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WALL PAPERS out many important scenery papers, amongst them the "Stag Hunt,"

which has hung for about a century on the walls of a room in the old Andrew Safford house at Salem, Mass., and which, when illustrated in Couiitr//

IJfc in America, in November, 1911, was identified by

Harry Wearne. Another famous wall paper maker of the period was Joseijh Dufour, who in 1814, brought out the famous "Cupid and Psyche" series, which is still being reprinted from the original blocks (Plate III, 2). Amongst the first wall paper makers in America was Josiah Bumstead, of Boston.

He travelled in France in 1824 and in 18;}4, and

behind him an interesting diary which his son kindly lent to a friend of the writer. Bumstead visited the Zuber works in Alsace left

and writes that Zul)er had succeeded, in 1829,

making the first and paper paper had sold the English rights for five thousand dollars. In 1850, Zuber brought back from Manchester, in England, the first wall paper printing machine used in France (like the chintz roller-printing machine, with rollers around the circumference of a huge drum), and in a few in continuous rolls at his


factory in Roppersvviller,

years almost all wall jJapers were machine printed in designs that were mostly bad.

WILLIAM MORRIS first note of efi'ective protest was sounded by William some of whose wall papers were shown at the exposition in Morris, London in 1862. Eight jjapers designed by William Morris are Morris regarded wall papers illustrated on Plates XII and XIII. as of prime significance in the decoration of a house and in his lecture on the "Lesser Arts of Life," says: "Whatever you have in your rooms, think first of the walls, for they are that which makes yom- House and Home, and if you don't make some sacrifice in their favoin- you will find yom- chambers ha\e a kind of makeshift, lodging-house look about them, however rich and handsome your movables may be." Even more attractive than Morris's own papers are some of those designed by one whom he inspired, Walter Crane (Plates X, XIV).


WALL PAPERS IN AMERICA The early use of wall papers in America is established by the following letter printed in the British Decorator of December, 1909. 371

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