Hub Magazine - The Life and News of BCC

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the hub the life and news of BCC

We are on a Journey Winter Special Edition - November

the life and news of BCC...

the hub November

in this special edition... You will notice that the December section starts from the other side of the Magazine...please don’t be confused by this, just enjoy it as something different!! Stick the centre fold calendar up on the fridge to help you keep up with a really busy Winter Season Use it to remind you to get that all important turkey for Christmas dinner and what date the in-laws are coming over. As we prepare for all of our respective Christmas celebrations take some time to reflect on its real meaning as you page through this December section.

page 3: Pastor’s perspective page 4: Sundays in November

page 6: Feature Article Volunteers have va va voom page 8-9: Whats on for Youth and Kids

page 10-11: Meet BCC Family page 12: Meet the Team

page - the hub - the life and news of BCC | November 2009

- Mark and Kathy Ryan

Centre fold Calendar remember to use it!!

Design and Print by

Pastors Perspective We are on a Journey!


athy and I are different. She is probably more of a ‘destination person’ than me. She wants things sorted more quickly and tends to just want to get to places, where I tend to enjoy the process and the journey a bit more. Some of us in the church want it to be sorted and functioning very quickly. Some of us just want it to carry on the way we are used to and not tinker around with it. The assumption is that if the church is not on a journey it is alright by just keeping the same. This is never true, a church that just stays the same is actually in decline. We are on a journey, and that journey has only just begun. We all undertake different types of journeys. There is the journey for the weekly shop, it’s the routine, and it just performs a function. It comes out of need. There is the daily commute to work. Again it’s the routine and the norm. We see it as a necessary evil and try to read or listen to the radio during it – we just try to get through it the best we can. Then there is the excitement of the holiday journey, it involves choosing a destination, saving to go there, packing up and enjoying it. It’s a good thing but short lived. Many of us come back from the holiday feeling ‘that was good but it is good to be home’. But the journey

that we are on is none of these. We are on the same type of journey as when you move house. That type of journey might not be that far but involves life decisions, it involves a real shift in where you want to be and what you want out of life. Moving house involves desire, planning, aspirations and a great deal of cost. It’s a journey that involves real and lasting change. It is a hassle, but in the end you do it for a new future and in the end it is worth it. This is the type of journey we are on. With all journeys there is a certain amount of faith required, wondering if the right destination will be reached. Most of us wonder if, when we get there, it will be as good as we thought it would be. It is no different with the journey of the church. We need faith. As well as faith we need times of rest so that we can keep going, we need to reflect and pray about the journey so far so that we can be wiser in the way we travel further. But carry on we must if we are going to reach any sort of meaningful place and to be pleasing to God. BCC is on a journey. We are not there yet, but the faith adventure of travelling is God’s alternative to the ungodliness of settling. We are on a journey. Keep going and keep this scripture in your heart. Ps. 84:5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.

November 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page

November Transformed by Transforming Discipleship: a City and next level living

Gordon Neale

Len Isaacs National Director of Street Pastors

We call him Father

Mornings A

s we roll out more on the dynamic truth of transformation, Pastor takes a fresh look at what a disciple really is. You thought you heard it before, but come and hear a new perspective on discipleship that you will want start living out on Monday morning!! It is also Remembrance Sunday today


s the talk of transformation just ‘talk’? Can we actually expect that our lives change the destiny of the City we live in. Is this hype or biblical promise?

ur O Superintendent


brings something solid from the scriptures to enhance our Church life. Come prepared to be taught.

hares his vision S and heart for the streets of the inner cities

of Great Britain. Seeing crime go down wherever there is a Street Pastors ministry Len comes to us today to show us that real transformation can take place where it matters…on the streets.

hen we call W God Father are we just giving in to a

cosy religion or have we discovered the essence of what a fulfilling spiritual relationship can be? For many the idea of Father is not clear – let’s begin to see. his morning’s service will include water baptisms!!


