end the big men destroyed the competition and won the championship by defeating the Sigma Pi’s, while the little men took second. Also last spring, we began a barrage of winning sorority philanthropies. In the Sigma Sigma Sigma 3-on-3 basketball competition we were awarded a first and third place trophy and in the Alpha Phi “Phiesta Bowl” football tournament we went undefeated and placed first. Lastly, we won the Delta Zeta “Dream Man” competition in GQ fashion to prove that we are not only athletic, but good looking as well. Intramurals also went well last spring due to our placing first in the six foot and over basketball league and taking second in the six foot and under league. Power lifting was no competition when we won first place in four out of six different weight classes. During the fall we were busy with many different projects. After a successful rush of 25 gentlemen, we were busy doing community service, Homecoming, and having a great time with many different events. On the community service note, we began by collecting more than 800 pounds of food for the Charleston Food Pantry. Within the past few weeks we have continued to win philanthropies such as: the Alpha Phi “Homerun Derby” and the Alpha Gamma Delta “Toughman” competition. ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 7

Delta, Sigma Delta Tau, Gamma Phi Beta and Delta Gamma. On September 22nd, we held our Annual Delta Chi Golf Outing, which brought together actives and alumni over a good 18 holes of golf. The Homecoming weekend of October 20th turned out to be a beautiful day for actives, associate members, and alumni to come together for reminiscing.


East Carolina undergraduates and alumni gather for Homecoming and Pig Pickin’ Tailgate. GEORGIA TECH We finished a highly respectable 4th place out of more than 30 fraternities in Homecoming and we had an awesome time hanging out together and staying up for days at a time to work on the display and other events! Our talented bunch of mock rock performers brought home the gold, reclaiming our title from 2 years ago. We also had an awesome brotherhood retreat and we had a big group of brothers as well as a bunch of our awesome new associate members help out with Team Buzz, Georgia Tech’s community service day.

HOBART We continued our tradition of campus leadership in almost all areas thanks to a young and enthusiastic brotherhood and the ongoing involvement of many recent alumni. A successful fall rush yielded an associate class of 12 men. Several brothers donate their time at the Geneva food bank and others help the “America Reads” program at the local elementary school. We hosted a Halloween dance for the “Boys’ and Girls’ Club” of Geneva at the house and participated in Hobart’s “Day of Service” the very next morning, cleaning out a polluted riverbed. Aside from such philanthropic activities we held a successful Parent’s Weekend cookout where we had a chance to meet the 8 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

moms, dads, and siblings about whom we hear so much. We cleaned up in last Spring’s Greek Week events and look forward to a repeat performance as well as continued dominance in Hobart’s intramural hockey and softball leagues.

ILLINOIS In September, twenty members teamed up to win Alpha Gamma Delta’s annual Water Wars that sponsored a fund for juvenile diabetes. In early October, five of our strongest men won Pi Beta Phi’s tug-of-war contest in their annual Arrow Games philanthropy event, which benefited an organization combating adult illiteracy. Enlisting the help of Don Flood,’84, Delta Chi has also published its first annual Women of U of I Calendar. Containing some of the university’s most beautiful women, proceeds from the sale of the calendar will go to aid muscular dystrophy. We have also donated funds and services to Habitat for Humanity and A Woman’s Fund, a service dedicated to helping victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. With several weeks left in the semester and our high levels of enthusiasm, we will be spending time with local community children during a weekly after-school program. This fall’s social calendar boasts exchanges with sororities: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa

We were honored to welcome alumnus and former Indiana Governor and Reagan Cabinet member Dr. Otis R. Bowen on September 19th. We held a dinner in his honor before he addressed one of IU’s largest student groups on campus with a speech regarding the lessons he has learned in public service. Bowen recently authored a book about his experiences in public life titled “Doc”. At the dinner we announced that we were naming our scholarship fund after Dr. Bowen in honor of his lifetime achievements. The first annual Dr. Bowen Scholarship Award was presented to Pat Thomas. Thomas has exemplified to his chapter many of the traits that contribute toward making Delta Chi what it is today.

JAMES MADISON In early October, James Madison University’s brandspanking new chapter of Delta Chi came together in support of one of our most involved alumni, whose father has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease. Partnering with the ALS Foundation, Sigma Kappa Sorority, and JMU’s class of 2004, we launched the first of

what we hope to become an annual event—which came to be known as: “Bounce for ALS.” The highlight of the event was a giant moon-bounce that was rented for the event. Not only did it provide tons of entertainment for the donators, brothers, and passers-by, it proved to be a great bed, as this was a 26-hour straight drive, many brothers spent the night on it. After all was said and done, we not only raised $1,500, but we had an awesome time doing it.

JOHNSTOWN Our annual Homecoming pig roast followed a third place finish from Nicole Jancosko, our sponsored Homecoming queen, and a first place finish in the chariot race. In light of the recent tragedy, all able brothers donated blood at the local American Red Cross Blood Drive. We are planning to participate in several service projects to take place during the winter months yet to be decided. Our prayers and support go to our country and all of the September 11th victims.

KANSAS Following a strong summer recruitment, 31 new associates moved into the house eager to experience fraternity life. On October 13, the men were joined by their fathers for our annual “Dad’s Day” event. As has become tradition, the dads were treated to a full day of comraderie, culminating in a trip down the hill to see Kansas take on rival Oklahoma. The general consensus was that “Dad’s Day” was a hit.

Eastern Illinois brothers-all pointing in the same direction?

Under the leadership of two new philanthropy chairs we were able to participate in several events during the fall, notably a two-day endeavor to build a playground for underprivileged children. In addition, we committed to a two-year “AdoptA-Highway” stint in an effort to prove the old adage that nothing strengthens the bond of brotherhood quite as much as picking up trash with a stick. We have teamed up with the lovely women of Gamma Phi Beta to create a skit for the University’s annual “Rock Chalk Review.” Our three directors have spent countless hours creating the script and writing the songs in hopes of winning a spot in the show after a two-year absence.

KANSAS STATE We hosted our annual Dad’s Weekend on November 3, where we watched the K-State vs. Iowa State football game. We also had fun in our annual Barn Party on November 17. We celebrated Founders’ Day by inviting parents, alumni and significant others to help celebrate our founding. Following the Founders’ Day Banquet, we had a semi-formal date party which was an enjoyable end to a great event. We again participated in the KSU Homecoming activities, paired with Chi Omega and Sigma Nu. We accomplished a 4th place overall finish. On Halloween, we paired up with Alpha Xi Delta and hosted a haunted house for local children inside our house. In intramurals, our soccer team made the play-offs and our wrestling team took 2nd place overall. We had three individual champions in wrestling; Jacob Eisenbise, Kevin Sloop and Adam Pyle became fraternity league champions. Jacob and Kevin went on to become AllUniversity champions.

