May Edition

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A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

A message from the Headteacher ... You will be reading this after an incredibly busy Easter break and start to the Summer Term. The Easter holiday saw a huge range of activities both in and out of school:


• Easter School – teachers put on a huge range of revision and achievement-increasing activities for students in school to help catch-up with coursework, class work and prepare for the final examinations coming up this summer; • Skillsforce Wider Key Skills – a second group of Year 11 students took part in an intensive study programme at Copleston High School in order to gain extra GCSE qualifications to boost their 5+A*-C grades; • Students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh programme at Deben completed an exhausting and challenging practice week in the Peak District during the Easter break! My thanks go to all the staff and students who are not only putting so much effort to increasing attainment and extra-curricular activity during term time, but also out of it too. I am convinced this will continue to help the school to achieve its vision to have “the best learners in the world walk through our doors.” I am very pleased to officially launch our brand new campaign for the summer term! It is called…

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…and it is designed to get more parents/carers involved in the life of Deben High School. Mrs Tink from our Parents’ Focus Group has written the brand new ‘Parent Power’ section of the Deben website listing the range of ways parents/carers can get involved in the decision-making processes of the school.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

To remind parents/carers of two really important ways you can get involved this term: • Parents’ Focus Group takes place on two occasions in the Summer Term (from 5.30 - 6.30). The two meeting dates are 12 May and 30 June 2010. The ‘PFG’ is designed for parents/carers to have the opportunity to set the agenda on school issues to gain information, ask questions and get involved. If you are interested in joining this group, contact Mrs Cumberland (Head’s PA) on to put your name on the list; • If you would prefer to come into school on a more informal basis to talk directly to me, then I have reintroduced the Parents’ Open Forums which I ran in the Autumn Term. These run from 8.30am – 9.30am (with refreshments) and you set the agenda! If you were not able to make the first one on the 22 April, then why not attend on the following dates: o Thursday 6th May o Thursday 27th May o Thursday 17th June o The Parent’s Open Forum previously advertised for the 1st July has been moved to the morning of the 15th July 2010 Please report to the main reception to be directed to where the meeting takes place.

Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday Thursday 6th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 13th May – Year 8 Subject Clinic Monday 17th May – Wednesday 30th June – GCSE and A Level External Examinations Thursday 20th May – Year 12 stand off Thursday 27th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

Don’t forget our thriving PTA too – contact Mrs Franks at the school to get involved in the fundraising and other events! There have been a number of changes to the Senior Leadership Team of the school this term. I am very pleased to welcome to the SLT, Mr Duffell who joins us from Holywells High School as Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Burn as Director of Inclusion. Mr Salter has also begun his new role as ‘Head of School’. This means that he will be managing the school on a day-to-day basis as I work more strategically on issues that are affecting the future of Deben and more generally, secondary education in Felixstowe. He explains more about his role in his section ‘Message from the Head of School’. A ‘Who’s Who’ in the SLT is included in the ‘Making a Positive Contribution’ section later in this edition of the Deben News. Finally, my best wishes to Year 11 and 13 as they spend the last few weeks preparing for their examinations this term! Both year groups have the potential to beat every single examination result we have had in the school’s history and I wish them all the best of luck in doing so! Mr Cawley

A message from the Head of School ... I am very pleased to have been given the opportunity to lead the school on a day-to-day basis as we continue to make great progress towards our targets this year in all aspects of our work. I would like to begin by echoing what Mr Cawley has said regarding the massive commitment that has been made by staff and students in running and attending Easter school. We are all hopeful that these activities, along with all our other support and forthcoming intervention strategies, will help us to achieve even better results than last year and the best results in the schools’ history. For Year 11 and 13 in particular I want to say, do your best individually over the next few months as you work with your teachers and on your own in the final stages of preparing for the forthcoming exams and good luck! Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. This leads me on to addressing a number of issues which I believe will help support the smooth running of the school on a ‘day-to-day’ basis and consequently contribute to a positive atmosphere and ethos which will make school an enjoyable and pleasant place to be for everyone. I would like to ask for your support in helping us to ensure that your son/daughter attends school regularly. If they are not in school then they are not going to be making the progress expected.

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Please remember to let us know, by phone, if your son/daughter is not going to be in school for whatever reason and then to send in a note to explain any absences as soon as they return. It is very important that they bring all the necessary basic equipment to lessons; basic stationery, correct books and specialist equipment for PE or DT when appropriate. Using their timetable and preparing this equipment the night before rather than leaving it to the last minute on the day would be a very good idea for many.

Friday 28th May – Year 13 stand off Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June – Half Term Monday 14th June – Year 12 return from stand off Thursday 17th June – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 15th July – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

