the hub issue 5, Jan - Feb

Page 1

the in this edition of the hub page 3: Pastor’s Perspective life page 5: Elders at BCC and news page 13: Meet the team of BCC... page 6: Sundays in Jan & Feb

page 8: Regular & Special Events page 10: What’s on for Youth page 12: What’s on for Kids

page 14: Poetry

page 15: Classifieds

Pastor’s Perspective

We are in training…


an you believe that we are already ten years on from the Millennium? A great deal has happened since all the excitement of the turn of the second thousand years since Jesus came. The pace of life seems to have quickened, the challenges seem to get bigger. People seem more in trouble and at the same time more able to do marvellous things. Britain owns 60% of all the credit cards in Europe; we have the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases, and have the highest teen pregnancy rates. At the same time we show

unusual bravery on the battlefield, our charitable giving is higher than our neighbours, we invent more things each year than the rest of the world and we lead the way in understanding third world issues. Truly we are in the best and worst of times. We are in different and unusual times. As a church we face the excitement of new growth and vision. BCC is still preparing the environment for the breaking level growth that will happen if we stay faithful. We can do mighty things this year and we will see and effect change through our collective ministry. Be encouraged 2010 is going to be a foundational year in the new future that BCC has. But I want you to notice my language; I am not promising instant break through or quick success. This year we need to be consistent in the things that will bring us steady and good progress. With this steady advancement in mind I would like to ask you an important question.

This question could be the most important thing you have considered for a while. Don’t just skim over it quickly, think it through and consider carefully what changes you may have to make. Here is the question: “If you were training for the Olympics in 2012 what would you do now in order to prepare?” It is not the Olympics next month or even this year, so your preparation has to be more foundational, but it is not that far away that you can afford to ignore it. This is where we are at in BCC; we need to build solid foundations and training so that we can perform at the highest level when we are called upon to do so. We don’t need to panic as if things will come to a head next week but we do need to do intentional consistent patterns now that will progress us steadily to the top of our game. It is vital that you grasp the fact that it is the training that we do now that will be the crucial element to any future success of our church. We have been in transition and in a large part perhaps we still are, but we are now entering a training and preparation phase. This needs to be done with a sense

January & February 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page

of commitment as if we were going to be in the Olympics the year after next. I want you to consider that we need to plan for 2012 and begin now making ourselves strong for it. We need to plan now to get ourselves in shape. With this in mind I want to invite you to be a part of the 2010 template which is a series of spiritual disciplines and healing activities, a training programme to assist you to be in the best spiritual condition you can be. Read more about the 2010 template in this issue of the Hub. But just to say it is something worth sticking with throughout this year. This year is going to be a brilliant time of building and solid progress…but as this environment gets healthier understand that a time is coming when God will shine on your faithfulness and burst through with his miracles…are you ready to train and prepare for this?

It’s coming…It’s exciting…


Birmingham Christian Centre

The Parade, Birmingham City Centre B1 3QQ | T: 0121 236 2997 E: W:

page - the hub - the life and news of BCC

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. - (1Cr 9:24 NIV)


s we go into the New Year it is important that we build our leadership to include godly people who can fulfil the role of local church Elders. The biblical pattern of local church leadership is that of a primary leader surrounded by godly and wise leaders who assist in the direction and protection of the local church. This pattern of a primary leader surrounded by Godly leadership is shown by the pattern of Moses, seen in the ministry of Jesus and in the make up of the New Testament Church as seen in the book of Timothy. (See also Numb.

11:16-17; Acts 12:17; Gal.2:12; Acts 1:15;) What do Elders Do? Elders have the important role of bringing spiritual oversight to the church. They bring wise counsel to the ministry staff and help make major policy decisions. Elders make sure that the church is responsible in its financial practices. Elders are not only ‘top level’ type people acting as corporate figures they are in fact shepherd of the

Elders @ BCC flock over which God has placed them and therefore should be connected relationally to the congregation. Elders pray for the sick and protect the church from false doctrines. Elders make sure that the gospel is preached regularly in the

church and that people are given opportunity to accept Jesus. Elders are there to protect the ministry of the Senior Minster in particular and the ministry staff. Elders are there also to make sure that the reputation of the church with the wider community is a good one. Heb.13:17; Acts 15; Acts 11:29-30; 1 Peter 5:1-3; 1 Tim.3:2; Titus 1:6-9; James 5:14-15; 1Timothy 4:14; Acts 29:20-21; Numbers 11:16-17; Acts 21:18; Acts 20:17-21. This is a very important role and needs

more than just one person or the minister to make sure all aspects are covered. So what is going to happen? Over the next few months the Senior Pastor and the ministers are going to pray and talk together to see who would be willing and able for this important task. Both women and men

are under consideration. After consultation and prayer we will release the names of the men and women we consider to be local leaders for the affirmation of our members. So what do you do? Please pray for us that we can begin this journey of establishing biblical and healthy leadership in a Spirit led and honouring manner. Encourage the ministers as they undertake this important task for the future health of the church.