KENT STATE In fall rush, we pledged nine men. This Homecoming and alumni event was a success as we had 75% of our active alumni show up this year. We would like to thank all parents, family members and alumni for participating in our Homecoming festival.

We have committed ourselves to working over 20 hours a week at the Akron/Canton Regional Food Bank. The Food Bank appreciates all that we have done so far and on November 5th gave us the opportunity to earn money by valet parking at their annual benefit dinner. Our chapter was chosen from over twenty organizations because of our hard work and the amount of hours we donate each week. On October 28, 2001, Kent’s Greeks started their annual community service week, all Greeks did an awesome job with service projects, we personally collected over 150 items for our canned food drive. On November 3 we walked for the American Heart Association at the University of Akron. On November 1 st we started our annual Toys 4 Tots drive. For the past three years we have organized and run this drive for the Akron Marine Corps. Each year we have turned in record amounts of toys, this year we plan to double last year’s record amount.

Continuing the house improvements started during the winter term, new landscaping was placed in the front of the house and the parking lot was paved.

KETTERING-B We have our normal IFC approved events and every Sunday we go out to the “Beach” with our flag, shirts, and spirit to play DXFL. And every Sunday we come back just a bit more bruised and a bit more beaten than before but every Sunday we get more and more people to come out and watch or play.

one of our brother ’s vending machine restocking job. We donated over $700 worth of stuffed animals to the fire/ police department. They then turned around and handed the dolls out to needy children in our local area. Finally, we hooked up with the Boy Scouts of America. They had a project to paint all the fire hydrants in town. This was an all-day a ff a i r. A l l t h e s e e ff o r t s landed us in the local n e w s p a p e r. The Vi c e President of Student Affairs at UWA said the Delta Chi members are a great asset to the University community.

KETTERING-A For the second term in a row in our young history, we attained the highest grades for all fraternities during the winter term. We also held a fabulous semi-formal where both members and alumni danced the night away. Improvements were done to the house as over three-quarters of the walls and baseboards were repainted. In the summer term, we logged many hours of philanthropy at the food bank over a span of a couple of Saturday mornings. Many crates of food and other merchandise were packed for the less fortunate of the community. Our rush term looked promising as well. Two new members became AM’s and many freshmen gave intent to bid cards for next term. As far as members, one of our graduating seniors, Lance Gjerstad, received the “Top Senior” award for his last term at Kettering University. He was involved in such activities as Delta Chi AMC, P re s i d e n t , a n d S c h o l a s t i c Chair as well as Kettering activities, which included being the Head of Tech Staff and the school’s Webmaster.

Indiana Chapter officers and Secretary Otis Bowen, IN ’39 We also had our first annual Hemlock Hillbilly Hayride and Hoedown this year with two sororities and all of the brothers in attendance. We have finally set our scholarship fund thanks to Kevin Beardsley. We are hoping that this fund will grow quickly, so we can begin to award many of our brothers for their hard academic work.

LIVINGSTON The happy deed of the week committee (public relations) has been working hard. First, our brothers and associates held a car wash to help out the victims’ families of the September 11th tragedy. This was held at a local Wal-Mart. Altogether we sent over $530. Second, we took advantage of

LONG BEACH Our annual summer re t re a t w a s h e l d i n A n s e l A d a m s N a t i o n a l F o re s t l o c a t e d n e x t t o Yo s e m i t e National Park. The retreat consisted of a 15-mile round t r i p h i k e , t w o d i f f e re n t campsites at two amazing alpine lakes, and planning for the year. The weekend was a physical and mental challenge for all members and proved to be one of the most rewarding events of the summer. We a re pleased to announce that we achieved the highest fraternity GPA with over a 3.0! Our continued emphasis on scholarship over the last few years has proved itself with this, our newest scholastic recognition. ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 9

JMU brothers, partnering with the ALS Foundation, Sigma Kappa Sorority, and JMU’s class of 2004 at their “Bounce for ALS”. The newest version of our award-winning web site has been introduced and the response has been overwhelming. Explore our site and tell us what you think at Each year the IFC awards a President’s Cup for the best allaround fraternity on campus and this last year, for the third consecutive year, the trophy was given to Delta Chi. The trophy has now officially been retired to our house and will live with us forever. Thank you to all of the men in our house who make Delta Chi the best fraternity on campus.

MIAMI Before the start of the year, over a dozen alumni came back to the house to help do yard work and house improvements in our first annual alumni work weekend. Our success continued as we again finished in the top ten in Greek Week. About a month ago we had an extremely informative and productive open house for potential new members. Feedback from brothers giving the tours at other houses to the potential new members led us to perceive ourselves as one of the best on campus. Two weeks after that we had Homecoming and welcomed back a few dozen alumni from various years, culminating at a house dinner with alumni and actives. Our focus now is on recruitment, as we build on the high quality and character of men we picked up last year. Overall, rush numbers are the best in years, and we are looking 10 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

to capitalize on the situation. About a year ago our $80,000 kitchen was finally finished, with a full line of commercial appliances and a large eating area where brothers can bond and eat meals. We refinanced our mortgage and are currently waiting on the okay from the city to add a several hundred square foot formal living room/ library area. Several alumni also pledged to remodel one of the older rundown rooms in the house and start a financing campaign for future projects. Our website, http:// ~MUDCHI/, now contains our calendar of events, and most importantly, thanks to Jim Ferguson ‘69, a more accurate list of our MU alumni, their addresses, and emails. Please check it out and verify your correct information. We would also like to thank our outstanding “BB” Jim Adams ‘69, for the support, guidance, advice, and effort he has put forth for what sure looked like a lost cause a few years ago. Thanks, Jim. We wouldn’t be here without you. Finally we would also like to thank those alumni who came back for the alumni work weekend and Homecoming, as it was extremely rewarding for all.

MICHIGAN STATE We hope our alumni had a good time at Homecoming and thank them for stopping by and making the day enjoyable. The exterior of our house was looking its best for the event, and it is all due to our Housing Corporation and the hard

work and efforts they put into improving the Delta Chi house inside and out. The Safe Halloween Project, a tradition for MSU’s Greek community, was a great success. This year we did things a little differently than in years past by participating in the All -Greek Safe Halloween, as opposed to promoting a Delta Chi specific Safe Halloween event. This night gives local children a safe haven around Halloween time as they can come visit the Greek residential community and receive candy, play games, watch magic shows and just have a good time. The event was hosted by all 46 organizations in the Greek system and over 400 area children attended. The football team has picked up where last year’s team left off. The squad made it to the final game for the second year in a row; hopefully we will top last year’s second place finish. Check out our website to find out if we won. The soccer team went undefeated in the regular season with four shutouts. Both of our roller hockey teams are dominating the league. Our “A” team is currently undefeated, and our “B” team has one loss to our “A” team. If you haven’t visited our website yet please do so at We have a very large collection of alumni emails, and we would like to see it grow. Also, the website is a great resource to check out the online Scimitar, alumni information, and general updates.