Evenings MAIN ROOM The Fear

Bill Wilson MAIN ROOM from Metro Central Streets ministries New of Soul York

Happiness From Rock n Roll?

ouise Lee and he unusual story f you want t’s back – the L Monique Lawson T from Dave and I inspirations and I fantastic mix of share the ways to smash challenge to the max music and testimony. Mandy Scott Morgan the stronghold of fear in – this is the service to be Spanna and many more our existence. at. Don’t miss it. Parents . ‘Let’s Raize the Praize!’ get baby sitters and make sure you hear this man’s heart for the next generation.

page - the hub - the life and news of BCC | November 2009

The Secret of happiness 2 – CaféChurch – with guest artist: Emily Slade (contemporary singer, played on Radio 2)

formerly of 70’s Rock afé Church is Super group ELO. Dave a safe place to tells it like it is and blows bring friends to think the myths of the Rock n through faith issues, Roll dream. connect with others and to engage with your spiritual side!


Regular Events T

he Return of the Coffee Morning: Every Tuesday 11am to 1:30pm, BCC Family and friends can come and enjoy a warm friendly atmosphere. This is not designed as a general outreach meeting but more for those with whom you have a friendship relationship with - New mums also Welcome


ife Groups: BCC has over 30 Life Groups meeting all over the City!! If you are not in a Life Group please contact us on: 01212362997 or at


ednesday Fellowship: our senior citizens gather in the Oasis at BCC every Wednesday from 11am for an inspiring devotion and a fellowship lunch!!


orship practice: Thursday 8-10pm,

hoir rehearsal 1st & 3rd Thursday 7:30-9:30pm


olish Cell: Spotykamy się w drugi czwartek każdego miesiąca o godzinie 19.00. 10 września i 8 października. Czekamy na Ciebie! “We are on a journey, and that journey has only just begun...”

Special Events November


IG ASK Every Tuesday in November 7:30pm Bourneville Room. If you are a thoughtful person and wondering if the whole Christianity thing is really for you and would like to join a discussion group that tackles the BIG QUESTIONS of faith and life – then come along to a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to talk through some of these questions. There is a short film each week and then a guided group discussion on the things of faith. Ideal for those not sure but willing to find out!!


ll together Church prayer meeting

November 18th 7:30 pm – Breakthrough is possible! The theme of our prayer meeting this time is ‘breakthrough’ – we are on a journey but it is often through spiritual encounter and breakthrough that real progress is made. Come and be with us on this exciting evening of touching heaven on earth!


he Art Group

November 21st at 2pm – 4pm If you like to paint and make craft the creative art group is a place where you can develop your skills and share them with others.


onfire Night

November 5th at 7.00pm join us for a evening of firework extravaganza at BCC.

Volunteers have Va Va Voom! F or those of us who have had children, usually as soon as they are born we feel something for them. We don’t necessarily think of how much they are going to cost us, we more think of how much joy and fulfilment we get from having them. As we nurture and care for them we grow as a person, by giving out to them we become something ourselves. Some of us are blessed enough to work in jobs that we really enjoy. The money we get for our work is only partly the

issue. Those of us in jobs that only provide money and not fulfilment feel that we are missing out. We all have to get past the idea that our culture has sold us that it is only the things we do for money that makes things count. This is simply untrue and never will be true. Our western culture is so rooted in the ‘what’s in it for me’ idea that we often miss the blessings of doing some things because they are growing us and serving others. It will never be true that you will be happy only by the things you

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get paid for. Volunteering for things is about community and making something happen that is bigger than ourselves. It is about larger purposes and working together. It is about the satisfaction of seeing people who would have never had the opportunities provided for them unless others had not sacrificed. All of these lofty and noble ideas are true. But there is an often missed ingredient to volunteering. It is the simple fact of ‘Va Va Voom’!

“Volunteering for things is about community and making something happen that is bigger than ourselves.“

When you volunteer there is an energy that can flow to you and through you that you would never experience unless you had volunteered, it is the Va Va Voom that comes from the sheer energy of being part of something that has no agenda but to reach and bless others. There is a spiritual energy that you learn from the Holy Spirit as you seek to do your best because you see the need or hear the call to take up the challenge to volunteer. There is the relational synergy

you get from the unity of working with your fellow volunteers. There is nothing like the feeling of togetherness as you work together. Friendships are forged and respect is gained. When you volunteer you get a personal infusion of life direct from the Holy Spirit to encourage and bless you. Self esteem goes higher because you know that you are using the talent and commitment you have. The enemy seems to have less of a hold on our lives because we

are growing and changing as we serve. In this generation of the ‘tired’ it is really important that we refuse the thought we just don’t have the time or energy to volunteer by planning to commit to regular times of giving into things larger than ourselves. As we do this we will gain victory over the creeping lethargy that defines so much of our modern culture. As we volunteer we move from just surviving to the Va Va Voom energy that makes life worth living.

