Rose Smith: Celebrating Women's History Month

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March 2024 Celebrating Women’s History Month Black Women In Business: Enriching Lives, Families and Communities ROSE SMITH Embrace Your Community @UjimaMagazine

is the

celebration of all women around the world. I recently became aware of Women's History Month. I’m excited that right after Black History Month, we celebrate Women. I love it!

Women’s History Month is important to celebrate because it allows us to recognize all the women who have excelled and contributed in many different fields such as politics, science, arts, literature, activism and more. Instead of these women being overlooked or not recognized for their accomplishments, they are emphasized and revealed for all to know and learn about.

I also love that Women’s History Month celebrates diversity. It

recognizes the diversity of women's experiences, identities, and contributions across different cultures, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This is very important.

We will celebrate women this month by featuring Rose Smith of Black Women in Business. Women’s History Month is a time for reflection, celebration, and the ongoing fight for equality and justice. We will remember

the progress that has been made while highlighting the work that still needs to be done to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all women.

"Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.”

-Women’s History Month 2024

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Rebirth, Blooming and Starting Anew

It is officially Spring, and the start of the New Year in some parts of the world. Springtime symbolizes rebirth, blooming and starting anew. This is the perfect time to really get going on any intentions you set for 2024. Use the momentum of Spring energy to propel you forward. A change in season is also a great time of year to incorporate a cleanse for the body, mind and soul.

To cleanse the body, consider an all alkaline fruit fast for 1 week.

To cleanse the mind, consider creating a mantra that helps to reinforce an idea or way of being that aligns with your intentions for the new year.

To cleanse the soul, consider spending 5 minutes a day in silence or in meditation.

Whatever you choose to do, always do so with intention, self-compassion and gratitude.

Contributing Writer, Christina G

Holistic Well-Being Guide

Ayurveda Teacher|Meditation Teacher

p2 Viewpoint

Recognizing the Crucial Role of Women

March marks the onset of Women's History Month, a time dedicated to commemorating and celebrating the invaluable contributions of women throughout history. This annual observance serves as a reminder of the pivotal role women have played in shaping societies, cultures, and economies worldwide.

Women's History Month is not only about acknowledging the achievements of famous historical figures but also about recognizing the countless unsung heroines whose efforts have often gone unnoticed. From activists and scientists to artists and entrepreneurs, women from all walks of life have left an indelible mark on history, often against tremendous odds and societal barriers.

The importance of the role of women cannot be overstated. Women have been at the forefront of social movements, advocating for civil rights, gender equality, and justice. They have broken barriers in fields traditionally dominated by men, proving their capabilities and reshaping perceptions of what women can achieve.

Moreover, women have long been the backbone of families and communities, providing love, support, and guidance. Their nurturing instincts, resilience, and determination have been instrumental in overcoming adversity and building strong foundations for future generations.

Despite the progress that has been made, challenges persist. Women continue to face systemic inequalities, including gender-based discrimination, unequal access to education and employment opportunities, and violence. Women's History Month serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality and the need for continued advocacy and action.

This Women's History Month, let us not only celebrate the achievements of women but also recommit ourselves to advancing gender equality in all spheres of life. Let us amplify women's voices, support women-led initiatives, and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society where every woman and girl can fulfill her potential.

As we reflect on the past and honor the contributions of women throughout history, let us also look to the future with hope and determination. By recognizing and valuing the role of women in our communities and societies, we can build a world where gender equality is not just a dream but a reality for all.

Jacqueline Johnson, a proud Texan, currently resides in Denton, TX, alongside her spouse and two daughters. With two grown sons residing in California and two grandsons. Jacqueline is the visionary behind Jacquie ooh, an online resource hub committed to equipping women with the tools they need to think well and live well. Additionally, Jacqueline has spearheaded the development of the Glow Collection by Jacquie ooh, an exceptional line of all-natural skincare products. Designed to provide your skin with a nourishing gourmet experience, this collection embodies her passion for holistic well-being. Jacqueline is also very involved in her community where she volunteers and is the precinct chair in her county. She is the author of: “Glow Through It” 21-Day Devotional Journal for Women, and “Dare to Sparkle” Entrepreneur Guide plus Dream Big 4-Day Devotional. And, most recently her remarkable show, “Motivational Monday with Jacquie ooh” received the 2023 Bronze Telly Award for being an exceptional online talk show. For more information on Jacquie ooh please visit p3

She Speaks Wellness:

Digging Deeper

In a previous article, I talked about how important it is to take care of ourselves, get enough rest, and reflect on our sense of self. However, I didn't share my self-reflection because I needed to discover so much within myself. But now, I want to be vulnerable and share how God's teachings have continued to transform my perspective on wellness in ways I never thought possible.