MINNESOTA Paired with Pi Beta Phi, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Upsilon and Omega Nu Alpha, we competed in the annual Homecoming week events. Our football team was impressive, walking away with second place. The highlight of the events was winning the house-front competition. It was an incredible way to recognize the continued effort put forth by our housefront chair, and outgoing senior, Justin Youngbluth.

MISSISSIPPI STATE For the fall, we received our seventh Award of Excellence in

the past sixteen years and several other awards. Our Brotherhood Retreat was held early in the semester, and it gave the brothers and associates a good opportunity to get to know each other better. For the week of Homecoming, we had five days of festivities, finishing with our annual Bar-B-Q meal. Halloween was an active time for the chapter with our Haunted House. This is our annual philanthropy event conducted for the Mississippi Sheriffs’ Boys and Girls Ranch. We raised over $3,000 with the help of the ladies of Delta Delta Delta Sorority.

MISSOURI We kicked fall off with a brand new six-man pledge class while surpassing our goal of thirty active members. It was also a pleasant surprise to receive a very generous $10,000 donated to our capital campaign by our faithful alumni. The generous donations are being used to remodel the kitchen and the basement of the house. Leading the way is our Housing Corp. President John Kruse ‘88. Kruse,along with the active chapter, helped coordinate a successful alumni barbecue on September 8th. Along with the positive alumni support, we also had a great experience doing Homecoming, for the first time in seven years, with the women of Zeta Tau Alpha and the men of Sigma Nu. We had our annual Kickoff Party September 25th with four other fraternities on campus. We had a great time at our annual hayride on November 9th. To conclude our social calendar for the semester, we joined forces with the Kansas City Chapter for a semiformal on November 30th. We also made a name for ourselves on the athletic field. For the second consecutive year we reached the semifinals in softball. On the gridiron, we made the playoffs for the first time since 1995. The football team advanced all the way to the championship game, enroute we beat top seed and undefeated FIJI 21-12. Highlighting our spring calendar will be our annual Parent/Alumni Weekend which is set for the weekend of April

19-21, 2002. If any alumni would like to contact the chapter, please call “E” John Pancorvo or Eddie Burns at (573) 445-9302.

new academic program with hopes of being first this fall. A special congratulations goes out to Matt King who graduated valedictorian last spring.



We owe much gratitude to our past “BB”, Father Art Humphrey. His hard work since our colonization in 1989 has molded this organization to the power that it is today. Father Art’s leadership, compassion, dedication, and ideals are everything that our and every chapter stands for. The brotherhood and love he holds for all of us showed in his desire for Delta Chi to be the best on this campus. We thank him for his hard work and dedication to seeing us, the chapter, succeed in all aspects of our lives. We are also delighted to announce that we pinned 18 associates. With this class our chapter will grow to the largest on campus. Aside from our everyday activities, and being so close to New York City, we felt it our duty to collect supplies and donate them to the relief funds for the hardworking men and women at the World Trade Center. It was amazing to see our brotherhood grow in the difficult times and the dedication from our members to help those in need.

Following the tragic events of September 11th, we were able to assist the American Red Cross in a blood drive at a local mall. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. As far as intramurals, we are dominating in nearly all sports. Currently we are the AllFraternity Champions in diving and soccer as well as being the All-Fraternity and All-Campus horseshoe and golf champions. We also took second place for football. Academically our year has begun on the right foot as well. Roughly a dozen men were invited into the Order of Omega. Our biggest social was impressing the ladies of Tri-Delt with a catered dinner. Our Rush Luau was definitely a hit as well. This year ’s White Carnation Ball will be held in Laughlin, Nevada. Homecoming was a great experience this year, with many alumni attending the annual tailgate party and football game. They have been showing great support and it’s great to have such strong relations with them.

NORTHERN IOWA NORTH CAROLINA STATE We braved the Gauley River rapids in West Virginia in October. Participation in service projects thus far this fall include volunteering our time for the juvenile diabetes walk and helping Wake County relief with a food drive. Currently we are first in the standings for the Sportsman’s Cup award, and with a strong finish in athletics we should receive the award. We held our first annual Halloween pumpkin-carving mixer. Our Homecoming was November 17th, and festivities included a lunch tailgate next to the football stadium, the Homecoming football game, and an exquisite dinner. Our east/west room was refurnished and the upstairs of our house was carpeted. Our brothers ranked 5th among IFC groups for academics last spring and we have implemented a

The semester started out well with rush events such as a BBQ,

bowling and miniature golf. In the end we formed a pledge class of eight new associates. On October 13 th we celebrated Homecoming with many alumni returning to the area. We participated in float building, window painting and the Panther Pride cry, all with our pairing of the Sig Ep’s and Alpha Phi. During the Halloween season we held our second annual haunted house which raised money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

OHIO STATE This fall, deferred rush was mandated, taking away our ability to rush first quarter freshmen. We had to hunt and find second-year students for the first time in a fall rush and ended up with a fine class. Homecoming was one of the best in years with the ladies of Kappa Delta. Many new friendships were made and a relationship between chapters was established for future events. We annually participate in their winter philanthropy hockey tournament. This winter we have numerous rush guests waiting to visit the house. Our winter associate class is one of the biggest we’ve had. We are still in a tie for “largest chapter” with Sigma Chi, but after this winter we know we’ll be alone at the top. Recent renovations to our bathrooms, basement and

family room have improved the overall feel and appearance of our house. Brotherhood is at the max with brothers participating in fun and usually relaxing events in our newly carpeted basement and family room. Thanks to all the alumni who made this possible.

PENN STATE We enjoyed our traditional Fall Formal where brothers brought the best dates at Penn State to a completely decorated and furnished Delta Chi house. Homecoming was also a complete blast where we teamed up with the Chi Omega Sorority to decorate a float that paraded down our most renowned street, College Avenue. Alumni then met up with old brothers, dined, and told interesting stories of how things used to be back when the house first started. Last, we once again teamed up with Sigma Delta Tau to raise money for THON – the biggest student-led philanthropy in the world that raises money for kids with cancer. Last year we collected more than $83,000 and wish to only surpass the previous year’s earnings. Brothers stand in the grueling cold streets ranging from Fairfax, VA to Long Island, NY canning to help our sponsored child. If interested in donating money for the cause, please contact our THON chairs at

Mississippi State brothers in front of their own Haunted House. ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 11

PURDUE This fall we teamed up with Delta Zeta to do “Ride for Life” in late October. We raised approximately $1,400 for the Mary Mullenix Hackett Foundation for Breast Cancer Research. A group of brothers went over to West Lafayette Head Start with Chi Omega sisters for Halloween. They put on some carnival games and made cookies for the kids at the care center. Rolando Arroyo and Brian Philipps have been working on teaching self-defense classes to sorority houses and women’s cooperatives. Rush in the fall brought in 24 new associates. This was one of the largest classes on campus. We have been working to dedicate a flagpole in memory of the events that took place on September 11th. We would like to thank all of those who have donated to this memorial.

