Dubarry shortcuts to sewing success 1944

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GOOD DRESýMAaING is q mctter oI k!owfurs how qnd stickins to q {ow simple гцIе9. If you рIсrп every step you will {1nd йot уоr:r gсtгmqпt goes tоgейег like mogic . . . cvoldins Йе discppointments which so оttgп теsu]t Ьоm uninJoгmed "shогt cuts." The meйods йоt skilied dTessmqkors uso сге ach]olly йе suTest, eosiest ond quickgst ones. They оге the ones й<rt Dч Всгr,]r ехperts bтins to уоч in this book-presented tn о simplШed mоппеL ýо йе voliost novlco ссгrr follow йеm. Wiй Du Всrтгу Pottems crrrd the Dч Всггу Sewing Book, plils о llttla cctтe, cmyone ссгr mqke clothes thct wtll Iook sTncгt ctnd wеогqЬlе. DU ВДППY РДТТЕRNS bTinq уоч йg bвst oI foshion, регfесt ýtylins, pedect cut, curd fi:lly detoiled ýewing i]хstгцсtiопs. I1 you

YOU АПЕ Д ВЕGIП Е& wlih llftIo ог по knowlodse ol sewlng, lot йэ fiпt ссrmепt you 'тnqke Ь а slmplo one. Rсihеr йсrr cttempt q феss Tiqht сrwcy, moke с ltttlэ сtргоп. It will Ь q prqctlce gсгmапt, but lt wlll Smely tum out to Ье uýeful crnd atiroctlvo. пIЕ вдsIс ýTEPS пЕ BEGп{IiIEB NEEDý то UýЕ г{ мдац{с дN лвоt{. д8 DESCШBED BELOW, АПЕ I\ЛДШЕD WТПI Д

SТДП 1ТНПОUGНОIП ПlВ EOOL On уочr Ilrвt sоwlпЕ vantulg, lollow tHB wогklпg рlсrr:




stcmad crtlcles

ln youT Du

Волгу Sеwtлq Book" 2. Solect о Du Всrгrу Pottem Iог crrr срюп. А ЬЪ Býle, tlrnmed wiф rick-Tock, is orr gхсэllепt вtсrtоr; crrd i}r.ts working plcrrr ls

Ьозеd оп tL tr Сhоово q Есу pgrcclo {оr the fcйTtc, поllпg йо ycrdcqe suggeвled on your рсЬ t9m envolope. Percole is с ftm, еqsllY hondled mоtогlсl, cEId qцitе tnexpensivo, AlleT buylng йЕ lсфriс, рчтсhсsэ the no tlons llsi€d on й€ pcttem envelope, сrпd йо rtсk-rqсk Ьrqld {ог trlmmins. |. дввэmЫе уочr Bewinq equipment, (Ь Рqgе 4 lor йо'thlпgs you wlll пеоФ. ý. Rеqlс thrочgh tho tnstructions given lл йо Du Воrry Ргlmэт whic}r qccompqnlos уочr Du Вотгу ktam. 8. McrTk йе lcyout lог уощ widй oI mс_ ta ol clvon tn the Du Всгr,:r Рrimoт. ]-сrу out Йо potlom, с1rt out уочr gcEmgnt clnd tтсsrrslor йо mоrk!пgв Ьm the рсгttеm, те{егrtп+ io pogeB 12, l3 cctd 14 ln this book. Rчп q Ьgllпс thrэоd down йе сёпtеr fгопt о[ йg gqrmепt; crrd dоwп йе centeT bqck, leqve lt ln untll согmопt Ь finished. 7. Всsiе lha q(гmепt iоgеthоr, Iollowinя йо Du Вогry Рrlmет lпвtsчсtlопs, stop Ьу stap. Soo pogeB 18 cnd 19 JoT inlormotion

геоd йе Ргimет tfuоччh (it соmез wiй уоlл pottom), crrrd Jollow it ýtop Ьу ýtep, уоч drо bound to tum out q gcrTmont of which you ссгrr Ье pToud. Тhе Dч Воry Sewi:rq Book iý extrq iпýlдспсе. RеmэmЬт thct tho dllIeIenc€ beМoen thot "home-mqde" look cnd йе "сочtчгlет" look ts cvoided Ьу heeding ф9 suggestions givgn ln this book sчсh ql z-- ссЕе i]1 tuming ф9 hеm ог tocking down q Iqciлg, от ечеп sчсh q detoil os sewing оп buttons not too tightly. Eoch of Йese polnts сщd sсогеs о{ othorý qге exploinвd to уоч сlе<гIу tn your Dч Всrrry

Sewins book. The сlойаs you moko the Du Всrп,у wcy wШ hove йоt longed-foT professioncl look.

CBOOSE YOIП DU ВДRlY РДТТЕПШ ПRST. Маkjлq а рIqп, qottiлq everyйing

Teody ЬelorB you Ьegin to work on q gсгmепt

iS йе most impo qnt pcгt of mcrkins уочr оwп сlоihеs . . . successIully. Гiтgt, buy уdщ Du Всrrrу pcrttem. Ьосqчýе lt gives фа key to everyйing else, choosing lгоm the sсоrеs of {oshion-Tisht designs foT ечеrу occcsion wtdch qrе shown iтt йе Du Всгr,у cotologue. Br]y yor:T pottem Ьу bust mеоsrде. Wiй the pcttem qs q bqsis, sесчге qll йе йiпgs needed to moke йе Itnished gогmопt lobTic, йе notions. tho slide fosteneT, -йе etc. See lhе pcttem envelope loT sugges-

оп Ьstlлs qnd Ьвtlлg Bfltchgs. Mqko dоrts ot lldo ol ЬЬ, ll йву сrо iлdicqtod lп the pottem. боо Pcse 33). Тhеsэ should Ь mоdэ on йе rerrlns mqсhьхе. (See Poqo 16). Gqthег whоrc tndlcqlэd. Sээ "Gсйагtпs ct Secmline", ond "Spoclng GоtЬга," Pqge 34. Mqka sеоm qs indlcclod оп йЕ pqttem. (Гог о lopped soom, 8(в Poqo 28). I{ йо сртоп ls to Ь hоmmэd ot йэ Ьottom. see Pqge 36 crrd йо pccos lollowtng lоr mейоds oI mqkinq hemB. Fоr hcrd-hemminq stitches, sое Pogo 24. lvVhen you сrrо Teody to lintsh the odsэ wiЪ


Check оп your stock ot пеоdlеs mrd pfurs cnd ойеr stcple supplies. (See Pose 4). нсryо buttons cgrd bucklgs сочеrеd, Ц уоч сrге goins to hсче ttds dопэ ot q shор. When oll thэsе supplies спе ossemb}ed, уоч crTe reqdy to beqin the moklns oI с smсгt new odфtion to уочл wodTobe. Аs йе fiTst working Step, геоd ctll t}цочsh tho Du Вогrу Primgr, йg iлýtluction shoet Йсrt occompcrties йо pсtttem. Тhеп so mепllу otreod, теfогтiпg o{ten to уочr Du Вqrу Sewinq Book,

rick-гack, вее Pcse 58. 8. Give youT сргоп с {lncl ргеsslпq, Фld wеФ tt W,ith pTide. It wlll hcvo shоwп you hоw eosy it is to s€w well. It will hcvo stФted you on Йе gсrу qdvontmo о{ mclklnq уочI own clothos. 2

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