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A Message from the The Vet Dr. Veling, DVM Palencia Pet Clinic

Many people have read about or know about the fact that bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics in human medicine. For the last ten years, at veterinary continuing education meetings such as the North American Veterinary Conference, warnings have been issued about antibiotic resistance by the ivory tower types that teach us (thank God for them). That resistance was mainly happening in human medicine. The alarm bells were sounding in veterinary medicine so that we would be prepared for the arrival of these tough visitors. Veterinarians were hoping to never see one but we still listen and learn. A few weeks ago I had evidence that these “Superbugs” are present in my patients. A little mix breed, Dunkin (the little guy craves donuts), came to me with a severe ear infection. The ear canal was full of pus with a dried coating sticking to the opening. We flushed it out as best we could. I looked under the microscope to see what shape the bacteria were, in order to guide me in antibiotic selection. The shape fit with some of the bacteria that are common in sewage. We sent home an antibiotic that has been useful with angry ears in the past. Dunkin had never had this product before that I knew of.

A week later, I re-examined the ear - no improvement. I sent off a bacterial culture and sensitivity from Dunkin’s ear. Three days later, we knew it was a very bad bacterium, Pseudomonas. Two days after that, we had the list of drugs that would kill it. None of them were going to kill Mr. Pseudomonas and his party friends in this ear. Dunkin was in trouble. This is where a little bit of experience and a long memory gave me a glimmer of hope for Dunkin. Years ago, I worked for an old Hungarian veterinarian in St. Louis, MO. For ears like this he used a drying agent that was put into the ear and cleaned out a week later. The problem was that this medication had gone off the market years ago. I was able to have it compounded by a pharmacy. We used it in Dunkin’s ear. With one treatment we have significant improvement. He is not cured but he is 75% better. In 1983 one treatment would have wiped it out. With this Superbug we will have to work hard but I am hopeful that Dunkin will have an ear to hear with again. Keep your fingers crossed for Dunkin and me.


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