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A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Uniform continues to cause a number of issues on a daily basis for a small number of students. We have a school uniform and there is a very clear expectation that all students in Years 7 to 11 wear our uniform properly and with pride, demonstrating their commitment to the Deben community. We will be making this a very high priority this term. I am going to be particularly keen to ensure that all students are wearing school blazers. Small groups of students have started to wear outdoor leather jackets or coats, mainly the girls, with their blazer squashed into their handbag which is not acceptable. Uniform also includes adherence to our policy on jewellery; rings, necklaces, earrings etc. Staff will be supported in challenging those few students who choose not to wear the uniform appropriately and inappropriate items will be confiscated. I hope that I can count on your support in helping us to stop this happening so that we can concentrate upon our core purpose; that of improving standards and raising attainment. For those of you who already do this and who send your son/daughter to school dressed appropriately on a regular basis can I take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’. Whilst we understand that the vast majority of students will own and bring to school a mobile phone, it is clearly unacceptable for these to be used in the classroom during a lesson. It is also not acceptable for mobile phones to be used inside the school building before, during or after the school day, particularly at break or lunchtime. I do not wish to see students walking around school texting, talking or listening to music on their phone or mp3 players. This also applies to members of our Sixth Form who we expect to lead by example. We are happy for students to go out on the school field at break or lunchtime to use these devices; Sixth Formers can use them in their Study Centre area and/or café at these times. Again, I would like to ask for your support in reinforcing these expectations so that we do not need to confiscate these devices. Can I take this opportunity to remind you that our policy is that if a phone, mp3 player or any other inappropriate piece of uniform does get confiscated then these will be held in the school office until a parent/carer comes into school to reclaim them. Our ‘C point’ (‘C’ = consequence) system is well established, tried and tested and in the main does what it needs to do effectively for the vast majority of students. This term we intend to strengthen this system at the ‘C4’ stage. ‘C1’ and ‘C2’ are given to students for what we regard as ‘low level’ disruption to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. These two warnings, for the vast majority of our students, are all that is required to re-focus their attention and to help them get back on track. For those who need it we have a ‘C3’ level which also results in an automatic school detention. For a very small percentage of our students the ‘C4’ level has to be used. If a member of staff feels that they have no option but to use the ‘C4’ level, to ensure that they can continue teaching and the other students can continue with their learning, then a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will remove the student, who has been given the ‘C4’, from the lesson. A ‘C4’ sanction results in an automatic SLT detention. This term, parents/carers of any student who is given a ‘C4’ sanction will be invited into school as soon as is possible after the event to meet with either Mr Duffell or myself to discuss the incident and how best this can be avoided in the future. We also hope to have the student and the teacher present at this meeting, wherever possible, so that recognition of the issue can be explored and a solution sought. Our aim here is to involve parents/carers more directly and sooner in these more serious cases of inappropriate behaviour so that we can reduce the number and the frequency of re-offending, again by a small group of students for the benefit of the majority.

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

My apologies if, by this point, you feel that my first message to you seems to be dwelling upon what might be considered the ‘negative’ – please bear with me. I strongly believe that the vast majority of students who attend Deben do so positively; they want to come to school, they are happy to wear the uniform properly and with pride, they are pleased that we have sensible rules and they want to learn, they want to succeed and above all they want to feel safe and enjoy their time at school. My wife and I have one son who is still in school, currently studying for his GCSE’s, and we ensure that he is given the necessary support, as parents from home, to do our bit in helping him do all that I have mentioned above. I hope that, in my new role, I can count on your support to do the same for your sons and daughters by ensuring that attendance, uniform and behaviour do not become barriers to success. As Mr Cawley has said, his role is going to be more strategic from this term; taking a broader overview of education as a whole as we move towards our new school in 2014. My role is to lead Deben on a ‘day-to-day’ basis and so, if you feel that you need to then please contact me through the school email address, or by telephone via the Head’s PA, Mrs Cumberland, on 01394 282602. Mr Salter

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? Quarter page advert: £20 per issue Half page advert: £35 per issue Full page advert: £50 per issue Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

New In-house Catering Service Deben High School recognises the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet and understands that establishing a balanced diet in childhood helps establish healthy eating habits for life. In order for all learners to meet their full potential they need to be healthy and fit - physically, mentally and socially. A good diet is important for good health. A healthy and varied diet can help maintain a healthy body weight, enhance general well-being and reduce a number of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. We wholeheartedly believe that “we are what we eat” and that this can have significant impact on raising achievement. Deben High School has always been committed to the principle of providing nutritious meals for our students and that by providing our own in-house catering service we can further develop our ethos, offer a more flexible approach to the service and achieve better value for money. Over the coming months we will continue to work with the whole school community on a variety of initiatives in order to deliver our new improved meal service, as follows: • Develop menus to meet the aspirations of the school and comply with legal requirements as well as being popular with our students. This will be achieved by working with the School Council, the Healthy Schools Working group and questionnaires. • Suppliers have been vetted to ensure they are suitable, reliable and offer best value. We are keen to source local suppliers offering fresh seasonal produce in order to deliver the changes in the meals that the school is looking for in terms of quality and value. • Coming soon - New express service for Year 10 students and above, from the new ‘Food to Go’ outlet at the rear of the main kitchens. Wraps, filled baguettes, drinks and ‘specials of the day’ will be served at competitive prices. Further information will be provided on the new service in future editions of the Deben News. Mrs Flint

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Safeguarding Please see our new safeguarding poster at the end of the Deben News.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Intermediate Maths Challenge The Intermediate Maths Challenge for students in Years 9, 10 and 11, took place on Thursday 4th February. There were 25 questions to be attempted within a 1 hour time limit. The results are now in school and the following students were awarded either: Gold, Silver or Bronze.

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Gold James Thurlow Best in School Ben Avery Silver Jonathan Butcher Harriet Ley Daniel March Mohan Mudhar

Bronze James Bellamy Christian Bibb Aimee Darke Grace Emery Luke Hammond Jack Jones Sasha Lawson-Frost Emily Ley

Claire Shadbolt Bartosz Platak

To those students who did not receive a certificate, better luck next time! Here is one of the questions from the Challenge. Remember you are not allowed to use a calculator. Albert Einstein is experimenting with two unusual clocks which both have 24-hour displays. One clock goes at twice the normal speed. The other clock goes backwards, but at the normal speed. Both clocks show the correct time at 13:00. What is the correct time when the displays on the clocks next agree? A 05:00

B 09:00

C 13:00

D 17:00

E 21:00

The solution is provided towards the back of this issue on the Advertisement page. Mr Warren

Year 10 Mathematics Team Challenge The Eastern Region Year 10 Mathematics Team Challenge took place at Kesgrave High School on Wednesday 24th March. Although Year 10 were on work experience, four students volunteered to travel to Kesgrave after a hard days work, in order to compete against teams from fourteen other schools. The team comprised: Ben Avery, Nicola Chatt, Grace Emery and Jenna Walker. Here are the highlights of the evening as reported by Ben Avery: The competition was a series of rounds in which you and your three team mates had to solve various maths puzzles. The first few rounds were general maths knowledge questions interspersed with Countdown rounds. Easy! We laughed at the questions and sent our answers back with increasing confidence. Then came a round based on Modulus Arithmetic where 2 + 2 doesn’t always equal 4. Not only that but you received 2 points for one correct answer and 3 for an infinite number of correct answers - which could take quite a long time to write down!