January & February 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page

Sundays Jan 10th, 10:30am

Training for the Olympics. What would you do now if you were in the 2012 Olympics? Intentional decisions and beJan 3rd, 10:30am haviours now will make The art of the start: the real difference in the How not to make resolu- long term. Let’s get our tions but get a good start selves in training!! to the New Year with Jesus. Encouragement Jan 10th, 6:30pm for people who feel they Teach Time with Pastor don’t want to go back to Jonny, “Russian Roulette” work, for those who suffer – Is life an experiment? in the ‘bleak mid winter’ Most people have wastwith ‘the blues’ and for ed years and are waiting all the rest who are tired for life to just happen! of the big hype for every Don’t just spin the barNew Year – this is a sen- rel and hope for the best sible and solid message – get fixed, focused and to get your started. maximised to be destiny driven for 2010! ‘Russian Jan 3rd, 6:30pm Roulette’ is a message No evening service – re- about timing, goals, and lax after the new year - go breaking individualism in a 24/7 world! see friends.

Jan 24th, 10:30am

Habits hurts and hang

Jan 17th, 10:30am ups!!! Being healed and Fixing your foundations. Do you know what has happened to you since you became a Christian? Before we get further into the New year let’s enjoy and marvel at the foundations Christ has already pressed into your life. As we understand this healing will come.

Jan 17th, 6:30pm

Main Room Ghostbusters – “Give up the Ghost!” Are you a mere shadow of your hopes and dreams? New possibilities lie ahead so kick in to 2010 by being more than a conqueror!!

page - the hub - the life and news of BCC | January & February 2009

staying healed when all around you are carrying baggage!!! There are some basic ways to obtain healing – this is your chance to make a start on the 2010 journey to stability and health- but are you Jan 31st, 10:30am really up for it? “Spiritual Disciplines: ‘The Olympic Flame” If Jan 24th, 6:30 pm you want to compete in Café church- think con- life you need the presnect engage. People ence of God to burn hotwant to be happy – we test and the fuel of your continue our journey into spiritual walk to not exdescribing the secrets of tinguish that fire. Can you happiness. Come for a pass the Blue Flame test? different church experi- This morning’s message ence – very appropriate to uses the book of Leviticus invite your not yet Chris- to get us pure, holy and tian friends. ready to burn!

Feb 14th, 10:30am

Feb 7th, 10:30am

A maze in Grace – You can get lost in being found in God and how deep his grace for us is. Today we go past the nice thoughts Jan 31st, 6:30 pm and into practical teachCity Nights – With Jeff ing on applying grace to Lucas – international our lives. Christian communicator and author. Let’s pack Feb 7th, 6:30pm it out this Sunday eve- “Spooks” A challenging ning and hear Jeff not message that affects us only speak to us but we all! Our whole society is have invited many other gripped into trying to be churches from across the something that their not! city – it is an evening not This message will help to be missed as we seek you in this era of history to be a resource church to be what you are and to for the wider Christian be busted out of a Spook Community. mentality!

The debt of Love. We owe each other nothing but to love each other deeply from the heart. How can busy people invest in each other in more ways than just good intentions? Today stay behind after church for our ‘Love Feast’ - On this valentines day let’s eat together as a church and enjoy the Feb 21st, 10:30am relationship we have in Mark Stibbe – From FaChrist. ther House Trust. Mark combines the Father heart Feb 14th, 6:30pm message with excellent Café Church – ‘Love Ac- biblical teaching. Mark tually’ – on this valentine of Stibbe is one of the UK’s all Sunday’s let’s learn the top bible teachers with a secret of happiness and heart. good relationships. Special chilled music evening Feb 21st, 6:30pm for all. Café church- think Ghostbusters with Rev connect engage. Come Mark Stibbe, a ghost of a for a different church ex- chance to a great future! perience – very appropri- Bust out! This night will be ate to invite your not yet especially relevant to our 18-30’s! Christian friends.

Feb 28th, 10:30am

Taking Stock of your Market Financial health in a sick economy. The bible teaches how we can steer clear of financial difficulty – come learn and see the difference.