As a woman clergy, I thought I understood God well, like many others. But recently, I developed a deeper connection with Him that helped me realize what truly matters in life. Layer by layer, I'm still peeling back the layers of understanding. We often settle for superficial healing and experiences instead of digging deeper to find the true meaning of life. To heal, we must sit in stillness, and in our quietness, we can hear our heartbeat.

As I sat in stillness with God, I saw women who were once closed off blooming like flowers in a way I had never seen before. I smiled and teared up simultaneously because I saw God's presence working in mine and their lives.

God wants a deeper connection with us, but we can only achieve this by slowing down and resting in His care. The whole purpose of She Speaks Wellness is for women to become well, which focuses on creating meaningful experiences through encounters led by the Holy Spirit, which can have the power to change lives profoundly.

God wants a deeper connection with us, but we can only achieve this by slowing down and resting in His care. The whole purpose of She Speaks Wellness is for women to become well, which focuses on creating meaningful experiences through encounters led by the Holy Spirit, which can have the power to change lives profoundly. .In conclusion, it is essential to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with God by connecting with Him and understanding His ways achieved through stillness.

To learn more about She Speaks Wellness, go to


Last year was one of the worst years of my life. Everyone assured me that 2024 would be my year, that things would finally start looking up for me. I am very superstitious about New Years, it sets the tone for the rest of the year, so I always want to be in a good place when the clock strikes midnight. I started this year out on the wrong foot. New Year's Eve was stressful, and New Year's Day was not much better. I wrote about this in my last story, but I just moved to California. Things have been going wrong since the moment I got here. I couldn’t find a decent apartment, my roommates were shady, and I’ve been having all sorts of administrative problems with school. About two weeks ago, I was rear ended on the highway. No one was injured and the damage to my car was minimal, so I felt pretty lucky about that. The very next day, I got into an accident in a parking lot. The day after that I got so sick that I was bedridden for the majority of the day.

“I want to pivot to something more positive.”

I could keep recounting the bad things that have happened to me, but I want to pivot to something more positive. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since all of this happened. I struggled to wrap my head around what I could have done to deserve all of this, praying on my knees every night and asking God for answers. It’s taken me a while to realize that none of this has anything to do with me. Sometimes, you’re just unlucky. Things happen, and there’s nothing you can do to change the past. Every life experience is an opportunity to grow, and I’ve started to ask myself what I’ve learned from my experiences here. The lesson isn’t always clear, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to be gleaned from this string of misfortune. I’ve learned how to trust my instincts, how to find joy in the little things, and how to forgive myself.



Ujima is celebrating Women’s History Month. There are many women who have made history and women who are making history today. Rose Smith, CEO of Black Women in Business, is making a difference through her food program and by supporting and engaging entrepreneurs who want to build their businesses.

Black Women In Business is a non-profit organization founded in 2014. The mission is to encourage, educate, unite and help businesswomen excel in leadership and entrepreneurship. They are committed to enriching lives, families and communities by providing food, tools for personal growth, business education and resources. The goal is to transform the foundation and development of Black owned businesses.

BWIB's current mission is to make direct investments into Black owned businesses. It is not a completely new mission, but a revamped one. In August of 2018, Smith launched the history-making "Authentically East Austin Food Tour." It was an actual bus tour

created to shed light, patronize Black owned restaurants and share the history of East Austin. For Smith, intentionally supporting these businesses is not a way to gain attention, but a way of life.

The initiative began to grow, and in November of 2019 it evolved into "The Black Dollar Tour." Her vision was to make the initiative available for all industries. However, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic forced Smith to focus on the immediate needs within her community. In November 2023, she relaunched the initiative, and they have invested nearly $10,000 into various businesses!

BWIB was the first non-profit organization in Austin to pivot from their business model and start a food distribution program to provide free groceries to seniors, residents with disabilities, and families in need. Their COVID-19 Community Food Relief Program began by simply spreading the word in the East Austin community, and delivering groceries to
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those in need. The initiative and need within the community quickly grew. Food scarcity within Travis County is still a huge concern. BWIB are grateful for their amazing community partners: Trader Joe's, Joe Bland Construction, Greater Mt. Zion, Mobile Blessings From The Heart, Austin Christian Fellowship, Live Oak Realty, Ouro (formerly Netspend), Sunflower Bank, Ballet Austin, Dream Together 2030 and thousands of individuals and groups who have donated, supported and volunteered. The organization has delivered and served free groceries 7 days a week since March 16, 2020, and have now served nearly 150,000 families without any governmental funding! In Smith’s opinion, “this is a perfect example of what a community can accomplish when we work together. I'm just blessed to be a part of the team.”