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Up next were the team round with 4 long impossible puzzles and the relay round where no one, including the teachers, was quite sure who was answering what. By now darkness was falling and the end of the Challenge was approaching. We were pleased with our position more than half-way up the leader-board. We drove home victorious in our own minds pausing only to laugh at the schools we beat (only joking) and turning round when we drove the wrong way (not joking!)

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Mr Warren

GCSE and A Level Examinations The GCSE and A Level External Examinations start on Monday 17th of May and finish on Wednesday 30th June. Year 9, 10, 11 and Sixth Form students have been issued with their examination timetables.

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? This side bar is available for just £15 per issue. Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

The school’s Examination Timetable is available on the website as are the Joint Council of Qualifications Rules and Regulations. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have their own equipment i.e. black pens, pencils, rulers, compasses and calculators in a see-through pencil case. Mobile phones, iPods and MP3 players are not permitted in any examinations. However students can leave their phones with the invigilators at the start of the examinations – the phones and any alarms must be switched off. Students must wear their school uniform to all their examinations. Students are expected to follow the Joint Council of Qualifications regulations and therefore must not talk or cause a disturbance during examinations. Any irregularities will be reported to the examination board and the student may be disqualified. Mrs Grundy, Examinations Officer

Post Examination Services and Re-sit Examinations Enclosed with all examination results will be a Post Results Information leaflet which contains information about having examination papers remarked or ordering exam scripts to be returned. All these Post Results Services have deadlines set by the examination boards so it is important to adhere to them. The leaflet also contains information regarding re-sit examinations. Should students wish to re-sit an examination, they must collect a re-sit form from the Examination Office and submit it together with the appropriate exam fee to Mrs Grundy by the set deadline. Students are responsible for checking the examination notice-boards or speaking to Mrs Grundy for information regarding fees and deadlines. The Examination Boards impose late penalty fees which may be double or triple the original exam fee, dependant on how far past the deadline you are. Please note that the school will only pay for the first attempt at an examination. Mrs Grundy, Examinations Officer

Artist of the Month Artist of the Month is Joachim Porteous, Year 9. Joachim has been awarded artist of the month for his original and creative graffiti tag as part of the ‘Myself Project’. A pack of watercolour pencils are on their way. Well Done! Mrs Battle

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Arts Focus Group - Fashion Show On Tuesday 30th March the Arts Focus Group, in partnership with Wil’s clothing of Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, staged an evening fashion extravaganza.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

There was something for everyone in the audience! It was an opportunity to see the fantastic new summer collection of menswear from Wil’s Clothing, and the sparkling prom and evening dresses available from Kiss Dress Hire. Alongside all this Adam and Eve showcased some amazing creative hairstyles. Nathan Hope, winner of Deben’s Got Talent – also performed live on the night! Thanks to Apryl from Kiss Dress Hire and Reg from Adam and Eve for all their support and for the raffle prize contributions. Very special thanks go to Mike from Wil’s Clothing for his commitment to working with us to deliver this event for the community, and his generosity in providing raffle prizes.

Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday Thursday 6th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 13th May – Year 8 Subject Clinic Monday 17th May – Wednesday 30th June – GCSE and A Level External Examinations Thursday 20th May – Year 12 stand off Thursday 27th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

Thanks to Mrs Bennett for all her technical help, and of course to all our models – you were all fantastic! The evening was a great success and we managed to raise more than £150 for the Arts extended curriculum provision. Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the event! Sian Trimley-Davey, Arts Focus Group

ASDAN Award Programmes ASDAN enables students to develop key skills including: • Improving own learning and performance • Working with others • Problem Solving • Communication • Application of number • ICT The particular module the students were involved in during last half term required them to take part in a charity event. They decided they would like to organise and hold a cake sale in school to help raise funds for two charities – Youth Interactive (CYAG) and the Haiti Appeal. The students had to plan all the elements of the event including seeking permission to hold the sale, creating posters to advertise and promote the event, and organising and providing cakes to sell on the day. Well done to all the students involved in this project and thank you to everyone who came on the day. Mrs Barrett We held the cake sale in Room 53 on 18th March at break-time. We put posters up around the school to let people know about the event. We think everyone who came enjoyed the cake sale and we managed to raise a total of £30 which will be split between Youth Interactive (CYAG) and the Haiti Appeal. Gaby Leeming and Tone Mitton

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

STOP PRESS! I am extremely proud to announce the news that Joe Gallacher in Year 11 has recently been accepted on the 2010 “Summer in the City” programme at the New York Conservatory for the Dramatic Arts from 18 July to 13 August!

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

This is an amazing achievement and a fantastic opportunity for Joe. We wish him all the very best for his four weeks of instruction in the dramatic arts! Mr Cawley

Year 7 Skills Based Curriculum: FESTIVALS AND ANIMATIONS PROJECT Last term students in Year 7 worked on two different projects as part of their Skills Based Curriculum Lessons. Students in Britten, Stoppard and Turner worked on a ‘Festivals’ Project and students in Dench, Glennie and Hambling worked on an ‘Animations’ Project. This term the students will work on the alternate project which will enable them to experience both projects.