Feb 28th, 6:30 pm

Café Church- think connect engage. People want to be happy – we continue our journey into describing the secrets of happiness. Come for a different church experience – very appropriate to invite your not yet Christian friends.

January & February 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page

Regulars Specials Coffee

Morning: Every Tuesday 11am to 1:30pm, BCC Family and friends can come and enjoy a warm friendly atmosphere. this is not designed as a general outreach meeting but more for those with whom you have a friendship relationship with -New Mums also Welcome

Life Groups:

BCC has over 30 Life Groups meeting all over the City!! If you are not in a Life Group please contact us on: 01212362997 or at


ednesday Fellowship: Our

senior citizens gather in the Oasis at BCC every Wednesday from 11am for an inspiring devotion and a fellowship lunch!!

Worship practice:

Thursday 810pm, Choir rehersal 1st & 3rd Thursday 7:30-9:30pm

Polish Cell:

Spotykamy się w drugi czwartek każdego miesiąca o godzinie 19.00. 10 września i 8 października. Czekamy na Ciebie!


unday Services:

10:30am & 6:30pm page - the hub - the life and news of BCC

Fire Prayer Meeting January 13th 7:30 pm

Let’s start the New Year off together in prayer. Our times of prayer together have been outstanding nights of getting closer to God. We want to move into another level of prayer at the next meeting. In the Bible fire is important. It signifies purity, truth and power. John the Baptist promised that Jesus would baptise us with fire – this was that we would be purified and empowered. Please don’t come with a preconceived idea of how this is to be done – please come with an open heart and mind as to how the Lord wants to draw you into his provision through this important truth of fire. The fire prayer meeting is going to be important. Make sure you are part of the important things in BCC.

New Life Group Series: BUILD

The new life group season is unashamedly intentional in its approach to build strength and health into us. It goes a long way in providing the resource to those brave enough and serious enough to engage with the question ‘What would I do now to train for the Olympics of 2012?’ This is spiritual training. BUILD is a more than just a series of small group meetings it will become a way of living! There will be some daring challenges laid down so that you can expand your faith and stretch in your commitment. There will also be a new feature called ‘adventure point’ – which will be calls to daring faith that week for you to prayerfully consider. If you are currently not in a life group, or if you have tried to be in a life group and it has not worked out for you then please fill in the enclosed Life group card and we will make sure we get you connected into the life group system. If you are already in a life group – continue on!! Your life group will start again on Week beginning 18th of January

Calling Worship Media and Sound Teams!!

Hey Big thanks for all your hard work!!! We are having the New Year Teach Special on the ministry of Worship and our direction for this new season – you are going to love it !! Don’t miss out Wednesday 13th January 2010 7:30pm God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him. - John Piper

& more... Jan 21st - Conference Jan 27th DNA Jan 31st Jeff Lucas Feb 13th DNA Feb 14th

young adult ministry


in the evening

young adult minis-


Our International Food Day was such a success, that we will be enjoying one similar - a Love Feast. Please join with us to make this even better. If you are available to volunteer your help please get in touch with the church office.

Feb 20th Feb 21st Mark Stibbe @ BCC ence

Enable mens Confer-

Morning and evening – in the Evening special meeting for DNA

March 7th DNA March 21st


18-30’s student lunch

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight likethe a man beating air. - (1Cr NIV) life and newsthe of BCC - the9:25-26 hub - page


uth 7pm All Yoin th Januaryer s “Plann 10g,” Team leadTim e for 20 at Preparatiosnout! A am th Don’t mis gether, Te ins tow thinks to gether!


7pm-10pm – ridays Feb ut Jan – , E ThroughoO ut, Relax at, 2010 “Chillall 11 -18’s! Chat” For


ur each’ An hoas undays – ‘T ng ni or ym every Sunda e ning servicof or m r ou of part best rabbi’s where the ltu lre bring a re modern cu ra ne ge is evant MSGeto– th t ha w e ov “L tion! Them you do!”


d th January,K2n uesday 19Fe b lu uary – and 16th tebr ’ s! ht ig N p Up Epidemik’s ‘S tan w e ar who For all thosee on in their life, ov m to ing faith and talents’


page 10 - the hub - the life and news of BCC


NA the 18-30’s ministry of BCC launches in 2010! DNA aims to

transform your life by understanding your Design, Nurturing that in you, and Assigning you to serve, and fulfil your calling!!

This is for all those who are 18, 19, in your twenties or thirties, every cultural background, single, married, professional, student or searching! Join the revolutionary road!

