Neptune Issue 5.0 | Division N Newsletter

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NEPTUNE 5.0 February 2022 - June 2022





Neptune 5.0 Contents

Forewords- District Leaders VP PR Corner- Blockbuster Poster


Cover Story- The Phygital Journey: Back To Offline


Division Initiative- Past Forward


One Stop Solution- How To Master Hybrid Meetings


Member's Contribution- Making A Mark


Member's Contribution- Listen! Your Body Speaks


Member's Contribution- Artistic Edge


Member's Achievements- Hall Of Fame Awards


Member's Achievements- Triple Crown Awards


Eloquence 2022- District Level Contests


One Stop Solution- One Step Forward In Club Leadership


Member's Contribution- How Has Technology Affected Our Attention Span?


Member's Contribution- The Rotary Alliance


Nteract- Find The Word


Member's AchievementsEducation Awards (Mar- Jun)


Design Team- Members Behind Neptune 5.0





Neptune 5.0 Foreword

Seema Rani, DTM District Director Elect, D125 (2022-23) Greeting Division N, hope you all are doing fantastic. I was asked, “As you bid goodbye to D98 from 1st July and form new District 126….”. Well, I understand we are spreading our wings and starting a different journey of experiences, I am sure we all will continue to collaborate and meet each other often. My Toastmasters Mantra is ‘Learn, Share & Grow Together. Learn – “Magnifying your errors is the fastest route to become the better version”. We have joined Toastmasters to learn something or to become a better version of ourselves or to become better speakers/Leaders. All we need is to magnify our shortcomings by practicing. More meetings we attend, more leadership opportunities we grab, more chances for us to learn. Share – I was one of the bright students in my school (story changed from college). You see, I mentioned one of them, which means there were more bright students along with me. However, the difference was that I never said ‘No’ or never was reluctant to share my notes/knowledge with my fellow classmates. It helped me to be sincere in making my notes, I did not have to spend extra time to revise and concepts which I used to share/teach my friends got stronger. I never understood why someone would say no to explain or share knowledge when they are getting equal benefits. Competition is good however trust me sharing is never going to take away your knowledge or deprive you of anything that you deserve.




Neptune 5.0 Foreword

Seema Rani, DTM District Director Elect, D125 (2022-23) So, I would request to help your fellow Toastmasters by taking a mentoring, ExCom or other role and opportunity where you can contribute and share what you have learnt about public speaking & Leadership. It will only help you learn faster and become better at it. Which leads to the final point to ‘Grow together’. As you know in Toastmasters there is no concept of ‘Teacher’ so all learning happens with practice along with other fellow Toastmasters. So by being regular in your meetings, taking different roles and sharing what we learn – we all can grow together. Warm Regards Seema Rani, DTM District Director Elect, District 125




Neptune 5.0 Foreword

TM Hardik Shah Program Quality Director Elect, D98 (2022-23) In 2016 when I joined Toastmasters, it was purely because all my friends were getting married, and I had to make a few new friends. Now, I attend the marriages of the friends I made at Toastmasters. I did not realize when Toastmasters became a part of my routine and integral to what I have become today. While I never feared speaking on stage, Toastmasters over the period of time has helped me articulate and present myself better and let’s admit it works as a slow poison. Knowing the backstory is important because then we believe - we can do this, why do I need to be part of Toastmasters beyond one term. That is the beauty of this program and the power of this community. It manifests itself in us over time as against expecting overnight results. One of my personal favourite quotes is – “ Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” Let’s look at some of the successful clubs in Division N like TCS Nagpur, Raisoni Institute's Diamond, Raisnoni Institute's Emerald, Loyal, Nagpur Toastmasters, Raipur Toastmasters, etc. and go back on their journey. We give up on our communication journey when we miss the podium, finish one contest or back out at the last minute. So next time, when you feel like not attending a meeting. That is when you need to push yourself a little harder and log in or travel to that meeting and observe. Division N, which was recently carved out and has now grown to have clubs across Nagpur and Chhattisgarh is a result of the perseverance of leaders – past and present. A big shout out to TM Deepalika for leading the Division from the front and bringing out new initiatives and continuing the best practices from the past such as this newsletter – covering the whole spectrum of leadership and communication throwing open so many opportunities for the members.




Neptune 5.0 Foreword

TM Hardik Shah Program Quality Director Elect, D98 (2022-23) She is well supported by her team of Area Directors TM Riya, TM Gunjan, TM Sapna and TM Sakshi. Special credit to DTM Mayuri as well who was the first Division Director for Division N for laying such a strong foundation and continuing to serve the community in her current role. Wishing all members of Division N an amazing 2022 ahead where you get to attend more in –person meetings. While we may not be part of the same District from the coming program year onwards, the memories of a joint past are going to remain etched forever. Hope you all enjoy reading this edition of the newsletter. Warm Regards TM Hardik Shah Program Quality Director Elect, District 98




