A strong corporate brand - De Arbeiderspers | A.W. Bruna Publishers

Page 24

TW E E T S @MJPHEIJMANS Someone is laughing her head off in bed next to me, reading the Bastiaan Ragas book, must be funny #great


@EMILEVAESSEN I just wrote a book review for @leesfanaten . The Rafael Nadal biography was beautiful. The review will be up in a few days.

@DEHOUTENTREIN Had a great chat with @circuspatz They’ve got lovely stuff! I’m definitely getting started with it!

@DYANNE_BEEKMAN Just recorded a LINDA. app for my book! Great fun!

@HAMELCOLLEGE Great confessions about losing weight by Larissa Verhoeff, who speaks from experience: ‘Vette pech’ ” #crusaders

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