The Distanced Church, Heidi Campbell - My reflections

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Campbell, Heidi. A., ed., 
 The Distanced Church : Reflections on Doing Church Online, 
 (Digital Religion Publications, 2020),

Riders: A few pointers which made my heart sing Not all inclusive

Pointers Heidi Campbell Focus upon being relational, community: “It’s not technical acumen that’s needed but desired focus” Encourage, = participatory Give value, appreciate people for what they bring Connection, vital: not one-to-many, ‘complex?’ Fellowship with those of a shared faith

Pointers Key words Transferring: moving traditional to digital Translating: modifying, being contextual Transforming: discipleship “Absence of the traditional role brings an intensifying need for Pastors to make changes, to do something, anything�. Reformation = participation

Pointers Daily Political Briefings Follow-up question? Who are our congregations with FB/Insta live and the Zoom weblink? Membership? “Participation could make way for a new life-giving reformation” (Angela Gorrell, p. 60) “Listen to their congregations (current and those they’d like to connect with)” (Dr Bex Lewis, p. 65)

p.s. There’s so much more!

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