Neptune 5.0 Foreword

Sanjukta Kundu, DTM Program Quality Director Elect, D125 (2022-23) Being a Toastmaster in District 98- A lifestyle, a family, where there is togetherness, camaraderie, and happiness to be a family of enthusiasts with similar aims of growth and leadership. We came from different walks of life and blended in Toastmasterssharing common flavours of success, development, learning and memories. I had the privilege of being inducted into this family a few years back. Initially a silent observer, then a coaxed Club leader, I started belonging to District 98. I learned - you can even choose your mentors across the District and improve and improvise under their active guidance! I have found so many mentors who have now become lifelong friends. Finally, confidently contributing to the District leadership to ensure the continuum of growth and success. Everyone has that one unique sparkle that makes each one of us leaders, who lead our lives exemplify and make it a memorable experience. Would like to leave the readers and family of Division N with a few kindling thoughts – In Toastmasters, each one of us has a purpose to develop and grow. While we are doing that, we should not forget to look around to live and learn. Like, I never thought Toastmasters would be a place where I would not only find lifelong friendships but would find family too. Come into this family as an aspiring individual, but ensure that you soon enjoy the pleasure and solace of being in a family that sticks around you without being judgemental and is always only motivating and appreciating. Don’t miss out on the Camaraderie ever! The development of discipline, accountability and association would naturally come when you feel included, guided and nurtured in a team! Keep excelling and happy in whatever you choose to do! Last but not least do also contribute back to this family, through your service, to ensure sustainability. Warm Regards Sanjukta Kundu, DTM Program Quality Director-Elect, District 125




Neptune 5.0 Foreword

TM Sakshi Bhuwal Division N Director Elect, D126 (2022-23) Dear Members of Division N, Do you ask enough questions?

Teenage Division Director, Toddler Division, and Baby District! After a fantastic finish for the term 2021-22, We are about to sail on a new boat i.e. District 126. As one of the leaders of this new District, I could not be more elated to share that You and I together lay the foundation for this new District. However, we are going to continue, as always, to create a self-paced learning environment, set our personal goals, work towards achieving them and help each other to take a step closer to their goals. While we are transitioning into a new District and a new Toastmasters year, I would understand if you are not well-versed with all the rules, regulations, and procedures related to Toastmasters. I would like to tell you that the best part about being a Toastmaster is that you are allowed to make mistakes as far as you are learning from them. Let us try to make as many mistakes as possible and learn from them. In the process, an essential part will be to ask questions, and one should never hesitate to ask questions. While the new year brings new opportunities and all of us will be heading out towards new ventures, I wish everyone all the best. Some of us will complete paths, some of us will contest, some of us will serve in Executive Committee roles, and some of us will share our knowledge as mentors, and so on.




Neptune 5.0 Foreword

TM Sakshi Bhuwal Division N Director Elect, D126 (2022-23) At times, working towards these goals can become a bit challenging, you may not feel like continuing and it is precisely at that moment ask yourself. How is this going to add value to my life? How much time do I want to dedicate to it? Am I putting in the right amount of effort? Division N has never been about fifteen clubs distributed among four different areas, it has been about ONE big family of 232 members working together towards a common goal of mutual growth and shining together through the journey.

Warm Regards TM Sakshi Bhuwal Division N Director-Elect, District 126




Neptune 5.0 Cover Story

Abbas Akbar, DTM District Administration Manager, D98 (2021-22)

The Phygital Journey: Back to Offline Nightmares don’t often come true! But for a lot of us, it did. The last 2.5 years changed a lot for most of us. We almost lost the physical touch and the real-life banter. All that we had left was a 14-inch screen and non-stop zoom calls where we connected for work, family and even Toastmasters! But then, they say, good things can’t stay away for too long. And now we see the silver lining beyond the cloud of doubts as slowly and steadily we move back to the offline world. But to be honest, we will never move back to the offline world. We are going to be stuck in between, THE PHYGITAL, and that will be the future for a while. Staying phygital becomes a boon for Toastmasters at all levels. It allows members the freedom and flexibility to be a member of any club in the world, it helps them travel across continents, visit Toastmasters clubs in different countries, sitting at their homes. As clubs, it enables us to expand our boundaries to the world. This is an exciting time as long as one knows how to make the most of it. The idea of going Phygital is to imbibe the best of both worlds and use it as our cornerstone of guidance moving forward, while we slowly move back to in-person and catch-up. While we get the freedom to sit in person with our peers and have more connected learning, this also allows people to attend the same meeting from anywhere in the world. It will enable us to be nearer, more regular and most importantly, more inclusive.




Neptune 5.0 Cover Story

Abbas Akbar, DTM District Administration Manager, D98 (2021-22)

The Phygital Journey: Back to Offline To all of us at Division N, I know we have been waiting desperately to get back to the physical world, and I am glad we are moving towards the same. But while doing so let’s remember, change is the only constant in the world, and evolving with changes is the only tool in our attic. Let’s evolve, let’s grow and let’s be more inclusive while we embark the new PHYGITAL journey. Wishing all of us a super Phygital experience. Abbas Akbar, DTM District Administration Manager, District 98




Neptune 5.0 VP PR Corner

Blockbuster Poster (as selected by DTM Smita Mishra District PR Manager, District 98, 2021-22)

January 2022 Raipur Toastmasters Club

February 2022 Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club

March 2022 Loyal Toastmasters Club




Neptune 5.0 VP PR Corner

Blockbuster Poster (as selected by DTM Smita Mishra District PR Manager, District 98, 2021-22)

