A "stereo-storytelling" novel, created by David Quiles Guilló. Delivered in 4 printed volumes of 200pg each, features texts by 20 young underground brazilian writers and extended visual works by more than 50 artists from around the world.
ABSOLUT 2140 vol#2 is now being distributed in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Sporting a print run of 5000 copies distributed for free, features exclusive texts by Simone Campos, Ana Paula Maia, Santiago Nazarian, Joca Reiners Terron and Emiliano Urbin, and selected artworks by Brett Amory, Dennis Feddersen, Yago Hortal, Tricia Keightley, Dave Kinsey, Pim Leenen, MOMO, Alexander Peverett, Yoshi Sodeoka, Nicola Verlato and Zimoun.