Bonnie Skulark-A Home-based Business Made With Love

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October 2023 Bonnie Skulark: A Home-based Business Made With Love! “EMBRACE YOUR COMMUNITY”

Evolving To Our Future

Having a business is hard work. When you are an entrepreneur you juggle many hats. In my business, my hats include marketing, writing (my favorite job), social media, and making hard decisions. How many hats do you wear?

As we celebrated our anniversary last month, our team discussed how to evolve our digital and social media content to meet the needs of our community. We want to do things differently, while keeping

our mission. So what does that look like? That includes current trends, community involvement and how we can continue to tell stories of our “everyday heroes” in a new and fun way. It’s all about the pivot!

Staying ahead of the game means being knowledgeable of your community and assisting any way possible to make it better. This year feels like a transition year or an evolution year for us. We look forward to the challenge and the end results.

“Follow Mother Nature’s Lead”

Though it is still hot here in Texas, we instinctively know that the Fall season is upon us. Many of us welcome the excitement of Autumn, from pumpkin-themed drinks to Fall festivals. As the weather starts to cool down and nights get longer, the season transition is an opportunity to connect with nature’s rhythms.

In earlier times, the change of each season meant a change in routine and ritual.

A change in season is a great time to start a cleanse, incorporate a new habit or decrease something we would like to do less of. It is during the Fall season that trees are experiencing a natural pruning process in which leaves fall and change colors to brighter versions of their former selves.

Some bushes and flowers go into a semi hibernation-mode, preparing themselves for wintertime.

If we followed Mother Nature’s lead, what would this transition look like for your life? In what ways would you like to slow down? What would you like to let go of? Keep in mind that Mother Nature transitions simply and effortlessly, so when incorporating any changes, moving in flow, is best.

How can you utilize this change in season to support your highest self?



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When you own a business, customer service is the key to your success. During this time in our culture, it seems customer service is lacking. According to, there are 7 reasons why Customer Service is failing right now.

The Customer Service fails are not being customer focused. It's not the benefits of the business but what benefits the customer.

Having an unfocused approach. You will need to look at what is not working and create a strategy for improvement.

Not being proactive. You can’t be passive in responding to a customer. Don’t delay in dealing with any issue they bring to the table.

Lack of delivery. If you set an expectation. Deliver.

Lack of self-service solutions. Many customers want answers quickly. Always offer a way for them to get their answers i.e. FAQ’s page on website, chatbot, etc.

Delivering generic experiences. Make your customers feel special. Provide a customer service department that will answer their individual questions.

No customer service culture. Customer Service should start from within. If you take care of your employees like they are customers they will know how to care for your customers.

You may think your customers are happy with your service, and that may be true, however, it never hurts to make improvements to your service plan. Businesses are competing for the same customers and the success is built on a strong customer relationship.

A good customer service plan needs to have an understanding of your customers. After conducting some market research you will have better insights

of your customers needs, preferences and what issue they need a solution. Set customer focused goals that help you and your employees have a clear understanding of how they should treat your customers. Make sure you invest in employee training and ensure they know how to provide exceptional customer service.

Effective communication is essential in a customer-focused business. Establish clear communication channels for both internal and external communication. Keep your employees informed about customer needs and feedback. Actively listen to customer feedback and treat it as a valuable resource for improvement. One other important component is delivering consistency by building trust with your customers. You can build this trust through your website, their in-store experience or customer support.

Lastly, stay adaptable and limber so your business can adapt to the evolving needs of your business. But with the changes, always improve your customer experience. Stay ahead of your competition. You always want to keep your mindset on your customers in every aspect of your business. Your success will be determined by your customer’s experience. p3
Source: Aish Sankhe LinkedIn Twitter

SHE SPEAKS WELLNESS: Embrace Who God Made YouFearfully and Wonderfully Made

If God gave you a blank check, what amount would you enter?

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his beauty or perceive a sense of his worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”

Do we recognize our value? “Valuing oneself is an essential aspect of personal growth and well-being. It involves recognizing one’s worth, respecting oneself, and acknowledging one’s needs and desires.”


Do we give ourselves grace, compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness? In many conversations, women are still trying to discover who they are. Most will find value and identity through careers, education, degrees, families, kids, and community work. However, as the labels are stripped, who are you? Most will pause, and some will sense emptiness.

Therefore, rediscover and recover who God has designed you to be. Change your negative beliefs about yourself and embrace who God has made you.

Psalms 139: 13-14: “For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I

praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful is your work.