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DNA 18s to 30s If you are a student at BCC and have signed up with us we have a host family that will meet with you and others and take you for some Sunday lunch after the service on Sunday 8th November 2009!! Please meet in the Oasis Lounge after the service to meet your hosts and enjoy being part of community here at BCC.

November 1st - “Fear of Man” Monique Lawson one of Birmingham’s premiere soul and gospel singers will be ministering and Louise Lee will be teaching on how we deal with approval of others in our lives!

November 15th- Central Streets of Soul This will be an inspirational night of working with Clearrose and some of Birmingham’s finest artists for the launch of Central Streets of Soul! Taking it to the street! Spanna also will be sharing on the page - the hub -that the night! life and news of BCC | November 2009 “Fear of God”

There is also a full 18-30’s meal for all in that age bracket to connect and be together on Sunday 22nd November in the Oasis and in the Bournville Hall from 1pm. Come and join DNA the network of 18-30’s at BCC whether you are a student, young professional, new to church, or a regular member, single or married you are welcome!!

Friday nights is still our regular Chill out Zone here at “The Centre” from 7pm-10pm for all 11-18’s!

centre youth the

Tuesday and Thursday nights will be rehearsals for our exciting production “Brumdog Millionaire!” 2009

What’s on for YOUTH?


Integrity – Join the last Integrity of 2009 on Saturday 7th November for all teenage girls who really want their life to count and be impacted by being in a Godly female environment. Starts 10.30am prompt and finishes at 3.30pm. Live in the Oasis Lounge, lunch is included for a £2 contribution!

What’s on MAIN ROOM

Saturday 21st November at BCC Time: 6-8pm X:site is a FANTASTIC event for kids aged 7-11 from across Birmingham. We get together on a Saturday evening, every two months, and have LOADS of fun! Parents can come too - there is a parent lounge with drinks, comfy chairs, and also space to work. Alternatively parents can drop the children off and pick them up again at 8pm (Registration open from 5.30pm.

Which way? The three wise men are following the star. But which is the right road?

November 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page

Meet BCC Family Alan & Themy Barratt by Paul Clarke


aul: Alan & Themy, how long have you been at BCC?

Alan: It’s about 15 years now Paul, probably just over that. Paul: Themy. How long have Alan and you been Christians? Themy: About 25 years now – we got saved when we were living in New Zealand – in 1986. Paul: Themy, tell us a bit about your family. Themy: Michael went to University in Aberdeen to study Philosophy in September. He was part of the youth at BCC – Nicolette graduated with a Drama Degree and is now working in the NHS – Alex is at Priory School and recently got a sports scholarship. His favourite sport is football. Paul: Themy, you were born in England but from Greek Cypriot background? Themy: Yes, my parents were from the northern part of Cyprus but I was born in England.

Paul: How is the current recession affecting people in the Greek Cypriot community Themy?

Paul: Alan, you work in the financial sector, running a business,. How are you finding things?

Themy: It has affected them obviously with the price of fish going up and potatoes. I know that some of them are struggling and some have sold up and returned to Cyprus – it has affected the food industry across the board.

Alan: It’s by the Grace of God we have been doing OK in the business, but a lot of clients are finding it very difficult. I think things may be improving now but its never going to be the same as it was and I think we’ve got to realise

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that we wont see anything like the boom scenario we had over the last 10 years, and we could see a bit more of a bumpy road before things start to get a bit more consistent. I think the job situation for a lot of people is still difficult but investments in the stock market seem to be improving over the last few months so well just have to wait and see and keep praying. Paul: I read in the paper that car sales are up probably because of the benefit of scrapping your car and house prices going up – but would you say be cautious? Alan: I think a lot of people are saying recession could be over but I think there are so many people out of work at the moment, particularly in the UK. We don’t have any manufacturing left here. We’re still a service based economy and so it’s going to be difficult. I think particularly after the general election, in the UK next year in April / June, there could be a another difficult period. If the government cuts spending in the public sector we could see more job losses there, but really only God knows so we’ve just to keep being prudent and praying and trusting the Lord.