DNA times are set for us to Three meet together: January 27th 7.30pm is “DNA: Life!”

This is time to connect, chat, discuss and get inspired! Come hear more as we talk life & living for God in a post modern context!

including a variety of Seminars

February 13th is “DNA: Be!” A time to hang out socially together - details tbc!

March 7th “DNA: Lunch!” Come and

eat together straight after our morning service!

Including Lunch Student and Senior Citizen discounts



January & February 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page 11


What!!!!start at 10.30am Worshipnthor vices - ay services ese WoW Ser Th . mo ry years. Over the on the last Sund of eve

all children aged 3 – 11 oW services take place rning service. This is for casions we have the same time as the mo praise and worship together and on other oc Andi at time of tober where we invited past year we have a gre n ns. Our last one in Oc sio ldre chi ses the the d ed lea rag ou and where we’ve enc ns sio visiting speakers come ses had and o lls als ski e rt ll. We hav ging, spo Markham went really we gifts such as playing instruments, dancing, sin e ativ cre ir the ase wc sho to many more.


cial House Swilpe l be welcoming Jim

n February 21st we g our session in Bailey. Jim will be leadin er the last 16 Ov g rnin mo the House on this increased in reputation years Jim has steadily UK’s leading family & the of to become one rs. Jim has been writchildren’s worship leade rming children and rfo pe and ing, recording ngelism for 16 years. adult worship and eva t your child will not tha ay nd This will be a Su want to miss!!! che ready. s of getting our new crè will need that helped in the proces you you of rs, se yea tho 3 – for 1 n you ldre nk irstly tha For parents of chi g!!! nin e your tak run to d and up nee l be wil l rning service you From January it wil mo the m fro d y to ase wa rele the ldren are and walk across to note that when the chi will of church onto the patio ck you ba ide the ins at ce on ors do w you the way, and sho child out through the to rs tee un vol che will be crè the new crèche. There le for you ld as usual. chi r you r iste reg nge will be made availab to d nee main auder 1 year the Oasis lou the un to ed link ag a n h ldre wit chi een of For parents there will be a scr and s ervise toy sup ate to pri e pro hav l ap wil e vice. As parents you where there will be ag ser the h wit e ag eng sit and ditorium where you can e. her n ldre chi n ow r you


New Crèche

ill launch again The House w on January 10th 2010 ation Registrcan I encourage all par-

s we start a new term ld, istration form for your chi ents to complete a reg rmainfo of us rm info y the as these are very important p and ms to better support, hel tion that enable our tea n. minister to your childre




me: 6-8pmether on a Saturday evening, th JanuaryBirTi Saturday 30 mingham. We get tog mfy ed 7-11 from across lounge with drinks, co ag


too - there is a paren NTASTIC event for kids tration :site is a FAnth fun! Parents can come up again at 8pm (Regis s, and have LOADS of ldren off and pick them

every two mo rents can drop the chi to work. Alternatively pa ce spa o als and irs, cha open from 5.30pm.

Paul & Dawn Clarke P aul and Dawn have known each other since they were young where both their families attended the Assemblies of God church in Oxford. Dawn became a Christian at the age of 7 through a Children’s Outreach which resulted in the whole of her family getting saved! Paul and his family moved back to Scotland when he was 15 and he joined the RAF at 16. It was whilst Paul was in the RAF that he re-committed his life to Christ, and, sensing a strong call of God upon his life felt led to leave the RAF and move back to Oxford where he met and married Dawn a year and a half later in November 1981! As a young married couple they served in their local church; Dawn in the Sunday School and Paul leading the youth group and working with Teen Challenge as Centre Manager amongst the skin heads and punk rockers!! Together they moved to Banbury where Paul was asked to join the ministry team at Banbury Baptist Church as the Youth Pastor and from there God lead them to Pastor a small church in Birmingham which was a significant time in their ministry where God grew and developed them. In 1997 Paul & Dawn joined the ministry team @ Birmingham Christian Centre for a num-

Meet the Team

ber of years before being asked to lead the Stirchley Community Church in 2003. In 2007 God amazingly lead Paul & Dawn back to Birmingham Christian Centre to, once again, be part of the ministry team where they believe they are fulfilling the call of God upon their lives. God has given Paul & Dawn a great love for the church family at BCC and they have a real passion to see BCC grow through relationship and discipleship and to become a church of influence in the City. They have two beautiful girls; Emma is 20 and studying Theatre & Drama Studies, English Literature and History at Stratford Upon Avon College; Jessica is 18 and studying English Language, English Literature and History at NEW College, Redditch. They are both a real blessing and they thank God for them. Dawn works full time as Office Manager

in the Estates Department at Moseley Hall Hospital. Together they want to see God’s purpose and destiny fulfilled in BCC and in the City – and believe we are living in exciting days!!

