Serving rising first through Serving rising first through sixth-grade students at sixth-grade students at Greensboro Elementary Greensboro Elementary School, Summer Learning School, Summer Learning celebrated celebrated 124 students 124 students completing the program— completing the program— our highest enrollment to our highest enrollment to date! We also welcomed date! We also welcomed 30 30 certified teachers certified teachers over four over four weeks that led our students weeks that led our students in Reading and Math in Reading and Math instruction under the AL instruction under the AL Literacy and Numeracy Acts. Literacy and Numeracy Acts.
This year, Summer Learning also This year, Summer Learning also piloted piloted ‘Fun Fridays’ ‘Fun Fridays’, a full day of , a full day of enrichment every Friday with enrichment every Friday with rotations in Art, Music, Science, and rotations in Art, Music, Science, and swimming lessons. Plus, swimming lessons. Plus, 80 students 80 students received a backpack full of school received a backpack full of school supplies at the end of the program as supplies at the end of the program as a reward for good attendance! a reward for good attendance!
In partnership with United In partnership with United Way of West Alabama, Way of West Alabama, Sawyerville JumpStart helps Sawyerville JumpStart helps prepare students for prepare students for Kindergarten. This summer, Kindergarten. This summer,
JumpStart also saw its JumpStart also saw its largest enrollment to date largest enrollment to date at at 26 students 26 students! Students ! Students were pre- and post-tested were pre- and post-tested to track their academic to track their academic growth over the four week, growth over the four week, half-day program. half-day program.
This year, students practiced writing This year, students practiced writing their names and worked with their names and worked with numbers, shapes, and colors. For numbers, shapes, and colors. For enrichment and fun, JumpStart made enrichment and fun, JumpStart made Jell-O, played on the playground, and Jell-O, played on the playground, and had a Water Day complete with slime! had a Water Day complete with slime!
Iesha Giles Pamela Hambright
Kamona Bennett
Michelle Jeffries Mary Catherine Cox
Tara Williams Pamela Smith Tajah Bell
MaLesha Williams William Hodges IV
LaQuita Manson
Millicent CunninghamOwens Erika Perry Bridget Ball
Sandra Thomas
Martha Reynolds TyReice Mack
Brenda Teacher Frances Cogle
Kimberly Evans Erica Gowdy
Angela Cabil Eldrick Collins Linda Fields
Dana Holifield Ann Webb
Thomonique Daniels
Tiffany Patrick Tameka Ratcliff
Tameka Slaughter Lorren Thomas Ashley Jones
Paige Brendle Cardelia Paige
Lane-Braeden Burbage
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