RENO We were proud to welcome eleven new associates in the fall. We also won first place in the first annual Homecoming Tailgate Decoration Contest and walked away with a prize of $500. Finally, we worked with MADD over the holiday season, advising students of the dangers of drinking and driving.

SOUTH FLORIDA Stephen Martin, Christopher Marshall, Ryan Caruso, and Sammy Kalmowicz were elected into Student Government Senate. Caruso was made Legislative Chair,

while Kalmowicz was re-elected as Senate President. Justin Chalupka is Internet Administrator for Student Government, while David Sinclair became his assistant. Local alumni hosted a planning retreat for the chapter. Plans for rush, socials, and the Housing Corporation were made. Rush added five men. We also teamed up with Alpha Omicron Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha for Homecoming. Along with our teammates, we cheered as USF won the game, we came in 2nd place overall, and Kalmowicz was crowned Homecoming King. We also had our first parents/alumni weekend in conjunction with Founders’ Day. We initiated fathers and faculty members for the first time in our history. The semester finished off with news that the university accepted our proposal for a house, and we will be opening our doors in fall 2003.

SOUTHEAST MISSOURI We are starting our second year living in our newly renovated off-campus house, which was purchased by our Alumnus of the Year award winner, Todd Rapp. We were the Greek softball champions last fall, a title we hope to retain this year. Our White Carnation Ball last spring was a huge success as well as a great time. This fall’s rush brought us 24 associates, the fourth largest on campus. For Homecoming we teamed up with Delta Delta Delta and

Lambda Chi Alpha to build our float. There was excellent alumni participation in the Homecoming Dance and parade watching party. This spring will be our 25th anniversary. We are anticipating a large turnout of alumni for this special occasion. There are many events planned for the celebration in April, which will include a roast of Ray Galbreth at the White Carnation Ball.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA With the combined efforts of our Housing Corporation, ABT, and the university, our house has undergone many new renovations. The interior of the house has been wired with Ethernet and new phone lines. The floors have new carpeting and the bathrooms have been retiled. The outside of the house has been repainted, and a new lawn has been laid down as well. The project, paid for by the university, has made living conditions the best of any fraternity or sorority at USC. We continue to have strong performances in intramurals as well as in philanthropy events. In Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash, we took 2nd place and in Alpha Chi Omega’s AllAmerican flag football tournament, we played our way into 3 rd place from the 18 participating fraternities. In December, we hosted one of our philanthropies, Project Angel Tree, where we provide holiday gifts for urban Los Angeles youths who have one or more parents who are incarcerated.


Stephen F. Austin brothers presenting a check for $8,414 to the American Red Cross for the victims of September 11. 12 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

The fall started with the largest associate class ever. The night of Steps, we held a formal for 22 new associates. Soon after steps, we began our philanthropy work as we teamed up with the local Red Cross in an effort to raise money to donate to victims of the September 11th tragedy in New York. We raised $8,414 to send to victims. In addition to the New York efforts, we came in full force to help with renovations needed by a local senior citizen center. Homecoming was big for us this year, because it fell on Founders’ Day weekend. Our

bid was accepted by Chi Omega Sorority to design a float for the Homecoming Day Parade. Also, “A” Joe Pugh was crowned as Homecoming King. In honor of Founders’ Day we held a formal with numerous alumni, members and associates in attendance. Awards presented included highest GPA, Delta Chi of the Year, and Delta Chi Athlete of the Year. Leadership Consultant Jeff McAdoo was in town for the weekend and he offered great advice to our colony in our quest for continuous growth. For the fall, our involvement with local sororities, Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, and Chi Omega, as well as our Halloween Grab-a-Date, made for a busy semester socially. We also held a brotherhood event that allowed for members to bond with our associates.

SYRACUSE COLONY On October 18, 2001, the Syracuse Colony of Delta Chi was officially started with the initiation of 18 founding fathers. Delta Chi members of the Fredonia Chapter were on hand to perform the ceremony, which brought us into the lifelong brotherhood of Delta Chi. We appreciate this gesture by the Fredonia brothers and look forward to working with them and other local chapters in the near future. We would also like to thank the alumni who were in attendance; they helped to make the experience more memorable. We would also like to give special thanks to ABT president Bill Davis for his kind welcome letter. A special thanks is also in order for our big brother Tom Decker, who has agreed to advise us during this important time in our colony’s history. We look forward to working with both of these men in the future and look forward to the guidance they can provide us. We have participated in a number of sorority-sponsored philanthropy events, including a “Mr. Fling” contest in which we placed second out of ten fraternities. Some of the events included a talent contest, a bathing suit competition, and a question and answer portion. All the fraternities on hand were impressed with the strong

showing of such a young fraternity. We are hard at work getting the colony started and on its way to becoming a chapter. Our other main goals involve receiving our charter (Editor’s Note: The Headquarters has the original 1899 Syracuse Charter and a replica of it will be returned to Syracuse at their rechartering. The Chapter originally closed in 1917 and was open from 1966 until 1970), raising our membership to between forty and sixty guys, and changing the way people look at fraternities on the Syracuse campus. Each brother knows the special responsibility that we hold with the Delta Chi name and hopes to uphold the s t ro n g values and commitment that so many before us have demonstrated. The continued success of the colony is on everyone’s mind as we start to make our presence known on campus.

TARLETON During fall rush we managed to pick up ten new associates. For our first philanthropy event of the year, we went out and raised money for the American Red Cross with the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority. The event had a great turnout and raised a good deal of money for the Red Cross. We next held a brotherhood event where we all went to a restaurant where we ate a fine dinner with good social conversation. The third event of the year was a social event, Boots and Boxers. Boots and Boxers is a closed date party for brothers and their dates. We had another good turnout for this event, with many alumni in attendance, and the dates outnumbered the brothers at least two to one. On Halloween we had a mixer with Delta Zeta, where we went trick-or-treating for canned goods to donate to P ro j e c t H o p e . T h e e v e n t lasted only about an hour and a half, but everything went well and we collected around 200 cans of food.

TEXAS We pinned our largest associate class since our inception in 1907. The 25-man class is an outstanding group of

young men who are excited about their future in Delta Chi. In social news, we held our first annual Back To School Charity Concert benefiting the American Cancer Society and the Austin Food Bank. We also held a highly successful Alumni Weekend October 19 th and 20 th , marked by the highest attendance by alumni at an alumni weekend in recent history. Finally, we held a great parents’ weekend, again marked by sharply increased attendance. The chapter would like to thank all alumni and parents who attended and gave their support, as we move into the most exciting time in our history.

TEXAS A&M We are in a tough race to defend our intramural crown as 12th Man Cup winners. The competition has been tough, but we are always up to the challenge. We also enjoyed Alumni Weekend, which consisted of a barbecue followed immediately by a golf tournament. We were glad to see so many of our alumni there. Our annual Powderpuff Tournament will take place in the spring, with teams representing the campus sororities and coached by Delta Chis, with all proceeds to benefit a local charity.

