June Edition

Page 17

The governors have to be behind initiatives to improve the school for all students, in terms of the fabric of the building, ensuring that the curriculum is being delivered and that the school is serving its purpose for students, teachers and wider community. It was commented on that the governors are the school’s ‘critical friend’, supportive yet constantly monitoring. Governors come from all walks of life and pool their varied resources to achieve the best for the school. The governors were all agreed that their role was vital and rewarding.

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Mr Brennan turned the tables and asked the PFG about their effectiveness on issues to do with the school. We felt that our voice was being listened to in many ways. Topics ranging from new teaching methods and homework policy, to the implementation of the new school uniform, have had PFG input. The PFG has been used as a sounding board for a range of issues within the school. We all agreed that parents were given every opportunity to have their say, whatever the outcome, and we all appreciate hearing from a wide range of school personnel at our meetings.

Monday 19th Thursday 22nd July

A most informative meeting closed with mutual thanks from parents and governors. Our appreciation goes to Mr Brennan, Mr Carpenter, Mrs Harland, Mr Franks, Mr Barnsley, Mrs Jewkes and Mr Tink, for giving up their time, and as always to Mr Cawley and Mrs Cumberland (whose notes once again have been the mainstay of this report). There was also mass approbation for the refreshments on offer. Could it be that our hardworking governors are more used to meeting on a diet of dry biscuits and water, whilst we at the PFG wallow in cakes and tea! Ah well, the secrets out now! Mrs Tink

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