April 2022 TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

May 2022 Raisoni Institute's Brio Toastmasters Club

June 2022 Rungta Toastmasters Club




Neptune 5.0 Division Initiative

Compiled by:

TM Monica Dixit Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N2

Past Forward Division N All Community Clubs’ Joint Reverse Meeting All the Community Clubs of Division N came together under the aegis of District 98 one last time. Come July 1st 2022, Division N will be a part of the newly formed District 126. Smita Mishra, DTM, addressed the members in a keynote speech and enlightened them about finding the leader within. Past Forward was the innovatively themed reverse meeting convened by TM Gouri Dixit. It was the very first time that Division N witnessed a meeting that was in the reverse order. As fun and innovative as it may sound, it was as challenging for the role players to conduct a meeting in the reverse format. It began with the Sergeant-AtArms closing the meeting and then the Presiding Officer handing out the awards for the Best Speaker, Best Evaluator, Best Table Topics Speaker, Best Role Player and Best Auxiliary Role Player, decided by spinning the roulette wheel. The Presiding Officer then invited the General Evaluator and his team to present their reports including the evaluations; followed by speeches and General Evaluator introducing his team and explaining his role. It took the Role Players two to three practice meetings to perfect the sequence of the reverse meeting. TM Mohit Khurana was voted the Best Speaker, TM Niyamat Chimthanawala was voted the Best Evaluator, TM Pragya Aditya was voted the best Table Topics Speaker, TM Mohnish Zade was voted the Best Role Player for the TMoD role while TM Vaibhav Zarkar was voted as the best Auxiliary Role Player for Zoom Master role.




Neptune 5.0 Division Initiative

Compiled by:

TM Monica Dixit Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N2

Past Forward Division N All Community Clubs’ Joint Reverse Meeting Speaking about how she decided upon this unique theme TM Gouri says: When I started working on my Hight Performance Leadership project under pathways, it was evident that it would be a joint meeting. However, after consulting with my guidance committee, I realised that simply conducting a joint meeting would not suffice, as joint meetings has become common with the online setup. One option was to hold an offline or hybrid meeting, but that couldn't be arranged for some reason. During our discussion, Mayuri Assudani, DTM, gave me some ideas for conducting online meetings in innovative and fascinating ways. The one that I liked the best was a reverse meeting. And so the idea of a reverse meeting was finalised. Talking about my experience- this meeting was both a risk and an opportunity. The meeting's entire format would be reversed, which would increase the chances of mistakes. If all goes according to plan, it would be a massive success or a big failure. As a result, extensive planning and practice was required. Thankfully, I got a set of role players who were just as enthusiastic and committed to make this meeting a success as I was. We did a couple of dry runs. There were some reservations, but we were certain that we could make it work, and our efforts paid off with a highly successful meeting. The risk of failure made the success even sweeter.




Neptune 5.0 Division Initiative

Compiled by:

TM Monica Dixit Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N2

Past Forward Division N All Community Clubs’ Joint Reverse Meeting TM Mohnish Zade, the Toastmaster of the Day for this meeting also shared his experience: This was one of the most interesting roles I have ever played in a Toastmasters meeting. Being the Toastmaster of the Day, it was one of the crucial roles at the meeting which was a reverse meeting in nature. However, preparing for this role wasn't much of a challenge for me as I must have hardly missed any meeting in my 3 years journey in Toastmasters. Being a regular member it’s very easy for you to understand any role and I left no stone unturned to prepare for the meeting. Hence, at the time of the show it went smoothly. Here are a few glimpses from the meeting:




Neptune 5.0 Eloquence 2022District Level Contest

Compiled by:

TM Sapna Acharya TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

Of Contests And Contestants “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” — Eleanor Roosevelt Do we all participate in contests, just to win a trophy or do you think all the participants emerge as better speakers every time they participate in contests? We all know that we not only participate to win but every attempt gives us a lifechanging experience. The members of Division N participated in District Level International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest 2021-22. Let's know their experience, learnings, and take away which they will definitely be applying in their next contests – DTM Mayuri Assudani Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3 "I had a very nice experience contesting in the Table Topics Contest." Being part of the District Leadership Team from the past 3 years, I was not able to participate for a long time. But this year, contesting came as a breath of fresh air. I was happy to reach the Eloquence Semi-Finals of the Table Topics Contest. I wish I had taken the contest a little more seriously. However, I am thankful to the Eloquence organizing team and role players who organized such a wonderful contest.




Neptune 5.0 Eloquence 2022District Level Contest

Compiled by:

TM Sapna Acharya TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

Of Contests And Contestants TM Saurab Singh Jariyal Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club, Area N2 "Sometimes you just don't have to search for an inspiration, all you need to do is to look around yourself, believe in you and you'll get what you need." These were the golden words which were told by my mentor. Honestly, I never thought that I could come this far to live the dream I always had. This beautiful journey of participating in a contest made me realize my potential and where my happiness lies. Preparing for the Humorous Speech Contest was about spreading happiness and laughter, whereas in Evaluation Contest, l learnt that we can help someone overcome their flaws without making them feel embarrassed. Table Topics Contest on the other hand, made me realize that no matter what comes in your way, there's always a way to spin around and International Speech Contest made me realize that to search for an inspiration all you need to do is to become one. My journey with all these amazing contests has been wonderful and truly shaping me into someone I can be proud of. And to all those aspiring contestants who dream just like me, all you have to know is that be grateful and humble because no matter how you speak there will be someone who's going to be inspired by you.




