The Architecture Distillery Progress Book

Page 10

the architecture distillery/ east London

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East London Observing the City

Above: Leftover space surrounding and underneath this flyover. Perfect for a community cinema enclosure.

The layering of space and gradual development of land leaves leftover spaces dotted around the region. Developers see it as land that cannot or is not valuable enough to be developed. Spaces that would have been developed in the unplanned era of east London do not fit within the rules of modern planning criteria. The Olympic site has produced plans entailing methods of social cohesions subsequent to the removal of the boundary fence. It will be interesting to see how the new slender objects of the Olympics are intended to stitch themselves into the surrounding, well established communities.

Above: Almost finished mega structure that is the Olympic Stadium - an emblem of successful cohesion or a visiting spaceship? Right: The gradual development of east London has led to some interesting anomalies. This recently added fire exit shows the growth of the floor level inside and the intensification of planning law.

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