Friday 28th May – Year 13 stand off Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June – Half Term Monday 14th June – Year 12 return from stand off Thursday 17th June – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 15th July – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

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The focus of all Skills Based Curriculum projects is to develop both curriculum knowledge, understanding and skills, but also wider skills essential for successful learning and life beyond education. FESTIVALS The students on the Festivals project worked on developing a wide range of Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills by studying different festivals from around the world and throughout history. The overall objective being for them to independently research, plan and deliver a Festival for Felixstowe. The students began by learning about Mardi Gras festivals around the world and planning and delivering a mini Latin American style Mardi Gras festival. They were then given the opportunity to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of their festival before moving on to study, plan and deliver World War Two street parties. Again the students were given the opportunity to reflect on their learning and skills development prior to commencing the final stages of the project – planning a Festival for Felixstowe. The students were given the opportunity to apply for different jobs within the festival – for example working on the publicity and media teams - as well as being able to apply for team manager roles. The Festival of Felixstowe took place on Friday 26th March in the Upper School Hall. The students invited their parents, Year 6 pupils from our feeder primary schools, VIPs in the local community and members of staff to come along to the Festival and enjoy a wide range of activities and performances which included the following: • Circus skills zone: an opportunity to learn skills such as juggling and stage fighting! • Entertainment zone: a number of different acts performing songs, dancing and role plays • Spiritual zone: a chance to unwind and relax! • Green zone: learn how to make jewellery from recycled items • Food zones: a range of soft drinks, hot drinks and snacks • Cinema zone: relax and watch the short animated films produced by Year 7 students

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

ANIMATIONS The Animations Project enabled the students to develop a wide range of Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills by studying different moments in history. The overall aim being for them to independently research, design and produce a short animated film based on their chosen ‘moment in time’, such as the myths and legends of Robin Hood. The students worked in teams to produce characters, scenery, scripts and musical scores needed in their short films.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

The Awards Ceremony took place on Monday 29th March to celebrate the achievements of the Year 7 students in their Skills Based Curriculum Lessons. The awards ceremony included a showcase of students work, including displays, presentations, video diaries and a chance to view some of the short animated films. This was followed by the official awards presentations. All Year 7 students attended the event, along with invited members of staff, and VIPS in the local community. We were delighted to welcome the Mayor, Councillor Angel Goodwin, who very kindly presented the awards. Many congratulations to all the students who were presented with an award. Jemma Griffiths and Rebecca Prowse, presented Mrs Hicks, School Librarian, with a special prize to thank her for all her help and support. The awards ceremony was planned by Year 7 student Jemma Griffiths, who also worked with a team of Year 7 students to design and produce the awards for the ceremony.

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All the Year 7 students involved in these projects should be congratulated for their hard work and superb efforts in planning and delivering these events. The students will now evaluate and share their experiences and learnings with each other as they alternate the projects this term. Miss Williams Subject Leader, Skills Based Curriculum

PE News Cross Country Championships Congratulations to Rebecca Cox (Year 7) and Taryn Mason (Year 7) who competed in the under 13’s girls Cross Country Championships in February. Rebecca came in 8th and would normally have qualified to represent Suffolk at Nottingham in the Inter County Championships, but the races were reorganised due to the snow and so names were put in before the races rather than after. Taryn came in 16th place. Both did really well and I hope they will compete again next year as they will still be under 13’s. Mr Ewers Scholarship with Doncaster Rovers Congratulations to Eddie Wilding (Year 11) who has secured a scholarship with Championship football side Doncaster Rovers. All the best for the future and well done. The PE team

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

England Basketball Association Year 11 student Joe Reeve has recently qualified as an England Basketball Association Level 1 referee. However, since qualification his officiating has been mainly restricted to junior games. On 3rd of March Joe, along with school basketball coach Adrian Clarke, stepped in at short notice to assist the University College Suffolk by providing both referees for their British Universities League fixture played against the University of East London at Kesgrave.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

It was a tough “baptism of fire” for Joe being “thrown in at the deep end” in what transpired to be a high speed closely contested game reflected by the fact that the score stood level at 54 points each at full time. This necessitated an intense extra five minutes of play with Suffolk snatching the win in the last minute of overtime. Throughout the match Joe performed with composure which belied his inexperience. He was calm and confident throughout, and was congratulated by both sides for his performance and we are sure further offers to officiate will come his way. All credit must go to Joe for raising the profile of Deben High School in the broader community of sport.

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? This side bar is available for just £15 per issue. Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

Mr Clarke Deben Sports Ambassadors On Wednesday 31st March four sports leaders Elliot Chapman, Jenna Walker, Ellen Spalding and Ashley Goodwin attended the Ipswich and surrounding area Sports Ambassadors Conference. Now in its fourth year, the Young Ambassador programme, which is a Youth Sport Trust initiative, will see thousands of 14-18 year olds across the UK being recruited as role models to their peers and increase sports participation and healthy living in the run up to London 2012 and beyond. It is the ambition of the Ipswich and South Suffolk School Sport Partnership to extend this provision of Sports Ambassadors, in order that all Secondary Schools may have four young people in this role, creating a network of ambassadors across the area. The young people selected will have distinct roles as Sports Ambassadors, focusing on the following areas: • To aspire to inspire participation • To create role models for other young people • To promote physical activity through the Olympic and Paralympic values The conference was made up of theory and practical workshops. Students developed an understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Sports Ambassador and participated in networking sessions with other Sports Ambassadors. The practical element of the day included participation in the ‘Quadkids’ athletics workshop, a Sport England programme which provides young people with the opportunity of organising an athletic event. The students had the opportunity to plan, recruit and deliver a Partnership mini-Olympics event for primary schools during National School Sports week in June in Ipswich and it is hoped they will be able to recruit more leaders from Deben to support in the running of a Felixstowe event. Mrs Logan Stunning Year 11 netball triumph Joe Reeve’s Barmy Army was victorious in their defeat of the Year 11 girls netball team, despite a lack of grace in their passing and footwork; I hear the girls whisper! Credit to both the girls and boys teams on the sporting manner in which the game was played. £40 was raised for the Year 11 Prom and I must thank Joe Reeve, Abi Jewkes and Lydia Carey for promoting the event. Finally, we must not forget to thank the excellent umpiring by Mrs Scrine and Mrs Logan.

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Judo Competition at Deben High School Felixstowe Judo Club hosted the Copleston Schools Judo competition after school at Deben High School on Monday 15th March 2010. This is the second judo competition to be hosted at Deben and this time the competition was held in the main hall providing necessary spectator seating for players and parents.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

The competition was run by David Martin, School Development Officer, British Judo Association, with the help of volunteer BJA junior officials Jarreth Hawkins, Aaron Hawkins, Ben Caldwell, Charlie Pearse and Thomas Martin. Felixstowe Judo Club assistant coaches/parents Ian Caldwell and Lee Unwin helped oversee the junior scorers and timekeepers and ran the pool sheets.

Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday Thursday 6th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 13th May – Year 8 Subject Clinic Monday 17th May – Wednesday 30th June – GCSE and A Level External Examinations Thursday 20th May – Year 12 stand off Thursday 27th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

In all 40 competitors took part with 10 schools represented, the children were matched as close as possible by weight/age and experience in pools of 3-5 competitors. For many children who have enjoyed participating in their local school club this was their first chance to experience competitive judo in a positive, friendly atmosphere. Medal Table School Gold Silver Deben High 3 2 Causton 2 3 Trimley St Mary 2 Kesgrave 1 4 Colneis 1 1 Holywells 1 Orwell 1 Otley 1 Nacton Trimley St Martin Competitors Catie South Emily Smith Bethany Taylor Emily Prichard Tenznie Jacobs Freya Wynne Abbey Mitchell Rosie Wedge Georgia Pettitt Holly Taylor Jessica Macleod Rebecca Bates Connor Warne Mark Knights Owen Chaplin Aaron Hawkins Jarreth Hawkins James Trivett Charles Clayton Michael McLaren

Bronze 6 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1

Deben High Trimley St Mary Deben High Holywells High Holywells High Kesgrave High Causton Junior Causton Junior Deben High Deben High Deben High Holywells High Orwell High Orwell High Causton Junior Kesgrave High Kesgrave High Orwell Deben High Deben High

Madeline Harris Kirsty Francis Michael Macleod Jake Bridge-Burns Nathan Chapman Max Unwin Finnlay Danon Luke Boreham George Knock Guy Cooper Jason Cooper Kyan Wong Benjamin Caldwell Tony Colvin Lewis Javens Liam Bull Max Hogger Adam Hart Wesley Adams

Kesgrave High Deben High Colneis Junior Causton Junior Causton Junior Trimley St Mary Kyson Primary Otley Primary Kesgrave High Nacton CEVC Nacton CEVC Kesgrave High Felixstowe JC Trimley St Mary Kesgrave High Copleston Colneis Junior Causton Junior Trimley St Martin

Feedback from the competition was positive, with most children saying they would like to take part in another competition in the near future. Alison Furlong, Competition Manager and Rob Terry, Partnership Development Manager from the Copleston Sports Partnership were in attendance at the event and all competitors received participation certificates along with their well earned medals. Mrs Logan

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

National Cup final date is sealed by Deben boys I was pleased to receive a phone call at ten o clock at night to inform me that the Suffolk schools football team had reached the National schools final which will take place in May. Jordan Egerton equalised to take the match against Middlesex to extra time and then on to penalties. Jordan slotted in his penalty, leaving Eddie Wilding to calmly seal victory from the spot for Suffolk.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Both boys should be applauded for their achievements on the football field, with Eddie Wilding securing a two year academy place at Doncaster Rovers. I must admit I did check the league and noticed them above Ipswich Town, making me think Roy Keane has missed out on a great talent. Jordan was awarded for his football achievements at the Felixstowe sports awards. U14 Girls Football Spink, Lambert and Hogan crush St Albans The text read 9-1 to Deben girls – Emily Lambert 6 goals and Megan Spink 2 goals, oh and an own goal. The Year 9 girls football team remain undefeated with recent victories over East Bergholt, St Albans and Hadleigh.

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? Quarter page advert: £20 per issue Half page advert: £35 per issue Full page advert: £50 per issue Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

I have mentioned Charlie Hogan because of her ability to strike the ball from distance. Against Hadleigh her 30 yard strike smashed the cross bar, but against East Bergholt her 20 yard strike left the Bergholt keeper with no chance. Well done girls and I must thank qualified referee Hannah Emery for her continued support to officiate the girls matches. And so it was all to play for as the girls headed into their final fixture against Copleston on Monday 29th March - the winner of this match would take the league title and a place in the final....... Congratulations! The girls made the final of the football tournament by winning their league and maintaining an undefeated run. On the way to the final they have beaten Chantry, East Bergholt, Claydon, Hadleigh, and Copleston. The squad was Emily Lambert, Megan Spink, Charley Hogan, Poppy Minns, Matilda Bond, Katie Crawford, Rebecca Horton, Nicole Packman, Celine Smith, Sarah Versey, Abi Vinecombe, Elle Gillan and Lee Gillan. Many thanks to the girls for the commitment they have made to ensure we completed all the matches despite the weather and wish them the best of luck in the final! Coach Clarke’s Deben Jutes claim award I am pleased and proud to announce Deben Jutes basketball coach Adrian Clarke received on behalf of the club the Felixstowe and District Sports Council Award as Club Official of 2009. The club’s five year plan to provide an opportunity for all to play basketball in the Felixstowe Community from Year 5 to adults is nearing completion, one year earlier than anticipated. As well as providing basketball in the community the club manages Deben High School teams at Under 12, Under 14, and Under 16. Adrian informs me that the Year 5 and 6 students who will arrive in the school in the next two years are going to be something special. In September this year the club will field an adult side in the Suffolk Senior League. The nucleus of this side will be provided by current Sixth Formers and former students of Deben High School. The club is currently seeking to start up funding for this element of the project, if anyone can help please contact Adrian by email on: Tel: 01394 270307.