Neptune 5.0 Eloquence 2022District Level Contest

Compiled by:

TM Sapna Acharya TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

Of Contests And Contestants TM Vaishali Rai Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3 The final performance and my journey till Eloquence was worth the wait, hard work and dedication. It was the first time I was contesting for Evaluation Contest and didn't expect to make it to the semi-finals. It is rightly said, everything seems like a dream until it's done. I am grateful to my mentor TM Bhavani who guided me and supported me all along giving me the best tips. Above all was the joy to be competing with seasoned toastmasters, I learned a lot from my fellow contestants and it was truly an enriching experience for me. TM Rishika Multani Raisoni Institute's Diamond Toastmasters Club, Area N1 I tried I failed, I tried I did better, I tried again and I outshined myself. When I first participated in an International Speech Contest, I felt that it would be an easy job. Little did I know that even inspiring others can also be done in your own unique ways. I finally got a chance to deliver resent my speech in Eloquence 2022! It has been an enriching experience. Interacting with such great speakers from all other Divisions, and getting a chance to represent my own Division N, was a proud moment for me. All I needed to do was to believe in myself and eventually it worked out. I didn’t get a chance to secure a position there, but my journey of reaching that point itself taught me a lot and I am truly grateful that I could be a contestant in the District Annual Conference.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Vaishali Rai Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3

How To Master Hybrid Meetings? Does time travel fast or we? Many a times, changes happen around us and we sit down to think what to do next. Is adapting change that easy? We understand that it can be difficult. Let's learn from our fellow club members who have conducted hybrid meetings how to master them.

Nagpur Toastmasters Club The first thing required is an infrastructural setup - including the screen, the projector, a good sound system, a microphone for the Speaker present in-person, and amplifiers for projecting the sound of speakers connected virtually. These are extremely crucial to make the hybrid meeting enjoyable. On the role players' part, the Club used two Toastmasters available in physical meetings connected to the virtual call, one to focus on the stage and the other to focus on the audience in-person, so that those present virtually and physically could see each other and not only the speaker. The speaker addresses the audience in person and those virtually present. This ensures that the virtual audience does not feel left out. The Club believes having a Zoom Master and Timer virtually helped to remove any confusion. This allowed both audiences to see cards clearly when projected on the screen.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Vaishali Rai Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3

How To Master Hybrid Meetings? Raipur Toastmasters Club The role of the Zoom Master is to directly connect with members online. It becomes very crucial for the Zoom Master to greet the members and collect their contact details on behalf of Vice President Membership whenever they join and have an audio-video check. The timer should be sitting in the front row and should be visible to the online audience so that they can see the Timer cards.

Loyal Toastmasters Club Practice and a dry run for hybrid meetings, such as setting up of camera and the camera angle. Both the cameras should be on so the virtual audience can see the speaker as well as the audience physically present. Familiarize with the volume, a speaker would need to speak at a louder volume so that every offline member present in the room can also hear them. Though it is easy get role players in hybrid meetings, people should get back to physical meetings for networking and getting the aspect of speaking on stage. Two Zoom Masters are required to handle both the devices till one is comfortable in handling one.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Vaishali Rai Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3

How To Master Hybrid Meetings? Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club Having a checklist of all the things-to-do in a hybrid meeting could come in very handy. The first thing is about being aware of regulations and protocols for the meetings in the particular area, google form to collect the self-declaration from the members and guests attending in-person. All COVID protocols should be observed when the members are sitting in the room. Sergeant At Arms can keep the arrangement considering the 1-meter distance. Sanitizers could also be kept at the venue. offline crowd, namaste or fist bump gesture instead of a handshake can be done. The ballot counter needs to communicate with the Zoom Master regarding the votes received from the online members.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Gopal Mantri Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

One Step Forward In Club Leadership "A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit." - John Maxwell Toastmasters International is often at the first glance seen as just a Public Speaking platform but is a Leadership Development platform as well. There is a role for every Toastmaster and each role is an opportunity to develop leadership abilities. Most Toastmasters, kick-start their journey by being the Club Executive Committee Officers. Club officer roles are a great opportunity for growth. These officers are either elected or selected by the club members. The seven Club Officer positions are: 1. President 2. Vice President Education 3. Vice President Membership 4. Vice President Public Relations 5. Secretary 6. Treasurer 7. Sergeant-At-Arms The responsibilities for each role are specific, though they may overlap or require cooperation between two or more officers. If you are thinking of stepping up as a club officer, your officer term can become terrific by tapping into the experience of others who have gone before you! Let’s take a look at some of the roles and responsibilities of being a club officer.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Gopal Mantri Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