TRI-STATE Those of us who attended the Jackson Leadership Conference came back with a little extra luggage. In addition to every program award and a fourth straight Award Of Excellence, we brought back our third consecutive President’s Cup. We also began the year with a r u s h / re t e n t i o n s e m i n a r h e l d b y Tr e n t U n t e r b r i n k ’ 9 8 a n d Ty l e r Boger ’99. Due to that seminar and a strong rush p ro g r a m , w h i c h i n c l u d e d paintballing, a canoeing trip during a rainstorm, and a memorable grapefruit baseball game, we were able to pin six new associates. For Founders’ Day, a number of us headed to the house of Matt Yoder ‘95, our then “BB”, where we enjoyed a day of college football and, in general,

The Texas Chapter’s 25 man fall associate member class. a good time. Finally, due to several strong philanthropy events, which included a car wash that raised $250 for the Red Cross, the second annual Delta Chi Bike-a-thon, and several adopt-a-highway trips, we are well on our way to our 400-hour philanthropy goal.

TROY STATE With the twelve new additions to our associate member class, we are seeing our numbers start to increase significantly. Our focus has been the promotion of our brotherhood. We have made a huge effort to move toward making the bond that connects us even stronger by planning events such as paintball games, trips (Miss. St, New Orleans), community service projects (Banks Elementary Haunted House which is an annual event, adopt a mile, helping small civic organizations, and being a big participant during campus activities. We have started to bring back “lost” alumni in hopes of strengthening our past and tying it to our future. Our Homecoming events were a success because of the hard work that was put into action by all involved. An alumni appreciation party was held the night before H o m e c o m i n g w h e re w e provided a barbecue dinner for alumni and families. Placing in many of the events that were held mirrored our hard work. On the chapter side, the plans that we held for the alumni helped us to get to know

those that we don’t get to see as often as we would like to and to get new view on many chapter topics. Striving to intensify our bond has helped the past and present brothers to come together and focus on the future.

UNLV We continued to achieve excellence by raising over $5,000 in one weekend. Nick Christensen and Brian Clark organized the two brilliant fund raising events, the bachelor auction as well as working the concession stand at a Lakers and Kings game. As the Entertainment D i re c t o r o f t h e s t u d e n t government Joe Luccheese and Dallas Fueston put together a couple of successful events this year with the home opener tailgate featuring Ton Loc and the Afro-man at Rebel Ruckus. Congratulations to Davin Hill for becoming the first director of the UNLV radio station. This school year is looking bright especially with our new philanthropy event “Kings Crown.” “We ain’t going no w h e re , w e a i n ’ t g o i n g n o where we can’t be stopped now cause it’s D-Chi for Life”!!

VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH For the first time in six years we have experienced rush without a house but were still able to bring many rush guests through and pinned seven new associates. Members have gained some great leadership positions on campus with ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 13

After the tailgate we all met back at the house for a cookout and good-byes.


West Georgia Colony Founding Fathers and friends. Matthew Braydich being elected as IFC President and Shary Firouzabadian as Greek Council President. Also Braydich joined the Order of Omega making us one of the organizations with the most members in the Honor Society. In November, we celebrated our 10th anniversary as a chapter of Delta Chi. This comes at a great time, even though we had not renewed our lease on our old house, we have some brothers moving into a new house. With a little fund raising, it could become our new house for the years to come.

VIRGINIA TECH We have ten new associates. So far they have competed in f o u r p h i l a n t h ro p i e s : t h e Alpha Delta Pi Safari Hunt, Alpha Phi’s Just for Kicks soccer tournament, Delta Delta Delta’s Decathlon, and Zeta Tau Alpha’s Annual Whiffleball Tournament. We participated in a banner contest for a “Rockin for the Red Cross” benefit concert sponsored by IFC and PHC. The local food pantry is starting their annual Canned Food Drive Contest, in which we were one of the winners for the most cans donated last year, and expect to do well this year as well. We also entertained the local elementary school with our annual Haunted House Philanthropy with Kappa Alpha Theta. Our soccer team won the IFC Soccer Tournament for the second year in a row, with an outstanding 4-1 win over Alpha Sigma Phi.

WEST GEORGIA COLONY Led by Leadership Consultant Thad Herron, Delta Chi has made an enormous 14 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002

impact at the State University of West Georgia. In just three weeks, the colony has grown to 23 outstanding associate members already united in a lifetime of brotherhood. Currently, we have colony status, but hope to charter at We s t G e o rg i a i n t h e n e x t year. We have recently rented an off-campus three bedroom house we are proud to call “home”. Although Delta Chi has been on campus for only a short period, we have already participated in several mixers with the sisters of Chi Omega. We h a v e s e l e c t e d a n outstanding set of officers with great leadership and s o c i a l s k i l l s , w h o a re determined to see Delta Chi excel on campus. We hope to have a web site up soon to s h o w o ff o u r e n o r m o u s success at West Georgia. A big ‘thank you’ is also in order to the Georgia Tech Chapter for all their help and advice. But most of all, thank you Delta Chi!

Banner competition, and first place in the “Yell Like Hell” cheering competition. Overall, we finished 3 rd . It was an outstanding comeback and we were proud of our ability to pull together and bounce back after a disappointing start.

WESTERN MICHIGAN On October 13th we celebrated our Homecoming and Founders’ Day. Alumni from all parts of the country attended to show their support, representing classes from 1955 to 2000. The day started out with a meeting at the house. We talked about our plans to build a new house and the state of the chapter. Then it was off to the tailgate, where we had time to talk and share stories of Delta Chi.

After holding an extremely successful fundraising event, spearheaded by Andy Heck, “D”, and Doug Krueger “E”, we were able to raise approximately $1,000 for MADD. We again excelled by not only having one of the largest pledge classes on campus, but by also winning both The Chancellor’s Cup and The Spirit Cup by a record setting 700 points, making Delta Chi the Homecoming Champions four out of the last five years. We have just finished numerous fundraising events; including the auctioning of brothers to the highest female bidder, and selling over 500 chocolate heart shaped suckers during the week of Sweetest Day. We would like to thank Justin Latus, Fundraising Chair for his tireless efforts in seeing these projects through. Finally, with the leadership of John McDonald, Philanthropy Chair, we have been busy donating our services to the community by completing over 700 hours of philanthropy, while continuing to work towards our goal of 2000 hours for the year.