January & February 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page 13

The Origin of My Species


What’s the origin of my species, specifically? Is it the roots of selected animals including divers ne before me? e mammals suggested to allegedly go I’m questioning the r oots of Mr. Darwin’s theory. Because I view that human being; my roots have always been the origins of A formed from p recious together fragment pieces pieced into by my Maker breathed life : Creato so I believe He d n A , e v r e , i in whom I bel e Heaven my life befor He created th e my cr I believe d e n a A t i , o h n t r c o a f m e u s h es t and he Ea h bountiful br rth; P s mind wit r o t a a i e n r t C e without void. d thoughts in my that spoke ut form and light s before witho a w t t a hen life on the Earth th idently What’s t s written conf he ori see your theorie I ? gin of my s n i pecies Mr. Darw Light on your b Board that to me is a lack a Different board And d r eing a b w o r e t h t o I look back Board and being like an a Life speak of me y l n o for the water so t s a g Board, With pages th on metapho ke a deer that l i l r O rical e e r t a ly or g like for me similarly like bein e I respect, But my soul lo you’re teaching m t ngs af a h t s e i eators ter the Lord. Your theor created in my Cr suggest t an ape, And I’m f o hat my e g a he t m n outer being reflects the i your theories o image d so... I oppose n A ! ? e p a so then n from the therefore?My Creators is a hat run deep origin of m enesis, Genes t G h g u o r h t y species And I h The see my genealogy my death Throug Creator to C hat resurrected hrist to mine. The bloodline of blood shed t before I was, Hands and Feet un my evolution ugh thorns beg o r and Bloo h t d e l B d t h at ps And caused m Christ His Blood Dro y life, And when I gave my life back to ently to your theories, r e f f i d d e v l o stopped my life in, I’ve ev a being reigned by teardrops r. Darw e grown from man being, I’v u as h I’ve evolved p w ed ss t e a m h , t d e s l ersonally,From a stressed, depres estored sou r a o t n i grown child left i n a head torment left by one parent. I’ve of an eagles governed gbird with wings by a mown in to a courageous Hummin gentle o l e a gy a n d flying con ng my gen i c a fidently, st r b m e rongly, courageously strength olved. . I’ve evolved gs Mr. Darwin, I’ve ev min to submit poetry, please email By Amanda Hem

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WANTED - CHRISTIAN CD’S AND BOOKS (even surplus CD Players!) For Winson Green Prison Inmates Recycle your unwanted items and possibly transform the lives of prisoners seeking God. Please bring to church and give to Themy Barrett who will deliver to Phillippe Nouveau, Prison Chaplain. FURNITURE PROJECT

ENABLE 2010 going to the next level, 20th February 9:30am5pm @ Birmingham Christian Centre. An inspiring one day conference with Mark Stibbe and guests. Downloadable booking forms available online: If any one would like a Pastoral visit or knows a member of the church that is need of a visit please pick up a Pastoral Care Team visit request form from Church information point in foyer.

Are you receiving state benefits or are on a low income and in need of basic items such as settees, wall units & sideboards, bedroom furniture, table & chairs, coffee tables, etc…? An opportunity has arisen in association with Mary Stevens Hospice Charity Shops, whereby we may be able to assist you with certain items of furniture. These items will be in relatively good condition. Please e-mail Themy Barrett on: or text: 07940-116130 with your furniture requirements, a contact name & phone number and provided you are fairly locally based and the furniture can fit through your doors, we’ll see how we can assist you or your friends in need.

CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING COURSES - Levels 2,3 & 4, COMING SOON IN THE NEW YEAR!!! - These courses are designed to aid churches in their work supAssociation of Christian Counsellors Pastoral Skills Course starts on 18th January 2010. This course porting and facilitating individuals is open to everyone who attends BCC particularly those who are involved in areas of ministry where when most vulnerable. care and listening skills are involved. Registration forms will be available at church information point Venue: BCC, Please register your in the main foyer and for any further information please see Pastor Paul or Carol Nicholls for further interest in the Counselling Coursinformation. es by contacting BCC office on 0121 236 2997 or going to InforThere are limited spaces on this course, please register promptly if you would like to attend. mation Point in church foyer.

January & February 2009 | the life and news of BCC - the hub - page 15

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