Paul: Recession affects Christians as well and some are finding themselves in financial difficulty, what is your advice to them? Alan: There is no need to be embarrassed about that. Folks do get into difficulties, often through no fault of their own, particularly if they’ve lost their jobs. There is plenty of help out there. We do help clients where we can, we point them in the right direction, We’re not always equipped to give full advice in every area, particularly on debt counselling. We have very good agencies out there such as Christians Against Poverty and other organisations like that. But I think as Christians we need to stand on God’s Word and believe that the promises of God are for us. Whether we’re in a financial boom situation or a difficulty we have got to realise sometimes we’re in a valley and God’s brought us there often for a reason. Maybe to teach us some good lessons, but there is plenty of help that can be obtained. Paul: Thanks for your advice and encouragement.

Does God WORK Here? Saturday 14th November 2009 - BCC Has the 21st century workplace become a no-God area, populated by cynics, with Christians often feeling under siege? Or are you passionate about your work and feel you can make a difference? Whatever your experience, we promise that this Conference will help to envision, encourage and energise you. Speakers and workshops will give you practical tools and tips, drawing on real success stories. This event is a must for anyone wanting to be more effective and fulfilled at work. Programme Keynote Addresses: • Chan Abraham, Chief Executive Luminus Group and Founder of Leadership International • David L’Herroux, Executive Director UCB • Caroline Spelman MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Workshop choices include: Alpha for your Workplace, Chaplaincy, Work / Life Balance, The Effective Christian Workplace Group, The multi-faith workplace, Diversity & Equality, Christian Spirituality, Leadership & Mentoring, Recruitment & Retention for Professional Groups, Christian Groups – The Law, and Redundancy. PLUS: Exhibition, Workshops, Prayer, Worship, Networking, Drop-In & Fringe Sessions, and Panel Discussion. Registration from £25, to book or for further information Visit or email

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Meet the Team Mark and Kathy Ryan


ark and Kathy grew up not far from each other and although they didn’t know each other at the time, went to the same high school. They became Christians as teenagers, Mark through school ministry and Kathy through visiting the church several times and then at a rally at school. Both Mark and Kathy felt a call to serve in the church from an early age and went to the European Bible Seminary. Kathy worked in a matt making factory to pay the tuition fees. Mark and Kathy have both earned teaching degrees and done post graduate studies. Mark has a Master of Divinity degree. Having started several churches and ministered in varying contexts they are convinced that God will move on anyone who is willing to serve Him. The Ryans have two daughters, Lydia (28) works for RBS as a property banker. Leah (25) is on staff as student worker and media leader of Nottingham Christian Centre. Mark and Kathy are blessed that their two girls are serving the Lord in their own way. Mark and Kathy felt a definite, strong call to come to Birmingham and BCC, they accepted that call, beginning

ministry here in February 2009. Kathy is currently studying a college course for teaching English as a foreign language and is a clerk of the appeals court in Birmingham. Mark is also adjunct faculty of Regents Theological College. Both Mark and Kathy have a passion to craft the church in such a way that the not yet Christian will want to seek

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more after God, and be astounded by His Presence. Their passion is to see the church as an army of disciples who disciple others. They truly believe everyone can experience a radical transformation and be a minister to help in the transformation of others. Mark is fifty years old and Kathy looks a lot younger!


Birmingham Christian Centre

The Parade Birmingham City Centre B1 3QQ

T: 0121 236 2997 E: W:

November 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page 13

ChristMASSIVE Calendar AM: Len Isaacs National Director of Street Pastors PM: Happiness From Rock n Roll? - Dave and Mandy Scott Morgan - ELO • Frankfurt Christmas market and Craft Fair opened on the 12th Nov

Carols in Ladywood

Carols in the City: Victoria Square. Christmas full theatre Production - Brumdog Millionaire, 7.30pm £4 Adults £2 Kids, BCC

AM: Christmas Production Matinee PM: No evening service • Dont Forget to get your tickets for the New Year Party!!