WESTERN ILLINOIS Last spring, we initiated seven new members. This was our biggest spring class in several years. This fall kicked off with a good rush, where we were able to get 10 associates. We competed in Homecoming this year with Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity. The week started off with the Variety Show, however we were disqualified due to time constraints. With s p i r i t s down, we knew we had to pull a huge comeback in order to place in the top three. We were successful, bringing home second place in “Decorate the Campus”, first place in the

DELTA CHI BOOKENDS Perfect for Home or Office Handcrafted in rich genuine mahogany, this custom set of first-quality bookends is expertly accented by a bronze-relief casting of the Delta Chi coat-of-arms. Four rubber footings serve to protect your desk or bookshelf and add stability. Actual size 9" tall by 6.25" wide. Total weight approximately 5 lbs per set. Special Price from Delta Chi Headquarters: $95.00 per set (of 2) plus $7.50 for shipping. TO ORDER CALL: Delta Chi HQ at (319) 337-4811. Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for UPS delivery.

KEEPING IN TOUCH APPALACHIAN STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Mike Cawthon ’93, a daughter, Jayna Elizabeth, on October 11, 2001. Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris Dryden ’94, a son, Gabriel James, on October 18, 2001. Nick Coppedge ‘95, married to Yvette Nichols on October 13, 2001. Michael Lingle ‘95, married to Jennifer Bowers on October 6, 2001. Ray Paschal ‘96, married to Shana Hetherington on November 1, 2001. Banks Pickens ‘96, married to Dana Spencer on October 27, 2001. John Bradshaw ‘99, married to Caroline Baker on August 25, 2001. ARIZONA STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Jason Hansen ’94, a son, Seth Patrick, on November 27, 2001. BALL STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Mervin J. Phillips ’90, a daughter, Reagan Taylor, on December 1, 2001. CAL-POLY Craig Reitz ’92, married to Dawn Marie Goble on May 5, 2001. CENTRAL MISSOURI Patrick Langston ’00, married to Jamey Norman on August 25, 2001. Shannon Walls ’00, married to Amber Unrein on September 9, 2001. Thomas Boomershine ’00, married to Amber Caldwell on September 22, 2001. Matt Mainard ’00, married to Amber Jones on August 3, 2001. CHICO Born to Brother and Mrs.John Mauro ’94, a son, Joseph Matthew, on October 17, 2001. DEPAUW Born to Brother and Mrs. Steven Ray ’88, a son, Ian Charles, on July 16, 2001. ELMHURST Patrick Yanahan ’94, married to Michelle Manion on June 16, 2001. FLORIDA Born to Brother and Mrs. John V. Tucker ’88, a daughter, Emma Rose, on October 6, 2001.

FLORIDA STATE Richard Bynum ’92, married to Evelyn Maultsby on September 22, 2001. GORHAM STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Henry Aaron Smith ’97, a son, Henry Aaron, on June 14, 2001. KANSAS STATE Christopher M. Donaldson ’95, married to Amie Riegel on October 27, 2001. LIVINGSTON Jason Lane Hughes ’95, married to Shawn Leigh Galassini on December 29, 2001. Born to Brother and Mrs. Gerald Lynn Pace ’95, a son, Gerald Bryce, on November 12, 2001. MINNESOTA James Kovarovic ’00, received his navigator’s wings upon becoming a 2nd Lieutenant in the United State Air Force. NEW MEXICO STATE Anthony Jio ’02, married to Michelle Bourguet on August 11, 2001. NORTH CAROLINA STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Sam MacDougall ’91, a son, Cade, on October 22, 2001. Scott Fey ’96 married to Julie Evans on August 10, 1996. Born to Brother and Mrs. Scott Fey, a son, William Andrew, on May 3, 2001. ROWAN Seth Horowitz ’95, married to Rikki Bell on September 9, 2001. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Born to Brother and Mrs. Mike Staffey ’96, a daughter, Victoria LeaAnn, on December 6, 2001. WEST VIRGINIA TECH Scott Diciuccio ’92, married to Tresa Cafego on May 26, 2001. WESTERN ILLINOIS Born to Brother and Mrs. Dennis Hiorns ‘91, a son, Charlie, on August 4, 2001. Born to Brother and Mrs. James Neyt ‘95, a son, Tristan James, on March 13, 2000. Eric Baumbich ’96 married to Lindsay Malvoso on July 7, 2001. Joe Nels ’00 married to Jenel Bernstein on September 2, 2001.

FAREWELL & PARTING These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them Brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. ALABAMA Elwood Gerber ’41, October 9, 2001 Joseph T. Smitherman ’70, October 20, 2001

ARIZONA B. M. Smiland ’40 Elbridge Morrill, Jr. ’48, October 19, 2001 Harlan J. Murray ’50, May 2000


Richard Fuller ’30, August 5, 2001 Jake Will ’30 Lafaette Taylor ’32 Jack Grant Day ’35, September 25, 2001 John Dagenhard ’39, July 16, 2001 Charles H. Egelhoff ’40, August 13, 2000 Dr. Edmond J. Whittenberger ’42, January 31, 2001 William H. Yost, Jr. ’44 John A. Turkopp ’45, November 13, 2001

Ralph L. Hall ’49, March 7, 2001

OKLAHOMA BALL STATE Don Shafer ’59, September 4, 2001 Hugh Method ’63, August 15, 2001 Michael L. Edmundson ’82, December 2, 2000

BUFFALO Charles D. Kimball ’32

GEORGIA William R. Vandiver ’81


Charles Tad Orr ’31 Joe James ’57, November 30, 2001

OSGOODE HALL Carl Watson ’38, August 7, 2000

PARSONS Curtis Daly Camp ’68

PENN STATE Woodrow Horn ’39, October 20, 2000 James Keeler ’43, October 16, 2001

Mark D. Adams ’77


Floyd Redding ’49, July 27, 2001

Courtenay Stevens ’37, May 13, 2001 Don Read ’50, September 1, 2001 Dr. Abdul-Mannan Sheikh ASC, August 2, 2001

Robert A. Smith ’36, November 18, 2001 Don Peterson ’48, January 9, 2000



Douglas L. Livingston ’94

INDIANA Paul Jasper ’32, October 23, 2001. Jasper was a former Indiana State Supreme Court Justice.

IOWA STATE John Gagnon ’49, September 10, 2000

KANSAS Roger W. Penner ’49 William C. Branit ’50 Willard Straight ’51, July 30, 2001

KENTUCKY Howard Price ’41, February 20, 2000

MIAMI Arthur J. Corston ’47 Drake Ebner ’69, October 21, 2001

NORTHEAST MISSOURI W. Douglas Stidham FAC, November 11, 2000

OHIO STATE Frank C. Croxton ’27


Michael R. Besant ’66

STANFORD Roger Bohne ’58, October 28, 2001

TEXAS R. Newell Waters ’22 John M. Hawley ’27 C. Ray Anderson ’50

WASHINGTON Wallace Cha Bogart ’41 Robert B. Abel ’52, July 17, 2001

WESTERN MICHIGAN Richard S. Swinsick ’56

WISCONSIN Clarence A. Vogel ’42

WYOMING Douglas M. Reh ’01 Our sincere apologies to: Patrick F. Tierney, AZ ’93 and Roland M. Ferguson, East Texas ’78 both of whom we had incorrectly listed in Farewell & Parting in the Fall 2001 Quarterly.

∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2002 15

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MOVING ? Send your mailing label with new address to: The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 Phone: (319) 337-4811 FAX: ( 319) 337-5529 CHAPTERS ALABAMA —Univ of Alabama-Tuscaloosa—PO Box 11127, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 ALBERTA — Univ. of Alberta — Box 165 SUB, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7 AMERICAN — American Univ. — 4400 Mass Ave. NW Box 18, Washington, D.C. 20016 APPALACHIAN STATE — Appalachian State Univ. — Box 9084, Boone, NC 28608 ARIZONA — U. of Ariz. — 1701 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85719 AUBURN — Auburn U. — 530 Biggio Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 AUGUSTA — Augusta Col. — 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 BALL STATE — Ball State Univ. — 1100 W. Riverside., Muncie, IN 47303 BEHREND — Behrend Col. — 3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510 BRYANT — Bryant Col. — Box 3289, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917 CAL POLY — Cal. Polytechnic State Univ. —416 Hathway, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 CALIFORNIA UNIV.-PA — California Univ. of PA — PO Box 516, California, PA 15419-0516 CENTRAL MICHIGAN — Central Michigan Univ. — 906 S Main St., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 CENTRAL MISSOURI —Central Missouri State Univ. — Unit D Fraternity Complex, Warrensburg, MO 64093 CHICO — California State Univ. - Chico — PO Box 4932, Chico, CA 95927-4932 CLEMSON ≠ — Clemson Univ. — Drawer D, Univ. Station, Clemson, SC 29632 COLORADO— Univ. of Colorado CONNECTICUT — Univ. of Conn. — 1459 Storrs Rd., Storrs, CT 06268 CORNELL — Cornell U. — 102 The Knoll, Ithaca, NY 14850 DAVIS — Univ. of California - Davis — PO Box 73943., Davis, CA 95617 DEPAUW — DePauw U. — 912 S Locust St., Greencastle, IN 46135 DUQUESNE — Duquesne University — 600 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15282 EAST CAROLINA — East Carolina Univ.—109 Mendenhall, Greenville, NC 27858 EASTERN ILLINOIS — Eastern Illinois Univ. — 1012 Greek Ct., Charleston, IL 61920-4200 EMBRY-RIDDLE — Embry/Riddle Aeron. Univ. — 538 S Ridgewood Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FERRIS STATE — Ferris State Univ. — 805 Campus Dr., Rankin Ctr. Rm 233, Box 155, Big Rapids, MI 49307-2226 FLORIDA — Univ. of Florida FREDONIA — SUNY-Fredonia — SA Office Stu Ctr - SUNY, Fredonia, NY 14063 FROSTBURG — Frostburg St. Univ.— Box 213 Lane Ctr., FSU, Frostburg, MD 21532 GANNON – Gannon U. – 510 Myrtle St., Erie, PA 16501 GEORGIA — Univ. of Georgia — 677 S Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 GEORGIA TECH — Georgia Institute of Tech.— 170 Fifth Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30313-2512 GORHAM STATE — Univ. of Southern Maine — 23 Preble St., Gorham, ME 04038 HAYWARD — California St. Univ.-Hayward — PO Box 55032, Hayward, CA 94545 HOBART — Hobart Col. — 574 S Main, Geneva, NY 14456 HUNTSVILLE — Univ. of AL-Huntsville — 606 C S Loop Rd., Huntsville, AL 35805 IDAHO — Univ. of Idaho — PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID83843-1904 ILLINOIS — Univ. of IL — 1111 S First St., Champaign, IL 61820 ILLINOIS STATE — Illinois State Univ. INDIANA — Indiana Univ. — 1100 N Jordan, Bloomington, IN 47406 IOWA — Univ. of Iowa — 309 N Riverside Dr., Iowa City, IA 52246 IOWA STATE — Iowa State Univ. of Science and Tech. JACKSONVILLE STATE — Jacksonville State Univ . — PO Box 3062 JSU, Jacksonville, AL 36265 JOHNSTOWN — Univ. of Pittsburgh -Johnstown — Box 0288, UPJ, Johnstown, PA 15907 KANSAS — Univ. of Kansas — 1245 W Campus Rd., Lawrence, KS 66044 KANSAS CITY — Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City — 5330 Harrison, Kansas City, MO 64110 KANSAS STATE — Kansas St. Univ. — 508 Sunset, Manhattan, KS 66502 KENT STATE — Kent St. U. — 312 E Main., Kent, OH 44240 KETTERING A— Kettering Univ.— 1700 W 3rd Ave., Flint, MI 48504 KETTERING B — Kettering Univ. — 1700 W. 3rd Ave., Flint, MI 48504

L.S.U. — LA State Univ. — PO Box 25178, Baton Rouge, LA 70894-5178 LAKE FOREST — Lake Forest College — 555 N Sheridan Rd., Box D1, Lake Forest, IL 60045 LIVINGSTON — Univ. of West Alabama — Drawer CC, Livingston, AL 35470 LONG BEACH — CSU-Long Beach — 1067 Grand Ave. #1, Long Beach, CA 90804 LOUISIANA TECH — LA Tech Univ. — 201 Everett St., Ruston, LA 71270 MANKATO — Minnesota State Univ. — Mankato — 1300 Warren St., Mankato, MN 56001 MARQUETTE — Marquette Univ. — 1615 W Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233 MARYLAND — Univ. of Maryland — 4423 Lehigh Rd. #356 , College Park, MD 20740 MASSACHUSETTS — Univ. of Massachusetts — 118 Sunset Ave., Amherst, MA 01002 MIAMI — Miami U. — 131 E Withrow, Oxford, OH 45056 MICHIGAN — Univ. of Michigan MICHIGAN STATE — Michigan St. Univ. — 101 Woodmere Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823 MINNESOTA — Univ. of Minnesota — 1601 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 MISSISSIPPI STATE — Mississippi State Univ. — Drawer GK, Mississippi State, MS 39762 MISSOURI — Univ. of Missouri ≠— 111 E Stewart Rd., Columbia, MO 65203 MONTCLAIR — Montclair State Univ. — Stu Ctr Box 103 SGA Off, Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043 MONTEVALLO — Univ. of Montevallo — Drawer AC, Montevallo, Al 35115 NEW HAVEN — Univ. of New Haven — PO Box 8937, West Haven, CT 06532 NEW MEXICO STATE— New Mexico St. Univ.—PO Box 3893, Las Cruces, NM 88003 NORTH CAROLINA STATE — North Carolina St. Univ. — 3414 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27607 NORTHEAST MISSOURI — Truman State Univ. — 904 S First St., Kirksville, MO 63501 NORTHERN ARIZONA— Northern Arizona Univ. — 318 S Humphreys, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 NORTHERN COLORADO — Univ. of No. Colorado — 1803 10th Ave., Greeley, CO 80631 NORTHERN ILLINOIS — Northern Illinois Univ. — 908 Greenbriar, De Kalb, IL 60115 NORTHERN IOWA — Univ. of Northern Iowa — 2516 College St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613 NORTHWEST MISSOURI — Northwest Missouri State Univ. — 219 W Second St., Maryville, MO 64468 NORTHWESTERN—Northwestern Univ.—619 Colfax Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 OHIO STATE — Ohio State Univ. — 191 E 15th Ave., Columbus, OH 43201 OLD DOMINION — Old Dominion Univ. — 2122 Webb Ctr., Norfolk, VA 23529-0519 OKLAHOMA STATE — Oklahoma State Univ. OREGON STATE— Oregon State Univ. OSHKOSH —Univ. of WI at Oshkosh — 911 Wisconsin St., Oshkosh, WI 54901 PENN STATE — Penn State Univ. — 424 E Fairmount Ave., State College, PA 16801-5714 PURDUE — Purdue Univ. — 501 Russell St., West Lafayette, IN 47906 RADFORD— Radford University— Box 6898 Radford Univ., Radford, VA 24142 RENO – U. of NV -Reno –PO Box 13219, Reno, NV 89507 ROWAN — Rowan University — 5 Eben St., Glassboro, NJ 08028 RUTGERS— Rutgers University—OFSA 15 Bartlett St., New Brunswick, NJ 08903 SACRAMENTO — Calif. St. Univ.-Sacramento —6000 J St., Stu Act. #116, Sacramento, CA 95819-6009 SOUTH FLORIDA— South Florida University— CTR 2432, 4202 E Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI —Southeast Missouri State Univ.—1214 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — Univ. of Southern California — 920 W 28th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007 SOUTHWEST TEXAS — Southwest Texas State Univ. — 425 N. Comanche, San Marcos, TX 78666 TARLETON — Tarleton State Univ. — Box T-1557, Tarleton Station, TX 76402