One Step Forward In Club Leadership TM Anshul Ghogre, President Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1 A man doesn't speak, his work does. This is what I believe and follow. This experience helped me learn managing time and tasks during working hours and helped me cope with my stress. Getting in the shoes of the President will make you a better human being, and I'm glad that I got the opportunity. There is a leader in everyone, but it's allocated in some ratio inside us. We just need a little opportunity to realize what we are and we can change that ratio. From the next time onwards, if you get the opportunity, just grab it. TM Rushikesh Kawalkar, Vice President Education Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3 It was a complete roller coaster journey for me. Initially I thought I would not be able to do it but eventually the Club managed to acquire 10/10 DCP goals. It was a team effort, without the guidance and help of my mentors I would have made it here. I knew that to become a VP Education you need experience, you need to have patience, you should have people skills, your network should be strong. In my case, I started from scratch. I didn't have all these qualities in me, but now I have grown up as a person and as a leader. I have all the listed skills, it just takes time and focus and one can be a good VP Education.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Gopal Mantri Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

One Step Forward In Club Leadership TM Harshvardhan Sikarwar, Vice President Membership Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N2 When I began with my role as VP Membership, I thought how tough it was going to be to convince people to join Toastmasters online (at a point during the pandemic when people were a bit reluctant to join another online meetings). However, I realized that at the end of the day I just have to focus on the basics, which is figuring out what the guests are looking for and working on it to convert it into an explicit need. Initially it was a bit tricky to go out of my comfort zone and do it, but the efforts paid off as our club ended up adding 9 members in the first 6 months. TM Yash Banarsi, Vice President Public Relations Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4 In the year 2019, I became the VP Public Relations of my home club just to test my creativity skills and challenge myself to be a better designer. I loved this role so much that I again became the VP Public Relations in the year 2021. This post not only helped me boost my creativity skills but also with people skills as I was able to interact with other Club’s Executive Committee, people from various demographics through social media handles, and networking by being in various organizing and PR teams at various events and conferences. Till now, it has been a wonderful and a great learning experience.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Gopal Mantri Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

One Step Forward In Club Leadership TM Nisha Bhojwani, Secretary TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N1 Taking on new responsibilities is a new challenge in itself, but when you have an Executive Committee which supports you, it happens easily. The same thing happened with me when I became the Secretary of the TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club, which improved my active listening skills while creating minutes of the meeting. It is said that if you do something for the Club, the Club will reciprocate, as it is a give and take relationship. I am grateful that I took up the opportunity.

TM Vishal Rathi, Treasurer SSIPMT Spellbinders, Area N3 Being a Club Treasurer is a crucial responsibility. One of the important responsibilities of being a Treasurer is to maintain the Club’s expenses record. Treasurers do all kinds of account-related work to ensure the flow of money without any obstructions. The Treasurer completes the registration process of new Toastmasters and the renewals of existing Toastmasters. When I first heard of these responsibilities, it looked quite challenging. But there is a saying "If it's challenging you and pushing you, it's helping you become more of who you're meant to be". Taking the responsibility, it helped to enrich my accountancy skills and I learned how to maintain transparency so that every Club member knows about the Club funds.




Neptune 5.0 One Stop Solution

Compiled by:

TM Gopal Mantri Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

One Step Forward In Club Leadership TM Chinmay Khuspare, Sergeant-At-Arms Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4 Working as a Sergeant-At-Arms was a ball of a journey, everything you do has direct or indirect connection with learning. Minute things look as if they are not important but, working as a Sergeant-At-Arms in the Club, I acknowledged and affirmed the fact that the minute things often have a larger impact on the big picture. I couldn’t thank my Club enough for always teaching the things that we often don’t usually get to learn outside.

TM Vaishali Rai, Immediate Past President Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1 This was my first experience as Immediate Past President and I must say it taught me a lot. When you have been in one of the most important leadership roles, in my case, Club President, someone who has to be proactive the entire year, the sudden transition to IPP can be overwhelming because you have to be a guide and not the driver. As IPP, I had to learn to let things go for the other person in line to grow and lead. At times you have to be a silent observer and the other times, the advisor. This role has helped me hone my listening, observation and conflict resolution skills. It is also truly satisfying when you groom the next set of leaders taking the club to new heights in their creative way.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Hargun Singh Kochhar Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

Making A Mark There is always that one little thing that everyone wishes to accomplish in their life. Truly, these desires are one of those in life that help us become successful and keep the fire more alive. However, the only question is when what and how? People these days are more zealous than ever, which is a remarkable trait in any individual. Everybody wants to achieve something, but in the race of achieving success, we forget, the essence of life. The desire for more has left people with thoughts that shape a narrow-minded individual. People are more open to diversity and culture as a whole, but what about their thoughts? We are so constantly chasing our dreams that one is unable to devote time to things that are a necessity. According to Darius Foroux, "Thoughts shape a person. It is always about thinking happy and being happy." With so many things happening in our day-to-day lives, we lose track of everything. The only solution to this is one’s happiness and positive thoughts. It is the key to achieving things which one might not have dreamt. One shall eventually desire more, but the only way to grab these pockets of excitement is through the potion of happiness. It is always about that smile on your face which is a symbol of an individual making their mark in a world full of opportunities.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Annubhuti Kakkad Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4