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? This side bar is available for just £15 per issue. Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Young leaders run the show! Over the past few months I have noticed Abi Jewkes, Lydia Carey, Hannah Emery, Jenna Walker, Michaela Frost and Sarah Prowse coaching the Year 6 primary school netball players. This culminated in a primary school tournament over three days at Deben. The standard of play was very good and the girls should be pleased with their coaching of the youngsters. With Mrs Logan overseeing things from the side the girls refereed the matches which were well attended by the parents. Schools from six primary schools attended – Kingsfleet won in the final. Other pupils who have assisted were Aneeta John, Pippa Cowburn, Ellen Spalding, Jenny Arroud, Rowena Brennan and Karen Fuggle. Football Sponsorship opportunities With the expansion of the sporting opportunities at Deben, we would welcome any sponsorship from local companies to purchase two new football kits. Please contact Mr Ewers should you be able to assist or have a contact. Year 9 netball team thrashes St Joes 13-3 We are nearing the end of the netball season and the Year 9 netball team have played exceptionally well throughout the year. They played their last match of the year at home against St Joes where they won with a massive score of 13-3. The team, which is captained by Ellen Spalding, worked tirelessly to keep the lead and St Joes were left amazed by the scoring streak that Elise Tel was having, managing to score from just inside the ‘D’. Well done girls you have worked extremely hard this year and have managed to stay in the same league, let’s see if we can keep it up next year! Discovery Project On the 4th March 15 students travelled to the David Lloyd Centre in Ipswich. We spent the day discovering and tasting new and exciting sports, such as seated volleyball, boccia and lots more. I want to say a huge well done to all students that attended as they worked extremely hard and seemed to enjoy the day, and we all had aching muscles the next day! Keep up the positive attitude towards PE. Keep active and live longer Congratulations to all the students who have represented the school, attended clubs and help distribute team messages in form time. If there is a demand we are happy to consider running any club, just ask. Finally I must publically thank all the coaches, staff and students for their continued support to offer physically active opportunities. Next stop Athletics, see Mr Teye Botchway and the PE team ASAP. Keep informing us of sporting success. Mr Ewers

PE - Health and Safety We have had a few queries regarding our position on earrings and PE. I would like to reiterate the following: • The PE department adhere strictly to Health and Safety guidelines in the publication “Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sport”. These guidelines take precedence over any instructions issued by companies that carry out piercings. I reiterate that Health and Safety concerns govern our position. Even with tape covering the earring there is the potential for injury and we are not prepared to take this risk. • Earrings and belly piercings have to be removed before a PE lesson. A ‘C3’ will be given to any student who refuses to remove these items. Mr Ewers

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Running Club A running club is held on Tuesdays, from 3pm until 3.45pm, open to all years. We meet at the sports hall and use the school field. However, if the weather is bad (snow/rain) the session will be cancelled. Any questions, students need to contact me.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Mrs Franks, Learning Support Department

Homework Club Students in Year 7 and 8 can attend a Homework Club which will take place every Thursday from 3.00-4.00pm in the Library. For more information please see Mrs Barrett or Mrs Franks. Mrs Barrett and Mrs Franks

Term Dates

Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday Thursday 6th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 13th May – Year 8 Subject Clinic Monday 17th May – Wednesday 30th June – GCSE and A Level External Examinations Thursday 20th May – Year 12 stand off Thursday 27th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

Summer Term 2010 – ends on Thursday 22nd July 2010 (Staff training day: Monday 7th June 2010) Bank Holiday: Monday 3rd May 2010 Half term: Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June 2010 Autumn Term 2010 - Monday 6th September 2010 - Friday 17th December 2010 (Staff training days: Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd September 2010) Half Term: Monday 25th October - Friday 29th October 2010 Spring Term 2011 - Wednesday 5th January 2011 - Friday 8th April 2011 (Staff training day: Tuesday 4th January 2011) Half term: Monday 21st February - Friday 25th February 2011) Summer Term 2011 - Tuesday 26th April 2011 - Friday 22nd July 2011 (Staff training day: Friday 27th May 2011) Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd May 2011 Half term: Monday 30th May 2011 - Friday 3rd June 2011

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Deben High presents its ‘Student Voice Conference’ 2010...

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Wow! What a fantastic day Wednesday 31st March 2010 was for Deben High School and for those students and staff who were lucky enough to attend the 2nd Annual Student Voice Conference which was, this year, held at the Elizabeth Orwell Hotel in the heart of Felixstowe. Students from Year 7 through to Year 13 were selected from our well established ‘focus groups’ to either, attend and contribute or to lead sessions at this exciting event. We also invited representatives from the other Wave 6 Building Schools for the Future (BSF) schools and Chantry, Stoke, Beacon Hill and Orwell all accepted our invitations. Our own school Governors were invited to attend as delegates and we were pleased that Tim Brennan (Chair of Governors) and Dennis Carpenter were present to see and interact with our students during the workshop sessions.

Friday 28th May – Year 13 stand off Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June – Half Term Monday 14th June – Year 12 return from stand off Thursday 17th June – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 15th July – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

Two years ago we held our first Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Student Voice Conference, on a smaller-scale, at Deben. This event was, in itself, very successful and stimulated us to repeat it but in a bigger and better way. The focus this year came very much from our students, in particular from our ‘Future Leaders’ group led by our Head Boy (William Tink), Head Girl (Emily Rowe), Deputy Head Boy (Sam Clarke) and Deputy Head Girl (Hannah Brennan). Our students wanted to talk about ‘Teaching and Learning’, something we were so pleased to hear. The new school for Felixstowe, due in 2014, is not about the building but about the ideas and underlying philosophy about what it is that education needs to be for a student living and working in the 21st Century. It is these ideas which need to inform the design and use of this exciting new space which should be the hub for education in Felixstowe for young and old alike through a belief in ‘life-long learning’. Student planning meetings, usually held at 8.00 a.m. on a Friday morning, were fascinating to watch as the students explored a number of issues relating to different ‘Learning Styles’; to issues concerning behaviour and therefore to ‘Behaviour for Effective Learning’. One group decided that their workshop would look at ‘What do you need to learn/want to learn?’. This provoked a debate about the current curriculum provision and the way in which things need to change in the future to help young people prepare for a significantly different workplace where technology is likely to play an ever increasing and important role. Other students involved in this significant event were interested in issues directly related to the new school in terms of what the ‘Learning Spaces’ (both in and outside) would need to be like to facilitate the different styles of learning. Tom Doust, from the London based Sorrell Foundation, and his colleague came to lead an all day workshop. Students were challenged to explore the design brief by looking at space, flexibility, colour, shape, functionality and adaptability in the context that the new school would need to be able to evolve and grow organically to meet the changing needs of those who will use it over the next 50 years!