• Dont forget to buy your Turkey!!!

Frankfurt Christmas market and the Craft Fair Closes Today Late Night Shopping at the Bullring ends

10am – 11am Christmas Day Service

AM: Advent Service PM: Main Room: Jahaziel • Ladywood Toy Give away Deadline

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

AM: We call him Father PM: Secret of happiness 2 – Café Church – with guest artist Emily Slade

Late Night Shopping at the Bulring starts, every weekday until 10pm

• Last post for 2nd class • Carols By Candlelight • Last day for most Birming- - Symphony Hall, 7.30pm ham Schools • Black Voices Christmas Concert with guest appearance by The Town Hall Gospel Choir, 7.30pm

AM: Thanksgiving Service PM: No evening Service

AM: Carols by Candlelight PM: No evening service • Dont Forget to get your tickets for the New Year Party!!

Last post for 1st class

NYE Party Featuring 29th Chapter and more!!

the life and news of BCC...

the hub December

in this edition... Enjoy the hub as a resource. In the centre is a tearout calendar with useful Birmingham dates on it - we have tried to leave some space for you to use it!! As we prepare for all of our respective Christmas celebrations, take some time to reflect on its real meaning as you page through this December section.

page 3: Christ Massive Little baby MASSIVE Message page 5: Sundays this Season

page 7: This Season’s SPECIAL events page 9: Coming Up in January

page 11: Hummingbird - poetry by Amanda Hemmings

page 14-15: a calendar for you to use this season - tear it out and stick it up!!

Design and Print by





veryone has some sort of ‘picture postcard’ of their perfect Christmas. Is it the family gathered around? Is it the Muppet Christmas Carol? Is it wandering round the German market? What food do you eat and what about those people you don’t normally see who pop in? There are so many attendant things to Christmas that it is hard to name that one thing that makes it special for us. But here is the deal…it’s not all the things that surround Christmas that make Christmas, it’s the central idea of Christmas that makes Christmas so special. The idea of Christmas is that God in His love sent Jesus to live amongst us as a baby, vulnerable, human, and needing to be looked after. Jesus went through everything we go through so that he could completely identify with us. Jesus came to live

amongst us so that we could go and live with Him. That is the central message of Christmas. It is a massive truth that God Himself came to live with us. It is a massive reality that we can now know God because Jesus came and lived amongst us as the perfect ‘human- God combination’; never sinning then paying the massive price of dying on a Cross for our wrong doing. It is a massive thing that Jesus rose from the dead and now lives and seeks to live with us. From the beginning of a little baby to the massive reality of a loving God who wants to dwell with us and enable us to live in this crazy modern world, Christmas really is a massive thing. At BCC let’s celebrate this massive message as we see the real meaning of the little baby. We really hope you can be a part of our Christmas events and worship services.

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A few days later Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea, to the town where Zechariah lived. She entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary, “You are blessed by God above all other women, and your child is

blessed. What an honour this is, that the mother of my Lord should visit me! When you came in and greeted me, my baby jumped for joy the instant I heard your voice! You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.” Mary responded, “Oh, how I praise the Lord. How I rejoice in God my Savior!

Luke 1:39-47 NLT

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December Christmassivelittle babyMASSIVE message.

Christmas production ‘Brum Dog Millionaire’

Massive Christmas Carols by Candle light

Happy Christ- Was it all fine? Massive - Giving thanks Morning! for the year we have had.


oin with us on this teacher looks he story of s we celebrate J happy morning A at Christmas. T Esther like you A the Light of the mature way Fresh insights that have never seen it world we will make to celebrate how this A to close out challenge us not to before! Christmas this service something little baby can make a our services is to give get caught up with fun and meaning for all the periphery of the the family … join the Christmas season but atmosphere…Jai Ho!!! to dig into its central core message. This is a Christmas message for the masses!

worth inviting family and friends to. Traditional carols and a relevant message from Special guest speaker Mark Greenwood, a combination that will set up the Christmas season for everyone.

massive difference in your personal life and in the history of the whole world. With masses of fun and real heartfelt meaning this is going to be a meaningful and massive Christmas morning.

testimony of how God has been with us throughout the ups and downs of the year. It may not have been fine this year for you but come and give God thanks for how He is working it out.