POSTMASTER— If undeliverable send notice on Form 3579 to The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817 Iowa City, IA 52244-1817.

New Address (Please Print)

TEXAS — U. of Texas — 711 W 26th St., Austin,TX 78705 TEXAS A&M — Texas A&M Univ. — PO Box 9864, College Station, TX 77842 TRI-STATE – Tri-State U. – 112 S Darling, Angola, IN 46703 TROY STATE — Troy State Univ. — PO Box 820633 TSU, Troy, AL 36082 UNLV—Univ. Las Vegas—Box 452008, 4505 Maryland Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89154-2008 VALDOSTA — Valdosta State Col. — PO Box 1142, Valdosta, GA 31603-1142 VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH — VA Commonwealth Univ.— PO Box 7303, Richmond, VA 23221-0303 VIRGINIA TECH — Virginia Polytech. Inst. and St. Univ. — 560 Cinnabar Rd, Christiansburg, VA 20473 WASHINGTON — Univ. of WA — 1819 NE 47th St., Seattle, WA 98105 WASHINGTON STATE — Washington St Univ. — 800 NE Monroe St., Pullman, WA 99163 WEST CHESTER— West Chester Univ.— 202 Sykes Union Bldg., West Chester, PA 19383 WEST VIRGINIA TECH — West Virginia Inst. of Tech. — 621 First Ave., Montgomery, WV 25136 WESTERN CAROLINA — Western Carolina Univ.— PO Box 1215, Cullowhee, NC 28723 WESTERN ILLINOIS — Western Illinois Univ — 721 Wigwam Hollow Rd., Macomb, IL 61455-1029 WESTERN MICHIGAN — Western Michigan Univ. — 1711 Fraternity Village Dr #3., Kalamazoo, MI 49006 WHITEWATER — Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater — P. O. Box 115 , Whitewater, WI 53190 WINDSOR — Univ. of Windsor — 408 Indian Rd., Windsor, ON, Canada N9C 2M4 WYOMING — Univ. of Wyoming — 1615 Fraternity Row, Laramie, WY 82070 COLONIES ABRACADABRA—Univ of Calif-Berkeley—2721 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 ARIZONA STATE—Arizona St Univ.—Sun Devil Inv. Ctr, PO Box 873001, Tempe, AZ 85287 BOWLING GREEN—Bowling Green St. Univ.—440 Stu. Serv. BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403 COLORADO STATE—Colorado St. Univ.—Lory Stu. Ctr., Box 110 CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523 DENISON — Denison Univ. — P.O. Box 0594, Granville, OH 43023 FULLERTON — California State Univ.- Fullerton — 2100 Associated Rd., Fullerton, CA 92631 JAMES MADISON—James Madison Univ.—MSC 3518, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 STEPHEN F AUSTIN—Stephen F Austin Univ.—Stu. Act. Box 13021 SGA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3021 STONY BROOK —SUNY at Stony Brook—% George Lau, 18 Hermart Ln., Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 SYRACUSE—Syracuse Univ.—303 University Pl., 228E Schine Ctr., Syracuse, NY 13244 WEST VIRGINIA—West Virginia Univ.—PO Box 6444, SOW Wing Mountainlair, Morgantown, WV 26506-6444 WESTERN ONTARIO — Univ. of Western Ontario — Box 47024 UCC Postal Outlet, 1151 Richmond St N, London, ON N6A 6G6 ALUMNI CHAPTERS BLUEGRASS — Pres. Stephen Meyer, Jr., Louisville ’92, 9107 Hurstwood Ct., Louisville, KY 40222-5743 CAPITAL AREA—Pres. Aaron A. Otto, KanSt ’98, 963 S Rolfe St. #B, Arlington, VA 22204 COLUMBUS — Pres. Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70, 4932 Donegal Cliffs Dr., Dublin, OH 43017 HAMPTON ROADS AREA— Pres. Clifton C. Hicks, OD ’93, 8133 Walters Dr., Norfolk, VA 23518-2345 ILLINOIS — Pres. Scott Christensen, IL ’84, 27175 Henry Ln., Barrington, IL 60010 LOS ANGELES — Pres. George Schwary, So. Cal ’55, 18957 Granada Cir., Northridge, CA 91326 MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY—Pres. Walter H Effinger, SEMO ’94, 3633 Western, Alton, IL 62002 NORTHERN TEXAS — Pres. John Gioffredi, Iowa State ’78, 6500 Greenville Ave #700, Dallas, TX 75206 PITTSBURGH-GOLDEN TRIANGLE — Pres. Robert Cook, Johnstown ’91, 123 McMonagel Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15220 PORTLAND-GORHAM — Pres. Thomas V Hugill, Gor St ’81, 19 Summerfield Ln., Scarborough, ME 04074 SOUTH FLORIDA — Pres. Michael Agnello, Mich. St. ’81, P. O. Box 827, Palm Beach, FL 33480-0827

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