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? Quarter page advert: £20 per issue Half page advert: £35 per issue Full page advert: £50 per issue Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

We were lucky enough to have a very talented, knowledgeable and inspirational ‘Key note’ speaker on the day, Mr Mick Waters. His experience in the field of education is immense. He is well read, well travelled and has been at the forefront of educational innovation and change for many years. His ability to present ideas and then challenge our thinking, to get us to ask ourselves why things are as they are and to ask ‘do they have to be like that?’ was a significant part of the process on that day. We very much hope that he will visit us again to challenge and support future thinking about transforming education in Felixstowe as we move ever closer towards the new school.

We would like to acknowledge the significant commitment made by the Advisory Service from Suffolk County Council led by our designated link Adviser, Carol Lukins. The help and support that she and her colleagues, Mary Myatt and Julia Smith, gave us prior to and during the day added to the significant success of the conference as our students knew that they had professional and experienced ‘back-up’ which helped develop their self-confidence in terms of delivering their own devised workshops. As if staging an event on this scale were not enough at the end of a very busy term, we also ran a ‘Primary Student Voice Conference’ the very next morning here at Deben. Kirsty Francis, Harriet Ley, Emily Ley, Sasha Lawson-Frost had, earlier in the term, visited each of our four main feeder primary schools to plan and carry out preliminary workshops. On Thursday 1st April 2010 they hosted the same primary students at Deben and, with the help of the Sorrell Foundation, led a whole morning of interactive and challenging exercises which added a different age perspective to our information gathering on issues relating to the forthcoming new high school in Felixstowe. This term the ‘future leaders’ group will resume their meetings, again supported by County Advisers, to follow up on all the work generated at the conference and to analyse and explore all the key issues. The students will then present and share these with the rest of our staff. Wherever possible the students ideas will be adopted and implemented as soon as possible this term and from September 2010.

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

I would like to add my personal thanks to Miss Boyce, Deputy Headteacher, for her help, support, knowledge and professionalism in shaping the initial ideas and coaching the students along the way; to Mrs Flint, our School Business Manager, for her financial expertise and advice and finally to Mrs Ryland, our Marketing Manager, without whom this conference, in terms of the logistical execution and quality of presentation, would not have been possible.

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

I am extremely proud to be part of Deben High School and no more so than I was on that day when our students excelled themselves in terms of their behaviour and contribution, either as a delegate or presenter, at this landmark event in our calendar this year. Other significant student contributions to this conference came from: Hannah Butcher; Alex Leigh-Pearson, Ryan Francis, Nicola Chatt, Pippa Cowburn, and Rose Carpenter. Mr Salter

Interested in advertising your business to a regular monthly audience via our school? This side bar is available for just £15 per issue. Call Mrs Ryland on 01394 282602 for details.

Mobile Phone Use We ask students not to bring mobiles to school for the main reason that they disrupt lessons. It would be very helpful if parents/carers can help us set an appropriate example by avoiding texting/phoning students when they are in lessons. We are trying to do all we can to help students work on the 4C’s to Success, one of which is ‘concentration’! Any distractions from their job of achieving their academic targets is unhelpful. Thank you in advance for your support. Mr Cawley

Samburu Last Summer I went on holiday to Kenya. We did the traditional safaris and saw all the animals but we also visited a Samburu village. The Samburu are a tribe in Kenya who, due to drought and many other factors, live with very little. Joshua the tribe leader showed us around his home and the school he is trying to create. When we returned to England my mum and I decided to try and do some fundraising for the school, so from 22nd to 28th March we did a sponsored ‘water awareness week’. For the week if we needed any water (for drinking, cooking, washing etc.) we had to walk to my grandparents (356 steps away, I counted!) and carry it home. Altogether we have raised £600 which has now been sent to Samburu to help create the school. Through the experience I learned just how much water we waste and can really manage without. It was a challenge but definitely worth it! Thanks to everyone who sponsored us. Any more donations are always welcome. Hannah Lilley, Year 13

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

NWES have serviced office space available at our new, modern, air-conditioned premises located at Units 10 & 11, Summit Business Park, Langer Road, Felixstowe, we also have conference facilities, exhibition space, Virtual offices and FREE business advice!. Call us today 01394 605150 for further details, viewings and prices, we are here to help

Who’s who in SLT?

As promised earlier in my ‘Message from the Headteacher’ here is a ‘who’s who?’ of the SLT from April 2010:

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts


Mr Cawley

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

SCHOOL COUNCIL – Youth Interactive Fundraising

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

A focused week of fundraising at the beginning of March, including the special Youth Interactive assemblies, the tutor group ‘Smartie Tube’ challenge (£164.64), and a non-uniform day on Friday 5th March, resulted in over £780 being raised for the school charity Youth Interactive (CYAG). Well done and thank you to everyone for taking part! This means that the total now stands at just over £2,600, which is fantastic – well in excess of the original target of £2,000. We are extremely proud of all the students for all their efforts and to everyone in the Deben and local community for their generosity and support. We know that the money raised will go towards making a real difference to the lives of many children and families in India. Natalie White, Operational Director from Youth Interactive days: “We are so impressed with the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of the Deben students, and wish to thank you all so much for all your hard work. Your creativity in finding different activities and ways to fundraise has been an inspiration, which we hope will help to engage many other schools in the project.”

Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday Thursday 6th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 13th May – Year 8 Subject Clinic Monday 17th May – Wednesday 30th June – GCSE and A Level External Examinations Thursday 20th May – Year 12 stand off Thursday 27th May – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

Miss Williams School Council Link Teacher

Mrs Button donned her ‘Queen of Hearts’ outfit on dress-down day and the sales of her jam tarts added £27.00 to the fundraising pot!