How Has Technology Affected Our Attention Span? Technology has affected human life in several ways. Scientists warn us that screen technology has a significant impact on our malleable brain. And it is changing the way we think. Technology has made our lives easy and fast. But does this technology come only with advantages? Everything comes with a cost. And so does the technology. No doubt, technology has made our lives way better. However, it is a fact that increased on-screen time is affecting our mental, physical, and financial health. Studies show that, on average, a person picks up his phone 150 times a day. What does this signify? Our over-dependence on technology. And the over-dependence on technology is termed TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION. Technology addiction has many drawbacks, such as it may cause depression, the fear of missing out (FOMO), phantom vibration syndrome, shortened attention span, popcorn brain, tech fallout, etc. Let's focus on how technology is affecting our attention period. Attention span is the period a person can concentrate on a particular task before getting distracted. Distraction usually occurs when your focus starts shifting to another activity. According to Psychology Today, Attention span refers to the period before we begin to zone out. Although a distracting background or a particularly dull lecture/meeting can certainly shorten anyone's attention span, focusing on even the simplest of chores for a few moments can be torturous for some.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Annubhuti Kakkad Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4

How Has Technology Affected Our Attention Span? A study conducted in the United Kingdom in 2012 demonstrates that children’s attention span is getting shorter due to technology. In this study, 410 English Teachers and 2000 parents of children aged between 2 and 11 were invited to poll. The study found that 91% of teachers believed that the children’s attention span has shortened as they choose screen-based activities instead of conventional reading. The Neuroscientist Greenfield says that this is the first link between shorter attention span and technology. In another study conducted by the Microsoft Corporation, similar results were found. The Microsoft Corporation surveyed 2000 people who were at least 18 or more in age and who played online video games. The study aimed to find out how technology is affecting human attention span. And the results were quite shocking. It shows that the average human attention span has reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, which is even less than the attention period of a jellyfish. Crazy! It’s sad to see how we are fixed to our screens, ignoring the world outside. With everything so readily available, delayed satisfaction has more or less vanished. Also, increased screen time results in addiction. Technology is not a problem in itself. But when this technology starts interfering with our daily life, then it is a problem. Screen addiction is similar to drug or alcohol addiction. Screen addiction changes the brain structure and makes it difficult for us to remember minute details, pay attention, and prioritize activities or tasks. We need to understand how much we can rely on our devices and what can be done to decrease this reliance. Technology can be a boon or a bane depending on your use. So, use it wisely.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Ummae Kulsum Bohra Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

Listen! Your Body Speaks Once an American entrepreneur, an author and a motivational speaker, Jim Rohn said: Take care of your Body. It is the only place you have to live. In today’s world, most of us feel that we never have enough time. We feel too busy because today’s culture encourages constant action as the primary metric of success. The busier we are, the more successful we feel. Being busy is often seen as a badge of honour and a marker of self-worth, with a lack of leisure time viewed as a direct indication of status. However, over-scheduling yourself can negatively affect your emotional and physical health, as well as your ability to maintain healthy relationships. Have you ever imagined what effects busyness has on your body? Take some time from your routine and do a short exercise. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and take away your attention from the outside world for a while. Put all your attention on your body. Feel every part of your body. Your legs, your back, your neck, your shoulders. Do you feel anything? It might be a pain, or you might be feeling relaxed. Also, have you noticed this before? Did you feel it now when you paid attention? We are so busy making money that we forgot about the pain our body is suffering through. Our body is constantly telling us about that pain. But, to gain a balance in our lives, we either ignore our true emotions and pains or repress them to deal with the situation at hand. What happens when you ignore them? - They cause you pain. Our body talks about its pain, not in a language that we speak but in a language that we feel.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Ummae Kulsum Bohra Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

Listen! Your Body Speaks But where exactly do we feel this pain? Here’s a list of most common emotions which effects our body parts when ignored:1. Unexpressed Anger causes Lower back pain. 2. Fear affects stomach and intestines. 3. Feeling of Hurt/sadness causes pain in our chest and heart if not mourned. 4. Feeling of loss of control leads to headaches. 5. Shoulder and neck pain is due to overwork and excessive responsibilities. 6. Difficulty in breathing is sometimes due to anxiety and panic attacks. 7. Numbness of feelings is the result of some past trauma. 8. Voice and throat pains manifest a feeling of oppression. 9. Disturbed sleep cycle is due to some life changing decisions or intense personal growth. Does any of these sound familiar? Are you the victim of your own feelings? Listen to your body. It’s telling you the story of YOU. There is a myth in our modern society that emotions are for weak people and its best to rise above them. But don’t hesitate to talk about them because- When you take better care of your feelings, you take better care of yourself and those you love. You come to appreciate and value your relationships more. Take the time to consider how you manage your feelings and what your psychosomatic pain is trying to tell you. Not only will you feel happier, many studies show you might even live longer.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Hargun Singh Kochhar Raipur Toastmasters Club, Area N1