That I know very well."

I think back to a time that brought a smile and comfort. I took some coins, placed them in a handkerchief, and held them tight, remembering a touch from my grandmother putting them in my hand, giving me unconditional love. These coins reminded me of my value, which is unmeasurable.

Your value is not on what you have done but on what God has done. Rest assured, God is continuing His work in you.

She Speaks Wellness –

Goodbye: no matter how many times you say it, it never gets easier. I remember a lot of my first goodbyes. I can still see my various childhood homes shrinking in the rear window from the backseat of a packed car. I remember all the last days of school and the HAGS in yearbooks from people whose names I can no longer recall, friends forever changing and moving and fading away. Now that I’m older, saying goodbye feels heavier, more real. Some things don’t last forever, all the see you at Thanksgiving as friends set off for college, the room that stays exactly how you left it, the city getting smaller as the plane takes off. Those are the easiest goodbyes, a simple “see you soon” instead of a “goodbye forever.” When you’re young, that’s pretty much the only goodbye you’re used to, if you’re lucky. As you grow up everyone grows up with you, grandparents get older and uncles

get sick, the dog you had since you were eight is gone in the blink of an eye. You have to face the facts, some things last forever.

It’s hard to wrap your head around, I’m not sure anyone really can. Forever isn’t really a concept that people can grasp, the idea that something can cease to exist and live only in your memory, the fact that there are some people and places you will never see again. It’s daunting; no one really knows what comes next. I like to think of it this way: the first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created

or destroyed. To me, that’s the closest explanation for forever. Our energy and the energies of the people we loved being recycled and transformed, never dying, never ceasing to exist. When I think of it this way, every “goodbye” seems like a “see you soon;” maybe we really can live forever.


Bonnie Skulark: Founder and Owner of Sweet Cream

When a friend and I walked into Craven + Maven, a beautiful shop on Springdale Road in Austin, I met Bonnie Skulark. She told us about the store and how all the items were made by local makers and artists. Skylark was part owner as well. She partnered with two other women to open this quaint store full of creativity and beauty. Here is her story as we discuss her product and business Sweet Cream that she started in 2019.

Starting a Skincare Business and Building Entrepreneurial Connections

Skulark’s original name for the company was Cookies and Things Skincare. It was a catchy name but people would ask her if she sold cakes, cookies or if it was edible? She loved the name, but it was too long, and it was misleading. Skulark changed the name to "Sweet Cream."

Skulark grew up in the kitchen with her mother who made pies and sweet treats. In building her business she wanted to stick with her southern roots and honor her mother's influence by naming her company after her. The first product Skulark made was a moisturizer back in 2014 and perfected it in 2018. She sent the product to her friends and family for feedback. The responses was “wow, it's amazing.” People were blown away with the texture of the moisturizer. She needed a product for Eczema that was organic for her son. She found a recipe and tweaked it and started using it on her son and herself. She began her journey in local markets without an online presence, where she received positive feedback and sales.

Along the way, she connected with another entrepreneur named Shelley. They became friends and began to discuss entrepreneurship and different business models. “I like to learn things and get an understanding of how things work.”

Entrepreneurship, Teamwork, and Overcoming Challenges

Skulark really connected and bonded with Shelley and became really good friends. Shelley introduced her to Elizabeth who is the owner of Clover+Maven. She felt it was fate because as they got to know each other they began talking numbers and her and Shelley were given an opportunity to partner with Elizabeth. She said, “hey, if we do this partnership, why don't we work with other small business owners. I'm sure they would love to have a space as well.” They brought 20 vendors into the

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It’s about word of mouth and getting out in front of the customer or talking to the customer about your product.

space just to see how it would go. They weren't sure but they did really well and received over 100 responses from vendors who wanted to be in the space as well. They continue to be humbled by all the love and support that the community put into Clover and Maven. The experience underlines the critical role of teamwork in achieving entrepreneurial success.

Career Path and Business Development During the Pandemic

Skulark has had many different careers ranging from Broadcast Journalist, an Accountant, Pharmaceuticals and Professional Make-up Artist. All of these careers gave her the skills and education she needed to become a successful business owner and entrepreneur. You sometimes take the long road around to get to your final destination.

When she started her online business, she was everywhere and nowhere at once. Skulark was in business prior to the pandemic. But she still had to learn quickly about Marketing. She had to find a way to introduce a newly developed product to the market and gain target customers. But because she likes to learn, she went to Google University and started searching for how to market her online business. During her research she found key elements she needed to move ahead. She took three months to work on her product and the background aspects of running a business.