Sunday Services pm

On Dec 6th the Grand MAIN ROOM finale to the Fear series!! There are no evening services for the rest of December from Jahaziel. Come a finish off the series with this exciting night!!!

with family and friends in this the festive season.

Maya Spence Brad Lindo and music

– take a rest and be

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At that time the Roman emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire. (This was the first census taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria.) All returned to their own towns to register for this census.

And because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David’s ancient home. He traveled there from the village of Nazareth in Galilee. He took with him Mary, his fiancÊe, who was obviously pregnant by this time.

Luke 2:1-5

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Special Events this December

aturday December 5th 12 noon – 3 pm Art S Group Exhibition. Come and enjoy the talents and work of the Art Group.

the massive message of the little baby of Bethlehem. All toys to be donated by December 6th

aturday 5th December Stronger Men @ BCC S Christmas meal. 6:30 pm Come for a time of manly men fellowship and fun

right in the heart of the German market. Come and be a part of the city vibe that brings Christ to all. Then join with all the other churches in Birmingham for the main Carols in the City Event at 4:30 pm in Victoria Square.

aturday December 5th Carols in Ladywood S 3pm – 5pm Do you want to spread some Christmas cheer to our

ecember 12th “BRUMDOG MILLIONAIRE” D BCC’s 2009 Christmas Youth Production! This is a Bollywood story based on the film

Donations go to Jane Bradshaw and the Swaziland mission.

food and funnies! A brilliant time for all.

community – why not come and be part of our community choir and sing on the streets bringing the hope and light of Christmas to our neighbours. unday December 6th – Main Room, ‘The Fear’ S We welcome the award winning Jahaziel to

Birmingham for a great Christmas extravaganza – don’t miss a priceless start to the holiday season!! ecember 6th Massive Toy Box appeal. D As a part of our Christmas outreach and compassion

this year we are partnering with the Family Centre in Ladywood to provide new toys for the families of the community. It works like this – we have a massive toy box to fill- it’s massive…that’s where you come in. We would like all our children, parents, youth and anyone else to buy a new toy to place in the box that will be in the auditorium. After the first Sunday in December we will take all our toys to the Family Centre so that they can distribute them to the most needy families. Come and be involved in our massive toy give away. God gave us the massive gift of Jesus, let’s give a small toy that makes a massive difference to the children in our community. Let’s live out

ecember 12th Carols in the City – 2pm – 4pm D BCC is represented this year with its very own stand

blockbuster Slumdog Millionaire, the book of Esther and life in Birmingham! For this year there is a special ADVANCED PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY 12th DECEMBER at 7.30pm –this is a ticket only event and will include added extras and the full theatre experience. A great opportunity for a Christmas night out with friends, family, neighbours and colleagues! Tickets are £4 per adults and £2 for children! hursday December 31st – NYE party £10 a T ticket £5 under 12’s! Come and join an amazing line up to celebrate the

New Year as we leave behind 2009 and welcome 2010! We are joined by 29th Chapter and their “LOUDER” show! Which will be spectacular!!! We also have Shekinah Sound spinning some “old skool” gospel on the DJ decks and BCC worship team taking us into an atmosphere of celebrating! Wait for the midnight countdown this year!!! There will be food, loads of chance to hang out and have a great party! This is an event where a ticket only can guarantee your entrance. Please don’t be disappointed, get your ticket before the Christmas break. On sale soon at BCC!

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Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We have seen his star as it arose, and we have come to worship him.” Herod was deeply disturbed by their question, as was all of Jerusalem. He called a meeting of the leading priests and teachers of religious law. “Where did the prophets say the Messiah would be born?” he asked them. “In Bethlehem,” they said, “for this is what the prophet wrote: `O Bethlehem of Judah, you are not just a lowly village in Judah,

for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.’ “ Then Herod sent a private message to the wise men, asking them to come see him. At this meeting he learned the exact time when they first saw the star. Then he told them, “Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. And when you find him, come back and tell me so that I can go and worship him, too!” After this interview the wise men went their way. Once again the star appeared to them, guiding them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy!