The Rotary Alliance In May 2019, two long-standing organizations, Toastmasters International and Rotary International, formed a unique strategic alliance, drawing from the strength of their many similarities and complementary differences. The opportunity for Toastmasters members is primarily to establish fellowship and make new connections, contribute more to communities, and potentially elevate clubs. Rotary members have the opportunity to develop new skills and may ask to visit Toastmasters clubs or receive evaluations. I have been a part of both these esteemed organizations and my journey has been amazing. I have been a Rotaractor from the past 2.8 years and a Toastmaster from the past 1.2 years. The various types of events that are conducted throughout the year in both the organizations brings out a true sense of how one ameliorates his/her personality by exploring. I am proud and happy to share that I have been awarded as the Best Rotaractor of Rotary International District 3030 for the year 2020-21. This award is truly special to me as this was just my second year in Rotaract. I also served as my home club's Secretary which received the Best Club award as well. This award is in recognition to my service to the District and the regions that make it up alongside forming the very first interact club by a Rotaract Club. I hope that this award helps me to prove my worth in the coming years and affirm to surely bring Toastmasters International and Rotary International together in many exemplary events in the near future.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Gouri Dixit Nagpur Toastmasters Club, Area N2 A mother's love is the same in any language. In this canvas painting, the love of a mother is depicted as animals show their affection through touch. The love of the mother giraffe for her calf can be seen in her eyes.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Rushikesh Kawalkar Loyal Toastmasters Club, Area N3 This painting is of “Sadguru”. When I started drawing the basic lines I knew I won’t be able to replicate his picture 100%, but still, whenever I look at this painting, I feel peace and some kind of hope. Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.

One of the beautiful arts is getting ready in traditional attire, with all jewellery on, but another part is to paint or replicate the jewellery in any painting. This was very challenging for me as this was the very first time I tried making jewellery and it took almost 4.5 hours of dedication to detail each and everything in this painting. So this painting is very close to my heart.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Annubhuti Kakkad Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4 This frame was my first shadow box frame which I created for a sample. I created this frame last year in March. During that time, I was highly motivated for starting a business for the same after getting inspired by Pinterest. But then I realized that God had some different plans for me and because of the lack of response, I had to stop.

I started the journey of painting the beautiful portrait of Goddess Durga during the Navratri season (April). At that moment, I was passionate to create content on every occasion. So, I started with the drawing but due to lack of time, I completed this painting after a month. And I loved the way the painting looked.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Annubhuti Kakkad Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4 This family portrait is of my Dad’s friend’s family. My Dad asked me to draw this portrait on his friend’s daughter’s birthday. And I really enjoyed making it.

My best friend’s brother came to me and said, “Didi, I want to order a minimal family portrait. I want to gift it to my family on New Year. It's a surprise” Although, I had other commitments during that time, how could I have said no to that lovely gesture? However, I couldn't complete it on time in the new year. The painting was much more complex than I imagined. But somehow I managed to complete it and delivered it to him by 5th January. The smile on his face was priceless.




Neptune 5.0 Member's Contribution

TM Annubhuti Kakkad Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club, Area N4 This year I received an order from one of my close friends to make a thoughtful gift for his sister’s wedding. So, what's better than having their wedding invitation framed forever with beautiful quillings highlighting every inch of it. I had an idea but what I was lacking was supplies. But somehow I arranged them. They were not as per my expectations but I found some work arounds. While I was working on it I was not liking it. But I was determined to finish it. And the beautiful outcome is in front of you.




Neptune 5.0 Nteract

Find The Word

Find the following words from the puzzle Contests International Leadership Meetings


Pathways ShineTogether Socialize Toastmasters



Neptune 5.0 Nteract

Find The Word- Answers

Find the following words from the puzzle Contests International Leadership Meetings


Pathways ShineTogether Socialize Toastmasters



Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Hall Of Fame Awards Pre-Smedley Award TM Alfiya Khan InfoCepts Toastmasters Club

TM Pranjal Joshi IMT Nagpur Toastmasters Club

The Power of Two TM Radhika Gupta TM Tulasiram R TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TM Maneesha Joshi InfoCepts Toastmasters Club

Retention Champs Raisoni Institute's Diamond Toastmasters Club Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club

TM Swamee Sharma TM Shashikant Shingdilwar Raipur Toastmasters Club

Smedley Club Award IIM Nagpur Toastmasters Club

The Early Bird TM Gunjan Banarsi Area N2 Director

Torch Bearer Loyal Toastmasters Club

September Sprint Raipur Toastmasters Club- Bronze IIM Nagpur Toastmasters ClubPlatinum


TM Sapna Acharya Area N3 Director

Rising Star Award Loyal Toastmasters Club IIM Raipur Toastmasters Club TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club



Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Hall Of Fame Awards Toastmaster of The Year TM Bhumi Panjwani

The Focus Award TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

SSIPMT Spellbinders Loyal Toastmasters Club

Hello Talk Up TM Deepalika Kowar TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

Pre-Talk Up Award TM Deepalika Kowar TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

Excellence In Logistics

Nagpur Toastmasters Club Raisoni Institute's Diamond Toastmasters Club Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club Raipur Toastmasters Club

TM Aditi Dasgupta TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TM Mohit Agrawal Raipur Toastmasters Club

TM Jyotsna Gabhane TM Amaan Isani Nagpur Toastmasters Club

Power Of Two Returns TM Dilip Patil TM Ayush Gupta TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TM Christus Philips TM Maitreyee Asatkar Loyal Toastmasters Club