When it comes to Black women entrepreneurs, one of Smith’s biggest inspirations is Sarah Breedlove aka Madam C. J. Walker. Introduced to her by her maternal grandmother, she quickly became intrigued with her vision, work ethic, desire to succeed despite challenging circumstances and her passion to invest in others. Her mindset and journey continues to inspire her daily.

Smith is also inspired by Oprah Winfrey, Sheila Johnson, Cynt Marshall, Stormy Wellington, Pinky Cole, her BWIB sisters, so many business leaders within our community and any Black woman who has the courage to pursue her business dream.

Women’s History Month serves as a way to amplify the voices and stories of black women entrepreneurs. Smith feels this is a great way to start. She is grateful for the work and investment Ujima Magazine has made over the years to amplify voices within our community. Smith thanks Ujima for creating this space, and giving her the opportunity to share her story.

Our words, actions and resilience will inspire younger women to dream bigger.

Smith says, “Black women play a huge role in empowering future generations. Our words, actions and resilience will inspire younger women to dream bigger; just like those who came before us.” The shoulders we stand on should serve as a reminder that we all must do our part. Smith is excited and honored to work with so many young emerging entrepreneurs. They are brilliant!

Despite the fact that Black women start-up founders receive approximately .34% of the total venture capital spent in the United States, we are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs. What that says is we are not afraid of challenges, and we are determined to tackle systems that do not serve us.

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mary’s corner

Best Women's Accessories for 2024

● Bracelets. If you haven't been using bracelets before, it's time to start now. ...

● Earrings. Earrings are one very small but significant detail. ...

● Watches. One thing is sure: wristwatches never go out of style. ...

● Handbags. ...

● Necklaces. ...

● Rings. ...

●\0 Sunglasses.

If accessories are not a part of your fashion statement give them a try. It makes your outfit pop and it is fun as you try to match the right ones with your complete outfit.


Meets Fashion


Explore the world of smart belts featuring integrated technology for health tracking and fashion-forward digital display.

These belts are equipped with integrated technology that goes beyond mere aesthetics. They feature health tracking capabilities, monitoring aspects like steps taken, calories burned, and even posture.

WOW something to remember when choosing a stylish accessory.

Spring Fashion Colors!!

This is truly my time of the year! Spring, because it is the beginning of a few of my favorite things. Time changes for longer daylight, flowers start to bloom and fashion definitely changes!

Reading some of the fashion week 2024 reviews, here is a color palette I found very pleasing for me.

Color Palette

A sweet and mildly tangy red-orange hue, Orangeade has a fruity citrus touch. I also learned that color trends turn slowly in the fashion industry.

The best part of fashion is how it works for individuals!! I remember when white shoes were not worn in the winter months (down south ). I now believe white shoes can be worn when you want to wear them. I guess you can say we are our own fashion designers based on what style and colors you want to wear. p7

Foods For Hair Growth

Some of the best foods for hair growth are foods with high nutritional value, like eggs, leafy greens, and fatty fish. Deficiencies in nutrients can affect hair health.

Most of them are tasty and easy to fix. I am always glad to get tips for hair maintenance.




•Fatty fish

•Sweet potatoes




•Sweet pepper

Courtesy of The Healthline

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The simplest way to support Black business women is to shop from their businesses or invest in their organizations. “Put a little extra effort into your research when you shop for products and services to find a Black-owned business that caters to your needs.” says Smith.

Women who are interested in becoming a member of BWIB can reach out at info@

Membership includes business education, virtual presentations, workshops, networking events, conferences, volunteer opportunities and continues development in leadership and entrepreneurship. They welcome new entrepreneurs, tenured businesswomen, those in the

"dreaming" stages and women who need a circle of women who strive to achieve self-confidence, sisterhood, service within our community and success.

If you or your business would like to donate, please visit their website or email them for one of their payment options. LinkedIn:

Follow BWIB on our website and the following social media sites:
Black Women In Business Instagram @theblack womeninbusiness

Before We Go ...

Women's History Month, celebrated annually in March, honors women's achievements across various fields while recognizing their ongoing struggle for equality. It promotes education and awareness about women's history, inspiring individuals to recognize their potential and empowering them to break barriers and create positive change.

We hope you were able to reflect on the women who have impacted your life and encouraged you to make history of your own. p9

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