Token News

We are delighted to announce that Tesco for Schools and Clubs is back for 2010 with vouchers available in store and with online grocery orders. We need parents/friends and any relatives to collect these and send into the school. We are also still collecting Nestles box tops for Books tokens which are on many Nestles cereals like Shreddies, Nesquik, Cherrios, Clusters Golden Grahams etc and we are saving for the cash option so each one is worth 10p to us. We are also collecting the 2010 Active Kids Vouchers from Sainsburys. The campaign runs until 8th June and vouchers are available from Sainsbury Stores, Petrol Stations and with on-line groceries. There is a website for more info at: There will be a collecting box in the main office and one in the PE dept. You can also send tokens in to either Student Reception or Mrs Macpherson. Mrs Macpherson

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Attendance The 100% attendance for the four weeks up to 26th February 2010 are as follows:

A Specialist College for the Visual and Performing Arts

Year 7 Ruby Lambert Year 8 Eleanor Lockwood Year 9 Kieran Stockdale

7S H3 B1

Year 10 Holly Bowen Year 11 Lewis Maddison

D4 G3

The 100% attendance for the four weeks up to 26th March 2010 are as follows: Year 7 James Gorski Year 8 Sarah Cotton Year 9 Chelsea Halls

7T B3 S1

Year 10 Michael McLaren Year 11 Laura Edwards

G1 H3

Friday 28th May – Year 13 stand off Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June – Half Term Monday 14th June – Year 12 return from stand off Thursday 17th June – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am Thursday 15th July – Parent’s Open Forum 8.30-9.30am

Dates for your diary

Mrs Baker

“The best learners in the world walk through our doors.”

Do you want to learn something new?

Courses for Adults

Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Kesgrave and Martlesham Community Learning and Skills Development deliver a wide range of high quality learning opportunities for adults that can help you to develop new skills, gain confidence and achieve a recognised qualification. We offer a variety of courses such as Floristry, Creative Craft Skills, Drawing, Painting, Sewing, Computer Skills, English, Maths and much more. Most of our courses are free (there is a free crèche available for a few courses) We also offer short and long courses (Learning for Leisure) at our centre and at other venues at Felixstowe and the surrounding area. For course information and details of the course fees, please contact the number below For more details, free prospectus and to book a place for the course you would like to join please contact 0845 603 7197. or Local contact: Felixstowe Community Centre, Orwell High School grounds, Maidstone Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9EF. Telephone: 01394 284839

Midsummer Mexican Madness PTA Event Saturday 10th July in USH Ticket Request Slip: Please return to the Student Reception Number of tickets:

£10.00 .............

Please find enclosed cash/cheque for £………………….. (cheques made payable to Deben High School) Name of Student …………………………………

Form ………………..

Signed …………………………................ Parent/Carer

Date …………………

Name of Parent/Carer ……………………………………… (please print) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maths Solution (To question in Intermediate Maths Challenge article) Answer: E After x hours, the first clock will have gone forward 2x hours and the second clock will have gone back x hours. So the next time they agree is when 2x + x = 24, that is when x = 8. The correct time then is 21:00.


Congratulations, Nathan Hope (year 13) for winning this year’s school talent show!

-14th—18th June A-level art and photography Exhibition -Friday 28th May, year 13 leavers assembly and BBQ Sixth Form Newsletter Written by: Claire Downs Emily Rowe Photography by: Olivia Ritchie Do you know of something newsworthy? Or want to get involved with the Sixth Form media team? Speak to one of us now!

The hard work of the Sixth Form Young Enterprise group culminated in a successful presentation evening at Kesgrave High School on the 22nd March. After months of creating the affordable and quality school leavers hoodies, the team presented their project in the form of a presentation and business stand. Managing director, Peter Finegan, believes the whole team developed their understanding of business and they were proud to announce a

profit of £322. Despite missing out on a prize, judges described their business stand as ‘fantastic’. The presentation was delivered by Peter, in a Dragons’ Den style to approximately 70 people, the judges praised this as ‘brilliant’. Well done to all the team: Peter Finegan (Managing Director), Kyle Donnelly (Deputy Director), Andrew Douglas (Marketing Director), Tom Bull (Sales Director), Ben Hunt (Human Resources), William Porteous (Human Resources),

D e b e n Sixth Form did their bit for Sport Relief this year, hosting a cake sale and games in the study centre during lunchtime. We had lots of fun in fancy dress and especially enjoyed the hoola hooping challenge! Well done to Ben Jessop who cycled for 40 minutes on the cycling machine to raise money. Thank you to everyone who helped organise the event and to those who supported it, we raised a fantastic £89.23.

As part of a team-building activity, the sixth formers have been competing in a mini football league every Thursday throughout form time. Originally suggested by the year 13’s, the event has proved to be a great success and enabled all form members to get involved, whether through playing or watching. Currently, the league table shows that Ms D’Silva’s form is top of the league closely followed by Miss Hannaford’s form. Next term, the sporting activities will change with the approach of summer; any suggestions will be welcomed by Mr.James.

Natalia Zabicka (Secretary), Tessa Day Secretary) and Callum Bucknall (IT). To ensure that more Deben students get the chance to partake in such a worthwhile project, the team have decided to make the profit sustainable. Therefore, instead of taking their own share of invested money; the money will go back to the school to run the project next year. A brilliant show of teamwork and business creativity, congratulations Young Enterprise!

Chris Lawrence and Tom Bull, Sixth form’s budding football managers have had recent success leading their Year 8 football team. Last week the Deben team played Thurleston and won 5-3. The team took a 3-0 lead during the game and with a few months without a match, Tom and Chris were very pleased. After a sticky end to the first half with the score 3-2, Deben came out on the second half, after a great team talk from the young managers, and won the game 5-3. The Year 8’s then had a game against St Albans away. Deben came out firing and took an early 3-0 lead. The game ended 4-2 and it was a successful week for our two Sixth Formers. Well done boys. Tom Bull

Forms battle it out to be top of the league table.

Garrison Lane, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7RF Tel: 01394 282602 Fax: 01394 278368

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