TM Ritika Singhvi Loyal Toastmasters Club

TM Manmeet Kaur TM Aamir Khan

Exceeding Everest IIM Nagpur Toastmasters Club IMT Nagpur Toastmasters Club

SSIPMT Spellbinders




Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Hall Of Fame Awards Transparency In Treasury TM Priyanka Dandekar TM Arti Patil TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

The PR Stalwart TM Ambika Kulkarni TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TM Meenakshi Chowdhury

TM Bhumi Panjwani TM Mudit Ranjan Shrivastava

Loyal Toastmasters Club

SSIPMT Spellbinders

TM Gopal Mantri

TM Shashikant Shingdilwar

Raipur Toastmasters Club

Raipur Toastmasters Club

TM Mohnish Zade

TM Sweta Sao

Nagpur Toastmasters Club

Rungta Toastmasters Club

TM Bhushan Nagpure

TM Vanshika Bajaj

Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club

Loyal Toastmasters Club

Renewal Champs

TM Yash Banarsi Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club

Raipur Toastmasters Club TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

Talk Up Toastmasters Club Award

TM Deepalika Kowar

TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club


Super Sponsor



Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Hall Of Fame Awards Education Goal Contributor

Excellence In Administration

TM Nilesh Bhoyar- Persuasive Influence TM Nidhi Baghel- Strategic Relationships

TM Manmeet Kaur

Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club

IMT Nagpur Toastmasters Club

SSIPMT Spellbinders

TM Shubham Swaraj

TM Nikhil Maurya TM Mayuri AssudaniLeadership Development

Rungta Toastmasters Club

Loyal Toastmasters Club

TM Shivani Dongarwar Loyal Toastmasters Club

TM Gopal Mantri- Strategic Relationships Raipur Toastmasters Club

TM Riya Mishra TM Hargun Singh Kochhar Raipur Toastmasters Club

Excellence In Education TM Manisha Zilpelwar

TM Nisha Bhojwani

Raisoni Institute's Diamond Toastmasters Club

TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TM Nilesh Bhoyar

Nagpur Toastmasters Club

Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club

Early Renewal Champions

TM Gouri Dixit

IIM Nagpur Toastmasters Club

TM Umesh Chaturvedi Raipur Toastmasters Club


Raipur Toastmasters Club



Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Education Awards (Mar- Jun)

Loyal Toastmasters Club Devyani Jaiswal- LD1 Mayuri Assudani- LD5 Divya Chauhan- LD1 Prashant Sharma- DL4

Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club Khushi Khandelwal- DL1, DL2 Kanak Ramteke- DL1, DL2 Achal Wahane- VC4, VC5, PWMENTORPGM Bhavika Krishnani- SR4, SR5 Kajal Shukla- DL1, DL2, DL3 Pratik Jawanjal- DL4, DL5

Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club Sankalp Gupta- IP3

Nagpur Toastmasters Club Aliakbbar Maimun- PM5 Gouri Dixit- IP5


Raipur Toastmasters Club Swamee Sharma- MS1, MS2 Ummae Bohra- IP1 Anshul GhogrePWMENTORPGM, DL3 Hargun Singh Kochhar- IP4

SSIPMT Spellbinders Vishal Rathi - SR1 Manmeet Kaur- DL2 Shruti Thokne- PM2 Aamir Khan- LD1

Rungta Toastmasters Club Sanjana Sao- IP1, IP2

Raisoni Institute's Brio Toastmasters Club Aditi Shewale- DL1 Sakshi Badwaik- SR1 Nandini Tarale- MS1



Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Education Awards (Mar- Jun) Raisoni Institute's Diamond Toastmasters Club Iqra Khan- EC1, EC2 Namita Bose- MS4, MS5 Rashi Dewani- TC2, TC3, TC4, TC5 Esha Dhabliya- VC1 Sanjana Tharwani- MS1 Md Kaif Sheikh- MS1 Adnanali Sayyad- MS1 Aryan Dhuvavia- LD1 Deepa Munot- IP1 Amanpreet Kaur Warne- EH1


TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club Samiksha Sindpure- LD2, LD3 Nisha Bhojwani- PM2, PM3 Aditi Dasgupta- IP3



Neptune 5.0 Club's & Member's Achievements

Triple Crown Awards Raisoni Institute's Diamond Toastmasters Club Namita Bose Rashi Dewani Sajeda Khatun Sakshi Madderlawar Prathmesh Thakur

Nagpur Toastmasters Club Gouri Dixit

Loyal Toastmasters Club Mayuri Assudani

Raipur Toastmasters Club Anshul Ghogre Hargun Singh Kochhar

TCS Nagpur Toastmasters Club Samiksha Sindpure Nisha Bhojwani

Raisoni Institute's Emerald Toastmasters Club Pratik Jawanjal Nilesh Bhoyar Dipika Khemani Bhavika Krishnani Achal Wahane Kajal Shukla

Gurukul.Education Toastmasters Club Anjali Jain

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, but what you do consistently...

Congratulations members of Division N #DivisionN



Neptune 5.0 Design Team

Members Behind Neptune 5.0

DTM Mayuri Assudani

TM Gopal Mantri

TM Vaishali Rai

TM Sweta Sao

TM Riya Agrawal

TM Gunjan Banarsi

TM Sapna Acharya

TM Sakshi Bhuwal




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