Matthew 2:1-10 NLT

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BCC Leadership and MAIN ROOM invite you to our:

NYE Party An all age experience to celebrate into 2010

Coming up in January

We kick off the year with a major new teaching and equipping series called … he 2 – 10 Template.


This series is a challenging reminder of the things we need to do and also a pastoral look at what we can receive in 2010. Set your sights upon the start of a New Year as we chart a template of growth and encounter that you will not want to miss. Watch for the 2-10 template – in 2010!

No Sunday Evening service on the 3rd all women –the ‘Everywoman Conference Calling is on January 23rd. With special guest speakers

and great worship this will be a fantastic conference to start the New Year for all BCC women.

30th Xsite comes back to BCC with a new January and fresh look. The Xsite team are ready to disciple the

children of our city – make sure yours do not miss out.

December 31st at BCC Doors open 8.00pm Tickets £10 Adults & £5 Under 12’s Get your ticket in advance to avoid missing out on the night

31st 6:30 pm at BCC “City Nights”. A January new quarterly service to bless and encourage all the

churches from across the Birmingham area. Tonight’s speaker is international Christian communicator Jeff Lucas. – Free Every Day with Jesus for all who come to this service 14th February – Valentines Agape Feast, Sunday As a Church celebrate family togetherness as we share

our Valentines Agape Meal.

20th Enable Men’s Conference, with Saturday Mark Stibbe from Father House Trust who will be staying

over to speak at BCC on Sun 21st.

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That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! The Savior--yes, the Messiah, the Lord--has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David! And this is how you will recognize him: You will find a baby lying in a manger, wrapped snugly in strips of cloth!” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others--the

armies of heaven--praising God: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to all whom God favors. “ When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Come on, let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this wonderful thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” They ran to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. Then the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished,

Luke 2:8-18 NLT

page 24 - the hub - the life and news of BCC | December 2009

The Hummingbird An Experience of Gods Presence God’s spirit is impressing in both senses of the word: It’s amazing and empowering, Beautiful in its encountering And wonderful through its surprising. It’s impressing as He impresses His spirit upon me, When in His presence I’ll be I’ll open my eyes and clearly see Thee, It’s You God with me, Starting from my head You enter and flow through me, With my hands outstretched I embrace Thee As You embrace me, As the tears flow I feel You healing me, I feel You taking away pain and setting me free. I’m so glad for that first time I ever met You Lord; That unforgettable feeling of deep penetrating love That only comes from You. On that day when I met You You did for me something that no one else could doYou saved me from sins And told me that without fear I could live. You are my Saviour, Thank you Lord for who You are And all that I can be because of You. By Amanda Hemmings To contribute poetry, please send to

December 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page 25

They entered the house where the child and his mother, Mary, were, and they fell down before him and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

But when it was time to leave, they went home another way, because God had warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.

Matthew 2:11-12 NLT

page 26 - the hub - the life and news of BCC | December 2009

From the makers of Chronicles of Narnia, Donkey’s Tale, High School Musical and Fresh Prince of Egypt comes a story of one orphan against the system! Don’t miss out on “BRUMDOG MILLIONAIRE” BCC’s 2009 Christmas Youth Production! This is a Bollywood story based on the film blockbuster Slumdog Millionaire, the book of Esther and life in Birmingham! For this year there is a special ADVANCED PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY 12th DECEMBER at 7.30pm –this is a ticket only event and will include added extras and the full theatre experience. A great opportunity for a Christmas night out with friends, family, neighbours and colleagues! Tickets are £4 per adults and £2 for children! SUNDAY 13th DECEMBER at 10.30am will include a repeat Matinee performance as part of our morning service! December 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page 27

The Day History Changed, Little Baby - Massive Message

May you experience the Grace, Warmth and Reality of His love this Christmas from the team here at BCC

the hub special Christmas edition - December

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