Starting and Growing a Small Business In This Economy

Starting a business during the Pandemic was not a good idea for most people, but Skulark continued her entrepreneurial journey with her online business. Sweet Cream is

doing well. She has a loyal customer base. “I am the Head of Product Development. I am the person that's picking all of the ingredients.” She hasn’t brought in a manufacturing company, but will once she gets into mass retailers. She has used the same supplier for her organic ingredients. The formula hasn't changed at all. Her packaging has changed a little but the original has been the same for about four years. Her most popular product is the Orange Blossom but she has a new scent with Lavender and Lemon. Skulark offers different products you will want to try. She has moisturizers, soaps, hand creams and more. Eliza, with Ujima, purchased the soap and she said this about it.

“The soap is so gentle and cleansing at the same time. It does not leave your skin dry and no film left behind. Just cleaned and moisturized.”

Having a business and adjusting to this economy does take creativity and adjustments. It’s a constant learning process. “One thing about being here in Austin, and I think a lot of other states are picking up on this too, is that we love doing markets. It’s about word of mouth and getting out in front of the customer or talking to the customer about your product.” Learn the in’s and out’s of your

business. She knows when to expect her orders to come in, her busy season, etc. Just learning your business and having a mentor is also a good idea. Learn about the power of taking action over endless planning, a valuable lesson for all entrepreneurs.

What advice would you give to an aspiring entreprneur?

One little thing that sticks in Skulark’s mind. Her mentor said to her “Doing is better than perfect.” She just wants to make sure that her customers are happy.

How do you take care of yourself?

Skulark is a spiritual person and believes there is a God. To relax, she turns off her phone or place on silent. “I'll just meditate and pray and say my gratitude prayer.” When working she enjoys listening to classical music.

The last words

Skulark would love for everyone here in Austin to know that Sweet Cream is a home based business but it's made with love. She does free shipping, free local delivery,and she can ship nationally.

Please visit Sweet Cream at www. You can find her on IG at sweetbodycreams.

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Sweet Cream has moisturizers, soaps, hand creams and more.

How can I make my room feel cozy for fall?

1. Deep clean your space.

2. Declutter surfaces and drawers.

3. Make. Your. Bed.

4. Add soft, warm textures and layers.

5. Use lighting to create a peaceful ambience.

6. Bring in a few, very simple accents for seasonal color.

7. Use a candle to bring in a cozy, welcoming scent.

What is the best natural hairstyle for thinning hair?

Go for short hairstyles

Short hairstyles are ideal for those with fine or thinning natural hair. Cuts such as bobs, side frohawks, and pixie cuts can make the hair look fuller while also giving off an edgy appearance that can help to disguise thinning hair. › beauty


Get your teacup ready!!

Many different teas are used for a lot of fall ailments such as cough and cold.

There are teas with antiinflammatory properties.Teas like ginger tea, chamomile tea and green tea have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and ease cold symptoms like congestion and sore throat.

Best Types of Tea for Easier


● Mullein leaf tea.

● Eucalyptus tea.

● Nettle leaf tea.

● Thyme tea.

● Peppermint tea.

● Green tea.

● Ginger tea.

● Turmeric tea.

Keep these on hand and always research for others that may help you get through the fall cold season.

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These pies are easy to make and can be frozen for our fall holidays ahead!!


1 pie crust store-bought or homemade

• 1/3 cup light corn syrup

• 1/4 cup brown sugar

• 1 and 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter melted

• 1 egg lightly beaten

• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 1/2 cup chopped pecans


• Preheat oven to 350°F.

• On a lightly floured surface, roll the pie dough out into a 12-inch circle. Using a 3-inch cookie cutter (or glass), cut out 12 circles from the dough. Place each piece of dough in each muffin cavity of a 12-count muffin pan, making sure each piece comes up the sides just a little bit (you may need to stretch the dough just a bit). Transfer the muffin pan to the refrigerator while you making the filling.

• In a mixing bowl, mix together the corn syrup, brown sugar, melted butter, egg, and vanilla

extract until fully combined; then mix in the chopped pecans. Remove the muffin pan from the refrigerator. Evenly distribute the filling (about 1 full tablespoon) between all 12 muffin cavities, making sure the pecan pie filling does not come up over the edges of the dough.

• Bake at 350°F for about 25 minutes or until the filling is set. Remove from the oven and cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. Carefully remove the mini pecan pies from the muffin pan and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Courtesy of Live Well Bake Often

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